Physics Iv-1

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Time: 3:00 Hours Friday, 23rdAugust, 2019


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven

2. Answer all questions in sections A, and B and two (2) questions in
section C.
3. Mathematical table and non programmable calculator may be used .
4. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room .
5. Write your index number on every page of your answer booklet (s).
6. Where necessary the following constants may be used:
i. Acceleration due to gravity g =10M/S2
ii. Density of water = 1g/cm3
iii. Specific heat capacity of water = 42000JKg-1K-1
iv. Specific latent heat of vaporization of water = 2268000JKg -1
v. Specific heat capacity of iron = 480JKg-1K-1
vi. Specific heat capacity of aluminium = 900JKg-1K-1


1. For each of the items I – X choose the most correct answer among
the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number in
the answer booklet provided.
i. Which among the scientific statements need to be proved
through scientific research methods?
A. Hypothesis
B. Principle
C. Measurement
D. Experimentation
ii. A balloon if floating stationary high above the ground, in this
case ;
A. The air temperature inside the balloon is equal to the air
B. The air Upthrust is equal to the balloon’s weight
C. The air density outside the balloon is greater than the air
density inside .
D. The air Upthrust is greater than the balloon’s weight.
iii. A horizontal electron beam passes between two parallel
horizontal plates X and Y with X above Y. when a high tension
battery is connected with its negative pole to X and its positive
pole to Y, the beam is deflected;
A. Upwards
B. Sideway
C. Upwards 45o to the horizontal
D. Downwards
iv. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. For a given body friction force depends on area in contact
with the surface
B. Air friction can cause the body to become hot
C. Friction acts in the same direction as the applied force
D. Walking would be easy if friction did not exist.
v. A concave mirror is often used as a shaving mirror, this is
possible if the face is placed ;
A. Beyond center of curvature
B. Near the mirror
C. Between the principle focus and the pole
D. At the center of curvature
vi. Some mercury is poured on clean glass plate, small drops are
formed on the glass plate. This is because;
A. Mercury has high cohesion
B. Mercury has high surface tension
C. Mercury has low cohesion
D. Mercury has high adhesion
vii. The refractive index of a glass block cannot be evaluated from
the following ratios;
A. Sin i to sin r
B. Velocity of light in air to the velocity of light in glass
C. Frequency of light in air to the frequency of light in glass
D. Real depth to apparent depth
viii. Cathode rays are;
A. Stream of molecules
B. Stream of electrons
C. Stream of energy
D. Used to examine completely the machine without
dismantling it.

ix. A nucleus of an element X which is emits an

alpha particle and then beta particle , the final nucleus formed
has an atomic number of ;
A. 83
B. 82
C. 198
D. 200
x. Which of the following substance can be made a strong
A. Nickel and copper
B. Steel and brass
C. Cobalt and copper
D. Cobalt and iron
2. Match the items in list A with responses in list B by writing the letter
of the correct response in your answer booklet.

List A List B
i. The rise and fall of sea A. Planets
level caused by the B. Stars
combined effect of C. Solar system
gravitational force of the D. Galax
moon and the sun. E. Tides
ii. Explain convincingly the F. Breeze
occurrence of day and G. Geocentric theory
night. H. Heliocentric theory
iii. A group of stars that I. Meteorites
form a definite shape or J. Constellation
pattern when viewed
from the earth .
iv. A giant collection of
stars, gases and dusts.
v. Twinkles at night and
appear to be moving
from east to west.


