Toilet Paper Origami

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Toilet paper origami is fun and entertaining. Your guests will wonder what to do with
themselves when they see your beautifully crafted toilet paper rolls! You can fold paper,
you can fold napkins, so why not fold toilet paper too?

The only thing different with folding toilet paper origami is that the paper is thin & soft, it
can tear easily, and it absorbs moisture easily. Come to think of it, this is exactly how
we want our toilet paper! So to compensate, origami projects should be simple and
they should be completed as fast as possible. The less you handle the TP, the nicer the
final project will look.

Whether you are folding toilet paper to be funny or folding to be fancy, you will surely change your boring
bathroom into something extraordinary!

TP Pleated Tuck TP Pleat TP Basket TP Gem TP Diamond TP Triangle

TP Bird TP Tree TP Butterfly TP Leaf TP Heart TP Boat

Heart Triple Point Sailboat Kites Buckle Calla Lily


This toilet paper triangle fold is a classic! You see it in hotels, you see it in cruise ships,
and sometimes you can even see it in people’s homes. They are everywhere. In fact, this
is the design which started the entire phenomena of toilet paper folding. Master this easy
fold and you’ll be itching to try the more complex designs.

Instructions for Toilet Paper Triangle Fold

Step 1:
Pull approximately one and a half “squares of toilet paper away
from the toilet roll. Mountain fold (fold back) along the diagonal.
it doesn’t matter if you fold from left to right or vice versa.

Step 2:
Mountain fold (fold behind) along the diagonal once more but in
the other direction.

Step 3:
Roll the toilet paper back onto the roll so the triangular tip is
nicely center.


Step 4:
Simple, fast, and looks great.

For the Triangle design, you can fold it right onto the toilet roll that is being used. But for the other more
complex designs, you should have other rolls of toilet paper at hand so your friends and guests can choose
which roll they want to use. The fancy folded toilet paper? Or the regular, unfolded one? Also, some people
don’t like the idea of their toilet paper being handled and manipulated before use. So, it’s nice to have the
extra roll on the side so they can use a fresh roll if they so desire.
Folding toilet paper is a little different compared to folding regular paper. TP is thin & soft, it can tear easily,
and it absorbs moisture easily. (Come to think of it, this is exactly the attributes which we want in our toilet
paper!) To compensate, toilet paper origami projects should be simple and they should be completed as
fast as possible. The less you handle the TP, the nicer the final results will appear.
This toilet paper diamond fold is not much harder to make compared to the classic triangle
fold, but it’s different enough to make people look twice. It’s not everyday you see a
diamond in the bathroom!

Toilet Paper Diamond Fold

Step 1:
Pull approximately one and a half “squares” of toilet paper away
from the toilet roll. Valley fold along the diagonal. It doesn’t
matter if you fold from left to right or vice versa.

Step 2:
Valley fold along the diagonal one more time along the other

Step 3:
Valley fold the pointed-tip upwards. This hides the raw edges of
the toilet paper.

Step 4:
Mountain fold (fold behind) the left and right corners of the
toilet paper. Make sure the folds are at a 45 degree angle; the
bottom-edge of the toilet paper should meet in the middle behind
the model.

Step 5:
Roll the toilet paper up or down a little so the diamond-shape is
nicely center.

Just to be clear, it should be noted that this shape is not really

a “diamond”. It is a square balanced on one of its corners (or
vertices). But, for better or worst, it is called a diamond
because of its orientation, and because it is a way to
distinguish it from a square. In fact, in mathematical terms,
there is no shape as a “diamond”. The shape we call
“diamond” (as in a deck of playing cards) is formally called a
rhombus or lozenges.

This toilet paper gem is a jewel among toilet paper. It is a little more hard to make
compared to the classic triangle fold. However, it is still an easy model to complete and it
will put a bit of pizzazz in your bathroom.

Instructions for Toilet Paper Gem

Step 1:
Fold up the corners of the toilet paper. Make the folds about a
third of the width of the TP (actual size does not need to be
exact, but they should be symmetrical).

Step 2:
Pull the toilet paper down a little.

