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Nonlocal fluctuations and control of dimer entanglement dynamics

Cristian E. Susa and John H. Reina∗

Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidad del Valle, A.A. 25360, Cali, Colombia
(Dated: October 31, 2018)
We report on the dissipative dynamics of an entangled, bipartite interacting system. We show
how to induce and control the so-called early stage disentanglement (and the ‘delayed’ entanglement
generation) dynamics by means of a driving laser field. We demonstrate that some of the features
currently associated with pure non-Markovian effects in such entanglement behavior can actually
take place in Markovian environments if background noise QED fluctuations are considered. We
illustrate this for the case of a dimer interacting molecular system for which emission rates, inter-
action strength, and radiative corrections have been previously measured. We also show that even
in the absence of collective decay mechanisms and qubit-qubit interactions, the entanglement still
exhibits collapse-revival behavior. Our results indicate that zero point energy fluctuations should
be taken into account when formulating precise entanglement dynamics statements.

PACS numbers: 03.65.Ud, 03.67.Mn, 42.50.Fx, 42.50.Lc, 33.50.Dq

I. INTRODUCTION Most of the interacting two-qubit systems can be de-

arXiv:1002.1621v1 [quant-ph] 8 Feb 2010

scribed by a Hamiltonian of the type [19] ĤS = Ĥ0 + Ĥ12 ,

Entanglement is arguably the most striking feature of where Ĥ0 denotes the free particle term, and Ĥ12 =
(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) 
quantum phenomena [1], and is a crucial physical re- h Jx σx ⊗ σx + Jy σy ⊗ σy + Jz σz ⊗ σz , writ-
source to quantum computing [2], and quantum commu- ten in terms of the Pauli matrices, denotes a generic,
nication via protocols such as teleportation [3] and cryp- anisotropic qubit-qubit interaction, and h is Planck’s
tography [4]. Works on entanglement dynamics have re- constant. In many physical processes, such as energy
cently shown that some initial bipartite entangled states transfer in biomolecular systems [16, 20] or interacting
can decay to zero in a finite time much shorter than that artificial atoms [21], to name but a few, Jx = Jy ≡ Jxy ,
of their spontaneous emission [5–11]. This phenomenon– and the strength ratio J ≡ Jxy /Jz sets the type of inter-
early stage disentanglement (ESD)– is a quantum feature action experienced by the coupled qubits, and defines the
that signals an unusual dissipative dynamics of purely type of entanglement that can be ‘naturally’ [19] gener-
non-local quantum correlations [1, 3]. It has also re- ated in the bipartite system.
cently been shown that, in specific scenarios, it is possible In this article, we consider the case of dipole-dipole
to produce a delayed creation of entanglement, the so- (d-d) interacting single molecules of transition frequen-
called entanglement sudden birth (ESB) [12, 13]. These cies νi (molecule i) in interaction with the quantized ra-
entanglement features have been explored in both the diation field, and externally driven by a coherent laser
Markovian [14] and Non-Markovian [15] regimes in sev- field [22, 23]. We denote by |0i i, and |1i i, i = 1, 2,
eral different contexts [11–16]. Even more recently, there the ground and excited state of molecule i, respectively,
(1) (2)
have been reports on the quantification of non-classical and hence Ĥ0 = − h2 ν1 σz − h2 ν2 σz . The two two-level
correlations of bipartite qubit systems in interaction with molecules are separated by the vector r12 and are char-
non-Markovian reservoirs [17] by means of the quantum acterized by transition dipole moments µ̂i ≡ h0i |Di |1i i,
discord [18] dynamics, in contrast to that of entanglement with dipole operators Di , and spontaneous emission rates
evolution [17]. Γi . The system interaction Hamiltonian can be written in
In this work, we show how the ESD and ESB phe- the computational basis of direct product states |ii ⊗ |ji
nomena can be externally coherently controlled with a (i, j = 0, 1) as ĤS = Ĥ0 + Ĥ12 , where Ĥ12 is set by
laser field. We also show that the entanglement dynamics the dipole coupled molecules of interaction energy hV12
is permanently affected by the background noise due to (Jx = Jy ≡ V12 , Jz ≡ 0).
nonlocal vacuum fluctuations, a fact that permanently af-
fects the ESD dynamical profile. Our results give a prac-
tical prescription, within the Born-Markov formalism, for II. DIMER DISSIPATIVE DYNAMICS
the identification and control of ESD, ESB, and collapse-
revival phenomena. This shows that previously identified
entanglement dynamics associated to non-Markovian be- Evidence of the molecules dipolar coupling, and the
havior [15], can actually take place within a Markovian generation of sub- and super-radiant states, as well as
dynamics description. an effective shift of the doubly excited state, have been
experimentally reported in [22]. The latter has been ac-
counted for in Ĥ12 as a phenomenological, effective ∆e -
shift of the doubly-excited state |11i ≡ |11 i ⊗ |12 i, due
∗ Electronic address: [email protected] to the vacuum fluctuations [23]. The dimer is externally

