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Investigation of the Internal Structure of Fiber
Reinforced Geopolymer Composite under Mechanical
Impact: A Micro Computed Tomography (µCT) Study
Sneha Samal 1 , Marcela Kolinova 2 , Hubert Rahier 3 , Giovanni Dal Poggetto 4
and Ignazio Blanco 5, *
1 Institute of Physics of Czech Academy of Sciences, Na Slovance 1999/2, 182 21 Prague, Czech Republic;
[email protected]
2 The Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technology and Innovation, Technical University of Liberec,
Studentská 2, 46117 Liberec, Czech Republic; [email protected]
3 Department of Physical Chemistry and Polymer Science (FYSC), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2,
1050 Brussel, Belgium; [email protected]
4 Ecoricerche srl, Via Principi Normanni 36, 81043 Capua Caserta, Italy; [email protected]
5 Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture and UdR-Catania Consorzio INSTM, University of
Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-095-738-2819

Received: 10 December 2018; Accepted: 30 January 2019; Published: 2 February 2019 

Abstract: The internal structure of fiber reinforced geopolymer composite was investigated by
microfocus X-ray computed tomography (µCT) under mechanical impact. µCT is a non-destructive,
multi approach technique for assessing the internal structures of the impacted composites without
compromising their integrity. The three dimensional (3D) representation was used to assess the
impact damage of geopolymer composites reinforced with carbon, E-glass, and basalt fibers. The 3D
representations of the damaged area with the visualization of the fiber rupture slices are presented in
this article. The fiber pulls out, and rupture and matrix damage, which could clearly be observed,
was studied on the impacted composites by examining slices of the damaged area from the center of
the damage towards the edge of the composite. Quantitative analysis of the damaged area revealed
that carbon fabric reinforced composites were much less affected by the impact than the E-glass and
basalt reinforced composites. The penetration was clearly observed for the basalt based composites,
confirming µCT as a useful technique for examining the different failure mechanisms for geopolymer
composites. The durability of the carbon fiber reinforced composite showed better residual strength
in comparison with the E-glass fiber one.

Keywords: polymer composites; geopolymer; fiber; mechanical impact; micro-computed

tomography; µCT

1. Introduction
Over the past 35 years, microcomputed tomography (µCT) has proved to be an effective and
standard tool for quantifying structure-function relationships, disease progression, and preclinical
models, thus contributing to scientific and bioengineering advancements [1]. µCT is a non-destructive
imaging technique for the production of high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) images composed of
two-dimensional (2D) trans-axial projections, or “slices”, of a target specimen. Its principle is based
on the attenuation of X-rays passing through the object or sample being imaged. As an X-ray passes

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through the object, the intensity of the incident X-ray beam is diminished according to the Equation
Ix = I0 e−µx (1)

where I0 is the intensity of the incident beam, x is the distance from the source, Ix is the intensity of the
beam at distance x from the source, and µ is the linear attenuation coefficient [2].
Micro-CT can be used to evaluate volume and/or area using scanning pre- and post-endodontic
treatment. The application of X-ray computed tomography and the assessment of measurement
uncertainty regarding elements manufactured with the fused deposition modeling (FDM) method
using 3D printing were performed [3]. The main advantage of using µCT is represented by the
non-destructive acquisition of a complete model of the internal and external structure of the object
with a higher resolution in respect to other techniques such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance
imaging. The µCT can be applied on any surface, geometry, color, or material up to a certain density
and/or thickness penetrable with X-rays. Recently, µCT is becoming increasingly important among
the non-destructive inspection techniques for applications where the 3D nature of the phenomena
is important and where the evolution of critical features is of interest, either during manufacturing
or under in-service conditions. In the field of composites, the heterogeneity and architecture of the
materials often require 3D assessment, while understanding the nucleation and evolution of defects
is the key point for their structural integrity [4]. µCT allows one to slice through anywhere inside
the object and inspect and identify defects (such as delaminations, cracks, and voids). It also allows
for accurate measurements of structural features, reconstruction of a surface model to compare with
Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) drawings, and much more.
Geopolymers are an emerging class of materials widely used for the manufacturing of special
concretes, thus proposing itself as an alternative to the Portland cement [5,6]. Geopolymer is considered
a green cement and an eco-friendly material with suitable durability and mechanical and thermal
properties for construction industries [7,8]. However, despite all of these features, their poor tensile
and bending strengths due to the brittle and ceramic-like nature [9] can easily lead to failure and
limits their use in several applications. Fiber reinforced geopolymer composites are considered a good
solution for improving the flexural strength and fracture toughness due to a shift from a brittle failure
mode to a ductile one [10].
Polymers, due to their ability to provide economic and structural benefits, can be considered
the materials characterizing the last century. Continuing in this direction and trying to improve
mechanical, thermal, and durability properties of polymers by adding various reinforcements to them,
material experts are defining the composites as reference materials for the twenty-first century [11].
Composite materials have shown their superior performance over metals in many applications, such as
in aerospace, automotive, and where high mechanical strength combined with low weight are required
in general. Composites consist of a combination of materials that are mixed together to achieve specific
structural properties. Normally, the components can be physically identified, as they interface with one
another. A matrix supports the fibers and bonds them together in the composite material. The matrix
transfers any applied loads to the fibers and keeps them in their position, thus giving resistance to the
composite and determining its maximum service temperature. The properties of the composite are
generally superior to those of the individual materials from which it is obtained, but its behavior under
impact has been an important concern in many advanced engineered structures and components [12].
The potential application of composites in both low and high technology applications offers many
advantages but suffers from shortcomings such as their weak impact resistance. Understanding the
behavior of composites during impact is thus a crucial point to be considered for the improvement of
the material properties [13]. The material’s behavior towards runaway debris or objects that fall on
its top surface determine the durability of the material, considering the residual strength depends on
the damaged area upon impact [14]. A composite material is made of fibers embedded in a matrix,
which is generally laminated with fibers oriented in alternating directions to give the material strength
and stiffness [15]. For the construction of building structures, woven fabrics are usually the choice to
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 516 3 of 14

