Puma M1887 Lever Shotgun Manual

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User’s guide for:

1887 Lever Action Shotgun

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A historical note on the 1887 model

The 1887 Winchester is the only example of a lever action smoothbore shotgun, which has
been a precious prize for collectors.

The Winchester factory produced about 65.000 pieces between 1887 and 1901.

There is an interesting story about this shotgun. At the beginning of the 1880’s the
Winchester Repeating Arms Company asked Mr John Moses Browning to design a shotgun
for them, which could shoot 12 gauge cartridges but which would look like a typical
Winchester rifle. Browning took the job and the result was outstanding: the unique look of
the 1887 Lever Action shotgun.

After J.M. Browning sold the patent for this shotgun to Winchester, he decided to go on a
two-year mission across the US as a member of the Mormon Church. About two months
after the beginning of his mission, he and his fellow traveller arrived into a village in
Georgia and saw the brand new 1887 shotgun shown in a shop window. They went in and
John asked the gunsmith if he could take a look at the shotgun. Once he had the shotgun in
his hands, he handled it with such dexterity that the gunsmith was surprised, and asked
Mr. Browning how a man like him could know Winchester’s new shotgun so well,
considering that no one had ever seen one before.

Browning’s friend promptly replied that the man in front of the gunsmith was the designer
of the shotgun. The gunsmith hastily took the shotgun off John’s hands and chased away
the two. He evidently did not trust the two strange Mormon evangelists.

Nevertheless, speed and loading ease, coupled with the large capacity of the loading tube
were the points of strength of this weapon in those years.

It was used by the agents of the famous Pinkerton Detective Agency to defend stagecoaches
and, a few years later, by Bonnie & Clyde- for far different purposes – in a short barrel

Along the years this shotgun has lost nothing of its charm and it is still used in famous films
such as Terminator 2 and Ghost Rider.

The new Chiappa Model 1887 reflects a piece of American History that is within
everybody’s reach.

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Warnings 4

Range of models 7

Shotgun parts nomenclature 8

Instructions for use 9

Precautions 9

How the Shotgun works 9

Loading of the Shotgun 10

Exploded views and components 12

Extraction 16

Markings 17

Ordinary cleaning 18

Additional maintenance 18

A note about historical design 19

Armi Sport/Chiappa Firearms Warranty 20

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Armi Sport/ Chiappa Firearms is not responsible for damage to objects caused by misuse of the gun or for
injuries to persons or animals, or in case of death, caused voluntarily or involuntarily by the gun user.

Armi Sport/ Chiappa Firearms is not responsible for injuries caused by poor maintenance, misuse of the
gun, unauthorized or improper modifications.

Armi Sport/ Chiappa Firearms declines responsibility for the indirect consequences of any injuries and /
or death of persons or animals, damage to objects caused by use of the gun or by primer explosion, by
bullet’s ricochet, or unsafe loading practices and / or procedure.

The gun you own is an accurate 19th century replica. Consequently its safety devices are limited to the
technological knowledge of the period. Therefore the risks in using a gun like this are higher compared to a
modern design gun.

The complete and full knowledge of your firearm may help you to avoid serious injuries due to lack of
safety devices.

Read the entire manual and learn the proper use of the gun without live ammunition. It is important that
you understand the proper use of this product. The life of the people close to you may depend on your

If the manual is not clear, please contact the dealer where you bought the gun or call the distributor or the
manufacturer by using the contact information provided within this manual.

All our guns are tested in the Armi Sport/ Chiappa Firearms facility. To guarantee the gun is safe, it is sent
to the National Proof House of Gardone Val Trompia – BRESCIA – ITALY - for proof testing.

The Proof House tests the firearm with heavy loads then checks the barrel, chamber and headspace to
make certain the firearm is safe for use with standard factory ammunition.

The National Proof House will put their markings on the gun, according to the Italian law, certifying the
gun is qualified and can be sold.

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1. Read the instructions carefully before use.

2. Be aware that you are handling a firearm; therefore your knowledge and behaviour may affect your
life and those of the people close to you.

3. Reading the manual and a careful examination of the gun are fundamental to avoid any kind of

4. Guns and ammunitions must be kept in different places

5. ALWAYS keep guns and ammunitions out of reach of children.

6. Store the gun in a clean dry and airy place after use to avoid rust in mechanical parts that may cause
serious problems in functioning after a period of inactivity.

