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Introduction Page iv

Topic Progression Across NOPS Series Page vi

Curriculum Map for Grade I Page viii

Division of the Syllabus into Two Terms Page x

Part 1 Ourselves
Unit 1 The Human Body Page 2

Unit 2 The Senses Page 8

Unit 3 Healthy Habits Page 13

Part 2 Living Things

Unit 4 Plants Page 19

Unit 5 Animals and How They Live Page 27

Part 3 Materials and Matter

Unit 6 Materials and Objects Page 34

Part 4 Forces, Energy, and Machines

Unit 7 Movement Page 38

Unit 8 Sounds Page 42

Unit 9 Light and Shadow Page 45

Part 5 The Earth and the Atmosphere

Unit 10 The Weather Page 48

Part 6 The Sky and Space

Unit 11 The Earth, Sun, Moon, and Stars Page 52

Answers Page 55

Sample Assessment Paper Page 70

1 iii
Nicholas Horsburgh
Since its publication in 1990, New Oxford Primary Science (NOPS) has established itself as the
best-selling Science series in Pakistani schools. The series consists of 6 books: a Starter for

kindergarten, and books for grades 1 till 5.

Key Features of the Third Edition

This third Edition of NOPS seeks to provide students with the knowledge, and skill-set, which
encourage them to think critically and evoke deeper interest in the subject. It retains the strengths
of the previous editions, improves upon them, and provides a fresh approach to teaching core
This teaching guide consistsscientific
of a concepts.
work, are worksheets,
activity-based. Theanswers
inclusion of to questions
various new topicsin
andthe book, sample assessment
paper, and lesson plans. It ishasdesigned
widened the to
scopesupport delivery
of learning, and engagingof exercises
the National Curriculum
such as word effectively.
searches, riddles, and It provides the
simple experiments have helped to make the series creative.
teachers with teaching strategies to make learning student-centred, with simple and clear instructions for the teachers.
The new student-friendly layout and illustrations will help students build an interest in science. The
The following key features language
of the has
book beenhave beenandintegrated
kept simple into the lesson plans, making it easier for the teacher to
is graded for vocabulary.
teach the lessons: In each unit students will find various sections:


Concepts learnt previously Student learning Given after every major topic,
are listed at the start of the outcomes are listed at the to assess understanding of
unit. start of the unit. the concepts learnt.


Open-ended questions Given at the end of every Small bits of information

are given within the unit unit for clarification and are given to rectify
for inquiry. reinforcement of concepts. misconceptions.


Hands-on activities Fun-filled worksheets to test

for individuals as well or revise factual knowledge
as groups, to develop or concepts.
scientific skills.

Overall, the books aim at building higher-order thinking skills that can be used in problem
The PDF version of this teaching guide (available
The author online
would like to ateditorial
thank the OUPteam website) allows
at OUP, and teachers
especially to adapt and modify lessons
Claire Horsburgh,
to suit the diverse needs of their students. As a result,
for the tremendous teachers
effort they have madecan focusouttheir
in bringing efforts
this new edition. on maximising the learning of their

A progression map is given to enable department heads and coordinators to plan for the progression of students’ learning.

Scheme of work
The division of the syllabus (units) into two terms has been provided. A detailed scheme of work has also been
provided according to which the teachers can plan their lessons over the terms. The scheme of work is flexible and
adaptable to teachers’ needs and school requirements.

Progression chart
This shows how NOPS builds on students’ prior knowledge and progresses the topics from basic to more complex
across the series.

National Curriculum Alignment

Each teaching guide also includes curriculum maps for that grade. It shows where each SLO of the National
Curriculum is covered in the NOPS series.

How to Use this Teaching Guide

Background information
Brief background information has been provided before the lesson plans. It outlines the scientific knowledge necessary
to teach a particular unit.

Lesson plan
Teachers can use the provided lesson plans for each unit addressing the relevant learning outcomes as is or customise
according to their class requirements. Lesson plans can be modified as per available resources.
i. Learning outcome: Each lesson plan is according to the lesson outcomes which are closely related to the student
learning objectives from the National Curriculum.
ii. Introduction: Introduces the various techniques that are used in this teaching guide:
• Questions can be asked to check background knowledge or misconceptions about the concept being taught.
This teaching guide gives interesting ways to encourage brainstorming and asking questions.
• For early years, pictures (flashcards) or videos can be shown to initiate introductory discussion.

iv 1
• If resources are available, experiments or hands-on activities can be arranged. The teacher can ask questions
before an experiment to elicit responses from students. After the results have been observed and recorded, ask
what was done in the experiment and what happened. Do the results answer the questions posed at the start of
the experiment? How do they explain what happened?

To focus on what
the students need to
learn by the end of
the lesson.
To assess
background Instructions for:
knowledge of how to use the
students and student book as
develop their a resource for
interest in the teaching, and
lesson being taught, for practical
different activities demonstrations,
have been provided. discussion
questions, hands-on

Teacher-led activity
To conclude the
lesson and sum-
Activity where marise the learning
students will work of students.
independently and
apply their learning.
For reinforcement

iii. Main teaching: After introducing the lesson, teachers can utilise the techniques suggested in the ‘main teaching’
section to lead the students through the lesson in detail. Use different techniques to make learning of the lesson as
interesting for the students as possible. Demonstrations, hands-on activities, model-making, drawing diagrams,
videos, field trips, reading, etc., can be used to teach the topic in detail.
iv. Guided practice: Activities requiring teacher guidance have been provided in this section.
v. Independent working: Suggestions on how to encourage students to work independently using the activities
mentioned in the lesson plans.
vi. Wrap up: Conclude the lesson and summarise the learning of students by using wrap activities given in the lesson
vii. Worksheet: Photocopiable worksheets have been provided with lesson plans, which can be used in the class or
for homework.

Answers to all the questions given in exercises, fun pages, ‘concept check’, and ‘discuss and answer’ have been
provided at the end of the lesson plans.

Sample Assessment Paper has been provided at the end of the teaching guide, based on the standard board format.
The format of the sample paper can be used to design assessment papers.
Concept Check boxes given in the student book can be used for assessing learning during the class.

1 v
Topic Progression Across NOPS Series

Starter Book 1 Book 2

Unit Ourselves Unit Ourselves Unit Ourselves

The Human Body

- bones
The Human Body
- muscles and joints
1 My Body 1 - parts of the body and their functions 1
- internal organs ((brain, heart, lungs,
- growth of living things
- sense organs

The Senses
2 - senses and sense organs
- movement
Health and Safety
2 Healthy Habits 2 - looking after body
Healthy Habits
- staying safe
- food for energy
- health habits
- illness

Living Things Living Things Living Things

Plants and Their Parts

Plants - types of plants
3 Animals 4 - plants and living things 3 - parts of plants
- parts of plants - parts of a fruit
- seeds

4 Plants 4 Uses of Plants

Animals and How They Live
5 - basic characteristics of animals
- animals live in different places
- animal food, importance of animals
5 Living and Non-Living Things 5 - special body parts
- wild and domestic animals
- animals and their young ones
Materials and Matter Materials and Matter Materials and Matter
Solids, Liquids, Gas
- natural resources and man-made materials
6 - solids, liquids, and gases
- materials can change shape
Materials and Object - more about rocks
- shapes, size, texture and weight of
6 Materials 6 Measuring Instruments
- measuring length
- natural and man-made materials
- measuring weight
- measuring time
- measuring temperature
- measuring liquids

vi 1
Book 3 Book 4 Book 5

Unit Ourselves Unit Ourselves Unit Ourselves

The Human Body
The Human Body
- brain
- cells
- sense organs The Brain and Nerves
- tissues
1 - skeletal system, muscular 1 1 - nervous system
- organs
system,digestive system, circulatory - sense organs
- skeletal system
system, respiratory system, nervous
- muscular system
system, excretory system
Food and Balanced Diet
- importance of food
- food groups
Health and Safety
- food pyramid Microorganisms, Health, and Disease
- exercise for body
Digestion - microrganisms
2 - balanced diet 2
- teeth and its type - microorgansims and disease
- sleep and rest
- taking care of teeth - keeping healthy
- staying safe 3
- digesting food
- pancreas, liver, and gall bladder
- eating habits
Living Things Living Things Living Things
Living on Earth
- characteristics of living things
- movement of animals and plants Life Functions
- growth Characteristics of Living Things - movement
- feeding - animal vs plant cells - growth
3 - feeling 4 - characteristics of living things 3 - food
- breathing - dependency on eachother - respiration
- reproduction - life cycles - sensitivity
- habitats - reproduction
- ecosystems
- extinct animals
Classification of Living Things
The Life Cycles of Animals
4 4 - animals: vertebrates and invertebrates
- life cycle of fish,insect, birds Environments and Food Chains
- friends or enemy
- environment components
The Life Cycles of Plants Plants
5 - classification of animals and plants
- flowers, fruits, and seeds - non-flowering plants
- herbivores, carnivores,omnivores
5 - germination 5 - flowering plants
- food chains
- vegetables - comparing a monocot and a dicot
- life cycle of plant - germination
Materials and Matter Materials and Matter Materials and Matter

Solids, Liquids, and Gas
- what is soil made up of?
6 6 - matter and its forms 6
- layers of the soil
- changes of state
Materials - types of soil
- types of materials
Matter And the Water Cycle
- properties of materials
The Study of Matter - solid, liquid, gas
- kinds of materials
- introduction to chemistry - comparing states of matter
7 7
- mixtures, solutions - changes of states
- methods of seperation - water cycle
- reversible and irreversible changes

1 vii
Starter Book 1 Book 2

Forces, Energy, and Machines Forces,energy, and Machines Forces,energy, and Machines

- introduction of movement
7 Movement 7 8 - mains electricity and batteries
- force is needed to move
- batteries and cells
- use of machines to move

- introduction to sound
8 Sounds 8
- loud and soft sound
- different ways of producing sound

Light and Shadow

- light is energy
- sources of light
9 - brigh and dim light
- properties of light
Light and Shadow - what makes a shadow big or small
- use of light - materials and light
9 Light and Colours 9
- sources of light
- bright and dim light

The Earth and the Atmosphere The Earth and the Atmosphere The Earth and the Atmosphere
- importance of water
10 The Earth and The Atmosphere 10 - sources of water
- uses of water
- saving water
The Weather
11 Air 10 - types of weather The Environment
- seasons - what environment is
12 Water And Its Uses - protecting animals
- three R’s
- looking after natural resources
13 The Weather
- deforestation

Sky and Space Sky and Space Sky and Space

The Earth, Sun,Moon, and Stars The Earth, Sun, Moon, and Stars
- shapes of earth - introduction to Earth and Sun
- Sun - day and night
14 The Sky 11 12
- Earth travel round the Sun -M oon its shape, life on Moon, and its
- Moon travel round the Earth rotation

viii 1
Book 3 Book 4 Book 5

Forces,energy, and Machines Forces,energy, and Machines Forces,energy, and Machines

Forces In Action
- measuring force
Force Heat - inertia
- introduction to force - atoms - friction
7 - kinds of force 8 - temperature 8 - ways to reduce friction
- friction - heat - gravity
- gravity - thermometer - balanced and unbalanced forces
- mass and weight
- simple machines
Electricity Electricity
- electric current - atoms
Forces and Machines
- conductors and insulators - electric charge
8 9 - speed 9
- circuits - two types of electricity
- machines and types of machines
- flow of current - electricity in nature
- complete circuit - circuits and fuses

Circuit and Switches Magnets And Electromagnets

Simple Machines
- complete and incomplete circuits - magnetic field
- work
9 10 - switches 10 - demagnetism
- tools or machines
- series and parallel circuits - creating an electromagnet
- transport
- conductors and insulators - electromagnets in use
- what is a magnet?
- magnetic materials
Sound and Light 11
- magnetic field Light
- how is sound produced
- poles - pinhole camera
- how are sounds useful
10 - making magnets 11 - reflected light
- loud or soft sound
Sound - shadows
- sources of light
- sound waves - eclipses
- speed of light
12 - frequency
- sound medium
- noise, echoes
The Earth and the Atmosphere The Earth and the Atmosphere The Earth and the Atmosphere

- air has mass
- the atmosphere
- uses of air
The Earth
- structure of Earth Environmental Pollution
- how Earth was formed - biodegradable waste
- rocks, minerals, soil - non-biodegradable waste
Movement of Earth 13 - causes of pollution
- rotation - types of pollution
13 - revolution - the three R’s
- equator - environment watch
- seasons
Sky and Space Sky and Space
The Earth Solar System
- introduction to Solar system - the solar system
- objects in space - space probes
12 14
- difference and similarities between
a planet and a moon
- satellites and space