Step 3:
Valley fold the toilet paper up. Fold it about half an inch (1.5 cm)
above the triangles made in step 1. The total height of the gem
should be approx 2 inches (5 cm).

Step 4:
Pull down the toilet paper a bit more.

Step 5:
Mountain fold (fold behind) the bottom left and bottom right
sides of the model to make the bottom part of the gem.

If you are having trouble with the mountain fold, you can lift the
toilet paper up and make two valley folds. When you put the
toilet paper back down, it will be as if you made mountain folds.

Step 6:
Roll the toilet roll up or down as needed to center the gem. Or
you can leave the gem hanging a little beyond the toilet paper

This toilet paper basket is cute and it adds personalized charm to your bathroom. You can
add a sprig of flower, a twirl of ribbon, or other small elements into the basket so it
matches your decor.

Toilet Paper Basket Instructions

Step 1:
Pull the toilet paper away from the toilet roll. Mountain fold the
bottom edge of the TP (fold back one inch or less).

Step 2:
Mountain fold once more so the raw edge is folded-over twice.

Step 3:
Lift the toilet paper back up. The height you lift the TP will
define the height of the basket (approx 2 to 3 inches is good).

Step 4:
Mountain fold (fold behind) the left and right sides of the toilet
paper to make the sides of the basket.

The angle of the fold will define whether you have a narrow
basket or a stout basket.

Probably the most important thing is to make the left and right folds the same so the
basket will be symmetrical and not lopsided.

Step 5:
If you intend to add something into the basket, then pull the
basket down a little. Otherwise, position the toilet paper so the
basket is centered.

Some people like to have a basket of flowers, napkins or potpourri in their bathroom.
Now you can have a basket on your toilet paper rolls too. To make this toilet paper
roll even more fancy, you can do the following:
  – take a “square” sheet of toilet paper and fold it accordion style,
  – tuck the pleated “square’ of TP into the basket.
This fancy smancy design is called the toilet paper pleated tuck.
If you were in a hotel which had a toilet paper pleat design in the bathroom, then you are
definitely in a really fancy establishment. This toilet paper fold is a bit difficult to make and
requires patience to complete – management would be asking a lot from the cleaning staff
if they expected them to fold a pleated toilet roll in every bathroom.

However, in the comfort of your own home, with lots of time at hand, you could make these
fancy toilet paper rolls. It might take a few tries to make a perfect pleat, but you’ll get it.

Instructions for Toilet Paper Pleat

Step 1:
Pull the toilet paper down quite a bit (about 3 “squares” length of

Plan to pleat (accordion-fold, or fan-fold) the toilet paper. Plan to

make at least 10 folds or more. Each fold should be about half an
inch wide.

The first fold should be a mountain fold (fold back).

This is then followed by alternating valley fold and mountain

folds until you have made over 10 folds.

As you fold the toilet paper, compress the folds into a stack.

The last fold should be a valley fold so that the raw edge of the
toilet paper is facing up.

Step 2:
When done, fold the stack of toilet paper in half. The raw edges
(the first mountain fold made in step 1) should come together.

In transition.

Step 3:
Fold the raw edges together so the right half and the left half of
the pleated stack are connected. See example in next photos.
Bring the two layers of TP together. Fold a small triangle so the two layers are folded together. Fold the
two plies together once more to lock them together.
Step 4:
Gently layer the stack of pleats down to
get an inverted fan.

In transition.

Step 5:
Fluff and arrange the pleats so they are
evenly distributed.

Toilet paper origami pleat is done. Nice!

To make the toilet paper pleated tuck design, you simply pleat a “square” sheet of toilet
paper and then place it inside a toilet paper basket. It can also be done with a toilet paper
diamond or any design where there is a pocket to insert the pleated square.

Toilet Paper Pleated Tuck Instructions

Step 1:
Tear off one sheet of toilet paper from the

Pleat (accordion-fold or fan-fold) the sheet

into 8 or more sections.

Step 2:
Compress the folds into a tight stack.

Step 3:
Fold the stack in half so the raw edges of
the toilet paper are adjacent to one another.