7. After use it is always recommended to clean, oil and lubricate the gun with good quality oil.

8. The gun must ALWAYS be stored unloaded, ALWAYS check that the chamber is empty.

9. Being this firearm is a replica of original design, there is no modern safety. Pay great attention during
transportation and use. Mechanical safety devices can fail. Developing intelligent, good safety habits is
the best way to prevent accidents.

10. The only safety is the hammer half cock, read chapter on firearms use. REMEMBER: No mechanical
safety device is infallible.

11. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded when transporting it from home to the shooting areas. Carefully check
that cartridge chamber is empty.

12. Keep away from open flame or heating sources.

13. Use only factory ammunition with specific loads intended for this firearm.

14. When you walk around with the gun in a shooting area, ALWAYS keep the muzzle pointed in a safe

15. Never rest your finger on the trigger until the very moment you wish to shoot.

16. Never lean the weapon loaded and with a closed breech block, it could fall and cause injury and death.

17. Never shoot against a solid surface or in a pool of water, the projectiles could ricochet and shoot toward
any direction.

18. Before shooting ALWAYS check to ensure that the barrel is free of obstructions.

19. After use, clean and lubricate the inside of the barrel with appropriate oil. Avoid grease or oil build up
that can cause excessive pressure and result in serious personal injuries. Before using the gun again,
inspect the barrel and chamber to make certain that there are no obstructions in the bore. Remove any
oil residue with rod and dry patch before shooting.

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20. Accumulation of rust in the barrel can cause excessive pressures resulting in serious injury and may
cause the explosion of the barrel. A rusted, pitted or eroded barrel should be replaced.

21. Always wear shooting glasses when shooting to protect your eyes.

22. Use hearing protection to prevent hearing loss from repeated exposure to gunfire.

23. NEVER modify any parts of your gun. Any alteration may cause serious personal injury and voids the

24. Only a qualified gunsmith may service the gun for repair or serious maintenance.

25. Wash hands thoroughly after shooting and handling firearms to remove any unwanted residues.

26. Use exclusively factory loaded ammunition of the caliber specified on the firearm barrel. Use of different
calibers may cause serious personal injuries to you and to people close to you.

27. In case of misfire, manually extract the cartridge from the chamber.

28. Do not attempt to re-use unexploded ammunitions.

29. Armi Sport/ Chiappa Firearms declines any responsibility for misuse of the firearm.

30. In case of alteration of the firearm, Armi Sport/ Chiappa Firearms declines any civil and penal
responsibility and will not refund any damage.

31. The user is responsible for injuries or damages caused to him or to other persons.

32. Do not use alcohol or drugs before or during shooting session and while handling guns.

33. NEVER run with a loaded gun, don’t cross any obstacle (fences or water courses, etc.) without having
your firearm unloaded and in safety position.

34. Keep all bystanders behind you, standing beside a shooter is not a safe position.

35. Complete knowledge of your firearm can make the difference.

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Armi Sport / Chiappa Firearms is proud to offer
the following1887 LEVER ACTION Shotguns

No. of Barrel
Item code Description Gauge Finishing view
shots length
930.000 1887 LEVER ACTION 12/70 5+1 22” Colour case 12-13
930.001 1887 LEVER ACTION 12/70 5+1 28” Colour case 12-13
930.002 1887 LEVER ACTION 12/70 5+1 22” Chrome 12-13
930.003 1887 LEVER ACTION 12/70 5+1 28” Chrome 12-13
930.004 1887 LEVER ACTION Fast Load 12/70 2 22” Colour case 12-13
930.005 1887 LEVER ACTION Fast Load 12/70 2 22” Chrome 12-13

• ATTENTION: based on each country’s regulation, it is possible on request to limit the number of

• CHOKES: In the classic version, the 1887 Lever Action rifle is supplied with 3 chokes and relevant
key (see specific chapter), with a screw for the front barrel band to be screwed to the plug of the
loading tube and with a screw for the back barrel band to be screwed to the stock.

• The Lever Action FAST LOAD version of the 1887 rifle is supplied with one choke already
assembled, and the relevant key.

• The shotgun, as you will find it in the packaging, does not need assembling and is ready for use.

• Before taking the shotgun out of its packaging, and before loading it and shooting, it is important to
read this manual fully and carefully.