controlled by a coherent driving field which acts on each resonance frequencies (Fig. 1(b)). In particular, we ac-
of the molecules with a coupling amplitude h`i = −µi ·Ei , count for the fluorescence spectrum measured for the pair
and a frequency ωL . The light-matter interaction Hamil- of coupled molecules reported in Ref. [22].
(i) (i)
tonian ĤL = h`(i) (σ− eiωL t + σ+ e−iωL t ), where µi is the Our calculations are performed in the standard two-
i-th transition dipole moment and Ei is the amplitude of qubit computational basis {|00i, |01i, |10i, |11i} (|iji ≡
the coherent driving acting on molecule i (at ri ). |i1 i ⊗ |j2 i), and the corresponding dimer density matrix
The dimer dissipative dynamics is appropriately de- elements are denoted as ρij,kl , with associated popula-
scribed within the Born-Markov formalism, with Ĥ = tions ρij,ij (density matrix elements |ijihij|), i, j = 0, 1.
ĤS + ĤL , by the quantum master equation The calculations here presented are amenable to experi-
mental verification in a dimer molecular set-up where the
i task of optically resolving the single molecules by means
ρ̇ˆ = − Ĥ, ρ̂ + L(ρ̂),

~ of laser spectroscopy techniques is possible. This kind of
experiment has been performed, for instance, by Hettich
with dissipative Lindblad super-operator given by [24] et al. [22], and the detection and measurement of cou-
pled single terrylene molecules embedded in an organic
Γ1  (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)

(para-terphenyl) crystal (thickness of about 250 nm) has
L(ρ̂) = − ρ̂σ+ σ− + σ+ σ− ρ̂ − 2σ− ρ̂σ+ (2)
2 been reported. There the detection was carried out by
(2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)

means of fluorescence excitation spectroscopy at a tem-
− ρ̂σ+ σ− + σ+ σ− ρ̂ − 2σ− ρ̂σ+
2 perature ∼ 1.4 K. Such a recorded fluorescence spectra,
Γ12  (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

at high excitation laser intensity, exhibits the appearance
− ρ̂σ+ σ− + σ+ σ− ρ̂ − 2σ− ρ̂σ+
2 of an ‘additional’ peak between those associated to the
Γ21  (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1)
 individual transition frequencies ν1 , and ν2 , which is the
− ρ̂σ+ σ− + σ+ σ− ρ̂ − 2σ− ρ̂σ+ , experimental evidence of the dipole-dipole coupling V12
between the qubits.
where Γii ≡ Γi = nA12;i /2 = nωi3 kµk2 /(30 hc3 ) are the The continuous curves shown in Fig. 1(a) are in perfect
spontaneous emission rates (A12;i , i = 1, 2 are the Ein- agreement with the experimental results reported in [22],
stein vacuum coefficients), n is the refraction index of the for the same set of implemented physical parameters:
dispersive medium in which the molecules are embed- difference in dipole transition frequencies ∆− = 2320
ded (for example, a paraterphenyl crystal in [22]), and MHz, dipolar coupling strength V12 = 950 MHz, indi-
Γ12 = Γ∗21 are the collective spontaneous emission rates, vidual and collective decay rates Γ1 = Γ2 = 2π × 50
arising from the coupling between the molecules through MHz, Γ12 = 2π × 9 MHz; with ∆e = −160 MHz, for a
(i) (i)
the vacuum field [24]; σ+ = |1i ih0i |, and σ− = |0i ih1i | laser coupling `i = 200 MHz. Here, we have calculated,
are the raising and lowering Pauli operators acting on directly from Eq. (1), the steady state occupation prob-
molecule i. abilities for the states |01i, |10i, and |11i as a function of
In particular, in the near field approximation (r12  the laser detuning. We can also see from Fig. 1(a), the
λL ) theh d-d interaction energy is given i by hV12 = effect due to a different dipolar coupling, as shown by the

