Discipline and Ideas Module 3

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Module 3 Social Work
Lesson 1 The Discipline of Social
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.

Helen Keller

What I Need to Know

Learning Competencies:
1. identify the goals and scope of social
work (HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ie-16)
2. demonstrate comprehension of the principles of social work
(HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ie-17)
3. discuss the core values of social
work (HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ie-18)

Good day learners! Are you willing to confront realities of social problems and
human needs? Are you concerned with the plight of the many who experience
hardships of poverty and the tears of hunger and pain? Do you want to be involved
in shaping a society that strives to ensure a high quality of life and social justice for
all social members? If YES, then welcome to the profession of Social Work.

What I Know

General Instructions:

The following statements enable you to reflect on and figure out your level of
understanding about Social Work as a profession. Answer if the statement is TRUE
1. Social Work is a profession that deals with the person’s interaction with
their environment
2. The principal mission of social work profession is to develop human
being and assist other institutions in attaining the basic human needs of
the people and in empowering the lost, the least and the last.

3. Among the distinctive goals of social work is curing which refers to the
heart of social work
4. Caring refers to the heart of social work and it focused on the well-
being or the welfare and comfort of the individual and community.
5. Changing involves active participation of the social workers in social
reforms. It holds on the belief that the political, economic and social
structures contribute in the worsening of social conditions.

What Is It

Definition, Goals and Scope of Social Work

Scenarios in relation to Social Work.
Scenario 1: Typhoon Victims

Scenario 2: Community Immersion

What’s More

Guide Questions:
1. What can you say about the picture/s? What makes it social work? Write your
answer on the box.


Definitions of Social Work

 The National Association of Social Workers (NASW, n.d.), defined social
work as the professional activity of helping individuals, groups or
communities enhance or restore their capacity of their personal
interaction with their environment and creating societal conditions
beneficial to the mission.
 The United Nations of Economic Social and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO, 2000), considers social work as a field within human services
and a part of services of the government.
 The International Federation of Social Works (IFSW, 2006), defines
social work as a practice-based and academic discipline that promotes
change and social development. (Retrieved from
 Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW), as cited in Cox &
Pawar, 2006) defines social work as a practical profession designed
at helping people addresses their problems and matching them with
the resources they need to lead healthy and productive lives.

 The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW),

states that social work profession promotes social change, problem
solving in human relationships, and the empowerment and
liberation of people to enhance well-being. (IFSW & IASSW, 2004
as cited in Co & Pawar, 2006).

II. Goals of Social Work

The primary mission of social work profession is to develop human
beings and assist other institutions in attaining the basic human needs of people and
in empowering the lost, the least, and the last. These goals are outlined and
described below:

1. The Goal on Caring

Caring refers to the heart of social work and it centers on the well-being or the
welfare and comfort of the individual and community.

Volunteers of the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) form part of an active corps of

Caring services https://redcross.org.ph/volunteer-service/

capable, caring by sharing their resources, time, and efforts to alleviate human
2. The Goal on Curing
Curing refers to the aspect of treating people with problems in their social
environment (EXAMPLE. Counselling and therapy)

Social Anxiety Disorder https:// disorder.htm

3. The Goal on Changing

Changing refers to the active participation of the social workers in social reforms
(EXAMPLE: promoting social change and justice).

velopment measure of the national government that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor, to improv
III. Scope of Social Work
To supplement your understanding in the value of social work, it is important to
study the scope of social work. The scope of social work includes:
1. Child development Social Work
2. Medical Social Work
3. Clinical Social Work
4. Social work administration and management
5. International Social work
6. Social work as community organizer
7. Women welfare
8. Crisis intervention
9. Criminal justice

Morales and Sheafor (1998, 8th edition) identified and described the fields
included in the area of social work, which are as follows:
1. Social Work as a Primary Discipline
In terms of child welfare, social work offers:
a. The adoption and services to unmarried parents – the difficult decision of
unmarried parents whether to keep the baby or place the child for
b. The foster care – removes the children from their homes and placing them
temporarily in a foster care
c. The residential care – a group care home or a residential treatment center
for children
d. The support in own homes – provides support services in order to keep
children in their own homes
e. The protective services – protect the child from child abuse, maltreatment,
and exploitation by one or both parents