1 ix
Curriculum Map for Grade I
Themes SLOs (incl. Knowledge, Skills,Attitudes and STSE) covered in unit:
Identify the ways in which they are same and different from others wrt physical
unit 1
characteristics and likes/dislikes.
Name major parts of the human body (eyes, nose, ears, mouth, arms, feet and legs). unit 1
Identify the functions of various body parts. unit 1
My Body Name the five senses. unit 2
Identify the sensory descriptions of each of the five senses (Taste: sweet, sour,
bitter, salty, umami/savory ; Touch: smooth, hard, soft, rough, cold, warm, hot;
unit 2
Hearing: loud, soft, high, low; Sight: bright, dim and recognise colors; Smell:
pleasant, unpleasant).
List food items that they usually eat at home. unit 3
The Food I Eat Name the food items they like to eat . unit 3
Recognise the importance of different food items they eat. unit 3
Identify the ways and means by which they can keep themselves clean (washing unit 3
hands before and after meals and after using the toilet, clipping/trimming nails,
brushing teeth daily, taking bath regularly etc.).
Recognise the importance of keeping themselves, their clothes and surroundings unit 3
clean for their health.
Keeping Identify what makes their neighbourhood dirty. unit 3
Oneself Clean List the ways by which they can keep their neighbourhood clean. also covered in
book 5
Recognise that a clean neighbourhood is important for living a healthy life. also covered in
book 5
State the ways they kept their neighbourhood clean. also covered in
book 5
Recognise that in case of illness they require medical assistance/treatment. unit 3
Identify the causes of illness. unit 3
CARE Identify unhealthy habits that cause common illnesses (cough, diarrhea etc.). unit 3
List various ways of protecting oneself from diseases (keeping self and surroundings unit 3
clean, drinking clean water and eating healthy food, getting vaccinated).
Identify the plants they see around them. unit 4
Recognise the differences between the plants they see around them. unit 4
Recognise the importance of plants/trees as a source of food, shade, and shelter. unit 4
Identify the things around them that are made up of plants/trees. unit 4
Identify the animals they see around them. unit 5
Identify the differences between the animals they see around them. unit 5
Plants and
Identify the food which different animals eat. unit 5
Recognise the importance of animals as a source of food, and transport. unit 5
Identify the homes of animals (nest, burrow). unit 5
Differentiate between animals that can and cannot be kept at home. unit 5
Identify the measures for the better care of domestic animals. unit 5
Recognise that plants and animals need water, food, and air to live. unit 4
List ways in which they can take care of things around them.

x 1
Name different objects in their surroundings (home, school, and neighborhood). unit 6
Recognise that objects are different in shape, size, texture and weight. unit 6
Group objects based on shape (circle, triangle, square, and rectangle), size (big, unit 6
little; large, small), texture (rough, smooth, hard, soft), and weight (heavy, light).
Recognise that many objects make sounds. unit 8
Identify that sounds can be made in different ways (hitting, shaking, blowing, and unit 8
Objects Around Recognise that sounds heard are low when they are far away. unit 8
Us Recognise that light is needed to see objects in the dark. unit 9
Recognise that some lights are intense and some are dim. unit 9
Recognise that objects are made of different materials. unit 6
Group objects based on the materials they are made of (wood, paper, plastic etc.). unit 6
Identify materials that can be hard or soft, smooth or rough. unit 6
Recognise that the same material can be used for making different objects. unit 6
Recognise that the same object can be made from different materials. unit 6
Recognise that some objects are made of more than one material. unit 6
Identify the shape of the Earth. unit 11
Recognise that the Earth is covered with air, land and water. unit 11
Identify objects in the sky during day and night. unit 11
Objects in the
Recognise that the sun shines very brightly during the day and gives us heat and light. unit 11
Recognise that the moon and stars shine at night. unit 11
Identify the daily weather conditions (sunny, rainy, cloudy, and windy). unit 10
Predict daily weather conditions (through observations). unit 10
Name four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter). unit 10
Illustrate the key characteristics of the four seasons (summer: hot; winter: cold; unit 10
Seasons autumn: leaves; spring: new flowers and leaves).
Relate seasonal weather conditions to appropriate choices for clothing, food and unit 10
recreational activities.

1 xi
Scheme of Work
Unit Lesson Topic wise Learning outcome
plan allocations of
number periods
1st term
Lesson 1 1 period Each part of the body has a job to do.
The Human Body Lesson 2 1 period Difference between living and non-living.
Lesson 3 1 period We need food to grow.
We use different parts of the body to sense the
Lesson 1 1 period
Senses world around us.
Lesson 2 2 periods We can move in different ways.
We all need food to live, food gives us energy,
Lesson 1 2 periods
and keeps us healthy.
Lesson 2 1 period The body requires food.
Healthy Habits
Lesson 3 1 period The body requires exercise and rest
It is important to keep ourselves, our clothes, and
Lesson 4 2 periods
surrounding clean from diseases.
Lesson 1 1 period Differences between living and non-living.
Plants are living things, we can differentiate them
Lesson 2 2 periods
by looking at their parts.
Plants are important, they not only give us food
Lesson 3 2 periods
but shade and shelter.
Lesson 4 1 period Different parts of the plants.
Lesson 5 2 periods Leaves are of different shapes and sizes.
Flowers are of different colours, shapes, and
Lesson 6 2 periods
Lesson 7 2 periods Recognise different fruits and vegetables.
Animals breathe, move, eat, and drink. They also
Lesson 1 1 periods
Lesson 2 2 periods How do domestic animals help us.
Animals and Animals have different body parts, birds, insects
Lesson 3 2 periods
How They Live and fishes.
Lesson 4 1 period Animals and their young ones.
Lesson 5 1 period Animals also need food to live.
Lesson 6 1 period Animals have different kinds of homes.
Objects have different shapes, sizes, textures, and
Lesson 1 2 periods
Materials and Objects in your surroundings are made of
Lesson 2 2 periods
objects different materials.
Materials have different textures, uses and properties.
Lesson 3 2 periods
There are natural and man-made materials.

xii 1
2nd term
Lesson 1 1 period Our world is full of living things.
Movement Every time we move, we use force. Machines and
Lesson 2 2 periods
tools help us to move things.
We make sounds with our voices and hear them
Lesson 1 1 period
Sounds with our ears. Sounds can be loud or soft.
Lesson 2 1 period Music is a pleasant sound.
Light is needed to see in the dark. Some lights
Lesson 1 2 periods are dim and some bright. The different sources of
Light and Shadow
Light travels in a straight line. Light passes
Lesson 2 2 periods through some things and does not pass through
others. How are shadows formed?
Lesson 1 2 periods Weather changes from day to day.
The Weather There are four seasons. The effect of the different
Lesson 2 2 periods
The Earth is a sphere. The Sun provides us light
The Earth, Sun, Lesson 1 2 periods and heat during the day. The Earth revolves
Moon, and Stars around the Sun in a year.
Lesson 2 1 period The Moon revolves around the Earth.

1 xiii
Part 1 1: The Brain and Nerves
The first unit ‘The Human Body’ will help reinforce the names of the different parts of the body.
The students will be made aware about the uses of the parts of the body. Students will learn about
the five senses and explore how we use them and differentiate the different sounds, flavours, feel,
and smells in unit 2. All living things need food in order to grow and stay healthy. Food provides
the body with energy to do work. In order to stay healthy, it is important to eat grains, meat, milk,
and eggs. Fruits and vegetables must also be eaten. Students will learn to cultivate good habits of
washing hands before and after eating and using the washroom, taking a bath, eating healthy food
and going to sleep early and getting up early.

Unit 1: The Human Body

Lesson Plan 1 Student Book Pages 2–3
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
identify each part of the body and the job it does.
Lead the students in singing the nursery rhyme, ‘Head, shoulders, knees, and toes’. Video of the
rhyme can be shown to the students as well.
Main Teaching
• Ask the students to read Page 2 and look at the picture. Recall the names of the different
parts of the body. Pair students and ask each pair to write the name of the body parts on the
illustration given on page 24.
• Use page 3 of the Student book to explain that each body part has a job to do. Using the pictures
on page 3, explain that all human beings have the same body parts but they all look different.
Guided Practice
Play ‘Simon Says’: call out the names of the different parts of the body—the students should point
to the body part and tell how it helps us. For example, the teacher will say Simon says wave your
hand. Students will respond by waving hand and replying how the hand helps us. For example,
‘The hand helps us to hold things/write/eat.’
Independent Working
Handout worksheet 1-1 to students to attempt in the classroom.
Wrap up
Show a picture of a family. Ask, ‘Do all of the family members have the same body parts, even
though some are young and some are old?’
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to answer Question 4 on page 7.

2 1
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book Page 4
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain the difference between living and non-living things.
• Show pictures of a baby, a seed, and a kitten. Ask the students what these living things will
grow up to be. (a child, a small plant, a cat)
• Pointing to a desk in the classroom, ask, ‘Is the desk a living thing?’ Explain that it is not
because it cannot breathe or grow and does not need food and water. Things which do not
breathe, grow, move or eat are known as non-living things.
Main Teaching
• Discuss the picture on page 4 of the Student Book. Ask the following questions:
 What are the children doing?
 Can you name all the living things in this picture?
 How many dogs are there in the picture?
 Can you see any non-living things in the picture? Name them.
• All living things grow. Ask the students if they have seen kittens or puppies. Explain that
animals have young ones.
• Discuss their needs as living things. They need food and water. They also need air to breathe,
and shelter to live.
• Point to a few things in the classroom, for example, a chair, a book, a school bag, and a water
bottle. Ask what these things need. Explain that they do not need anything because they are
non-living things. They do not grow and cannot move. They do not need food or water.
Guided Practice
Help students to answer Question 3 on page 7.
Independent Working
Ask students to attempt Questions 1 and 2 on page 6.
Wrap Up
Handout worksheet 1-2 to students to attempt in the classroom.
Homework/Going Further
Ask the students to list down and draw in their notebooks and draw pictures of five living things
and five non-living things.

Unit 1: The Human Body 1 3

Lesson Plan 3 Student Book Page 5
Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain that living things need food to live.
• explain that food gives us energy and keeps us healthy.
Display a number of plastic fruits and vegetables and also some flashcards of bread and different
kinds of meat. Put a few paper plates on the table. Ask students to come in pairs and select different
foods to put on their plate. Display the plates to the whole class. Ask, ‘Why is it necessary to eat
food?’. Elicit responses from children and explain that food is important for living things to survive.
Main Teaching
• Ask the students to name their favourite foods.
  List their answers on the board under the headings: ‘From plants’ and ‘From animals’.
Explain that we get food from plants and animals.
 Remind them that most human beings eat both animals and plants.
• Read page 5 of the Student Book.
• Show flashcards of different animals. Ask questions such as:
 what does a lion/wolf/fox, etc. eat? (A lion eats other small animals.)
 What do cows, goats, and horses eat? (They eat grass and leaves.)
• Explain that all living things need food in order to stay alive and to grow. Explain that living
things also need energy. Food provides living things with energy.
Guided Practice
• Ask students to work in pairs to discuss the ‘Concept Check’ on page 5.
• Show a picture of a packet of chips and an egg sandwich. Discuss which food is healthier? (egg
• Ask: From which animals do we get the meats that are called mutton and beef? Explain that we
get mutton from sheep/goat and beef from cows.
Independent Working
Ask students to attempt Questions 1 and 2 on page 6.
Wrap Up
Once again show the flashcards of different kinds of foods. Ask students to select a flashcard and
place it in the healthy or unhealthy column on the board.
Homework/Going Further
• Ask the students to draw a plate of their favourite food and write two sentences to explain why
it is healthy.
• Guide the students to maintain the record in worksheet 1-3.

4 1 Unit 1: The Human Body

Worksheet 1-1
My Body
Look at the part of the body the girl is pointing to. Choose the correct name of the body
part from the box below. Write it next to each picture.

eye  nose  mouth  chin  cheek  ear  feet

Unit 1: The Human Body 1 5

Worksheet 1-2
Living and Growing
All living things are born small. With the passing of time, they grow older and bigger.
Number the pictures 1, 2, and 3 in the correct order.

