Present Simple

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3 Work


Simple Present:
Part 1


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A worker on top of the John Hancock
skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois, USA

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Review the Grammar

page 80 page 88 page 97 page 104 page 111
Simple Present: Simple Present: Verbs + Objects; Imperatives
Affirmative Negative Object Pronouns Connect the
Statements; Statements; Grammar to Writing
Irregular Verbs: Prepositions of page 114
Do, Go, and Have Time (part 2);
Like, Need, Want 79
LESSON 1 Simple Present: Affirmative Statements

1 READ the article about Doctor Bugs. Notice the words in bold.

Doctor Bugs
Most people don’t like bugs, but Doctor Mark Moffet loves
them! In fact, his nickname is Doctor Bugs. He’s a photographer
and an entomologist. An entomologist studies bugs.

Doctor Moffett’s favorite bug is the ant. He goes all over the
world to study ants. He watches them as they eat, work, rest,
sleep, and fight.

He takes photographs of the ants. He lies on the ground with

his camera and waits for the right moment. The ants and other Doctor Mark Moffett
bugs often bite him, but that doesn’t stop Doctor Bugs. He has an
interesting and unusual job, and he loves it!


2 CHECK. Read the list of verbs in the chart. Who does each action? Check (✓) the correct

Verbs Doctor Moffett Ants

1. studies

2. fight
3. waits
4. bite

3 DISCOVER. Complete the exercises to learn about the grammar in this lesson.

A Look at the list of verbs in exercise 2. Then find other verbs in the article from exercise 1.

Doctor Moffett Ants

goes eat

B Look at the char s from exercise 2 and exercise A. Choos the correct answer mplete
each sta ement. Then discuss your answers with your cl mates a teacher

1. The verbs under Doctor Moffett end in -s / do not end in -s.

2. The verbs under Ants end in -s / do not end in -s.

Leaf cutter ants


3.1 Simple Present: Affirmative Statements

Subject Verb Subject Verb
You He
We She
work every day. works every day.
You It
They My brother
Tom and Sue

1. Use the simple present to talk about Habit or Routine: I exercise every day.
habits or routines, schedules, and facts. Schedule: She starts work at eight.
Fact: It rains a lot in April.

2. Add -s to the verb for he, she, it, and He drives to work.
singular subjects. She works in an office.
The bank opens at 9:00 a.m.
3. Do not put be in front of another verb in ✓ He works at a bank.
the simple present. ✗ He is work at a bank.

4 Circle the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence.

1. Doctor Moffett love / loves his job.

2. He study / studies ants.

3. A salesperson sell / sells products for a company.

4. You and Anita work / works on weekends.

5. Nurses help / helps people.

6. We write / writes science books.

7. Our office close / closes at 7:00 p.m.

8. She take / takes classes at the business school.

9. You walk / walks to work every day.

10. I start / starts work at 8:00 a.m. every morning.

5 WRITE & SPEAK. List three activities you do often. Share your sentences with a partner.
Then tell the class about your partner.

Student A: I study. I play games. I talk with my friends.

Student B: Maria studies. She plays games. She talks with her friends.


6 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. A zookeeper feeds (feed) animals.

2. Computer programmers (write) software.

3. Photographers (take) photos.

4. A chef (cook) food.

5. A firefighter (fight) fires.

6. Musicians (play) instruments.

A zookeeper feeds a
7. A farmer (work) on a farm. rhino at the Sedgwick
County Zoo in Wichita,
8. A dancer (dance). Kansas, USA.

3.2 Simple Present Spelling Rules: -s and -es Endings

1. Add -s to most verbs. close– closes love–loves stop–stops
dance–dances open–opens take–takes
exercise–exercises play–plays write–writes
feed–feeds put–puts work–works
2. Add -es to verbs ending in -sh, -ch, -s, -x, wash–washes dress–dresses buzz–buzzes
and -z. teach–teaches relax–relaxes
3. Change -y to -i and add -es to verbs carry–carries copy–copies study–studies
ending in a consonant + y.

See page A2 for additional spelling rules for -s, -es, and -ies endings.

7 Write each verb with the correct -s, -es, or -ies ending.

1. study studies 8. help

2. fish 9. miss

3. pass 10. fly

4. worry 11. fix

5. explore 12. watch

6. bite 13. like

7. buy 14. pay

3.3 Irregular Verbs: Do, Go, and Have

Subject Verb Subject Verb
I do the dishes every day. does the dishes every day.
You He
We go to work at 7:00 a.m. She goes to work at 7:00 a.m.
You It
They have dinner at 6:00 a.m. has dinner at 6:00 a.m.

The verbs do, go, and have are irregular She goes home at six-thirty.
for he, she, it, and singular subjects. He has a meeting at two-thirty.
John does the laundry on Sunday night.

8 Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

Manuel and Lila Vega

Manuel and Lila Vega (1) have (have) a busy lifestyle. Manuel is a doctor
at a hospital. He works at night, so he (2) (go) to work at 7:00 p.m. and
comes home at 7:00 a.m. His wife Lila works at a bank. She (3) (go) to work
at 8:00 a.m. and comes home at 6:00 p.m. They don’t see each other a lot during the week.