Family services, social work offers:

a. Family counselling – utilize the three approaches to this type of
counselling namely:
a.1. family case work, involves helping individual members of the family
change their behaviour to make them more effective contributors in the
a. 2. family group work, the process by which the family examines its
relationships and resolves their problem with the help of the social
worker: and lastly,
a. 3. family therapy, focuses on transforming the structure of the family
to make it more supportive to its members

b. Family life education - an intervention to strengthen the family through

educational activities that seek to prevent family breakdown
c. Family planning – assisting the families plan the number, spacing, and
timing of the births of children to fit with their needs

Income maintenance, social work offers:

a. Public assistance – refers to the provision of the financial aid to the
poor. Services include cash grants, food stamps, general assistance
such as hospital and medical care, and supplemental security income.
b. Social insurances – social provisions that are funded by employers and
employees through contributions to a specific program.
c. The other income maintenance programs include cash in kind benefits,
emergency support funds, and other resources which can be used by
the poor for food and shelter.

2. Social Work as an Equal Partner

Aging, social work offers:
a. The support for people in their own homes program consists of helping
older people remain in their own homes by linking them with
community programs that bring health care services into their homes.
b. The support for people in long-term care facilities program refers to
nursing home care services into their homes.

Community services, social work offers:

a. Community organization
b. Community planning
c. Community development

3. Social Work as a Secondary

Discipline Industry, social workers
act as:
a. Support to both the managers and the employees of the companies.
They make themselves available to the employees with social
problems for individual, family, and group counselling
b. Provide information to the managers as basis for management
decisions that might have an impact on the social atmosphere in the
working environment
Medical and health care, social workers:
a. Attend to the social and psychological factors that are contributing to
the medical condition of the patients
b. Link patients with community resources
c. Provide necessary counselling, and link with self-help groups

Schools, the primary tasks of social workers in schools, (as cited by Morales and
Sheafor, 1998, 8th edition)
a. Facilitate the provision of direct educational and social services and
provide direct social case work and group work services to selected
b. Act as a pupil advocate, focusing on urgent needs of the selected group
of students;
c. Consult with school administrators major problems;
d. Consult with teachers about techniques for creating a climate in which
children are freed and motivated to learn by interpreting social and
cultural influences in the lives of students;
e. Organize parent and community groups to channel concerns about
students and the school to improve school and community relations.

IV. Core Values of Social Work

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW, n.d) stated that the
mission of the social work profession is rooted in a set of core values. These core
values include: service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of
human relationships, integrity, and competence (Morales and Sheafor, 1998, 8th
edition ).

“ Social work originates from humanitarian ideals and democratic philosophy and has
universal application to meet human needs arising from personal- societal interactions and
to develop human potential. Professional social workers are dedicated to service for the
welfare and self- realization of human beings; to the development of resources to meet
(IFSW as cited
individual, by national
group, Morales and Sheafor, 8th needs and aspirations; and to the achievement
and international

Service Social Justice

Importance of human relationships



Integrity Competence
Dignity and Worth of the people
What I Can Do

Journal Writing: Do you see yourself as a social worker by profession in the future?
What particular core values of social work that you are willing to apply in your life?
Why? Your teacher will rate your work using the following reflective writing rubric:

Description Points Points Obtained


The content was well-

Content 7.
thought of; guide
questions were
thoroughly answered.
Demonstrate a
conscious and
Debt of reflection
thorough 7
understanding of the
subject matter. This
reflection can be used
for as an example of
other students
Use of language that is
precise and engaging,
Use of language
with notable sense of
voice, awareness of
audience and purpose,
and varied sentence
Total: 20

Melegrito, Ma. Lourdes F., PhD. Arleigh Ross D. Valdez, PhD., Violet B. Valdez,
PhD., Carl G. Fernandez, RSW,MSW.,Discipline and Ideas in the Applied
Social Sciences, Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 2016.

