Module 10 Kin 267 Muscle Tissue

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Myofibrils are made of three groups of proteins?

Contractile proteins generate force during contraction (actin and myosin).

Myosin makes up thick filaments, consists of a tail and 2 heads which bind to myosin binding
site on actin during muscle contraction.
Actin makes up thin, filaments, Contains Myosin binding site where myosin head binds during
muscle contraction.
Regulatory proteins regulate or allowing for contraction of the muscles (tropomyosin and
Tropomyosinthin filament, when skeletal muscle fibers are relaxed, it covers myosin binding
site on Actin, preventing myosin from binding to it.
Troponin component of thin filament, calcium binds to troponin and change the shape, and
this change moves tropomyosin away from myosin binding site on actin, then muscle
contraction happens as myosin binds to actin.
Structural protein organizes thick and thin filaments and link myofibrils to sarcolemma and
extracellular matrix. Allow for extensibility, elasticity, and stability of myofibrils.
Titin is the third most plentiful protein in muscle, after actin and myosin - it extends from the Z
disc to the M line and accounts for much of the elasticity of myofibrils
Dystrophin links filaments to integral membrane proteins. Reinforces the sarcolemma and
transmits tension from the sarcomere to tendons
Myomesin forms the M line of sarcomere, connects adjacent filaments to one another.

The sliding of filament Mechanism processes.

ATP hydrolysis: The Myosin Head includes an ATP binding site And an ATPase, an enzyme
That hydrolyzes ATP into ADP and a phosphate group. This hydrolysis reorients and Energizes
myosin head. ADP And the phosphate group are Still attached to myosin head.
Step 2: Attachment The energized myosin head Will attaches to the myosin-Binding side on
actin and releases the previously hydrolyzed Phosphate group. When myosin head is attached
to Actin during contraction, they are referred as cross-bridges.
Power Stroke Occurs after the Crossbridge formed. The site on cross-bridge Where ADP is still
bound opens. As a result, the cross- bridge Rotates and releases ADP. The cross-bridge
generate force as it rotates towards the center of sarcomere, sliding the thin filament past
the thick filament toward the M line.
Step 4: Detachment The cross-bridge is firmly Attached to actin until it attached a new
molecule of ATP. As ATP binds To ATP binding site, on the myosin head, the myosin head
detaches from actin.

Neuromuscular Junctions
Release of neurotransmitter (ACH) Nerve signaling at the synaptic end bulb stimulate gated
channels to open. Calcium flows inward through the open channels, and stimulates the synaptic
vessels o undergo exocytosis. Synaptic vesicles fuse to neuron’s plasma membrane, and
transferring Ach into synaptic cleft. Then Ach diffuses across the synaptic cleft between motor
neurons and motor end plate.
Ach bind to the Ach receptors on the motor end plate. This allows the Ach receptor channel to
open and cations like sodium flows across the membrane.
Production of muscle action potential the inflow of Na+ makes the inside of muscle fiber
more positively charged. This change in the membrane potential triggers a muscle action
potential. The muscle action potential travels along a sarcolemma into the system T tubules.
This causes sarcoplasmic reticulum to release its stored calcium into sarcoplasm and muscle
contraction happens.
When Ach is no longer released, it’s rapidly broken down by AChE Acetylcholinesterase. And
this ends the production of action potential. Ca2_ moves from the sarcoplasm of the muscle
fiber back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and the Ca2_ release channels in the sarcoplasmic
reticulum membrane close.
Motor Unit
Consists of a motor neuron and all the skeletal muscles fibers it stimulates.
High precision
Fewer muscle fibers per neuron
Laryngeal and extraocular muscles (2-20)
Low precision
Many muscle fibers per neuron
Thigh muscles (2,000-3,000)

Tension in a muscle fiber phases:

• There is a brief delay called the latent period as the AP sweeps over the sarcolemma
and Ca2+ ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
• During the next phase the fiber is actively contracting Ca binds to troponin, myosin
binding site on actin are exposed and cross bridges form.
• This is followed by relaxation as the Ca2+ ions are re-sequestered into the SR and myosin
binding sites are covered by tropomyosin
• Temporary loss of excitability is called the refractory period – all muscle fibers in a
motor unit will not respond to a stimulus during this short time

A twitch is recorded when a stimulus that results in contraction (force) of a single

muscle fiber is measured over a very brief millisecond time frame

Skeletal muscle fibers types

• Slow oxidative fibers (SO) are small, appear dark red, are the least powerful type. They
are very fatigue resistant
• Used for endurance like walking
• Fast oxidative-glycolytic fibers (FOG) are intermediate in size, appear red-pink, and are
moderately resistant to fatigue.
Used for most weightlifting activities
• Fast glycolytic fibers (FG) are large, white, and powerful Suited to intense anaerobic
activity of short duration

Frequency in stimulation tension in muscle

Unfused tetanus produces a jagged curve due to partial relaxation of the muscle fiber between
Stimuli arriving at different times cause larger contractions, is called
wave summation
When a skeletal muscle fiber is stimulated at a higher rate of 80 to 100 times per second, it
does not relax at all. The result is fused tetanus. In fused tetanus, which occurs when there
are 80–100 stimuli per second, the myogram line, like the contraction force, is steady and

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