Manuel and Lila also (4) (have) two children, Luis and Carla. Every
morning they all (5) (have) breakfast together at 7:30. Then, Luis and Carla
(6) (go) to school, and Lila (7) (go) to work. Manuel
(8) (do) the dishes, and then (9) (go) to bed. Carla
usually (10) (do) her homework at a friend’s house in the afternoon, and
Luis (11) (have) soccer practice. Manuel gets up at 4:00 p.m. At 6:00 p.m.,
he (12) (have) dinner with Lila, Luis, and Carla. After dinner, he
(13) (go) to work. Manuel and Lila (14) (have)
a busy schedule during the week, but on weekends they relax.



9 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Then listen and
check your answers.

Bush Pilots
Bush pilots (1) have (have) interesting jobs. They (2) (fly)
special planes to Alaska’s bush country. (This is a wild area, far away from cities with airports.)
Bush pilots (3) (carry) people or supplies in their bush planes. They also
(4) (help) rescue people.

Paul Claus is a famous bush pilot. He (5) (have) a lot of experience,

and he is an excellent pilot. Paul also (6) (own) a hotel in Alaska. He
(7) (fly) customers to his hotel and (8) (take) them on
adventures. He (9) (go) to interesting places with them. It’s an exciting job!

Bush planes on a glacier in

Denali National Park, Alaska, USA

10 EDIT. Read the paragraph. Find and correct five more errors with the simple present.

Bill is a mechanic. He know a lot about cars. He work at a garage. He fix cars and
talks to customers. They asks questions about their cars. Bill works from 8:00 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. every day. He haves a busy schedule, but he like his job very much.

11 PRONUNCIATION. Read the chart and listen to the examples. Then complete the exercises.

PRONUNCIATION Simple Present -s and –es Endings

The ending of third-person /s/ /z/ / z/

singular verbs has three walks pays fixes
sounds: /s/, /z/, / z/
1. Say /s/ after /p/, /t/, stop-stops put-puts work-works laugh-laughs
/k/, and /f/ sounds.
2. Say /z/ after /b/, /d/, rub-rubs come-comes love-loves
/g/, /l/, /m/, /n/, / /, /r/, read-reads spin-spins bathe-bathes
/v/, and / / sounds, bag-bags sing-sings pay-pays
and after vowel sounds. feel-feels hear-hears go-goes

3. Say / z/ after verbs that kiss-kisses wash-washes judge-judges

end in /s/, /z/, / /, /t /, buzz-buzzes watch-watches relax-relaxes
/d /, and /ks/.

See page A4 for a guide to pronunciation symbols.

A Read the sentences about Rick’s schedule. Then listen and circle the sound you hear for the
verb in each sentence.

Rick’s Schedule

1. Rick wakes up at 6:15 a.m. every morning. /s/ /z/ / z/

2. He jogs for an hour in the park. /s/ /z/ / z/

3. Then he takes a shower. /s/ /z/ / z/

4. He brushes his teeth. /s/ /z/ / z/

5. He eats breakfast at 7:45. /s/ /z/ / z/

6. He reads the newspaper. /s/ /z/ / z/

7. He washes the dishes. /s/ /z/ / z/

8. Then he drives to work. /s/ /z/ / z/

9. He starts work at 8:30. /s/ /z/ / z/

10. He goes home at 5:30. /s/ /z/ / z/

11. He relaxes on Saturday and Sunday. /s/ /z/ / z/

12. He loves weekends! /s/ /z/ / z/

B Work with a partner. Practice reading the sentences from exercise A. Pay attention to the
pronunciation of the –s and -es endings.


A Look at the list of activities in the chart. Then listen to the conversation between two teachers.
Who does each activity? Check (✓) the correct column(s).

Alvaro Galina

1. lives in Ecuador ✓
2. lives in Russia
3. teaches at a university

4. teaches at a high school

5. teaches biology

6. gets up early
7. goes home at 3:00 p.m.
8. goes home at 6:00 p.m.
9. meets with students after class
10. relaxes on Saturday

B Compare your answers from exercise A with a partner. Then practice saying sentences about
Alvaro and Galina. Use the information from the chart.

Alvaro lives in Ecuador.


C In your notebook, write sentences about Alvaro and Galina. Use the chart from exercise A to
help you.

Alvaro lives in Ecuador.


A Read the e-mail about Rosa’s new job. Guess her job. Then discuss your idea with a partner.

To: Sato, Akiko

Subject: New Job!

Hi Akiko,

Good news! I have a new job. I work for an office supply company. I have a busy schedule, but
I love the work. On Monday, I go to the office. I meet with my boss and plan my schedule for the
week. I visit customers and sell our products during the week. I drive to different cities here in New
York. I also fly to California every month. I work really hard, but the job pays well, so I’m happy.

See you soon!


B Write five sentences about Rosa’s new job. Use the information from the e-mail in exercise A.

Rosa goes to the office on Monday.

14 APPLY. In your notebook, write a paragraph about

a friend’s or family member’s job. Do not write the
name of his or her job. Use the model to help you.

My cousin Maya has an interesting job.

She has ballet class every morning. Then,
she goes to the gym and exercises for two
hours. She has a short break after lunch,
and then she practices her dances. She A ballet dancer
gives performances on the weekends.

