The Impact of Leadership Styles On Innovation - A Review

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The impact of leadership styles on innovation - a review

Article  in  Journal of Innovation Management · January 2016

DOI: 10.24840/2183-0606_003.004_0004


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4 authors, including:

Peter Kesting John P. Ulhøi

Aarhus University Aarhus University


Jiwen Lynda Song

University of Leeds


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Journal of Innovation Management Kesting, Ulhøi, Song, Niu
JIM 3, 4 (2015) 22-41

The impact of leadership styles on innovation

management - a review and a synthesis
Peter Kesting1, John P. Ulhøi1, Lynda Jiwen Song2, Hongyi Niu3
Department of Business Administration, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Bartholins Allé 10, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark, Tel: +45 87164965
{petk, jpu},
School of Business, Renmin University of China
[email protected]
Martin Bencher Professional Shipping and Forwarding Services
[email protected]

Abstract. This paper reviews the insights that research offers on the impact of
different leadership styles on innovation management. To do so, we develop a
framework structuring existing insights into four generic dimensions: people,
means, effects, and goals. Based on this framework, we review studies on:
directive and participative leadership, interactive leadership, charismatic
leadership, transformational leadership, transactional & instrumental leadership,
strategic & CEO leadership, and shared & distributed leadership. We find strong
indications that different innovation stages and types raise different demands on
leadership. Against this background, transformational leadership is not the only
style to lead innovations, but different leadership styles fit differently well with
different innovation types and stages. However, the specification of this fit is still
very incomplete and the answer to the question of how to lead innovations
remains sketchy. Before closing, future research needs as well as practical
implications are addressed.
Keywords: Leadership styles, Innovation, Leadership, Transformational

1 Introduction

There are strong indications that leadership is important for innovation management
(Nadler and Tushman, 1990; Denti and Hemlin, 2012). Leadership plays a decisive role
in enhancing organizational creativity (Mumford et al., 2002; Amabile et al., 2004),
launching and driving innovation projects (Stoker et al., 2001; Bossink, 2007), and
implementing innovation projects and overcoming resistance (Gilley et al., 2008).
Somech (2006) concludes that corporate leaders are the key drivers, who either promote
or inhibit innovation management in the organization. According to Bel (2010),
different leadership styles are likely to have different impacts on employee involvement
and commitment, which in turn influence the climate for innovation management.
Deschamps (2005) goes even further, saying that the failure of innovation projects is
most likely due to ineffective leadership skills (see also Bass 1990b).
Against this background, it is hardly surprising that a large number of publications have

ISSN 2183-0606 22
Journal of Innovation Management Kesting, Ulhøi, Song, Niu
JIM 3, 4 (2015) 22-41

already addressed various aspects of the relation between leadership and innovation
management (Rickards and Moger, 2006). Since sketching the relationship between
leadership and innovation in general is too complex a topic for a single paper, the focus
of this review is exclusively on leadership styles with regard to innovation
management. The main advantage of focusing on leadership styles is that they are
representative of different lines of thought and comprehensive at the same time. Of the
different leadership styles that have been identified and described over the years, we
will only focus on those that have already established significant links to innovation
management. Relevant contributions can be both, conceptual or empirical. What counts
is that they explicitly and substantially contribute to the knowledge about the links
between a certain leadership style and innovation management. In this paper, we will
review how these links have been conceptualized and look at available empirical
We do not believe that a mere survey of peer-reviewed journal articles gives an accurate
picture of the relevant research body, therefore scholarly essay collections and
monographs are also included. Specifically, an initial search has been grounded on the
authors’ previous knowledge of the field as well as on a systematic search in the
database: “Business Source Complete – EBSCOhost”. The terms used for the search
did not only include the generic terms “leadership” and “innovation”, but also related
terms like “manager”, “change agents”, “champions”, “change” and “transformation”
(a detailed account of all used keywords and the number of hits can be obtained from
the authors). However, to get a more comprehensive picture of the research body we
also included publications referenced by reviewed articles. Additionally we followed
up the forward citations (“cited by”) of some key publications in Google Scholar.