• Armi Sport / Chiappa Firearms will not be responsible for damage caused by malfunctioning of the
product, of for any physical damage, death or property damage caused by intentional or
unintentional shooting. Armi Sport / Chiappa Firearms will not be accountable for criminal use or
negligent use of the rifle, for irresponsible handling and for not considering the safety rules which
must be respected with a loaded weapon. Armi Sport / Chiappa Firearms will not be accountable in
case the shotgun has been modified or altered without our written consent, or in case that defective
or improper cartridges are used, nor in any other case, where the shotgun is employed for any other
use than that originally conceived.
• On request we may add high quality and precious hand engravings in each firearm.

Each firearm is duly submitted to strong testing, to grant the highest

security of the product, by the Italian Proof House in Gardone Valtrompia.

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Essential Parts Nomenclature

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Instructions for use


• Before handling the firearm, be sure it’s unloaded and pointed in a safe direction.
• Before shooting, ALWAYS check to ensure that the barrel is free of obstructions.
• Remove any oil or grease residue with rod and dry patches changing them till they come out
perfectly clean and dry.
• Use hearing protection to prevent hearing loss from repeated exposure to gunfire.
• Always use glasses to protect your eyes from possible chips, gas escapes, , oil, sparks and
other fragments.
• In case of misfire, keep the gun on the shooting line for a few minutes; it could be a delayed
• NEVER dry fire the gun, you may damage the shooting mechanism.
• During loading, pay the utmost attention at what you’re doing - pouring a double charge or
twice a projectile could cause the explosion of the barrel, and severe injuries to you and the
people close to you.
• Remember that safety is your responsibility. Always behave conscientiously and with
common sense.

How the shotgun is working:

• The 1887 model is a classic lever action shotgun with loading tube positioned under the
• The shotgun bears a maximum of 5 shots in the loading tube.
• All the mechanisms for cartridge loading and ejection of the loaded cartridge are operated
by the breech block lever and the inner lever mechanism of the receiver.
• The movement of the hammer allows the cartridge to exit from the loading tube and to be
positioned on the two inner guides of the receiver, when the breech block is still closed.
• The breech block will then, when opening, let the inner guides lift, lifting at the same time
the cartridge which is leaning on them.
• The guides bring the cartridge in alignment with the barrel, and remain in the same
position until the breech block, when closing, brings them to start position.
• The breech block, when closing, pushes the cartridge into the barrel and automatically
cocks the hammer in shooting position.
• Once the breech block is closed the shotgun is loaded, cocked and ready for use.

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Loading of the shotgun:


Our company will not be responsible for physical damage to people, or damage to property,
caused by use of defective, improper, refilled, re-loaded or self-made cartridges.
Employing inadequate cartridges may cause serious damage.
Never use cartridges which do not correspond to the indication mentioned on the barrel.
Always employ cartridges whose length is equal or inferior to that indicated on the barrel.
Always make sure that the cartridge you are employing is the correct calibre and type suited for
your weapon.

The guarantee is not valid for ANY reloaded ammunition.

Standard loading system:

• Before you start loading, check to ensure that the barrel is free of obstructions .
• Remove any oil or grease residues inside the barrel with rod and patch.
• Point the gun in a safe direction.
• Open the breech block and turn it until you see the two inner guides moving.

• At this point you may see, inside the receiver, the entrance of the loading tube and the
• Take the first cartridge and lean it inside the receiver.

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• Push down the two guides pressing the cartridge, and insert the cartridge inside the loading
tube, letting the cursor slide back.
• Once the cartridge is completely inside, gently accompany its way back with your finger (the
cursor will tend to push it back), until it will lean on the two guides and on the pivot, which
will be both slightly lifted. If you take off your finger now, the cartridge will remain inside
the loading tube.
• The cartridge should be loaded with ease.
• If a cartridge is not easily loaded, take it out and check that the loading tube is not
obstructed or damaged.
• Do not employ cartridges with a protruding primer, it could burst.
• Now you may load the other 4 shots in the loading tube in the same way (unless the number
of shots has been reduced according to country regulation).
• Now that the 5 shots are inside the loading tube, close the breech block.
• The hammer will be cocked, but the cartridge is not yet loaded in the barrel.
• In order to put the shotgun in safety, lower the hammer onto the empty cartridge chamber,
so that the cartridge will be positioned on the two inner guides of the receiver and will be
ready for being loaded into the barrel.
• Your shotgun is on safety, with an empty chamber and the hammer lowered.
• Just moving the lever will bring the cartridge into the barrel, and will prepare the shotgun
to shoot.