B Work with a partner. Exchange paragraphs and try

to guess the person’s job.
LESSON 2 Simple Present: Negative Statements and Contractions

1 READ the article about life on the International Space Station. Notice the
words in bold.

Life on the Space Station

Astronauts on the International Space Station have a busy schedule. Every day they
wake up at 7:00 GMT.1 From 7:00 to 8:00, they wash up and eat breakfast. At 8:00 in the
morning, they call Ground Control2 in their countries. After they talk to Ground Control,
their workday begins. The astronauts don’t do the same thing every day. Their schedules
change every week.
The astronauts don’t work all the time. Each day they exercise for an hour in the
morning and an hour in the afternoon. After dinner, they have free time. Then, it’s time
to go to sleep. Sometimes this isn’t easy because the sun rises and sets 16 times each day
on the space station.
The astronauts’ work doesn’t end on Friday. They work a half day on Saturday and
all day on Sunday. Astronauts are very busy people.

GMT:Greenwich Mean Time
Ground Control: People on Earth who work with astronauts in space.


The center of the Whirlpool Galaxy

2 CHECK. Match each of the astonauts’ activities with the correct time.

1. They wash up and have breakfast. d a. at 8:00 in the morning

2. They talk to Ground Control. b. after dinner

3. They exercise. c. on Saturday

4. They have some free time. d. from 7:00 to 8:00 in the morning

5. They need to work a half day. e. for an hour in the morning and an hour in
the afternoon

3 DISCOVER. Complete the exercises to learn about the grammar in this lesson.

A Find these sentences in the article from exercise 1. Write the missing words.

1. The astronauts don’t the same thing every day.

2. Astronauts don’t all the time.

3. The astronauts’ work doesn’t on Friday.

B Look at the sentences from exercise A. Then circle T for true or F for false for each statement
below. Discuss your answers with your classmates and teacher.

1. Use the base form of the verb after don’t. T F

2. Add an -s to the base form of the verb after doesn’t. T F


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3.4 Simple Present: Negative Statements

Do Not/ Base Form Does Not/ Base Form
Subject Subject
Don’t of Verb Doesn’t of Verb
You He
do not does not
We work. She work.
don’t doesn’t
You It

Be careful! In negative statements with ✓ She doesn’t exercise every day.

does not or doesn’t, do not add -s to ✗ She doesn’t exercises every day.
the base form of the verb.

4 Circle doesn’t or don’t to complete each sentence.

1. An astronaut on the International Space Station doesn’t / don’t have a lot of free time.

2. Astronauts doesn’t / don’t work all day on Saturday.

3. An astronaut doesn’t / don’t have the same schedule every day.

4. We doesn’t / don’t work on weekends.

5. I doesn’t / don’t work in an office.

6. My office doesn’t / don’t have a window.

7. She doesn’t / don’t travel for her job.

8. You doesn’t / don’t have a busy schedule.

5 Change each affirmative statement to a negative statement.

1. My brother has a job. My brother doesn’t have a job.

2. I drive to work.

3. Pilots fix planes.

4. Our teacher does homework.

5. I go to the gym in the morning.

6. We have class on Sunday.

7. You teach biology.

8. We have an exam on Saturday night.


6 SPEAK. Work with a partner. Make negative statements with the words below.

I… work
My mother … study
My father … exercise
My … drive to class/work

Student A: I don’t drive to class. Student B: My mother doesn’t study.

3.5 Prepositions of Time (Part 2)

Preposition Noun
1. Many time expressions are prepositional
phrases. A prepositional phrase is a at three-thirty
preposition + a noun. in the afternoon
at night
on Sunday

2. Remember: Use at with specific times The bank opens at nine o’clock.
and in the phrase at night. We relax at night.

Use in with morning, afternoon, and We go to work in the morning.

evening. We eat dinner in the evening.

Use on with days of the week and I don’t work on Saturday.

specific dates. The meeting is on Monday afternoon.
His birthday is on November 25th.

3. To show when an activity begins and She works from nine to five-thirty.
ends, use from . . . to.

4. Use until to talk about an activity that The bank is open until four o’clock.
continues up to a specific time.

5. A sentence can have more than one He wakes up at five-thirty in the morning.
prepositional phrase.

For Prepositions of Time (Part 1), see Unit 2, Lesson 3.
To be less specific, we use around and about.

We usually eat dinner at about 8:00. (We

7 Underline the prepositional phrases in don’t eat exactly at 8:00 every night.)
these sentences. I usually leave work at around 6:00. (I don’t
leave work at exactly 6:00 every night.)
1. We have class from 9:40 to 10:50.

2. On Wednesday, I have class until 3:30.

3. The party is on Saturday night.

4. The meeting doesn’t end until 3:00.

5. My workweek is from Monday to Friday.

6. I work from 9:00 to 7:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday.

7. I don’t work on weekends.

8. She doesn’t get home until 4:00 in the afternoon.

8 Complete each sentence with the correct preposition(s).

1. She works at night.

2. The meeting is Wednesday afternoon.

3. I sleep 9:30 the morning Saturday.

4. I work Monday Friday.

5. Class starts 8:30 the morning.

6. We study night.

7. The library is open eleven o’clock night.

8. I have lunch 12:00 1:00 every day.

9. She goes to bed 1:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday.

10. We have a break 10:30 10:45 the morning.

9 WRITE & SPEAK. Complete the sentences with prepositional phrases of time. Use the
prepositions from chart 3.5 on page 91. Then share your sentences with a partner.

