Privatization and Efficiency: Differentiating Ownership Effects From Political, Organizational, and Dynamic Effects

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Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Vol. 42 (2000) 43–74

Privatization and efficiency: differentiating ownership

effects from political, organizational, and dynamic effects
Belén Villalonga ∗
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Received 12 October 1998; received in revised form 25 February 1999; accepted 11 March 1999

This paper argues that the private-public ownership factor should be differentiated from other
factors that also influence the effect of privatization on efficiency. This is empirically confirmed in
a longitudinal study of 24 Spanish firms, for which several political and organizational factors are
found to influence the estimated effects of privatization on efficiency. The analysis of the timing
of the effects reveals a strong significance for post-privatization years 5–6 (negative), and 7–8
(positive). This suggests that the negative effect of these factors is transitional, being eventually
offset by the positive effects of the change to private ownership. ©2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.
JEL classification: L33

Keywords: Privatization; Efficiency; Organizational; Change; Panel data

1. Introduction

One of the most significant economic phenomena of recent years has been the privatization
of state-owned enterprises all over the world. According to Megginson and Netter (1997),
the amount raised by all governments during the last two decades, considering only public
offers, is over $400 billion, a figure that would be considerably surpassed if direct sales
were also taken into account. 1 While there are several possible reasons why privatization
may be undertaken (Yarrow, 1986), the main driver of this trend has been the search for an
increase in the efficiency of the firms involved (Megginson et al., 1994).
∗ Present address: Anderson Graduate School of Management, 110 Westwood Plaza, Box 951481, Los Angeles,

CA 90095-1481, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Villalonga).
1 According to the World Bank, over 2000 firms were privatized during the period 1980–1993 (almost half

between 1991 and 1993), less than 5 percent of which involved public share offerings.

0167-2681/00/$ – see front matter ©2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 2 6 8 1 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 7 4 - 3
44 B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74

Whether privatization actually leads to that improvement in efficiency has been the subject
of what appears to be a considerable amount of research, both theoretical and empirical.
Most of this research, however, has actually been concerned with whether private ownership
leads to a higher efficiency than state ownership, which is only part of the former question. As
a consequence, empirical results do not always support the theoretical predictions. Several
factors, independent of the private-public distinction, also intervene in the relationship
between privatization on efficiency. Moreover, some of them do so in a dynamic way, thus
affecting the timing of privatization effects. Therefore, they need to be controlled for, not
only in empirical research, but also in a complete theory of privatization.
This paper addresses such need in two ways. First, by discussing the different factors
that affect the privatization-efficiency relationship, which are grouped into political, orga-
nizational, and dynamic factors. The latter reflect the transition and evolution inherent to
any privatization process which are ignored, however, in studies about public-private own-
ership. Second, by empirically testing for the presence of all these factors in a longitudinal
study using a sample of 24 Spanish firms which were privatized between 1985 and 1993.
While the superior efficiency of private (versus state-owned) firms in Spain has been con-
firmed in a number of cross-sectional studies, this is the first time the effects of privatization
processes are analysed in this country. It is also the first time the privatization-efficiency
relationship is examined in a representative sample of firms from a Western country other
than the UK, 2 and one of the few statistical analyses of privatization effects that have been
done, as the empirical literature review will show. More importantly, this study is the first
to pay attention to the political, organizational, and transitional effects of privatization on
Section 2 reviews what has been said in theoretical and empirical research about the effect
of privatization on efficiency. Section 3 discusses what is missing from this literature, namely
the political, organizational, and dynamic implications of privatization that may affect firm
efficiency, and states the hypotheses. Section 4 describes the methods and results of the
empirical study, and Section 5 discusses its findings, limitations and implications.

2. Background

Privatization can be defined in a strict sense as the sale of a state-owned firm to the
private sector. 3 Many theoretical and empirical articles have examined the differences
between state-owned and private firms and what these differences imply for firm efficiency.

2.1. Theoretical approaches

Three distinct streams of thought have dealt with the public-private firm comparison:
(1) Agency/Property Rights Theory; (2) Public Choice; and (3) organization theories. The

2 Barberis et al. (1996) have tested it for Russia, and Dyck (1997) for Eastern Germany. This paper will not consider

those studies or any other about privatization in Eastern countries, given the peculiarities these economies entail.
3 Note that this definition of privatization, which is the most widespread, does not include the possible changes

in the competitive or regulatory environment that may accompany it.

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Table 1
Theoretical studies of public versus private ownership and/or privatization
Agency/property rights theories Public choice Organization theories

Property rights theory Zeckhauser and Horn (1989) Fernández (1984, 1985)
Alchian (1965) Haskel and Szymanski (1992a) Perry and Rainey (1988)
De Alessi (1980, 1987) Boycko and Vishny (1996)
Borcherding (1983) Ricart et al. (1991)
Positive agency literature Bishop and Thompson (1992)
Aharoni (1981) Parker (1993, 1995)
Kay and Thompson (1986) Martin and Parker (1997)
Sappington and Stiglitz (1987) Walker and Vasconcellos (1997)
Vickers and Yarrow (1988, 1991)
Caves (1990)
Estrin and Perotin (1991)
Fernández (1995)
Martin and Parker (1997)
Principal-agent models
Shapiro and Willig (1990)
Bös (1991)
Bös and Peters (1991)
Laffont and Tirole (1993)
Garcı́a Cestona and Salas (1995)
Schmidt (1996)

specific theoretical studies within each of these streams are listed chronologically in Table 1.
The table also incorporates Jensen’s (1983) generic distinction between ‘the two agency
literatures’ (positive agency theory versus principal-agent models), both of which have
been represented in the public-private context. Essentially, each stream provides a different
explanation for a common outcome: private firms are more efficient than state-owned.
The Agency Theory explanation is based on the different agency problems and availability
of solutions to them that are associated with each form of ownership. Managers (the agent)
in both types of firms are assumed to seek the maximization of their own utility rather
than that of the organization or its owners (the principal). In private firms, this divergence
is reduced through the existence of: (1) a market for ownership rights which enables the
owners to sell if they are not satisfied with managerial performance — this is the focus
of Property Rights Theory; (2) the threat of takeover; (3) the threat of bankruptcy; and
(4) a managerial labor market. In the case of state-owned firms, not only are all of these
mechanisms absent, 4 but also, the owner-manager relationship is broken down into two
other agency relationships: owner (the public)-politician, and politician-manager.
The Public Choice school’s central argument is that politicians pursue their own utility
rather than the public interest. Accordingly, they impose on state-owned firms goals that
can lead them to gain votes but can conflict with efficiency. For the general public, who
are the ultimate owners of the firm, the costs of monitoring this public sector behavior (e.g.