Step 4:
Connect the two edges together so the left half and the
right half of the pleated toilet paper are joined. See
Bring together the two raw edges of the toilet paper. Make a small valley fold so the two sheets are
joined together. Valley fold one more time to lock the two layers together.

Step 5:
Rotate the fan-like model so the locks are behind.
Make a toilet paper basket or a toilet paper diamond and insert the pleated toilet paper inside the

Above is the toilet paper diamond design without (left image) or with (right image) the inserted pleated
sheet of toilet paper.
Below is the toilet paper basket design without (left image) or with (right image) the inserted pleated
sheet of toilet paper.
This toilet paper boat is fun and whimsical. The best part is that it is easy to make (takes
less than 5 minutes to complete). If you have trouble making the origami boat, just tear off
the sheet and start again. There’s not much waste involved.

Ocean, beach, and water-play are common themes for bathrooms, so why not add a
sailboat on your toilet rolls. It’s a cute design which you don’t want to flush down the toilet.

Instructions for Toilet Paper Boat

Step 1:
Pull the toilet paper down a little.
Mountain fold (fold back) the bottom corners so the edges meet
at the backside of the toilet paper.
Another way to do this is to lift the toilet paper up above the
toilet paper roll and then make two valley folds. When you put
the toilet paper back down, the folds will be behind.
Step 2:
Valley fold the edges of the toilet paper so the triangle is more
narrow. This will be the sail of the boat. The amount you fold
back will define how wide or narrow the sail will be.

Step 3:
Valley fold the triangle section up.

Step 4:
If necessary, roll the toilet paper up/down a little so the triangle
is centered.

Valley fold the base of the triangle to make the hull of the
sailboat. The amount you fold will define the height of the hull.

It would be best to fold the hull so it covers the raw edges of the toilet paper (the sail
made in step 1).
Step 5:
Mountain fold (fold under) the bottom corners of the rectangle
made in step 4.


It’s so fun and easy that you wish you could make a fleet of toilet
paper origami boats.
This toilet paper heart looks easy but looks can be deceiving. It is an easy model, but it
requires practice. You need to make the folds the same size in order for the heart to be
symmetrical. The mountain folds in step 5 are also a bit tricky since you need to fold
behind without disturbing the existing folds.
Nevertheless, if you have a lovely bathroom, then you will need to adorn it with a lovely
origami toilet paper roll.

Instructions for Toilet Paper Heart

Step 1:
Rip or cut the bottom edge of the toilet paper.
Make the rip about 3/4 of an inch high (2 cm).

Step 2:
Fold up the ripped edge so you make 2 small triangles.
Make these triangular flaps the same size as each other and make
sure they are at a 45 degree angle.
Step 3:
Using the above triangles as a guide, fold up the left and right
corners of the toilet paper.

Step 4:
Pull down about one and a half “squares” of toilet paper from the

Step 5:
Fold the toilet paper back up so the heart is about 3 inches high
(8 cm).

Step 6:
This is the tricky part: Mountain fold (fold behind) the bottom
edges of the toilet paper to make the bottom half to the heart.
One way to do this is to make a small pinch mark at the half way
point along the bottom edge. Then fold the TP from this point
towards the top of the heart. The pinch will help you make a symmetrical heart.
You can leave the heart hanging beyond the height of the toilet
roll, or you can roll the toilet paper up or down to center the

Learn to make this elegant origami toilet paper leaf pattern. It is surprisingly easy to make
and can be accomplished in less than 5 minutes. All you need to know is how
to pleat (also called accordion fold, or a fan fold) the toilet paper evenly so the leaf turns
out symmetrical. Don’t be afraid to give it a try.

Instructions for Toilet Paper Leaf

Step 1:
Valley fold the toilet paper along the diagonal. In this example,
the toilet paper is folded up towards the right and the resulting
leaf will be on the left. You can fold it the other direction if you
so desire.
Step 2:
Fold the toilet paper back down and towards the left as shown.
The size of the fold can vary, but once you’ve decided on the
size of the first fold, the subsequent folds should be the same
size. In this example, the fold was about 1/2 inch wide (1.5 cm).
Step 3:
Valley fold the paper back up again.

