SEPTEMBER 14 118 DLL Rational Expression

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Holy Cross of Davao College

Basic Education Department

SOS Drive Bajada, Davao City

Daily Lesson Log in Mathematics 8

Core Value of the Month: Truth

Class Schedule: MWF Date: September 14 – 18, 2020

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1. Learning Content

2. Learning A. define rational A1. enumerate the C3. master the concept of
Objectives expression different steps in simplifying rational
The students will be simplifying rational algebraic expressions
able to: C. illustrate rational expressions
algebraic expression B2. Practice the value of
A. (Cognitive) C2. simplify the given carefulness in everything
B. (Affective) C1. find restricted value of rational algebraic they do
C. (Psychomotor) a rational expression expressions

B1. Appreciate the value

of living a simple life

3. Learning
Resources Urgena, J.N., & Canlapan, R. (2018). Practical Math 8 E-Textbook, pp. 32 – 41
Canlapan, R., David, O., Dominguez, M.L., & Urgena J.N. (2019). Dynamic Minds: A Math Workbook, pp. 2 - 5
Genyo (Link to be updated)

4. Teaching Online and Offline Online and Offline Online and

Procedures Translate statements into Offline
(Briefly Explain symbols using the Start the lesson by letting
what will happen assigned code for each students simplify the
during the delivery popular fruit in the following fractions: To enhance their
of the lesson, only Philippines. 6 skills on simplifying
include important 18 rational
details) Give motive questions expressions, let
Holy Cross of Davao College
Basic Education Department
SOS Drive Bajada, Davao City

like, “ What do you feel Present objectives them practice

when translating verbal solving by
phrases to mathematical Video presentation of answering Skill
phrases?” simplifying rational Builder on the
expressions book on page 34.
“What must be
considered in translating Follow – up questions:
verbal phrases to 1. How was the video
mathematical phrases?” presentation?
2. What are the steps
Present the objectives. in simplifying
Let the following expressions?
questions be the guide in 3. Can you give
discussing new concept some examples?
about Rational
expressions Let them cite 3 – 5
1. What name is sentences on the
given to an importance of living a
expression simple life.
which can be
written as the
quotient of two
2. Is every
polynomial a
3. Is every
expression a
4. How will you
Holy Cross of Davao College
Basic Education Department
SOS Drive Bajada, Davao City

describe a
5. What are
values that
makes a
5. Evaluation Tell whether or not each Simplify the following Simplify the following
(Provide a sample of the following is a rational expressions: rational expressions into
of your evaluation rational expression. x2 −4 simplest form:
1. x2 + 2xy – 8 1.
question and x+ 2 x2 +8 x +16
9x 1.
making sure of the 2 x+ 8
alignment of the
2. 5
learning objectives 3. 6x + 1 = 5
and the evaluation
questions) Find the restricted value/s
of the following rational
x +5
1. 2
x −25

Date Checked: Prepared by: Checked by: Checked and Verified by: Approved by: Remarks:

Diana Rose T. Grumo Mr. Hansom Jay Señedo Mrs. Melissa E. Jose Mr. Reynaldo Eliseo
Math 8 Teacher Math Area Coordinator Academic Coordinator Principal
Holy Cross of Davao College
Basic Education Department
SOS Drive Bajada, Davao City

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