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PCS Exam held on 25-11-2012

1. Atom B. Difference in temperature between the body and
A. is the smallest particle of an element. the surroundings
B. can exist independently C. Method of heat transfer
C. can retain chemical properties of the element D. Is independent of the temperature of
D. all of the above surroundings.
2. Which of the following is not a method of heat 10. When a substance passes from solid state to vapour
transfer between two bodies? state without passing through liquid state, the
a. Conduction b. Convection phenomenon is called:
c. Absorption d. Radiation A. Vaporization B. Mutation
3. Land breeze and sea breeze are caused by difference C. Condensation D. Sublimation
in rate of cooling of the Earth and water. Mark the 11. Corrected vision of human eye can be achieved by
correct answer: prescription glasses which use the principle of:
A. Sea breeze moves from sea to land during night. A. Reflection B. Refraction
B. Sea breeze moves from sea to land during day. C. Chromatic Aberration D. None of these
C. Land breeze moves from sea to land during 12. Usually the outside rear view mirrors of a motor
night. vehicle are:
D. None of the above. A. Concave mirrors B. Convex mirrors
4. Woolen clothes keep us warm during winter, which C. Plane mirrors D. Concavo convex mirrors
of the following facts is incorrect? 13. Electric current flows in a conductor due to:
A. Wool is a bad conductor of heat. A. Amperage B. Wattage
B. Electro-static charge of fibres retains heat. C. Potential difference D. None of these
C. Wool keeps air trapped in its fibres. 14. Vaccines are used to build immunity to disease by:
D. Wool resists escape of body heat to A. simulating disease in the body to produce
environment. antibodies. B. Injecting antibodies in blood stream.
5. At what temperature do the Celsius and Fahrenheit C. Enhancing immunity by a large dose o: vitamin's.
scales will read the same? D. Enhancing immunity by a large dose a-- enzymes.
A. -32 degree B. 32 degree 15. Which fact about speed and velocity incorrect?
C. 40 degree D. Absolute Zero A. Speed is the distance travelled by body in a
6. Pressure cooker helps us in cooking food faster particular time.
because: B. Speed must be in a particular direction
A. it raises the boiling point of liquids due to C. Velocity is the speed in a particular direction.
increase in pressure. D. Both speed and velocity depend distance and
B. it can conserve heat being made of special metal. time.
C. it does not allow atmosphere to cool down the 16. Bio-gas plant used for producing domes: fuel
food. produces gas(es), - burn(s) without giving any
D. provides better medium of conduction of heat to smoke.
food. A. Ethane B. Methane
7. Densities of water and ice are: C. Octane D. All of the above
A. Equal 17. A solar water heater cannot be used to hot water on:
B. Different A. a sunny day B. a cloudy day
C. Can be equal or different C. a hot day D. a windy day
D. None of the above 18. Which of the following constitutes a r chain?
8. An aircraft, which is heavier than air. flies in air due A. Grass, wheat and mango
to: B. Grass, goat and human
A. Buoyancy C. Goat, cow and elephant
B. Forward motion of the aircraft D. Grass, fish and goat
C. Difference in pressure on the upper and lower 19. At the time of a short circuit, the current the circuit:
sides of the wings A. reduces substantially
D. Jet propulsion B. does not change
9. Rate of cooling of a body depends on C. increases heavily
A. Its size and the velocity of air around it D. varies continuously
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20. Which of the following correctly describes the (i) 100 metres tall
magnetic field near a long straight wire carrying (ii) Is taller than Qutb Minar
current? (iii) Is a monument to commemorate Baba
A. The field consists of straight lines perpendicular Banda Singh's win over Sirhind
to the wire. (iv) Is located at Chappar Chiri
B. The field consists of straight lines parallel to the Which fact(s) given above is/are correct?
wire. A. Only (i) and (iii) are correct.