Pleat the paper back and forth repeatedly. Be sure to align the
folds so they are nicely stacked.

Keep going…

until all of the toilet paper has been folded on the stack of pleats.

Step 4:
Mountain fold (fold behind and under) the toilet paper so the
green dots are aligned.

Step 5:
Rotate the stack of folded toilet paper so it is perpendicular to the toilet roll and you can see all the
folded layers.
Step 6:
Pinch the top-corner of the stack of toilet paper and then flare open the layers of
toilet paper. It will start to look like a leaf.

Step 7:
Roll back the toilet paper so the leaf is nicely centered.

Step 8:
Center the leaf and you’re done!
Did you ever imagine that a roll of toilet paper could be so pretty?
This toilet paper butterfly is easy to make and it is delight to have in your bathroom.
Compliment it with other origami butterflies and you’ve got yourself a theme.

Hint of the day: If you don’t want your TP butterfly to flutter away, make sure you have
another roll of toilet paper for people to use so they won’t tear off your toilet paper

Instructions for Toilet Paper Butterfly

Step 1:
Pull the toilet paper down a little.
Fold and unfold along the diagonals to get an X-shaped crease.

Step 2:
Mountain fold (fold back) the toilet paper so the crease is at the
middle of the X-shaped crease made above.

Step 3:
Pinch the toilet paper along the horizontal crease made above so
it refolds itself along the creases made in step 1 & 2. You may
need to poke and prod it along, but the paper will begin to buckle
along the pre-made crease lines.

Fold up the bottom edge and press the layers together. You will
make a double-layer triangle called a “waterbomb base”.

Step 4:
Roll the toilet paper back up a little so the waterbomb base is a
little higher on the roll.

Step 5:
Fold the triangle in half: fold up the point so the tip meets the
straight-edge of the waterbomb base. Unfold. The resulting
crease should be across the middle of the waterbomb.
Step 6:
Peel down the top layer of toilet paper.

Step 7:
Press the toilet paper flat to stabilize the folds. Center the paper before you press
down so the butterfly wings will be symmetrical and have clean lines.

Position the toilet paper origami butterfly at the center of the roll and you’re
Beauty and simplicity. If only everything was this easy!
Learn to make this cute toilet paper tree. It is a perfect detail that can transform your
bathroom from “regular” to “fantastic”.

If you have a cabin in the woods, this origami fold would be perfect. It’s also a great fold to
have in your bathroom during the Christmas holidays. Your friends and family will be
delighted to find such a “gift” in your bathroom.

Instructions for Toilet Paper Tree

Step 1:
Mountain fold (fold behind) the toilet paper along the diagonal.
An easy way to do this is to lift the TP up and above the roll so
you can see the bottom side of the paper, then you can make a
valley fold along the diagonal.

Step 2:
Repeat on the other side: mountain fold (or, lift the TP and make
a valley fold).

Unfold. You should get an “X” shaped crease mark.

Step 3:
Valley fold so the fold is at the center of the “X” crease made

Step 4:
Pinch along the left & right edges of the TP. This will cause the
toilet paper to buckle along the creases made in step 1 & 2.
In progress.
You may need to coerce the toilet paper a bit to encourage it to collapse along
the pre-made creases. Have patience and you will be rewarded with a double-
layer triangle section (this is called a waterbomb base).
Step 5:
Fold up the waterbomb base so it lies flat along the roll of toilet paper.

Step 6:
Perform a squash fold (this is a legitimate origami fold and does not mean to
crumple up the toilet paper).
To do this, lift up the right-flap of the waterbomb base.
Center the flap and then press down to “squash” the paper into an upside-down-
kite shape.

Step 7:
Mountain fold (fold back) the bottom half of the kite shape. Tuck it under so the
kite is converted to an isosceles triangle. This triangle will be the tree.

Step 8:
Swivel one layer from left to right.

Step 9:
Repeat step 6 on the left flap: lift flap, center, then squash.

Step 10:
Repeat step 7: mountain fold and tuck behind/under to reform the tree shape.

Step 11:
Swivel one layer of TP from right to left.

