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P&I Claims Analysis


P&I Claims Analysis

1 Executive summary 2
1.1 Cargo 2
1.2 Injury 4
1.3 Illness 4
1.4 Overall causes 4
2 Frame of reference 5
3 Introduction 5
4 General statistics 6
5 Cargo 8
5.1 Introduction 8
5.2 Bulk carriers 12
5.2.1 Statistics 12
5.2.2 Bulk carrier cargo claims 14
5.2.3 Case studies 15
5.2.4 Self-heating 19
5.2.5 Hatch covers 19
5.2.6 Prevention 20
5.3 Container vessels 21
5.3.1 Statistics 21
5.3.2 Container vessel cargo claims 23
5.3.3 Case studies 23
5.3.4 New weight verification requirements
for containers 26
5.3.5 Design 26
5.3.6 Prevention 27

P&I Claims Analysis

5.4 Tankers 28
5.4.1 Statistics 28
5.4.2 Tanker cargo claims 30
5.4.3 Case studies 30
5.4.4 Prevention 32
6 Injury 34
6.1 Introduction 34
6.2 Statistics 35
6.3 Injury claims 40
6.4 Prevention 43
7 Illness 44
7.1 Introduction 44
7.2 Statistics 45
7.3 IIlness claims 50
7.4 PEME (Pre-Engagement Medical Examination) 52
7.5 IIlness – how to treat crew members 52
7.6 Prevention 53
8 Overall preventative measures 54
8.1 Causes 54
8.2 Implementing a safety culture 55
8.3 Safety culture 55
9 Conclusion 56
10 Appendices 57

1 Executive summary

1 Executive summary

1.1 Cargo Shortage - mainly caused by:

• Improper cargo handling shipside
• Improper cargo handling and poor tally
Type of cargo claims • Loaded or unloaded cargo not being properly calculated
Costly cargo claims are often due to catastrophic claims, • Incorrect cargo handling shipside or shore-side
such as total losses; fires; or navigational claims, which we
define as collisions, contact or groundings. Contamination – mainly caused by:
Apart from catastrophic claims, the most expensive • Improper cargo handling shipside
cargo claims are contamination. This means that cargo was • Improper cargo handling shore-side
contaminated or not in a proper condition when loaded, • Inefficient cleaning prior to loading
which is usually caused by an inherent vice or water leaking • Poor maintenance of cargo holds
through cargo hatches. • Mixing of incompatible cargoes
• Contaminated cargo or high moisture content prior to loading
Bulk carriers • Inherent vice*
Wet damage – mainly caused by:
• Improper cargo handling shipside
• Improper cargo handling shore-side
*Risk of deterioration of goods shipped as a result of their natural behaviour in
• Cargo being wet when loaded the ordinary course of a voyage without the intervention of any random external
• Leaky cargo hatches accident or casualty.

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1 Executive summary

Concerns on bulk carriers Wet damage – mainly caused by:

• Leaky hatch covers (coamings/rubber seals). • Leaky cargo hatches
• Heat damage. • Flooding of holds
• Contamination (cargo hold cleaning). • Pipes and valves in poor condition
• Shortage (common, depending on cargo and geography).
• Maintenance of sounding and vent pipes. Concerns on container vessels
• Liquefaction. • Not securing containers according to the cargo manual
• Inherent vice. • Charterer’s loading plan differs from the vessel’s cargo
• Flooding of cargo holds (manhole covers for ballast and plan
bunker tanks not secured correctly after yard visit). • Cargo manifest is not correct and does not include all
International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) cargo
Container vessels • Reefer containers need to be monitored during the
Physical damage – mainly caused by: voyage because small changes in temperature can ruin
• Incorrect cargo handling shore-side cargo
• Heavy weather • Crew ignoring bilge alarms in cargo holds
• Bilge alarms not maintained and tested properly
• Not avoiding heavy weather
• Excessive speed in heavy weather

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1 Executive summary

Shortage – mainly caused by:
1.2 Injury
• Loaded or unloaded cargo not properly calculated
We have observed that slips and falls are the biggest concern
• Incorrect cargo handling shipside or shore-side
over all three types of vessel.