4 The fourth mechanism, the managerial labor market, may not be exactly absent. More typically, there are two

separate managerial labor markets, one for private firms managers, another for state-owned. But since the latter
is frequently governed by political decisions rather than by the price of managerial ability, it may be useless as a
threat to managerial discretion. Cragg and Dyck (1997a, b, 1998) provide empirical evidence about this fact.
46 B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74

information gathering, lobbying) are likely to offset the benefits (e.g. less taxes, or more
efficient public spending). This is not the case, however, for interest groups such as trade
unions, which makes state-owned enterprises an easy target for rent-seeking activity.
Organizational theories about this topic draw heavily from the other two approaches, but
focus on the organizational characteristics of private firms that are different in state-owned
firms, such as incentives and control mechanisms (Ricart et al., 1991); culture (Bishop and
Thompson, 1992); objectives, organization structure, communications/reporting systems,
nature and location of the business, management, and labor (Parker, 1993, 1995; Martin
and Parker, 1997).

2.2. Empirical approaches

The empirical literature can be classified into two groups: cross sectional studies of
public-private ownership effects, and longitudinal studies of privatization effects.

2.2.1. Cross-sectional studies of public-private ownership effects

Nearly all of the empirical research comparing the efficiency of state-owned and private
firms has been in the form of cross-sectional comparisons of both types of firms in industries
in which they coexist. 5 The most rigorous method that has been used for this consists on
calculating the relative inefficiency of firms of both types with respect to an estimated profit,
cost, or production frontier. Pestieau and Tulkens (1993) have argued for the superiority of
this approach to efficiency measurement. They have also reviewed most of its applications
in the private versus public context. Table 2(a) includes all the studies they cite, as well as
Cross-sectional studies of ownership using more traditional methods (regression) are
listed in Table 2(b). Cross-industry comparisons of public and private sectors are also
included in this table, within the ‘various’ industry category. Since most of these studies have
already been included in one or more empirical reviews, and these reviews are frequently
cited in the theoretical literature, the table indicates, for each of the studies, the review(s)
in which they appear.
As Table 2(a) and (b) shows, although a simple count of results would give a considerable
edge to private ownership (adding up in both tables there are 104 in favor, 14 against
and 35 neutral), the cumulative evidence is not wholly conclusive. Two factors play a
significant role in explaining the diversity of results within these tables: the market structure
of each of the industries (and countries) to which the firms studied belong, and the way
their efficiency is measured. With respect to market structure, as Vickers and Yarrow note,
“statistical tests have rarely been sophisticated enough to take account of the interacting
(non-separable) effects of ownership, competition and regulation on incentive structures,
and hence on the performance of firms” (1988, p. 39). As for efficiency measurement,
one thing to be noted first is that many different concepts of efficiency are relevant in this
context: productive and allocative, static and dynamic. . . (see Martin and Parker, 1997: pp.
47–53; Walker and Vasconcellos, 1997: pp. 27–29). Second, three different measures —
5 All of the articles included in Table 2a and b, except Boussofiane et al. (1997) and Ehrlich et al. (1994), which

are longitudinal.
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profitability, productivity, and costs can be and have been used in these studies, and the
appropriateness of using one or another is highly dependent on market structure (Cuervo
and Peres, 1981; Borins and Boothman, 1985: pp. 100–104; Cuervo, 1995c: pp. 37–38).
Still, after accounting for these two factors, the evidence about which form of ownership is
associated with a higher level of efficiency remains mixed.
In fact, the authors of the various review articles mentioned offer very different conclu-
sions, depending on the studies selected. 6 For instance, Borcherding et al. report that “the
findings in most studies are consistent with the notion that public firms have higher unit
cost structures” (1982, p. 134). In contrast, Millward finds “no broad support for private
enterprise superiority” (1982, p. 83). Fifteen years later, during which many more empirical
studies of public-private ownership have been published, Martin and Parker still conclude
from their survey that “on balance it seems that neither private nor public sector production
is inherently or necessarily more efficient” (their emphasis; 1997, p. 93).

2.2.2. Longitudinal studies of privatization effects

The availability and variety of studies in this category sharply contrast with the previous
one. Many summaries of different countries’ privatization programs have been written, but
almost always of a qualitative nature. In fact, so far there has only been one country for
which quantitative studies of privatization are available: the UK (see Martin and Parker, pp.
85–86, for a review). Of these, only five studies have dealt with a sample size large enough
to allow some kind of statistical analysis: Haskel and Szymanski (1992b), Boussofiane et
al. (1997), and Cragg and Dyck (1997a, b, 1998) the last three based on the same data base.
Two cross-country studies are also of a statistical nature: Megginson et al. (1994) and Nash
et al. (1997). Other than this, the only empirical evidence regarding privatization comes
from case studies such as those included in Galal et al. (1994), Vickers and Yarrow (1988),
Ramamurti (1996), Martin and Parker, or Walker and Vasconcellos (1997).
As in the cross-sectional studies of public-private ownership, the evidence from lon-
gitudinal studies about whether privatization leads to an efficiency increase is not totally

3. Political, organizational and dynamic implications of privatization

The previous literature review shows that the positive effects of privatization on efficiency
predicted by the different theories are not always supported by the existing empirical evi-
dence. Why is there such a mismatch between theory and evidence?
The answer proposed here is that the existing privatization literature has only looked at
part of the problem, which is whether private ownership leads to a higher efficiency than
6 While a proper meta-analysis is beyond the scope of this paper, Table 2 can give some hints on: (1) how

influential each study has been, (2) the pro/con proportion of the set of studies chosen by each of the reviewers,
(3) indirectly, the methodological rigor required for the papers reviewed and (4) the subjectivity with which the
original results are sometimes interpreted. Hirsch’s (Hirsch, 1965) study provides a good illustration for this point:
it has been classified as favorable to private ownership by Yarrow (1986) and by De Alessi (1975), as favorable
to state ownership by Millward and Parker (1983), and as neutral by Borcherding et al. (1982) and by Boardman
and Vining (1980) and in this paper, in view of the discrepancies.
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state ownership. Privatization implies a change in a firm’s ownership, from state to pri-
vate. Hence, the superiority of private to public ownership in terms of firm efficiency is a
necessary condition for the existence of a positive relationship between privatization and
efficiency. However, the condition is not sufficient, for two reasons. First, public versus
private ownership is primarily a static question, which can be typically addressed by com-
paring both types of firm in a given period of time, as the above classification of empirical
research has highlighted. 7 However, privatization is by definition a change, and needs to
be addressed dynamically by looking at a given firm’s evolution and transition between its
private and public stages within a given firm. 8 Second, privatization has other implications,
political and organizational, that are likely to affect the firm’s efficiency, either positively
or negatively, and therefore, reinforce or counteract the effect of the change in ownership
per se.
All these other implications of privatization, however, have been overlooked by previous
researchers, even within the organizational stream. In fact, among all the theoretical priva-
tization studies listed in Table 1, there are only two exceptions to this oversight: Boycko
and Vishny (1996), for whom the effect of privatization on efficiency hinges on the firm’s
restructuring which for them means strictly reducing employment, and Martin and Parker,
who argue: “. . . in so far as ownership and competition are important, they impact on per-
formance through an internal adjustment process” (their emphasis, p. 170). 9 Moreover,
my classification of the empirical research, by separating out ownership (cross-sectional)
studies from privatization (longitudinal) studies, shows that the evidence regarding the re-
lationship between privatization and efficiency is actually much more scarce than what has
been implied by (1) previous empirical reviews of this relationship (e.g. Yarrow, 1986); and
(2) previous theoretical works about privatization claiming support for their theories (e.g.
Bös, 1991).
The basic prediction of all existing privatization theories is the following:

Hypothesis 1. Privatization increases firm efficiency.