Step 12:
Fold forward the waterbomb base so the layers are hidden underneath.
Step 13:
Valley fold the edges of the model towards the center of the TP.

Step 14:
Valley fold the model as shown. This will reform the isosceles triangle so you
get the tree shape.

Step 15:
Position the isosceles triangle so it is perpendicular to the toilet paper roll. Roll
the TP back until the triangle is balanced on top of the roll.

Step 16:
Flare open the layers and position the tree nicely on top.

You’ve made an origami toilet paper tree!
Learn to make this elegant toilet paper bird. It is a little more complex compared to the
classic Triangle fold which you see in hotels and cruise boats. But with just a little effort
you can transform your ordinary toilet paper roll to something extraordinary!

Toilet Paper Bird

Step 1:
Pull about one “square” of TP away from the toilet paper roll.

Fold and unfold along the diagonal to get an “X” pattern.

Step 2:
Mountain fold (fold behind) the TP so the crease is at the middle
of the “X”. Unfold.

Step 3:
Pinch along the left & right edges of the TP and coerce the toilet
paper to collapse along the pre-made creases made in step 1 & 2.

Lift the bottom edge of the TP and press it flat along the contours
of the toilet paper roll.

Step 4:
Roll the toilet paper back onto the roll a little so the triangle
(called a waterbomb base) is in the middle of the toilet paper

Step 5:
Perform a squash fold (this is a legitimate origami fold and does
not mean to crumple up the toilet paper).
To do this, lift the right-flap of toilet paper up from the
waterbomb triangle.
Center the flap and then press down to “squash” the paper into a kite shape.

Step 6:
Fold the right-half of the kite to the left-side.

Step 7:
Fold the top section in half as shown. This will be the tail of the bird.

Step 8:
Swivel two layers of toilet paper back towards the right.

Step 9:
Repeat the squash fold on the left-side of the TP roll. Intermediate steps not
shown, but you will end up with a kite shape.

Step 10:
Fold the left-side of the kite towards the right-side.

Step 11:
As in step 7, fold the top section in half so it is more narrow. This will be the
neck of the bird.

Step 12:
Swivel two layers of TP back to the left-side.

Step 13:
Perform a petal fold as shown in the next 3 images.
Fold the top edges The front Fold the front
of the paper section will section down to
towards the center. buckle towards complete the move.

Step 14:
Fold the small triangular flap up.

Step 15:
Perform an inside reverse fold to make the head of the bird.

Step 16:
Position the bird so it is nicely centered on the toilet paper roll.

Toilet Paper Bird is done!

Toilet Paper Origami Heart

These are step by step instructions for folding a decorative heart shape on the end of a toilet paper roll. 
Fancy folded toilet paper ends are most frequently found in resort hotel rooms and on cruise ships. 
There's no reason you can't leave an origami heart on the toilet paper roll for your sweetheart to find
though. Talk about an unconventional love note.  Add a little whimsy to your life, or the life of people
staying in your hotel if you clean hotel rooms for a living. 

1. Rip off the end of the roll in a straight line.

2. Fold the bottom edge of the toilet paper over to line up with one side.  Crease, then unfold.

3. Do the same thing the other direction.

4. Fold the bottom up creasing at the place where the last two creases cross. 
5. Using the first two diagonal creases, pop in the sides like this. 

6. Fold up the right side like this bringing the corner vertical.

7. Fold over to the right.

8. Do the same thing on the left.

9.  Now all you have to do is tuck under the corners on the top to form a heart shape. See the first
picture for reference.
Toilet Paper Origami Triple Point

How to fold a triple point on the end of a toilet paper roll.  This is a fancy fold I came up with for the
end of a toilet paper roll in a hotel room or cruise cabin.  This one's pretty quick to do, and reasonably
elegant as toilet paper art goes.  Give this toilet paper fold a try.

This is what the finished triple point toilet paper fold will look like when you are done.

1. Rip off a single square of toilet paper.  This works best with toilet paper that is divided into easy to
tear off squares.  Fold it in half diagonally.

2. Fold over one side of the toilet paper roll at a diagonal lining it up with the edge of the roll.

3. Fold under the point that hangs down, to form a centered point.  You should have just created a
pointed pocket on the end of the toilet paper.
4. Insert the single square into the pocket with the two most acute corners folded under.