2 Key constructs
2.1 Leadership

According to the definition of Bass (1990a: 19), “leadership consists of influencing the
attitudes and behaviors of individuals and the interaction within and between groups
for the purpose of achieving goals.” Chemers (1997) defines leadership as “a process
of social influence in which one person is able to enlist the aid and support of others in
the accomplishment of a common task.” Because of their general acceptance among
scholars, we have taken these definitions as a conceptual foundation for this review.
They imply the existence of four generic dimensions in leadership:
People – By its very nature, leadership is a supra-individual concept that requires a
logical distinction between leaders and followers. This distinction can be explicit or
implicit, temporary or persistent, but without it, leadership is pointless.
Means – The essence of leadership is that leaders lead, i.e. they carry out certain
activities in order to direct or influence followers. The review below will show that
these means can include very heterogeneous activities like coaching, empowering, or
even servicing. But without such activities there is no leadership.
Effects – The effect of leading is to induce a certain reaction in the followers, i.e. to
make them follow. The review will show that the effects can include very 23
Journal of Innovation Management Kesting, Ulhøi, Song, Niu
JIM 3, 4 (2015) 22-41

heterogeneous reactions, like increased enthusiasm or commitment, implicit

convictions, the rational optimization of rewards, etc. But without any effect,
leadership efforts go nowhere.
Goals – Leadership is ultimately associated with certain goals. These goals can be broad
visions of promising future states, but they can also be very concrete targets. In either
case, leadership points towards a direction. In the context of this paper, goals are
essential as leadership here is always directed towards the goal of innovation – this is
what this review is about.
The four dimensions (people, means, effects and goals) allow for systematizing the
review of the specific leadership styles as they organize logical distinct elements in a
consistent way. This allows for creating a systematic and stringent overall analytical
framework, making it much easier to compare across leadership styles with regard to
the 'essence' of leadership (i.e. the four dimensions). To our knowledge, the “people-
means-effects-goals framework” has not been used by other researchers so far.
According to House and Aditya (1997: 451), the term of leadership styles refers “to the
manner by which leaders express specific behaviors.” Leadership styles are important,
since they represent different ways of practicing leadership. In relation to this, the traits
of leaders reflect the ability of individuals to practice specific leadership styles.
Contextual factors shape the conditions for different leadership styles, specifically the
effects they have and the goals that they serve. Therefore, contextual factors cannot
simply be added as a “fifth dimension” to the framework; instead, the framework is
only valid with respect to specific contextual factors. Against this background, the
differences in leadership styles can be specified in terms of the four key dimensions of
the “people-means-effects-goals framework”. That not all key dimensions have been
specified with regard to a specific leadership style does not mean that they do not exist,
only that the research is incomplete.
Although there are several constructs closely related to leadership, lack of space means
that the discussion of this relationship remains very short. While there have been
countless discussions about the relation between leadership and management (Yukl,
1989; Kelley and Lee, 2010), the essence of leadership is that it includes both formal
and informal authority, and that it has a very strong focus on the (new) goals to be
achieved. Management research is included inasmuch as it meets these criteria. The
same applies for other related constructs like change agents (Nikolaou et al., 2007),
champions (Howell and Higgins, 1990), etc.

2.2 Innovation

There are perhaps at least as many definitions of innovation management as there are
of leadership. According to a rather broad definition by Baregheh et al. (2009: 1334),
“Innovation is the multi-stage process whereby organizations transform ideas into
improved products, service or processes, in order to advance, compete and differentiate
themselves successfully in their marketplace.” Amabile et al. (1996: 1155) understand
innovation management as the “successful implementation of creative ideas within an
organization.” Creativity is therefore a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for
innovation (Amabile et al., 2004). However, we know of no conceptualization that does
not qualify innovation as a kind of change. Therefore, change is broadly understood as 24
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JIM 3, 4 (2015) 22-41

the genus of innovation, and innovation is broadly understood as a subset of change

(there is no innovation without change). Differences in the conceptualization of
innovation result from different specifications of change (the differentia) with regard
to substance (what is the subject of change) and impact (what types of change count as
innovation). Since leadership and innovation are too broad concepts to be addressed in
one review paper, we limit our focus on research contributions investigating the effects
of different leadership practices (leadership styles) on innovation processes (innovation
It is generally assumed (and this is important for this review) that innovations are
typically complex procedures, consisting of a variety of different activities. One
classical approach to structure this complexity is the distinction between different
innovation stages or phases, like the distinction between ideation and implementation
(Amabile et al., 1996; Anderson et al. 2004) or the distinction between
conceptualization, development, and commercialization (Stemberg, Kaufman and
Pretz, 2004). Creativity is typically seen as an element of the ideation or
conceptualization stage and the impact of different leadership styles on creativity is
therefore included in this review, but only inasmuch as it relates to innovation (and
limited to insights that research offers on leadership). Another classical distinction is
that between different innovation types with regard to substance (for instance: product,
process, organizational, and market innovation, Schumpeter 1934) and impact (for
instance: radical and incremental innovation, Dosi 1982). Also more specific elements
of the innovation process have been distinguished, like R&D, resistance and path
dependence, creativity, task completion, and others.
These distinctions are relevant for this review because there are strong indications that
different activities make different demands on leadership (Nijstad and de Dreu, 2002;
Anderson et al., 2004; Gilley A. et al., 2008, see also the review below). This has an
important impact on goal setting. With regard to leadership, it is not sufficient to specify
the goal as being merely “innovation” as such, but it is necessary to distinguish between
different stages, types and specific elements that are functionally related to innovation.
We argue that leadership styles are relative to these more specific innovation aspects.
The question is then how different leadership styles contribute to the achievement of
these more specific, innovation-related goals.