Lesson 2 Professionals and
Practitioners in
Social Work
What I Need to Know

Learning Competencies:
show an understanding of the roles and functions of social workers (HUMSS_DIASS12-If-19)
identify specific work areas in which social workers work (HUMSS_DIASS12-If-20)
identify career opportunities for social workers (HUMSS_DIASS12-If-21)
value rights, responsibilities and accountabilities (HUMSS_DIASS12-If-22)
distinguish between ethical and unethical behaviors among practitioners (HUMSS_DIASS12-If-23)

The social work professionals and practitioners are aware that their profession
is based on the principles of human rights and social justice that serve to empower
individuals, groups, and communities to develop their full potential and well-being.
The focus of intervention in social work is the relationship between the individual and
their immediate and wider social environment. Particular emphasis is placed on
meeting the needs of vulnerable and marginalized individuals and groups.
Source: Social Workers Registration Board, 2004

This module is specially made to help you learn the rights, responsibilities and
accountabilities of social worker and as well as to their behavior according to the
Code of Ethics of Social work. For maximum benefit from this module, you have to
follow some guidelines:

1. You must work on this module in the sequence its contents are presented.
2. Read the objectives, answer all the question in pretest.
3. Read and understand the lessons in this module as much as you can.
4. Try to give your best in doing the enrichment activities.
5. Assess yourself through answering the posttest.
6. Be honest at all times.
What I Know


Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write T on the line if you think the
statement is TRUE. If FALSE, change the underline word or group of words to
make the whole statement true.
1. Social workers keep accurate records.
2. Social workers promote social justice.
3. Social workers deal inappropriately with health and safety risks.
4. Unethical behavior is a must have for social workers.
5. The code of ethics specifies the standards of ethics, conduct, and
performance expected of registered social workers.
6. Social workers respect the rights and dignity of people.
7. Accuracy of data among social workers is verifying the source.
8. Making decisions for the whole based on the personal preference of the social
worker is essential for social work.
9. Social workers keep their professional knowledge and skills up to date so that
they are able to provide appropriate services.
10. Social workers comply with the laws and regulations governing their practice.

Directions: Copy the table in your answer booklet and categorize the words or
of a social worker.


a. to fulfilling professional mandates
b. to live by its values
c. to the employers
d. to the clients
e. to help children
f. assist those life- threatening problems
g. aid people in overcoming addictions
h. to the society
i. to protect and uphold respect for the inherent worth and dignity of people.
j. to the law
k. to the professional associations
l. to promote social justice

What’s is It

Roles and Functions of a Social Worker

There are several duties that a social worker typically perform to the people and
the community they serve. Accordingly these are the roles and functions of a social

The social worker is involved in the process of making referrals to link a family
or person to needed resources. Social work professionals do not simply provide
information. They also follow up to be sure the needed resources are attained. This
requires knowing resources, eligibility requirements, fees and the location of

In this role, social workers fight for the rights of others and work to obtain
needed resources by convincing others of the legitimate needs and rights of
members of society. Social workers are particularly concerned for those who are
vulnerable or are unable to speak up for themselves. Advocacy can occur on the
local, county, state or national level. Some social workers are involved in
international human rights and advocacy for those in need.

Case Manager
Case managers are involved in locating services and assisting their clients to
access those services. Case management is especially important for complex
situations and for those who are homeless or elderly, have chronic physical or
mental health issues, are disabled, victims of domestic or other violent crimes, or
are vulnerable children.

Social Workers are often involved in teaching people about resources and
how to develop particular skills such as budgeting, the caring discipline of children,
effective communication, the meaning of a medical diagnosis, and the prevention of
In this role, social workers are involved in gathering groups of people together
for a variety of purposes including community development, self-advocacy, political
organization, and policy change. Social workers are involved as group therapists and
task group leaders.

Social Workers are involved in many levels of community organization and
action including economic development, union organization, and research and policy

Social Workers, because of their expertise in a wide variety of applications,
are well suited to work as managers and supervisors in almost any setting. As
managers, they are better able to influence policy change and/or development, and
to advocate, on a larger scale, for all underprivileged people.
Source: Chadron State College, NE, accessed January
15, 2020,

People They Serve

Most social workers spend their days working with people. The type of work
social workers do varies based on the groups of people they serve. Common groups
of people that social workers serve include:

 Children
 Older adults
 People with disabilities
 Patients with chronic, acute or terminal diagnoses
 People coping with grief or loss
 People with mental illnesses
 People struggling with addiction

Where They Work

Most social workers work in an office setting, though many spend a large
portion of their time visiting clients in their homes, schools, and in the community.
Social workers most often work in the following settings:

 Hospitals, medical clinics, and nursing homes

 Community mental health agencies and substance misuse clinics
 State and local governments including child welfare agencies
and departments of health and human services
 Schools and other youth-serving organizations
 Military bases and veterans affairs clinics
 Correctional facilities
 Private practices

Source: “Social Work Guide”, accessed January 15,

2020, www.socialworkguide.org/careers/

Career Opportunities in Social

There is a variety of jobs available for graduates in social work.

