Assessment Test - Hope 1

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Pre-Test in
Grade 11 ABM and HUMSS
S.Y. 2020-2021

NAME: __________________________________________________ DATE:_____________

GRADE/SECTION: __________________________

I. DIRECTIONS: Read the following questions comprehensively and write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before thep number. USE CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. NO ERASURES,

_____1. Launching on the foot and landing on the other foot. What locomotor movement is
being described?
A. Walking B. Hopping C. Jumping D. Leaping
_____2. Leaping continuously, almost like a run. What locomotor movement is being
A. Skipping B. Galloping C. Running D. Sliding
_____3. It is movement that that allows you to travel from place to place.
A. Stationary Movement C. Non- Locomotor Movement
B. Axial Movement D. Locomotor Movement
_____4. This is also called “cardio” exercise normally, these activities increase our heart and
breathing rate. What kind of activity is this?
A. Physical Fitness C. Activity Dancing Activity
B. Yoga activity D. Aerobic Activity
_____5. According to the World Health Organization, Health is?
A. Wealth
B. Holistic
C. It is more than freedom from illness, disease, and debilitating conditions.
D. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease
or infirmity.
_____6. All of the following are examples of Aerobic activities, except?
A. Running B. Jogging C. Dancing D. Sitting
_____7. Launching in one foot and landing the same foot. What locomotor is being
A. Walking B. Hopping C. Jumping D. Leaping
_____8. Walking and hopping in the same foot in one motion. This is a step- hop pattern.
A. Skipping B. Galloping C. Running D. Sliding

_____9. Just like walking but launching of ground with both feet. What locomotor movement
is being described?
A. Skipping B. Galloping C. Running D. Sliding
_____10. Launching on both feet and landing on both feet. What locomotor movement is
being described?
A. Walking B. Hopping C. Jumping D. Leaping
_____11. It is a series of steps. What locomotor movement is this?
A. Walking B. Hoping C. Jumping D. Leaping
_____12. Being in a smooth continuous sideway motion where you remain on the balls of your
beginning with a powerful sides step followed by a sideway slip. What locomotor movement is this?
A. Skipping B. Galloping C. Running D. Sliding
_____13. Health is the dynamic interaction of different dimensions that constitute the inward
of a person.
A. The statement is incorrect. C. The statement is lacks something.
B. The statement is correct. D. The statement is not relevant.
_____14. Angelbert has been reminded his physician to get enough sleep. His body recently
from over figure and anemia. How many hours does Angelbert need?
A. 6 to 8 hours of sleep C. 7 to 8 hours of sleep
B. 6 to 9 hours of sleep D. 7 to 9 hours of sleep
_____15. The quality of your sleep is the sole contributing factor to how you feel and faction
the day. Sleep deprivation increases your reaction time.
A. The first statement is true and second statement is false.
B. The first statement is false and the second statement is true.
C. Both of the statements are false.
D. Both of the statements are true.
_____16. Exercise reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol and fats in a person’s blood. It is
increases the flexibility of the walls of blood vessels, and helps to lower blood pressure. This can reduce
a person’s risk for heart attack and stroke. In a simple way, what health benefit is this statement referring
A. It strengthens the heart. C. It keeps arteries and veins clean.
B. It strengthens the lungs. D. It reduces blood sugar levels.
_____17. When a person is sedentary, he tends to be taking in more calories than are
needed. These
unused calories accumulate as fat. A person who is physically active may have deficit of calories, which
takes fat away and lowers weight. Lowered weight is good for the heart and can be beneficial in people
with diabetes. In a simple way, what health benefit is this statement referring to?
A. It controls weight. C. It strengthens the lungs.
B. It reduces blood sugar levels. D. It strengthens the heart.
_____18. Most people report that they feel calm and have a sense of well- being after they
Exercise, according to one theory, releases beta- endorphin, a natural substance in the body that is
hundreds of times more potent than morphine. Another theory points to serotonin as the cause of the
exercise high. Increased levels of serotonin in the central nervous system are associated with feeling of
well- being, heightening of appetite, and lessening of mental depression. The weight loss that
accompanies exercise can also cause people to feel better about themselves. In a simple way, what
health benefit is this statement referring to?
A. It regulates blood pressure. C. It improves energy levels.
B. It enhances well-being. D. It strengthens bones.
_____19. Running, jogging, sprinting, swimming, and playing contact sports such as basketball
Are some activities that we can do to improve our heart rate. It is also important to try
Different exercise and activities to avoid boredom. In doing these kinds of physical
activities we are giving importance to one of the guidelines of aerobic activities which
is the______?
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Type D. Time
_____20. Always consider the number of aerobic exercise sessions per week. Start cardio
exercise for at least 3 days a week for the first few weeks, with not more than 2 days
rest between sessions. In doing these kinds of physical activities we are giving
importance to one of the guidelines of aerobic activities which is the_______?
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Type D. Time