C. The field consists of radial lines originating from B. Only (iii) and (iv) are correct.
the wire. Only (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
D. The field consists of concentric circles centered All are correct.
on the wire. 30. What moved Shaheed Bhagat Singh in his early life
21. Kidneys in human beings are part of the system for: to resist the English rule?
A. Nutrition B. Respiration A. Non-cooperation movement
C. Excretion D. Locomotion B. Simon Commission
22. The xylem in plants are responsible for: C. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
A. Transport of water B. Transport of food D. Naujuan Bharat Subah
C. Transport of amino acids D. Transport of oxygen 31. Which one of the following is not a traditional
23. Which one of the following is not a web browser? Punjabi dance?
A. Internet Explorer B. Windows Explorer A. Sammi B. Vain
C. Google Chrome D. Safari C. Gidha D. Bhangra
24. Adobe Acrobat files have suffix: 32. What is correct about Singh Sabha?
A. .doc B. .xls A. It was founded in 1907 at Lahore.
C. .pdf D. .mp3 B. It aimed at protecting the interests of Sikhs
25. CAG has pointed out certain irregularities in through education and literature.
allotment of spectrum to cell phone operators. C. It prescribed a social code of conduct for Sikhs.
A. It is territory over which an operator can provide D. It was aimed at protecting the honour of Sikh
services without roaming charges. women and children.
B. It is the frequency channels which the operator 33. Which fact about Punjab is not true?
can use for telecommunication. A. Its area is about 50,000 square kilometers.
C. It is the total number of cell phones which an B. Punjab has more than 12000 villages.
operator can use on certain frequency. C. There are more Panchayats than the number of
D. None of the above. villages.
26. Which is correct about the ratio frequencies? D. Population density in Punjab is about 600 people
A. Higher the frequency, lower will be the per square kilometer.
wavelength. 34. Kandi area, an important agro-climatic zone of
B. Higher the frequency, higher will be the Punjab. Has following characteristics:
wavelength. (i) Sub-mountainous undulating terrain
C. Higher the frequency, higher will be the (ii) Lack of perennial water source
amplitude. (iii) High cost of cultivation
D. Higher the frequency, lower will be the (iv) Extremely fertile land
amplitude. A. (i) and (iv) are correct
27. Bhartiya Sahitya Akademi award winner, Dalip B. (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
Kaur Tiwana, was awarded this honour for which of C. (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct
her writings? D. (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
A. Eho Hamara Jeewana 35. Namdhari movement also called Kuk_ movement
B. Ik Chhit Chanan Di was started by whom an when?
C. 1k Mian Do Talwaran A. Bhai Dial Singh on 1st April, 1857
D. Adh Chanani Raat B. Bhai Ram Singh on 1st April, 1857
28. Which of the writers and his work have been paired C. Bhai Dial Singh on 13th April, 1925
wrongly? D. Bhai Ram Singh on 13th April, 1925
A. Pilo — Mirza Sahiban 36. Arrange the following important events the history
B. Waris Shah — Heer Ranjah of Punjab in chronologic.: order:
C. Hasham Shah — Sassi Punnu (i) Jallianwala Bagh Incident
D. Kadar Yaar — Sohni Mahinwal (ii) Komagata Maru Incident
29. Fateh Burj is: (iii) The Ghadar Movement
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(iv) Battle of Saraghari (iv) India and Brazil

A. (i), (ii), (iv) and (iii) B. (iii), (ii), (i) and (iv) A. (i) and (iii) are correct
C. (iv), (iii). (i) and (ii) D. (iv), (iii), (ii) and (i) B. (ii) and (iii) are correct
37. As per 2011 census the most and the least densely C. (i) and (iv) are correct
populated districts in Punjab are D. (iii) and (iv) are correct
A. Amritsar and Mansa 47. The killings of Sarpanches by militants and their
B. Ludhiana and Muktsar mass resignations in the news recently, were in
C. Ludhiana and Mansa A. Chhatisgarh B. Assam
D. Amritsar and Muktsar C. J & K D. Bihar
38. In comparison to 2001 census t population o Punjab 48. UN Department of Economics and Social Affairs
as per 2011 census has increased: data showed that in 2000, which of the following