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1887 Lever Action

Pos. Description Descrizione
1 270028 Strozzatore 1887 Full Strozzatore
1 270038 Strozzatore 1887 Modified Strozzatore
1 270039 Strozzatore 1887 Cylinder Strozzatore
2 730725 Front Sight Mirino
3 710210 Barrel Canna
4 730743 Barrel Band screw Vite Anello Fascetta
5 770401 Barrel Band Anello Fascetta
6 730742 Magazine tube locking screw Vite Fissaggio Tubo Caricatore
7 730736 Magazine tube plug Tappo Tubo Caricatore
8 720095 Magazine spring Molla Caricatore
9 730737 Magazine tube Tubo Caricatore
10 780077 Right forend Astina dx
11 730721 Forend screw washer Rosetta Testa Vite
12 730738 forend front screw Vite Astina Ant
13 730739 forend rear screw Vite Astina Post 87
14 730722 threaded forend washer Rosetta Filettata 87
15 780078 left forend Astina sx 87
16 730723 Magazine follower Cursore Caricatore 87
17 730754 shell detent screw Vite orienta cartuccia
18 790205 left cartridge guide Guida Cartuccia sx 87
19 730740 cartrdige guide screw Vite Guidacartuccia 87
20 730745 trigger spring screw Vite Molla Grilletto 87
21 730746 Tang screw Vite Coda 87
22 790201 receiver Bascula 87
23 780079 stock Calcio 87
24 730109 buttplate screw Vite Calciolo 87
25 790202 buttplate Calciolo 87
26 721117 Hammer spring Molla Cane 87
27 730732 hammer inner washer pin Spina Bussola Interna Cane 187
28 730728 inner washer pin Bussola Interna Cane 87
29 790203 Hammer Cane 87
30 721116 Trigger spring Molla Grilletto 87
31 770403 Trigger Grilletto 87
32 730731 Trigger screw pin Spina Vite Grilletto 87
33 730726 firing pin Percussore 87
34 790206 breech bolt Otturatore 87
35 790207 right cartridge guide Guida Cartuccia dx 87
36 770404 Carrier Bilancere 87
37 130003 Carrier pin Spina Bilancere 87
38 130038 Pin 1,5x7,8 Rullino 1,5x7,8
39 730741 Camme screw Vite Camma 87
40 770398 Camme Camma 87
41 130014 Pin 4x15,8 Rullino 4x15,8
42 720012 Spring 4x13x0,5 Molla 4x13x0,5
43 730727 Extractor link Pistone Estrattore 87
44 720017 Firing pin spring Molla Percussore 87
45 770400 Left extractor Estrattore sinistro
46 730734 Receiver/bolt pin Spina Bascula Otturatore 87
47 730678 Magazine reduction rod Limitatore 87

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List of components
1887 Lever Action

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In order to put the hammer on safety it is necessary to do the following: first of all point the
weapon in the shooting direction, while maintaining a firm hold of the hammer with the
thumb – pull the trigger until the hammer lets off, and ease the hammer down while still
holding the hammer, ease the hammer down to the shooting position, then release the
trigger and return the hammer back to the safety “half cock” position.
• In this position, if you pull the trigger the shotgun will not shoot.
• In order to bring the shotgun back to “ready to shoot” position pull the hammer back into
full cock position.
• WARNING: the shooter should always be aware of the fact that the design of safety devices
– or even the very presence of safety devices – varies significantly by historical arms, which
do not offer the protection against accidental shots which is guaranteed by modern
• The firearm is now ready to shoot, always wear eye and hearing protection.

