Extracted Pages From Power System-3
Extracted Pages From Power System-3
Extracted Pages From Power System-3
Göran Andersson
EEH - Power Systems Laboratory
ETH Zürich
September 2012
Preface vii
I Static Analysis 1
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Power Flow Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Fault Current Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Network Models 5
2.1 Lines and Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.1 In-Phase Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.2 Phase-Shifting Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.3 Unified Branch Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Shunt Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4 Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.5 Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5.1 Stator Current Heating Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5.2 Field Current Heating Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.5.3 Stator End Region Heating Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
iv Contents
7 Fault Analysis 57
7.1 Transients on a transmission line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7.2 Short circuit of a synchronous machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.3 Algorithms for short circuit studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
7.3.1 Generator model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
7.3.2 Simplifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
7.3.3 Solving the linear system equations . . . . . . . . . . . 67
7.3.4 The superposition technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
7.3.5 The Takahashi method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
These notes are intended to be used in the lecture Power System Analy-
sis (Lecture number ETH Zürich 227-0526-00) (Modellierung und Analyse
elektrischer Netze) given at ETH Zürich in Information Technology and
Electrical Engineering. In these lectures three main topics are covered, i.e.
In Part I of these notes the two first items are covered, while Part II gives
an introduction to dynamics and stability in power systems. In appendices
brief overviews of phase-shifting transformers and power system protections
are given.
The notes start with a derivation and discussion of the models of the most
common power system components to be used in the power flow analysis.
A derivation of the power flow equations based on physical considerations is
then given. The resulting non-linear equations are for realistic power systems
of very large dimension and they have to be solved numerically. The most
commonly used techniques for solving these equations are reviewed. The role
of power flow analysis in power system planning, operation, and analysis is
The next topic covered in these lecture notes is fault current calcula-
tions in power systems. A systematic approach to calculate fault currents
in meshed, large power systems will be derived. The needed models will be
given and the assumptions made when formulating these models discussed.
It will be demonstrated that algebraic models can be used to calculate the
dimensioning fault currents in a power system, and the mathematical analy-
sis has similarities with the power flow analysis, so it is natural to put these
two items in Part I of the notes.
In Part II the dynamic behaviour of the power system during and after
disturbances (faults) will be studied. The concept of power system stability
is defined, and different types of power system instabilities are discussed.
While the phenomena in Part I could be studied by algebraic equations,
the description of the power system dynamics requires models based on
differential equations.
These lecture notes provide only a basic introduction to the topics above.
To facilitate for readers who want to get a deeper knowledge of and insight
into these problems, bibliographies are given in the text.
viii Preface
Göran Andersson
Part I
Static Analysis
This chapter gives a motivation why an algebraic model can be used to de-
scribe the power system in steady state. It is also motivated why an algebraic
approach can be used to calculate fault currents in a power system.
2 1. Introduction
reactive power flows can be calculated, and other relevant quantities can be
calculated in the system.
Generally the power flow, or load flow, problem is formulated as a non-
linear set of equations
f (x, u, p) = 0 (1.1)
The power flow problem consists in formulating the equations f in eq. (1.1)
and then solving these with respect to x. This will be the subject dealt with
in the first part of these lectures. A necessary condition for eq. (1.1) to have
a physically meaningful solution is that f and x have the same dimension,
i.e. that we have the same number of unknowns as equations. But in the
general case there is no unique solution, and there are also cases when no
solution exists.
If the states x are known, all other system quantities of interest can
be calculated from these and the known quantities, i.e. u and p. System
quantities of interest are active and reactive power flows through lines and
transformers, reactive power generation from synchronous machines, active
and reactive power consumption by voltage dependent loads, etc.
As mentioned above, the functions f are non-linear, which makes the
equations harder to solve. For the solution of the equations, the linearization
∆x = ∆y (1.2)
is quite often used and solved. These equations give also very useful infor-
mation about the system. The Jacobian matrix , whose elements are
given by
∂f ∂fi
= (1.3)
∂x ij ∂xj
can be used for many useful computations, and it is an important indicator
of the system conditions. This will also be elaborated on.
