Bonifacio V RTC Makati Digest

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G.R. No. 184800, May 5, 2010

Brion, J.

Petitioners Bonifacio et al were charged with the crime of libel after private respondent
Gimenez, on behalf of Yuchengco family and Malayan Insurance Co., filed a criminal complaint
before the Makati City Prosecutor for libel under Article 355 in relation to Article 353 of the
Revised Penal Code .
The complaint alleged that petitioners, together with several John Does, publicly and maliciously
with intention of attacking the honesty, virtue, honor and integrity, character and reputation of
Malayan Insurance Co. Inc., and Yuchengco family for exposing them to public hatred and
contempt, and published in the said website a defamatory article
persuading the public to remove their investments and policies from the said company. This is
after the petitioners filed to seek their redress for their pecuniary loss under the policies they
obtained from the company. Makati City Prosecutor, after finding probable cause to indict the
petitioners, filed separate information against them.
Petitioners filed before the respondent RTC of Makati a Motion to Quash on the grounds that it
failed to vest jurisdiction on the Makati RTC; the acts complained of in the Information are not
punishable by law since internet libel is not covered by Article 353 of the RPC. Petitioners
maintained that the Information failed to allege a particular place within the trial courts
jurisdiction where the subject article was printed and first published or that the offended parties
resided in Makati at the time the alleged defamatory material was printed and first published,
and the prosecution erroneously laid the venue of the case in the place where the offended
party accessed the internet-published article.

ISSUE: Did the RTC of Makati acted with grave abuse of discretion in admitting the amended
information despite the failure to allege that the libelous articles were printed and first published
by the accused in Makati?

RULING: YES. Venue is jurisdictional in criminal actions such that the place where the crime
was committed determines not only the venue of the action but constitutes an essential element
of jurisdiction. The venue of libel cases where the complainant is a private individual is limited
to only either of two places, namely: 1) where the complainant actually resides at the time of the
commission of the offense; or 2) where the alleged defamatory article was printed and first
The Amended Information in the case opted to lay the venue by stating that the offending article
was first published and accessed by the private complainant in Makati City. In other words, it
considered the phrase to be equivalent to the requisite allegation of printing and first publication.
This is wrong. For the court to hold that the Amended Information sufficiently vested
jurisdiction in the courts of Makati simply because the defamatory article was accessed therein
would open the floodgates to the libel suit being filed in all other locations where
the pepcoalition website is likewise accessed or capable of being accessed. This goes against the
purpose as to why Republic Act No. 4363 was enacted. It lays down specific rules as to the
venue of the criminal action so as to prevent the offended party in written defamation cases from
inconveniencing the accused by means of out-of-town libel suits, meaning complaints filed in
remote municipal courts

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