6 1 Unit 1: The Human Body

Worksheet 1-3
Make a Food Diary. Record in the columns the food you eat each day.
Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner








Unit 1: The Human Body 1 7

Unit 2: The Senses
Lesson Plan 1 Student Book Pages 9–11
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain how we use different parts of our body to sense the world around us.
• Bring a tray covered with a cloth to the classroom. The tray should hold a glass of water, a
bottle of cologne spray, a small bell, and some sweets.
• Ask the students to close their eyes. Write on the board. Ask: Can you see what I am writing
on the board? Explain that they could not see because their eyes were closed. You can only see
with your eyes open.
• Ask them to close their eyes again. Spray some cologne in the room. Ask: What can you smell?
(perfume), What helped you to smell? (the nose)
• Ask them to close their eyes once again. With a dropper or a spoon, drop a few drops of water
onto each student’s hand. Ask: What did you feel? Collect responses and explain that your
sense of touch tells you that your hand is wet.
• Once the students have closed their eyes again, ring the bell. Ask: What did you hear? (a bell
ringing), What helped you to hear? (the ears)
• Finally, give each student a sweet: some should be soft, some hard, some sweet, and some sour.
The students should now tell the class what their sweet tasted like. Explain that their sense of
taste enabled them to enjoy the treat.
Main Teaching
• Read pages 9-11 with the students.
• Discuss what the children are doing in the pictures given in the book.
• List on the board the five senses that they used in the introduction.
• Ask the students to suggest different things that they can experience through their senses.
For example:
eyes colours, darkness, brightness
ears loud and soft sounds
nose pleasant or unpleasant smells
tongue salty, sweet, bitter, and sour tastes
skin hot, cold, wet, dry, smooth, rough
Guided Practice
Help students to answer Question 2 on page 13 and Questions 3 and 5 on page 14.

8 1
Independent Working
• Ask students to attempt the ‘Concept Check’ on page 11.
• Ask students to answer Questions 4 and 6 on pages 14 and 15.
Wrap Up
Recall the names of the sense organs. Discuss how their functions help us.
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to complete worksheet 2-1.

Lesson Plan 2 Student Book Pages 11–12

Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain that we can move in different ways.
Take the students to a playground or outside the class. Ask students to run, jump, skip, hop, and
climb the monkey bars. Ask some students to sit and observe their surroundings and note the
various smells and sounds. Ask them to look for some smooth pebbles and rough stones.
Main Teaching
Take the students back to the classroom. Ask:
• What parts of the body did you use to run and hop? (legs)
• When you skipped and climbed the monkey bar, what parts of the body did you use? (The legs
and arms were used.)
This shows that different parts of the body are used when we move.
What sounds did they hear? For example, the bell of the ice cream vendor, the shouting of children
playing, the sounds of cars driving by, the loud honking of a bus horn etc.
What did they smell? For example, the smell of roasted peanuts, the sweet smell of flowers, the
smell of car exhaust fumes.
Ask: Which senses helped you to hear and smell? (The ears and the nose helped.)
What did the pebbles feel like? (Some were smooth and some were rough.) Explain the skin on
their hands helped them feel the pebbles.
Guided Practice
• Discuss the pictures on page 12 of the Student Book. Show students, the children performing
various activities using their arms and legs in the illustration. Ask them to match the movements
in the first box with the parts given in the second box.
• Help students to answer Question 1 on page 13 and Question 7 on page 15.
Independent Working
Ask students to attempt Question 8 on page 15.

Unit 2: The Senses 1 9

Wrap Up
Ask the students to sit in a circle to play the game ‘Charades’. Call them in turn to pick up a
Charade card on which instructions are given as to what the student has to do. For example, stand
on one leg, jump, bowl a cricket ball, kick a football, yawn, get out of bed in the morning, and sit
on a chair. The students who are watching have to guess what s/he is doing and say which part of
the body is being used.
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to draw in worksheet 2-2.

10 1 Unit 2: The Senses

Worksheet 2-1
The Senses
Q1. We have five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Look at the picture
below and complete the sentences.

a) Mother is using her sense of and to knead the

b) The girl is using her sense of and .
c) The boy is using his sense of and to
watch television, and his sense of to enjoy the drink.
d) They are all using their sense of , while the food is cooking
on the stove.

Unit 2: The Senses 1 11

Worksheet 2-2
Draw something you like to smell. Draw something you don’t like to smell.

Draw something that tastes good. Draw something that tastes awful.

Draw a sound you like to hear. Draw a sound you don’t like to hear.

Draw something that feels soft. Draw something that feels rough.

12 1 Unit 2: The Senses

Unit 3: Healthy habits
Lesson Plan 1 Student Book Pages 17–18
Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain that we all need food to live.
• explain that food gives us energy and keeps us healthy.
• Show flashcards of a boy, a lion, and a cow. Ask:
What do they all need to stay healthy and have energy? (food)
• Explain that food gives us energy.
Main Teaching
• Ask students ‘Why is food important for us?’
• Read page 17 of the Student Book.
• Explain that food provides us with the required energy to live a healthy life.
• Discuss that to stay healthy, we need to eat foods from plants, like fruit, vegetables, and cereals.
We may also eat the meat of animals such as goats, cows, chickens, and fish. We also eat eggs
and drink milk.
• Foods which are healthy can be both meats and vegetables.
• Foods that are unhealthy contain a lot of fats and sugar. These foods are known as junk food,
like chips, sweets, biscuits, and burgers.
Guided Practice
Discuss and Answer given on page 18
Independent Working
Ask the students to attempt Question 2 on page 21 and Question 4 on page 22.
Wrap Up
Pairs of students should be given pictures of different kinds of food. They should separate the
pictures into healthy food and unhealthy food or junk food. The results of their findings should be
noted on the board.
Homework/Going Further
Worksheet 3-1

1 13
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book Page 18
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain why the body requires fresh food.
• Show flashcards of various cricket, football, tennis, and squash superstars.
• Discuss how these players have become such stars.
• Ask, Where do they get the energy to play? (From eating healthy food.)
• Ask, What is another way to keep healthy? (Having good habits.)
Main Teaching
• Ask students to look at page 18 of the Student book and discuss what is shown in the pictures.
Students should first name each food. Ask the following questions:
 Is that your favourite food? Why?
 Name the healthy foods shown in the pictures.
 Discuss how you can tell which food is healthy.
• Explain that we should always eat food which is fresh, not eat more than we need, and never eat
too quickly. Healthy food helps you to grow strong and gives you the energy to work or play.
Guided Practice
Ask the students to work in pairs. Distribute pictures of different kinds of fruits and vegetables,
cereals, meat, milk, chicken, and eggs. In pairs, students should draw a plate of healthy food from
the given pictures.
Independent Working
Activity 2 given on page 23
Wrap Up
Display a chart showing both healthy and unhealthy foods. Students can be asked to put a smiley
face by foods which are healthy and a sad face sticker by the foods which are unhealthy.
Homework/Going Further
Students should name and draw or glue pictures of their 5 favourite fruits and 5 favourite vegetables.

Lesson Plan 3 Student Book Pages 18–19

Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain that the body requires exercise and rest.
• Bring to class some sports equipment like a football, a cricket bat, and a skipping rope. Ask:

14 1 Unit 3: Healthy habits

Do you play with these?
Why is it important to play outside?
Ask further questions to make students realise that playing and exercising are important for health.
Main Teaching
• Read together with class Student book pages 18–19.
• Discuss the pictures on these pages with the students. Ask: Which habits are necessary for a
healthy life?
• The students can also be asked to sing the song ‘This is the way we brush our teeth,………..on
a cold and frosty morning.’
• Explain we need fresh air, healthy exercise, and good habits. Talk about the good habits shown
in the pictures in the book.
• By keeping ourselves clean, taking rest, bathing daily, keeping our hair and nails clean,
brushing our teeth twice a day, washing our hands before eating, and after using the toilet, we
can stay healthy.
Guided Practice
Ask students to sit in pairs and brainstorm what good habits help us individually and which will
help us collectively. Individual habits include taking a bath, washing our hands, etc. Collective
habits include throwing trash in the dustbin, covering the dustbin etc.
Independent Working
Ask students to attempt questions 3 and 5 on page 22.
Wrap Up
• Ask the students to name some ways in which they can be healthy. For example, eating healthy
food, taking time to exercise, and practising the good habits you have discussed are some of the
ways to make them strong and healthy.
• Question 1 of worksheet 3-2
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to list in their notebooks three ways in which they keep themselves clean and healthy.

Lesson Plan 4 Student Book Page 20

Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain that it is important to keep ourselves and our surroundings clean to protect ourselves from disease.
Show a picture of a boy lying in bed. Ask students to suggest why he is in bed. They should say
that he is sick. (Do not tell them they are wrong.)
Ask: What makes you sick? Answers may include:
Something I ate.

Unit 3: Healthy habits 1 15

I got some infection from a friend in school or the playground.
I did not get enough rest.
Ask: How can we avoid getting sick?
Main Teaching
• Read page 20 of the Student book.
• Discuss how people become ill.
You may become ill if you do not eat healthy food and do not keep yourself clean.
Ask: What should you do if you are sick?
• Explain that it is important to go to the doctor if you are sick and take the medicine s/he gives you.
We can also protect ourselves from infectious diseases by being vaccinated.
Guided Practice
• Show pictures of a badly-kept house, surrounded by trash and a house with clean surroundings.
Ask students to discuss in pairs where they would prefer to live and play. Why?
• The trash attracts many kinds of insects which cause infectious diseases.
Ask: Can you name some insects which are harmful and cause diseases?
Note their answers on the board.
Independent Working
• Ask students to discuss in pairs what they should do to keep themselves and their surroundings
clean. Write any two points.
• Question 2 of worksheet 3-2
Wrap Up
Use the words from the word bank to fill in the gaps.
boiled  bath  doctor  insects  rubbish  rest
1.  Visit the if you have a high temperature.
2.  Always drink clean, water.
3.  Take a daily and wear clean clothes.
4.  Keep food covered from and dust.
5.  Have enough .
6. Put in a covered container.
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to attempt Question 1 on page 21.

16 1 Unit 3: Healthy habits

Worksheet 3-1
Q1. Draw and colour any 6 healthy foods.

Unit 3: Healthy habits 1 17

Worksheet 3-2
Q1. Complete the following table to check if you have good habits.
Time Activity
6:00 am
6:30 am
7:00 am
7:30 am
8:00 am
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
9:00 pm

Q2. In the two boxes draw and colour your room when it is untidy and when it is neat
and clean.

18 1 Unit 3: Healthy habits

Part 2 Living Things
The students will learn about the difference between living and non-living things in this section.
Students will learn that plants and animals are living things. All living things breathe, move, eat,
grow, and have young ones. Non-living things cannot move by themselves, do not need food or
water, they do not breathe or have young ones. The students will further build their concepts about
plants. They will learn about the factors needed by plants to stay alive. Students will learn about
different types of plants i.e., trees, shrubs, bushes, and creepers. Plants have different parts like the
leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, stem. Leaves are of different shapes and sizes. Flowers have different
smells and sizes. Students will also learn about the different parts of the plants which we eat as
The unit on ‘Animals and how they live’ explains the different kinds of animals. Some animals live
on land, on trees, and some in water. Animals that are useful for us are known as domesticated
animals. These animals provide us with food—meat, milk and eggs, wool for warm clothing and
hides for shoes and jackets. Wild animals live in the jungle or forests. Insects, birds, and fishes
have different kinds of body parts. Discuss with students the different kinds of foods that the
animals eat, the names of the special places they make as their shelter. Homes are made for
domestic animals by human beings.

Unit 4: Plants
Lesson Plan 1 Student Book Page 26
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
differentiate between living and non-living things.
• Show flashcards of a number of animals, plants, and non-living things. Ask the students to clap
when the flashcard shows a living thing, and to raise their hand if it is non-living.
• Draw two columns on the board ‘Living things’ and ‘Non-living things’.
Encourage the students to state the different characteristics of living and non-living things.
They breathe and need shelter. They can move, grow, and have young ones.
Non-living things do not need food, water, or shelter. They do not breathe or move.
Main Teaching
• Read page 26 of the Student book together with students.
• Ask the students to look around them and name some things in the classroom.
Note their answers on the board, for example, board, chairs, desk, chalk, duster, door, window,
books, light, fan etc.
• Except for the teacher and the students, (and plants if there are any), everything is non-living.
Explain that humans as well as other animals and plants are living things.
Living things need food, water, air to breathe, and a place to live, they grow, and have young

1 19
Non-living things do not move, grow, need food, breathe, or have young ones.
Guided Practice
• Discuss the pictures on page 26 and differentiate between living and non-living things.
• Ask the students to sit in pairs and make a list of 5 non-living things they use at home.
Independent Working
Which of these things are living and which are non-living? Draw or write them in the correct
tree book football clock bird
pen boy grass bottle lion
Living things

Non-living things

Wrap Up
Show flashcards of living and non-living things. The students should identify them and classify
them as living or non-living.
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to answer Question 3 on page 35.

Lesson Plan 2 Student Book Pages 27–28

Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain that plants are living things and we can identify different plants by looking at their
different parts.
Show flashcards of different kinds of plants.
Ask: Do all plants look the same? (No, some are big trees, some shrubs, some bushes, some
creepers, etc.)
Main Teaching
• Read page 27 of the Student book with the students.