1.2. Fault Current Analysis 3
1.3 Literature
The material presented in these lectures constitutes only an introduction
to the subject. Further studies can be recommended in the following text
In this chapter models of the most common network elements suitable for
power flow analysis are derived. These models will be used in the subsequent
chapters when formulating the power flow problem.
6 2. Network Models
Figure 2.1. Equivalent circuit of a line element of length dx
Figure 2.1. Equivalent circuit of a line element of length dx
as depicted in Figure 2.1. The parameters above are specific for the line
or cable configuration and are dependent on conductors and geometrical
From the circuit in Figure 2.1 the telegraph equation is derived, and from
this the lumped-circuit line model for symmetrical steady state conditions,
Figure 2.2. This model is frequently referred to as the π-model, and it is
characterized by the parameters
I km I mk
k m
ykm ykm
Note. In the following most analysis will be made in the p.u. system. For
impedances and admittances, capital letters indicate that the quantity is ex-
pressed in ohms or siemens, and lower case letters that they are expressed
in p.u.
Note. In these lecture notes complex quantities are not explicitly marked
as underlined. This means that instead of writing z km we will write zkm
when this quantity is complex. However, it should be clear from the context
if a quantity is real or complex. Furthermore, we will not always use specific
type settings for vectors. Quite often vectors will be denoted by bold face type
setting, but not always. It should also be clear from the context if a quantity
is a vector or a scalar.
gkm = 2 (2.2)
rkm + x2km
bkm = − 2 + x2 (2.3)
rkm km
homogenous lines, i.e. a line with equal values of the line parameters along its length, but
this might not be true in the general case. In such a case the shunt elements are replaced
sh sh sh sh
by Ykm and Ymk with Ykm 6= Ymk with obvious notation. A general model is presented in
sect. 2.2.3, which takes asymmetric conditions into account.
8 2. Network Models
For actual transmission lines the series reactance xkm and the series resis-
tance rkm are both positive, and consequently gkm is positive and bkm is
negative. The shunt susceptance ykm sh and the shunt conductance g sh are
sh is so
both positive for real line sections. In many cases the value of gkm
small that it could be neglected.
The complex currents Ikm and Imk in Figure 2.2 can be expressed as
functions of the complex voltages at the branch terminal nodes k and m:
Ikm = ykm (Ek − Em ) + ykm Ek (2.4)
Imk = ykm(Em − Ek ) + ykm Em (2.5)
where the complex voltages are
Ek = Uk ejθk (2.6)
Em = Um ejθm (2.7)
This can also be written in matrix form as
Ikm ykm + ykm −ykm Ek
= sh (2.8)
Imk −ykm ykm + ykm Em
As seen the matrix on the right hand side of eq. (2.8) is symmetric and
the diagonal elements are equal. This reflects that the lines and cables are
symmetrical elements.
Example 2.1. The series impedance of a 138 kV transmission line section
z = r + jx = 0.0062 + j0.0360 p.u.
The total shunt susceptance (double the susceptance that appears in the
equivalent π-model) is
bsh = 0.0105 p.u.
and the shunt conductance is ignored. Calculate the series conductance and
series susceptance and the ratio between the series and shunt susceptances.
Example 2.2. The series impedance and the total shunt impedance of a
750 kV line section are
z = r + jx = 0.00072 + j0.0175 p.u.
bsh = 8.77 p.u.
Calculate the series conductance and series susceptance and the ratio be-
tween the series and shunt susceptances and the x/r ratio.
Note. The 750 kV line has a much higher x/r ratio than the 138 kV line
and, at the same time, a much smaller (in magnitude) b/bsh ratio. (Why?)
Higher x/r ratios mean better decoupling between active and reactive parts
of the power flow problem, while smaller (in magnitude) b/bsh ratios may
indicate the need for some sort of compensation, shunt or series, or both.
2.2 Transformers
We will start with a simplified model of a transformer where we neglect the
magnetizing current and the no-load losses 2 . In this case the transformer
Often the magnetizing current and no-load losses are modelled by a shunt impedance,
with much higher impedance than the leakage impedance. The inductive part of this
impedance is then determined by the value of the magetizing current and the resistive
part by the no load losses.