Health Board social workers

You could work in one of eight regionally based Health Boards as a
‘Community Care’ social worker for concerns such as psychiatric illness, financial
and environmental difficulties, alcohol and drug-related problems, interpersonal
difficulties and child abuse. All cases dealt with by Health Board social workers
include a child/family dimension.

Medical social workers

You could be employed as a medical social worker by voluntary and health-
board-run hospitals. You will offer direct help where medical conditions are
complicated by social and emotional factors. Psychiatric social workers work with
patients in psychiatric hospitals and without-patients as well as in a preventative role.

Working for Local Authorities

You could also work for local authorities as a housing welfare officer (social
worker), offering social services to tenants, prospective tenants and/or travellers.
This involves liaising with housing and government departments.

Working for the Department of Justice

As a probation and welfare officer in the Department of Justice, you may work
with the Adoption Board, the courts, or prisons and places of detention. This involves
making recommendations to the appropriate authorities.

Working for Voluntary Agencies

Voluntary agencies catering for specific interest groups also employ social
workers. These include charities, special schools (run by religious groups or parents)
and treatment centres.
Working in Industry
Social workers in industry (‘welfare workers’) are concerned with employees
and pensioners of an organization, e.g. the Army. The work can range from family
problems to work with pensioners and the elderly.

Source: “Association of Higher Education Careers

Services/GTI Ireland”, accessed January 15,
2020, https://gradireland.com/career-
sectors/social-community- and-youth/career-opportunities-

Rights and Responsibilities, Accountabilities and Code of Ethics of Social Work

The rights of social work are partially outlined. Social work foremost
rights include the right to fulfill its professional mandates and to live by its values. Its
responsibilities cover those that pertain to the dispensation of its basic functions,
roles, professional standards, and adhesive to its local and international codes of
ethics. Social work is accountable to the clients, the general public, and the society.
The following are responsibilities of social workers as to their field of

1. To help children
2. Assist those life- threatening problems
3. Aid people in overcoming addictions
4. To protect and uphold respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people
as expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
5. Promoting social justice to the people generally and to the people with whom
they work
6. To apply the professional values and principles set out above to their practice
7. They should act with integrity and treat people with compassion, empathy, and
Accountability of social worker is to the clients, colleagues, employers,
professional associations, and to the law. Social workers are accountable for their
actions to the values and principles of the profession, which require them to act in a
reliable, honest, and trustworthy manner. They are answerable to their clients,
professional bodies like registered social workers (RSW), certified social workers
(CSW), licensed social worker (LSW), licensed clinical social workers (LCSW), and
licensed independent social workers (LISW) organization, and the laws promulgated
and enforced by appropriate government agencies.

What’s More
Directions: In the cross diagram, write the rights and responsibilities of a
social worker and you as the learner. And on the inside of the cross, write the
similarities between you and the social worker then answer the questions below.



Guide questions:
1. What are your obligations to enjoy your rights?
2. When can you tell that you are enjoying your rights?
3. As a learner, how can you be responsible to your society?

What is It

Code of Ethics of Social Work

The code of ethics specifies the standards of ethics, conduct, and
performance expected of registered social workers. It is a duty of a social worker to
always protect the health and well-being of people who avail of the services.
A sample of ethical principles and ethical standards here are adapted from the
Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. These principles and
standards set forth ideals to which all social workers should aspire.
1. Value: SERVICE
Ethical Principle: Social workers’ primary goal is to help people in need and to
address social problems.
Ethical Principle: Social workers challenge social injustice.
3. Value: DIGNITY and WORTH of the PERSON
Ethical Principle: Social workers respect the inherent dignity and worth of the
Ethical Principle: Social workers recognize the central importance of human
Ethical Principle: Social workers behave in a trustworthy manner.
Ethical Principle: Social workers practice within their areas of competence
and develop and enhance their professional expertise.