A. From 2.28 crores to 2.77 crores countries had female infant mortality rate higher
B. From 2.48 crores to 2.77 crores than male infant mortality?
C. From 2.44 crores to 2.77 crores A. Pakistan and India
D. From 2.58 crores to 2.77 crores B. Pakistan and Sri Lanka
39. Over the last decade, Punjab has achieved least C. China and India
growth in employment generation in: D. Egypt and Iraq
A. Primary Sector B. Secondary Sector 49. BRICS Summit 2012 at New Delhi was:
C. Tertiary Sector D. No growth A. Second BRICS Summit
40. Sluggish growth in the agriculture sector in Punjab B. Third BRICS Summit
is due to. C. Fourth BRICS Summit
A. Per acre yield of crops has peaked D. None of the above
B. Decrease in average land holding of farmers 50. The headquarters of the International Monetary Fund
C. Increased dependence on ground water (IMF) is in:
D. All of the above A. Geneva B. Washington D.C.
41. Punjab Land Records Society (PLRS) was formed C. Rio de Janeiro D. New York City
by the Punjab Government to: 51. Which of the following statements is false?
A. Implement Land Reforms Act A. India is a secular state with equality to all
B. To study flaws in Land Records religions.
C. Provide efficient Land Record related services B. India does not have an official state religion.
D. To settle disputes related to Land Records C. No religious instruction is given in the
42. Balari Rakshak Yojana launched by the Punjab government aided schools.
government is aimed at D. The word 'secular' was inserted in the Preamble
A. Correcting child sex ratio by the 44th Amendment, 1976.
B. Reducing child mortality 52. The idea of G-20 was proposed by:
C. Encouraging family planning A. Paul Martin B. John major
D. All of the above C. Bill Clinton D. G W Bush
43. Mealy bug is a pest which affects the yield of crop in 53. Who is regarded as the Father of Local Self
Punjab. Government in India?
A. Maize B. Oil seeds A. Lord Mayo B. B. R. Ambedkar
C. Cotton D. Pulses C. Lord Rippon D. None of the above
44. In Punjab the maximum number of Ministers can be: 54. The 11th Schedule of the Indian Constitution is
A. 16 B. 18 concerned with the:
C. 20 D. 22 A. Panchayats and Nagarpalikas
45. Who is Jin Yong Kim? B. State Fianance Commission
A. He is famous tennis player. C. Minorities
B. He is the President of the World Bank. D. Panchayats
C. He is the new king of Malaysia. 55. The provision of District Plannim: Committee is
D. None of the above. given in the
46. The UN General Assembly elected in October, 2012. A. 73rd Amendment Act
Five new non-permanent members to the Security B. 74th Amendment Act
Council. They include: C. 81st Amendment Act
(i) North Korea and Luxembourg D. None of the above
(ii) South Korea and Rwanda 56. Who is the present Chief Electior. Commissioner of
(iii) Australia and Argentina India?
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A. S.Y. Quraishi B. Navin Chawla A. It is a mechanism to check sea piracy in Indian

C. N. Gopalaswami D. V.S. Sampath Ocean by naval forces of three countries jointly.
57. 86th Amendment, 2002 inserted: B. It is a new trade pact signed by India, Japan and
A. Right to Education under Art. 21A Bangladesh.
B. Fundamental Duty under Art. 51K C. It is a new gene discovered in maize plant by the
C. Both of the above UK scientists.
D. None of the above D. Its national intelligence grid to access all
58. Who termed the right to Constitution.. Remedies as intelligence data.
"the heart and soul of Constitution"? 68. To explore the planet Mars, NASA last year
A. Mahatma Gandhi B. J.L. Nehru launched a Rover nicknamed
C. Sardar Patel D. None of the above A. Crusty B. Courtesy
59. The AADHAAR program of the UIDAI an C. Curiosity D. Cursory
important step towards 69. Anna Hazare has emerged as a popular leader. What
A. Creating a database of nurses is meant by "Anna" in Marathi?
B. Creating awareness among consumers A. Food B. Army man
C. Creating a database of Indian citizens C. Elder brother D. Social activist
D. Creating awareness among children 70. Which of the following statements is true regarding
60. The basic structure of the Constitution cannot be London Olympics-2012?
altered because A. USA topped the medal tally, followed by
A. this is clearly mentioned in T.-- Constitution Argentina.
itself. B. USA topped the medal tally followed by China.
B. it will negatively affect the vote of the ruling C. USA topped the medal tally, followed by Great
party. Britain.