Loading with Fast Load System

• The shotgun called Fast Load differs from the standard shotgun as it allows to load two
(and only two) cartridges at the same time with a simple movement.
• The simultaneous loading of two cartridges is useful for use in Cowboy Action Shooting.
• It is not possible to employ the 1887 Fast Load shotgun in the traditional way.
• The simultaneous double loading takes place as follows:
o Take your Fast Load System shotgun under your arm and get ready in shooting
position with the empty shotgun.
o WARNING the shotgun will have to be aimed at the target
o Open the breech block pushing the lever to the very bottom, with a strong and firm
o Keep the shotgun pressed against the shoulder with one hand, while taking two
cartridges with the other hand.
o Insert both cartridges inside the receiver, pushing down the two guides
o The operation will be much easier if you keep the barrel slightly low and the
shotgun slightly turned to the left.
o Close the breech block
o Thanks to its mechanical design, the Fast Load shotgun allows one of the two
cartridges to go directly inside the cartridge chamber while the breech block is
being closed, while the other cartridge is pushed inside the loading tube.
o Please note that the Fast Load system is simple to use, but you will obtain the best
performance only with experience and steady training.

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Standard Unloading

• In case that cartridges are still in the loading tube and you want to empty it, first of all make
sure that the cartridge chamber is empty.
• Open the breech block and see that the inside of the receiver is clearly visible.
• You will see that, deep inside the receiver, the cartridge is held in place inside the loading
tube through the pivot and two guides.
• With your fingers push down the pivot and runners
• The cartridge in the tube will come out, pushed by the cartridge behind or by the cursor.
• Now you can take it off with your fingers, or rotate the breech block to have the cartridge
come up in a more comfortable position for manual extraction.
• Repeat the above operations until you have emptied the loading tube completely.

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• After shooting, open the breech block with the breech lever.
• The two pins inside the breech block will eject the cartridge case from the cartridge
• After having completely ejected the cartridge case, the breech block will lift the two
runners and the pivot before its travel end. These parts will push the cartridge case from
the pins.
• A FIRM action will make extraction easier.

Chokes : what they are and how they are used:

• The 1887 Lever Action shotgun is supplied by Armi Sport/Chiappa Firearms, in its
standard version, with three inner chokes included. One is already mounted on the barrel,
and it can be substituted using a special key which is also supplied with the gun.
• Interchangeable chokes allow changing the diameter of the barrel muzzle of hunting

• The choke is cone-shaped and forces the shot to be compressed before being shot out of
the barrel.

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• The possibility to change the muzzle diameter is an efficient system to increase the
ballistic precision of the group. Basically, a different choke will allow a higher or lower
concentration of the shot in the final group.

• The standard choke mounted in the barrel is the “Cylinder” type; its characteristics is that
it does not compress the shot.
o Full (1 notch): it compresses the shot to the most, more suited for longer shots;
o Modified (3 notches) : allows for larger groups, but with a shorter shooting range.

• Unload the shotgun before changing the choke. Leave the breech block open, the chamber
and the loading tube empty before handling the chokes.

• NEVER – ABSOLUTELY NEVER – use this shotgun without mounting a choke

• Regularly check that the choke has not loosened up

• If you oil the barrel thread and choke thread slightly, this will allow for an easy assembling
and disassembling of the choke.

• Attention: it is not necessary to tighten the choke excessively, as you risk damaging the
thread of the barrel and of the choke. Furthermore, once the choke is stuck it is very
difficult to disassemble it.

• Do not use non-original chokes, the company Armi Sport/ Chiappa Firearms will not be
responsible for malfunctioning of the shotgun, death or damage to persons or things, when
a non-original choke has been employed.


- No slot means CYLINDER
- One slot means FULL
- Three slots means MODIFIED

Identifying markings:

Every gun we produce has a serial number that is marked on the barrel. Close to the serial
number you will also find National Proof House markings. On the barrel there is also a
marking with our company name, gun caliber, Made in Italy. For rifles destined to some
countries, a marking in the barrel will also indicate the name of the importer.

These markings must not be removed from the firearm for any

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Ordinary cleaning:

