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DLL Math 8 Quarter 2 Week 4

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Teacher VIVIAN S. BACANI Learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates and Time September 23 – 27, 2019 (7:40 – 8:40) Quarter SECOND


I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary procedures must be
followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and
competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and
competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of linear inequalities in two variables, systems of linear inequalities in two variables
and linear functions.
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately real-life problems involving linear inequalities in two variables, systems of linear
inequalities in two variables and linear functions.
C. Learning Competencies Objectives
The learner
30. finds the domain and M8AL-IId-1 M8AL-IId-1 M8AL-IId-2 M8AL-IId-e-1 M8AL-IId-2
range of a function. At the end of the session, - Find the domain and  Illustrate a linear  Graph a linear  To enhance students’
M8AL-IId-1 learners will be able to: the range of the function. function’s skills in determining
31. illustrates a linear  Find the domain and function itself without - Define a linear (a) domain; whether a function
function.M8AL-IId-2 range of a function. its graph. function. (b) range; represented by a
32. graphs a linear - Find the domain - Identify equations (c) table of values; table is linear.
function’s and the range if the of linear functions. (d) intercepts; and
(a) domain; graph of the (e) slope.
(b) range; function is known.
(c) table of values; - Graphing a linear
(d) intercepts; and function using any
(e) slope.M8AL-IId-e-1 two points.

II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a
week or two.
Domain and Range Domain and Range Linear Functions Graphing Linear Functions Linear Functions
A. References Mathematics 8 Mathematics 8 Mathematics 8 Mathematics 8 Mathematics 8
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 175 - 182 175 - 182 183 - 226 183 - 226 192 - 95
2. Learner’s Materials pages 158 - 166 158 - 166 167 - 208 167 - 208 177 - 180
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from MTAP review materials MTAP review materials MTAP review materials http://www.youtube.com/
Learning Resource portal watch?
B. Other Learning Resource 2nd Edition Next Century Mathematics by Fernando B. Orines, et. al
210 - 220 210 - 220 231 - 237 238 - 255
Grade 8 Mathematics (P&P) Patterns & Practicalities by Gladys C. Nivera, Ph.D.
180 - 181 262 - 287 262 - 287 262 - 287
E-Math (Worktext in Mathematics) by Orlando A. Oronce & Marilyn O. Mendoza
202 - 212 202 - 212 241 - 264 241 - 264
VI.PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by
demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by
providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions
about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson Let the students recall the Recall how to find the Recall translation of Let the students recall Recall linear function
or presenting the new domain and range of a domain and range if the  English phrases to  How to evaluate a when equation is given.
lesson relation if a table, mapping graph of a function is mathematical expressions linear equation.
diagram, or a set of given. and vice versa.(Act. 1 & 2)  Form an ordered
ordered pairs is known.  Verbal sentences to pairs from the
equations and vice versa given values of x
(Activity 3, LM 170) and y.

Recall evaluation of
algebraic expressions.
(Activity 4, LM p 171)

B. Establishing a purpose for To learn and understand To have a deeper To learn and understand To learn and Cooperation and
the lesson key concepts on domain understanding of the topic key concept on Linear understand the key perseverance in one’s
and range of a function. and be ready to do the Functions and be able to concepts of graphing a work will result to
task in the next lesson. answer this question: How linear function. success.
can you predict the value
of a quantity given the
rate of change?

C. Presenting  Discuss the Domain and Explain the illustrative Explore Present and explain the Let the students tell

examples/Instances of the Range of a Function. example provided in LM Bobby sells young palm illustrative example whether a function
new lesson  Present and explain the page 160. trees at a plant show. He provided in LM page represented by a table is
illustrative example pays ₱ 150 per day for the 174. linear or not. Allow
provided in LM page Note that the value of the rent of the space. He buys them to observe the first
158. function will not be a real each palm tree for ₱35 and Note that an ordered differences on the x-
 Stress the ideas of the number if it is an sells it for ₱50. pair (x, y) can be written values and the first
arrow heads and of the imaginary number or - Let x be the number of as (x, f(x)) for any differences on the y-
asymptote. undefined. palm trees sold function in f(x) notation. values in answering
 Give another graph with y be the profit Activity 8, LM page
a vertical or horizontal - Equation to represent 177 to 179.
asymptote as an example functionsy = 15x – 150
and explain.
 Define a Linear Function
 Present and explain the
illustrative examples
provided in LM page 173
and practicing new skills # Let the students in group Let the students in group Let the students identify For each equation letter A and B, and
1 work on Exercise 14, LM work on Exercise 15, LM whether the function is within each group, make process the questions
page 159. page 161. linear or not based on the a table to find the that follow.
definition by answering coordinates of three
Exercise 1, LM p. 173 points.
Perform Activity 6, LM
page 175
Process the guide
questions and let them
realize that as x
increases, the value of
the function may either
increase or decrease.
E. Discussing new concepts Work on Activity 12- Is the domain of Discuss problems on
and practicing new skills # Problem C, LM page 164 ( x + 4)(x−4) letter C and process the
f ( x )= equal
2 x−4 questions that follow.
to the domain of
g ( x )=x+ 4 ?
Justify your answer.
F. Developing mastery Let the students identify the THINK-PAIR-SHARE Which of the following GALLERY WALK GALLERY WALK
(leads to Formative domain of the function by Find the domain and range functions is linear? Work on Activity 7, Let the students
Assessment ) performing the Activity 10 of the following functions. Explain your answer. LM page 177 and answer in group
“Graph Analysis” LM 160. 1. 5 x+ 2 y =3 a. y=−3 x +1 answer the questions Exercise 2 provided in
Allow the students to use 2. y=x x that follow. LM page 180
b. y= −7
calculator. 3. y= √ 3 x−5 2
4. y= √ 4 x−7 c. y=5 x
x+6 1
5. y= d. y= + 4
4 x−7 x