10 2. Network Models
Figure 2.3. Transformer model with complex ratio tkm = akm ejϕkm
(tkm = a−1
km e
2.2. Transformers 11
k A m
k Ikm Imk m
Ikm Imk
Figure 2.5 represents the equivalent π-model for the in-phase transformer
in Figure 2.4. Parameters A, B, and C of this model can be obtained by
identifying the coefficients of the expressions for the complex currents Ikm
and Imk associated with the models of Figures 2.4 and 2.5. Figure 2.4 gives
Ikm = −akm ykm (Em − Ep ) = (a2km ykm )Ek + (−akm ykm )Em (2.13)
As seen the matrix on the right hand side of eq. (2.15) is symmetric, but
the diagonal elements are not equal when a2km 6= 1. Figure 2.5 provides now
the following:
Ikm = (A + B)Ek + (−A)Em (2.16)
Imk = (−A)Ek + (A + C)Em (2.17)
or in matrix form
Ikm A+B −A Ek
= (2.18)
Imk −A A+C Em
12 2. Network Models
Identifying the matrix elements from the matrices in eqs. (2.15) and (2.18)
A = akm ykm (2.19)
B = akm (akm − 1)ykm (2.20)
C = (1 − akm )ykm (2.21)
A = akm ykm = 1.030(j0.230)−1 = −j4.48 p.u.
B = akm (akm − 1)ykm = 1.030(1.030 − 1)(j0.230)−1 = −j0.13 p.u.
C = (1 − akm )ykm = (1 − 1.030)(j0.230)−1 = j0.13 p.u.
Hence, since A, B, and C denote admittances, A and B are inductive, and
C is capacitive.
A = −j152.5 p.u.
B = j7.62 p.u.
C = −j8.03 p.u.
i.e., parameter B is capacitive and parameter C is inductive (762 Mvar
and −803 Mvar, respectively, assuming nominal voltage magnitudes and a
100 MVA base).
Uk e jqk Um e jqm
1:akme jjkm zkm
k m
Ikm Imk
qp = qk + jkm
Up = akmUk
= −t∗km = −akm e−jϕkm (2.23)
As withU in-phase
jqk transformers,
Up e jqp the complex
Uq ecurrents
jqq Ikm and UImkecan
ke m
be expressed in terms of complex voltages at the phase-shifting
tmk:1 transformer
1:tkm p zkm q
k m
Ikm = −t km ykm (Em
Ikm − Ep ) = (a2km ykm )Ek + (−t∗km ykm)Em Imk(2.24)
Imk = ykm(Em − Ep ) = (−tkm ykm)Ek + (ykm )Em (2.25)
sh sh
ykm ymk
or in matrix form
akm ykm −t∗km ykm
Ikm Ek
= (2.26)
Imk −tkm ykm ykm Em
As seen this matrix is not symmetric if tkm is non-real, and the diagonal
matrix elements are not equal if a2km 6= 1. There is no way to determine
parameters A, B, and C of the equivalent π-model from these equations,
since the coefficient −t∗kmykm of Em in eq. (2.24) differs from −tkmykm in
eq. (2.25), as long as there is nonzero phase shift, i.e. tkm ∈
/ R. A phase-
shifting transformer can thus not be represented by a π-model.