• Attention: a careful and scrupulous ordinary clearing of the firearms is essential to

guarantee its safety and long life
• Every time you use your rifle it is advised to clean it in order to remove all corroding agents
(humidity, powder or lead residues etc.) which can in time alter a few parts.
• In order to perform a standard cleaning, it is sufficient to utilize a good solvent, cleaning oil,
a little brush.
• Always make certain there are no cartridges in the chamber, magazine or action
• Open the breech load lever and bring to light the inner mechanics of the shotgun.
• It is very important to clean the barrel thoroughly; use a good solvent to clean the barrel
inside, then use a clean cloth moistened with the solvent, passing it inside the barrel from
the chamber to the muzzle opening. Pay attention that you don’t scratch the barrel.
• Use a little brush moistened with the solvent, clean the inside of the receiver in order to
clean it thoroughly from any residue of unburnt powder.
• Thoroughly clean the inside of the receiver with a cloth, slightly lubricate metal parts with a
• Verify that the cursor freely slides through the loading tube, and in case lubricate slightly.
To that extent, disassemble the band of the loading tube and use the hole on the loading
tube cap.
• Check that the inner guides inside the receiver slide freely
• For a deeper cleaning, please turn to your local gunsmith

Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance

• Before performing any sort of maintenance, make sure the firearm is unloaded.
• By “ordinary maintenance” we refer to measures the user should take to keep the gun in
good working condition.
• An “Extraordinary maintenance” implies the replacement of broken parts and therefore
disassembling the gun. In this case only authorized personnel or a qualified gunsmith
should take action.
• Also a long period of heavy use or inactivity requires an extraordinary maintenance; your
gun should be taken to a qualified gunsmith to have the action disassembled for
professional cleaning and lubrication.
• Your gunsmith will advise the best lubricant for the proper maintenance of your shotgun.
• Do not leave oil residues when cleaning and lubricating your shotgun.
• Make sure that the mechanism of the weapon is easy; if it starts to stiffen, or if corrosion is
starting on some essential parts, you should bring your rifle to competent, professional
• Do not use pure silicon or lanolin.
• In the following pages you will find exploded views with a list of all parts

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• When ordering parts, it’s important to specify date of purchase, serial number, model,
caliber and item reference of the part/s needed.
• If the gun has a problem that you cannot fix, DO NOT FIRE it but send it to an authorized
center for a check-up. If you try to fix it personally, you may put yourself in serious danger
and the people near you.
• Always pay great attention and handle the rifle very carefully, in order to avoid terrible
accidents which may change your life and that of others.


Armi Sport proudly manufactures finely crafted replica

firearms reproducing famous historical weapons. These
firearms are manufactured using leading edge machinery
and high quality modern materials. They are faithful
reproductions of firearms originally designed in the
nineteenth century; therefore, if you choose to own or
use historical firearms you should be aware that, along
the one hundred or more years past, there have been
significant advances in firearms design and safety.

Armi Sport manufactures these guns not as state of the

art firearms, but as historically significant firearms for
the collector. It is vital that the user be familiar with his
firearm and possible safety risks that may be present in
the design. Most significantly, the user should realize
that the designs of safeties - or even the presence of
adequate safeties - vary significantly on historical
designs and do not offer the protection against
accidental discharge that modern firearms safeties

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Armi Sport Life Guarantee
Limited Life Warranty Declaration

The Armi Sport products mentioned above are warranted against defects in materials and or
workmanship or functioning problems.
The original purchaser of the gun (the private owner who bought the gun from the gun shop or
retailer) will have the right to have his weapon repaired by Armi Sport/Chiappa Firearms free of
charge, and / or parts substituted with the same or similar parts.
In order to access the lifetime guarantee, you have to register your warranty with Armi
Sport/Chiappa Firearms within 3 months from purchase on the following web-site :
www.chiappafirearms .com

If you do not register your purchase within three months

(exclusively for the first purchaser of the shotgun)
the life guarantee will not be valid

If you do not register your warranty, your purchase will still be covered under our Standard

Limits of the Life Warranty

Such warranty will be void if the firearm:
• Has been modified (repairs or unauthorized modification, inadequate or incorrect
• Damaged (improper use of the gun by the user)
• Failed to be provided proper maintenance and cleaning.
This Lifetime Limited Warranty is not extended to components subject to wear and corrosion.
In case non original spare parts are used, the guarantee or any service contract with Armi
Sport will also be void.
Use of non standard ammunition will also void all warranties. Armi Sport/Chiappa Firearms
reserves the unconditional right to inspect any firearm before making any repairs or adjustments
under this warranty.

Use of the Lifetime Warranty

If your firearm requires service, BEFORE shipping it back to the factory you must contact Armi
Sport/Chiappa Firearms, through the dealer / importer of the firearm, and explain in written form
the problem you have found.
We will then issue a Repair Authorization Number (RA Number) and inform the dealer/importer.
The lifetime guarantee is valid only if the original purchaser registers it within three
months from the purchase date under www.chiappafirearms.com - e-mail
[email protected]
The firearm has to be shipped in the original packaging including a proof of the purchase date,
the Warranty sheet and the RA Number.