3h Γ1 Γ2
µ̂1 · µ̂2 − 3(µ̂1 · r̂12 )(µ̂2 · r̂12 ) , and Γ12 = dashed curves, for V12 = 50 MHz. Since this implies a
8πz 3
√ change in the relative position of the coupled dipoles, this
Γ1 Γ2 µ̂1 · µ̂2 : the maximum (minimum) interaction is reflected in a shift of the resonant peaks at frequencies
strengths V12 are obtained for parallel (perpendicular) ν1 , and ν2 , and a decreasing of the signal intensity com-
dipole moments [33]. z ≡ nk0 r12 ; µ̂i , and r̂12 are unit ing from the two-photon emission process (intermediate
vectors along the transition dipole moments and along peak) due to the weaker dipolar coupling.
the relative separation between the molecules. The case of molecules with equal transition frequen-
We stress that Eq. (1) is more general than that used cies (∆− = 0) is illustrated by the continuous curves in
in [11, 15] in the sense that it accounts for qubit-qubit Fig. 1(b), for V12 = 950 MHz. As expected, only two
coupling, coherent external driving, and nonlocal fluctu- peaks appear: one associated to the resonance condition
ations due to radiative corrections [24]. ν1 = ν2 , and the intermediate one, associated to the dipo-
lar coupling. By bringing the dipoles into resonance, a
clear increment in the two-photon resonance signal, in
III. RESONANCE FLUORESCENCE comparison to the experimentally measured spectra [22]
(calculated as the dashed curve in Fig. 1(b)) is observed,
To evaluate the system’s physical observables, we per- thus indicating a stronger dipole-dipole coupling.
form the calculation of the occupation probabilities in The resonance fluorescence spectrum reported in [22]
the steady state. We compute this for several different can be theoretically reproduced by plotting the steady
experimental conditions realizable in the laboratory, as state quantity ρ01,01 + ρ10,10 + 2ρ11,11 , as shown in Fig.
shown in Fig. 1. These involve weak and strong coherent 1(c). This shows the appearance of the two-photon reso-
laser driving (e.g., Fig. 1(c)), different dipole interaction nance as the laser excitation intensity is increased. This
strengths (Figs. 1(a), and 1(d)), and different dimer’s peak is shifted from the laser detuning ∆+ = 0 due to the

FIG. 1: Steady state occupation probabilities for the dimer system. The detunings ∆− ≡ ν1 − ν2 , and ∆+ /2 ≡ (ν1 + ν2 )/2 − νL .
a) Populations ρij,ij for two different dipolar couplings, ∆− = 2320 MHz. b) Probabilities for a fixed dipolar coupling, = 950
MHz, and different molecular resonance conditions. In both cases, Γ1 = Γ2 = 2π ×50 MHz, Γ12 = 2π ×9 MHz, ∆e = −160 MHz
and `i = 200 MHz. c) Fluorescence spectrum given in terms of the occupation probabilities, as a function of the laser coupling
strength and the laser detuning ∆+ /2. In MHz, Γi = 18π, Γ12 = 9π, ∆− = 2320, and ∆e = −160. d) Zoom of the two photon
(intermediate) resonance for `i = 100 MHz.

the vacuum fluctuation noise, an effective shift that has as this allows the initialization of a broad class of en-
been experimentally [22] and theoretically [23] estimated tangled states [11, 14]. In the standard two-qubit com-
at around −160 MHz. The calculations here presented putational basis, the maximally entangled Bell state
have been done for the independent and collective de- |ψ + i = √12 (|01i + |10i) is obtained for a = w = d = 0;
cay rates Γi = 18π MHz, Γ12 = 9π MHz. Figure 1(d) b = c = z = 1/2. All the other states of the Bell basis,
shows a zoom of the intermediate resonance of Fig. 1(c), as well as the Werner mixed state [14] can be produced
for a laser coupling `i = 100 MHz, and different dipolar in a similar manner.
couplings. This shows a clear increment in the size of
the resonance as the qubit coupling is increased. If this
graph were to be calculated for `i = 10 MHz (not shown), A. Coherent control dynamics
the probability of simultaneous excitation ρ11,11 appears
multiplied by the scale factor 10−5 . Hence, the resonance We consider
signal can be tailored according to designed structural √ the dynamics
√ of the initial entangled state