Answer all questions in this section

3. Fill the correct answer in the space provided

i. The percentage ratio of work output to the work input is known
as …………….
ii. The angle formed between the magnetic meridian and the
geographic meridian is called………………………
iii. The state of balance of a body is called……………
iv. The curved surface of a liquid in a tube is called ………………
v. The point where the force of gravity is said to act is
vi. The slope of velocity-time graph represents…………………
vii. The rate of change of distance is called………………..
viii. The point where the earth quake begins is known as…………….
ix. A device used to store charge is known as …………..
x. Extension is directly proportional to tension provided elastic
limit is not exceeded. This is known as ……………………
4. ( a) Define the following terms
i. Ampere
ii. Coulomb
iii. Volts
iv. Ohms
(b ) (i ) State Ohm’s law and its two limitations
(ii ) Determine the internal resistance of a cell and the value of
R given that, the potential difference of the cell in open circuit
is 1.5V, when connected to a 10Ω resistor its potential
difference becomes 1.0Ω, but when connected to a resistor RΩ,
the potential difference falls to 0.5V.

C) a 200g of liquid at 21oC is heated to 51oC by a current of 5A at

6Volts for 50 minutes. What is the specific heat capacity of the
5. (a ) (i ). State the law of floatation and Archimedes principle.
ii. A body weighs 0.52N in air. When it is totally immersed in
water it weighs 0.32N while it is immersed in another liquid
is 0.36N. Determine the density of the other liquid.
b) (i ) Briefly explain how buoyant force is exerted by a fluid when
( ii ). A liquid mixture of water and alcohol has density of
900Kg/m3. Find the mass of alcohol in one litter of the mixture.
(1lt =1000cm3).
6. a) State the law of magnetism.
b) Differentiate between acceleration and deceleration
c) A car moves with a uniform velocity of 480m/s in 50seconds.
It then decelerates to stop in 100seconds. Calculate the
acceleration and deceleration of a car.
d) Explain why efficiency of a machine is never 100%.
7. a )What do you understand by the following terms?
i. Doping
ii. Charge carrier
iii. Extrinsic semiconductor
iv. Cathode ray
a) (i ). Mention five properties of X-rays
(ii ). Differentiate between conductor and insulator in terms of energy
band theory.
b) Complete the following decay equations

i. 14
6 c →∓−1e

ii. 31 H →+ −10e
iii. −→
❑ 4
Pb + ❑¿ 2He ¿

8. a ) What do you understand by the following terms

i.Mechanical advantage
ii. Velocity ratio
a) A pulley system has two pulleys on the bottom block. It was found
that an effort of 300N was added to raise a load.
i. How much energy was supplied to the machine when the
effort moved through 5Meters?
ii. How far the load was moved if the effort moved 5M?
iii. How much energy was gained by the load when the effort
moved through 5M?


Answer two questions from this section
9. a) i. Define the term wavelength.
i. State two ways in which visible light differs from radio waves.
b) i. Explain the difference between transverse wave and
longitudinal waves. Give one example for each.

ii. Account for the fact that a distant lightning flash is seen before
the thunder is heard

c) Two men stand facing each other 200M apart on one side of high
wall and at the same perpendicular distance from it. One fires a
pistol the other hears a report 0.6seconds after the flash, and the
second reports 0.25seconds after the first. Explain this
phenomenon and calculate
i. The velocity of sound in air
ii. The perpendicular distance of men from the wall.
10. a)
i. Explain why the image of an object formed by plane mirror is
called a virtual image?
ii. A concave spherical mirror of radius of curvature 20cm forms
an erect image 30cm from the mirror and 5cm high. Find the
position and size of the object (show by using ray diagram how
the image forms).
a) i. Explain what is meant by critical angle.

ii. State the condition under which total internal reflection of

light occurs.

11. a)
i. What is meant by the term Transformer?
ii. Why does the transformer work with alternating current
(a.c) only?
b) The ends of the solenoid are connected together by the wire.
Draw diagrams showing the direction of current (if any ) induced
in the solenoid when the N pole of the magnet is
i. Thrust into the solenoid
ii. At rest in the solenoid
iii. Rapidly withdrawn
c) Transformer is designed to supply 12V when connected to 240V
main. If this transformer takes 0.55A from the main when used to
light five 12V, 24W lamps in parallel, find;
i. Its efficiency
ii. The cost of using it for 10hours at 6P per unit.


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