3 Leadership styles and innovation

This section reviews the insights produced by research into different leadership styles
with regard to innovation management. Among the different leadership styles available
in the literature, we have selected only those who make substantial contributions, and
are thus already related to innovation management. We review each style separately
and focus on the insights with regard to the four key dimensions: people, means, effects,
and goals. Here, we proceed as follows: People – most of the contributions do not make
people an issue and many implicitly assume that there is only one leader. We have only
included research that explicitly addresses this issue. Means – we have reviewed
insights into how leaders are supposed to act (conceptually) and also how they actually
practice leadership (empirically). Effects - we have reviewed empirical insights into the
effects of the different leadership styles on followers. Goals – we have reviewed 25
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JIM 3, 4 (2015) 22-41

empirical indications for the support of innovation-related goals by the different

leadership styles. For instance, Elenkov et al. (2005) offer empirical indications that
strategic/CEO leadership can be supportive to achieve organizational innovations. That
strategic/CEO leadership is the only leadership style that has been associated with
organizational innovation in this review does not mean that no other styles have the
potential to do so, but that to date no empirical support has been given for any other
leadership style to do so. We conclude each section with a “profile”, summarizing the
most important findings with regard to the four key dimensions of leadership.
3.1 Directive and participative leadership

According to Lornikova et al. (2013: 573), directive leadership “is associated with a
leader’s positional power and is characterized by behaviors aimed at actively
structuring subordinates’ work by providing clear directions and expectations regarding
compliance with instructions.” In contrast to that, Somech (2006: 135) defines
participative leadership as “shared influence in decision making”. In both cases, the
final decision-making power rests with the leader. The main differences relate to both
the extent to which leaders consult with followers and the extent to which followers are
allowed to express their opinion in the decision-making process. We discuss both styles
jointly in this section to compare insights regarding the impact of different forms of
participation on innovation. Basically, directive and participative leadership are to be
seen as opposite ends of a continuum. However, we acknowledge a potential confusion
in the structure. In consequence, we have separated them as LS1a and LS1b in table 1,
2 and 9.
Research offers a few insights into the means, i.e. how directive and participative
leadership are executed in innovation projects. In her case study, Kanter (1982) finds
that directive leaders drive innovation processes by controlling, monitoring, instructing,
and hierarchical influence. Somech (2006: 140) specifies that directive leaders provide
“team members with a framework for decision making and action in alignment with
the superior’s vision.” Burpitt and Bigoness (1997) found that participative leaders
succeeded in encouraging team-level innovation by getting involved early, and staying
involved throughout the entire project, but giving team members the freedom to
develop new solutions at the same time.
Research on innovation provides evidence on the specific benefits of directive and
participative leadership with regard to different innovation-related goals. On the one
hand, research shows that directive leadership is particularly beneficial for establishing
clear rules (Somech, 2006). On the other hand, several studies show that participative
leadership stimulates creativity and the development of new ideas (Frischer, 1993;
Nijstad et al., 2002). Possibly as a side effect of that, Yan (2011) found in a study of
201 companies that participative leadership generally raises the conflict level during
the innovation period. This line of research gives the general impression that
participative leadership is beneficial during the early innovation stages, whereas
directive leadership may be required more in the later stages. With regard to innovation
types, Stoker and colleagues (2001) found that participative leadership is particularly
supportive for product innovations and R&D. 26
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Table 1. Profile of existing research on directive leadership (LS1a).

People Means Effects Goals

Controlling, monitoring, instructing,
One leader hierarchical influence Establishing
(direct) Providing a framework for decision clear rules
making and action

Table 2. Profile of existing research on participative leadership (LS1b).