Social workers continually strive to increase their professional knowledge and

skills and apply them in practice. Social workers should aspire to contribute to the
knowledge base of the profession.

Ethical Standards
The following ethical standards are relevant to the professional activities of all
social workers. These standards are concerned with the social workers’ ethical
1. To clients
2. To colleagues
3. In practice settings
4. As professionals
5. To the social work profession; and
6. To the broader society

What’s More

In the candy wrapper, write as many as you can the positive qualities that a
social worker must have. Then answer the follow up questions below.

1. What is the purpose of listing values as part of the Code of Ethics of Social
2. With the standards and values laid on the Code of Ethics of Social Work,
how are you going to live with those standards?
3. Cite one positive quality that you think best fit to a social worker? Explain.

What I Can Do
On the Net!
Go online and search for ‘career opportunities for social workers’. Make a
listing of the top 10 to 15 career opportunities that come out from your research.
Compare your new list with the list in this module. Discuss any new
opportunities that came out.


Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write T on the line if you think the
statement is TRUE. If FALSE, change the underline word or group of words to make
the whole statement true.
1. Social workers keep accurate records.
2. Social workers promote social justice.
3. Social workers deal inappropriately with health and safety risks.
4. Unethical behavior is a must have for social workers.
5. The code of ethics specifies the standards of ethics, conduct, and
performance expected of registered social workers.
6. Social workers respect the rights and dignity of people.
7. Accuracy of data among social workers is verifying the source.
8. Making decisions for the whole based on the personal preference of the social
worker is essential for social work.
9. Social workers keep their professional knowledge and skills up to date so that
they are able to provide appropriate services.
10. Social workers comply with the laws and regulations governing their practice.

Directions: Copy the table in your answer booklet and categorize the words or
a social worker.


a. to fulfilling professional mandates
b. to live by its values
c. to the employers
d. to the clients
e. to help children
f. assist those life- threatening problems
g. aid people in overcoming addictions
h. to the society
i. to protect and uphold respect for the inherent worth and dignity of people.
j. to the law
k. to the professional associations
l. to promote social justice
Lesson 3 The Clientele and
Audiences of Social Work
What I Need to Know
Learning Competencies:
describe the clientele and audience of social work (HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ig-24)
distinguish the needs of individuals, groups, organizations and communities
(HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ig-25)

Look at the following characteristics of some individuals or groups of people:

elderly and retired, staying in a health- care facility or a drug rehabilitation center,
living in a home for the elderly, being a minority, a migrant, a neglected child, an
abused child, and suffering from any type of discrimination. Do you personally know
or have encountered anyone in any of these situations? How would you describe
what they are going through? How do you think their needs can be addressed by a
social worker?

Social workers are there to help the individuals fit into their environment and
change the environment so that it works better for them. At the end of this module,
you should be able to:
1. describe characteristics of clientele and audiences of social work;
2. explain needs of various types of clientele and audiences of social work;
3. describe the individual, group and organization and the community as
client of social work; and
4. identify the settings in which social workers are found.

Source: Sampa, Discipline and Ideas in

the Applied Social Sciences, 88

What I Know

Directions: Match Column A with Column B on the particular agency of social
workers a clientele fits in. Write the letter of your answer on the blank provided
before the number.

1. Drug dependent
2. Neglected children
3. Insane
4. Rape victims
5. Homeless family

a. Mental Hospital
b. Rehabilitation Center
d. Women’s Desk
e. Gawad Kalinga
f. Cemetery

Directions: Describe at least three types of clientele in terms of his/ her age
bracket of social work. Then, answer the question that follow.


Groups and Organizations


1. How do these factors affect the clientele’s normal way of living?


What’s More

Directions: Watch and study the short video clip of Yolanda victims in Leyte then
answer the questions below.
https://ww v=4h212YMol7E
.com/watc 1. How can you be of great help in a situation during Yolanda

What’s New

Here are some of the different views and opinions on the way how social
workers work and handle situations related to their field of specialization.

1. Social workers must be involved not only with the people but also with the
societal factors that contributed to the problem. –National Association of Social
Workers, United States.