save weight, minimize resin void size, and maintain fiber orientation during the fabrication process.
In general, impact events cause combinations of damages [16]. The resulting damage may include
significant fiber failure, matrix cracking, delamination, and debonded elements. Damage caused by
low-energy impact is more contained but may also include a combination of broken fibers, matrix
cracks, and multiple delaminations. Thus, it is essential to study the fiber orientation and the overall
damage in fiber at the composite after impact under mechanical load [17].
Based on this assumption, a study was carried out on fiber reinforced geopolymer composite
under mechanical load. The inner view of the composite on the point of structural integrity was carried
out by investigating the damage of the fiber composite by the micro computed tomography method
after mechanical impact. Although theoretical predictions about fiber orientation and porosity are
presented, their combination with an experimental approach using micro computed tomography are
not thoroughly addressed [18].
In a previous work, impact tests were carried out with a drop weight method on the surface of
the composite material, and the residual strength of the composite in correlation with damage areas
was explained [19]. Composites have complex characteristics and the presence of defects or damage
will decrease their strength, thus initiating their ultimate failure [20].
In this work, we studied geopolymer composites with various fiber reinforcements, namely
carbon, E-glass, and basalt. One general outcome (and the outcome of the present study) is the need to
perform a detailed observation of the sample inner surface quality without any destructive changes.
The geometrical defects that develop due to impact inside the fabric reinforced composite may play
a determining role in the strength and life of the composite. The internal defects include fiber pull
out, misalignment of the fiber, cracks, and damage to the matrix. In this work, we addressed the
detailed statistical characterization of geometrical defects in the impacted fabric reinforced composite
with 3D images captured by µCT to visualize the interior structural details with high resolution on
a scale of interest for damage evaluation of the composite [21,22]. The relationships between the
damaged area/volume and impact energies were established, and the composite was characterized,
not only investigating the volume of the damaged area, but also the internal damage area including the
internal structure and fiber breakage on the various layers of the composite structure. µCT was used
to investigate the damaged area, fiber breakage from the surface to internal layers of the composite,
delamination, and rupture of the fibers. Overall sustainability and durability of the composite were
predicted by the µCT technique depending on the internal 3D image determined.