How, exactly, is this prediction affected by the political, organizational, and dynamic
factors mentioned?

3.1. Political and organizational implications of privatization

Political implications of privatization are all the government decisions triggered by the
decision to privatise a given firm. 10 These may affect the firm’s efficiency either positively
or negatively. A positive effect will take place if, for instance, the government chooses to
7 Of 153 studies of the public-private distinction, 151 are cross-sectional and only two are longitudinal.
8 Obviously, all the empirical privatization studies cited are longitudinal.
9 The former points to what we call an organizational implication of privatization, the latter to a transitional

10 Decisions about competition or regulation that frequently accompany the privatization decision but are not

implied by it are ruled out here. These are obviously two factors affecting the privatized firm’s efficiency, and
several researchers have pointed out the need to control for them in empirical studies (e.g Vickers and Yarrow,
1988; Haskel and Szymanski, 1992b). However, they are not the focus of this paper, and are not what I mean by
‘political implications of privatization’.
52 B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74

privatize a firm from an industry that will rapidly grow, in order to make privatization look
good. On the other hand, negative effects are typically a consequence of giving priority
to privatization goals other than efficiency, when the choice between those goals and that
of efficiency involves a trade-off. Such would be the case, for instance, of privatizing a
monopoly before introducing competition or an appropriate regulation, as opposed to
afterwards, in order to increase the revenue from privatization (Vickers and Yarrow, 1988);
or of hastening to privatize the firm in a period of recession in the industry or in all of the
economy, as opposed to waiting for a better time, because the government wants to increase
its revenues in that period for political reasons. There is also the possibility of unintended
negative effects, such as a government’s mistake or failure in choosing the optimal buyer
or privatization method.
Organizational implications of privatization are all the decisions taken by the new owners
or managers of the privatized firm that cannot be predicted by the government at the time
of choosing who to sell the firm to. Again, these can affect the firm’s efficiency either
positively or negatively. As an example of a positive effect, consider a firm which, under
state ownership, is being managed through a large conglomerate, and is privatized through
its direct sale to a more specialized company. If the buyer is able to exploit some synergies
with its former business, and part of the savings are passed on to its acquired (the privatized)
firm, the gains in efficiency for this one would have been obviously brought about by its
privatization, but would have nothing to do with the private/public distinction. Negative
effects may also take place if, like government representatives before privatization, managers
of a newly-privatized firm give a higher priority to other conflicting objectives. For instance,
consider a firm which is privatized by direct sale to another firm, and is maintained as a
separate business unit of the acquirer. The corporate strategy of a firm may be such that not
all business units are treated equally (Brush and Bromiley, 1997); thus, it may be the case
that it is not in the acquiring firm’s interest as a whole to maximize the performance of the
individual unit constituted by the privatized firm. Also, as with political decisions, there is the
possibility of unintended negative effects from the new management’s decisions: managers
may find themselves unable to turn around a low-performing firm, encounter resistance to
change at some level of the organization, or face any other unintended situation.
These two groups of implications, then, lead to the following hypothesis:

Hypothesis 2. The observed effect of privatization on efficiency is influenced by political

and organizational factors.

Which of these implications actually take place, and hence whether their overall effect
on efficiency is positive or negative, is ultimately an empirical question that depends on the
specific case(s) examined.

3.2. Dynamic implications of privatization

The ownership effect per se raises some dynamic issues which are likely to influence
the timing of the effect of privatization on efficiency. For instance, Pelikan (1989, 1993)
has argued that the main advantage of private (and tradeable) ownership of firms over state
ownership is that, under the former, the search for competent owners never stops, while
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under the latter all such searched is blocked, regardless of how good or poor an owner
the government proves to be. One implication of such argument for privatization is that a
privatized firm may not show an efficiency improvement immediately after privatization,
but it may exhibit an increasing trend in the evolution of its post-privatization efficiency.
In addition, some of the political and organizational factors with negative effects dis-
cussed have an important dynamic component associated to them, in the sense that those
negative effects are likely to diminish over time. Such would be the case of the political
decision to privatize the firm in a period of industrial or economic recession, when the
industry or economy starts to recover; or of the organizational inertia encountered by the
newly-privatized firm’s management, as the initial resistance to change begins to be over-
come. All these are reflections of the transition inherent to any privatization process, as a
result of which, political and organizational factors not only may influence the observed
effect of privatization on efficiency, but also the timing of this effect. Thus, I hypothesize:
Hypothesis 3. The observed effect of privatization on efficiency is contingent upon the
time period considered.

4. Privatization in Spain, 1985–1996

The three hypotheses are tested in a sample of 24 Spanish firms which were privatized
between 1985 and 1993. The superior efficiency of private (versus state-owned) firms in
Spain has been confirmed in a number of cross-sectional studies (see Maroto, 1991, for a
review; Azofra et al., 1991; Argimón et al., 1997). However, this is the first time the effects of
privatization processes are analysed in this country. 11 Before Spain’s official privatization
program was started in 1996, 73 firms were fully privatized (all except two through direct
sales) by the former government, and four others had their privatization process started
through public share offerings (Villalonga, 1996). 12 Therefore, time has gone by for enough
firms to allow an analysis of privatization effects, for which the Spanish case may be as good
as any other country’s. Besides, given the scarcity of empirical privatization (longitudinal)
analyses and of samples studied (British firms, and Megginson et al.’s sample), this study
may add some variety to the literature; I do not attempt to extend any specific conclusion
drawn from its results beyond the Spanish case, though, since the institutional environment
and the privatization process during the socialist government were highly idiosyncratic
(Villalonga, 1996; Cuervo, 1997). Details of the Spanish state-owned sector’s structure and
reorganizations during that period can be found in Sanchı́s (1996). For the purpose of this

11 Sanchı́s (1996) claims to be doing so on a dataset that ends in 1990. However, of the 17 firms in his sample

for which he examines the effects of ‘privatization’, 11 were not really privatized (3 were transferred to another
state-owned firm, 8 — counting Repsol as 5 had just minority stakes sold through IPO, and remained under the
state’s control and majoritary ownership), and 5 (plus the 5 included in Repsol) were privatized in 1989 (including
3 that he says were privatized in 1988), so he just has 1 year of post-privatization data for them. Thus, only his
results for one company (Seat) may be trustworthy estimates of the effect of privatization on efficiency, and so it
cannot be properly considered as a privatization study.
12 See, for a dynamic source of information on Spain’s privatization program, Expansion newspaper’s website at:

