Psychometric Tests Questions

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MGNT3040 HR Planning and Staffing

Exercise: Questions on Psychometric Tests

Part A Classification of tests

This question helps us investigate terminology used to describe tests and their functions. Write the letter of the
correct classification of test in the appropriate box.

Test Description Matching Letter

Un-timed assessment of personality, values or interests.

Respondents are required to answer all questions. 15FQ+
and 16PF5 would be examples of this class of tests.

A battery of tests measuring crystallized and fluid ability

(e.g. Abstract, Verbal and Numerical tests) intended to gain
a general picture of a respondents overall ability. GRT
would be an example of this test category

Timed tests of ability. Some respondents may not complete

all questions. GRT, Ravens Matrices, Mechanical
Reasoning Test would be examples of this class of tests.

Tests intended to measure a particular area or attribute of

ability, such as spatial reasoning, manual dexterity or
perceptual speed.

Tests designed to indicate the potential to develop further

skills in a specific area or vocational field. A test designed
to assess suitability for pilot training might be an example
of this type of test.

These tests tend to be highly focused assessing acquired

understanding or knowledge to date on an element of
ability, such as geometry in maths or spelling in verbal

A. Maximum Performance Tests

B. Typical Performance Tests
C. General Ability Tests
D. Tests of Specific Ability
E. Attainment Tests
F. Aptitude Test

Part B: Handling Questions from Candidates

Question Response from HR

1. A candidate queries why they have to do

the ability test when they have a
degree/MBA, etc.

2. You are about to administer an aptitude test

and the candidate says they have done it

3. A candidate refuses to do a personality test

on the grounds that “it asks too many
personal questions".

Part C: Professional and Ethical Issues of Psychometric Tests

Case 1. Dilemma in doing the personality test

Company A, a famous multinational bank in Hong Kong, uses personality test in their first
stage of selection for the post of Management Trainee. The test is performed online by the
university graduates using their computers at home or elsewhere. The company wants to
recruit someone who likes teamwork and is creative. Anita, being quite passive and happy to
work on her own, is pondering how she should answer the questions. She is considering to
change her answers on the personality test to reflect a more team-oriented extraverted person.
She comes to ask your advice as she believes you know something about selection and she
really wants to do well and get the job. What advice would you give to Anita? Also,
comment on the practices of both the company and the student in terms of professional and
ethical use of a personality test.

Case 2 Manager’s access to materials?

An internal vacancy has arisen and you are to use a battery of tests to assist in the selection
process, you receive a call from a manager in the dept. where the vacancy exists saying they
are on the way up to you to have a look at the tests you propose to use, so that they can be
sure they are relevant for the position. Also, they will be part of the process by the
appointments panel to make better decisions. What are the professional and ethical issues

Case 3 Candidate’s access to materials?

You have recently administered a series of ability measures for an internal vacancy selection
exercise. As a well trained test user, you have provided feedback to all respondents, and the
appointment has been made. One of the unsuccessful respondents calls by your office,
obviously disappointed at not getting the position.

Whilst they realize that the tests only made up part of the decision, they were nevertheless a
little concerned that the marks they received from the tests were a bit lower than they
expected. They ask to look at the questions they got wrong, to help them plan some personal
development. What are the professional and ethical issues here?

Case 4 Application of tests?

Unfortunately the recent downturn in the world economy has meant there is no alternative but
to undertake an exercise in “right sizing” the human capital assets in the company. You have
been asked to use personality tests to help select which staff would be right for redundancy.
One dept is closing down and there are a limited number of places available elsewhere in the
organization for redeployment. Surely the sensible thing to do is make sure we do the best
we can by both the people and the organization to make sure the right people go to the right
outcome. You are asked, "Can you test to identify those who have the skills we need for the
future"? What are the professional and ethical issues here?

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