Contamination – mainly caused by:

Slips and falls – mainly caused by:
• Insufficient tank cleaning
• Equipment on deck
• Mixing of cargo
• Poor lighting
• Cargo contaminated prior to loading
• Catwalks and grating damaged during loading and
Concerns on chemical/product tanker
• Gaskets on tank hatches in poor condition
Being struck by falling objects – mainly caused by:
• Incorrect cargo cleaning
• Equipment not secured for sea
• Failure to close valves after tank cleaning operations
causing cargo contamination
Being caught in machinery – mainly caused by:
• Improper draining of old cargo
• Not issuing or following work permits and risk assessments
• Improper loading plan addressing which valves and lines
• Taking short cuts
to be used
• Poor sampling procedures
• Not following charterer’s instructions 1.3 Illness
• Not maintaining required cargo temperatures
Cardiovascular disease
• Incorrect soundings
The most common illness on board all three types of vessel
• Contamination of palm, vegetable, and coconut oils which
is cardiovascular disease, which is also the most costly. It is
have little value once contaminated leading to expensive
mainly caused by:
• Obesity
• Poor diet
• Smoking
• Physical inactivity

1.4 Overall causes

• Lack of training, both regarding company procedures and practical skills.
• Taking unnecessary risks.
• Lack of experience.
• Complacency.
• Ignoring best practices and approved procedures.
• Lack of belief in safety and over confidence in one’s own ability.
• Generic company procedures which are not suitable for the vessel’s trade and operation.
• Lack of communication between crew members.
• Poor communication between crew and office staff.
• Not acknowledging cultural differences between nationalities, company and professions.
• Not being assertive when spotting mistakes being made.

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2 Frame of reference

2 Frame of reference 2005-2014

Claim categories: Claim categories - vessel/years

• Cargo and number of claims:
• Injury Cargo – Total casualties: 1,459
• Illness Illness – Total casualties: 957
Injury – Total casualties: 895
Claims intervals:
• USD 5,000 – USD 3,000,000
• USD 1,000 – USD 3,000,000

Types of vessel:
• Bulk carriers
• Container vessels
• Tankers

3 Introduction

The Swedish Club closely monitors the frequency of different show a much higher severity on average. Fortunately, these
types of claim and prioritises identifying the patterns and claims are infrequent and their scarcity makes it difficult to
trends derived from loss statistics. Another priority of establish a trend or pattern. They are often connected to a
course is sharing this important data with our members and catastrophic navigational claim, such as a collision, contact
business partners. Merely observing is not good enough or grounding.
– we need to analyse why things happen and how we can Another important decisive factor as to whether or not
help our members prevent them from happening again. In a “like-for-like” comparison between the vessel and claim
this publication you will find a number of measures you can types can be made, is whether the vessels’ trading patterns
adopt to prevent casualties from occurring. and number of crew on board are similar. For bulk carriers,
To make this study and analysis conclusive, we limited containers and tankers we can make this comparison.
the types of vessels to bulk carriers, container vessels and Costs have risen over the last ten years, with this rise
tankers which represent 80% of our insured vessels. mainly affecting the frequency of claims above USD 5,000
For the same reason, we have restricted the number of after the deductible. For claims below USD 5,000 there is
claim categories in order to be representative of the Club’s actually a drop in frequency.
overall claims experience. The chosen claim categories We also believe that more intense trade with less time
are cargo, illness, and injury, which represent the highest on board to prepare for critical operations has resulted in a
frequency of claim. Other categories, such as pollution higher number of crew-related incidents.
and other P&I claims (including wreck removal liabilities)

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4 General statistics

4 General statistics
Below are statistics combining the most frequent P&I claims, (cargo, illness and injury) on bulk carriers, container vessels
and tankers.

Graph 4.1: Average claims costs & frequency Graph 4.2: Average claims costs & frequency
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) Claims 1 – 3,000,000 (USD)

Period: 2005 - 2014 Period: 2005 - 2014

Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers
Type of claims: Cargo, illness and injury Type of claims: Cargo, illness and injury
As per 25/9/2015 As per 25/9/2015

110,000 70,000
0.55 0.9
100,000 65,000
0.50 60,000 0.8
90,000 55,000
0.45 0.7
80,000 50,000
70,000 45,000 0.6
0.35 40,000
60,000 0.5
0.30 35,000
50,000 0.25 30,000 0.4
40,000 25,000
0.20 0.3
30,000 0.15 15,000 0.2
20,000 0.10 10,000
10,000 0.05 5,000
0 0.00 0 0.00
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 PERIOD
Cost Cost
Freq Freq

The conclusion from Graph 4.1 and Graph 4.2 is that the frequency for claims above USD 5,000 is increasing.