Ikm = t∗km Ipq = t∗km (Ep − Eq )ykm = t∗km (tkm Ek − tmk Em )ykm (2.27)
Imk = t∗mk Iqp = t∗mk (Eq − Ep )ykm = t∗mk (tmk Em − tkm Ek )ykm (2.28)
2.2. Transformers 15
XtA = 0.2 p.u. A
XtB = 0.4 p.u B E2
16 2. Network Models
Uk e jqk Up e jqp Uq e jqk Um e jqm
jq Up e jqp Uq e jqk Um e jqmm
kUk e k zkm
p q
k Ikm 1:tkm tmk:1 Imk m
p q
Ikm 1:tkm tmk:1 Imk
with Ek being the complex voltage at node k. Shunts are in all practical cases
either shunt capacitors or reactors. From eq. (2.34) the injected complex
2.4. Loads 17
sh Ik Ikm
yksh Ik
power is k
sh ∗ sh ∗ 2
S sh P sh + jQsh 2
k = k k = − y k |Ek | = − y k Uk (2.35)
2.4 Loads
Load modelling is an important topic in power system analysis. When for-
mulating the load flow equations for high voltage systems, a load is most
often the infeed of power to a network at a lower voltage level, e.g. a dis-
tribution network. Often the voltage in the distribution systems is kept
constant by controlling the tap-positions
gen of the distribution transformers
which means that power, active and Ik reactive, in most cases can be regarded
k on the high voltage side. This means that the
as independent of the voltage
load ∗
complex power Ek (Ik ) is constant, i.e. independent of the voltage mag-
nitude Uk . Also in this case the current is defined as positive when injected
into the bus, see Figure 2.11. In the general case the complex load current
can be written as Generator
Ikload = Ikload (Uk ) (2.36)
where the function Ikload (·) describes the load characteristics.3 More often
the load characteristics are given for the active and reactive powers
k = Qload
k (Uk ) (2.38)
This refers to the steady state model of the load. For transient conditions other
load models apply. These are usually formulated as differential equations and might also
involve the frequency.
yksh Ik
18 2. Network Models
2.5. Generators 19
Q Field current
heating limit
Stator current
heating limit
End region
heating limit
In this chapter the expressions for the active and reactive power flows in
transmission lines, transformers, phase-shifting transformers, and unified
branch models are derived.
with quantities defined according to Figure 2.2. The complex power, Skm =
Pkm + jQkm , is
∗ ∗
Skm = Ek Ikm = ykm Uk ejθk (Uk e−jθk − Um e−jθm ) − jbsh 2
km Uk (3.2)
The expressions for Pkm and Qkm can be determined by identifying the
corresponding coefficients of the real and imaginary parts of eq. (3.2), which
Pkm = Uk2 gkm − Uk Um gkm cos θkm − Uk Um bkm sin θkm (3.3)
Qkm = −Uk2 (bkm + bsh
km ) + Uk Um bkm cos θkm − Uk Um gkm sin θkm (3.4)
22 3. Active and Reactive Power Flows
The active and reactive power flows in opposite directions, Pmk and Qmk ,
can be obtained in the same way, resulting in:
Pmk = Um gkm − Uk Um gkm cos θmk + Uk Um bkm sin θmk (3.5)
Qmk = −Um (bkm + bsh
km ) + Uk Um bkm cos θmk + Uk Um gkm sin θmk (3.6)
From these expressions the active and reactive power losses of the lines
are easily obtained as:
Note that |Ek − Em | represents the magnitude of the voltage drop across
the line, gkm |Ek − Em |2 represents the active power losses, −bsh
km |Ek − Em |
sh 2 2
represents the reactive power losses; and −bkm (Uk + Um ) represents the
reactive power generated by the shunt elements of the equivalent π-model
(assuming actual transmission line sections, i.e. with bkm < 0 and bsh
km > 0).
Solution The active and reactive power flows in the line are obtained by
applying eqs. (3.3) and (3.4), where Uk = 0.984 p.u., Um = 0.962 p.u., and
θkm = 22◦ . The series impedance and admittances are as follows:
km = 8.775/2 = 4.387 p.u.
It should be noted that powers are positive when injected into the line.
Separating the real and imaginary parts of this latter expression yields
the active and reactive power flow equations:
Pkm = (akm Uk )2 gkm − akm Uk Um gkm cos θkm − akm Uk Um bkm sin θkm
Qkm = −(akm Uk )2 bkm + akm Uk Um bkm cos θkm − akm Uk Um gkm sin θkm
Solution The active and reactive power flows in the transformer are given
by eqs. (3.10) and (3.11), where Uk = 1.023 p.u., Um = 0.968 p.u., θkm =
5.3◦ , and akm = 1.0/1.05 = 0.9524. The series reactance and susceptance
are as follows:
xkm = 0.00623 p.u.
bkm = −x−1
km = −160.51 p.u.