54 B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74

paper, it is sufficient to note that all the firms in the sample were operating in competitive
environments at the time of their privatization, so no de- or re-regulation interferes with the
estimation of strict privatization effects.
Following the order of the three hypotheses, I first determine whether privatization has
actually increased the efficiency of each of the firms in the sample (Hypothesis 1). I then
examine some of the political and organizational factors that may have played a role in
arriving at those results (Hypothesis 2). Although I am constrained by the data in the choice
of the specific factors to be examined, I have been able to include the following: As political
factors, (1) the stage of the business cycle at which the company was privatized (which
captures the government’s decision of when exactly to privatize the firm); and (2) the
foreignness of the buyer, which is typically an issue of political concern. As organizational
factors, (1) the company’s starting performance level as a private firm, which is assumed
to be reflecting the difficulty of running or turning around a low-performing privatized
firm; (2) the size of the organization at the time of its privatization, which is assumed to
be proportional to any possible resistance to change encountered; and (3) the firm’s capital
intensity (also at the time it was privatized), since if a firm in a capital-intensive business has
its capital investment increased as a result of being privatized, its efficiency will probably
increase in the longer run, but might not appear so in the early post-privatization years. This
issue particularly merits investigation in the Spanish case between 1985 and 1996, since
several firms were privatized in that period for lack of appropriate size or technology (De la
Dehesa, 1992). Note that all three organizational factors, as well as the first political factor
mentioned, are also transitional in nature. However, following Hypothesis 3, the actual
dynamic effect of these factors is tested separately.

4.1. Method

4.1.1. Population
The population of interest is comprised of the 77 Spanish firms privatized between 1985
and 1995, as listed in Villalonga (1996). Unlike more recent Spanish privatizations, these
were undertaken by the socialist government without any explicit privatization program or
goal statement and can, therefore, be considered as a separate population.

4.1.2. Sample
My sample of 24 firms results from excluding companies from the population in the
following order: (1) Those that were privatized after 1993, for which a maximum of only 2
years of post-privatization data would be available; (2) partial privatizations, i.e. those that
remained under state control; (3) those for which data could not be obtained for a minimum
of 3 years of public and 3 years of private ownership, on the following variables: profits
before taxes, assets, financial expenses (interests), sales, and number of employees.
Data on the state ownership period for each firm have been obtained from the annual
reports kept at the (former) Instituto Nacional de Industria (INI)’s library. In most cases,
however, individual companies’ reports were not available, and data come from the annual
reports of the holding groups to which the firms belonged when they were sold (INI, Teneo,
or Patrimonio). Post-privatization data were directly requested from companies through fax
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and/or phone and/or in person. If and when the request was denied, company reports were
requested from the Registro Mercantil of the province in which the firm was incorporated.
The requirement to file in company reports is fairly recent, though (1989) and, as it appears,
often disregarded. The most recent year of data in the sample is 1996. In addition, data on
the average profitability of Spanish firms until 1995 is available from the annual reports of
the Central de Balances del Banco de España (Spain’s central bank).
This information has allowed me to construct a panel data set on profitability, sales,
employees, a dummy for whether the buyer was a foreign company or not, and average
profitability of Spanish firms, for 24 firms and a number of years between 7 and 14 (between
3 and 5 pre-privatization, the privatization year, and between 3 and 8 post-privatization).
The average number of years per firm is 9.9.
The list of firms in the sample, together with the available data for each of them in the
year of their privatization, is shown in Table 3. The table also contains information on the
year each firm was privatized, the industry, the buyer, and whether such buyer is foreign or

4.1.3. Dependent variable(s)

As will be explained in more detail within the models section, a different econometric
model is used to test each of the three hypotheses. The dependent variable in Model 1 is
efficiency (EFFI), measured by Return on Assets (ROA) — calculated as earnings before
interest and taxes divided by total net assets. It is the measure more commonly used in
cross-industry privatization studies, and is considered a correct indicator of efficiency in
competitive environments (Borins and Boothman, 1985; Cuervo, 1995), as it is the case for
all the firms in the sample in the time period considered.
In Model 2, the dependent variable is efficiency increase (EFFINC), measured by the
estimated coefficient of the time*post-privatization period interaction term from Model 1.
In Model 3, it is efficiency growth (EFFGROwth), measured as (ROAt – ROAt –1 )/ROAt−1 .

4.1.4. Independent variables

In Model 1 there are two main independent variables: post-privatization period (PRIV),
which is a dummy variable (=1 if within period, 0 otherwise), and TIME (a discrete variable
ranging from 1 (year –5 before privatization) to 14 (year 8 after privatization). In Model
3 there are two groups of variables: (a) Political, which include: (1) initial stage of cycle
(CYCLE 0) — average ROA of Spanish firms in the year the firm was privatized — ,
as published in the annual reports of the Central de Balances del Banco de España; and
(2) a dummy for whether the buyer was foreign (=1) or not (=0) — FBUYER; and (b)
Organizational: (1) initial level of performance (PERF 0) — firm’s ROA; (2) initial firm
size (SIZE 0), measured as real sales (in 1990-pesetas); 13 and (3) initial capital intensity
(CAPINT 0) — firm’s assets per employee. All three variables are measured in the year the

13 Nominal sales have been deflated using year-wide averages of industry-specific industrial price indices (IPRI)

for each firm, except for Jobac, which is a supermarket chain, and for which we have used the food and drinks
consumer price index (IPC) instead. The source for these indices is Spain’s Instituto Nacional de Estadı́stica (INE).
We have maintained the base period from the original source, January 1990.
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firm was privatized. In Model 2, all the independent variables are bi-yearly time dummies
(YEARt1 t2 ).

4.1.5. Control variables

Control variables in Model 1 refer to external factors not implied by privatization that may
affect firm efficiency, and therefore, should be discounted in order to estimate the net effect
of privatization. These are: firm size (SIZE) and business cycle (CYCLE) — measured as
indicated above. In Model 3, the only factors considered as external are industry dummies
for all industries which are represented by more than one firm in the sample: aluminum
(ALUM), automobile (AUTO), ELECTRONIC, FOOD, and equipment (EQUIP).

4.2. Models

Hypothesis 1 is tested using similar methods to those that have been used in previous
statistical analyses of this hypothesis (or of the superiority of private ownership) on lon-
gitudinal datasets like mine. Similarly to Megginson et al., the differences between the
means and medians of the efficiency measure in the pre- and post-privatization periods are
compared through t-statistics, and z-statistics are used to test if the proportion of firms that
changed in the expected direction is significantly different from 0.5. 14 As in Ehrlich et al.
(1994), the time trends of efficiency in both periods are also compared, by estimating the
following fixed-effects model: 15

Model 1 : EFFIit = αi + βli∗ PRIVit + β2i

∗ ∗
TIMEit + β3i TIME∗ PRIVit + γ1∗ SIZEit
+γ2∗ CYCLEit + εit , (1)
where E(εi εj0 )=σ ij .
The effect of privatization in this model can be seen from the coefficients of PRIV
and TIME∗ PRIV: PRIV captures differences in performance levels before and after pri-
vatization, while TIME∗ PRIV captures changes in performance trends. That is, a positive
coefficient in TIME∗ PRIV would indicate that performance increases more over time after
privatization than before (or decreases less, if the time coefficient is negative). 16 Chow
specification tests shown at the bottom of Table 5 lead to reject the hypothesis of common
intercept and slope coefficients across pool members for the PRIV, TIME and TIME∗ PRIV
terms. Thus, those coefficients are estimated individually for each firm (α i , β 1i , β 2i , and
14 A 0.5 proportion corresponds to the null hypothesis of privatization having no effect on efficiency. A proportion

significantly above (below) 0.5 would provide statistical evidence of privatization having a positive (negative)
effect on efficiency.
15 Ehrlich et al. use a similar model to test the effect of public versus private ownership (though not of privatization)

on a panel of 23 international airlines over a 10-year period.