Graph 4.3: Claims costs and frequency Graph 4.4: Claims costs and frequency
per type of vessel per category
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Period: 2005 - 2014 Period: 2005 - 2014
Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers
Type of claims: Cargo, illness and injury Type of claims: Cargo, illness and injury
As per 25/9/2015 As per 25/9/2015

24,000 30,000
0.020 0.25
20,000 25,000
0.016 0.20
16,000 20,000
0.012 0.15
12,000 15,000
0.008 0.10
8,000 10,000

6,000 0.006

4,000 0.004 5,000 0.05

2,000 0.002

0 0.000 0 0.00
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Cost bulker Freq bulker Cost cargo Freq cargo

Cost container Freq container Cost injury Freq injury
Cost tanker Freq tanker Cost illness Freq illness

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4 General statistics

Graph 4.3 shows the cost per insured vessel by vessel type. The frequency and cost for tankers is the lowest of the three types
of vessel, however, the frequency and cost for containers is rising. For bulk carriers the frequency has been rising since 2009.
It should be understood that due to time lag in recording the claims costs for 2014 the picture may be different in time. This
is unavoidable with statistics of this nature.

Graph 4.4 shows the frequency and cost for the three claim categories. For all three categories the frequency has increased
significantly over the last couple of years. This is a worrying trend which we are monitoring.

Graph 4.5: Claims cost in %

Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Period: 2005-2014
Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers
Types of claims: All claim categories
As per 25/9/2015

Cargo 36.73%
Other PI 14.20%
Injury 13.62%
Pollution 12.54%
Illness 10.88%
Collision 7.80%
Contact 2.61%
Stowaways 1.57%
Advisory 0.04%

Graph 4.5 shows the cost when claims are capped at USD
3,000,000. If uncapped the cost for ‘Other PI’ will have the
largest share.

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5 Cargo

5 Cargo

5.1 Introduction
We can see from Graph 5.1 that the average cargo claims cost across all three vessel types is more than USD 100,000 over the
past ten years. Costs fell in 2014 but the frequency continued to rise. There has been an overall rise in frequency over the past
10 years but that rise is seen for claims above USD 5,000 which indicates that the claims costs are rising.

Graph 5.1: Average claims costs & frequency Graph 5.2: Average claims costs & frequency
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) Claims 1–3,000,000 (USD)

Period: 2005 - 2014 Period: 2005 - 2014

Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers, tankers
Type of claim: Cargo Type of Claim: Cargo
As per 25/9/2015 As per 25/9/2015

0.28 100,000 0.50

160,000 0.26
90,000 0.45
0.22 80,000 0.40
120,000 0.20 70,000 0.35
100,000 0.16 60,000 0.30
80,000 0.14 50,000 0.25
0.12 40,000 0.20
60,000 0.10
0.08 30,000 0.15
0.06 20,000 0.10
20,000 0.04
10,000 0.05
0 0.00 0 0.00
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 PERIOD
Cost Cost
Freq Freq

The frequency for claims above USD 5,000 is rising. Graph 5.1 shows that over the past ten years the frequency and cost
increased constantly. Graph 5.2 shows however that the frequency for claims below USD 5,000 is falling.

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5 Cargo

Graph 5.3: Cargo – Distribution of cost (USD) Graph 5.4: Cargo – Number of claims (USD)
2013-2014 2013-2014

Period: 2005 - 2014 Period: 2005 - 2014

Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers
Type of claim: Cargo Type of claim: Cargo
As per 25/9/2015 As per 25/9/2015

60% 70%


10% 10%

0% 0%
1-5,000 5,000-50,000 50,000-500,000 500,000+ 1-5,000 5,000-50,000 50,000-500,000 500,000+

2013 2014 2013 2014

It is interesting to note that claims in the USD 1-5,000 cost interval fell by almost 50% between 2013 and 2014. Those in the
USD 5,000-50,000 cost interval rose by around 30%. There are only about 1% of expensive claims above USD 500,000 but this
is 50% of the overall cost for 2013 and 30% for 2014.