_____21. Which of these statements described the results of exercise?

A. breathing rate decreases to increase oxygen flow to muscles
B. breathing rate increases to increase oxygen flow to muscles
C. breathing rate decreases to reduce oxygen flow to muscles
D. breathing rate decreases to increase carbon dioxide flow to muscles
_____22. Which of the following is a performance goal in physical activity?
A. To win a tournament in golf C. To improve your technique in tennis
B. To score the best in strength test D. To get a personal best in 100m sprint
_____23. Why is warming up before exercise important?
A. It improves flexibility C. It decreases the removal of lactic acid
B. It improves heart rate D. It slows adrenaline release
_____24. A secondary school is trying to encourage its students to participate in an active
Healthy lifestyle. Which piece of advice you give to the staff at the school who are
trying to encourage a healthy active balanced lifestyle among their students?
A. Make lunchtime sport compulsory
B. Run teams only for the best performers
C. Run sports clubs during weekends only
D. Put on a number of activity clubs open to all
_____25. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a balanced healthy lifestyle?
A. Exercising regularly C. Only drinking 5 units of alcohol per day
B. Drinking water regularly D. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables
_____26. Muscle strengthening activities are exercises in which groups of muscle work or hold
against a force or some weight. Muscle strengthening activities help build good
muscle strength when muscles do less work. It becomes stronger.
A. Both of the statements are false.
B. Both of the statements are true.
C. The first statement is true and the second statement is false.
D. The first statement is false and the second statement is true.
_____27. Cooling down following physical activity is important. Which one of the following is a
Good reason for performing a cool down?
A. Improves oxygen uptake C. Speeds the removal of lactic acid
B. Regulates breathing D. Decreases adrenaline
_____28. Which of the following would be good method of exercise to improve your stamina?
A. Yoga B. Pilates C. Sprinting D. Aerobics
_____29. One of the key concepts in physical education is healthy active lifestyle. Which one
of thefollowing shows how physical activity can lead to a healthy active lifestyle?
A. Playing a sport encourages you to give up smoking
B. Being a referee give you more power
C. Joining a netball team will make you more aggressive
D. Volunteering to run a team will be financially rewarding
_____30. Just as muscles grow stronger when physical stressed, bones also respond by getting
stronger. Exercise increases bone density, which helps prevent osteoporosis, condition
in which bones lose density, weaken, and become porous and fragile. In a simple
way, what health benefit is this statement referring to?
A. It strengthens the bone C. It controls weight
B. It improves energy levels D. It helps to build muscles
______31. Diet and Nutrition: Which vitamin, often found in citrus fruit, is also known as
ascorbic acid?
A. vitamin C B. vitamin B12 C. vitamin B3 D. vitamin K
______32. Diet and Nutrition: What is a function of vitamin B12?
A. processes amino acids and lipids B. assists with blood cell formation
C. maintains connective tissue D. boosts the immune system
______33. Football: the area where a touchdown is made
A. backfield B. none C. goal line D. endzone
______34. Diet and Nutrition: A deficiency of vitamin D can lead to the development of
A. rickets. B. scurvy. C. anemia. D. osteoporosis.
______35. Diet and Nutrition: Where is one most likely to obtain their daily requirement of vitamin B6?
A. leafy green vegetables B. whole grains C. citrus fruits D. egg yolks
______36. Diet and Nutrition: What is the primary function of vitamin K?
A. It helps with the development of bones and teeth.
B. It assists with the absorption of calcium from the blood.