16 I am treating the effects as fixed, as opposed to random, for two reasons: (1) Given the idiosyncratic nature of

the Spanish privatization process during the period considered in this study, and how the sample has been selected,
my inferences are conditional on the individual characteristics, not unconditional on the population characteristics
(Hsiao, 1986, 41, 136; Baltagi, 1995, 10, 13), and (2) I have no reason to assume that the regressors are uncorrelated
with individual-specific coefficients, which is a key assumption in random effects models (Mátyás and Sevestre,
1996). These arguments respond to the two alternative views within the panel data econometrics literature as to
what justifies the choice of fixed versus random effects models.
58 B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74

β 3i ), but those of the control variables, size and cycle, (γ 4 and γ 5 ) in common. 17 The error
structure specification, based on the evidence and diagnostic tests reported in Table A.1 of
the Appendix, allows for groupwise heteroskedasticity and cross-sectional correlation, but
not for autocorrelation. 18 Given this error structure, the appropriate method of estimation
is Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS), as in a Seemingly Unrelated Regressions
(SUR) model (Zellner, 1962). That is, the covariance matrix across pool members is es-
timated in a preliminary OLS regression and then applied in GLS estimation in a second
Hypothesis 2 is tested as a second step after the estimation of Model 1. The estimated
firm-specific parameters of TIME∗ PRIV from Table 5 (those of β 3i in Model 1) are used
as measures of efficiency increase (in trend), which becomes the dependent variable in the
following cross-sectional model:

Model 2 : EFFINCi = α + β1∗ CYCLEi0 + β2∗ FBUYERi + β3∗ PERFi0 + β4∗ SIZEi0
+β5∗ CAPINTi0 + β6∗ ALUMi + β7∗ AUTOi
+β8∗ ELECTRONICi + β9∗ FOODi + β10

EQUIPi + εi , (2)

where E(εi εj0 )=σ i 2 and the regressors represent all the political and organizational fac-
tors and controls, as described before. Hypothesis 2 may be tested from this model by a
Wald test of the joint significance of the coefficients of CYCLE, FBUYER, PERF, SIZE,
and CAPINT. The correlation matrix of the data used for this regression is reported in
Table A.2 of the Appendix A weighted least squares (WLS) estimator is now used to
correct for heteroskedasticity, which in this case arises from the dependent variable’s be-
ing estimated with varying precision. Following Saxonhouse (1976), each observation is
weighted on all variables by the inverse of the estimated standard error of the dependent
Hypothesis 3 is tested by regressing efficiency growth on time dummies. The diagnostic
tests (also shown in Table A.1) and assumptions support the same error structure as in
Model 1, so the same estimation procedure is followed. I have chosen to specify and report
results from the regression in bi-yearly dummies to keep the specification parsimonious
(results were similar, though, when yearly dummies were used). Thus, the model can be
written as:

17 Since the number of cross-sectional units (firms) in the data set is very small, I do not need to difference away the

intercepts through a ‘deviation from individual means’ transformation, as it is common practice in the estimation
of fixed effects models in large N panels.
18 I find evidence of groupwise heteroskedasticity in the residual variances for each firm, which differ by as much

as 400 times. I cannot, however, reject the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation within firms, based on any of the
two different tests used. This suggests that any possible autocorrelation in the dependent variable (firm ROA) has
been captured by the control variables, most likely by the economy-wide ROA (business cycle). I have not tested
for cross-sectional correlation, but I want to allow for it since I have two powerful reasons to assume there is: (1)
Several firms share a common industry affiliation with others, and I have not been able to control for it explicitly
within the regression (the inclusion of industry dummies yielded a near-singular matrix); and (2) time observations
for each firm have been aligned with respect to the privatization date so that year 0 corresponds to a different date
in each case. Thus, any unobservable factor due to privatization is likely to affect the individual firms in a related
B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74 59

Table 4
Tests for changes in efficiency after privatizationa
Efficiency Sample Pre-priv. Post-priv. Mean of t-stat for Proportion z-stat
measure statistic mean (%) mean (%) differences differences of firms for prop
that changed >0.5
as predicted
ROA Means −4.9 −2.4 2.5 0.96 0.46 −0.28
Medians −3.4 −1.4 2.1 0.98 0.54 0.28
ROA Means −670 50 719 1.16 0.54 0.28
Growth Medians −630 –57 574 0.96 0.58 0.57
a N=24.

Model 3 : EFFGROWTHit = α + βli∗ YEAR43it + β2i

∗ ∗
YEAR21it + β3i YEAR12it
∗ ∗ ∗
+ β4i YEAR34it + β5i YEAR56it + β6i YEAR78it + εit ,

where E(εi εj0 )=σ ij and the coefficients on the bi-yearly time dummies measure the increase
in efficiency growth that takes places in each pair of years with respect to the privatization
year, which is the base period captured by the intercept.

4.3. Results

The values of the t and z-statistics used to test Hypothesis 1 are reported in Table 4. As the
table shows, none of the statistics are significant at the conventional levels. This hypothesis
is also tested through the estimation of Model 1, the results of which are reported in Table
5. There it can be seen that the coefficient of the post-privatization period dummy (PRIV)
is significant in nine (out of 24) cases, of which five are positive and four negative. The
coefficient of TIME∗ PRIV is significant in 13 cases, which are also split into six positive
and seven negative.
Results of the estimation of Model 2 appear in Table 6. As the table shows, the two
variables representing political factors are significant and positive, and so are, among the
three organizational factors, firm size and capital intensity (the latter only at the 10 percent
level). However, the initial performance level has no significant effect on efficiency increase.
The Wald test of the joint significance of the coefficients of these five variables (the political
and organizational factors altogether), through which Hypothesis 2 may be more directly
tested, yields a chi-square statistic of 246.28, with a probability value of 0.001. Four of the
five industry dummies included (all except equipment) also turn out to have a significant
positive effect.
The results of regressing efficiency growth on time dummies through which Hypothesis
3 is tested are shown in Table 7. A positive and significant effect obtains for years 1–2,
3–4, and 7–8 after privatization, and for years 4–3 before privatization. Note that only the
last two are large enough to offset the negative value of the constant term coefficient. In
particular, the 7–8 post-privatization effect, net of the base year’s (2260.5) is nearly five
times larger than the next largest coefficient in absolute value (−486.1 , for years 3–4 after
privatization, which is the only significant negative estimate).
60 B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74

