Oral Hygiene and Number of Oral Mucosal Lesion Correlate With Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Elderly Communities
Oral Hygiene and Number of Oral Mucosal Lesion Correlate With Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Elderly Communities
Oral Hygiene and Number of Oral Mucosal Lesion Correlate With Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Elderly Communities
Research Report
Dewi Agustina
Department of Oral Medicine
Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Background: Quality of life assessment mostly is based on general health. Deterioration of physiologic condition, polypharmacy
and the high occurrence of chronic disease in elderly may manifest in oral cavity that can affect oral function, in turn it will affect
quality of life of elderly. Purpose: This study was aimed to determine the correlation of oral health status and oral health-related
quality of life (OHRQoL) in elderly communities of Yogyakarta city. Method: Seventy three elders were subjects of this study. Data
of OHRQoL and oral health status were obtained from modification of questionnaire of Dental Impact of Daily Living (DIDL) Index
and from intraoral examination, respectively. Intraoral examination comprised oral mucosal lesion amount, oral hygiene, DMFT
index and periodontal tissue status. The data then were analyzed statistically using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Result:
The results showed that mean of DMFT index was 16.9 and 63% of subjects were found with gingivitis, most subject had moderate
oral hygiene and each subject at least had two oral mucosal lesions. Mean score of quality of life was 27.2 and classified as satisfying.
Oral hygiene and number of oral mucosal lesion had correlation with OHRQoL with r were -0.236 (Sig. : 0.045) and -0.288 (Sig. :
0.013), respectively. Conclusion: The study suggested that oral hygiene and number of oral mucosal lesion correlate with oral health
related-quality of life in elderly communities of Yogyakarta city.
Latar belakang: Penilaian kualitas hidup terutama didasarkan pada kesehatan umum. Memburuknya kondisi fisiologis, polifarmasi
dan tingginya kejadian penyakit kronis pada lansia dapat termanifestasi di dalam rongga mulut sehingga dapat mempengaruhi fungsi
mulut yang pada gilirannya akan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup lansia. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti hubungan antara
status kesehatan mulut dan kualitas hidup berdasarkan kesehatan mulut pada masyarakat lanjut usia di kota Yogyakarta. Metode:
Tujuhpuluh tiga lansia sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini. Data kualitas hidup berdasarkan kesehatan mulut dan status kesehatan
mulut diperoleh dari modifikasi kuesioner Indeks Dampak Kesehatan Gigi terhadap Kehidupan Sehari-hari dan dari pemeriksaan
intraoral. Pemeriksaan intra oral terdiri atas jumlah lesi mukosa rongga mulut, kebersihan mulut, indeks DMFT dan status jaringan
periodontal. Data kemudian dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan Pearson product moment correlation. Hasil: Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata indeks DMFT adalah 16,9 dan 63% subjek ditemukan dengan gingivitis, subjek rata-rata memiliki
kebersihan mulut yang cukup dan setiap subjek rata-rata memiliki dua lesi mukosa mulut. Rerata kualitas hidup berdasarkan kesehatan
mulut adalah 27,2 dan tergolong memuaskan. Kebersihan mulut dan jumlah lesi mukosa mulut memiliki korelasi dengan kualitas hidup
berbasis kesehatan rongga mulut dengan masing-masing r adalah -0,236 (Sig. : 0,045) dan -0,288 (Sig. : 0,013). Simpulan: Dapat
58 Dent. J. (Maj. Ked. Gigi), Volume 47, Number 1, March 2014: 57–61
disimpulkan bahwa kebersihan mulut dan jumlah lesi mukosa mulut berkorelasi dengan kualitas hidup berbasis kesehatan rongga
mulut pada masyarakat lanjut usia di kota Yogyakarta.
Correspondence: Dewi Agustina, c/o: Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Mulut, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Denta I,
Sekip Utara Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected]
Table 2. Summary of correlation analyses between oral hygiene, number of oral mucosal lesion, DMFT and periodontal status with
OHRQoL in all subjects
Table 2 results was not in line with the previous It was assummed that diabetes mellitus type-2 might initiate
study that found there was a weak correlation between or worsen peridontitis and vice versa. A study support
DMFT index with quality of life measured by WHOQOL- that appropriate treatment for periodontitis will improve
OLD with r = 0.135 and with mean score of DMFT was glycemic control in diabetes mellitus type-2 patients.25,26
15.24.12 Oral hygiene itself can be caused by decreasing of oral self
There was a strong correlation between oral hygiene cleansing that it can be associated with xerostomia. It is
and OHRQoL with r = -0.236 (Table 2) and it was well known that many antihypertension medications have
highest correlation compared to other correlations, so it xerogenic effect.27,28
indicated that role of oral hygiene as a contributory factor From above discussion can be withdrawn some points
for OHRQoL is essential. That is why education and as follows. Although the OHRQoL of both group of elders
information about oral hygiene for frail elders should be could be still categorised satisfying, however, based on the
intensified, since many oral diseases are originated from bad oral findings in this study, improvement of elders’ condition
oral hygiene. Bad oral hygiene in elderly is life-threatening was compulsory since oral condition can affect general
condition since it may indirectly cause malnutrition and health. Someone with oral problems tend to consume
dehidration,13 brain abscess,14 arthritis,15 cardiovascular soft and non-fibre foods that make inadequate nutritional
disease16,17 and pneumonia18 those are originated from fulfillment. Finally, it can be correlated with stroke and
periodontal disease. This statement was supported by malignant risks.17, 29 Dentist and dental hygienist should be
studies at many institutions of elderly in Scotland.19 They recruited as part of elderly health team. Almost majority of
found that majority of elders had bad oral hygiene especially oral problems come from bad oral hygiene. Besides that,
elders with denture, even the denture wearers sufferred from bad oral hygiene makes someone prones to oral infection
denture-induced pathology. By regularly increasing of oral that can be focal infection for other parts of body. Therefore,
hygiene in institutionalised elderly can minimise incidence communication, information and education about oral
of pneumonia.20 hygiene is very essential and need to be intensified that it
The two most oral diseases are dental caries and expectedly may increase oral health-based quality of life
periodontal disease. These two diseases are originated from in elders.
bad oral hygiene. It is assumed that development of dental There are two main suggestions arised from this study
plaque is faster in elderly compared to young people.13 One i.e.: (a) it needs to create an instrument for OHRQoL
contributory factor for this bad oral hygiene is xerostomia, measurement that it is suitable for Indonesian elders; (b) it
since the prevalence of xerostomia in elderly is higher than needs to create standard parameters to determine oral health
in young people.21 It is caused as well by systemic disease status for Indonesian elders. The study suggested that oral
and side effect of medication.22 About 500 medications of hygiene and number of oral mucosal lesion correlate with
42 categories contribute to xerostomia in elderly.21 oral health related-quality of life in elderly communities
In this study not all indicators had correlation with of Yogyakarta city.
OHRQoL. Only number of oral mucosal lesions and oral
hygiene correlated with OHRQoL. It is need to be studied
further whether these indicators above are representative acknowledgement
enough to asses OHRQoL. Probably, needs a study to
determine standard indicators that are representative The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding
to assess OHRQoL for each population. According to provided by Dana Masyarakat Faculty of Dentistry,
systematic review carried out towards 1.726 articles about Universitas Gadjah Mada and sincere gratitude to Drs. B.
OHRQoL, only four studies showed significant correlations Esti Chrismawaty and Sri Budiarti for their involvement
between oral health status with OHRQoL.23 So, it is clear in subject’s examination.
that currently no adequate instrument available for oral
health assessment. The results met with Locker’s idea
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