20 1 Unit 4: Plants
• Study the pictures on page 27 and discuss them. Ask: Are all the plants the same shape and
size? (No, some are tall trees, some are creepers, some climbers.)
• Bring in a few potted plants from a plant nursery. Discuss the differences between the plants.
For example,
The rose plant is like a small bush, it has thorns on its stems and branches, but the flowers look
and smell nice.
The jasmine plant is a creeper. It has a thin, pliable stem and the flowers are in bunches and
have a sweet smell.
The small papaya tree has a big stem with broad leaves at the top.
Explain that all plants need water, soil, air, and sunlight.
Guided Practice
The students should work in pairs to do the ‘Discuss and Answer’ on page 28.
Independent Working
Ask students to write down the names of five flowering plants and five fruit trees.
Wrap Up
Ask students to attempt Question 1 on page 34 and Question 4 on page 35.
Homework/Guided practice
Ask students to attempt Question 2 on page 34.

Lesson Plan 3 Student Book Pages 28–29

Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
give reasons why plants are important to us.
Ask the students to sit quietly and look around the classroom to see which things are made from
plants. Ask questions such as:
What is in your lunchbox that comes from plants?
Did your dinner last night include any plants?
Besides food, in what other ways do we use the plants?
Main Teaching
• Ask the students to look at the pictures on page 28 and 29 of the Student Book and identify 5
things in which a plant is used.
• Draw three columns on the board headed ‘Fruits’, ‘Vegetables’, and ‘Other ways’. Explain that
other ways means the ways we use the flowers, leaves, fruit, roots, stem, and tree trunks.
For example, the tree provides us with shade from the hot Sun. It also provides shelter for animals.
We use flowers for decoration and food (cauliflower), the leaves (spinach), the fruits (apples),

Unit 4: Plants 1 21
the roots (ginger), the stem (sugarcane), and the bark (cinnamon).
The students will help complete the columns.
• Read pages 28 and 29 of the Student Book with the students. Discuss the different ways in
which wood has been used as shown on page 29 of the Student Book. Explain that wood is used
for fuel, for making paper, for medicine, for furniture, and for building houses.
Guided Practice
• Ask the students to answer the ‘Concept Check’ on page 29.
• Make a list of ten ways in which plants help us.
Independent Working
Ask the students to answer Question 7 on page 36.
Wrap Up
Recall the different ways in which we use plants besides for food.
Homework/Going Further
Draw pictures of 4 things in your school that are made of wood.

Lesson Plan 4 Student Book Pages 29–30

Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
identify different parts of a plant.
Show a picture of a boy and a plant.
Ask: Do the boy and the tree have similar parts? (No.)
Ask the students to name the parts of the boy’s body.
Ask: Do all humans have the same number of body parts?Do all plants have the same number of parts?
Main Teaching
• Read Student book page 29 together with the students.
• Bring to the lesson a real plant with all its parts intact. Ask students to look at the picture of a
plant on page 29. Point to the various parts of the plant and ask the students:
 Which part of the plant gives it a green colour? (leaves)
 Which part of the plant absorbs sunlight? (leaves)
 What does a plant need to grow? (sunlight, water, air, and soil)
 Where does the plant store its food? (In its stem and roots.)
 Which is the most beautiful part of the plant? (flower)
 What holds the plant in the ground? (root)

22 1 Unit 4: Plants
Guided Practice
Help the students to attempt Concept Check on Page 30 of the Student Book.
Independent Working
Ask students to attempt Question 8 on page 37.
Wrap Up
• Ask students to answer Question 10 on page 37.
• Talk about five differences between the two trees.
Homework/Going Further
Worksheet 4-1

Lesson Plan 5 Student Book Page 31

Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain that leaves are of different shapes and sizes.
Bring different types of leaves for the class. Give one leaf to each student. Ask the students to
draw the leaf they have, in their notebook, closely observing the colour, lines, and shape. Hand out
magnifying glass to students so that they can look closely at the leaf.
Main Teaching
• Read page 31 of the Student Book with the students.
• Look again at the different leaves that you have brought to class. Show that some of the leaves
are small and some are big. The leaves are different shapes; some are smooth, some are thick.
Explain leaves help the plants to produce food.
Guided Practice
Ask the students to sit in pairs for ‘Discuss and Answer’ activity on page 31. Look at the pictures
of the different-shaped leaves on Page 31 of the Student Book. Choose the appropriate words to
describe the different leaves.
Independent Working
• Draw a leaf and write why are leaves important for a plant.
• Ask students to answer Question 1 of page 52.
Wrap Up
Give each pair of students a selection of leaves of different shapes and sizes. Instruct them to
separate them into different sizes and shapes. Ask the following questions:
 Do all the leaves have the same size and shape?
 Did all the leaves feel the same?

Unit 4: Plants 1 23
 Were all the leaves the same colour?
Homework/Going Further
Students should collect a few leaves of different shapes. Using different poster colours and an A-4
sheet, they should paint one side of the leaf with a colour of their choice and then press the
coloured side onto the paper. Remove the leaf, wash it, and paint it with another colour and again
stamp it on the paper. Use different shapes or sizes of leaves to make a pattern. Display the leaf
prints in the classroom.

Lesson Plan 6 Student Book Pages 32–33

Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to:
explain that flowers are different colours, shapes, and sizes.
Bring a bunch of fresh flowers to the lesson.
Ask the students if they can name some of the flowers in the bouquet, for example, rose, tuberose,
marigold, sunflower, and hibiscus.
Explain that the flowers are the most colourful part of the plant and they come in many different
colours, shapes, and sizes.
Main Teaching
• Read pages 32 and 33 of the Student Book together with the students.
• Ask if the students have seen any of the flowers shown on page 32.
Ask: Do all the flowers have the same number of petals? Explain that some flowers have a few
petals while others have many.
Ask: Where do we find flowers growing?
 Explain that flowers grow on bushes, shrubs, and trees.
 Explain that the flowers grow from the buds on a plant.
 Explain that the seeds of the plant are made by the flower.
 Explain that small insects like bees are attracted by the sweet smell of the flowers.
Guided Practice
Ask students to sit in pairs. Give each pair one flower to study. They should write five lines to
describe their flower.
Independent Working
Draw and colour three different kinds of flowers.
Wrap Up
Discuss the students’ observations of their flowers, for example, the colour, the smell, the size, the
number of petals, and the name. Note their findings on the board.

24 1 Unit 4: Plants
Homework/Going Further
Write the names of five flowers, and draw their pictures.

Lesson Plan 7 Student Book Pages 32–33

Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
• explain that fruits grow from flowers.
• identify a number of fruits and vegetables.
Show flashcards of different fruits and vegetables.
Ask the students to name them and help them to list them in the columns on the board headed
‘Fruits and Vegetables’.
Main Teaching
• Read pages 32 and 33 of the Student Book together with the students.
• Explain that fruits and vegetables grow from flowers and that many parts of plants are used as
vegetables. For example:
The leaves of the spinach plant are used as a vegetable. Carrots, radishes, and beetroots are
roots. Sugarcane is the stem of the plant. Some vegetables grow on stems, like green beans.
Most fruits grow on trees (apples and pears), climbers (grapes), or on creepers (melon, watermelon).
Guided Practice
Ask the students to do the Concept Check on Page 33.
Independent Working
Ask students to attempt Question 7 on page 36.
Wrap Up
• Ask questions to check understanding. For example:
On what parts of the plant do fruits and vegetables grow?
• Name some of the different parts of plants that we eat as vegetables.
Homework/Going Further
Draw and colour two of your favourite fruits and two of your favourite vegetables.

Unit 4: Plants 1 25
Worksheet 4-1
Colour the plant. Label the four main parts of the plant using words in the box below.
roots  flower  stem  leaf

26 1 Unit 4: Plants
Unit 5: Animals and how they live
Lesson Plan 1 Student Book Pages 39–40
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain that animals breathe, move, eat and drink, they also die.
Show flashcards of different animals. Ask the students if they are living things or non-living things.
(Living things).
Explain that all animals do not look the same.
Main Teaching
• Read page 39 of the Student Book together with the students.
• Ask the students to name some animals. Note their answers on the board.
Explain that animals are living things, and they need food and water, they breathe air, move,
and have young ones.
Talk about where animals live. For example, some animals live on the land, some in water, and
others in trees.
Guided Practice
• Discuss the picture of a jungle on page 39. The students should sit in pairs and name all the
animals in the picture. The students can also point out where these animals make their homes.
Ask: Do these animals live with us in our homes?
Explain that wild animals live in forests and jungles on land, in trees, or in water.
• Read page 40 of the Student Book. Ask students to look at the picture.
Ask: How many of these animals have you seen in real life?
Explain that these animals are called domestic animals. They can be tamed and live with us, or
work for us.
Independent Working
Students should sit in pairs to attempt the Concept Check on page 40.
Wrap Up
Show the students different flashcards of wild and domestic animals. Divide the students into five
teams. Taking turns, a team has to say if the animal is wild or domestic and where it lives. Give
two points for each correct answer. The winning team is the team with most points at the end.
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to answer Question 7 on page 50.

1 27
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book Pages 41–42
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
identify domestic or wild animals.
Show flashcards of different animals.
Ask the students to clap if the flashcard shows a domestic animal. If it shows a wild animal, they
should sit quietly.
Discuss the ways that the domestic animals help us.
Main Teaching
• Look at the pictures on page 41 of the Student Book. Ask the students to identify the different
animals. Explain that they are domesticated animals and discuss the ways in which they help
us. For example, some help us on farms, some pull carts, and dogs can also be used for
protection and as guide dogs. Explain that they live on farms or in our homes.
• Ask questions to evoke response: for instance What foods do these animals provide? (meat, milk,
• Talk about how we take care of these animals. We provide them with food and water, a clean
place to live, and never hurt them.
Guided Practice
Ask the students to look at the ‘Discuss and Answer’ on page 41. The students should sit in pairs
and write three ways in which a dog, a sheep, a horse, and a hen are useful to us.
Independent Working
Ask if any of the students have a pet animal. Ask them to talk about how they take care of their
pets. Students should sit in pairs and make a poster showing the four ways in which we must take
care of our pets.
Wrap Up
Draw three columns on the board. Ask the students to name the animals which help us on the farm,
the animals we keep as pets, and those animals which provide us with meat and eggs.
Homework/Going Further
Worksheet 5-1

28 1 Unit 3: Healthy habits

Lesson Plan 3 Student Book Pages 43–44
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain that fish, insects, and birds have different body parts.
• Show flashcards of a number of animals. Ask the students to say how many eyes, nose, ears,
they have.
• Now show pictures of insects, fish, and birds. Ask: Do they have similar body parts? (No)
Main Teaching
• Read page 43 of the Student Book. Show large pictures of a housefly and a mosquito. Ask the
students to name the two insects.
Ask the following questions that will evoke a response:
How many legs do they have? (six)
Do they have wings? (Yes)
How many parts are their bodies divided into? (two)
• Explain that we feel things through our skin and explain that insects have long feelers, known
as antennae, with which they feel their surroundings.
Show a picture of a fish. Ask the students to describe it. Explain that it has a skeleton; it has no
legs; it moves with its fins and tail; it breathes with gills; it has scales on its body to protect it.
• Ask students to name some birds, for example, sparrow, duck, hen, pigeon, myna.
Explain that birds have two legs and two wings and that most birds fly.
Guided Practice
• Students should sit in pairs to attempt the ‘Discuss and Answer’ on page 44.
• Help students to answer Question 6 on page 50.
Independent Working
Ask students to attempt Question 8 on page 51.
Wrap Up
Divide the students into five teams. Draw three columns on the board headed ‘Birds’, ‘Insects’,
and, ‘Fish’. Each team should be given 2 minutes to suggest the name of a bird, insect, and fish.
This game will be played on the same pattern as name, place, animal, and thing.
Homework/Going Further
Give students half a sheet of poster paper on which to make a poster showing the different body
parts of a bird, insect, and fish.

Unit 5: Animals and how they live 1 29

Lesson Plan 4 Student Book Pages 44–45
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
match adult animals with their young.
Put up a chart showing some animals and their young ones. Ask the students if they can name the
Main Teaching
• Read pages 44 to 47 together with the students.
Explain that some animals look like their parents when they are born while some do not
resemble their parents. Give examples of animals and their babies which resemble each other
and which do not resemble.
• Ask them to name the young of a cat, dog, cow, sheep, lion, hen, and duck.
Explain that birds, fish, and insects lay eggs.
Guided Practice
• Ask the students to attempt Concept Check on page 47.
• Help students to answer Question 2 on page 48.
Independent Working
Ask students to answer Questions 3 and 4 on page 49.
Wrap Up
Answer Question 1 on page 48.
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to write the names of animals and their babies shown in Q 4 on page 49.