Table 5
Model 1: Fixed-effects regression of efficiency on time, post-privatization period, and time*post-privatization
Dependent variable: Efficiency (ROA)
Estimation method: FGLS (SUR)
Common cofficients
Sizeb 1.87E–7 (3.11E–8)∗∗∗
Business cyclec 0.011 (0.001)∗∗∗
Firm-specific coefficientsd
Variable Constant Time Post-PRIV Time*Post-
period PRIV period
Ingenasa −0.321∗∗∗ (0.100) −0.104∗∗ (0.046) −0.264 (0.163) 0.225∗∗∗ (0.056)
SKF Española 0.001 (0.032) 0.013 (0.012) 0.096∗∗ (0.045) −0.068∗∗∗ (0.013)
Seat −0.188∗∗∗ (0.036) −0.017 (0.012) 0.042 (0.048) 0.006 (0.014)
Evatsa 0.142∗∗ (0.055) 0.153∗∗∗ (0.024) −0.295∗∗∗ (0.076) −0.127∗∗∗ (0.025)
Litofan −0.087∗ (0.047) 0.025 (0.019) −0.003 (0.066) −0.018 (0.021)
Alumalsa 0.023 (0.034) 0.050∗∗∗ (0.018) −0.055 (0.046) −0.053∗∗∗ (0.019)
Telesincro −0.037∗∗ (0.017) 0.003 (0.006) −0.066∗∗∗ (0.023) 0.017∗∗ (0.008)
Astican −0.239∗∗∗ (0.021) −0.066∗∗∗ (0.007) 0.125∗∗∗ (0.029) 0.072∗∗∗ (0.008)
MTM −0.229∗∗∗ (0.054) 0.095∗∗∗ (0.020) 0.086 (0.094) −0.097∗∗∗ (0.030)
Ateinsa −0.172∗∗∗ (0.049) 0.009 (0.018) 0.117 (0.079) −0.021 (0.023)
Enfersa −0.165∗∗∗ (0.044) −0.040∗ (0.022) 0.069 (0.109) 0.056∗ (0.031)
Oesa −0.112∗∗∗ (0.026) −0.015∗ (0.009) 0.001 (0.039) 0.017 (0.011)
Pesa −0.037 (0.083) −0.027 (0.028) 0.375∗∗∗ (0.135) −0.139∗∗∗ (0.039)
Hytasa −0.194∗∗∗ (0.046) −0.035∗∗ (0.017) 0.108 (0.084) −0.004 (0.023)
Salinas Torrevieja −0.428∗∗∗ (0.090) −0.064∗∗ (0.030) 0.252 (0.150) 0.084∗ (0.046)
Enasa −0.328∗∗∗ (0.015) −0.058∗∗∗ (0.005) −0.154∗∗∗ (0.021) 0.168∗∗∗ (0.007)
GEA −0.379∗∗∗ (0.028) −0.011 (0.010) 0.106∗ (0.056) 0.080∗∗∗ (0.016)
TSD −0.465∗∗∗ (0.140) −0.100 (0.064) 0.043 (0.229) 0.139∗ (0.081)
Coisa −0.073∗∗∗ (0.015) 0.051∗∗∗ (0.007) −0.216∗∗∗ (0.022) 0.018∗ (0.009)
Jobac −0.125∗∗∗ (0.020) −0.015 (0.010) 0.029 (0.031) 0.026∗ (0.013)
Icuatro 0.005 (0.035) 0.036 (0.012) 0.346∗∗∗ (0.061) −0.186∗∗∗ (0.020)
Repsol (Grupo) −0.291∗∗∗ (0.059) −0.015∗∗ (0.007) −0.001 (0.015) −0.004 (0.008)
FSC −0.538∗∗∗ (0.118) −0.019 (0.043) 0.724∗∗∗ (0.234) −0.292∗∗∗ (0.107)
Palco −0.101∗∗∗ (0.013) −0.047 (0.008) 0.034 (0.025) 0.051∗∗∗ (0.013)
Unweighted statisticse
R2 =0.73
Adjusted R2 =0.51
a Total number of panel observations: N6 T =238. N=24; T=T , i.e. the panel is unbalanced. Values of T for each
i i i
firm appear in Table 8. Average T=9.9.
b Real sales, measured in millions of January 1990-pesetas. Nominal sales are deflated using year-wide averages of

industry-specific industrial price indices (or the food and drinks consumer price index,in the case of Jobac); Sources:
Firms’ and state holding companies’s (Instituto Nacional de Industria (INI), Teneo, or Patrimonio) annual reports, for
nominal sales figures; Instituto Nacional de Estadı́stica (INE), Spain, for inflation indices.
c Average ROA of Spanish firms for each year. Source: Central de Balances del Banco de España, Spain.
d F-statistics from Chow tests of different coefficients across firms: 184.86 for intercept; 99.24 for Time; 43.98 for

Post-PRIV period; 108.85 for Time*Post-PRIV period. All test statistics are significant at the 1% level.
e The unweighted are reported because the GLS transformation inflates the R2 from the regression (Greene, 1997).

These unweighted statistics come from regressing the untransformed dependent variable on the predicted values using
untransformed regressors and the coefficients from the weighted (GLS) regression. Standard errors are in parentheses.
∗ Statistically significant at the 10% level.
∗∗ Statistically significant at the 5% level.
∗∗∗ Statistically significant at the 1% level.
B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74 61

Table 6
Model 2: Regression of efficiency increase on political and organizational factorsa
Dependent variable: efficiency increaseb
Estimation method: weighted least squares (WLS)
Constant −0.324∗∗∗ (0.037)
Political factorsc
Business cycle at privatization dated 2.210∗∗∗ (0.379)
Foreign buyere 0.093∗∗ (0.029)
Organizational factors
Initial performance levelf 0.086 (0.170)
Sizeg 1.14E−7∗∗ (4.1E–8)
Capital intensityh 0.002∗ (0.001)
Aluminum industrye 0.251∗∗ (0.078)
Automotive industrye 0.160∗ (0.072)
Electronic industrye 0.151∗∗∗ (0.024)
Food industrye 0.124∗∗ (0.037)
Equipment industrye −0.045 (0.035)
Unweighted statisticsi
R2 =0.95
Adjusted R2 =0.80
a N=22.
b Measured by the estimated coefficient of the Time*Post-privatization period interaction term from Table 3.
c Wald test of joint significance of political and organizational factors: ␹2 -statistic=246.28, p-value=0.001.
d Average ROA of Spanish firms in the year the firm was privatized. Source: Central de Balances del Banco

de España, Spain.
e Dummy variable (=1 if true, 0 otherwise). Source: Villalonga (1996).
f Firm’s ROA at privatization date. Source: Firms’ annual reports.
g Real sales, measured in millions of January 1990-pesetas. Nominal sales are deflated using year-wide averages

of industry-specific industrial price indices (or the food and drinks consumer price index,in the case of Jobac).
Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadı́stica, Spain.
h Firm’s assets per employee at privatization date. Source: Firms’ annual reports.
i The unweighted statistics are reported because the GLS transformation inflates the R2 from the regression

(Greene, 1997). These unweighted statistics come from regressing the untransformed dependent variable on the
predicted values using untransformed regressors and the coefficients from the weighted regression. Standard errors
are in parentheses.
∗ Statistically significant at the 10% level.
∗∗ Statistically significant at the 5% level.
∗∗∗ Statistically significant at the 1% level.