√0 (α)i =
√ α|01i + β|10i, where α is a real number,
molecular parameters. The difference in the half-width β = | β|eiφ is a complex number of phase φ, and
of the reported peaks has its origin in the constructive α + |β| = 1. This choice follows the identification of
and destructive interference of the different possible re- the eigenstates of the system’s Hamiltonian ĤS , in the
laxation pathways [25]. absence of external driving. If no cooperative phenomena
due to V12 (decay rate Γ12 ) take place (for example, due
to a long separation between the molecules, V12 ∼ 0),
IV. DIMER ENTANGLEMENT EVOLUTION in the absence of laser driving, the entanglement of this
type of state has a natural asymptotic time decay due to
As a norm for the entanglement quantification of the the emission rates Γii ≡ Γi of the individual molecules.
dipole-coupled molecules, we use Wootter’s concurrence The numerical solution of the master equation (1) al-
C(ρ) = max{0, λ1 − λ2 − λ3 − λ4 }, where the λi ’s are lows the quantification of the dimer entanglement dy-
the square roots of the eigenvalues of the non-hermitian namics, as shown in Fig. 2, where the external field
matrix ρeρ, arranged in decreasing order, with ρe = σy ⊗ has been used to produce a coherent control of entangle-
(2) ∗ (1) (2)
σy ρ σy ⊗σy [26]. We consider the initial state density ment. Figure 2(a) shows that for a strong laser coupling
matrix (`i = 500 MHz) the concurrence abruptly decays to zero
for a time less than tΓ , where tΓ ≡ 1/Γ is the time asso-
a 0 0 w ciated to the decay rates Γi ≡ Γ for all the initial state
 
 0 b z 0  configurations (all α). In this work, ∆+ , ∆− , ∆e , V12 ,
ρ(0) =  , (3)
0 z∗ c 0  and `i are given in frequency (ν ≡ ω/2π) units, whereas
∗ and Γij appear divided by a 2π-factor to consistently give
w 0 0 d

currence dynamics–the sudden birth of entanglement. In

these graphs, the system
√ is prepared
√ in the initial sepa-
rable state |11 i ⊗ ( α|02 i + β|12 i), and after a certain
time, which depends on the type of input superposition
(i.e., on the value of α), entanglement appears in the
system (see Figs. 3(a), and (c)). Note that, due to the
detuning between the molecular frequencies, the different
resonant laser tuning of the molecules produces different
entanglement behavior.
Figure 3(a) shows a delayed ESB for α = 0 and α-
values close to zero. The fast oscillations of the concur-
rence in Fig. 3(a) are plotted in its inset for about 1/16 of
the total time-frame considered in the main figure. The
graph 3(c) shows the effect due to the change in the laser
resonance molecular tuning. Here, ∆+ = −∆− , and an
appreciable ‘α-region’ of early stage disentanglement is
suppressed, accompanied by an increment in the amount
of generated stationary entanglement. As a major fea-
ture, we notice that due to the laser addressing strategy
(let’s recall that the two dipoles have different transition
energies), the initial states |0i ⊗ |1i, and |1i ⊗ |0i (α ≡ 1)
FIG. 2: Laser-driven entanglement dynamics control. a) are more prone to a quick generation of entangled states
Early stage disentanglement: ∆+ = 0, and `1 = `2 =
than the initial condition |1i ⊗ |1i (α ≡ 0); in the latter
500 MHz. b) The molecules couple to the laser with different
strengths: `1 = 300 MHz, and `2 = 500 MHz. Figures c)
there is an initial lack of entanglement generation, and
∆+ = ∆− , and d) ∆+ = −∆− , show the difference in entan- ESB behavior takes place. In the former, the quick en-
glement behavior when the laser resonant condition is varied, tanglement generation can be understood from the fact
for `1 = 300 MHz, `2 = 500 MHz. ∆e = 0. In all the graphs, that a coherent superposition of the states |0i ⊗ |1i and
Γ1 = Γ2 = 2π ×50 MHz, Γ12 = 2π ×9 MHz, ∆− = 2320 MHz, |1i ⊗ |0i is naturally supported by the dipole-dipole in-
and V12 = 950 MHz. teraction; in fact, in the absence of laser tuning, such a
superposition of states produce some of the eigenstates of
the system’s Hamiltonian. The time scale for which ESB
the same units. This early stage disentanglement is due
to the vacuum fluctuations affecting each molecule sepa-
rately, and radically changes when the coupling between
the laser and the molecules `1 6= `2 , as shown in Fig.
2(b). There, for all α, a finite, stationary entanglement
C(ρ) remains for long times. This behavior occurs af-
ter a period for which the system experiences a complete
disentanglement—C(ρ) = 0 for all α, and can be further
controlled, as shown in Figs. 2(c) and (d), by tuning the
molecule resonance conditions with the laser field.
In Fig. 2(c), the ESD behavior is partially suppressed
for finite α (0.8 . α ≤ 1), when the laser is on reso-
nance with the qubit 2 (νL = ν2 ), that is, for ∆+ = ∆−
(ν1 > ν2 ). In this case, the asymptotic limit of the con-
currence is increased to ∼ 0.25. In Fig 2(d), the fre-
quency of the external field has been tuned to be in res-
onance with that of qubit 1 (∆+ = −∆− ): the ESD
behavior is now completely suppressed for all α, and the
entanglement shows an oscillatory decay. For long times,
and for all α, the concurrence approaches the same sta-
tionary entanglement as before. The fast oscillations of
the concurrence are due to the competition between both FIG. 3: Entanglement dynamics and ESB. Initial separable
√ √
the dipolar coupling and the laser-molecule interactions. state |1i( α|0i + β|1i), (a) ∆+ = ∆− , `1 = `2 = 100 MHz;
Thus, the results of Figs. 2(c) and (d) give a mechanism (b) ∆+ = ∆− , `1 = 300 MHz, `2 = 500 MHz. (c) ∆+ =
for coherent control of the dimer’s ESD behavior, and for −∆− , `i = 100 MHz; (d) ∆+ = −∆− , `1 = 300 MHz, and
the generation of steady-state entanglement. `2 = 500 MHz. Γ1 = Γ2 = 100π MHz, Γ12 = 18π MHz,
Figure 3 shows another interesting behavior in the con- ∆− = 2320 MHz, ∆e = −160 MHz, and V12 = 950 MHz.