2. Experimental

2.1. Materials
Geopolymer binder was prepared by mixing 49% alumina-silicate powder, 44.12% alkali activator
containing NaOH/KOH, and 6.88% metakaolin powder. The combination was stirred for 10 min by a
home-made mixer machine for a complete homogenous mixture.
Composite samples (100 × 100 × 3 mm3 ) were prepared by hand lay up technique with fabrics
of carbon (Figure 1a), E-glass (Figure 1b), and basalt (Figure 1c) reinforcement in alumino-silicate
geopolymer matrices with metakaolin binders using piles of fabrics in the 0–90◦ direction [12].
The assembled fabric reinforced geopolymer composites were placed in a vacuum bag and cured
under 0.003 MPa at room temperature for 24 h. The bag with the composite was then placed in a curing
oven at 70 ◦ C for 12 h [12]. To maintain a thickness of 3 mm, the fabrics were arranged in different
layers, such as 7 layers of E-glass, 10 layers of carbon, and 15 layers of basalt fabric. The volume
fraction of the fiber, the matrix, and the voids of the three laminates were calculated according to the
formulas reported in Equations (2)–(4):
Vf = ·100% (2)
tρ f
characterized, not only investigating the volume of the damaged area, but also the internal damage
area including the internal structure and fiber breakage on the various layers of the composite
structure. µCT was used to investigate the damaged area, fiber breakage from the surface to internal
layers of the composite, delamination, and rupture of the fibers. Overall sustainability and durability
of the composite were predicted by the µCT technique depending on the internal 3D image
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2. Experimental 1 h mc i
Figure 1. (a) Carbon fiber (b) E-glassVm = fiber (c) Basalt − fiber
nρw reinforced
·100% geopolymer composite before (3)
tρm Lb
2.1. impact
Geopolymer V = 100 − V + V
f49% alumina-silicate powder, 44.12% alkali (4)
The assembledbinder was prepared
fabric reinforced v by mixing
geopolymer composites m
were placed in a vacuum bag and cured
under containing NaOH/KOH, and 6.88% metakaolin powder. Thecomposite
combination was stirred for 10
where Vf ,0.003
Vm , V MPa
v areat room
the temperature
volume fractions forof24 h.
fibers,The bag
matrix, with
and the
voids was
in a sample, then placed
n is the in a of
curing by a
oven home-made
at 70 °C mixer
for 12 machine
h [12]. for
To a complete
maintain a homogenous
thickness of 3mixture.
mm, the fabrics were arranged in
fiber layers in a composite sample, and t, L, and b are the thickness, length, and width of a composite
Composite samples (100 × 100 × 3 mm3) were prepared by hand lay up technique with fabrics of
sample, layers, such as 7 layers of E-glass, 10 layers of carbon, and 15 layers of basalt fabric. The
carbonrespectively. The volume
(Figure 1a), E-glass (Figurefractions
1b), andofbasalt
matrix,1c)and voids of the
reinforcement in three laminates are
volume fraction of the fiber, the matrix, and the voids of the three laminates were calculated
reported in Table
geopolymer 1.
matrices with metakaolin binders using piles of fabrics in the 0–90° direction [12].
according to the formulas reported in Equations 2, 3, and 4:

V = ∙ 100% (2) (2)

1 𝑚
𝑉 = − 𝑛𝜌 ∙ 100% (3) (3)
𝑡𝜌 𝐿𝑏

𝑉 = 100 − 𝑉 + 𝑉 (4) (4)

where Vf, Vm, Vv are the volume fractions of fibers, matrix, and voids in a sample, n is the number of
fiber layers in a composite sample, and t, L, and b are the thickness, length, and width of a composite
sample, respectively.
The volume fractions of fiber,
matrix, and voids of the three
laminates are
reported in Table 1.
Figure 1. (a) Carbon fiber (b) E-glass fiber (c) Basalt fiber reinforced geopolymer composite before
impact test. Table 1. Density and volume fractions of fiber, matrix, and voids of the
three reinforcements used.

Table 1. Density and volume fractions ofFiber

Density fiber,Vmatrix,Matrix V of theVoids
and voids V
three reinforcements used.
g/cm3 Fraction % Fraction % Fraction %
Reinforcement Density g/cm3
Carbon 1.51 Fiber V39Fraction % 40
Matrix V Fraction %
21 Voids V Fraction %
Carbon Basalt 1.51 1.97 4039 45 40 15 21
Basalt E-glass 1.97 1.80 4140 37 45 22 15
E-glass 1.80 41 37 22

The geopolymer matrix composition was 2.04, 31.80, 0.08, 15.15, 1.74, 0.63, 0.24, and 48.32% in Al,
The geopolymer matrix composition was 2.04, 31.80, 0.08, 15.15, 1.74, 0.63, 0.24, and 48.32% in
Si, P, K, Zr, Na, Ca, and O, respectively. The samples were impacted by the drop weight method, and
Al, Si, P, K, Zr, Na, Ca, and O, respectively. The samples were impacted by the drop weight method,
damage was created
the damage at theat
was created center of theofmaterial
the center (Figure
the material 2). 2).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2. 2.
Basalt fiber
fiber reinforced
reinforced geopolymer
compositeafter impact
after test.
impact test.