2. Social work as a field within human services and a part of services of the
government. It considers social work as an important service to the society
focusing on the individuals and families in need.” - United Nations Economic,
Social and Cultural Organization, 2000

3. Social work as a practice based and academic discipline that promotes change
and social development. - International Federation of Social Workers

4. Social work as a practical profession designed at helping people address their

problems and matching them with the resources they need to lead healthy and
productive lives. - Australian Association of Social Workers

5. Social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human

relationships, empowerment and liberation of people to enhance wellbeing. ” -
IASSW and IFSW, 2004
Source: Magante, Slideshare,accessed January

Characteristics of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work

All people with various social concerns (in terms of being marginalized or
experiencing social injustice or having their rights violated or disrespected) share
characteristic qualities of the clientele audience of social work.
1. Individuals
2. Families
3. Groups
4. Communities

The Individual as Client of Social Work

The individual level is generally work on an individual who has to be assisted to fit in
a larger environment or someone who has been deprived space by the larger
environment calling for change or simply improving one’s ability to cope with it.

The Group and Organization as Client of Social Work

Groups are people existing with similar or common identity. Gay men and
lesbians, migrants, women, abused or neglected children, elderly, pensioners,
veterans, military service men and women, people in conflict with the law,
unemployed, people with substance abuse and addiction represent groups such as
members of an organization or place of employment, or pupils and students in
school setup. We classify them as groups because they form collectivities in terms of
level of services they have to receive.

The Community as Client of Social Work

Community has the largest share in the clientele and audience of social work
because individuals and families are essentially members of the community. A
community may exist as a marginalized sector, and in which case, the social work
services may gear toward their emancipation and empowerment. In some cases,
they may constitute the majority imposing general norms that seek to marginalized
minorities and those different from them. In this case, social work may focus on
community transformations to cause environmental change so as to make it possible
for individuals and groups on the minority to achieve social well-being or social
justice and respect for their rights.
Source: Sampa, Discipline and Ideas in
the Applied Social Sciences, 90

Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work

The needs of clientele and audiences:

1. To be empowered
2. To be socially included by the way of insuring that one receives what is legally
due him/her
3. The one who receive the necessary care he/she receives
4. The right to be respected
5. Justice
6. Social welfare
Source: Sampa, Discipline and Ideas in
the Applied Social Sciences, 89

What’s More

Q & A Time!

Directions: Answer the question inside the happy face icon. Present your
answer by citing at least two (2) situations or scenarios based on the real
happenings in your community.

Is it right to help
every person asking
for financial
assistance? Why?

1. How do these factors affect the clientele’s normal way of living?

What is It

Social Worker Job Description

While the tasks associated with each job vary within the field of social work, some
common social work tasks are listed below.
1. Identify people who need help, such as vulnerable children and older
adults, those struggling with mental illness or addiction, and families
living in poverty.
2. Assess clients’ needs, strengths, and goals, and develop a plan to
support individuals and families as they work toward their goals.
3. Counsel people to manage challenges in their lives such as illness,
loss, unemployment, and family problems, providing connections with
community resources addressing such challenges.
4. Assist individuals and families in meeting basic needs by connecting
them to food assistance resources, child care, and healthcare.
5. Help clients navigate government assistance and benefits programs
such as Medicaid, Social Security Disability Insurance, and food
assistance programs.
6. Respond to crisis situations such as mental health crises and spousal
or child abuse reports.
7. Advocate for access to resources needed to improve people’s lives.

Source: Social Work Guide, accessed January


What’s More


Directions: In your locality, identify the needs and characteristics of the
following clientele of social work. Answer the guide questions below.
1. Abandoned babies
2. Homeless elderly
3. Substance dependent
4. Sexually abused
5. Battered women
6. Person with disability

Guide Questions:
1. Do you need to be a social worker to help someone in need? Why?
2. What are you going to do if you see a mentally deranged woman
roaming around the street?

What I Can Do
Directions: Recall the facts and events surrounding the recent tragic
earthquake that badly hit Cotabato on October 2019 and the recent Volcanic
Eruption of Mount Taal in Batangas on January 2020. Here are some websites of
news and feature articles to help you recall the event:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1lYIDbQ6yg https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Apply your learning of the different audiences of social work by determining

who among the affected ones can be considered as individual clientele, group
clientele, and community clientele. Briefly describe why they are potential audiences
of counselling and how they can be helped through social work.