5. Discussion and implications

Hypothesis 1 (that privatization increases efficiency) has been tested in two different
ways. First, based on the test results reported in Table 4, the null hypotheses that the mean
and median levels of efficiency for each firm are the same before and after privatization
cannot be rejected. Neither can the null hypothesis that the proportion of firms for which
these levels increased after privatization is equal to 0.5. And the conclusions are the same
concerning mean and median efficiency growth. Second, the results from estimating Model
1 show that, in this sample, the effect of privatization has led to significant increases in
62 B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74

Table 7
Model 3: Regression of efficiency growth on bi-yearly dummiesa
Dependent variable: Efficiency (ROA) growth
Estimation method: FGLS (SUR)

Year 0 (Privatization year) −141.753∗∗∗ (30.013)

Years –4 to –3 (pre-privatization) 159.345∗∗∗ (39.463)
Years –2 to –1 (pre-privatization) −13.288 (37.666)
Years 1 to 2 (post-privatization) 89.889∗∗ (36.758)
Years 3 to 4 (post-privatization) 87.297∗∗ (37.029)
Years 5 to 6 (post-privatization) −344.345∗∗∗ (51.030)
Years 7 to 8 (post-privatization) 2402.241∗∗∗ (276.720)
Unweighted statisticsb
R2 =0.92
Adjusted R2 =0.91
a Total number of panel observations: N6 (T −1)=214, due to loss of the first observation for each firm to
calculate growth series (N=24; T=Ti –1, Values of Ti for each firm are reported in Table 8. Average T=9.9.).
b The unweighted statistics are reported because the GLS transformation inflates the R2 from the regression

(Greene, 1997). These unweighted statistics come from regressing the untransformed dependent variable on the
predicted values using untransformed regressors and the coefficients from the weighted (GLS) regression. Standard
errors are in parentheses: ∗ Statistically significant at the 10% level; ∗∗ Statistically significant at the 5% level;
∗∗∗ Statistically significant at the 1% level.

efficiency in about as many cases as it has led to significant decreases. Consequently,

Hypothesis 1 is rejected. This finding, together with the evidence reported in previous studies
that, in the same country and period, private ownership was significantly associated with
higher levels of performance, lends support to my claim that privatization involves more
than pure ownership effects. Neither does the positive effect of ownership on efficiency
observed in other studies lead to a positive effect of privatization on efficiency, nor does the
inconclusive effect of privatization on efficiency observed in this study imply that ownership
has no effect on efficiency, as would be concluded from estimating the effect of private
versus public ownership in this sample in the ‘traditional’ way ignoring the effect of all
factors other than ownership. Thus, the discrepancy can only be resolved by examining what
other factors may have intervened in the observed relationship between privatization and
The analysis of Model 2 reveals that several political and organizational factors unre-
lated to ownership have significantly intervened. The result of the Wald test for the joint
significance of all these factors provides statistical support for Hypothesis 2. Among the
political factors, the significant positive effect found for the state of the business cycle at
which the company was privatized suggests that the government may have sold some of
the firms at a period of economic recession, which, as it had been predicted, would be a
potential negative factor contributing to the net effect of a firm’s privatization on efficiency.
The foreign buyer dummy’s positive sign and significance provide evidence of another
political factor affecting the observed privatization-efficiency relationship: the trade-off
governments face between the efficiency objective and responding to popular and political
concerns about ‘selling the country away’. Among the organizational factors, the firm’s
initial performance level turns out to be insignificant, so the difficulty of running or turning
B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74 63

around a low-performing privatized firm does not seem to have played a role in arriving
at the observed effects of privatization in efficiency. Firm size, however, does have a pos-
itive and significant effect. If, as it has been assumed, size is proxying for the resistance
to change encountered within the organization, the positive sign found appears to contra-
dict my expectation (that larger firms would be less prone to confirm the positive effects
of privatization on efficiency). On the other hand, as a dynamic and transitional factor, it
is consistent with the overall timing of effects observed from Model 3 (discussed below).
Finally, the positive sign on capital intensity reveals that efficiency increases are associated
with the more capital-intensive firms within the sample and, insofar as it is another transi-
tional factor, its effect is also consistent with the observed timing of the total privatization
The estimation of Model 3 yields the strongest evidence of efficiency increase for years
7 and 8 after privatization, as well as fairly strong evidence of decrease for the 2 pre-
vious years (5 and 6). This confirms Hypothesis 3 (that the observed effect of privati-
zation on efficiency is contingent upon the time period considered), thus making clear
that conclusions about the privatization-efficiency hypothesis drawn from looking at short
post-privatization periods (e.g. Sanchı́s, 1996) may be misleading. It also suggests that
one or more of the negative transitional factors described might have actually been op-
erating during the first 6 years after privatization, but their impact has finally been offset
by the effects of private ownership and possibly other positive implications of privatiza-
tion. The positive significance of years 4–3 before privatization is worth noting. None of
the theories mentioned offer any prediction about the efficiency of privatized firms be-
fore they are privatized, but there is typically a popular concern, supported by empirical
evidence from some British companies, that governments pick out for privatization firms
that have already begun to experience an efficiency increase. On the other hand, such an
explanation easily fits within the framework presented here, as another possible political
factor. Nevertheless, the fact that the positive significance is observed 4–3 years before
privatization, but not immediately before (e.g. in years 2–1), seems at odds even with that
explanation. In this sense, all that can be said is that both my specific finding and the
more general issue of the timing of efficiency effects before privatization deserve further
Two limitations of this empirical study that qualify the results just discussed have already
been mentioned: the idiosyncrasies of the Spanish institutional environment and privatiza-
tion process during the socialist government, which limit the generalizability of my specific
findings; and the data constraints faced in the choice of the factors to be examined. To
these, three more may be added, which are also a product of the data availability prob-
lem. First, sample size; while adequate for the population it is representing, and reasonable
compared to those in former privatization studies, it is admittedly small from a statistical
point of view. This may have been the reason, for example, for the inconclusiveness of
the tests in Table 4. Second, the accuracy with which the variables included have been
measured. Particularly, although I have noted that profitability is a valid measure of effi-
ciency in competitive environments, it would be highly desirable to complement it with
costs or productivity indicators, which unfortunately I do not have. Also, I must admit
that size is a rather indirect measure of organizational inertia, and so its observed effect
on efficiency increase may lend itself to alternative interpretations. For instance, it may
64 B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74

well be the case that large firms have been able to downsize themselves to a greater ex-
tent than small firms, and that the higher efficiency increase observed for them is just a
consequence of that restructuring. Third, given the evidence I have provided that the ef-
fect of privatization on efficiency is contingent upon the time period considered, this is
a limitation of any empirical privatization study to which mine is no exception. For in-
stance, it is possible that some of the results would have been different if the panel had been
These limitations are hardly solvable within the context of the population of this
study, since they are mostly data-driven and I believe I have exhausted all possible
means of data collection for most of the sample. However, they may be solved by investigat-
ing a different population of privatized firms for which more internal data
are available. Given the large number of firms that have been privatized all over the
world in recent years, this extension is likely to become increasingly feasible. Moreover, I
believe this is highly desirable, since (1) there are still very few statistical studies
of privatization effects, and (2) my findings definitely encourage further
This study has important implications for the privatization literature, since it has iden-
tified a major mismatch between privatization theories and evidence, and contributed to
explain it. It has proven the relevance of some implications of privatization that had, how-
ever, been ignored by previous privatization theorists and empiricists, namely, political,
organizational, and dynamic implications that go beyond the private-public distinction. I
think this should be of interest not only to academics, but also to the multiple stakeholders
involved in privatization programs: governments undertaking these programs, companies
or investors participating on the demand side, and even the general public, to the extent
that we are all the ultimate owners of the state-‘owned’ enterprises of our countries of