The indenterwas
indenter wasstruck
the height
height of 0.50
0.50 m
m on
on the
composite to to
create a a
notch. Five
Five specimensfor
specimens foreach
system with
with dimensions
dimensions of of 100
100 ××130
130××3 3mm
mm 3 were
3 were tested
with anan in-house
in-house builtdrop
built dropweight
factor.AA hardened
hardened steel
steel striker
hemispherical tiptip
of of
diameter was impacted on the sample from a chosen drop height. The weight of the impactor was
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diameter was impacted on the sample from a chosen drop height. The weight of the impactor was
considered to be 3.072 kg. The energy, 6.2 J, was achieved from the chosen drop height of 0.50 m.
considered to be 3.072 kg. The energy, 6.2 J, was achieved from the chosen drop height of 0.50 m. A
A schematic diagram of the system is reported in Figure 3.
schematic diagram of the system is reported in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the system used for the impact tests.
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the system used for the impact tests.
The samples were examined in detailed damage areas using the µCT techniques before and after
The samples were examined in detailed damage areas using the µCT techniques before and
the impact test. The specimens for the µCT investigation were cut with a dimension of 50 × 50 × 3
after the impact test. The specimens for the µCT investigation were cut with a dimension of 50 × 50
mm33 around the central damage area. The distance of the outer edge was 25 mm towards the
× 3 mm around the central damage area. The distance of the outer edge was 25 mm towards the
boundary from the center of impact and the notch generated on the composite surface.
boundary from the center of impact and the notch generated on the composite surface.
2.2. Micro Computed Tomography
2.2. Micro Computed Tomography
The µCT analysis was carried out in a SkyScan 1272 (Bruker, Kontich, Belgium) with a source
The µCT
voltage of analysis
100 kV and was carried
a source out in
current a SkyScan
of 100 µA using1272 (Bruker,
a camera pixelKontich, Belgium)
size of 16 µm. with
Slices of a source
the µCT
voltage of 100
images kV collected
were and a source
fromcurrent of 100composite
the impacted µA usingby a camera
theirsize of 16with
images µm.theSlices of the
rotation of µCT
were3D images from
collected werethe built using the
impacted CT Voxby
composite graphics
scanning software (Bruker,
their images withKontich, of 0.28◦ .
the rotation
3D images werein Table
built 2). µCT
using the imaging
CT Vox not only affords
graphics softwareadvantages
(Bruker,over the conventional
Kontich, approach in
Belgium; parameters
but also eliminates the tedious sample preparation.
Table 2). µCT imaging not only affords advantages over the conventional approach but also eliminates
Besides analyzing internal structures of the composite, µCT provides a better understanding of
the tedious sample preparation.
the behavior and damage of the composite materials undergoing impact loading. The µCT method
helps to detect and measure the fiber breakage, which leads to the basic understanding of the
Table 2. Microcomputed tomography (µCT) scanning parameters for damage area evaluation (SkyScan
mechanisms of crack growth in composites. Three samples were tested for each individual specimen
1272, Filter Cu 0.11 mm).
by the µCT method before and after damage. µCT slices were obtained and examined at each degree
of composites rotation to observe differences
Source voltage 100 kV in fiber ruptureExposure
and matrix debonding. More
2849 than
ms 450
slices were produced
Source current by µCT for each sample.
100 µV Rotation step 0.4◦
Image pixel size 16.0 µm Scanning position 18 mm
Table 2. to source
Microcomputed 193.3 mm
tomography Reconstruction
(µCT) scanning parameters program Nrecon
for damage area evaluation
(SkyScan to source
Filter Cu 0.11 mm).268.6 mm Ring artifact correction 20
Beam hardening correction 0% Scanning position 18 mm
Source voltage
Cone beam angle horizontal 15.16◦100 kV beam angle vertical 2849 ms 5.17◦
Cone Exposure
Source current
No of projections 2849100 µV Rotation
X-ray spotstep
target 0.4° 16 µm
Total test time
Image pixel size 4 h 16.0 µm Camera position
Scanning Resolution 18 mm 1632 × 1092
Object to source 193.3 mm Reconstruction program Nrecon
Camera to source 268.6 mm Ring artifact correction 20
Besides analyzing internal structures of the composite, µCT provides a better understanding of the
behavior and damage of the composite materials undergoing impact loading. The µCT method helps
to detect and measure the fiber breakage, which leads to the basic understanding of the mechanisms
of crack growth in composites. Three samples were tested for each individual specimen by the µCT
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method before andBeam hardening