C. it has clearly emerged from the judicial D. China topped the medal tally, followed by USA.
interpretation. D. none of the above. 71. The legacy of Kapil Sibal as the Union Education
61. Expression of 'Fundamental Duties' is a feature of Minister does not include:
Indian Constitution which was borrowed from: A. Passage of RTE Act
A. England B. USA B. Making class X board examination optional
C. Former USSR D. Ireland C. Allowing foreign education providers.
62. A nagar Panchayat is constituted in a D. Replacing marks with grades
A. Small urban area B. Large urban area 72. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
C. Metropolitan area D. None of the above A. Devdutt Pishorimal Anand Dev Anand
63. Which of the following statements is correct? B. Shivaji Rao Gaikwad Rajnikanth
A. A Panchayat constituted after mid-term election C. Jatinder Khanna Rajesh Khanna
shall have a full term of five years. D. Aamir Hussain Khan — Aamir Khan
B. 33% seats in Panchayats shall be reserved for 73. What is the name of the Pak Foreign Minister who
women. visited India last?
C. Panchayat Samitis may not be constituted in a A. Honey Irani
State having a population not exceeding 20 lakh. B. Hina Rabbani Khar
D. All of the above statements are correct. C. Mohammed Nasheed
64. Which among the following words appears first in D. None of the above
the Preamble to the Constitution India? 74. 'Dengue' is caused by:
A. Equality B. Justice A. Anopheles mosquito
C. Liberty D. Fraternity B. Aedes Aegupti mosquito
65. In 2012, who said 'Coalition politics has slowed pace C. A bacteria
of reforms"? D. Climate change
A. Manmohan Singh B. Pranab Mukherjee 75. Vijay Kelkar Committee Report 2012 is a roadmap
C. P. Chidambaram D. Sonia Gandhi for:
66. Who has been awarded honorary Doctorate of Arts A. Improvement in sports like hockey
by the Edinburgh Napier University for outstanding B. Fiscal consolidation
contribution to Indian cinema in 2012? C. Stopping global warming
A. Amitabh Bachchan B. Abhishek Bachchan D. None of the above
C. Shahrukh Khan D. Sharmila Tagore 76. Who is the Chairperson of National Commission for
67. What is SHADE? Women?
A. Dr. Girija Vyas B. Smt. Mamta Sharma
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C. Smt. Ambika Soni D. Ms. Jayanti Patnaik A. Sikkim B. Madhya Pradesh

77. The 16th NAM Summit 2012 was held at: C. Uttarakhand D. Himachal Pradesh
A. New Delhi B. Dhaka 87. Who won the Formula 1, Indian Grand Prix in 2012?
C. Islamabad D. Tehran A. Fernando Alonso B. Mark
78. Coal allocation controversy came .- light with draft Webber
report of the CAC India . C. Felipe Massa D. Sebastian Vettel
A. Dr. S.Y. Quraishi B. Shri Vinod 88. 2012 has been designated as the National Year of
Rai A. Science B. Environment
C. Shri T.N. Seshan D. Shri R. C. Mathematics D. Health
Srinivasan 89. Industrial Revolution first took place in:
79. The literacy rate of India as per Population Census A. England B. America
of India in 2011 v. as- C. France D. Germany
A. 65.38% B. 68.58% 90. The Non-Cooperation Movement did not envisage
C. 82.04% D. 74.04% A. reviving hand-spinning and weaving as part of
80. Who won Nobel Prize for Medicine stem cell encouraging Swadeshi
research? B. deliberate violation of laws
A. John Gordon B. Shinya Yamanaka C. boycott of foreign goods
C. Both of the above D. None of the above D. refusal to cooperate with the Government
81. Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina were in news 91. Permanent Revenue System of Lord Cornwallis
recently. Why are the hurricane named? proved oppressive to the tenants because they were:
A. To make them easier to remember when issuing A. forced to produce more
warnings. B. exploited by the Zamindars
B. They are named arbitrarily ante unpopular C. asked to pay yearly revenue in advance
female characters. D. asked to pay under military pressure
C. To remember the names of the people-who died 92. Nazi ideology was synonymous with the Hitler's
in the Titanic. worldview. What the Nazi ideology did not
D. All of the above. emphasise upon?
82. Which country granted Wikileaks founder Julian A. Purity of the Nordic Aryan race
Assange political asylum? B. Make the Aryans stronger
A. Iran B. Ecuador C. Empower women for achieving the goals
C. Syria D. Egypt D. Dominate the world
83. Which country adopted Comprehensive Test Ban 93. Which was not part of the Allies in the First World
Treaty (CTBT) recently? War?