1. I have breakfast at 7:00. 4. I have lunch

2. English class starts 5. I have dinner

3. We have class from

3.6 Like, Need, and Want + Infinitive

Subject Verb Infinitive

I like
to exercise in the morning.
He likes

We need
to relax today.
She needs

They want
to meet every week.
He wants

1. An infinitive is to + the base He likes to play soccer.

form of the verb.
2. Some verbs are followed by We want to play soccer.
infinitives. She needs to call her boss.
I like to read.

✓ We want to leave.
✗ We want leave.


10 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. Saturday / to / work / They / need / on They need to work on Saturday.

2. He / have / lunch / wants / at / 1:00 / to

3. tonight / to / need / work / until / 7:00 / You

4. need / buy / I / to / computer / a / new

5. She / play / to / likes / tennis

6. want / watch / to / the game / We

7. to / He / study / in the library / likes

8. need / I / do / my homework / to

9. need / I / my / call / mother / to

10. ask / to / wants / a / She / question



A Work with a partner. Complete the sentences with information about yourself. Use
prepositional phrases, the simple present, and infinitives.

I get up . . . I like . . . on weekends.

I have breakfast . . . I need . . . today.
On weekends, I sleep until . . . I do my homework . . .
I go to bed . . . I want to . . .

Student A: I go to bed at midnight.

Student B: I do my homework in the morning.
Use on weekends to talk about
activities that happen every
B Work in a group. Say three sentences about your
weekend or on most weekends.
partner. Use the information from exercise A.
We relax on weekends.
Student A: Sun-hee does her homework in the afternoon. She doesn’t work on weekends.

Student B: Walid goes to bed at midnight.

Student C: Maria likes to relax on Sundays.


A Read the information about Lia. Then complete the sentences in the chart below with the
correct form of the verbs in parentheses and the correct prepositions of time.

Lia is from Indonesia. She works in Toronto, Canada. This is her first time away
from home, and she misses her life in Indonesia. Her life is very different in Canada!

In Indonesia

1. Lia’s mother cooks (cook) breakfast for her.

2. Lia (have) classes 9:30 12:30 from
Monday to Saturday.
3. Lia (go) out with her friends weekends.

In Canada

4. Lia’s mother (not cook) breakfast for her.

5. Lia (have) breakfast at a coffee shop about
7:15 the morning.
6. Lia (not have) classes the morning.
7. She (work) 9:00
5:00 Monday Friday.
8. She also (study) at a business school because she
(want to) start a business in Indonesia someday.
9. She (have) a class 6:00
9:00 night Tuesday and Thursday.
10. Lia (not have) many friends in Toronto.
11. She (not go) out weekends.
12. She (be) lonely.
13. She (miss) her friends in Indonesia.

B Is your life similar to Lia’s life, or is it different? Complete the sentences with information about
your life.

1. My life is (similar to / different from) Lia’s life. In the morning, I


2. During the day, I from to .

3. At night, I .

4. I friends in .

5. On weekends, I .

6. I lonely.

C Work with a partner. Share your sentences from exercise B.

My life is different from Lia’s life. In the morning, I have breakfast at home.


13 EDIT. Read the paragraph. Find and correct six more errors with negatives and prepositions
of time.

Iris is a reporter. She works for a newspaper. She asks questions and writes articles.
She don’t drive to work. She walks. She don’t work in the morning. She works from 2:00 p.m.
in 11:00 p.m. She doesn’t goes to bed early. She goes to bed on 1:00 a.m. She doesn’t work at

Saturday and Sunday. She relaxes in weekends.

14 Complete the conversation below. Use words from the box. You can use some words more
than once. Then listen and check your answers.

work have from at to in on REAL ENGLISH

Use How about . . .? to make
Ted: Hi, Jana! suggestions.

Jana: Hey, Ted! How about coffee sometime? (1) I’m free A: Hi. How about coffee this
afternoon? I’m free at 4:00.
in the morning on Thursday.
B: Sorry. I work from 9:00 to 5:00.
Ted: (2) I class in the morning. How about Saturday afternoon?
(3) How about 2:00?

Jana: Sorry. I’m not free then. (4) I soccer practice 2:00
4:00. How about Saturday?
Ted: I’m sorry. (5) I on Saturday 9:00 5:00.
How about Sunday afternoon?

Jana: Sure. That sounds good. (6) How about 2:00?

Ted: Great. See you then!

15 SPEAK. Work with a partner. Partner A, look at the schedule on this page. Partner B, look
at the schedule on page A5. Do not show each other your schedules. Find a time to meet
for coffee. Use the suggestions and answers from the chart below.

Partner A’s
St A’s Schedule
Sc d l
Week 18, May Suggestions Answers
Thursday Friday
9 AM - 10 AM
How about coffee Sure. That sounds good.
sometime? I’m sorry. I have
10 AM - 11 AM work
class How about (time of day) ? (class / practice /
11 AM - 12 PM How about (time) ? work / a meeting) .
12 PM - 1 PM OK. See you then. Great.

1 PM - 2 PM
2 PM - 3 PM

3 PM - 4 PM
4 PM - 5 PM


A Listen to the information about workweeks around the world. Check (✓) the workdays for
each country in the chart.

M T W Th F Sat Sun

United States

Saudi Arabia
United Arab

B Work with a partner. Use the information in your chart from exercise A to make true and false
statements. Say a statement. Your partner will say “true” or “false” and correct your false

Student A: People in Canada don’t work on Monday.

Student B: That’s false. People in Canada work on Monday.

C Tell your partner about the workweek in your country or a country you know about.