after damage. correction 0% obtained
µCT slices were Scanning position at each
and examined 18 mm
degree of composites
Cone beam angle horizontal 15.16° Cone beam angle vertical 5.17°
rotation to observe differences in fiber rupture and matrix debonding. More than 450 slices were
No of projections 2849 X-ray spot target 16µm
produced by µCT for each sample.
Total test time 4h Camera Resolution 1632 × 1092
For For
the the
carbon fabric
carbon fabriccomposite,
composite,aaselection of the
selection of the slices
throughthethe damaged
damaged area
area waswas done
(Figure 4).
(Figure 4).

Figure 4. Carbon
Figure 4. Carbonfiber composite
fiber compositeafter
impact. µCT slicesofofdamage
µCT slices damage from
from thethe center
center towards
towards the edge.
the edge.
The The
damage was investigated
was investigatedatatthe
center and fromeach
and from eachset
oneone picture
picture waswas chosen
at a at
distance of 5ofmm
a distance 5 mmtowards

Using all of
Using all the slices,
of the a 3D
slices, a 3Dreconstruction
reconstructionimage was created
image was createdwith
software (Figure
(Figure 5). 5).
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Figure 5. Three dimensional (3D) image after impact test of carbon fiber reinforced geopolymer
Figure 5. Three dimensional (3D) image after impact test of carbon fiber reinforced geopolymer
composite. The part shows the area of impact.
composite. The part shows the area of impact.
3. Results and Discussion
An area of 6.1 × 6.5 mm2 was measured in carbon fabric reinforced composite (Figure 6a1–c1),
showing a circular deformation on this composite surface. In longitudinal and transverse directions,
broken fiber bundles in carbon fabric reinforced geopolymer composite were seen (Figure 6a2–c2),
and the gap between the fibers became larger near the back side of the impact.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 516 7 of 14
Figure 5. Three dimensional (3D) image after impact test of carbon fiber reinforced geopolymer
composite. The part shows the area of impact.
3. Results and Discussion
3. Results and Discussion
An area of 6.1 × 6.5 mm2 was measured in carbon fabric reinforced composite (Figure 6a1–c1),
An area of 6.1 × 6.5 mm2 was measured in carbon fabric reinforced composite (Figure 6a1–c1),
showing a circular deformation on this composite surface. In longitudinal and transverse directions,
showing a circular deformation on this composite surface. In longitudinal and transverse directions,
broken fiber fiber
broken bundles in carbon
bundles fabric
in carbon reinforced
fabric geopolymer
reinforced geopolymer composite
seen (Figure
(Figure 6a2–c2),
6a2–c2), and
the gap
andbetween the fibers
the gap between thebecame largerlarger
fibers became near the
nearback sideside
the back of the impact.
of the impact.

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Figure 6. Slices and top view of the carbon fabric reinforced geopolymer composite after impact, a slice
of (a1–c1)
6. Slices andand
top (a2–c2)
view of transverse direction
the carbon fabric of the geopolymer
reinforced damaged area. The lines
composite afterindicate
impact, where
slice cross
the other of (a1-c1) longitudinal
sections and (a2-c2)
were taken. transverse
(d1–d2) Shows direction of thefrom
the response damaged area. The area.
the damaged lines indicate
where the other cross sections were taken. (d1-d2) Shows the response from the damaged area.
The depth of the hole was about half the thickness of the specimen and seemed to be thicker at
the centerThe depth
of the of the hole was about half the thickness of the specimen and seemed to be thicker at
the center of the impact.
For E-glass reinforced composites (Figures 7 and 8), the notch formation in the central region
For E-glass reinforced composites (Figures 7 and 8), the notch formation in the central region
was much more pronounced than in the carbon fibers. Comparing Figures 4 and 7, it is clear that the
was much more pronounced than in the carbon fibers. Comparing Figures 4 and 7, it is clear that the
damage stretched
damage over
stretched a much
over wider
a much widerarea.