Eq. (3), with a 7→ a3 , b = c = z = 1/3; w = 0, and

d = 1−a3 . Due to the structure of the density matrix,
the concurrence allows an analytical calculation of the
observed ESD behavior, and the associated ESD time t̃
(for each a) can be√ exactly
estimated. For example, for
a = 0, t̃ = Γ ln 2 , which means t̃ ≈ 1.7 ns < Γ−1 in
1 2+ 2
our molecular set-up. This behavior is observed over a
continuous range of a values, and for any 0 ≤ a < 2/3 is
given by
1 1−a h p
t̃ = ln 2 − a + a2 − a + 2 . (4)
Γ 2 − 3a
FIG. 4: Entanglement dynamics for initial entangled states For a ≥ 2/3, ESD is suppressed and entanglement decays
given by Eq. (3), with a 7→ a3 , b = c = z = 13 , w = 0, in an asymptotic fashion. Hence, the dissipative molecu-
and d = 1−a
; under spontaneous emission. ∆− = 2320 MHz, lar dynamics given by Eq. (1) exhibit a rich behavior and
∆+ /2 = (ν1 + ν2 )/2 ≈ 1 × 109 MHz (optical transition). The both an ESD dynamics and an asymptotic decay of en-
decay rates Γi ≡ Γ = 100π MHz, Γ12 = 0; the remaining tanglement can be induced in the dimer system by tuning
parameters (V12 , `i and ∆e ) are set to zero. the initial condition (a value).
In Fig. 5 we consider the entanglement dynamics for
the general initial product state of qubit superpositions
takes place depends on the qubit resonance conditions: √ √ p √
for the initial condition |1i ⊗ |1i, the ESB appearance in |Ψ0 (γ)i = ( γ|01 i + δ|11 i) ⊗ ( ζ|02 i + η|12 i), (5)
Fig. 3(a) takes a longer time than that calculated for
Fig. 3(c). where, as before, γ + |δ| = 1, ζ + |η| = 1. Here, we
Figures 3(b) and (d) show the effect due to increas- plot the corresponding
√ concurrence as a function of γ,
ing the laser intensity. A quicker generation of entan- for ζ = 0, 1/2, 1 ( ζ > 0). We note that different initial
glement at around α ≡ 0 is now produced (cf. Figs. preparations for the disentangled type of states lead to
3(a) and (c)), with a subsequent generation of ESD (Fig. very different entanglement behavior. For instance, Fig.
3(b)), and a partial ESD suppression (Fig. 3(d)), fol- 5(a) exhibits a sudden birth of entanglement dynamics
lowed by an overall increment in the amount of gener- for low values of γ, whereas for their intermediate values
ated stationary entanglement, C ∼ 0.2. These graphs there are collapses and revivals that eventually become
manifest the effect due to the tuning of the molecu- suppressed as γ is increased; from this point, coherent
lar resonance: if ∆+ = −∆− (Fig. 3(d)) the time- oscillations of entanglement persist to finally decay and
frame for the region of zero concurrence of Fig. 3(c) then converge to a stationary value. In fact, the concur-
is almost completely suppressed, in addition of a larger rence evolves, for all γ, towards a finite non-zero station-
number of entanglement oscillations before the steady- ary value due to the inter-qubit coupling strength and the
state is reached. For the chosen initial condition, the driving field. Also note that for short times the molec-
∆+ = −∆− -resonance condition favors the entanglement ular entanglement reaches its maximum for γ 7→ 1. Fig.
production and inhibits ESD behavior. The same con- 5(b) illustrates the case of equal superpositions in both
clusion can be reached qubits. Unlike the previous case, here there is a finite
√ if we instead
√ consider, as initial
entanglement oscillation at short times for γ 7→ 0, which
condition, the state ( α|0i + β|1i) ⊗ |1i (not shown).
The changes in the entanglement features shown in Fig. 3 can be understood in terms of the symmetry of the initial
are not only due to the chosen initial conditions and reso- state. Here there is no presence of ESB behavior. Due to
nance features, but also to the fact that, in the considered the initial condition, Fig. 5(c) shows, in contrast to Fig.
scenarios, we have taken into account the effective energy 5(a), the highest entanglement oscillations for γ 7→ 0. In
shift ∆e = −160 MHz, which is associated to the dou- all cases, the oscillations approach the same stationary
bly excited state, as reported in [22, 23]. The numerical value, as previously observed. Notice that in Fig. 5 we
values for the strength of the molecular interaction, the have considered a non-zero value for V12 and for the ∆e -
decay rates, and the molecular transition energies used shift, in contrast to the graph of Fig. 4. The parameters
in the simulations of Fig. 2 and 3 are those reported in used in this simulation have been taken from the exper-
the experiment of Ref. [22]. imental data of Ref. [22]. We have recently learned,
although in a different context, that steady state entan-
glement is also produced if counter-rotating wave terms
are kept in the original system Hamiltonian [8, 27].
B. Dependence on the initial state preparation Figure 6 follows a similar analysis as before, but for
the case in which there is no physical interaction between
Further to our previous analysis, we plot in Fig. 4 the the molecules, and therefore no collective decay. We con-
entanglement dynamics for an initial state of the form sider instead the effects due to the vacuum fluctuations