I would like to thank Alvaro Cuervo, Harold Demsetz, Javier Gómez Biscarri, Bill
McKelvey, and Pavel Pelikan for their comments and suggestions on earlier versions of
this paper. All remaining errors are of course my own. Financial support for my doctoral
studies from the Fulbright Commission, Fundación Caja de Madrid, Fundación Ramón
Areces, and the Anderson School Doctoral Program Office is also gratefully


The following tables report the results of the diagnostic tests carried out for Models
1 and 3 (Table A.1), and the correlation matrix of the variables included in Model 2
(Table A.2).
B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74 65

Table A.1
Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation tests for Models 1 and 3: residual variances, Durbin–Watson, and F-statistic
from Breusch–Godfrey test equations
Firm Ti Model 1 Model 3
Residual Durbin– Breusch– Residual Durbin–
variancesa Watsona Godfrey Fb variancesc Watsonc
Ingenasa 8 0.0136 2.85na 0.85 6.43E+06 1.10na
SKF Española 12 0.0019 1.97 0.67 3.05E+06 0.60I
Seat 13 0.0028 2.75I 2.57 1.58E+08 2.11I
Evatsa 11 0.0245 3.42I 3.77 2.98E+06 0.67I
Litofan 14 0.0154 2.58I 2.24 1.57E+06 1.17I
Alumalsa 13 0.0043 2.75I 1.95 2.01E+06 2.15I
Telesincro 11 0.0014 2.63I 5.22∗ 2.05E+05 1.72I
Astican 11 0.0024 2.75I 4.52∗ 2.62E+06 1.35I
MTM 11 0.0132 3.11I 3.06 8.76E+04 1.94I
Ateinsa 11 0.0046 3.21I 3.79 6.21E+05 2.17I
Enfersa 10 0.0176 3.21I 7.38∗ 3.21E+06 2.10na
Oesa 12 0.0149 1.90I 0.20 3.80E+06 2.23I
Pesa 11 0.0035 3.02I 3.66 7.28E+05 0.46I
Hytasa 11 0.0037 3.41I 16.32 5.67E+05 2.06I
Salinas Torrevieja 10 0.0282 3.22na 9.44 6.79E+05 2.45na
Enasa 9 0.0021 2.07I 0.53 2.02E+05 1.46na
GEA 10 0.0062 2.46I 1.42 4.40E+04 1.96na
TSD 7 0.0458 3.00na 5.82 7.00E+05 1.98na
Coisa 7 0.0007 3.37na 43.70∗ 2.35E+05 1.71na
Jobac 6 0.0002 3.13na n/a 1.30E+06 1.95na
Icuatro 8 0.0024 3.46na 4.32 1.19E+05 1.77na
Repsol (Grupo) 8 0.0001 2.37na 0.12 3.79E+04 2.64na
FSC 8 0.0501 2.72na 0.41 4.80E+05 0.89na
Palco 6 0.0014 3.64na n/a 8.72E+04 2.18na
Pooled 9.9 0.3160 2.98I 3.18E+08 2.26na
a The residual variances and Durbin–Watson statistics come from the individual firm regressions:

EFFIt = α + β1∗ PRIVt + β2∗ TIMEt + β3∗ TIME∗ PRIVt + β4∗ SIZEt + β5∗ CYCLEt + εt ,

I=Test is inconclusive; na=dL and dU critical values are not available in tables for this sample size.
b The Breusch–Godfrey F-statistic is testing the null hypothesis that the coefficient of the lagged residuals

eit −1 is zero in the individual firm regressions:

et = α + β1∗ PRIVt + β2∗ TIMEt + β3∗ TIME∗ PRIVt + β4∗ CYCLEt + β5∗ eit−1 + uit ,

where et are the estimated residuals of  it for each firm i from Model 1 (Table 5).
c The residual variances and Durbin–Watson statistics come from the individual firm regressions:

EFFGROWTHt = α + β1 ∗ YEAR43t + β2 ∗ YEAR21t + β3 ∗ YEAR12t + β4 ∗ YEAR34t + β5 ∗ YEAR56t

+β6 ∗ YEAR78t + εt ,

I=Test is inconclusive; na=dL and dU critical values are not available in tables for this sample size.
∗ Statistically significant at the 10% level.
66 B. Villalonga / J. of Economic Behavior & Org. 42 (2000) 43–74

Table A.2
Correlation matrix of variables in Model 2a
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. Efficiency increase (dependent)b 1.00

2. Business cyclec 0.40 1.00
3. Foreign buyerd 0.49 0.52 1.00
4. Initial performance levele −0.66 −0.05 −0.34 1.00
5. Sizef 0.00 −0.07 −0.13 0.30 1.00
6. Capital intensityg −0.04 −0.17 −0.18 0.30 0.29 1.00
7. Aluminum industry −0.12 −0.18 0.01 0.05 −0.12 −0.18 1.00
8. Automobile industry 0.51 0.32 0.57 −0.44 0.05 −0.03 −0.14 1.00
9. Electronic industry −0.04 −0.07 0.14 0.28 −0.10 −0.14 −0.18 −0.12 1.00
10. Food industry 0.10 0.20 −0.35 0.05 −0.09 0.35 −0.18 −0.12 −0.15 1.00
11. Equipment industry −0.20 0.02 −0.04 −0.02 −0.13 −0.19 −0.24 −0.16 −0.20 −0.20 1.00
bFirm’s assets per employee at privatization date. Source: Firms’ annual reports.
c Average ROA of Spanish firms in the year the firm was privatized. Source: Central de Balances del Banco

de España, Spain.
d Dummy variable (=1 if true, 0 otherwise). Source: Villalonga (1996).
e Firm’s ROA at privatization date. Source: Firms’ annual reports.
f Real sales, measured in millions of January 1990-pesetas. Nominal sales are deflated using year-wide averages

of industry-specific industrial price indices (or the food and drinks consumer price index, in the case of Jobac);
Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadı́stica (INE), Spain.
g Firm’s assets per employee at privatization date. Source: Firms’ annual reports.


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