Assessment Diagnosis Outcomes Interventions Rationale Expected Outcome

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Assessment Diagnosis Outcomes Interventions Rationale Expected Outcome

Objective: Bleeding related to Short term: - Determine client’s - To assess the client’s
surgical incision as After giving of nursing perception/ understanding
The patient looked like evidenced by patient’s intervention, the patient Understanding of the
she was in pain and was facial grimace when situation.
will be verbalize
showing facial grimace moving and subjectively
whenever she was expressing that the understanding of
moving or changing surgical wound is painful. individual causative/risk
positions factor(s).
- To avoid sudden
- Educate client about movements that might
Before discharge, the possible dangers of
verbalized understanding cause patient to bleed
bleeding if not
of bleeding risk from prevented.
Collaborative: -To promote self
Observe for diffuse - Collaborate with patient monitoring and
oozing from tubes, and other health care assessment
wounds, or orifices with providers to monitor the
surgical wound and to
no observable clotting to
assess for bleeding.
identify excessive
bleeding and/or possible

Long term:
After 1 week, achieve
timely wound healing; be
free of purulent drainage
or erythema; be afebrile.

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