Graph 5.5: Claims costs and frequency Graph 5.5 highlights the increase in frequency for cargo
per type of vessel claims on all types of vessel. The combination of expensive
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) cargo claims and an increase in frequency is a worrying
trend. Managers must prioritise the implementation of
Period: 2005 - 2014 preventative measures within the company.
Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers
Type of claim: Cargo
As per 25/9/2015 Costly cargo claims are often due to catastrophic claims like
total losses, fires or navigational claims, which we define as
collisions, contact or groundings.
Fortunately, these claims are not frequent as we can see
16,000 0,09
from Graph 5.7, but when they do occur the consequences
14,000 0,08 are severe as per Graph 5.6.
0,07 See Appendix (i) for further information on ship fires and
0,06 how to prevent them.
0,05 Apart from catastrophic claims, the most expensive
0,04 cargo claims are contamination. This means that cargo was
0,03 contaminated or not in a proper condition when loaded,
0,02 which is usually defined as an inherent defect or water
2,000 0,01 leaking through cargo hatches.
0 0,00
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Cost bulker Freq bulker
Cost container Freq container
Cost tanker Freq tanker

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5 Cargo

Graph 5.6: Cost per loss code – claim categories The top three most expensive categories are inherent vice,
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) collision and grounding. Inherent vice is caused because
the cargo is not in proper condition when it is loaded.
Period: 2005-2014
This emphasises the importance of having proper testing
Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers
Type of claim: Cargo procedures to ensure the cargo is within the specifications.
As per 29/9/2015 Cargo claims caused by collisions and groundings show how
catastrophic claims will have a ripple effect. The reasons
and preventative measures to why collisions and groundings
occur can be found in our publication: Navigational Claims.

Inherent vice 12.22%

Collision 12.07%
Grounding 10.58%
Improper cargo handling, shore-side 8.83%
Improper cargo handling, shipside 7.15%
Fire 7.02%
Heavy weather 5.72%
Flooding of hold 4.66%
Insufficient cleaning 4.58%
Leaking hatch covers 4.56%
Damage prior to loading 4.03%
Leaking vents 3.91%
Multiple causes 3.65%
Poor tally 3.20%
Poor stowage 1.43%
Damage post discharge 1.11%
Leaking pipes 0.97%
Reefer mechanical failure 0.84%
Poor monitoring/maintenance of reefer unit 0.76%
Leaking container 0.58%
Insufficient lashing/securing, shipside 0.49%
Leaking cargo 0.42%
Insufficient lashing/securing by stevedore 0.41%
Insufficient lashing/securing by shipper 0.38%
Loading heavy containers on top of light 0.25%
Blocked bilges 0.17%
Contact 0.02%

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5 Cargo

Graph 5.7: Frequency per loss code – The most frequent claims are for improper cargo handling,
claim categories usually caused by procedures not being followed. To prevent
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) this, crews need to monitor cargo operations and collect
evidence of any damage to the cargo that occurs. Having
Period: 2005-2014 proper testing procedures will most likely prevent future
Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers
Type of claim: Cargo
cargo claims.
As per 29/9/2015

Improper cargo handling, shore-side 21.40%

Improper cargo handling, shipside 9.47%
Poor tally 8.23%
Damage prior to loading 6.17%
Heavy weather 6.04%
Flooding of hold 5.90%
Multiple causes 5.35%
Leaking hatch covers 4.39%
Insufficient cleaning 4.25%
Inherent vice 3.29%
Poor monitoring/maintenance of reefer unit 2.61%
Reefer mechanical failure 2.61%
Damage post discharge 2.61%
Leaking container 2.33%
Poor stowage 1.92%
Collision 1.92%
Insufficient lashing/securing by shipper 1.92%
Insufficient lashing/securing by stevedore 1.78%
Leaking vents 1.78%
Grounding 1.65%
Fire 0.82%
Insufficient lashing/securing, shipside 0.82%
Leaking pipes 0.82%
Leaking cargo 0.69%
Loading heavy containers on top of light 0.55%
Blocked bilges 0.41%
Contact 0.27%

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5 Cargo

5.2 Bulk carriers

1. Inherent vice
5.2.1 Statistics 2. Grounding
Of the three types of vessel, bulk carriers recorded the 3. Collision
highest average claims costs and also the highest frequency 4. Leaking vents
of claims over the past ten years. 5. Insufficient cleaning
The top 10 most expensive claims over the past 10 years 6. Damage prior to loading
were in the following claims categories: 7. Unknown
8. Poor tally
9. Flooding of hold
10. Unknown

