Beyond Meat Plans Book

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New Leaf Advertising Agency prioritizes marketing for sustainable brands and conducts research to build campaigns that benefit these companies.

New Leaf prioritizes marketing for sustainable brands that consumers can trust. They canvas clients that fit their values of healthy, environmentally friendly products and companies.

New Leaf conducted research on Beyond Meat, a company that creates plant-powered alternatives to animal protein.



Turning a New Leaf

Building the Campaign
Industry Overview
The Beyond Brand
Beyond's Audiences
New Leaf Consumer Study

Campaign Objectives

Creative Strategy
Media Strategy
Campaign Promotions
Media Pricing
Campaign Evaluation
Campaign Summary
innovative strategies

& creative campaigns

can change the world

At New Leaf Advertising Agency, we prioritize marketing for

sustainable brands that consumers can trust. New Leaf
canvasses clients that fit our agency's values; we pride ourselves
in our agency's values, related to healthy, environmentally
friendly products and companies. We research our client's brand
opportunities, target specific audiences, and build sales
opportunities to benefit sustainable companies. Our campaign
strategies and creative elements are second to none, so that we
can work together to make this world a better place.

Our brand research on Beyond

Meat revealed a company that
creates plant-powered
alternatives to animal protein for
health and environmentally-
conscious consumers who want
to enjoy good tasting protein
while making a lasting, positive
impact. With this knowledge,
New Leaf has created advertising
strategies and promotions to
increase sales for Beyond Meat
products by positioning Beyond
to consumers as The Future of
Protein. With new opportunities
to increase sales in different
audience markets, we are
excited to turn a new leaf with
Building a successful
Beyond Meat, to promote and advertising strategy
raise awareness for the Beyond
brand and showing
is a lot like building a
communities that Beyond Meat hearty Beyond Burger.
can be a valuable asset to There are different
benefit human health, animal
welfare, and sustainability. With elements to be
plant-based flavors from high experienced, one bite
quality ingredients, New Leaf has
a lot to advertise about.
at a time.
Since the beginning of 2020,
approximately a third of
consumers are making the
choice to actively reduce
individual animal-based product
consumption. This statistic has
resulted in increasing sales and
competition within the plant-
based food industry (Nettle,
2020). The global plant-based
foods industry was valued at
$18.5 billion in 2019, and it
projected to reach $40.6 billion
by 2023 (GlobalNewswire).

Plant-based food options are now competing at a larger scale than ever
before. “These products are a key driver of growth at grocery retailers
nationwide, outpacing overall food growth by more than five times.”
Compared to the sales of plant-based milk to dairy milk, plant-based meat,
“has the potential to reach market share parity… at a 13-point gain of market
share of total retail meat.” This is an opportunity for the plant-based meat
industry, worth approximately $12 billion (GFI, 2019).

2019 saw an increase in sales to over 208 million units of plant-based meats in
the United States. When compared to the sales of animal-based protein, the
industry shows that plant-based meat alternatives make up “2% of all dollar
sales for retail packaged meat, and around 1% of all dollar sales for total retail
meat,” (GFI, 2019).

However, the sales metrics are different within categories, as sales of plant-
based meat compared to traditional meat is low, the sales metrics for plant-
based meats within their own food category is growing. “Frozen plant-based
meat accounts for 66% of all plant-based meat dollar sales, while refrigerated
plant-based meat accounts for 33% and shelf-stable plant-based meat
accounts for just 1%” (GFI, 2019). AMR says the global meat substitute market
size is expected to be valued at $8.1 billion by 2026.

Due to consumer preferences, the With an increasing number of US
food and beverage industry is consumers now considering more
becoming more transparent with plant-based alternatives to
ingredients and supply chains, traditional meat and dairy products,
causing animal agriculture the food and beverage industry
companies to be questioned about shows a competitive split between
their supply chain practices. Beyond categories. The plant-based meat
Meat is countering animal category is now worth $939 million
agriculture as a whole, and in sales, selling in the plant-based
specifically focusing on impacts of food category which was worth $5
animal-based products as billion in 2020. Plant-based food
compared to Beyond products. This sales are projected to continue to
builds Beyond's competitive increase significantly. Growth of
advantage to increase sales growth, animal-based products has
compared to animal-based remained mostly stagnant
products. (GFI, 2019).