30 1 Unit 5: Animals and how they live

Lesson Plan 5 Student Book Pages 44–45
Learning Objective
Students should be able to:
explain that animals need food to live.
• Recall that to live, living things need food and water, air to breathe, and a place to live.
• Ask students what they like to eat and explain that animals are living things so they also need
Main Teaching
• Read pages 45 and 46 of the Student Book with the students.
• Ask students to identify the different animals shown on these pages. Talk about what cows and
horses usually eat. (Grass and leaves)
• Ask what goats and sheep eat.
• Explain that birds eat worms, insects, and grains.
• Ask, ‘Can you name animals that eat other animals?’ (humans, lions, dogs, tigers, cats, foxes,
sharks, and vultures)
Guided Practice
Show a video of different animals eating their food. Use words such as animals eating, food for
animals, what animals eat? to search for the video. Watch the video beforehand so that you know it
is appropriate. Guide the students to write down what did they notice in the video.
Independent Practice
Ask students to attempt Question 3 on page 49.
Wrap Up
Recall the names of animals that eat meat, grass and leaves, and insects and grains.
Homework/Going Further
Write a few lines about what you would feed to a pet cat or dog.

Unit 5: Animals and how they live 1 31

Lesson Plan 6 Student Book Pages 46–47
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain that animals live in different kinds of homes.
• Show pictures of different kinds of houses. Encourage the students to talk about their own
homes. Ask questions:
 Do they live in a house with a garden or an apartment?
 Do they have a pet at home?
 Where does the pet live? Outside in the garden, in the garage, in a cage, or does it sleep in a
Main Teaching
• Read pages 46 and 47 of the Student Book. Ask the students to look at the pictures of animals
in their homes. Explain that animals need safe places to live with their young ones.
• Ask: Where do wild animals make their homes?
Explain that wild animals live in open spaces, like jungles and forests. They cannot be kept at
home as they are dangerous. Birds make their homes in a hole in a tree or build nests.
• Ask students to name some larger animals that live in dens. (bear, lion,) Show them some
pictures of animals in the den as well.
• Ask them to name some smaller animals that live in holes in the ground. (snakes, rabbits, foxes,
People make homes for domestic animals. They make stables for horses, kennels for dogs, cage
for parrots, hutches for rabbits, and barns for cows.
Guided Practice
Working in pairs: ask the students to complete the Concept Check on page 47.
Independent Working
Ask students to attempt Question 5 on page 50.
Wrap Up
Put up a chart on which some animals and their homes have been jumbled. Ask the students to
match each animal with its home.
Homework/Going Further
Activity 1 or 4 given on page 51

32 1 Unit 5: Animals and how they live

Worksheet 5-1
Tame animals live near people. Wild animals live in the jungle.
Q1. Where do these animals belong? Draw a line connecting the animal to its home.

wolf parrot cat

Home Jungle

Unit 5: Animals and how they live 1 33

Part 3 Materials and Matter
The unit on ‘Materials and Objects’ explains that objects are made of different materials. We
cannot make a house out of cardboard, most houses are built of bricks. Houses are built with bricks
as they are strong. Objects have different properties with respect to their shape, size, texture, and
weight. Texture is how an object feels when you touch it for example soft, hard, rough, or smooth.
Materials are of two types--man-made and natural materials. Natural materials are the materials
which come from plants, animals, or from under the ground. Man-made materials are made using
natural materials for example glass is made from silica sand, and plastic is made from crude oil.

Unit 6: Materials and Objects

Lesson Plan 1 Student Book Pages 55–56
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain that objects have different shapes, sizes, textures, and weights.
Bring a tray with a number of objects made from different materials and shapes, for example:
a plastic bottle, a steel pencil case, a paper tissue, a cloth duster, a glass bottle, a plastic plate, a
watch, a book, a clay bowl.
A few students can be asked to pick up one object each and say what it is made of.
Ask: Were all the things on the tray made of the same material?
Were they the same size and shape?
Note their answers on the board. Explain that everything is made of a different kind of material.
Main Teaching
• Read Pages 55-56 with the students.
• Ask the students to name some objects in the classroom. They should also describe the shape
and size of the objects.
Answers should be noted on the board.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on page 55, and talk about the shapes of the objects shown.
• The students should pick up one object from the tray of objects and tell if it is heavy or light
and if it is hard or soft.
Guided Practice
Divide the students into groups. Give them objects made of wood, cotton, plastic, glass, and steel.
Give each group an A-4 sheet of paper, on which the following information has to be entered:
name of the object, soft or hard, heavy or light, and the material it is made of.
Independent Working
Ask students to attempt Question 5 on page 62

34 1
Wrap Up
Discuss the information collected by the students while doing guided practice.
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to answer Question 4 on page 61.

Lesson Plan 2 Student Book Pages 55–56

Learning Objective
Students should be able to:
recognise that objects in their surroundings (home, school, and neighbourhood) are made of
different materials.
Show the students pictures of buildings and towers. Discuss what these buildings are used for. (homes,
schools, hospitals, offices, etc.) Talk about the materials that are used to make a building.
Main Teaching
• Show some materials like sand, tile, wood, and steel. Ask students to talk about times when
they have seen a building or a house being constructed.
Discuss what materials were used to make the building. (sand, cement, wood, steel, tiles, etc.)
• Read pages 56-57 of the Student Book with the students.
Ask students to look at the picture on page 56 and name the objects in the classroom.
What are they made of? Make a list on the board.
Ask what the board is made of? (wood/cement/plastic)
What about the desk? (wood/steel)
What are books made of? (paper)
What about the window panes? What are they made of? (glass)
Guided Practice
Discuss Question 2 on page 60, and write the answer.
Independent Working
In pairs, students should make a list of things made of plastic that they use every day. They should
then draw them and colour the pictures.
Wrap Up
Show flashcards of objects made of different kinds of materials. Students should now be able to
differentiate between man-made and natural materials.
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to complete Activity 2 on page 63.

Unit 6: Materials and Objects 1 35

Lesson Plan 3 Student Book Pages 58–59
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
• explain that there are different types of material with different textures, uses, and properties.
• Identify materials that are natural and those that are man-made.
• Ask the students to bring one object for show and tell. Each student should tell the class about
the shape, size, weight, and texture of the object.
• Point to different objects in class and ask: What are the door, desk, and chair made of? (wood)
Why do we make these things out of wood? (Because wood is strong.)
Why can’t we make an aeroplane out of wood? (Because wood is heavy and the plane would
not be able to fly.)
Main Teaching
• Read pages 58 and 59 of the Student Book with the students. Discuss the pictures on these pages.
• Draw three columns on the board headed ‘Plants’, ‘Animals’, and ‘under the ground’.
Ask the students to name things they know that are made from these materials, for example:
plants - cloth, pencil, paper, door, furniture, houses, wool
animals - shoes, jackets,
under the ground - coal, gold, silver, iron
man-made - glass, nylon, synthetic rubber, silicone, plastic
• Explain some materials are natural; that is, they come from plants, animals, or under the ground.
For example, the wood for the desk and chair came from trees.
Some materials are man-made; they are new materials made by humans using natural materials.
For example, plastic is made from natural oil, and glass is made from silica sand.
Guided Practice
Put up a chart showing different objects.
The students should work in pairs and make two lists, one of objects made from natural materials
and the other of objects made from man-made materials.
Independent Working
Ask students to attempt Question 3 on page 61 and Question 6 on page 62.
Wrap Up
Discuss their answers to Questions 3 and 6.
Homework/Going Further
Worksheet 6-1

36 1 Unit 6: Materials and Objects

Worksheet 6-1
Q1. Everything around us is made up of different materials. Look at the pictures of the
objects below. Cross the odd one out.
Objects made of natural materials:

Objects made of man-made materials:

Objects made of waterproof materials:

Objects that are soft:

Unit 6: Materials and Objects 1 37

Part 4 Forces, Energy, and Machines
The unit on ‘Movement’ introduces the students, to the simple concepts of force and movement.
When we push or pull things we are using force—to move an object, to slow the moving object or
speed up its movement, to change the direction of an object, or to change the shape of an object by
bending or twisting it.
The students are already aware of the sense of hearing. The unit on ‘Sound’ discusses the different
types of sounds. Some sounds are pleasing to hear—soft music, a baby laughing, birds chirping.
Some sounds are unpleasant—the loud horns of buses and trucks, the constant rumble of heavy traffic
on the roads, sounds of machines like lawn mower, sewing machine, juicer, drill machine etc.
Light is necessary for vision. It is impossible to see in total darkness. The unit on ‘Light’ will help
students to explore the different sources of man-made light and natural light. Discuss how the
sunlight makes it easier for us to do work during the day and man-made light when it is dark.
Plants also need light in order to grow and make food. Hands-on activities can be conducted with
different materials to show that light can pass through some materials which are known as
transparent and cannot pass through those known as opaque.

Unit 7: Movement
Lesson Plan 1 Student Book Page 65
Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain that our world is full of moving things.
• Come into the classroom and close the door. Ask: What did I do? (I pushed the door to close it.)
Ask one student to open the door. Explain that s/he pulled the door to open it.
• Put some toy cars on the table and ask a few students to play with them.
Ask: Will the toy cars move by themselves? (No)
Ask the students to push the cars to make them move.
• Explain that when something changes its position, it is called movement.
Main Teaching
• Ask students to look at the picture on page 65 of the Student book. Explain that the children are
Ask: How will the football move? (The football will move when the boys kick it.)
Ask: What is the man doing to the baby buggy? (He is pushing it to make it move.)
Ask: Why is the woman pushing the swing? (To make it move.)
• Explain that things move when you push or pull something.

38 1
Guided Practice
Ask students to work in pairs. Give each pair a drinking straw and ask them to try to blow a pencil,
a pencil box, a book, a sheet of paper, an eraser, a tissue. Guide them to observe their findings in
the table below:
Object being pushed Objects moved when I blow Objects did not move by
very hard blowing

Independent Working
Ask the students to complete worksheet 7-1.
Wrap Up
Ask the students to answer question 1 on page 69.
Homework/Going Further
Draw two things you push or pull in order to move them.

Lesson Plan 2 Student Book Pages 66–68

Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain that every time we move we are using force.
• explain that machines and tools help us to move things.
Ask the students about all the things they have done. List them down on the board.
Main Teaching
• Read page 66 of the Student book. Explain that when we move our arms or legs, we are using
Ask: can you push your desk forward and then pull it back to its place. (Yes, they can do this.)
• Explain that living things can use force to move themselves or the non-living things.
Non-living things cannot move by themselves. Non-living things need force to move them.
• Tell the class that we also use machines to help us move things. Show them a few examples
from page 63 of the book.
Guided Practice
Help the students to attempt the Concept Check on page 66. They should circle the pull movement
with red and the push movement with blue.

Unit 7: Movement 1 39
Independent Working
Ask students to attempt Concept Check 2 on page 67. Use the given words to describe the
movements shown in the pictures.
Wrap Up
Do the Discuss and Answer on page 68.
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to answer Question 3 on page 70.

40 1 Unit 7: Movement
Worksheet 7-1
Q1. Pushes and pulls are called forces.
1. Look at the pictures. Write ‘Push’ if the force of push is being used. Write
‘Pull’ if the force of pull is being used.
2. Force is used to twist objects to change their shape. Which of the objects
below can be twisted? Put a tick in front of those which can be twisted.

rubber band wooden log


stone sponge

Unit 7: Movement 1 41
Unit 8: Sounds
Lesson Plan 1 Student Book Pages 72–73
Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain that we make sounds with our voices and hear them with our ears.
• describe sounds as loud or soft.
• Begin by asking the students to sit quietly with their eyes closed and listen to the sounds around them.
After a few minutes ask the students what they heard.
Note their responses on the board, for example, the fan, someone coughing, birds chirping,
some children playing.
• Ask: How is the sound made?
How do we hear sounds? Allow the students to think and discuss with each other.
Main Teaching
• Explain that sounds are produced when materials vibrate back and forth fastly.
When we talk sound is produced.
The students can be asked to sing the song ‘Old MacDonald had a farm’.
Now discuss which animal sounds are loud, for example, a dog’s bark, a lion’s roar.
Discuss which animal sounds are soft. For example, a cat’s mew, a bird chirping.
• Provide an empty glass, a pencil box, a water bottle, a table, a spoon, and a book to the students.
Take a spoon and ask the students to come in turn and hit one of the objects with the spoon.
Decide whether each sound is loud or soft.
Guided Practice
• Discuss the picture on page 72. List the loud sounds that you would hear on the road.
• Discuss the picture on page 73. List the soft sounds that you would hear on a farm.
Independent Working
• Ask students to work in pairs to attempt the ‘Discuss and Answer’ on page 73.
• Ask students to answer Question 1 on page 76.
Wrap Up
• Ask the students to clap their hands, stamp their feet, tap softly on their desk, and shake their
pencil cases. What kinds of sounds did they make? Make a note of the sounds on the board and
record which sounds were loud and which were soft.
• Answer Question 2 on page 76
Homework/Going Further
Attempt worksheet 8-1

42 1
Match the animal with its sound.