G. Finding practical A careful analysis of the (Biology) The weight of Ask the students to give Cite real-life situations
application of concepts and graphs/situations helps in the muscles of a man is a their own examples of related to the concept of
skills in daily living making accurate decisions. function of his body weight linear function in f(x) linear function.
x and can be expressed as notation. Situations that quantities
W ( x )=0.4 x . are both increasing and
Determine the domain other is decreasing.
of this function.
Explain your answer.
H. Making generalizations How did you find the How did you find the How can you tell whether How would you graph a How would you
and abstractions about the domain and range of a domain and range of a the equations is a linear linear function using any determine whether a
lesson function if the graph is function? function? two points? function represented by
known? a table is linear?
Finding the domain and A linear function is To graph linear function:
Through the ideas of the range of a function defined by 1. Find at least two The function is linear if
arrow heads and of the involving a: f ( x )=mx+b solutions of the first differences on x-
asymptote. 1. radical with an wherem and b are real function. coordinates are equal
 The extension of the evenindex: Radicand numbers. 2. Plot the solutions and the first differences
graph to the left and right must be nonnegative. - Its graph is a straight as points in the on y-coordinates are
will give the value of the Hence, the radicand must line with slope m and y- Cartesian equal. However, the
domain D. be greater than or equal intercept b. coordinate plane. function is not linear if
 The extension of the graph to zero. - Degree of the function 3. Draw a line the first differences on
upward and downward 2. fraction: * 1 - if m≠ 0 through these x-coordinates are equal
gives the value of the Denominator must not be * 0 - if m = 0 & b ≠ 0 points. and the first differences
range R. equal to zero. * not defined - if m = 0 4. Plotting a third on y-coordinates are not
and b = 0 point serves as a equal.
The domain of the check for possible
function is the set of all A horizontal line errors in plotting
permissible values of x represents a constant the two points.
that give real values for y. function.
The range of the A vertical line does not

function is the set of represent a function.
permissible values for y or
f(x) that give the values of
x real numbers.
I. Evaluating learning Find the domain and range Find the domain and range Identify which equations Graph each linear Write YES, if the table
of the ff. functions. Assume of the following functions. represents linear functions. function. represents a linear
that the entire function is 1. y=3 x +8 a. y=−2 x−3 1. f ( x )=5 x−2 function. Otherwise,
shown. 2. y=7 b. y=x 2 +1 2. 3 x+ 2 y =12 write NO.
3. y=2 x 2−3 x+ 5 c. y=4 x 1 2 3 4 5
4. y= √ x +5 2 y 2 5 8 11 14
d. y= −5
1. 2. x +1 x
5. y= x 1 2 3 4 5
y 1 2 4 8 16

3. 4. x 2 4 6 8 10
f(x) 0 2 5 9 11

x 3 4 5 6 7
5. f(x) -4 -2 0 2 4
J. Additional activities for Read and understand Accept or reject the Assignment
application or remediation Illustrative Example following statement and State whether or not each
LM page 160 justify your response: function is a linear
“The domain of the function.
x +5 a. f ( x )=5 x−9
function f ( x )= is
√ x−1 b. g ( x )=x 2+ 8
{x │ x >1 }.” c. h ( x )=6−5 x

For your information It was probably due to Rene Descartes (1596-1650), a French mathematician and philosopher, that mathematicians had a closer look at
equations. His development of the coordinate system paved the way to analytic study of lines, its properties, and applications. History
rewarded Descartes’ contribution by giving him the title “Father of Analytic Geometry” and named his invention after him – the Cartesian
coordinate system.

VIII. REFLECTIO Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be
N done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask
them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
This material has been formulated for the benefit of the teachers and learners as reference to ease preparation of learning plan, yet you are given the right to make some
modification as needed but not the competencies. Thank you!


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