Graph 5.8: Average claim cost and frequency Graph 5.9: Average claims costs and frequency
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) Claims 1–3,000,000 (USD)

Period: 2005 - 2014 Period: 2005 - 2014

Type of vessel: Bulk carriers Type of vessel: Bulk carriers
Type of claim: Cargo Type of claim: Cargo
As per 30/9/2015 As per 30/9/2015

220,000 130,000 0.65

0.30 120,000 0.60
200,000 0.28
180,000 0.26 110,000 0.55
0.24 100,000 0.50
160,000 0.22 90,000 0.45
140,000 0.20 80,000 0.40
120,000 0.18
70,000 0.35
100,000 0.14 60,000 0.30
80,000 0.12 50,000 0.25
0.10 40,000 0.20
60,000 0.08 30,000 0.15
40,000 0.06
0.04 20,000 0.10
20,000 10,000 0.05
0 0.00 0 0.00
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 PERIOD 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 PERIOD
Cost Cost
Freq Freq

The frequency for claims above USD 5,000 is rising. The frequency for claims below USD 5,000 is falling.

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5 Cargo

Graph 5.10: Cost per loss code – claim categories Graph 5.11: Frequency per loss code –
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) claim categories
Period: 2005-2014 Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Type of vessel: Bulk carriers Period: 2005-2014
Type of claim: Cargo Type of vessel: Bulk carriers
As per 30/9/2015 Type of claim: Cargo
As per 30/9/2015

Inherent vice 25.70% Improper cargo handling, shore-side 25.68%

Improper cargo handling, shore-side 10.87% Poor tally 13.38%
Grounding 8.77% Leaking hatch covers 9.76%
Leaking hatch covers 7.62% Damage prior to loading 8.68%
Poor tally 6.77% Improper cargo handling, shipside 8.32%
Damage prior to loading 6.17% Multiple causes 4.88%
Insufficient cleaning 4.47% Insufficient lashing/securing by stevedore 3.62%
Multiple causes 4.33% Inherent vice 3.25%
Improper cargo handling, shipside 4.08% Heavy weather 3.07%
Collision 4.08% Leaking vents 2.89%
Leaking vents 4.05% Poor stowage 2.71%
Heavy weather 3.72% Flooding of hold 2.35%
Flooding of hold 2.41% Damage post discharge 1.99%
Leaking pipes 1.93% Leaking pipes 1.63%
Poor stowage 1.44% Blocked bilges 1.27%
Damage post discharge 0.90% Insufficient cleaning 1.08%
Fire 0.70% Insufficient lashing/securing, shipside 1.08%
Insufficient lashing/securing, shipside 0.45% Grounding 0.90%
Error in calculation 0.44% Insufficient lashing/securing by shipper 0.90%
Insufficient lashing/securing by stevedore 0.43% Error in calculation 0.90%
Blocked bilges 0.41% Collision 0.72%
Insufficient lashing/securing by shipper 0.13% Fire 0.54%
Leaking cargo 0.10% Contact 0.18%
Contact 0.01% Leaking cargo 0.18%

The most costly immediate cause is inherent vice which The most common immediate cause is improper cargo
is mainly caused by not checking cargo properly before handling, which also emphasises how important it is for
loading. crews to monitor entire cargo operations to secure as much
evidence as possible about damaged cargo.

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5 Cargo

5.2.2 Bulk carrier cargo claims Shortage - mainly caused by:

Claims caused by cargo not being in the proper condition • Improper cargo handling shipside
when loaded, or caused by the nature of the cargo such • Improper cargo handling and poor tally
as inherent vice can be very costly. It can be difficult for • Loaded or unloaded cargo not being properly calculated
a shipowner to prevent this from happening, so detailed • Incorrect cargo handling shipside or shore-side
records should be kept on board showing that best
practices have always been followed during loading, transit Contamination – mainly caused by:
and discharge. • Improper cargo handling shipside
The most common claims in this category are shortage • Improper cargo handling shore-side
and wet damage. • Inefficient cleaning prior to loading
Contamination is an expensive claim category on bulk • Poor maintenance of cargo holds
carriers; the claims are not very frequent but when they • Mixing of incompatible cargo
occur they are quite severe. • Cargo being contaminated or high moisture content prior
to loading
Wet damage – mainly caused by: • Inherent vice
• Improper cargo handling shipside
• Improper cargo handling shore-side Concerns on bulk carriers
• Cargo being wet when loaded • Leaky hatch cover (coamings/rubber seals).
• Leaky cargo hatches • Heat damage.
• Contamination (cargo hold cleaning).
• Shortage (common depending on cargo and geography).