√ √ √ √
FIG. 5: Initial state preparation of product states |Ψ0 (γ)i = ( γ|0i + δ|1i) ⊗ ( ζ|0i + η|1i), for a) ζ = 0, b) ζ = 1/2, c)
ζ = 1. ∆− = 2320 MHz, ∆+ = 0. The decay rates Γi = 100π MHz, Γ12 = 18π MHz. `i = 100 MHz, ∆e = −160 MHz, and
V12 = 950 MHz.

FIG. 6: Initial product states |Ψ0 (γ)i (Eq. (5)), in the absence of qubit-qubit interaction and collective decay (V12 = 0, Γ12 = 0),
for a) ζ = 0, b) ζ = 1/2, c) ζ = 1. ∆− = 2320 MHz, ∆+ = 2638 MHz. Γi = 10π MHz, `i = 200 MHz, ∆e = −160 MHz.

∆e –the Lamb shift experienced by the molecular dou- coupling strength for which maximum stationary entan-
bly excited state, and to the external driving field. The glement is generated. Away from this optimal value, the
results are clearly different from those of Fig. 5; even stationary entanglement decreases monotonically until it
though the qubits start from a separable state, they en- reaches a certain intensity from which any entanglement
tangle due to the radiative corrections and the external correlation is washed away and the concurrence goes to
field. The concurrence exhibits a similar behavior for the zero after a few oscillations. This indicates that the laser
conditions a) ζ = 0, and c) ζ = 1, for which there is a can be used to tune and maximize stationary entangle-
maximum amount of generated entanglement, and ESD ment production, given an initial condition.
and collapse-revival behavior are present as a function
of the initial qubit preparation. The scenario ζ = 1/2
(graph 6(b)) does exhibit a different type of decay, and
unlike the previous cases, there are not two “islands” of
entanglement, and the oscillations persist the most for
γ 7→ 1. Notice that the time scale for such oscillations is
much longer than those of the graphs previously shown.

1. Laser coupling
FIG. 7: Concurrence dynamics as a function of the laser inten-
We address the entanglement effects due to the molec- sity `i ≡ `, for the initial condition |Ψ0 (γ)i, with γ = ζ = 1/2.
ular coupling to the laser field, for the initial condition a) V12 = 950 MHz, b) V12 = 50 MHz. ∆− = 2320 MHz,
given by Eq. (5). Figure 7 shows the entanglement evo- ∆+ = 0, Γ = 100π MHz, Γ12 = 18π MHz, ∆e = −160 MHz.
lution as a function of the laser field coupling strength `.
In the figure, γ = ζ = 1/2, and the other parameters are In Fig. 7(b) we have decreased V12 to 50 MHz. In con-
given as in Fig. 5, for a) V12 = 950 MHz, and b) V12 = 50 trast to the previous case, for low laser coupling strength,
MHz. Figure 7(a) shows that for the considered initial there are no entanglement oscillations before the con-
product state of superpositions there is an optimal laser currence reaches its minimum value: the concurrence