Figure 7. E-glass fiber composite after impact. µCT slices of damage from the center towards the edge.
Figure 7. E-glass fiber composite after impact. µCT slices of damage from the center towards the edge.
The fiber damage
The fiber waswas
damage investigated atatthe
investigated thecenter
center and fromeach
and from eachset
setofof pictures,
pictures, oneone picture
picture was was chosen
at a distance of 5 mm towards the edge of the composite.
at a distance of 5 mm towards the edge of the composite.
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Figure 8.
8. 8.
3D imageafter
image afterimpact
after impacttest
impact testof
test of E-glass
of E-glass
E-glass fiber
fiber reinforced
fiber reinforcedgeopolymer
reinforced geopolymercomposite.
geopolymer composite.The
composite. The
part shows
the area
the area of
of impact.
the area of impact.

Even in
inin the
the toplayer,
top layer,the
layer, thefiber
the fiberrupture
fiber rupture was
rupture was more
more pronounced,
was more pronounced, which
pronounced, whichwas
which wasevident
was evident
from the
fromthe slices
in a
a longitudinal
longitudinal and
and transverse
transverse directions
directions (Figures
(Figures 9a1–c1
in a longitudinal and transverse directions (Figure 9a1–c1,a2–c2). and
and a2–c2).

Figure 9. Slices
Slices and top
and view of theE-glass
E-glass fabricreinforced
reinforced geopolymercomposite
composite after impact
impact test in
Figure9. 9. Slices andtop
the E-glassfabric
fabric reinforcedgeopolymer
geopolymer compositeafter after impacttest
in longitudinal
longitudinal (a1–c1)(a1–c1) and transverse
and transverse (a2–c2)(a2–c2) directions
directions (the
(the lines lines indicate where the other cross
in longitudinal (a1–c1) and transverse (a2–c2) directions (the indicate wherewhere
lines indicate the other
the cross
were taken).were taken).
(d1–d2) (d1–d2)
The The response
response the from the damaged area.
sections were taken). (d1–d2) The from
response damaged area.
from the damaged area.

Fiber sliding was observed in the composite due to the slippery behavior of E-glass fabrics and
Fiber sliding was observed in the composite due to the slippery behavior of E-glass fabrics and
the weak bonding between the fiber and the matrix of the composite. Fiber delamination on the
the weak bonding between the fiber and the matrix of the composite. Fiber delamination on the
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Fiber sliding was observed in the composite due to the slippery behavior of E-glass fabrics
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10 of 15
the weak bonding between the fiber and the matrix of the composite. Fiber delamination on the
various layers
layers was
was observed
observed in in the
the composite
composite in in the
the area
towardsits itslongitudinal
direction. The slipping behavior of fibers within the matrix of the composite, as well as theloosening
The slipping behavior of fibers within the matrix of the composite, as well as the loosening
withinthe thedamage
damagezone, zone,waswasvery
prominent. TheThe depth
depth of
of the
the hole
thicknessof ofthe
sample. On Onthethebackside,
numberof oflayers
decreasedwhen whenone oneapproached
approachedthe thecenter
seemedto tobe
thinnerin inthe
regionof ofthe
impacton onthethebasalt
basalt geopolymer
geopolymer composite
composite (Figure
(Figure 10)
10) was
was penetrated
penetrated through
through itsits surface.
There was extensive damage in the central area that spread out until the edge (Figure 10, slice 450).
was extensive damage in the central area that spread out until the edge (Figure 10, slice 450).
The specimen
specimen was was completely
completely deformed,
deformed, and and even
even the
the regions
regions outside
outside the
the impact
impact zone
zone remained
permanentlytwisted twisteddue duetotothe
impact, asas
is is
shown from thethe
from toptop
imagesin Figure 10 where
in Figure 10 wherethe
two “flat” parts no longer lay in the same
the two “flat” parts no longer lay in the same plane. plane.

Figure 10. Basalt

Figure10. Basalt fiber
fiber composite
after impact. µCT slices
impact. µCT slices of
of damage
damage from
from the
the center
center towards
towards the
the edge.
The fiber damage was investigated at the center and from each set of pictures, one picture waschosen
fiber damage was investigated at the center and from each set of pictures, one picture was chosen

As a result, the remainder of the composite could only carry very negligible loads compared to
As a result, the remainder of the composite could only carry very negligible loads compared to
the original value before the damage [23]. The overall image of the basalt fiber reinforced geopolymer
the original value before the damage [23]. The overall image of the basalt fiber reinforced geopolymer
composite is shown in Figure 11. The impact area was observed with a fiber rupture region from the
composite is shown in Figure 11. The impact area was observed with a fiber rupture region from the
top along the direction of the central impact rupture.
top along the direction of the central impact rupture.
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Figure 11. 11.
µCTµCT analysis
analysis before
before and after
and after the impact
the impact test of test offiber
basalt basalt fiber reinforced
reinforced geopolymer
geopolymer composite.
Figure 11. µCT
composite. The analysis
part shows before
the and
area of after the impact test of basalt fiber reinforced geopolymer
The part shows the area of impact.
composite. The part shows the area of impact.

effect of
of the
the impact
impactwas very
was clearclear
very in theinlongitudinal and transverse
the longitudinal directions (Figures
and transverse directions
12a1–c1 effect of
and a2–c2). the impact was very clear in the longitudinal and transverse directions (Figures
(Figure 12a1–c1,a2–c2).
12a1–c1 and a2–c2).