No Animal Sound

1 dog neigh

2 horse hiss

3 lion croak

4 snake bark

5 frog roar

Lesson Plan 2 Student Book Pages 74–78

Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
identify music as a pleasant sound.
• Show a chart of different kinds of appliances and machines. Ask students to point to the
pictures and tell the class which appliances or machines make a loud sound and which ones
make a soft sound.
Main Teaching
• Bring some empty glass jars to the lesson. Fill one jar with water to the brim. Fill the other jars
with graduated amounts of water. Place the jars a small distance apart from each other. Take
a teaspoon and hit the tops of the jars one by one. Which jars produced loud sound and which
ones produced soft sounds? Explain that this is one way that musicians play music.
• Explain that loud noises can damage your ears. Discuss which machines shown on page 74
make a loud noise.
Guided Practice
Attempt Question 3 on page 77.
Independent Working
Help students attempt the Concept Check on page 75.
Wrap Up
Ask the students to brainstorm and make a list of loud sounds and soft sounds, heard in a busy
market place, and their own home.
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to follow the instructions on page 78 of the Student Book to make a box guitar.

Unit 8: Sounds 1 43
Worksheet 8-1
Q.1 Some sounds are loud and some are soft. Put ‘S’ in the box if the sound is soft. Put
‘L’ in the box if the sound is loud.

44 1 Unit 8: Sounds
Unit 9: Light and Shadow
Lesson Plan 1 Student Book Page 79
Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain that light is needed to see objects in the dark.
• identify some lights as bright and some as dim.
• name different sources of light.
Begin the lesson by brainstorming with the students to name sources of light which enable us to
see in the dark. The answers should be noted on the board, for example, Sun, oil lamp, electric
bulb, candle, torch, fire, and stars.
Main Teaching
• Using the results of the brainstorming session, ask the students which is the brightest source of
light. (the Sun) Draw the Sun with yellow chalk in the centre of the board. Write the names of
the other sources around the Sun. Explain that the Sun has the brightest light as it is the biggest
star. At night, the Moon shines but it is not as bright as the Sun.
• Read page 79 together with the class. Name the different light sources shown on the page.
Discuss which lights are bright and which are dim.
Guided Practice
Help students answer Question 4 on page 83.
Independent Working
Students should work in pairs and draw pictures of the different light sources.
Wrap Up
Ask questions to check understanding, such as:
• If there was no light on Earth would there be any life?
• Can we see in the dark?
• Name the brightest source of light.
Clear out any misconception the students might have.
Homework/Going Further
Make an A4-sized poster to display in class. Draw a bright yellow Sun in the centre and the other
sources of light around the Sun.

1 45
Lesson Plan 2 Student Book Pages 80–81
Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain that light travels in a straight line.
• explain that light passes through some things and does not pass through others.
• explain that when light cannot pass through something, a shadow is formed.
Make a hole in one side of an empty shoebox. Open the box and place a lighted torch inside it. Put
the cover back on the box. Ask the students if they can see the light coming out of the hole. Then
place a piece of cardboard in front of the hole and ask if they can see the light. (No) Light can
travel only in a straight line.
Main Teaching
• Read pages 80-81 of the Student Book. Discuss the different pictures on the pages.
• Put a transparent bowl of water on the table and shine the beam of a torch onto the water as
shown on page 80. Demonstrate that the light passed through the water.
• Repeat this activity using a clear plastic sheet instead of the water. Explain that light can also
pass through air.
• Repeat using a piece of cardboard, and a piece of wood and explain that the light did not pass
through these materials.
• Explain that light can only pass through transparent objects.
• Light cannot pass through a solid object and when light hits a solid object, a shadow is formed.
Guided Practice
• Help students to complete the ‘Concept Check’ on page 81.
• Help students to answer Question 1 on page 82.
Independent Working
Ask students to attempt Question 2 on page 82.
Wrap Up
Ask questions to check understanding such as:
- How does light travel?
- Does light travel through all materials?
- Name some materials that light passes through.
- Name the materials that light cannot pass through.
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to answer Question 6 on page 83.

46 1 Unit 9: Light and Shadow

Worksheet 9-1
Light and shadow
Q1. When light is blocked, it casts a shadow. Look at each picture carefully and tick
the correct shadow.

Unit 9: Light and Shadow 1 47

Part 5 3: Life Functions
The Earth and the Atmosphere

Unit 10: The Weather

The unit on ‘Weather’ focuses on the change in the weather day to day. Discuss with the students
about the different kinds of weather and the activities that they enjoy during that time e.g., flying a
kite when it is windy, playing in the rain or making a snowman after a snow storm. The changes in
seasons are caused due to the movement of the Earth.

Lesson Plan 1 Student Book Pages 86–88

Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain that the weather changes from day to day.
• identify weather as hot, cold, cloudy, windy, wet, or dry.
Take the students out into the playground and ask them to sit in a circle.
Ask questions about the weather such as:
- Is it sunny today?
- Are you all feeling hot?
- Can you see any clouds in the sky?
- Do you think it will rain tomorrow?
Main Teaching
• Read page 86 of the Student Book together with the class. Explain that the weather can change
from day to day. On some days the Sun shines brightly. The weather is hot. If there are clouds
in the sky, the weather will be warm and humid. When it is hot, people wear light clothes.
• Ask the students to look at the ‘Discuss and Answer’ on page 86. Explain that the people in the
picture are having a picnic at the seaside.
• Ask the students to look at the picture on page 87. Discuss that the dark clouds in the sky must
have brought rain and the people are using umbrellas to keep themselves dry.
• Look at the second picture on page 87, that shows windy weather. Talk about what happens to
the clothes and trees when it is windy. (The trees bend and break, and the clothes fly away.)
• Ask students to look at the picture on page 88. Ask the following questions:
What is on the ground? (Snow)
When does it snow? (In winter)
What are the children doing? (Playing in the snow)
What kinds of clothes are they wearing? (Warm clothes)

48 1
Guided Practice
Ask students to answer Question 1 on page 90 in pairs.
Independent Working
Students should answer Question 2 and 3 on page 91.
Wrap Up
Activity 1 page 92
Homework/Going Further
Worksheet 10-1

Lesson Plan 2 Student Book Page 89

Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
learn about the four seasons.
• Introduce the topic of the seasons by putting up posters of the four seasons. Point to the pictures
on the posters and ask the students to name the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.
• Name one characteristic of each season, for example:
In spring flowers and leaves appear on the trees.
Summer brings hot and sunny days.
In autumn, the trees shed their leaves.
Winter brings cold weather and snow.
Main Teaching
Look at the pictures of the four seasons on page 89 of the Student Book.
Explain that we have different seasons because the Earth tilts, making it summer in some parts of
the world and winter in others.
Ask: What can we see in the picture showing spring? Explain that it is pleasant and flowers have
started to bloom.
Ask: What kind of weather is being shown in the summer season? (hot weather) Explain that
autumn brings rain and the trees lose their leaves.
Winter brings harsh winds and snow and there are no leaves on the trees.
Guided Practice
Activity 3, page 93

Unit 9: Light and Shadow 1 49

Independent Working
Ask students to work in pairs to answer Question 5 on page 91.
Wrap Up
Write the names of the four seasons on the board. Ask the students to add information about the
Homework/Going Further
Question 4, page 91

50 1 Unit 9: Light and Shadow

Worksheet 10-1
The weather
The weather changes from day to day.
Colour the pictures and write the kind of weather each one is showing. Use the words
from the box below.

windy  rainy  sunny  cloudy

Unit 9: Light and Shadow 1 51

Part 63: Life
Sky and Space
By this level, the students must be aware that they live on Earth, and that it is a planet. Ensure
students understand the spherical shape of Earth. Explain to them the Earth revolves around the
Sun. It takes the Earth 365 ¼ days to go around the Sun. The Moon revolves around the Earth.
Moon does not have its own light, it reflects the light of the Sun to shine at night. It takes 29 to 30
days to go around the Earth. Stars are very big, but they are so far away from the Earth that makes
them look so tiny. Sun is also a star.

Unit 11: The Earth, Sun, Moon, and Stars

Lesson Plan 1 Student Book Pages 96–97
Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain that the Earth is a sphere. It takes one day to spin round once.
• explain that the Sun provides us with light and heat, and it can be seen during the day.
• explain that the Earth goes round the Sun. It takes a whole year to do this.
Ask, Where do we live? (We live on the planet Earth.)
What shines during the day? (The Sun)
What shines at night? (The Moon and the stars)
Main Teaching
• Read page 96 of the Student book.
Use a globe to show the students model of the Earth.
Explain that the Earth is shaped like a sphere, that it is made of land and water, and it is
surrounded by air.
Explain how the Earth has day and night by shining a torch on one side of the globe and slowly
rotating it. The part of the Earth facing the Sun has day and the other side has night. One
rotation takes 24 hours, or one day. The Earth orbits around the Sun in 365 days, or one year.
• Talk about the Moon and stars that shine in the sky at night.
Explain that we can see the Moon when it is dark at night because it reflects the light of the Sun.
The stars look so tiny because they are millions of miles away.
• The Sun is also a star. It is bigger than the Earth. It is the star that is closest to the Earth. It is
made of hot gases. and it gives us heat and light.
Guided Practice
Help students answer Questions 4 and 5 on page 100.

52 1
Independent Working
• Students should attempt Question 8 on page 101.
• Discuss and Answer on page 97.
Wrap Up
Ask the students to sit in pairs and write 3 points about the Earth, the stars, and the Sun.
Homework/Going Further
Ask students to draw and colour the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon in their notebooks.

Lesson Plan 2 Student Book Pages 97–98

Learning Outcome
Students should be able to:
explain that the Moon goes around the Earth. It can be seen at night but has no light of its own.
Ask the class what can be seen shining brightly in the sky during the day. (the Sun)
Show a picture of the night sky and talk about what the picture shows. (the Moon and the stars)
Main Teaching
• Read pages 97 and 98 of the Student Book together. Ask questions about the Moon such as:
 What shape is the Moon? (round when it is full.)
 What does the Moon look like on a cloudless night? Listen to students’ ideas, for
example, like a silver coin.
• Explain that the Moon orbits (goes around) the Earth.
• The Moon does not have air, heat, or light. It is cold and dark. It reflects the light of the Sun.
• Ask, can we see the round shape of the Moon every night? Explain that sometimes we see the
full face and sometimes only a part of it.
Guided Practice
• Help students to do the Concept Check on page 98.
• Help them to answer Question 1 on page 99.
Independent Working
Students should sit in pairs and draw and colour pictures of a full Moon and a crescent Moon
Wrap Up
Ask the students to work in pairs and write 3 facts about the surface of the Moon.
Homework/Going Further
Students should attempt Question 7 on page 100.

Unit 11: The Earth, Sun, Moon, and Stars 1 53

Worksheet 11-1
The Sun, Moon, Earth and stars
Label the drawings.

Write a sentence about each of these using words from the box.

Moon star  Earth  

a) The Sun is a .

b) The has air, water and sunlight.

c) The is cold and dark.

54 1 Unit 11: The Earth, Sun, Moon, and Stars

Unit 1: The Human Body
Concept Check
Talk about the people in the picture. Write how they are different from each other. Answers will
vary. Use the words for body parts given on the previous page where possible.
Discuss and Answer
How many living things can you see in this picture?
trees, people, swans, cat, birds, flowering plants, grasses, reeds, dogs, squirrel, insects
Concept Check
Which foods do you like? Make a list of foods you usually eat at home. Answers will vary.
Can you sort them into two groups? Which ones are from animals and which ones are from plants?
Discuss responses and clear up any misconceptions.

1. Choose the correct answer.
i. Which part of the body do you use to hold a pencil? a. fingers
ii. What does a kitten grow into? d. a cat
iii. How many thumbs do humans have? b. 2
iv. Which of these is a living thing? c. a crow
v. Which of the following is not part of a human body? c. a tail
2. Mark these sentences with  or .
i. All human beings begin life as babies. 
ii. All living things need air. 
iii. All children look the same. 
iv. Plants do not need food to grow. 
v. Human beings, plants, and animals grow. 
3. Tick the living things, cross the non-living things.
The living things are the plant, the cat, the tortoise, and the spider.
4. Look at the pictures below. Circle the part of the body that is being used for each action.
ears/hands  eyes/ears eyes/ears  mouth/nose  nose/knees  head/legs  ears/mouth

Unit 2: The Senses

Concept Check
Write the part of the body which is used for each of the five senses listed below. Choose the words
from the box.
taste  tongue  touch  skin  smell  nose  hearing  ears  sight  eyes

1 55
Discuss and Answer
How are these children moving? Which parts of the body are they using? Answers will vary.
Discuss many different parts and movements.
1. Choose the correct answer.
i. Which of these is not a way of moving? a. sleeping
ii. Which of these is not one of the five senses? b. breathing
iii. Which of the senses do you use while eating? b. smell, sight, taste
iv. If you ate a lemon, what would you taste it with? c. tongue
v. Which of the following might you do if your body was tired? d. yawn
2. What can you see in your classroom? Write the names of any three things you can see.
Answers will vary.
3. Your senses can save you from getting hurt. Which of your senses will warn you about
these dangers?
Answers will vary—accept a range of plausible answers. Some ideas suggested below.
i. fire: sight: you see the flames/smoke; touch: feel the heat; hearing: you hear the
roar of the flames; smell: you smell the smoke.
ii. hot water: feel the heat from the water (before touching it); see the steam rising
from it.
iii. a bus on the road: sight, hearing
iv. stinging bees: hearing, sight, touch (if they sting you)
4. Write below, your favourite: i. food to taste ii. thing to touch iii. thing to smell iv. sound to
hear v. thing to see Answers will vary.
5. Do all people have all the senses? No
Find out what these people are called: i. a person who cannot see blind ii. a person who
cannot speak mute iii. a person who cannot hear deaf
6. Complete the sentences using the words in the boxes.
i. I can see the stars.
ii. I can hear the teacher speaking.
iii. I feel hot in sunlight.
iv. I can taste ice cream.
v. I can smell the flowers.
7. Which sense do you think is the most important? Tell your teacher. Say why. Answers
will vary.

