02.01.11 Bishopsblog

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From the Bishop’s Office Christ’s blessings as we shovel out of a snowy month.

Anglican Diocese in New England Check out our website for the latest information on the
Anglican Diocese in New England. Make sure you sign
P. O. Box 440 up for our monthly e-newsletter. Just email us - ADNE@
anglicandiocesene.org and you’ll be on the list. One click
Amesbury, MA 01913 giving is now an option on the web...and don’t forget
978.388.0009 twitter...twitter.com and search for bishopmurdoch if you
www.anglicandiocesene.org like to be up-to-date on prayer and diocesan needs.
February 2011 Calendar
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost..” Luke 19:10 If your church has a program of interest and open to the diocese at large, email
us ([email protected]) and we will put it on our Bishop’s Calendar
There was a great sense of solidarity
and unity at this year’s Anglican1000 February 4-5: Anglican Church History, Gordon Conwell, Hamilton, MA
conference. Archdeacon Don and I February 18: Ministry in the Power of the Supernatural, Christ the Redeemer,
joined an ADNE delegation of nine in Danvers, MA (see below)
Plano, Texas last week. March 24-April 4: In the Steps of St. Francis Tour - see ADNE website for more
April 30: Small Group Discipleship Training - Session Two
The Reverends Alex Cameron,
Christopher Leighton (and his wife May 5-7: Clergy Spouse Retreat
Janet) , Deb Leighton, Justin Howard, May 23-June 1: The World of St. Francis Tour- see ADNE website for more
Gabriel Beam and Dr. Sam Schutz are launching. My heart leapt with September 17: Small Group Discipleship Training Session Three PLUS!
were among the 350 attendees at this the idea of an Anglo-Catholicism filled Anglican 4th Day Weekends
conference that’s all about helping with the Holy Spirit and operating in
Anglicans raise up congregations • March 17-20: Women’s weekend, Sacred Hearts in Wareham, MA
the mission mode!”
and communities of faith through • October 27-30: Men’s weekend, Marist House in Framingham, MA
encouraging, networking, and As a result of our experience at
resourcing those who are part of this Anglican1000, we are expanding Ministry in the Power of the Supernatural
missional movement. the last session of our Small Group
Discipleship Training to include The Rev. Christopher Leighton, from St. Paul’s in
Plenary speakers included Tim Keller leadership from Anglican1000 and Darien, CT along with the worship and healing teams
and Todd Hunter. We caught fresh opening it up to the diocese as a of St. Paul’s will lead in a time of worship, teaching and
insights, from “field reports” given by whole. Pen the date September 17th healing ministry
those out in the field planting (www. on your calendar and plan to attend.
anglican1000.org). Friday, February 18 - 6:30 Potluck Supper
Let’s be prepared for all God longs to
do through us in New England. 7:30 Healing Service and teaching
Some of those “fresh insights” came Saturday, February 19 - 9:00 to 4:00
from our own Justin Howard, (Imago ALPHA Teaching and workshops
Dei at the University of Maine). He The Imago Dei Fellowship at University Sunday, February 20 - 7:30, 8:45 and 11:00 am
and I led a seminar on the Anglican of Maine in Bangor is beginning Alpha
Ministry House Project. We put a Services
this month (as are many of you!) Be in
link to Justin’s slide presentation prayer for their ministry as well as all For posters for your church, go to our website under
on our website (Ministries/MHP the variety of Alpha programs in our Events/Calendar and click on for more information.
Presentation). Diocese. Let us know how your church
The reaction to Justin’s work ranged
is handling outreach, and how it is Anglican Updates
proceeding, by emailing us at ADNE@
from joyful tears to enthusiastic anglicandiocesene.org. Keep updated with all news ADNE at
comments including “(we) were • our website, www.anglicandiocesene.org.
bowled away by your presentation In Christ,
at the Anglican 1000 conference on • our newsletter (email [email protected] to sign up)
the wave of new monasticism that • Twitter, where you can get the latest in prayer requests and information
you and the young deacon, Justin, Sign up at http://twitter.com/BishopMurdoch
Bishop Bill Murdoch

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