A. India B. South Korea A. England B. Australia
C. Indonesia D. None of these C. France D. Russia
84. Who was appointed 'UN Goodwill Ambassador for 94. Napoleon Bonaparte was established as the Emperor
UNAIDS' recently? of France in
A. Shabana Azmi B. Amitabh Bachchan A. 1804 B. 1814
C. Shahrukh Khan D. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan C. 1808 D. 1812
85. In the light of recent Union Cabinet reshuffle, match 95. The World War II is said to have commenced when
the following : Germany attacked
Name of Minister Department A. Russia B. France
A. M.Veerappa Moily 1) Human Resources C. Poland D. Bulgaria
Development 96. Which one of the following countries was not
B. Pawan Bansal 2) Law attacked by Germany on 10th May 1940?
C. M.M.Pallam Raju 3) External Affairs A. Belgium B.
D. Salman Khursheed 4) Petroleum and Czechoslovakia
Natural Gas C. Netherlands D. Luxembourg
5) Railways 97. German Instrument of Surrender was signed on 29th
April 1945 at
86. On the basis of the Planning Commission A. Prague B. Reims
Environmental Performance Index (EPI), which C. Berlin D. None of the above
State is named as the best performing State in terms 98. The Harappan Civilization was mainly concentrated
of environmental standards? in:
A. Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat
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B. Punjab, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh 108. Which of the following revolutionary activist died
C. Punjab, Rajasthan & U.P. in Lahore jail after 64 days of fast in 1929?
D. Delhi. Bengal and Haryana A. Jatin Das
99. The most common features of all Indus Valley sites B. Madanlal Dhingra
are: C. Chandrashekhar Azad
A. Elaborate drainage system and use of baked D. Batukeshwar Dutt
bricks 109. Which of the following was not one of the people
B. Desert and Zoological features to have propounded the so called `two-nation theory'
C. Building and burial system prior to Pakistan resolution of the Muslim League?
D. Climate, flaura and fauna A. Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan
100. Which one of the following is consider to be the B. Vir Savarkar
homeland of the Indo-Aryans? C. Lord Curzon
A. Central Europe D. Mohammad Iqbal
B. India 110. Which of the following Indian revolutionaries was
C. Central Asia and Southern Russia the author of 'Indian War of Independence'?
D. Australia A. Vinayak Savarkar
101. Why Buddha's eight-fold path is known middle B. Bipin Chandra Pal
path? C. Madanlal Dhingra
A. Convergence of all religions D. Bhagat Singh
B. Eternal truth of all religions 111. The pre-reform economic policy (1947-91) was
C. Balanced way of life marked by:
D. The divine truth A. (Near) public monopoly over heavy industry
102. The war between Chandragupta Mau _ and Nanda B. (Strict) investment licensing for private industry
Kings is described in: C. Import substitution and export promotion
A. Dipavamasa B. Puranas strategy
C. Mudrarakshasa D. None of the above D. All the above
103. Which of the following Sultans of Slave Dynasty 112. The banks were nationalized to:
did not belong to the Ilbari Tribe? A. ensure their greater penetration into `unbanked7
A. Qutabuddin Aibak B. Iltutmish 'underbanked' areas.
C. Razia Sultana D. Gyasuddin Balban B. ensure their reach to the 'unreachable'.
104. Which of the following Bhakti Movement Saints C. Both the above statements are right.
wrote ‘Vinay Patrika’? D. Both the above statements are wrong.