Figure 12. Slices and top view of the basalt fabric reinforced geopolymer composite after the impact
test in 12. Slicesand
top viewofoftransverse
and thebasalt
the basalt(a2–c2)
fabric reinforced
fabric reinforced geopolymer
directions (the composite
lines indicate thethe
the otherimpact
test in in longitudinal
longitudinal (a1–c1)
(a1–c1) and
and transverse
transverse (a2–c2)
(a2–c2) directions
sections were taken). (d1–d2) The response from the damaged area. (the
wherethe other
the cross
other cross
sections werewere taken).(d1–d2)
taken). (d1–d2)The
response from
from the
the damaged
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 516 11 of 14

For the E-glass and the carbon fabrics, the delamination was visible, but the accompanying
Appl. Sci. 2018, 2, x; doi: 12 of 15
expansion in thickness was limited. The thickness of the basalt composite was more than double in
the affectedForarea. This behavior
the E-glass was attributed
and the carbon fabrics, thetodelamination
the strong chemical interactions
was visible, and the mineral
but the accompanying
exchange among in thickness
the basalt was limited.
fabrics andThethethickness
geopolymerof the matrix
basalt composite
[24]. Thus, was more than
strong double
chemical in
the affected
transforms area. This behavior
the composite-like was attributed
cement structure,toand the strong
above chemical interactions
all, it weakens and theshowing
the fibers, mineral the
fragile behavior among
of the thecomposite
basalt fabrics and the geopolymer
structure. The carbonmatrix [24]. Thus,
fiber pull strong chemical
out around the impact bonding
zone was
transforms the composite-like cement structure, and above all, it weakens the fibers, showing the
well explained by the concept of the laser scanner, and these observations match well with ours.
fragile behavior of the composite structure. The carbon fiber pull out around the impact zone was
The unidirectional carbon fibers in an epoxy matrix and the arrangement of the fibers in the laminar
well explained by the concept of the laser scanner, and these observations match well with ours. The
were studiedcarbon usingfibers
µCT in [16], highlighting
an epoxy matrix anddifferent failure modes
the arrangement of theof the in
fibers composite
the laminar and internal
damage [25,26] that agreed with the fiber damage concept presented in this
were studied using µCT [16], highlighting different failure modes of the composite and internal study.
damagecentral damage
[25,26] areaswith
that agreed of thethecarbon, the E-glass,
fiber damage concept and the basalt
presented in thisfabric
study.composites got larger
in that order (Figure
The central 13a–c).
damage Fiber
areas breakage
of the carbon, theand matrix
E-glass, andcracks were
the basalt observed
fabric in all
composites gotcases
in that order
micrographs of the (Figure13
damaged a,b,c). Fiber for
samples breakage
E-glass and matrixS1)
(Figure cracks
(Figurein allfabric
S2) cases reinforced
micrographs of the damaged samples for E-glass (Figure SM1) and basalt
composites are reported as examples in the Supplementary Materials], however, for carbon composites, (Figure SM2) fabric
reinforced composites are reported as examples in the supplementary materials], however, for carbon
the area outside the range of 25 mm showed no change in appearance. The fiber damage within the
composites, the area outside the range of 25 mm showed no change in appearance. The fiber damage
central region was observed while the rest of the composite was intact with good adhesion of fibers
within the central region was observed while the rest of the composite was intact with good adhesion
within the matrix. The severely damaged area of the carbon geopolymer composite was 15 ± 2 mm2
of fibers within the matrix. The severely damaged area of the carbon geopolymer composite was 15
± 2 mm from the picture
2 (calculated from ofthe
damaged areadamaged
of the at the impact
area atside), but theside),
the impact damage stretched
but the damage over a
over a larger area.circumferential area.