The biggest difference and Beyond uses non- Burgers are the highest
with Beyond Meat and GMO, vegan, gluten free, trending plant-based
other plant-based protein and soy-free ingredients to meat product within the
products in the plant- create foods full of protein, plant-based meat
based food category is the high in nutrients, and category. The most
main ingredients that flavor. popular Beyond product is
Beyond Meat uses. Beyond The category also shows a the Beyond Burger, which
Meat uses the highest shift between sales of fresh increases Beyond’s
quality ingredients to and frozen products. competitive branding and
ensure that consumers “Refrigerated plant-based sales opportunities.
have real, healthy options burgers grew 123% over Beyond Meat has a
after focusing more on a the past year and a competitive advantage
plant-based diet. Other massive 555% over the against other plant-based
plant-based meats use past two years, while meat producers through
excessive preservatives to frozen plant-based burger its wide range of product
imitate meat and keep growth declined. Beyond options, allowing
products fresh while offers fresh and frozen consumers to easily
frozen. Beyond Meat products, increasing their transition to eating more
products are fresh, sales advantages. plant-based proteins.

The plant-based meat market has experienced a steady

increase in sales, alongside consumer transitions related to
increased plant-based product consumption and diets.

The plant-based meat market experiences trends within sales

for different products. Beyond has a competitive advantage
through the established Beyond Burger.
The COVID-19 pandemic is triggering a lot of economic trends.
Unemployment is on the rise and an increasing amount of consumers
have the ability to work from home, giving a new focus to dietary
health. The average US citizen spends about $7.64 a day on food, for an
average of $600 a month. (Hamm, 2020). Forecasters project US meat
sales to drop by more than $20 billion by the end of 2020 and per-
capita meat consumption is expected to fall globally by nearly 3%.
However, since the start of the pandemic US consumers doubled their
purchases of beans and canned foods, but the biggest surge of any
category was in plant-based meat, with a 264% jump in sales (Kart,

Beyond Meat’s products are priced higher than animal-based products,

as well as some competing plant-based products. The unit price of
Beyond Meats dropped 3.1% in 2019, and is projected to continue to
lower over time, as plant-based supply chains continue to develop
(Reinicke, 2019). Their prices are slightly higher than most of their
competitors as a result using the freshest, high-quality ingredients.
Sales of Beyond Meat products have been
increasing rapidly within the plant-based
market, and compared against animal-
based products. Beyond Meat is working
to position itself among consumers as The
Future of Protein, to increase brand
awareness and buyer repetition. Beyond’s
corporate branding positions are focused
on global food production impacts
related to human health, climate change,
resource use, and animal welfare. Product
messaging is focused on taste, texture,
health, and quality ingredients. Beyond
Meat has different sales opportunities,
ranging from business to business sales
with franchised restaurants, to
refrigerated, frozen, and online ordering
aspects of business to consumer sales.

Beyond Meat is a US company (brand) creating

plant-powered alternatives to animal-based
protein for health and environmentally-conscious
consumers who want to enjoy good tasting protein
while making a lasting, positive environmental
BRAND impact.
& MESSAGE Beyond’s brand messaging strategy currently
utilizes the positioning statement and emotional
messaging related to consumer health and
environmental concerns. Additionally, messaging
strategies will rely on Beyond’s quality ingredients,
taste, and texture, promoting a product that is
tasty and ethically responsible.


Strengths Weaknesses
-High Quality -Large R&D Costs
-Brand Loyalty -Highly Processed
-Strong Internal Research & -High Price Point
Development -Struggle to break into
-Surprising Meat Taste meat-eating market

Opportunities Threats
-Transition from Millennial -Price Cutting Competition
customers to -Large number of new
more Baby Boomers competitors
-Currently only have 2% US -Highly Regulated Industry
Market Share -Risk of entering market with
-Global Market worth $1 Trillion. new product.s

Over 208 million units of plant-based Consumers are beginning to see the
meat were sold in the past year. Data “reality of factory farming” and the
on US households shows that 14%, “detriment of meat.” (Kart, 2020). A
approximately 18 million households, study conducted by Mintel found
purchase plant-based meat. This is that 56% of people eat plant-based
an increase of 8.5% from 2019, with a protein to be healthier, 42% because
customer return rate of 60.1%. of the taste and another 42% to add
“Shoppers spent $8.40 per trip on variety to their diet. Mintel found that
plant-based meat, an increase of brands who were able to provide
0.3% over the past year. Trips per health advantages and good tasting
buyer increased 1.4% over the past products were more likely to be
year to 5.4 trips per buyer” (GFI, 2019). chosen by consumers (FONA, 2020).