People Means Effects Goals

Innovative Ideation
One leader Freedom to develop solutions climate Product
(consult) Early involvement in projects Increased innovation
conflict level R&D

2 Interactive leadership

The concept of interactive leadership dates back to a study of female leaders by Rosener
(1990). In this study, Rosener singled out four core characteristics of interactive
leadership: encouragement for participation, widespread sharing of information and
power, efforts to enhance self-worth of employees, and energizing employees for
different work tasks. With regard to innovation, Bossink (2004: 216) has specified that
the interactive leader “empowers others to innovate, cooperates with them to innovate
and shows them how to become innovation leaders in the organization themselves.” In
this sense, not only individuals, but also teams can be empowered (Burpitt and
Bigoness, 1997). However, in contrast to distributed and shared leadership, this
empowerment is restricted (typically to a project or functional base) and still carried
out under the control of the interactive leader. In this sense, empowered leaders act as
delegates of the interactive leader.
Research shows that interactive leadership typically involves some kind of guidance,
showing empowered employees how to innovate by coaching and providing them with
other relevant support (Bossink, 2007). Markham (1998) found that interactive leaders
have also used cooperative tactics to direct the activities of empowered employees.
Regarding the effects, research demonstrates that interactive leadership is particularly
suited to encourage followers to participate and contribute, and that this has a positive
effect on the innovation climate, raising the general level of enthusiasm about
innovation (Bossink, 2004). However, some researchers argue that this leadership style
may not be sufficient for innovation due to its inherent lack of a specific future vision,
and thus recommend carrying it out in combination with other leadership styles (1998;
Norrgren et al. 1999).
Regarding the goals, research offers some evidence that interactive leadership does
indeed contribute to firm innovativeness. In their investigation of 60 teams in 20
companies, Burpitt et al. (1997) found that teams have been most innovative when 27
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actively engaged and empowered. Bossink’s (2004) case study gives some indication
that interactional leadership can contribute to the success of innovation projects. There
is no further specification of innovation stages or types, however.
Table 3. Profile of existing research on interactive leadership (LS2).

People Means Effects Goals

Temporary Encouraging participation
empowerment of Unspecified
One leader Raising enthusiasm positive effect on
individuals or teams
(delegate) Emphasizing involvement innovativeness and
Coaching, guiding, innovation success
supporting Creating Commitment

3.3 Charismatic leadership

According to Weber, charismatic leadership is “resting on devotion to the exceptional

sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual person” (1921/78: 215). In
the same vein, Shamir et al. (1993) argue that creating a sense of collective identity is
essential to being a charismatic leader.
With regard to the means of leadership, there is some solid empirical indication that
charismatic leaders lead innovation projects primarily on the basis of their “behavior,
beliefs, and personal example” (House et al., 1991: 336; see also Eisenbach et al.,
1999). Personal engagement mediates this effect (Nohe et al., 2013). Several studies
have reported that charismatic leaders typically attract followers by visualizing a
promising future rather than creating dissatisfaction with the status quo (Nadler and
Tushman, 1990; Ford and Ford, 1994; Pawar and Eastman, 1997).
There is ample evidence that charismatic leadership can increase commitment, generate
energy, and direct individuals towards new objectives, values or aspirations (Nadler
and Tushman, 1990; James and Lahti, 2011). Avolio et al. (1991) have noted that
charismatic leaders create admiration, respect, loyalty, and a collective sense of
mission. In accordance with that, other studies have established a positive link between
charismatic leadership and perceived team innovativeness (Eisenbach et al., 1999;
Paulsen et al., 2009).
However, there are strong indications that charisma alone is not sufficient to make
innovations a commercial success (Nadler and Tushman, 1990). In a study by Bossink
(2004), the failure of an innovation project was found to be related to the inability of a
charismatic leader to participate in a knowledge network and collect professional
information. Bossink further supports this finding in a follow-up study (2007: 140),
finding that a charismatic leader was not able to “absorb useful information and
knowledge during the project.” These results support the conviction of many
researchers that, although charismatic leadership supports the creation of an innovative
mindset, it has to be complemented by other leadership qualities in order to ensure
organizational transformation successfully (Bass, 1985; Nadler and Tushman, 1990). 28
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Table 4. Profile of existing research on charismatic leadership (LS3).

People Means Effects Goals

Creating commitment, loyalty and
Personal example a sense of collective mission
One leader Visualizing a Generating energy
(direct) promising future Execution
Directing individuals towards new
Leader engagement objectives
Low absorption of information