exhibits an island whose height depends on the laser is in contrast to the revival of entanglement reported in
strength. Unlike the previous case, here the maximum [30], where such a behavior is critically dependent on the
entanglement occurs at low intensity, due to the fact the collective decay. As is shown in our case, the revival phe-
qubit-qubit interaction is smaller than ∆e , which domi- nomenon is strictly induced by the external laser control
nates the dynamics. The entanglement rapidly vanishes and the quantum noise fluctuations given by the Lamb
as the laser intensity increases, with the two-particle state shift [23].
becoming separable during a period whose length in-
creases with the laser intensity. It then starts to build up
towards a stationary degree of entanglement, for which
there is also a maximum value which is directly depen-
dent on the intensity of the laser. After this, the entan-
glement gradually decays as the laser intensity is further
increased (not shown) and eventually vanishes following
a similar pattern to that of Fig. 7(a).

FIG. 9: Concurrence evolution as a function of the initial

condition |ψ0 (α)i. The qubits are far apart from each other
and do not experience a collective decay (V12 = 0, Γ12 = 0).
They, however, due to the vacuum noise, experience ∆e =
−160 MHz [22]. Γi = 4π MHz, ∆− = 2320 MHz, ∆+ =
2638 MHz, and `i = 200 MHz.

The entanglement revival behavior occurs even when

FIG. 8: Entanglement dynamics as a function of the ini- the pair of molecules do not interact, just as a conse-
tial condition and laser intensity, for the initial configuration quence of the noise due to vacuum electromagnetic fluc-
|ψ0 (α)i. a) ` = 200 MHz, b) α = 1/2. ∆− = 2320 MHz,
tuations. Such fluctuations are always present [28], and
∆+ = 2638 MHz, Γ = 10π MHz, ∆e = −160 MHz. V12 =
Γ12 = 0.
the molecules experience a vacuum noise input and radi-
ate a vacuum noise output. This effect shifts the energy
levels of the molecules [29]. The so-called Lamb shift has
For the sake of completeness, we next consider the sit- been calculated for a specific molecular system in [23].
uation of non-interacting qubits (V12 = 0),√ and no√collec- We show such an effect in Fig. 9, where we have consid-
tive decay for the initial state |ψ0 (α)i = α|01i+ β|10i. ered a qubit separation such that V12 = 0, and Γ12 = 0.
Figure 8(a) shows that ESD and collapse-revival behav- We have introduced a phenomenological ∆e -shift, start-
ior take place in the entanglement evolution as the initial ing from the experimental results reported in [22], and
condition is varied, by means of tuning α (e.g., maximal the calculations of Ref. [23].
entanglement is attained for α = 1/2). In contrast, Fig. Our result is also in contrast with that obtained in
8(b) shows the dependence of entanglement on the laser Ref. [15]. There, the authors attribute the revival be-
intensity for the same initial state α = 1/2. Here, we havior (similar to ours) to the memory (non-Markovian)
distinguish three main dynamical scenarios. For low in- effects induced by two reservoirs acting on the qubits
tensity values, there is an asymptotic decay of concur- in an independent manner. Figure 9 shows that the re-
rence. As the intensity increases, collapse-revivals occur vival of entanglement is not, strictly speaking, a non-
whereas for larger values of field coupling, pure ESD phe- Markovian feature associated to an uncoupled two-qubit
nomena take over the dynamics. The time scale plotted system. This shows that for the case of independent
in Fig. 8 is to be compared with the ‘natural’ decay time spontaneous emission decay, a similar behavior to that
tΓ ≡ Γ−1 . It is clearly shown that coherent laser driving reported in [15] can be found. Our result, however, has
can be used as a key ingredient for determining the major been derived within a Born-Markov description, and as
features of entanglement dynamics. such, does not invoke a non-Markovian treatment. On
the same grounds, this is different from the collapse-
revival behavior reported for the interacting system of
C. Nonlocal fluctuations: Lamb shift correction Ref. [31]. The behavior showed in Fig. 9 changes with
increasing emission rates (cf. Fig. 8): when the sys-
We illustrate in Fig. 9 a major point of this work: tem decays more rapidly, the collapse-revival behavior
in the scenario where the molecules are not subjected disappears. On the other hand, Fig. 8(b) clearly shows
to the collective damping due to the vacuum field, dark that, for a fixed rate, collapse-revivals are suppressed for
periods and revival of entanglement appear. This result higher values of laser intensity, for which ESD becomes

the relevant dynamical decay. An analytical expression for the concurrence, for the
molecular input values of the inset of Fig. 10, follows
from the calculation of the non trivial density matrix
elements found for the solution of the master equation:
ρ00,00 = 1 + (1 − α)e−2Γt 1 − 2eΓt ,