Directions: Match Column A with Column B on the particular agency of social
workers a clientele fits in. Write the letter of your answer on the blank provided
before the number.

Column A. Column B
1. Drug dependent a. Mental Hospital
2. Neglected children b. Rehabilitation Center
3. Insane c. DSWD
4. Rape d. Women’s Desk
5. Homeless family e. Gawad Kalinga
f. Cemetery
Directions: Describe at least three types of clientele in terms of his/ her age
bracket of social work. Then, answer the question that follow.


1. Individual

2. Groups and Organizations

3. Communities
Lesson 4 The Settings, Processes,
Methods, and Tools
Social Work

What I Need to Know

Learning Competency:
1. Identify the settings in which social workers are found (HUMMS_IASS 12-Ig-26)

Have you met a professional social worker? Are you aware of what he/she
does as a practitioner? Visit the hall nearest you and inquire about their social work
services and what their social workers do on a regular basis.
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. Describe social work in a government setting;
2. Describe social work in a private sector setting;
3. Describe social work in a civil society setting;
4. Describe social work in a school setting; and
5. Describe social work in a community setting.

What I Know

Directions: Supply what are being asked in the following items.
A. Give three government settings where social workers practice.
B. Give two settings in the private sector where social work is needed.
C. Give two settings in civil society where social work is needed.
1. _
2. _
D. Give three school settings where social workers practice.
E. Give two community settings where social workers practice.
What’s More

Directions: Watch and study a short documentary video of social workers in

particular setting and answer the follow up questions. Use the link below for
your reference.
httpswwo httpswwo

With the video you’ve watched, what did you observed?
What particular activities are they involved?

What is It

Different Settings of Social Work

Government Setting
The government setting offers the widest space for a variety of social work
services. Social workers may work on-site at a government agency; at a non-
governmental agency whose client base is generated from their relationship with a
government agency; or in a contracting relationship as independent consultants.

The range of government settings in which social workers practice include:

 Agencies serving children and families, such as foster care agencies;
 Health care settings, including community-based clinics and hospitals;
 Schools;
 Local correctional facilities;
 Settings that serve older adults, such as nursing homes; and
 Agencies serving military veterans and active duty military personnel.

Government agencies social workers perform a variety of professional tasks

and functions for the government agencies, ranging from clinical practice to program
Functions vary from agency to agency but essentially include:
 Case management
 Individual and group therapy
 Psychosocial assessments
 Treatment and discharge planning
 Substance use counseling and treatment
 Administration

Additionally, social workers play a significant role in formulating policies, and

developing program standards and guidance for federal programs. Social workers
who practice in a government agency are usually integrated into a broader
continuum of services along with other disciplines such as physicians, nurses, and
substance abuse counselors.

In the Philippines, there are many other areas in which professional social
workers play a vital role such as in the implementation and monitoring of social
welfare and social development projects under the DSWD or those devolved to the
local government (LGUs) such as the National Household Targeting System for
Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR), Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4 Ps) and
Kapit Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan- Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social
Services (KALAHI-CIDSS). Particularly, professional social workers provide
research-based evidence regarding effectiveness of certain initiatives and socio-
economic measures that are designed to alleviate, reduce, or eradicate poverty in
the country.

Private Sectors Setting

In the private sector, particularly corporate setting, occupational social
work is practiced. The type of social work typically has five structures within which it
generates interventions:
 Employee assistance program
 Labor union services
 Human resource management offices
 Community relations offices
 Organizational development initiatives

Civil Society Setting

The civil society sector sees itself as champion of the people with regard to
ensuring accountability in government services; hence, social workers in civil society
tend to work advocacies of human rights and social justice. Their work ensures the
delivery to concerned sectors and universal basic needs that may range from
physical needs, intellectual development, emotional development, social growth, and
spiritual growth.
Therefore, the social work practice promotes civil society in building strong
social capital through the following measures:
 Mobilizing Community
 Advocacy and Public Communication
 Conflict Transformation
 Promotion of Social Cohesion and Solidarity
 Enabling Environment

School Setting
The school is a social service and within it lies, similar situation that arise
 Violation of human rights
 Injustice
 Violence
 Sexual harassment
 Discrimination

Here, the social workers can facilitate school entry into community,
understanding the community, engagement with community, selecting and
implementing correctly social development intervention, and exit strategically.