People in my country work from Monday to Friday. They don’t work on Saturday and Sunday.

17 APPLY. Write six sentences about the workweeks in different countries. You can write about
countries from exercise 16A or use your own ideas.

People in Canada work from Monday to Friday.


Verbs + Objects LESSON 3


1 READ the conversation about the elephant keepers in Kenya. Notice the words in bold.

Elephant Keepers
Bill: Wow! This is an interesting article.
Sue: Oh, baby elephants! Look at them! They’re so cute! Where are
their mothers?
Bill: Hunters killed them.
Sue: That’s terrible!
Bill: Yeah, it is. These men are elephant keepers. They work at a place for orphan1 elephants in
Kenya. They feed the baby elephants, take care of them, and even play soccer with them.
Sue: Hmmm. Elephant keeper. That’s an interesting job.
Bill: Yes, but it isn’t easy. The keepers need to feed the baby elephants every three hours.
Sue: Really? What about at night?
Bill: They need to feed them at night, too. The keepers sleep in buildings with the baby
elephants. . . . Listen to this quote from the article. One of the keepers says, “Every three
hours you feel a trunk reach up and pull your blankets2 off. The elephants are our alarms.”
Sue: That’s funny. Smart elephants! I want to read that article.
An orphan is a child or baby animal whose parents are dead.
People use blankets in bed at night to stay warm.
Baby e lephant d nt
keepers in N irobi, K n a

Baby elephants play with their keeper in
a wildlife refuge in Nairobi, Kenya.

2 CHECK. Read the false statements about elephant keepers. Then correct each statement to
make it true. elephants
1. The keepers feed the baby.

2. Hunters killed the baby elephants.

3. The keepers work in Botswana.

4. The keepers sleep in houses with their families.

3 DISCOVER. Complete the exercises to learn about the grammar in this lesson.

A Look at these sentences from the conversation from exercise 1 on page 97. Notice the words
in bold. Then choose the correct word to complete the statement below.

1. They feed the baby elephants . . .

2. I want to read that article.

The words in bold in these sentences are .

a. subjects b. objects of the verb

B Discuss your answer from exercise A with your classmates and teacher.



3.7 Verb + Object / Verb + Preposition + Object

Subject Object
+ Preposition
I teach children.
He drives a bus every day.
We listen to music a lot.
She looks at magazines in her free time.

1. Many verbs take an object. The Doctors help people.

object receives the action of the We study English.
verb. It can be a person or thing. She needs a new car.

2. Some verbs are followed by a Many people listen to music.

preposition. Verb + preposition I worry about my grades a lot.
combinations also take an object. He waits for his sister every day after class.

4 Circle the verb and underline the object in each sentence.

1. He helps baby elephants.

2. They play soccer.

3. He likes his job.

4. She writes articles.

5. We visit customers every day.

6. You need a new computer.

7. I ride my bike every day.

8. Makiko loves weekends.

5 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. has / a / new / job / He He has a new job.

2. A / cars / mechanic / fixes

3. has / huge / office / a / Jasmin

4. feed / Zookeepers / animals

5. her boss / Deanna / every day / talks to

6. beautiful / photographs / takes / Jay

7. music / listen to / I / at night

8. misses / Katrina / her friends

6 WRITE & SPEAK. Complete each sentence with an object. Then share your statements with
a partner.

1. I speak . 4. I listen to .

2. I talk to every day. 5. I like .

3. I watch on TV. 6. I love .

Student A: I watch movies on TV. Student B: I love my children.

3.8 Object Pronouns

Subject Object Example
Example Sentences
Pronouns Pronouns Sentences
I I like Tina. me Tina likes me.
he He likes Tina.  him She likes him.
she She is nice.  her I like her.
it It is fun.  it We like it.
we We know Al and Eva. us They know us.
you You are friends with Al and Eva. you They like you.
they They are your friends.  them You like them.

1. Object pronouns replace He rides the bus. He rides it every day.

object nouns. I talk to my parents a lot. I talk to them a lot.

2. Pronouns refer back to an

earlier person or thing. George loves pizza. He eats it every night.

My sister’s son and daughter are cute. I love them.

7 Complete the exercises.

A Circle the object pronoun in each pair of sentences.

1. Angel has a new job. He likes it a lot.

2. I’m Cory’s boss. He works for me.

3. Sally is Joe’s employee. She works for him.

4. My sister lives in Australia. I miss her a lot.

5. It’s an excellent newspaper. I read it every day.

6. You are in my class. I sit behind you.

7. We go to the park on weekends. Henri sometimes comes with us.

8. Paulina has two dogs. She walks them in the park every morning.


B Work with a partner. Look at each sentence in exercise A again. What word or phrase does
the object pronoun refer back to? Draw an arrow back to it.

1. Angel has a new job. He likes it a lot.

8 Complete each sentence with the correct object pronoun.

1. Nico’s sister is in town this week. I want to meet her .

2. It’s my father’s birthday today. I need to call .

3. She lives near her grandparents. She visits on weekends.

4. Alexa has a difficult job, but she likes .

5. Are those students in our class? I don’t know .

6. The teacher wants to meet with . She has a question about your homework.

7. Nadia and Jen want to attend the meeting. Please invite .

8. Fumiko is my best friend. She calls every day.

9. Ron and Ella are our neighbors. They live near .

10. Spinach is my brother’s favorite vegetable. He loves !

9 Complete the exercises.

A Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. thinks / about / He / Linda / every day He thinks about Linda every day.