ρ01,01 = ρ10,10 = (1 − α)e−2Γt −1 + eΓt ,

ρ11,11 = (1 − α)e−2Γt ,
ρ00,11 = ρ∗11,00 = (1 − α)α eit(2π∆e +iΓ+4π∆+ ) . (6)
The concurrence C(ρ) = 2 max {0, |ρ00,11 | − ρ01,01 }.
Thus, the ESD time can be directly obtained from the
condition |ρ00,11 | − ρ01,01 ≤ 0; for any α < 1/2, this reads

1 1−α
t̃α = ln √ . (7)
Γ 1−α− α−α 2
FIG. 10: Comparison between the effects due to the laser and
the vacuum fluctuations over the entanglement dynamics. In For α ≥ 1/2 there exists no solution with physical mean-
the main graph, the solid curve exhibits collapses and revivals; ing for t̃α , in agreement with what is shown in the inset
`i = 200 MHz, ∆e = −160 MHz. The long dashed curve of Fig. 10. An experimental study on the engineering
exhibits ESD; `i = 200 MHz, ∆e = 0. The short dashed
and modification of the molecules decay rates has already
curve corresponds to `i = 1 MHz, and ∆e = −160 MHz. The
initial state is |ψ0 (1/2)i. The remaining parameters used in been reported [32]; this could facilitate the observation
the simulations are of the effects reported in Figs. 9 and 10.
√ the same √ as in Fig. 9. By switching to
the initial state α|00i + β|11i, the inset shows the ESD
sensitivity to the initial condition; ∆+ = 20000 MHz, ∆e =
−160 MHz, and `i = 0; the other parameters are as in Fig. 9. V. CONCLUSIONS

We have plotted, in Fig. 10, the dynamics of the con- We summarize the major findings of the present work
currence for the initial entangled state |ψ0 (α = 1/2)i, on dimer entanglement dynamics. We have shown how
to show the interplay between the laser driving and the entanglement evolution, which includes ESD, ESB,
the shift experienced by the doubly excited state due and collapse-revival dynamics, can be precisely controlled
to background noise fluctuations. The concurrence de- by means of an external driving field, and an appropriate
cays asymptotically when the laser coupling is absent, in qubit initialization. In addition, the light-matter inter-
agreement with our previous results. action can be used to produce transitions between the
The main graph of Fig. 10 also shows sudden dis- system states in such a way that a reliable production of
entanglement (but not revival) when the laser coupling steady state entanglement is favored. There are entan-
is strong and there is no contribution arising from the glement dynamics corrections due to the radiative shift of
vacuum noise (long dashed curve). This behavior is also the doubly-excited molecular state arising from the vac-
observed uum fluctuations: in the scenario where the qubits do not
√in the inset
√ of Fig. 10, for a different initial con-
dition, α|00i + β|11i: the ESD is more pronounced experience collective coupling effects (only independent
when α tends to zero, and it vanishes for α > 1/2. This interaction with the environment), the entanglement ex-
is because in our density matrix configuration, ρ00,00 cor- hibits a collapse-revival behavior. On the other hand, by
responds to the lowest system eigenstate in the standard considering different type of initial conditions, an ESD
basis, and hence, for α → 1, the system has a higher dynamics can also be induced due to the energy shift.
probability of decaying to the ground state and the in- We have shown that it is crucial, for a correct character-
teresting quantum effects are lost. ization of entanglement dynamics, to take into account
The sensitivity of the ESD dynamics to the initial con- the radiative corrections induced by the electromagnetic
ditions is shown in the inset of Fig. 10. In the main fig- vacuum field, as such shifts or energy corrections perma-
ure, the entanglement decays asymptotically (uppermost nently affect the evolution of entanglement.
√ √
curve, ` = 1) for the initial conditions α|01i + β|10i
(for all α), and hence ESD never takes place. However,
√ inset of √ Fig. 10 shows that for the initial condition
α|00i + β|11i, and absence of laser driving, the en-
tanglement decays abruptly for values of α close to zero, This work was partially supported by Colciencias
and hence ESD is reinforced at very early times t̃. This Grant 1106-452-21296, and the DAAD-Colciencias ex-
clearly indicates that different types of initial entangled change (PROCOL) program. We acknowledge the hos-
states experience different input noise from the environ- pitality of the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Stud-
ment. ies, and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of

Light Erlangen, where parts of this work were com- Award (A/09/0851). We would like to acknowledge L. L.
pleted. JHR is grateful to the DAAD for a Research Stay Sánchez-Soto for a critical reading of the manuscript.

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