Below is a list of possible job functions within a school setting.

 Conducting bio-psychosocial assessments and social histories

 Assessing students for substance use, support systems, physical and
emotional functioning, barriers to academic performance, peer issues,
suicidal/homicidal ideation, and similar issues
 developing and implementing treatment plans and discharge plans that
support student self-determination
 providing direct therapeutic services such as individual, family or group
therapy regarding specific issues
 providing crisis management services, including assessing for safety
 advocating for student services and students’ best interests
 providing case management services including, but not limited to, referrals to
community resources, collaboration with other professionals
 Providing trainings and workshops to teachers, school staff and parents;
 conducting home visits
 Identifying and resolving ethical issues
 managing and supervising staff
 contributing to a multidisciplinary treatment team.

Community Setting

A community consists and represents all kinds of social work services. It is the
locus of social work challenges. It is in the community where human rights of
individuals and groups are denied or violated; it is in the community where injustices
are made and committed; it is in the community where marginalization for individual
and groups occur. (Segal, Gerdes, & Steiner 2005).

Source: Sampa, Discipline and Ideas in

the Applied Social Sciences, 95-98

What’s More

Directions: Below are the photos of different settings of social work. Give your
insights in each photo in at least 3-5 sentences. Then cluster the following photos
according to the five settings where social workers are found. These are as follows:

a. Government c. Civil society e. Community

b. Private sectors d. School
What’s More

Directions: Below are the photos of different settings of social work. Give your
insights in each photo in at least 3-5 sentences. Then cluster the following photos
according to the five settings where social workers are found. These are as follows:

a. Government c. Civil society e. Community

b. Private sectors d. School

1. Hospital 5. Slum Area

2. Home for the Aged


3. Correctional 7. Rehabilitation Center

8. Home for the Girls

4. Public School
What is It

Different Settings of Social Work and Examples

a. Government foster care agencies (children and families), health care
settings, including community-based clinics and hospitals, schools
federal, state or local correctional facilities, settings that serve older adults
(nursing homes).
b. Private Sectors (advocacy consultancy services, employee
assistance program, counselling, policy and program development).
c. Civil Society (child caring and child placing social welfare
agencies, offering services for adoption, foster care, etc.).
d. School public and private schools
e. Community- LGU’s on each barangay, local council, church, people’s

What I H
In general, community setting social work interventions include a wide array of approaches with different th


Directions: Supply what are being asked in the following items. Write your
answers on the given answer booklet.
1. Identify the government setting where social workers practice.
a. private homes and families b. hotels and resorts
c. local correctional facilities d. market
2. Which setting in the private sector those social work is needed?
a. human resource
management offices b. hospitals
c. local correctional facilities d. schools
3. Which setting in civil society that social work is needed?
a. employee
assistance program b. labor union services
c. advocacy and public d. nursing homes
4. Which school setting where social workers practice?
a. mobilizing community
c. discrimination b. conflict transformation
d. case management
5. Give two community settings where social workers practice.
Answer Key
1. Change 1. True
2. Care 2. True
3. Cure 3. False
4. Change 4. True
5. Cure 5. True

What I Know
1. Discrimination - the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of
people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. (Example:
victims of racial discrimination)
2. Human Rights - are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of
race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other
status. (Examples of human rights include the right to life and liberty,
freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression,
the right to work and education)
3. Equality - the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and
opportunities (Example: an organization aiming to promote racial equality)
4. Integrity - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles;
moral uprightness. (Example: He is known to be a man of integrity.)
5. Charity - the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those
in need (Example: financial assistance, relief assistance)



A. Modified TRUE or FALSE
1. T
2. T
3. appropriately
4. Ethical behavior
5. T
6. T
7. Always verifying source
8. T
9. T
10. T

B. Categorize Me!


- To help children - To the clients
- Assist those life- - To colleagues
To fulfill its professional threatening - To employers
mandates problems - To
- Aid people in professional
overcoming associations
addictions - To the law
- To promote
social justice
- To protect and
uphold respect for
the inherent worth
and dignity of people.
- To live by its values


Matching Type
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. E

Answers may vary.

Matching Type
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. E

Answers may vary.


Answers may vary

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. C
Answers may vary

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