2. sometimes / Mr. and Mrs. Lee / visit / We

3. my parents / don’t call / I / every day

4. her sister / Kate / loves

5. Fiona and Ken / He / sees / at work

6. music / doesn’t / listen to / He / every night

7. my bike / I / ride / weekends / on

8. like / doesn’t / his job / He

B Look at the sentences in exercise A. Replace each object with an object pronoun.
He thinks about Linda every day.



A Listen to the information about three jobs. Match the jobs
with the correct names. Write the letter on the line.

a. pet food taster b. crocodile hunters c. golf ball diver

1. Kelly 2. Tim 3. Max and Jackson

B Read each statement. Then listen again. Circle T for true
and F for false.

1. Kelly likes her job a lot. T F

2. The company pays Kelly a lot of money. T F

3. Tim sells balls at a golf course. T F

4. Tim doesn’t wear scuba gear. T F

Golf ball divers
5. An alligator lives in the lake. T F

6. Max and Jackson live in South Africa. T F

7. Max and Jackson kill crocodiles. T F

8. Max and Jackson are very careful. T F

C All of the statements below are false. Change each statement to make it true. Use a pronoun
to replace the words in bold.

1. Tim looks for golf balls in the ocean.

He doesn’t look for them in the ocean. OR He looks for them in a lake.

2. Tim sells used golf balls.

3. Tim doesn’t like his job.

4. Tim doesn’t watch for the alligator.

5. Kelly likes her job.

6. People want Kelly’s job.

7. Kelly eats animal food.

8. The pet food company doesn’t pay Kelly.

9. An animal park pays Max and Jackson.

10. Most people don’t worry about crocodiles.


D Work with a partner. Rank the jobs. Write 1, 2, or 3 for each category. (1 is the highest rank,
and 3 is the lowest rank.)

danger difficulty excitement fun

pet food taster

crocodile hunter
golf ball diver

Pet food taster is number 1 for difficulty.

11 READ & SPEAK. Work with a partner. Read about one of the people below. Then close your
book. Tell your partner about the person from your paragraph. Use the -s form of the simple
present and object pronouns.

Student A: His name is Dan. He loves dogs and they love him.

Student A Dan
My name is Dan. I love dogs and they love
me. I’m a professional dog walker. People pay
me, and I take their dogs for walks. Sometimes
I take the dogs to the park and run with them.
The dogs are very fast, so it’s good exercise for
me. I have an unusual job, but I love it.

Student B Clara
My name is Clara. I’m a bus driver. I drive
a school bus. I take children to school in the
morning and take them home in the afternoon.
They say hello to me every morning, and
sometimes they bring cookies or flowers. I love
children, so it’s a good job for me.

A Write five sentences about your work, your studies, or your family. Use objects and object

I am a nurse. I help patients.

B Work with a partner. Share your sentences from exercise A.


LESSON 4 Imperatives


1 READ the advice on how to get a job in game design. Notice the words in bold.

How to Get a Job in Game Design

Computer games are very popular. Even orangutans in the zoo enjoy them! A lot of people want
to work in game design. Is it difficult to find a job? Lukas Bidelspach is an artist for an online game
company. Here is his advice.1

Don’t play games all the time. Make them! Use your time to improve your skills.2

Don’t worry about a college degree. Experience is more important.

Show your work to other people. Listen to their advice.

Keep examples of your work. Send them to a game company.

Get experience with a team. Volunteer3 to work at a company.

Don’t ask for a lot of money at your first job. Work hard.

Good luck!
People give advice to help other people.
A skill is an ability that helps you do a job well.
A volunteer does work for no money.

ys c puter games
an eorgia, USA

Young Buddhist monks play video
games in Bodhgaya, India.

2 CHECK. Look at each idea in the chart. Does Lukas think it is a good idea or a bad idea?
Check (✓) the correct column.

Ideas Good Idea Bad Idea

1. make games ✓
2. play games all the time
3. worry about a college degree

4. get experience
5. ask for a lot of money

3 DISCOVER. Complete the exercises to learn about the grammar in this unit.
A Find and complete these sentences in the article from exercise 1. Write the missing words.

1. games all the time. Make them!

2. about a college degree.

3. your work to other people.

4. examples of your work.

5. hard.

B Look at the sentences from exercise A. Then circle T for true or F for false for each statement
below. Discuss your answers with your classsmates and teachers.

1. All the verbs are negative. T F

2. We don’t need to write the subjects with these verbs. T F

3. The sentences all give advice. T F


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3.9 Imperatives: Affirmative

Base Form
of Verb
Be on time for the meeting.
Close the door.
Open your books.

1. Use imperatives to give:

a. commands; a. Sit down.
b. instructions; b. Complete each sentence.
c. directions; c. Turn left.
d. warnings; d. Be careful.
e. advice. e. Try again.
2. Use the base form of the verb for Write your name and address.
imperatives. Do your homework.
3. You is the subject of imperatives, but it is Open your books.
not common to write or say you. Call Margaret.
4. To be polite, use please with imperatives. Please take your shoes off.
Take your shoes off, please.