24 3. Active and Reactive Power Flows
Separating the real and imaginary parts of this expression, yields the
active and reactive power flow equations, respectively:
Solution The active and reactive power flows in the phase-shifting trans-
former are given by eqs. (3.14) and (3.15), where Uk = 0.882 p.u., Um =
0.989 p.u., θkm = −16.6◦ , and ϕkm = 30◦ . The series reactance and suscep-
tance are as follows:
xkm = 0.0997 p.u.
bkm = −x−1
km = −10.03 p.u.
Where, for the transmission lines like the one represented in Figure 2.2,
akm = amk = 1 and ϕkm = ϕmk = 0; for in-phase transformers such as the
sh = y sh = 0, a
one represented in Figure 2.4, ykm mk mk = 1 and ϕkm = ϕmk = 0;
sh =
and for a phase-shifting transformer such as the one in Figure 2.6, ykm
sh = 0, a
ymk mk = 1 and ϕmk = 0.
26 3. Active and Reactive Power Flows
Nodal Formulation of the Network Equa-
In this chapter the basic network equations are derived from Kirchhoff ’s
Current Law (KCL) and put into forms that are suitable for the formulation
of the power flow equations in the subsequent chapter
sh Ik Ikm
yksh Ik
Figure 4.1. Generic bus with sign conventions for currents and power flows.
28 4. Nodal Formulation of the Network Equations
I = YE (4.4)
We see that the nodal admittance matrix defined by eqs. (4.5) and (4.6)
is modified as compared with the nodal admittance matrix without trans-
formers. Particularly it should be noted that Y as defined above is not
necessarily symmetric.
For large practical networks this matrix is usually very sparse. The
degree of sparsity (percentage of zero elements) normally increases with
the dimensions of the network: e.g., a network with 1000 buses and 1500
branches typically presents a degree of sparsity greater than 99 %, i.e. less
than 1 % of the matrix elements have non-zero values.
The kth component of I, Ik , defined in eq. (4.3), can, by using eqs. (4.5)
and (4.6), be written as
Ik = Ykk Ek + Ykm Em = Ykm Em (4.7)
m∈Ωk m∈K
The expressions for active and reactive power injections are obtained by
identifying the real and imaginary parts of eq. (4.10), yielding
Pk = Uk Um (Gkm cos θkm + Bkm sin θkm) (4.11)
Qk = Uk Um (Gkm sin θkm − Bkm cos θkm ) (4.12)
30 4. Nodal Formulation of the Network Equations
Basic Power Flow Problem
In this chapter the basic power flow problem is formulated and the basic
bus types are defined. Also, the conditions for solvability of the problem are
• Uk : voltage magnitude
• θk : voltage angle
PQ buses are normally used to represent load buses without voltage control,
and PU buses are used to represent generation buses with voltage control
in power flow calculations1 . Synchronous compensators2 are also treated as
PU buses. A third bus is also needed:
Synchronous machines are often equipped with Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVRs),
which controls the excitation of the machine so that the terminal voltage, or some other
voltage close to the machine, is kept at the set value.
Synchronous compensators, sometimes also called synchronous condensers, are syn-
chronous machines without any active power generation or load (except for losses) used
for reactive power and voltage control.
32 5. Basic Power Flow Problem
The Uθ bus, also called reference bus or slack bus, has double functions in
the basic formulation of the power flow problem:
2. Since the active power losses are unknown in advance, the active power
generation of the Uθ bus is used to balance generation, load, and losses
In “normal” power systems PQ-buses or load buses are the far most common,
typically comprising more than 80% of all buses.
Other possible bus types are P, U, and PQU, with obvious definitions.
The use of multiple Uθ buses may also be required for certain applications.
In more general cases, the given values are not limited to the specific set of
buses (P, Q, U, θ), and branch related variables can also be specified.
Example 5.1. Figure 5.1 shows a 5-bus network with four transmission
lines and two transformers. Generators, with voltage control, are connected
at buses 1, 3, and 5, and loads are connected at buses 4 and 5, and at bus 4
a shunt is also connected. Classify the buses according to the bus types PU,
PQ and Uθ.