Damages occurred during transport caused by improper or inadequate packaging are not covered
by warranty.

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Standard Warranty
Standard warranty declaration
1 year only on parts not subject to wear

Limited Warranty extension

The Armi Sport/Chiappa Firearms products mentioned above are warranted against defects in
materials and or workmanship for one year from the date of purchase from the retailer.
Be sure to keep your original retail receipt, you will need it should your firearm
require service.

Limits of standard warranty

Such warranty will be void in case the firearms:
• Has been modified (repairs or unauthorized modification, inadequate or incorrect)
• Damaged (improper use of the gun by the user)
• Failed to be provided proper maintenance and cleaning.
This standard Warranty does not extend to components subject to wear and corrosion.
In case non original spare parts are used, the guarantee or any service contract with Armi
Sport/Chiappa Firearms will also be void.
Use of non standard ammunition will also void all warrantees. Armi Sport/Chiappa Firearms
reserves the unconditional right to inspect any firearm before making any repairs or adjustments
under this warranty.

Use of the Lifetime Warranty

If your firearm requires service, BEFORE shipping it back to the factory you must contact Armi
Sport/Chiappa Firearms, through the dealer / importer of the firearm, and explain in written form
the problem found.
We will then issue a Return Authorization Number (RA Number) and inform the dealer/importer.
The firearm has to be shipped in the original packaging including a proof of the purchase date,
the Warranty sheet and RA Number.

Damages occurred during transport caused by improper or inadequate packaging are not
covered by warranty.

www.chiappafirearms.com - e-mail [email protected]

Should Armi Sport/Chiappa Firearms get aware of a defect of the rifle
during the Limited or Lifetime Guarantee, the defective part will be
substituted free of charge.

This instruction manual must always be stored with the

firearm, and be provided should ownership change

Instructions to fill in the Warranty Service Request form.

Mandatory data to require warranty service are:

1. Repair Number; 2. Customer’s data; 3. Description of the problem found

Should one of the above information be missing, the firearms will NOT be repaired and
will be sent back to the customer’s expenses. - 21 -
www.chiappafirearms.com e-mail [email protected]
Warranty Service Request Form

Please write here the RA number RA# :_____________________

that the Service Center will notify

1. Customer’s data:
Name: _______________________________________________________
Address : _____________________________________________________
City/State : ____________________________________________________
ZIP code and country: _____________________________________________
Phone : ____________________________ Available from ____ to ____ o’ clock
Fax : ____________________________________

2. Product Information:
Warranty service request (Lifetime or standard guarantee):_______________________
Model type : ___________________________________
Serial Number : ___________________________

3. Dealer:
Date of purchase : ______________________________
Name of Dealer/Shop : ____________________
Address : _____________________________________________________

4. Description of the problem:

Description of the problem :

Documents to include: proof of purchase


www.chiappafirearms.com - 22 - e-mail [email protected]

Chiappa’s new 1887 Shotgun is the choice of champions!



Shown with Champion SASS Gunfighter “Lassiter” Tom Wildenauer, New

Lebanon, Ohio. Lassiter is a SASS Gunfighter Champion: 2008
European Overall Champion and Multiple US National Champion,
Midwest Regional and Ohio State champion; he has won the Ohio SASS
State 2009 Championship “Speed Shotgun” competition driving a
Chiappa Firearms Model 1887 Lever Action shotgun with an official time
of 4.99 seconds for 6 shots from the port position and hitting all 6 targets!

www.chiappafirearms.com - 23 - e-mail [email protected]

Armi Sport
di Chiappa Silvia & C Snc
Via Milano N°2 Azzano Mella (BS)
Tel. 030 9749065 Fax 030 9749232
email: [email protected]

Kimar Srl
Via Milano N°2 Azzano Mella (BS)
Tel. 030 9749065 Fax 030 9749232
email: [email protected]

Chiappa Firearms, Ltd.

6785 W. Third Street
Dayton, OH 45427 USA
Tel. 937-835-5000
email: [email protected]

www.chiappafirearms.com - 24 - e-mail [email protected]

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