4 Underline the imperatives.

1. Try to meet people at game companies.

2. Ask people at game companies about their jobs.

3. Please tell me the truth. Do you really like your job?

4. Bob, please call me when you get this message.

5. Read the directions.

6. It’s hot in here. Please open the window.

7. Turn right on Elm Street.

8. Please pass your papers to the center of the room.

5 Write an imperative for each situation. Use verbs from the box.

ask be eat give go stay study wear

1. A: I have a test tomorrow. I’m not a good student. B: Study hard.

2. A: I have a big meeting tomorrow. It’s midnight now. B: to sleep.


3. A: I’m often late to class. I have a test tomorrow. B: on time.

4. A: I eat junk food every day. B: healthy food.

5. A: I have a cold. I also need to go shopping. B: home.

6. A: That old woman doesn’t have a seat. B: Please her your seat.

7. A: Look at all that snow outside. B: your boots.

8. A: I don’t understand the assignment. B: the teacher.

6 SPEAK. Work in a group. Give instructions. Use verbs from the box and imperatives.

close open say sit down stand up write

Student A: Say hello.

Student B: Stand up.

Student C: Open your book.

3.10 Imperatives: Negative

Do Not/ Base Form
Don’t of Verb
Do not
open the windows.

1. To make an imperative negative, put don’t or Don’t drink a lot of coffee.

do not before the base form of the verb.

2. Do not is common in formal writing. It is not Do not park in front of this building.
common in informal writing or conversations.

In speaking, Do not is sometimes used for
7 Underline the imperatives. emphasis.

Do not eat this cake! It’s for dessert.

1. It’s cold. Don’t open the window.
Do not tell Maria about the party! It’s a surprise.
2. Don’t worry. Everything is OK now.

3. Please don’t sit there.

4. Don’t stay up late tonight. You have a meeting at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.

5. I want to read that book. Please don’t tell me the ending.

6. Don’t forget Eva’s birthday. It’s tomorrow.

7. Don’t be late tomorrow. We have a test.

8. Don’t go to that restaurant. The food there is terrible!


8 SPEAK. Work with a partner. Change the affirmative imperatives to negative imperatives.
Student A reads the affirmative, Student B says the negative. Then change roles.

Student A: Eat in the library.

Student B: Don’t eat in the library.

1. Eat in the library. 6. Open the window.

2. Be late for work. 7. Park your car here.

3. Sit in that seat. 8. Feed the animals.

4. Use the elevator. 9. Close your book.

5. Call him at midnight. 10. Use your phone in class.

9 SPEAK & WRITE. Work with a partner. What do these signs mean? Match each imperative
with the correct sign below.

a. Stop. e. Do not eat or drink.

b. Do not use your cell phone. f. Do not enter.

c. Be careful. g. Drive slowly.

d. Do not feed the animals. h. Be quiet.

1. a 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.


10 EDIT. Read the advice. Find and correct five more errors with imperatives.

How to Be a Good Employee

1. Be on time. Doesn’t be late.

2. Be friendly and polite to customers. You say “thank you.”

3. Don’t rude to coworkers.

4. Don’t leaves work early. Stay until five o’clock.

5. Do not you use your cell phone in meetings.

6. Doesn’t play computer games at work.

11 Complete the conversations with affirmative or negative imperatives. Use the verbs in the
box. You can use each verb more than once.

call drink get go quit save stay take

1. A: I want a job at a computer company, but I also want to take a psychology course.

B: Don’t take a psychology course.

a course in math or computer science.

2. A: I don’t like my job. I want to quit.

B: your job now. another

job first.

3. A: I have a cold. I need to go to a hospital.

B: to a hospital. Just a doctor

or at home and hot tea.

4. A: I’m tired. I need more sleep.

B: Well, to bed early, and

coffee at night.

5. A: I don’t have very much money, but I want to go shopping.

B: shopping. home and

your money.



A Read the list of activities. Then listen to advice on how to be an
underwater photographer. Does the speaker think each activity
is a good idea or a bad idea? Check (✓) the correct column.

Good Bad
Idea Idea

1. Swim a lot. A hawksbill turtle

2. Learn about the ocean.
3. Try to catch fish.
4. Choose the right camera.

5. Practice in a swimming pool.

6. Jump into the water with your camera.
7. Leave your camera in the sun.
8. Have fun.

Compare your answers from exercise A with a partner.

C Complete the chart with information from exercise A.

Use affirmative and negative imperatives.

How to Be an Underwater Photographer: Advice

Good Ideas Bad Ideas
Swim a lot.


A Work with a group. Discuss ways to improve your English. Use affirmative and negative

Read in English.
Don’t miss class.

B Make a chart in your notebook. Organize your ideas from exercise A in a chart. Use
affirmative and negative imperatives. Use the chart from exercise 12C as a model.

C As a group, present your advice to the class.

Improve your English! Here is our advice. Read in English. . . .


UNIT 3 Review the Grammar

Charts 1 Change each affirmative statement to a negative statement. Then change each underlined
3.1, 3.4,
object to an object pronoun.
3.7, 3.8
1. She reads the newspaper every morning. She doesn’t read it every morning.

2. She works with Todd and Oscar.

3. My brother has my book.

4. She teaches Barbara and me.

5. We talk to our friends every day.

6. She studies biology.

7. He knows my sister.

8. He fixes cars.

Charts 2 Look at the work schedule. Then complete the sentences below. Use the correct prepositions
of time and the verbs in parentheses. Use the negative form when necessary.

Name Days Times Break

Petra MWF 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 1:00 – 1:45 p.m.