Solution Buses 1, 3, and 5 are all candidates for PU or Uθ bus types. Since
only one could be Uθ bus, we select (arbitrarily) bus 5 as Uθ. In a practical
system usually a generator, or generator station, that could produce power
within a large range is selected as reference or slack bus. It should be noted
that even if a load is connected to bus 5 it can only be a PU or Uθ bus, since
voltage control is available at the bus. The reference angle is set at bus 5,
usually to 0. Bus 2 is a transition bus in which both P and Q are equal to
zero, and this bus is consequently of type PQ. Bus 4 is a load bus to which
is also connected a shunt susceptance: since shunts are modelled as part of
the network, see next section, the bus is also classified as a PQ bus.
Pkm = (qk - q m ) x
1 2 3
5 4
• Qsh
k : component of reactive power injection due to the shunt element
at bus k (Qsh sh 2 sh
k = bk Um ), where bk is the shunt susceptance.
k ≤ Qk ≤ Qmax
k (5.3)
Example 5.2. Consider again the 5-bus in Figure 5.1. Formulate the equal-
ity constraints of the system and the inequality constraints for the generator
P1 = P12 + P15
P2 = P21 + P23 + P25
Q2 = Q21 + Q23 + Q25
P3 = P32 + P34
P4 = P43 + P45
Q4 + Qsh
4 = Q43 + Q45
1 ≤ Q1 ≤ Qmax
3 ≤ Q3 ≤ Qmax
5 ≤ Q5 ≤ Qmax
The reactive limits above are derived from the generator capability curves as
explained in section 2.5. For the slack bus it must also be checked that the
injected active and reactive powers are within the range of the generator. If
not, the power generation of the other generators must be changed or the
voltage settings of these.
36 5. Basic Power Flow Problem
Solution of the Power Flow Problem
In this chapter the basic methods to solve the non-linear power flow equations
are reviewed. Solution methods based on the observation that active and
reactive power flows are not so strongly coupled are introduced.
I N ALL REALISTIC CASES the power flow problem cannot be solved an-
alytically, and hence iterative solutions implemented in computers must
be used. In this chapter we will review two solutions methods, Gauss iter-
ation with a variant called Gauss-Seidel iterative method, and the Newton-
Raphson method.
which is a the same as eq. (4.10). The set K is the set of buses adjacent
(connected) to bus k, including bus k, and hence shunt admittances are
included in the summation. Furthermore Ek = Uk ejθk . This equation can
be rewritten as
" #
1 Sk X
Ek∗ = ∗ − ∗ ∗
Ykm Em , k = 1, 2, . . . , N (6.2)
Ykk Ek
where Ωk is the set of all buses connected to bus k excluding bus k. Taking
the complex conjugate of eq. (6.2) yields
" #
1 Sk∗ X
Ek = − Ykm Em , k = 1, 2, . . . , N (6.3)
Ykk Ek∗
38 6. Solution of the Power Flow Problem
2 = h2 (x1 , xν2 , . . . , xνN )
3 = h3 (x1 , xν+1 ν
2 , . . . , xN ) (6.10)
N = hN (x1 , xν+1 ν+1 ν
2 , . . . , xN −1 , xN )
In the Gauss-Seidel iteration scheme one should use the latest calculated
values of Em . It should be clear that also for PU buses the above iteration
scheme gives a solution if it converges.
A problem with the Gauss and Gauss-Seidel iteration schemes is that
convergence can be very slow, and sometimes even the iteration does not
converge despite that a solution exists. Furthermore, no general results are
known concerning the the convergence characteristics and criteria. There-
fore more efficient solution methods are needed, and one such method that
is widely used in power flow computations is discussed in the subsequent
f (x) = 0 (6.12)
f (x)
f ( x0)
f ( x1)
x2 x1 x0
∂fi x
Jij = (6.14)
x2 x1 x0
6.2.1 One-dimensional case
To get a better feeling for the method we first study the one-dimensional
case, and eq. (6.12) becomes
f (x) = 0 (6.15)
where x is the unknown and f (x) is a scalar function. Figure 6.1 illustrates
a simple case in which there is a single solution to eq. (6.15). Under these
circumstances, the following algorithm can be used to find the solution of
eq. (6.15):
2. Compute f (xν );