C. It is used in the metabolism of amino acids.
D. It is an essential part of the mechanism that clots blood.
______37. Diet and Nutrition: 'Multigrain' bread is always 'whole-grain.'
A. True B. False
______38. Hockey: A                                                               starts a hockey game.
A. drop kick B. face-off C. jump ball D. high stick
______39. Fitness: It is recommended that adults engage in a least 30 minutes of exercise daily to
maintain weight and overall health.
A. True B. False
______40. Soccer: Offensive players are not considered to be in the arc if a player's foot just touches
the line of the arc while in control of the ball.
A. True B. False
______41. Soccer: If an offensive player is fouled in the box, the result is a                               kick.
A. corner B. direct C. indirect D. penalty
______42. Fitness: What are the benefits of Yoga?
A. Reduces stress
B. Stretches your muscles
C. Relaxes you
D. All of the above
______43. Diet and Nutrition: To lose weight, one must expend more calories than they consume.
A. True B. False
______44. Fitness: What do we call the ability to survive and reproduce
A. selection B. evolution C. fitness D. adaptation
______45. Basketball: What is the penalty for committing a violation?
A. 2 free throws are awarded
B. A coach is assessed a technical foul
C. The player is given a technical foul
D. The other team gains possession of the ball
______46. Basketball: Which of the following terms are used to classify personal fouls in a basketball
A. Charging B. Blocking
C. Holding D. All of the above
______47. Basketball: Unlimited substitutions are allowed during a regular basketball game.
A. True B. False
______48. Basktball: When a team gains possession of the ball, how many seconds do they have to put up a
A. 8 seconds B. 15 seconds
C. 24 seconds D. No time limit
_____49. Basketball: How many time outs are given to each team in a regulations high school basketball
A. 2 in the first half, 3 in the second half, 1 in overtime
B. 3 in the first half, 2 in the second half, 0 in overtime
C. 3 to be used in the whole game, 0 in overtime
D. 2 in the first half, 2 in the second half, 2 in overtime
_____50. Diet and Nutrition: All humans need the same caloric intake at all stages of life?
A. True B. False
_____51. Soccer: A ball is kicked by an offensive player and hits the goal post and comes back to the
person who kicked it and he/she kicks it in the goal. It is ruled
A. a violation of the double touch rule B. a goal
C. a penalty shot D. a corner kick
_____52. Fitness: Individuals with good flexibility are less likely to be injured.
A. True B. False
_____53. Diet and Nutrition: What are the Water Soluble Vitamins?
A. A and D B. B and C C. E and K D. F and G
_____54. Fitness: kickbacks, overhead arm extensions with dumbbells and any exercise that has you extend
your arm primarily works this muscle group:
A. biceps B. deltoids C. triceps D. rhomboids
_____55. Basketball: Not including inbounding after a basket, most throw-ins must be thrown into
the front court with the exception of starting the second half.
A. True B. False
_____56. Basketball: Impeding the progress of an opponent by extending one or both arms
horizontally is called?
A. Charging B. Blocking C. Holding D. Screening
_____57. Diet and Nutrition: What does Vitamin K do for us in our body?
A. Helps us see B. Give us energy C. Clots our blood D. Makes our nails strong
_____58. Volleyball: Players may serve the ball by:
A. serving overhand
B. serving underhand
C. jump serving
D. all of the above
______59. Volleyball: Each team may hit the ball only                                times:
A. 2 B. 3 C. 1 D. 6
_____60. Diet and Nutrition: What vitamin does our Large Intestine make for us?
A. Vitamin E B. Vitamin D C. Vitamin K D. Vitamin C

Prepared by: Checked by:


MAPEH Teacher HS Department Head

Approved by:


School Principal

”Psalm 121:2: My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

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