56 1 Answers
8. Movement word search. Find these words:

Unit 3: Healthy Habits

Discuss and Answer
Look at the foods in the pictures. Where do these foods come from? Which foods do you like?
Which foods you do not like? Which ones are good for your health? Answers will vary.
1. Choose the correct answer.
i. Which of these foods is from an animal? b. egg
ii. Which of these is NOT a way of keeping your body clean? c. eating your dinner
iii. Which of the following can cause illness? d. all of the above
iv. Which of the following is good for your health? d. all of the above
v. Which of the following protects us from getting a disease? b. eating healthy food
and staying clean
2. Unjumble the letters and use them to fill in the blanks.
i. Food is like fuel. Food gives our bodies energy.
ii. Fresh food makes us strong and healthy.
iii. We should exercise every day to stay healthy.
3. Cross out the things you should not do.
i. Wash your hands before meals.
ii. Spit on the floor.
iii. Go to bed late.
iv. Have a bath every day.
v. Have long nails.
vi. Brush your teeth every day.
4. What do you think would happen if you do not eat any food?
Answers will vary. Ensure that students understand that food is fuel for our bodies,
and we need to eat healthy food regularly.

Answers 1 57
5. Look at the pictures below and identify all the unhealthy habits of the children.
Answers will vary. Dirty clothes, flies, eating lots of sweets and chocolate, eating
unhealthy food while watching TV. Ask what the children in the pictures could do
differently in order to be healthier.
Fun pages
1. Label the diagram below with the names of the body parts. eye, ear, nose, neck, hand,
arm, leg, foot.
2. Colour the pictures. Draw a circle around the things which you can smell. The things that
are most likely to have a smell are the food, the rose, and the perfume.
3. Draw the body part we use for each of the following senses: seeing hearing smelling tasting
touching Pupils should draw the relevant body parts: eye, ear, nose, tongue, hand.

Unit 4: Plants
Discuss and Answer
On page 26, there are some pictures of living and non-living things. Talk about each thing that you
can see. Can you say whether it is a living or non-living thing?
Living things on page 26: child, bird, and plant. The students should use the information on
page 26 to make statements about the living and non-living things. For example—A plant is a
living thing because plants grow. Socks are not living things because they do not breathe.
Discuss and Answer
Page 28
• How many plants can you think of which give us fruits?
• How many plants can you think of which have flowers?
Answers will vary. Build a display of pictures of plants/fruits/flowers with labels showing
their names.
Concept Check
Page 29
Use the jumbled letters at the end of each sentence to fill in the blanks.
1. Plants are living things.
2. Plants are of many different shapes and sizes.
Concept Check
Page 30
Here is a tree. Can you write these words in the correct boxes? fruit, branch, leaf, trunk, root
Write the correct numbers next to the names of these plant parts. flower 8, root 5, stem 2, leaf 1,
fruit 7, seed 6, trunk 3, branch 4

58 1 Answers
Discuss and Answer
Page 31
Bring some leaves to class. Tell your teacher about them. Use these words when you are talking
about the leaves: green, long, wide, narrow, oval, round, heart-shaped, smooth, rough, spiky, like a
feather, broad. Answers will vary.
Concept Check
Page 33
How many fruits and vegetables can you name from the picture? Answers will vary. tomato,
green pepper, grapes, aubergine, pineapple, cauliflower, mango, apple, plum, cucumber,
potato, watermelon, pear

1. Choose the correct answer.
i. Which of these is not a part of a plant? c. soil
ii. What is the name for a plant that grows along the ground? a. creeper
iii. What is the name for a plant that can grow up a wall? c. climber
iv. Which of these is not a fruit? c. potato
v. Which of these vegetables is the leaf of a plant? a. spinach
2. What does a plant need to grow well? good soil, sunlight, air, and water.
3. List the following things in the table below. Answers will vary.
These grow These don’t grow I don’t know
i. tree ii. girl vi. kitten viii. iii. hill iv. mat v. stone vii. log Answers will vary.
fingernail (will grow when viii. fingernail (if it has been
attached to a finger!) cut off!) ix. shoe x. hair (if it
x. hair (when attached to a has been cut off) xi. cloud
body) xii. teeth (during foetal
growth and infancy/early

4. Mark these sentences with  or .

i. All plants grow to the same size. 
ii. Only some plants die. 
iii. Plants are living things. 
iv. Plants only need water to grow. 
v. Trees can provide shade. 
5. Look at the pictures. Talk about the differences between these two trees.
Answers will vary. Collect a range of responses from the pupils. Examples: The palm tree is
tall and thin, but the other tree is wider. The palm tree has long, spiky leaves but the other
tree has smaller, more rounded leaves. Compare size, shape, features such as fruit, branches,
leaves, trunk etc.

Answers 1 59
6. What will happen if you plant a seed, keep it in a dark corner, and do not water it? It will
not grow. Plants need sunlight to grow. Plants need water to grow.
7. Can you match the fruits to the trees below?
Clockwise from top left: apple, mango, apricot, banana
8. Circle the odd one in each list. Answers may vary. Accept those with good explanations.
i. banana, apple, rose, papaya, pear They are all plants, but the others are fruits and
the rose is a flower/plant.
ii. grass, jasmine, wall, cactus, bush They are living things – plants – a wall is a non-
living thing.
iii. live, die, grow, sing All living things live, die, and grow; not all living things can sing.
9. Tell your teacher in your own words. What is the difference between a living thing and a
non-living thing? Ensure that the students can list the features of a living thing.
(See page 26.)
10. Draw branches, leaves, and fruits or flowers on this tree. Drawing task; note good effort
and outcomes.

Unit 5: Animals and how they live

Discuss and Answer
Page 39
What animals can you see in this jungle? Discuss.
Discuss and Answer
Page 40
Here are some animals. Which ones have you seen? Answers may vary. Discuss.
Concept Check
Look at the pictures of animals on pages 39 and 40. Which of the animals live on land or in water
and which of them can fly? Discuss. Work as a class to make two lists.
Discuss and Answer
Page 41
Talk about how the animals in the pictures below are useful to us. Discuss: guide/help dog—helps
visually impaired people or people who have other needs. Chickens lay eggs (which some
people eat), some people eat their meat, sometimes the feathers are used as stuffing or for
decoration. Horses can pull heavy loads or carry goods or people. Some people eat the meat
from sheep and drink their milk or use it to make cheese. The wool can also be used to make
clothes or carpets.
Discuss and Answer
Page 44
Which two birds shown above cannot fly? Which bird is next to a nest? What is in the nest?
Kiwi and ostrich. Eagle is next to the nest and there are eggs in it.

60 1 Answers
Discuss and Answer
Page 45
Look at these three pictures of eggs. What kind of animal do you think will hatch out of each one?
Answers may vary—accept plausible responses such as: a snake or lizard; a bird; a lizard,
crocodile, or alligator. Ensure they understand that some animals lay eggs (birds, reptiles,
fish, and amphibians).
Concept Check
Page 47
Fill in the table below with your teacher’s help. Let them discuss and guess. Then help them.
Answers may vary—discuss.
Animals Where they live What they eat
lion in the wild; in Africa on the plains; in a zoo or wildlife park; in a meat
cat in a house or in the wild meat or fish
giraffe in the wild; in Africa on the plains; in a zoo or wildlife park. plants
cow on a farm. plants

1. Choose the correct answer.
i. What type of animals live in the jungle? c. wild
ii. Which of the following is NOT a part of a fish? d. legs
iii. Which of the following is NOT a part of a bird? d. gills
iv. What is a baby frog called? d. a tadpole
v. Which of the following animals eats other animals? a. a lion
2. Answer these questions with Yes or No.
i. Do snakes lay eggs? Yes
ii. Is a baby dog called a kitten? No
iii. Does a kitten hatch from an egg? No
iv. Do birds have two legs? Yes
v. Do fish breathe through their fins? No
vi. Are there fish in the sea? Yes
3. Choose the correct food for each of the following:
boy plate of food
dog bone
bird worms
horse grass
4. Draw lines from the parents to their babies. Can you name all the babies? cow – calf; hen
– chick; tiger – cub; dog – puppy; sheep - lamb

Answers 1 61
5. Match these animals to their homes. Fill in the table below. The pictures on pages 46 and
47 will help. Discuss any variations.
Home Animal Home Animal
hive bees kennel dog
cage pet canary web spider
cave bear anthill ant
stable horse nest weaver bird
Hutch rabbit hollow tree owl
6. Write the names of three flying insects. Answers may vary. Discuss.
7. Write the names of some wild and domestic animals in the columns below: domestic
animals/wild animals Answers may vary. Discuss.
8. Here are some animals which live in the sea. Write the correct name under each picture.
Find out more about these animals and write about one of them.
octopus, whale, eel, dolphin
9. Tell your teacher about the animal you like the best. Describe it and say why you like it.
Answers may vary. Discuss.
Fun pages
1. Colour the different types of leaves. Colouring activity.
2. Solve the puzzle.
1 seeds 2 tree 3 roots 4 branch 5 flower
6 bud 7 leaf 8 fruit 9 trunk
3. Match the fruit and vegetables to the correct baskets.
Fruit: mango, apple, grapes, banana, pineapple, pear
Vegetable: cauliflower, carrot, peas, cucumber, beans, brinjal(aubergine), potato
4. Circle the names of plants. Put a line through the things which are not plants:
5. Complete these pictures by adding the missing parts. Draw arrows and label the parts.
gills, fin, scales, tail, beak, claws
6. This bird is incredibly colourful. Can you name it? Colour the picture. It is a peacock.
7. Many animals are in danger. We have to take care of these animals. Ask your teacher to
tell you about some of the animals which used to live on Earth long ago. Tell them about
dinosaurs. Show them some pictures or models.

62 1 Answers
Unit 6: Materials and objects
Discuss and Answer
Page 59
Which materials can be used to make a chair? Collect a range of responses. If possible, look at a
range of examples. cloth, plastic, metal, wood etc.
1. Choose the correct answer.
i. Which of these is used to make plastic? c. oil
ii. Which of these is a natural material? b. wood
iii. Which of these is a man-made thing? c. brick
iv. Which of these is a group of hard things? a. stone, brick, wood
v. Which of these objects is smooth? a. mirror
2. Why do you think toys are made of plastic? What could happen if they were made of
glass? Discuss. Answers will vary. Toys made of plastic, wood, or fabric do not break
easily and are easy to clean. Toys made of glass could cause injury if they break
because broken glass is sharp.
3. Write these words in the correct columns in the table.
Man-made things Natural things
car, book, bangle, pencil cat, stone, rain, wood, grass, mountain
4. Some objects are soft, some are hard. Draw a green circle around those that are soft and a
red circle around those that are hard. Soft: scarf, hat, socks, cushions; Hard: door,
comb, can, book
5. Write these words in the correct columns in the table. Discuss.
Living things Non-living things
ii. friend iii. monkey v. potato vi. beetle i. chair iv. pencil ix. cup xi. knife xii.
vii. leg viii. bush x. teacher xiii. Mr stamp xvi. star
Khan xiv. ant xv. twig
6. In this list there is one odd thing. tree ant stone boy grass A stone is the only thing which
is not alive. Draw a circle around the odd one out in each list below.
i. man flower cat tomato pencil non-living
ii. mug beetle table shoe pillow living
iii. puppy fly snail train leaf non-living
iv. belt clock bridge rock bicycle natural
Fun page
1. Draw your favourite toy. What do you think it is made of? Make a list of the materials that
might have been used in making it. Answers will vary. Discuss.
2. Find pictures of living things and non-living things. Put these up on your display board.

