Tel 311 - Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

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Ainsley Leavitt

TEL 311

04 October 2020

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template  


Teachers: Subject:
Ainsley Leavitt World History 

AZ State Standards: 
- 11th grade world history: Examine how historically marginalized groups have 
been affected by change in political and social institutions. 

Learning Objective: 
- Students will be able to list three laws that were created in America during the 
Second World War, and examine how these laws affected a marginalized group 
of their choosing, by creating a powerpoint presentation using a minimum of 
five slides and two scholarly sources.  

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):  

̈ How will you assess if your student achieved mastery of the lesson objective? 
̈ Determine the type of demonstration/activity the student will use to demonstrate mastery of the objective. 
̈ What is the condition and degree, the setting or situation in which the student will be able to express the depth 
and extent of learning? 
̈ What is an exemplar student response with the level of detail you expect to see?  

In order to see if my students have achieved mastery of the lesson objective by 
examining their grades on their powerpoint presentations. If they get a 75% or better, 
then I will be able to see that they understand the subject. An exemplar student will 
list and analyze three laws made during the World War and examine how those laws 
affected the three marginalized groups of their choosing.   

Key Academic Vocabulary: (Consider Bloom’s  Materials Needed: 

Verbs)  A laptop/chrome book to create the 
Examine, understand, list, analyze  powerpoint on  
Opening Activity 
̈ How will you activate student interest? 
̈ How will you connect and uncover prior knowledge? 
̈ How will you present the lesson objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?  

I will have a discussion at the beginning of class to see what the students already 
know about World War 2. It will just be the very basics of the war, just to get the 
students' juices flowing. I will start this off by showing a quick summary video and 
then having them add in information. I will present the lesson objective to the students 
by introducing the subject of the class in a simple way to prepare the students for 
what they are going to learn.  

Instructional Input “I do” ​Teacher Will:  Student Will: 

̈ How will you model/explain/demonstrate all  ̈ What will students be doing to actively capture and 
knowledge/skills required of the objective?  process the new material and connect to their prior 
̈ What types of visuals will you use?  knowledge? 
̈ How will you address misunderstandings or  ̈ How will students be engaged? 
common student errors that may be uncovered   
within prior knowledge?   
̈ How will you explain and model behavioral 
̈ Is there enough detail in this section so that   
another person could teach it?   

I will go over a list of laws that were  The students can take notes on the laws 
made during World War II and give a  so they will remember the information I 
small summary on each of them,  am giving them. I will also have a 
encouraging students to do their own  handout with the law names to pass out 
research on their selected laws. I will  to the students.  
also include some marginalized 
groups and explain them a bit. I 
would do this in a powerpoint 
presentation. In order to show the 
students what I expect, I will create a 
rubric and have a small example 
presentation prepared if they are still 
unsure about what is expected of 

Guided Practice “We do” T

​ eacher Will:  Student Will: 
̈ How will you provide guidance to all students  ̈ How will students be engaged? 
as they practice?  ̈ How will students practice all knowledge/skills 
̈ How will you ensure that all students have  required of the objective, with your support? 
multiple opportunities to practice new content  ̈ How will you elicit student-to-student interaction? 
and skills with your support?  ̈ How are students practicing in ways that align to 
̈ How will you utilize the support of peers within  independent practice? 
this practice?   
̈ Is there enough detail in this section so that   
another person could facilitate this practice? 

I will provide guidance by making  Students will talk to their two other 
myself available to answer any  groupmates about their chosen topics 
questions and providing handouts  and get some ideas about how to 
that have example topics.  present their topics.   

Independent Practice “You do”  Student Will: 

Teacher Will:  ̈ How will students be engaged? 
̈ How will you plan to coach and correct during  ̈ How will students independently practice the 
this practice?  knowledge and skills required by the objective? 
̈ How will you provide opportunities for  ̈ How are students practicing in ways that align to 
remediation and extension?  assessment of collection of evidence of mastery? 
̈ How will you clearly state and model academic  ̈ How are students using self-assessment to guide 
and behavioral expectations within the collection  their own learning? 
of evidence of mastery?  ̈ How are you supporting students giving feedback 
̈ Did you provide enough detail so that another 
to one another? 
person could facilitate the practice?   

For homework that night, the  During the presentations I will have the 
students will put together their  students in the audience pick three 
powerpoint presentations in their  presentations and write three new facts 
groups of three. Each group member  they learned and turn that in at the end 
can choose one law and make slides  of class. This will ensure they are paying 
explaining the law and explaining  attention and will give the students 
how it affects the group's chosen  presenting some confidence thinking 
marginalized group. Then the next  that their peers are listening to what 
day the group will have 6 minutes to  they have to say.  
present their powerpoint to the class.  

Closing Activity: 
̈ How will students reflect on learning? 
̈ Summarizing and stating the significance of what they learned. 
̈ Acknowledge the new information that was added/developed within their schema. 

It is important that they learn this information because WWII affected the entire world 
and learning what laws were created and how they affected different groups of people 
will give the students perspective on lives other than their own.  

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