3.4 Transformational leadership

Transformational leadership was originally introduced by Burns (1979) and further

developed by Bass (1985). It has generally been understood as a further development
of charismatic leadership (Smith, et al., 2004); some studies even use the two concepts
almost interchangeably (Paulsen et al., 2009). Yukl (1989) sees the main motivation of
transformational leadership research in the conceptualization of an appropriate style to
transform organizations. Against this background, transformational leadership is also
the most actively researched leadership style with regard to innovations and change.
Much research has been concerned with the question of what leaders have to do, in
addition to charismatic leadership, to master the innovation process successfully. Here,
particularly Avolio et al. (1991: 22) have singled out that, besides “idealized
[charismatic] influence”, “inspirational motivation”, “intellectual stimulation”, and
“individualized consideration” are the most important elements of transactional
leadership. Bass (1990b) emphasizes the necessity to work on goals jointly and to keep
followers continuously updated. With specific regard to innovations, Howell and
Higgins (1990) establish a link between transformational leaders and “champions” that
envision and motivate others, have extraordinary personalities, know exactly what to
do, and are able to take risks.
Research also offers various insights into the effects of transformational leadership on
followers in an innovation context. They are very similar to insights into charismatic
leadership since transformational leadership also increases self-efficacy, raises intrinsic
motivation, and contributes to employees’ psychological empowerment (Gumusluoğlu
and Ilsev, 2009; Paulsen et al., 2013); influences followers’ attitudes optimistically and
creates an overall positive culture (McColl-Kennedy and Anderson, 2002); and raises
followers’ performance expectations, transforms their personal values and self-
concepts, and moves them to a higher level of needs and aspirations (Jung et al., 2003;
Kahai et al., 2003). In addition, some authors have found that transformational
leadership could increase the level of trust (Dirks and Ferrin 2002; Jung, et al. 2003).
Ultimately, however, there is no agreement about whether transformational leadership
can fulfil its aspirations and overcome the shortcomings of charismatic leadership.
Gumusluoğlu and Ilsev (2009) are rather positive, and argue that, in contrast to
charismatic leaders, transformational leaders not only promote innovative activities
within the organization, but also ensure their market success. However, Jamaludin and
Rahman (2011) are much more skeptical. In a recent study, they conclude that
transformational leadership seems to be more appropriate for stimulating creativity and 29
Journal of Innovation Management Kesting, Ulhøi, Song, Niu
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generating ideas than for implementing innovations. Similarly, Nadler and Tushman
(1990) suggest a combination of charismatic and instrumental leadership for
organizational transformation, and Bass and Avolio (1994) a combination of
transformational and transactional leadership. All in all, the strong link between
transformational and charismatic leadership seems to reveal a basic common sense
among many researchers, namely that innovations require strong, “charismatic” leaders
which is in line with early concepts of entrepreneurship, e.g. Schumpeter (1934).
Table 5. Profile of existing research on transformational leadership (LS4).
People Means Effects Goals
Personal example Increasing self-efficacy
Visualizing a promising Raising intrinsic motivation Ideation
future Psychological empowerment Implementa-
One leader Inspiring motivation Creating a positive culture tion (?)
(consult or Intellectual stimulation and trust
delegate) Radical
Individualized Raising performance innovations (?)
consideration expectations
Updating followers Creating needs and
continuously aspirations

3.5 Transactional/instrumental leadership

The key principles of transactional leadership date back several decades, however, the
concept has been shaped together with transformational leadership by Burns (1979).
While there have been intense discussions about the relationship between the two
leadership styles (Bass, 1990b; Bass and Avolio, 1994; Jamaludin and Rahman, 2011),
researchers agree that, unlike transformational leadership, transactional leadership is
not focused on change. Its basic approach is to lead by clear definition and
communication of work tasks (Avolio et al. 1991) and rewards and punishments, (Bass,
1990a; Eisenbach et al., 1999) focusing on the basic needs of the followers (Daft 2001).
The concept of instrumental leadership is less widespread in research. Like
transactional leaders, instrumental leaders also employ rewards and punishments, but
focus more on goal-setting and control (Nadler and Tushman, 1990).
Research offers various insights into how transactional/instrumental leadership has
been specifically applied to innovation projects. Daft (2001), for instance, found that
leaders identify their followers’ needs and design exchange processes based on these
needs. Bass (1990b) proposes basing incentives on ‘contingent rewards’ (rewarding
good performance and recognizing accomplishments) and ‘management by exception’
(active and passive search for deviations from existing rules and standards). Sillince
(1994) suggests setting up clear goals, defining tasks and responsibilities, establishing
standards, and also drafting action plans. In her case study, Bossink (2007) found that
leaders hired external professionals to keep projects on track. Regarding the effects of
transactional/instrumental leadership, studies show that followers indeed develop
expectations about rewards that they receive in exchange for meeting a
transactional/instrumental leader’s expectations (Tracey and Hinkin, 1998), and that
they act rather rationally in accordance with this (Deluga, 1990). 30
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In general, transactional leadership is mostly seen as a means to keep things on track

during the implementation phase (Howell and Avolio, 1993), and less suitable for the
stimulation of new ideas (Pieterse et al., 2010). Thus, Keller (1992) stated that
incremental innovations might be better led by transactional leaders, while radical
innovations might be better led by transformational leaders. Sillince (1994) suggests
that transactional leadership might be particularly suited to product innovations and
R&D teams, since it helps achieve straightforward goals. However, Bossink (2004)
presents a case where transactional leadership has worked during all the stages.
Table 6. Profile of existing research on transactional/instrumental leadership (LS5).