Consumers are rapidly

adopting a plant-based
diet, especially in the
younger generations.
Alternative protein
products account for
only 4% of the total
global protein share,
but the market growth
of alternative proteins is
2-3 times as fast as
animal-based proteins.
(Poulson, 2020).

18-30 years old
Individuals with nurturing,
caring characteristics
Interests in health,
P R I M A R Y environmental benefits and
AUDIENCE sustainability.
Consumer habits emphasize
ethical purchasing, product
impacts on health and
quality of life

18-30 years old

Individuals with masculine
traits who are independent,
SECONDARY goal-orientated, and logical
Interests in work, family, and
AUDIENCE friends
Enjoys the outdoors
Consumer habits focus on
product prices and quality


To better understand consumers' opinions about

plant-based meat alternatives, New Leaf performed
a study on a small group of participants.

These participants completed a survey, allowing

New Leaf to gauge consumer buying patterns and
consumer interest in plant-based products.
The New Leaf
consumer study survey
was conducted on a
sample of 47 people.

New Leaf understands

that there are barriers
for certain consumers
to purchase plant-
based products,
especially meat
alternatives. Questions
in our survey were
created as a response,
to better understand
consumer opinions and
buying patterns.

New Leaf also

compares our primary
research with reported
trends to create a
complete and
compatible strategy.



Based on our research US consumers have Differences in political

related to plant-based shown increasing interest ideology are correlated
in climate change, and with attitudes toward
product consumption dietary trends. Plant-
individual environmental
and trends, New Leaf based diets are
understands that the associated with liberal
main barrier to the political ideologies.
Focusing on individual
adoption of a plant- Campaigns should
health impacts of a present neutral ideas and
based diet in the US is a plant-based diet will be focus on conservative
lack of information persuasive to increase values for specific
about the diets sales, based on Beyond's audiences, such as the
themselves. secondary target
ingredient quality. audience.
At New Leaf, our strategies are CAMPAIGN
based on the question, "What
makes people buy?" By using the GOAL:
research on plant-based product INCREASE
consumption trends, New Leaf has IN BEYOND MEAT
created strategic objectives to NET SALES OVER
target specific market audiences.
This campaign strategy creates new
opportunities for Beyond Meat’s THE CAMPAIGN
brand awareness and loyalty to
increase sales with new buyers and
buyer repetition.
The main goal of this
campaign is to spread
C R E A T I V E awareness of the
brand Beyond Meat by
S T R A T E G Y showcasing that the
F O C U S : company is socially
Beyond Meat is the and environmentally-
healthiest, plant-based conscious and a
alternative to benefit valuable asset to
any diet. communities’ food

In order to be most
effective across a "Making a healthy choice is easy
when you Go Beyond."
segmented audience, the
proposed New Leaf "Beyond Meat is the healthy, tasty,
campaign will have a plant-based choice for ANY diet."
lighthearted theme, using "No animal was harmed in the
bright colors and copy to making of this (Beyond product
create a series of fun,
relatable advertisements.
The Big, Beyond Meat uses animals as brand
mascots. Brand images focus on a
Unifying Idea: cow, wearing a cape. For recipes and
seasonal promotions, the Beyond Meat
When you care about your mascots' capes will change to fit
health, your environment, cultural recipes and changing seasons.
and your community, you
New Leaf's campaign will focus on
can #GoBeyond in so imagery related to specific audience
many ways, no matter segmentation. The primary audience
can be targeted through social, health,
what your diet is. and environmental advertisements.
The secondary audience should be
targeted with more masculine
imagery, with a focus on taste and

RI Focus on CE
P animal welfare
Focus on social and
environmental stewardship

Focus on impacts of climate

change & plant-based benefits
Focus on high quality, fresh
ingredients for health benefits

Focus on access to Focus on

plant-based food enjoying the
options environment & Focus on
outdoors health
Focus on benefits
enjoying time
with family & Focus on
friends product quality

Focus on product novelty;

trying something new

Change the narrative around

plant-based products; focus on
masculine ads
Utilize partnerships
E with well-known

C restaurants C

New Leaf will facilitate the creation of a
television commercial, to be aired on multiple
stations across the US. Due to the expense of

commercial creation and dissemination, this
commercial should be marketed to both the
primary and secondary audience, focusing on
enjoying time outdoors and spending time with
friends and family.

Radio spots will consist of 30 second

advertisements which focus on Beyond Meat
recipes and the versatility of Beyond products.

RADIO Partnerships with restaurants will be

highlighted. Radio ads will serve as reminders of
the Beyond brand to increase brand awareness
among new and regular plant-based consumers.