Ali M-F 3:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 8:00 – 8:45 a.m.
Nadia T/Th 11:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. 2:30 – 3:00 a.m.
Ken T/Th 9:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. 2:00 – 2:30 a.m.

Cathy M-F 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 2:00 – 2:30 p.m.

1. Petra works (work) from 9:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.

2. Petra (work) Tuesday or Thursday.

3. Ali (work) 12:00 p.m.

4. Ali (have) a break 8:00 a.m.

5. Nadia (work) the afternoon.

6. Nadia and Ken (work) night.

7. Ken (have) a break 2:00 a.m.

8. Cathy (work) 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

9. Cathy (work) Saturday and Sunday.

10. Cathy and Petra (have) their breaks the afternoon.


Review the Grammar UNIT 3

Charts 3 EDIT. Read the paragraph. Find and correct six more errors with verbs and prepositions
of time.

Max Kraushaar studys in Seattle. He likes to bake. At Friday and
Saturday morning, he bake pies. In night, people call or text Max.
They order pies, and Max delivers them. He doesn’t drives a car. He
rides a bicycle and carrys the pies in a basket. He takes orders until
3:00 a.m. Max’s company have a funny name. He calls it “Piecycle.”

4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses and prepositions
CD1-42 of time. Then listen and check your answers.
3.1–3.2, A Dangerous Job
Chris Hansen (1) works (work) in Alaska (2) in the winter.
He (3) (have) a job on a crab boat. He (4) (fish) for
crabs (5) October (6) January. Chris and the other fishermen
(7) (drop) heavy crab pots in the ocean and (8) (pull)
them back onto the boat a day later. Chris (9) (not like) his job.
It (10) (be) very dangerous on the ocean. Even in bad weather, the work
(11) (not stop). The days (12) (be) very short in
the winter. The sun (13) (not rise) (14) about 10:00 a.m.,
and it (15) (go) down (16) around 4:00 p.m. Chris’s
mother (17) (worry) about him. She (18) (say),
“(19) (be) careful, Chris! (20) (not fall) off the
boat!” He (21) (say), “(22) (not worry), Mom!”

Fishermen with a crab

pot, Bering Sea, near
southwest Alaska, USA

Charts 5 SPEAK & WRITE.
3.1, 3.2,
3.4–3.7 A Look at the activities in the chart. Then write notes about your schedule.

Activity My Schedule My Partner’s Schedule

wake up M-F 8:00; Sat, Sun 12:00 M-F 7:00; Sat, Sun 9:00
eat lunch


go shopping

see my friends

B Work with a partner. Discuss your schedules. Take notes about your partner’s schedule in the
chart in exercise A.

From Monday to Friday, I wake up at 7:00 a.m.

C Choose two of the activities from the chart in exercise A. Write sentences about your
schedule and your partner’s schedule.

Marisol wakes up at 7:00 a.m. I wake up at 8:00 a.m.


3.1, 3.2,
3.4–3.10 A Listen to information about four problems. Write the number next to each problem when you
hear about it.
a test / a party an important meeting / a headache

1 a new job / no car a bad cold / the emergency room at a hospital

B Listen again. Then write two sentences about each problem.


1. Tom has a new job. He doesn’t have a car.




C Work with a partner. Write advice for the people from exercises A and B. Use imperatives.

1. Advice for Tom: Don’t miss work! Ask a friend for help.

2. Advice for Sue:

3. Advice for Jay and Bill:

4. Advice for Ann and Jim:


Connect the Grammar to Writing


A Read the paragraph. What is the writer’s advice for new teachers? Discuss with a partner.

My Job
as a Teacher
I am a teacher. I work from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
I teach four English classes. In class, I write on the
board. I ask a lot of questions. I use pictures when
I teach vocabulary. I don’t arrive late. At home,
I plan my lessons. I correct homework and tests.
My advice for new teachers – learn your students’
names on the first day.


In the paragraph in exercise A, the writer uses the simple present to talk
about habits or routines and schedules.

I work from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

I don’t arrive late.

B Read the paragraph in exercise A again. Underline the verbs in the simple present. Circle the
imperative. Then compare your answers with a partner.

C Complete the chart with information from the paragraph in exercise A. What does a teacher
do in class? At home?

The Job of a Teacher

In Class At Home

She asks a lot of questions.

Advice: Learn your students’ names.


Write about a Job

2 BEFORE YOU WRITE. Complete the chart with information about your job as a student.
What do you do in class? At home? What advice do you have for new students? Use the
chart from exercise 1C as a model.

My Job as a Student

In Class At Home


3 WRITE a paragraph about your job as a student. Give advice for new students. Use the
information from your chart in exercise 2 and the paragraph in exercise 1A to help you.

WRITING FOCUS Indenting Paragraphs

Good writers indent the first line of a paragraph. To indent, begin the first
line of a paragraph five spaces to the right.

I am a teacher. I work from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. I teach four English
classes. In class, I write on the board. I ask a lot of questions.

4 SELF ASSESS. Read your paragraph. Underline the verbs in the simple present. Then use the
checklist to assess your work.

I did not put be in front of other verbs in the simple present. [3.1, 3.3]

The verbs in the simple present are spelled correctly. [3.3]

I used the base form of the verb for imperatives. [3.9, 3.10]

The first line of my paragraph is indented. [WRITING FOCUS]


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