People Means Effects Goals

Clear definition and
communication of work Forming clear Implementation, task
tasks expectations completion
One leader Contingent rewards Incremental innovations (?)
(direct) Rational
Management by exception optimizing of Product innovations (?)
Detection of needs: reward rewards Ideation (?)
and punishment

3.6 Strategic and CEO leadership

“The study of strategic leadership focuses on executives who have overall

responsibility for an organization” (Finkelstein and Hambrick, 1996: 2). Several
researchers have pointed to the particular importance of strategic decision-makers (and
their hierarchical power) in advancing organizational innovation (Bossink, 2004;
Michaelis et al., 2009; Makri and Scandura, 2010). The basic idea here is that CEOs
and other upper-echelon decision-makers can use their institutional power “to initiate
changes that will create a viable future for the organization” (Ireland and Hitt, 2005:
With regard to the means of CEO/strategic leadership, findings point in two directions
in particular: On the one hand, strategic leaders shape the organizational environment
by creating organizational structures, processes, and a culture that support innovation
(Michaelis, et al., 2009; Sternberg et al., 2004). On the other hand, strategic leaders
serve important innovation roles in that they advance new ideas from the
conceptualization phase to the development and commercialization phase (Sternberg et
al., 2004; Wong, 2013), and devote substantial time to discussing technical matters and
detailed designs (Nam and Tatum, 1989). Research has also shed light on the
importance of personal traits that strategic decision-makers need to become successful
strategic/CEO leaders. Elenkov et al. (2005) point to a person’s ability to anticipate,
envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others, and Harmsen
et al. (2000) to commitment and the ability to take risks. None of these authors mention
charisma, which again underlines the difference between strategic/CEO and
charismatic/transformational leaders. As regards the effects, Norrgreen et al. (1999)
found that strategic/CEO leadership generally facilitates employees’ innovative
capabilities. Concerning the goals, Elenkov et al. (2005) provide some indications that
strategic/CEO leadership is suited to supporting both product and organizational 31
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Table 7. Profile of existing research on strategic/CEO leadership (LS6).

People Means Effects Goals

Shaping Implementation
One leader organizational Enhance followers’
Product innovation
(direct or environment competences and
delegate) innovative capabilities Organizational
Advancing ideas innovation

3.7 Shared and distributed leadership

Both shared and distributed leadership challenge the (often implicit) assumption of
previous leadership styles, that there is only “one person in charge and the others
follow” (Pearce et al., 2009: 234). According to Pearce et al. (ibid.), “Shared leadership
can be understood as a dynamic, unfolding, interactive influence process among
individuals, where the objective is to lead one another toward the achievement of
collective goals.” In contrast, in the case of distributed leadership, there are multiple
leaders within a group (Mehra et al., 2006). According to Harris (2007), the main
difference between the two styles is that distributed leadership focuses on the allocation
of power and management skills, while shared leadership focuses on the mutual
influences among team members or team leaders.
In the case of innovation, research particularly emphasizes the importance of coaching
and guidance in making sure that teams are on the right track (Muethel and Hoegl,
2010). Additionally, Friedrich et al. (2010) point to the importance of rewards in
motivating distributed leaders, thereby establishing a link between distributed and
transactional/instrumental leadership. Barry (1991) points to the importance of trust for
distributed leadership. This trust relates to people, and not (as with transformational
leadership) to a future vision. Hackman (1990) found that commitment is important for
distributed leaders, but also that leaders have a dynamic and open attitude, expertise in
managing autonomous teams, and strong communication skills. However, according to
Barry (1991), the flip side of the coin is that distributed leadership is time-consuming
and difficult.
To date, there are only few empirical insights into the impact of distributed leadership
on innovations. Pearce and Manz (2005) argue that shared leadership appears to be
especially important for continuous innovation; but there is no further specification of
innovation stages or types.
Table 8. Profile of existing research on existing research on shared/distributed leadership (LS7).