A. Tulsidas B. Sankardev 113. Indian Economic Planning is
C. Namdev D. Tukaram A. totalitarian in nature
105. The reason behind Nana Sahib's talo7 leadership of B. totally centralized
the 1857 Revolt was C. essentially imperative
A. His claim to Peshwaship abolished. D. None of the above
B. The Britishers refused to pay him pension earlier 114. The link between infrastructure and economic
paid to his fatL-Peshwa Bajirao II. development is:
C. The British humiliated him by saying that he A. a once for all affair
was not a natural son of Bajirao II. B. casual and symbiotic
D. His friendhip with Mangal Pandey. 106. C. insignificant
106. Which of the following played a very important D. an ongoing process
role in the 1857 Revolt at Avadh? 115. Which one of the following is not regarded as a
A. Nana Sahib Peshwa social sector indicator?
B. Tantia Tope A. IMR B. Hunger ratio
C. Birjis Qadar C. MNP D. Literacy level
D. Begum Hazrat Mahal 116. The New Agricultural Policy was presented in
107. Which of the following wasn't a reform introduced Parliament in the year
by William Bentinck? A. 1991 B. 2000
A. Abolishment of Slavery C. 2001 D. 2011
B. Abolishment of Sati 117. India's share in the world trade since 1950 has:
C. Suppression of the organized bands of thugs A. remained constant B. increased
D. Removal of disabilities due to change of religion C. shown a mixed trend D. declined
118. The term Mini-Navratna is used in regard to
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A. Micro Enterprises A. increase growth of manufacturing sector to 12

B. Public Sector Enterprises — 14 percent in the medium period.
C. Small Enterprises B. enable manufacturing to contribute at least 25
D. Co-operative Enterprises percent of GDP by 2022.
119. Over time, the share of agriculture in the GDP has C. enhance global competitiveness of Indian
A. risen B. fallen manufacturing.
C. remained stable D. fluctuated D. All the above.
120. In which Five Year Plan poverty removal was 131. Which one of the following ports has been
given top priority? developed as 12th major port of India? A. Tuticorin
A. Seventh B. Third B. Jawaharlal Nehru (Navasheva) C. Ennore D.
C. Tenth D. Fifth Kandla
121. PURA aims to: 132. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly
A. strengthen urban infrastructure matched?
B. reduce overall poverty A. Blue revolution — Fish
C. increase rural connectivity B. Yellow revolution — Oil seeds
D. remove overall unemployment C. Golden Revolution — Fruits and Vegetables
122. Demographic dividend implies: D. White revolution — Cotton
A. improvement in the employability of labour 133. Which one of the following is considered as the
force best indicator of development?