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5 Cargo

• Maintenance of sounding and vent pipes. Causes:

• Liquefaction. The crew started to search for the origin of the leak and the
• Inherent defect. bilge system was pressurised, all valves were closed and it
• Flooding of cargo holds (manhole covers for ballast and became obvious that several valves were leaking, because
bunker tanks not secured correctly after yard visit). water had entered the cargo hold through the bilge wells.
Some valves, indicated as closed on the ballast console panel,
were in fact open, which was caused by a faulty switch. No
5.2.3 Case studies previous testing or maintenance had been carried out on the
bilge system. The malfunction of the valves was likely caused
Wet damage by corrosion, which could have been aggravated by cargo
Wet damage case study 1 residue as the vessel had been carrying coal on its three
The bulk carrier was carrying coal. While at the discharge previous trips.
port the vessel had to ballast cargo hold 2 to stay within the The company’s internal investigation concluded that the
quay’s air draft requirements. The water in cargo hold 2 was incident was caused by the deteriorated condition of the
drained into one of the ballast tanks and then washed down. valves in combination with a faulty switch.
The vessel had two pumps, which were used when cargo
hold 2 was washed down. Shortly afterwards the stevedores
noticed patches of water in cargo hold 1 and informed the Wet damage case study 2
Master immediately. One hour later the Master stopped the The bulk carrier was a newbuild and it was the vessel’s first
cargo operation, by which time the water level had risen to voyage after delivery. The vessel was loaded with wheat.
five metres. During the voyage the vessel experienced heavy weather,

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5 Cargo

up to force 10. The heavy weather lasted for a couple of compared to the same top section of the other overboard
days causing the vessel to pitch and roll heavily. Afterwards discharge pipelines. The shipyard had missed welding the
the crew carried out tank soundings. All cargo hold bilges pipe and this was not noticed prior to delivery.
reportedly showed a maximum sounding of about 5cm in
the bilge well, whereas all topside water ballast tanks were
empty. The cargo hold bilges were not equipped with a bilge Contamination
high-level alarm system. Contamination case study 1
During good weather the Chief Officer opened up the The bulk carrier was discharging grain. After almost half of the
cargo hatches to inspect the condition of the wheat for cargo hold had been emptied some caked cargo was found.
any signs of water ingress following the ship’s earlier heavy The cargo in the immediate vicinity of two pipes at the aft
weather encounter. None was observed to the surface of the bulkhead of the hold was wet and a strong oily odour was
cargo situated below the hatch cover coaming and hatches. detected. The cargo receiver refused to accept the cargo and
However, following closer inspection, the Chief Officer claimed that all cargo now was unfit for human consumption.
reportedly discovered that a section of the wheat situated
just below the overboard discharge pipeline outlet of the Causes:
topside water ballast tank had become wet. The pipeline, After an investigation by the crew it was found that fuel oil
leading into the said water ballast tank was also wet. The vapour from one of the fuel tanks had leaked from a broken
Chief Officer checked the ballast tank and it was empty. He air vent and sounding pipe. This caused oil to enter the cargo
observed that any water filled into the ballast tank would hold resulting in the contamination.
leak into the cargo hold.

Causes: Contamination case study 2

The gap between the outer circumference of the section of The bulk carrier had loaded wheat. Upon discharge it was found
pipe to the inner side of the sleeve was noted up to about that the cargo smelled of fuel oil. The smell had entered the
2mm. It was found that this gap was not welded when cargo hold through the air ventilation pipe of the fuel oil tank.