People Means Effects Goals

Multiple leaders Coaching and guiding

Trust in people Continuous
(shared or Rewards
Negative: High effort innovation
distributed) Commitment 32
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4 Discussion and conclusion

Table 9 lists the key findings of the previous sections regarding the four key
dimensions: people, means, effects, and goals.
Table 9. Structured integration of insights into the different leadership styles in relation to
One leader
Multiple leaders
Direct (LS1a, LS3, LS5, LS6)
Shared (LS7)
Consult (LS1b, LS4)
Distributed (LS7)
Delegate (LS2, LS4, LS6)
Shaping the micro climate Supporting people and projects
Personal example
Creating structure and Coaching, guiding (LS2, LS4, LS7)
(LS3, LS4)
Processes (LS5, LS6) Detection of needs, serving (LS4)
Visualizing future
Shaping the culture (LS6) Acquiring external expertise (LS5)
(LS3, LS4)
Involvement Creation of innovative structures
Leader involvement in projects (LS1b, LS3, Goal setting, tasks and responsibilities
LS4, LS5, LS7) (LS1a, LS5)
Followers’ involvement (LS1b, LS4, LS7) Directing (1a, 5); Controlling, monitoring
Empowering and autonomy (LS1b, LS2, (LS1a, LS5)
LS4, LS7) Reward and punishment (5)
Attitudes Mindset
Energizing, enthusiasm (LS2, Directing towards new
In people (LS4)
LS3, LS4) objectives (LS3, LS4)
In structure (LS5, LS7)
Loyalty (LS3, LS4, LS7) Innovative climate (LS1b,
In visions (LS3, LS4)
Commitment (LS2, LS3, LS4) LS3, LS4, LS7)
Negative effects Enhancing of followers’
Specific activities (LS1a, LS5)
High effort (LS7) competences and capabilities
Involvement (LS2, LS3, LS4,
Increased conflict (LS6)
level (LS1b) Directing individuals towards new
Rational optimization (LS5)
objectives (LS3)
Product innovation (LS1b, LS5, LS6)
Ideation (LS1b, LS3, LS4) Process innovation (LS1a, LS6)
innovation (LS5)
Implementation (LS1a, Administrative innovation (LS6)
LS5, LS6) Resistance, task completion (LS1a,
innovation (LS4)
LS1a – directive leadership LS4 – transformational leadership
LS1b – participative leadership LS5 – transactional/ instrumental leadership
LS2 – interactive leadership LS6 – strategic/CEO leadership
LS3 – charismatic leadership LS7 – shared and distributed leadership

The numbers relate the different entries in the matrix to the different leadership styles.
For instance the numbers (LS2, LS4, LS6) after “delegate” indicate that this entry can
be related to interactive leadership, but also to transformational, and strategic/CEO
leadership. Thus, the entries for the different numbers correspond to those in the seven 33
Journal of Innovation Management Kesting, Ulhøi, Song, Niu
JIM 3, 4 (2015) 22-41

previous tables (they are not identical though, as they have been partly integrated in
more general categories). Again, this table does not show potential or theoretical links,
but only links that have already been established by actual research. In other words:
That, for instance, incremental innovation does not show an entry for LS4 –
transformational leadership – only means that research has not yet offered empirical
support for this link and not that this link cannot be established.
Clearly, the different entries in the table are not independent of each other, so they
cannot be seen as a toolbox to pick from at discretion. First of all, some of the entries
logically exclude each other (like directing and consulting). Other entries do not
logically exclude each other, but they are generally regarded as being inconsistent and
have never been combined (like rewards and punishment and specific forms of intrinsic
inspiration). Basically, there is a “downstream” dependency in that the means depend
on the people, the effects depend on the people and means, and the goals depend on all
other elements. In table 9, the different leadership styles appear as combinations of
different entries (“patterns” of entries) that have been regarded as being consistent.
As a result, table 9 gives a structured overview of all options for people, means, effects,
and goals that have been specifically investigated with regard to innovation
management so far. Table 9 thus integrates the key findings from each partial review
on specific leader styles’ effect on innovation management. This overview first of all
shows that many of the known leadership styles have already been explicitly linked to
innovation. In this sense, research is already quite comprehensive. Yet, there are two
more specific insights that can be drawn from the overview in table 9: First,
transformational leadership is not dominating or even all-embracing with regard to
innovation. There are several other, structurally distinct, leadership styles that have
been positively related to innovations. In this sense, the findings of this review clearly
reject the idea that there is only one specific leadership style for innovations. Second
and closely related to that, there are strong indications that different innovation stages
and types raise different demands on leadership and that the effectiveness of different
leadership styles is relative to innovation stages, types and specific elements (like
R&D or resistance). However, table 9 shows that this fit between leadership styles and
innovation stages, types and specific elements has been specified very incompletely
and there are many “blank spots”. For example, none of the leadership styles have ever
been explicitly related to market innovations; transformational leadership has been
related to innovation stages (and here even with contradicting findings), but only very
incompletely to innovation types, etc. In this regard, research is quite inconclusive. This
first of all has important practical implications.