5. Fold down the top layer of the single toilet paper square.  This should form the second point.

6. Go to the first picture to see the final fold.  Fold over the top point less than the first to form the third

Congratulations.  You have made a triple point on the end of your toilet paper roll. 
Toilet Paper Origami Sailboat

This is an origami embellishment for the end of the toilet paper roll that I came up with while staring at
the water one day.  It would be great for a sea side, or beach hotel or resort, or perhaps a cruise ship. 

1. Rip off the bottom of the toilet paper roll in a straight line, then fold over at a diagonal lining up the
bottom with the side. This origami fold can also be done in mirror image starting at this step.

2. Fold up the bottom point to the right of center. 

3.Unfold everything leaving creases as shown.

4.Fold up as shown.

5. Fold the right side over as shown to form the vertical sail and the body of the boat.

6. Tuck under the bottom of the boat to form the  water line.  See the top final photo for reference.
Toilet Paper Origami Kite Instructions.

This is a quick and easy decoration for the end of the toilet paper roll. 

1. Fold under the end of the roll a little more than a square's length.

2. Fold bottom edge over to meet the side edge of the paper. 

3. Line the bottom fold up with the center and flatten to form a kite. 
Toilet Paper Origami Buckle Directions
Toilet Paper Origami Calla Lily

These are step by step directions for making a paper calla lily flower from a square of toilet paper.  This
can be used to make a fancy toilet paper decoration for the end of the roll in a bathroom, or they can be
used elsewhere for decorations.  This particular paper flower lends it's self to soft toilet paper.  You can
make them from stiffer paper, but the edges don't roll as easily.

1. Tear off a single square of toilet paper.

2. Roll the edges of the toilet paper square in toward the center to form a shape like this.  Two corners
should be pointy.  Two should be curved.  It helps if your hands are slightly damp.

3. At this point it helps to roll the curved corners of the paper to the center without creasing.  This helps
form the rolled shape of a calla lily.

4. Fold one pointed end up toward the center, then fold it back on it's self. 
5. To form the paper calla lily all you need to do now is twist the center piece of paper.  If you like you
can attach to a stem, or used in a flower pot fold as a bathroom toilet paper origami decoration. 
Toilet Paper Roses

This is a typical toilet paper stand as we use every day. Nothing special; in fact, it's generic tp.

Begin by pulling out a length of about 18". This isn't exact science, as you can always pull more if

Begin twirling the paper. Not too tight.

Take the end and loop it into a loose knot.

Wrap the twirled paper around the knot to fashion a rose. When you are done, just set it neatly on the
roll of paper.

Easy as can be, and so pretty.

Folding one Sheet of Toilet Paper
Folding origami from one sheet of toilet paper is an example of how origami
can entertain and amuse people of all different mindsets. If you are going to
sit for a long time, why not fold an origami flapping bird with toilet paper?

Flapping Bird
Flapping Bird
Lonely? Make some friends. The flapping bird is a perfect origami design to start with. Its life-like
flapping will keep you entertained for hours. And it requires only a single square of toilet paper!
If you ever find yourself at the beach without sunglasses, there's no need to panic. If you can find a
public restroom with toilet paper, you can make your own sunglasses with these origami instructions.
They're pretty stylin' too. (Check out the photo at the bottom of the page!) Why not practice making
sunglasses now, so you'll be ready when you need to know how to do it in a pinch?

Start with two strips - one four squares long, and the other two squares long. If you are using 1-ply,
you'd better double it up.
•Fold the long strip in half length-wise.
•Fold the short strip diagonally as shown.

Insert the long strip into the short one, as shown. Center it.
Fold over the long strip lengthwise (with the short one wrapped around it) about a third of the way
down. Fold it over again, until the entire long strip is one-third of its original width. Crease the folds
very well at this stage.

Now shape your frames and lenses. We like to fold up the tips of the lenses to give them a more boxy
look. If you find the glasses are too small, you might want to try making the glasses using five squares
for the long strip.

The finished product is really quite attractive.

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