Figure 13. (a) The damage area of carbon, (b) E-glass, and (c) basalt reinforced composite. The green
part represents the less affected area while the dark one represents the most affected area.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 516 12 of 14

This can be seen in Figure 5, where the affected zone was larger on the surface. The E-glass and
the basalt composites showed only damage in the clearly distorted area with no effective changes in
other parts of the composite. The pull out mechanism of the carbon fiber effectively impacted other
parts of the composite, probably due to the inter shear stress mechanism [27]. The sliding mechanism
of the E-glass fibers reduced the inter shear effect, while the basalt composite was penetrated suddenly,
almost as if no fibers were present. The E-glass composites presented a severely damaged area in the
range of 42 ± 3 mm2 . The basalt reinforced composite had a severely damaged area of 97 ± 5 mm2 .
The area of damage is also represented in Figure 13, where the green part represents the non-affected
area and the black one is the heavily distorted area. Not only was the affected area much larger for
the basalt reinforced composites, but the shape of the impact was different as well. The non-spherical
deformation was caused by the orientation of the textile fibers, which can also be seen in Figure 12c,
where the deformation of the fiber bundles is very clear. The theoretical and experimental approach of
woven fiber in the carbon composite at various axis of damage during dynamic loading was described
in literature [28] and well matches with the damage behavior observed here, such as matrix cracking
and fiber debonding on the composite. The overall fiber orientation and rupture through the composite
from the edge towards the center is supported by the supplementary file Video S1.
The parameters for the 3D image construction and some results were compared to the carbon,
the E-glass, and the basalt reinforced geopolymer composites (Table 3). The pixel size was fixed for
all group images to 16 µm. The value of open porosity in the case of the carbon fabric reinforced
composite showed 17%, while the E-glass fabric showed 43%, and the basalt composite showed the
extreme value of 68% porosity.

Table 3. Parameters for the analysis of 3D images of impacted composites in the µCT techniques (pixel
size: 16 µm).

Experimental Parameters Carbon Composite E-glass Composite Basalt Composite

Number of Layers 65 99 86
Number of fibers 174 520 423
Number of closed pores 0 0 5
Volume of closed pores (mm3 ) 0.0 0.0 0.04
Surface of closed pores (mm2 ) 0 0 1.96
Closed porosity percentage (%) 0.0 0.0 0.06
Volume of open pore space (mm3 ) 99.61 242.37 559.99
Total porosity % 17.78 43.27 89.80

The video shows the breakages of the fiber from the center to the edge and consists of more than
450 slices.

4. Conclusions
µCT reveals the internal geometry of the fabric reinforced composite materials, showing the
overall image of the composite from the impact point towards the edge of the sample and the
fiber breakage, notch, or depth of the impact areas. The advantages of this technique are that it
not only shows the impact area but also very clearly shows the fiber rupture in the different slice
images. Furthermore, other parameters—like porosity and sample position—can be obtained from
the 3D image. The mechanism of damage of the composite is well explained on the basis of the µCT
investigation of the damaged area. The following conclusions can be deduced from the obtained results:
1. Fabric reinforced composites were much less affected by the mechanical impact than the E-glass
and the basalt reinforced composites.
2. As examined for basalt composites, µCT was found to be one of the most useful techniques for
examining the different failure mechanisms for geopolymer composites.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 516 13 of 14

3. µCT provided the internal geometry (including 3D image) of the fabric reinforced composite
materials, including parameters like porosity and sample position. This is the prime advantage of µCT
over other techniques.
4. Our study showed that the durability of the carbon fiber reinforced composite showed better
residual strength in comparison with the E-glass fiber one.
5. The carbon fiber reinforced composite had a much better impact resistance, with fiber damage
only in the central area with a limited amount of fiber sliding in the surrounding areas.

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at,

Figure S1: SEM images of E-glass geocomposite after damage, showing matrix rupture, fibre pull out and
non-adhesion. Figure S2. SEM images of Basalt reinforced geocomposite after impact test, showing the fiber
breakage, matrix cracks, non-adhesion of fabric–matrix interface, Video S1: 3D analysis of basalt fiber from center
to edge in basalt fiber reinforced composite
Author Contributions: S.S., M.K., H.R. and I.B. conceived and designed the experiments; S.S., M.K. and H.R.
performed the experiments; S.S., M.K. and H.R. analyzed the data; S.S., M.K., H.R., G.D.P. and I.B. wrote the paper.
Funding: Ignazio Blanco is grateful to the MIUR for the grant “Fund for basic research activities”, and to
the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Catania for supporting the project
MATErials LIfe foreCAst (MATELICA).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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