Answers 1 63
3. Which material am I? Unscramble the letters to find out.
i.  GLASS ii.  PAPER iii.  SAND iv.  PLASTIC v.  WOOD
4. Which of these things are soft? Which are hard? Draw lines from the soft things to the
basket and the hard things to the trunk.
BASKET: scarf, play dough, jelly, woollen cap, pillow
TRUNK: boots, rocks, stones, sand, tyre

Unit 7: Movement
Concept Check
Page 66
1. Look at these pictures. Which movement is a push and which is a pull?
a. push b.  pull c.  pull d.  pull
2. How do these living things move? Answers will vary. Discuss.
Words to use: crawl, hop, fly, swim, run, gallop, jog, pounce.
Discuss and Answer
Page 68
What would you use to move the following things? Answers will vary. Discuss. Some suggestions given.
• a group of people a bus, train, plane, cart.
• a huge pile of stones a digger, lorry, wheelbarrow, hands (one by one).
• a long and heavy piece of metal that needs to be placed on top of a tall building a crane.
• an elephant that needs to go from one zoo to another a large truck, a plane, or a boat.
1. Choose the correct answer.
i. Which of these can move by itself? a. horse
ii. Which of these animals moves very slowly? c. snail
iii. Which of these animals moves by jumping? c. frog
iv. Which of the following man-made things would
NOT help us if we needed to move a heavy load of bricks? d. plastic bag
v. Which of the following is a push force? a. closing a door
2. How is it possible for man-made things to move? They move if we push or pull them.
Answers will vary. Discuss.
3. What makes these things move? Talk about the pictures. Discuss. The train and the car
have engines. The pump is pulled up and pushed down. The wind turbine is pushed
by the wind. The toy car is pushed or pulled by the person playing with it.
4. Act out how one of the animals on page 67 moves. Can the others guess which animal it
is? Role play.

64 1 Answers
Unit 8: Sounds
Discuss and Answer
Page 73
Listen to the sounds you can hear around your school. Make a list of loud sounds and a list of soft
sounds that you have heard. Discuss your lists with your classmates. Answers will vary. Discuss.
Discuss and Answer
Page 74
Can you think of any other sounds made by animals? Answers will vary. Discuss.
Concept Check
Page 75
Complete these sentences using words from this unit.
We hear with our ears.
We make sounds with our mouths when we talk or sing.
Sounds can be loud or soft.
Loud sounds can damage our ears/hearing.
1. Different animals make different sounds. What sounds do these animals make?
Answers will vary. Discuss. For example, a lion roars but we can say that or we can
make a roaring noise – rrrrrah, grrr, rrrroaaaa! Talk about the words we use for the
sounds and try to make the sounds: trumpet, bark, mew, cluck/cock-a-doodle-doo,
buzz, hiss, croak/ribbit.
2. Select from the list below the things that make loud sounds and those that make soft
sounds. Put them in the correct columns. Answers will vary. Discuss. For example, a
small clock may make a soft ticking sound but a large one might be louder; hard rain
on a tin roof is loud whereas light rain is likely to make a soft sound.
loud sound soft sound
motorcycle, drum, clock, bell, cat, rickshaw, clock, bell, cat, bicycle, rain
bicycle, rain
3. What sounds can you make with your hands? Make a list. Use the pictures to help you.
Answers will vary. Discuss. The pictures show hands used to click, clap, whistle,
drum, slide: do the actions and talk about the sounds made.
4. Try to say the following words out loud or listen to your teacher saying them. What do you
think is making these funny sounds? Answers will vary. Discuss.
blub, blub, blub; gurgle; splish, splosh, splash; slosh, splatter; glug, glug, glug; bubble,
burble; dribble, dibble, dopp; drip, drop; dot, dot dot; gargle, gurgle, glub; squelch,
squerch, squish; plip, plip, plop, plip, plip, plop!

Answers 1 65
Unit 9: Light and Shadow
Discuss and Answer
Page 79
Make a list of things that give us light. Answers will vary. Discuss.
Which object gives the most light? The Sun.
Concept Check
Page 81
Unscramble the words to complete the sentences.
1. All light travels in straight lines.
2. When light is blocked, a shadow is cast.
1. Choose the correct answer.
i. Which of the following is a source of light? d. all of these
ii. When are shadows formed? a. when light cannot pass through
iii. Through which object can light pass? d. glass
iv. Which of these would NOT create a shadow? a. a person standing in the dark
2. Choose the correct words from the boxes to complete the sentences below:
glass air wood bricks water metal
i. Light can travel through: glass, air, and water.
ii. Light cannot travel through: wood, bricks, and metal.
3. How does light travel? In straight lines.
4. Name three things which give out light. Answers will vary. Discuss.
5. Think about it! Then find out by looking. Discuss, guess, and experiment.
i. Is a shadow longer in the morning or at midday? My guess: A shadow is longer/shorter
at midday.
After I looked: A shadow is longer/shorter at midday. The shadows will be shorter at
ii. How many lights are there in your house? My guess: There are lights in my house.
When you are at home, count the number of lights, then write the correct answer
below: I counted lights in my house. Was your guess nearly correct? Answers will
vary. Discuss.
6. Draw the shadows of these objects.
Fun page
1. In two teams, play tug-of-war. What force is being used when you play this game? Discuss
and experiment.

66 1 Answers
2. Draw pictures of a machine or tool we use to move heavy things. Write about it. Who uses
it? How is it used? What for? Answers will vary. Discuss.
3. Can you guess what things make the following sounds? Some suggestions:
i. Tick, tock, tick, tock a clock
ii. Beep beep! a horn
iii. Quack, quack! a duck
iv. Ahchoo! someone sneezing
4 Can you make shadows using your hands and fingers? Experiment.
Work in pairs. One of you can shine a torch, the other can try to make the animal shadows.
Make these animals. Can you write their names in the blanks? Answers will vary.
Discuss. Suggestions: a snake, a dog, a squirrel or bird, a seal, a bird

Unit 10: The weather

Discuss and Answer
Page 86
It is a sunny day. What are these people doing? Answers will vary. Discuss. Paddling, playing,
resting in the shade, keeping cool, eating/selling ice-cream.
Discuss and Answer
Page 87
It is a rainy day. What is happening in this picture? Answers will vary. Discuss. People are
carrying umbrellas, puddles are forming, not much is happening in the picture!
Discuss and Answer
Page 87
It is a windy day. What is happening to the trees and clothes? Answers will vary. Discuss. They
are being blown by the wind. The clothes will dry in the wind. The trees may lose some leaves
(or even branches) in the wind. The wind is bending the trees.
Concept Check
Page 88
It is a cold, snowy day. What are these children doing? Answers will vary. Discuss. The children are
playing in the snow. They are wearing warm clothes to protect them from the cold. Some are
skiing or tobogganing/sledging, others are making a snowman and having a snowball fight.
1 Choose the correct answer.
i. What kind of weather would be the best for flying a kite? c. windy
ii. What does the Sun give us? c. light and heat
iii. Which of the following is not a season? b. rainy
iv. Which of these should you do on a very hot day? b. wear light cotton clothes
v. When would you use an umbrella? b. on a rainy day

Answers 1 67
2 Fill in the blanks.
What is the weather like in places that have summer and winter?
In summer it is hot/warm. In winter it is cold.
What is the weather like where you are today? Today, in , the weather is . Answers will
vary. Discuss.
3. Write the type of ‘weather’ under each picture. cloudy, stormy, sunny/hot, windy
4. Mark these sentences with  or .
i. The Sun gives us heat and light. 
ii. In the summer it is cold. 
iii. In the winter it is cold. 
iv. We wear warm clothes in the summer. 
v. New flowers and leaves appear in spring. 
5 Dressing for the weather.
Reham is going to play in the snow. Ali is going to play in the sunshine. What type of
clothes should they wear? Draw the children in clothes to suit the weather. Drawing
activity. Discuss it first.
Fun pages
1. Solve the clues and put the answers in the spaces below.
i. New leaves grow on the trees in this season. spring
ii. This is the season when it can get very hot. autumn
iii. This is the season when you need to wear a warm coat and a hat. winter
2. What am I?
i. I am water that falls from clouds. rain
ii. I am huge and when I shine, I give out heat. the Sun
iii. I make it hard to see the Sun and I can be full of water. clouds
iv. I am moving air. wind
v. I am cold and white and I fall from clouds. snow
3. Using card and art materials, make a weather wheel. Creative construction task.

Unit 11: The Earth, Sun, Moon, and the Stars

Discuss and Answer
Page 97
How many times has the Earth been around the Sun since you were born? Answer will vary.
Concept Check
Page 98
Complete these sentences with the words ‘bigger’ or ‘smaller’.
1. The Earth is smaller than the Sun.

68 1 Answers
2. The Moon is smaller than the Earth.
3. The Sun is bigger than the Moon and the Earth.
1. Choose the correct answer.
i. How long does the Earth take to spin round once? c. a day
ii. How long does the Earth take to travel round the Sun? a. a year
iii. Stars look small because b. they are far away.
iv. Which of these statements about the Sun is NOT true? b. The Sun is smaller
than the Earth.
v. Where does the light of the Moon come from? d. Sun
2. Can the Moon be seen in the sky during the day? Sometimes it can be seen in the day.
3. What can be seen in the sky at night? Answers will vary. Some suggestions: the Moon,
stars, satellites, lights from aeroplanes, some planets, shooting stars/asteroids, bats,
4. Mark these sentences with  or .
i. The Sun goes round the Earth. 
ii. The Earth goes round the Sun. 
iii. The Moon goes round the Earth. 
iv. The Moon and Earth go round the Sun. 
5. Answer these questions in one word.
i. What shape is the Earth? sphere/round/ball
ii. Does the Moon give out its own light? no
iii. Which is the biggest: the Sun, the Moon, or the Earth? the Sun
iv. Which is the smallest? the Moon
6. Think about it! Look carefully at the pictures in the unit. Then try to answer these
questions. Discuss and demonstrate. Use the pictures in the unit.
a. In which direction does the Earth turn? towards the east/anticlockwise
b. In which direction does the Earth move round the Sun? anticlockwise
Show your teacher how the Earth and Sun move by turning round, or using a ball. Allow
them to demonstrate.
7. Can living things like humans, plants, and animals live on the Moon or the Sun? Write your
answer. Answers will vary. No/Yes, because there is no air, water, or life on the Moon.
8. Write three differences between the Earth and the Moon in the table below. Answers will
vary. The Earth The Moon
Life/no life
Air/no air
Water/no water

Answers 1 69
Sample Assessment Paper
Maximum marks 50
Q1. Give short answers. 10 marks.
i. Where do wild animals live? .
ii. Do non-living things need food and water? .
ii. Where do plants store their food? .
iv. How do we hear sounds? .
v. How does light travel? .
vi. What is the shape of the Earth? .
vii. What is the name given to push and pull? .
viii.How do fish breathe? .
ix. What gives us energy? .
x. How many legs do insects have? .

Q2. Circle the correct answer. 5 marks

i. Which of these body parts helps us to hold a pencil? (eyes, fingers, nose, ears)
ii. Which of these body parts helps us to see? (ears, tongue, feet, eyes)
iii. Which is a domesticated animal? (lion, elephant, cow, tiger)
iv. Which vegetable is a flower? [(onion, peas, carrot, cauliflower)
v. Which sound is pleasant? (a horn of a bus, loud music, a drill being used, chirping of birds)
vi. Which of these is a man-made material? (wood, cotton, plastic, wool)
vii. Which living thing does not have a skeleton? (man, insect, birds, fish)
viii.Through which of these materials can light pass? (paper, cloth, glass, brick)
ix. Through which of these parts does a flower grow? (leaf, stem, bud, roots)
x. What causes you to get sick? (healthy food, clean water, dirty hands, clean clothes)

Q3. Fill in the blanks. 10 marks

i. Name the five senses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .
ii. What do living things need to grow? 1. 2. 3. 4.
iii. Name the parts of the plants. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .
iv. Name four natural materials. 1. 2. 3. 4. .
v. Name four healthy food. 1. 2. 3. 4. .

Q4. Write the answer to the following riddles. 5 marks

i. I give light and heat, I shine in the daytime, Earth goes around me. What am I?. .
ii. I am colourful, I have a nice smell, I grow on a plant. What am I? . .

70 1 Sample Assessment Paper

iii. I live in the jungle, I run very fast, I have orange and black stripes on my body.
What am I?. .
iv. I am made of natural material, I am strong, I am used to build houses.
What am I? . .
v. I help you to push a car, I help you to open doors, you use me to peddle your bicycle.
What am I? . .

Q5. Label the parts of the plant. 5 marks

Q6. Give the sounds and the homes of the following animals. 10 marks
S. no. Animal Sound Home
1. Horse
2. Lion
3. Parrot
4. Snake
5. Dog

Q7. Name and draw the four seasons of the year. 5 marks.

Sample Assessment Paper 1 71


72 1 NOTES

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