4.1 Practical implications

If the choice of leadership styles is relative to specific innovation stages and types and
if this relation is poorly specified, then research fails to give a clear answer to the
question of how to lead innovations. To date, research is scattered and only offers some
indications that certain leadership styles (particularly charismatic and transformational
leadership) seem better suited to inspire and motivate followers and that this has a
positive impact on the ideation stage and also seems to spur radical innovations. Other
leadership styles (directive and transformational leadership, possibly also
CEO/strategic leadership) seem better suited to structure organizational activity and to 34
Journal of Innovation Management Kesting, Ulhøi, Song, Niu
JIM 3, 4 (2015) 22-41

overcome resistance, and therefore have a positive impact on implementation and

possibly also on incremental innovations. But what is with the ideation stage of an
incremental process innovation? Here, existing findings do not form a coherent picture:
There are no findings for this specific case and the related, more general findings
contradict each other (“ideation” speaks for charismatic and transformational
leadership while “incremental process innovation” for directive and transformational
leadership). This is problematic since the effects of leadership styles are substantially
different and often even opposite. The managerial implication is that there is no one-
size-fits -all solution, but the choice of the most appropriate leadership style is relative
to the specific innovation goals to achieve.
However, research on leadership styles offers instructive insights regarding the specific
effects of various means that are relevant for innovations. There are relevant insights
on how to produce specific effects regarding attitudes, mindset, trust, behavior,
competence creation, etc. For example, there is comprehensive research on how to
energize followers with regard to innovation; and a clear link could be established with
interactive, charismatic and transformational leadership. It has been investigated how
this effect can be produced and what it means for innovations. There are also valuable
insights about counterproductive effects, particularly with regard to high conflict
potentials, effort, and absorption of information. Table 9 relates these insights to
different research streams and can therefore be read like a 'practical' manual, helping
managers to realize dimensions of the relationship between different leadership styles
and innovation management.
In this regard, research fails to offer the big picture of how to lead innovations,
specifying the fit between leadership styles and different innovation types and stages;
at the same time, existing research is quite instructive regarding various effects of
leadership and how these can be brought about.
4.2 Future research avenues

There is certainly an obvious need for much more research on the link between different
leadership styles and different innovation stages, types, and elements. This is mostly an
empirical question as it aims at establishing factual relationships. It still requires some
explorative research to further detect existing links and mechanisms, but most of all
quantitative empirical research to investigate the validity of causal structures. These
research needs can be derived directly from the findings in table 9. They include, but
are not restricted to, a comprehensive investigation of the fit between charismatic and
transformational leadership and different innovation types (product, process, market,
organizational innovation); a closer specification of the effects of interactive leadership
with regard to innovation stages and types; an investigation and comparison of the
effectiveness of different leadership types for market innovations. Also more empirical
research is needed to substantiate existing findings on the fit between different
leadership styles and the ideation and implementation stage of innovation.
There have already been some valuable contributions on this (like in Nadler and
Tushman, 1990, and Bass and Avolio, 1994), but more research is still needed to
specify the link between different leadership styles and possible interactions in
innovation projects. This is first of all a theoretical question as it addresses the logical
structure of the different styles. To specify the link between different leadership styles 35
Journal of Innovation Management Kesting, Ulhøi, Song, Niu
JIM 3, 4 (2015) 22-41

requires decomposing them into different elements. At this point the proposed “people-
means-effects-goals framework” might be of particular use as it helps to distinguish
different dimensions according to a coherent logical structure. Empirical research is
needed to specify the effects of different combinations of leadership styles in specific
innovation settings, for instance the effects of changes in the power structure in the
course of an innovation project.
With the “people-means-effects-goals framework”, this paper offers a structural
foundation for future research as it structures the different elements of leadership and
indicates relationships. In this sense, this paper offers a master plan – future research
“just” has to fill-in the different fields. An important limitation of this review, however,
is that contingency factors could not have been included. The reason for this is that the
complexity would then increase to an extent that is impossible to handle in one paper.
Seen from a systematic point of view, contingency factors enter the picture as they
moderate the relation between the different elements of the table. Technically, this
requires adapting the entries and relations (numbers) of table 9 to different contexts.
There is quite some research investigating the role of contingency factors for leadership
with regard to innovations (for a review of this research see Denti and Hemlin 2012).
However, this research is too complex to be integrated in this review.

5 Acknowledgement
This project was supported by the Sino-Danish Centre for Education and Research.

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