B. increase in the ratio of labour force A. Infant mortality
C. greater availability of job opportunities B. Female literacy
D. All the above C. Per Capita Income
123. The Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management D. Degree of urbanization
Act aims to control: 134. Criteria used by the census of India to designate
A. Fiscal deficit settlement as 'urban' are
B. Public expenditure profligacy 1) Population size of 5000 persons.
C. Revenue deficit 2) More than 75 percent of its male work force
D. Private sector extravagance engaged in non-agricultural activities.
124. The focus of Eleventh Five Year Plan was: 3) Density of 600 persons per sq. km. Which of the
A. Inclusive growth B. Higher criteria given above is/are correct?
growth A. 1 and 2 only B. 2 only
C. Balanced growth D. Self- C. 1 and 3 only D. 1, 2 and 3
sufficient growth 135. Which one among the following gases is heavier
125. The present base year for the computation of than the others?
National Income at constant price, A. Carbon dioxide B. Argon
A. 2004-05 B. 2001 C. Oxygen D. Nitrogen
C. 2010 D. 1993-94 136. The normal lapse rate throughout the troposphere is
126. The most acceptable indicator of econ,- A. 1° C per 150 metre ascent
development is: B. 3° C per 500 metre ascent
A. A rise in the Monetary National Income. C. 6.5° C per 1000 metre ascent
B. A rise in the Real National Income. D. 2.5° C per 400 metre ascent
C. A rise in the Per Capita Monetary Income. 137. Which one of the following gases is not a
D. A rise in the Real Per Capita Income greenhouse gas?
127. Inflation measured in terms of WPI called A. Ozone B. Methane
A. Core inflation B. Food inflation C. Nitrous oxide D. Chlorine
C. Headline inflation D. None of the above 138. Combustion of coal and oil releases
128. The National Income Statistics computed by: A. Carbon monoxide
A. Planning Commission B. CSO B. Sulphur dioxide
C. NSSO D. All of them C. Nitrogen oxide
129. Of the following which is the most important D. Non-methane hydrocarbons
source of saving? 139. Which is the correct sequence of layers of the
A. Households B. Corporate sector atmosphere from the Earth surface?
C. Government D. None of these A. Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Trop-osphere,
130. The objective(s) of the National Manufacturing Mesosphere, Exosphere
Policy is to:
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B. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Exosph-ere, 148. In England a bronze bust of Indian origin woman
Stratosphere, Thermosphere was unveiled in London recently for her services in
C. Thermosphere, Stratosphere, Exos-phere, France during - War II. Her name is:
Stratosphere, Thermosphere A. Balbir Kaur B. Nor Inayat Khan
D. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Meso-sphere, C. Dalip Kaur D. Nargis Fatima
Thermosphere, Exosphere 149. Immediately after Sandy which new storm caused
140. Generally the coral polyps are found between the heavy rains in New York?
latitudes of A. Laurin B. Morris
A. 5° — 25° N B. 5° — 25° S C. Athena D. Terry
C. 25° N and 25° S D. 35° — 65° N and S 150. Doldrums is a zone of
141. Which one of the following types of clouds is often A. Mid latitudes
accompanied by heavy rains? B. Inter-tropical convergence
A. Cumulonimbus B. Stratocumulus C. Inter-tropical divergence
C. Altocumulus D. Nimbostratus D. Sub-polar
142. The subsistence agriculture is characterized by
1. Small and scattered holdings
2. Majority of farmers practice it
3. Most of the food production is marketed 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) B 5) C
Select the correct answer using the codes given 6) A 7) B 8) C 9) B 10) D
below: 11) B 12) B 13) C 14) A 15) B
A. 1 only B. 1 and 2 only 16) B 17) B 18) B 19) C 20) D
C. 2 and 3 only D. 1, 2 and 3 21) C 22) A 23) B 24) C 25) B
143. Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite 26) A 27) A 28) D 29) D 30) C
measure of: 31) B 32) B 33) D 34) B 35) B
1. Life expectancy 36) D 37) B 38) C 39) A 40) D
2. Educational attainment 41) C 42) D 43) C 44) B 45) B
3. Standard of living 46) B 47) C 48) C 49) C 50) B
Select the correct answer using the codes given 51) D 52) A 53) C 54) D 55) B
56) D 57) C 58) D 59) C 60) C
A. 1 only B. 2 and 3 only
61) D 62) D 63) C 64) B 65) B
C. 1 and 3 only D. 1, 2 and 3
144. Maximum water-vapour that exists in the 66) D 67) A 68) C 69) C 70) B
atmosphere by its volume of air is: 71) C 72) C 73) B 74) B 75) B
A. 1 — 2 percent B. 3 — 4 percent 76) B 77) D 78) B 79) D 80) C
C. 5 — 6 percent D. 8 — 10 percent 81) A 82) B 83) C 84) D 85) D
145. 'Horse latitudes' are characterized by 86) C 87) D 88) C 89) A 90) B
1. High pressure condition 91) B 92) C 93) B 94) A 95) C
2. Subsidence and piling of air 96) B 97) B 98) A 99) A 100) C
3. Calm condition with feeble winds 101) C 102) C 103) A 104) A 105) B
Select the correct feature/s from the using the code 106) D 107) A 108) A 109) A 110) A
below: 111) D 112) C 113) D 114) B 115) C
A. 1 and 2 only B. 2 and 3 only 116) B 117) D 118) B 119) B 120) S
C. 2 only D. 1, 2 and 3 121) C 122) D 123) B 124) A 125) A
146. In the 2012 US Presidential Elections, Barack 126) D 127) C 128) B 129) A 130) S
Obama and Mit Romney obtain how many electoral 131) C 132) D 133) A 134) A 135) A
votes? 136) C 137) D 138) B 139) D 140) C
A. 303 and 206 respectively 141) A 142) B 143) D 144) B 145) D
B. 287 and 253 respectively 146) A 147) C 148) B 149) C 150) B
C. 31508198 and 27892876 respectively
D. 48962378 and 31685230 respectively
147. Which political leader recently stirrer controversy
by allegedly terming L - Ram as "bad husband"?
A. Sonia Gandhi B. Salman Khursheed
C. Ram Jethmalani D. Buta Singh

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