Print advertisements will be split between

media. Newspapers and magazines will be the
primary sources for print ads. Magazine ads will
be placed in relevant publications, such as
health and environmentally focused magazines.
PRINT These ads will also compare Beyond products to
other plant-based competitors. Newspaper ads
will present Beyond recipes. These ads should
mention opportunities for promotional coupons,
offered later in the paper.
New Leaf will create two outdoor
advertisements, one billboard and one subway
advertisement. The billboard advertisement will
be placed in San Fransisco, California, and focus
OUTDOOR on the social and environmental benefits of
Beyond Meat. The subway ad will be placed in
New York City, in a highly trafficked terminal.

There are many online marketing opportunities

for New Leaf and Beyond Meat to capitalize on.
By using search engine optimization (SEO)

ONLINE terms, Beyond can connect with customers

online across a broad audience and geographic
market, increasing campaign frequency for
brand awareness and buyer repetition.

With a variety of social media platforms to

advertise across, New Leaf will utilize social

SOCIAL media advertising to target specific audiences

on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. These
MEDIA ads will range from persuasive to educational
topics, targeted specifically to consumers with
different ideologies.

There are many low-cost promotions to further awareness
and understanding of the Beyond brand. The use of
reusable cotton shopping totes increases the brand's
sustainable initiatives. QR codes on packaging will present
"Meet the Farmers" throughout the supply chain will build
the brand's internal and external social focus.

New Leaf will create a holiday promotion during the
months of December and January titled “Give Beyond”.
This promotion would emphasize the idea that everyone
deserves the right to healthy and nutritious food. With a
slogan of “Get a Burger, Give a Burger” consumers would
be supporting healthy eating while simultaneously
helping the community.

The main costs for New Leaf's proposed campaign are

related to costs of advertisements, followed by
promotions and communication production.

New Leaf will achieve Beyond Meat's goals to increase brand

awareness and loyalty within different target audiences. Plant-based
products are considered controversial based on consumers' diets and
ideologies. However, the campaign created by New Leaf aims to
overcome ideological limitations to buying Beyond products. By
targeting different audiences to build sales opportunities, New Leaf
will use this campaign to strategically encourage brand awareness
among consumers who are new to plant-based products, and
increase brand loyalty among consumers which regularly consume
plant-based products.

Due to the target audience segmentation between new plant-based

product consumers and regular plant-based product consumers,
there are different sales opportunities to benefit the Beyond brand.
Through the success of the campaign, proposed by New Leaf, Beyond
will see increases in sales through brand awareness. New consumers
seeking plant-based products have a range of meat alternatives to
choose from, with Beyond. These customers are categorized by a focus
on price and product quality. If new, plant-based consumers
purchase Beyond Meat as their first
plant-based meat alternative, it is
likely that these customers will
The effectiveness of this campaign will
continue to #GoBeyond, and trust
that Beyond products are high be difficult to measure with traditional
quality with great taste. By targeting metrics, as the audience is segmented,
regular plant-based consumers, and the campaign focuses on the
such as vegans, vegetarians, and effectiveness of sales within different
flexitarians, Beyond will increase markets. The campaign should be
brand loyalty by focusing on the measured in sales of specific products in
health and environmental benefits tandem with advertisements for
of Beyond Meat. Existing plant- different products. With a goal of
based consumers are focused on increasing net sales by 5%, sales can be
quality of Beyond Meat ingredients, increased through partnerships between
and the environmental benefits of Beyond Meat with restaurants and
plant-based products. grocery stores.

New Leaf Agency is grateful for the opportunity to #GoBeyond by

working with a brand that values human and environmental welfare, as
these values of sustainability are similar to the mission of New Leaf
Agency. New Leaf is confident in this campaign's ability to increase
brand awareness and loyalty among new and regular plant-based
consumers. Our planned messaging and creative strategies create an
avenue to build on the existing brand of Beyond Meat, which is
effectively established.

Our partnership with Beyond Meat will benefit both parties, as we have
shared interests in sustainability and access to healthy product choices
for consumers. Like Beyond Meat, New Leaf also goes beyond the
average agency to ensure that our campaigns are high quality,
effective, and focused on the real needs of our clients and their
customers. A partnership with New Leaf will ensure that Beyond Meat
achieves the company's goals to increase sales in meaningful ways,
changing the status quo for marketing and consuming healthy,
sustainable products.

Account Management Hannah Eddins

Research Director Maddie Seehafer

Media Director Caitlyn Daas

Creative Director Izzy Koch

Production Manager Ryan Dempsey


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