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5 Cargo

Causes: Heat damage

It was found that the smell came from the air ventilation The Club has experienced several claims of cargo damage
pipe of one of the fuel oil tanks. A hole had been detected caused by heating of bunker fuel in bunker tanks adjacent to
in the pipe so the crew put plastic and tape around the cargo holds.
damaged area and considered this to be repaired. The types of vessel most at risk are bulk carriers. It is
important to know that in specific conditions cargo can
suffer heat damage at temperatures as low as 40-50°C.
Heavy weather Furthermore, cargo loaded in the most aft cargo hold might
Heavy weather case study 1 be exposed to excessive heat if service and settling tanks
The bulk carrier had loaded corn, and after loading was are adjacent to the cargo hold as these tanks will reach
complete all cargo hatches were sealed with Ramnek tapes temperatures of about 90°C. If sensitive cargo is loaded in
and underwent a water hose test and cleanliness inspection the aft cargo hold the crew must plan so the cargo does not
by the surveyor, which they passed. suffer heat damage.
During the voyage to the discharge port the vessel Bunker fuel can also be stored in the double bottom
encountered heavy weather, up to force 10, which caused the tanks beneath the cargo hold, and this will radiate heat to
vessel to pitch and roll heavily for a couple of days. When the the tank top. A warm tank top or bulkhead surface might
vessel arrived at the discharge port it was discovered that the cause the cargo to become discoloured, caked, carbonised,
top surface of the cargo was wet, caked and mouldy. mouldy and at worst, even to self-ignite. Other factors that
will contribute to the damage include the moisture content
Causes: of the cargo at loading port, ventilation of cargo hold during
An external surveyor at the discharge port inspected the cargo the voyage and condensation due to external temperature.
hatch covers, paying particular attention to rubber gaskets, Some cargoes, which are sensitive to heat include
closing devices, non–return valves, ventilators, hatch access, soybean, maize, wheat and sunflower seeds. Note that
double drainage channels etc. All were visually found to be in soybeans can be damaged at temperatures as low as 40°C.
good working order. However, traces of seawater were found The best prevention is to have procedures in place
on the inner hatch coaming. An ultrasonic test was conducted controlling how bunker tanks should be heated. Crews need
on the affected hold and it was found that the cross joints, to know at what temperature cargo becomes damaged and
between forward and aft hatch panels, had leaked. It was also to keep detailed records of what has been carried out during
found that there was no contact between compression bars and loading, sailing and discharge. It is important to prove that
rubber gaskets on the cargo hatches cross joint panel. The cargo best practices have been followed.
had suffered damage from the leaking cargo hatch covers. If best practices have been followed then it is probable
that the cargo was not in a proper condition when it was
loaded and it is unlikely that heating the bunker caused the
Heavy weather case study 2 damage. The better and more detailed the records are then
While the bulk carrier was loading soybeans it rained frequently. the easier it is to determine the cause of the damage.
The Master stated that the hatch covers were closed before the
rain commenced. The vessel was weather routed but still ended
up sailing through heavy weather, up to force 10. The vessel Heat damage case study 1
was rolling and pitching heavily and the deck and cargo hatches The bulk carrier had loaded wheat and during discharge it
were covered in seawater. During the passage the vessel’s bilges was found that some of the cargo was damaged in cargo
were checked twice a day and found to be dry. In the discharge holds 2 and 3. The cargo receiver claimed that the cargo was
port it was found that the top layer of cargo was mouldy. heat damaged. The top layer of the cargo was in the proper
condition in both cargo holds. During the voyage heavy fuel
Causes: oil tanks had been heated. Some of the cargo by the aft
The marine sealing tape was damaged in the heavy weather bulkhead of cargo hold 2 had been discoloured and there
so the Master submitted a sea protest to the authorities in was also a burning smell. Behind this bulkhead were heavy
the discharge port. It was found that the cargo hatch cover fuel oil tanks. In cargo hold 3 there was some damaged
had leaked. cargo in the aft part. The settlings tanks were adjacent to
the cargo hold bulkhead. There was no cofferdam between
the service/settling tanks and cargo hold. These tanks were
heated in excess of 80°C.

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Heat damage case study 2: to the rice was also reported. The double bottom tanks
The bulk carrier had loaded wheat and at time of discharge for cargo holds 2, 3, 4 and 5 were subdivided into ballast
the top layer of the cargo was found to be in good condition. and fuel oil tanks. The cargo receiver accused the vessel of
However, cargo at the aft bulkhead, adjacent to the engine excessively heating bunker fuel.
room was damaged. The damaged cargo was dry and caked. Excessive temperatures can lead to non-enzymic browning,
It could not be established what the exact temperature of which can cause discolouration in rice cargo. It is important to
the bunker fuel had been. know the temperature and moisture levels when deteriorative
changes occur in milled rice. It seems that non-enzymic
browning, such as the Maillard reaction, requires temperatures
Heat damage case study 3: above 60°C. In this case the recorded cargo temperatures were
The bulk carrier had loaded sunflower seed meal, with within normal parameters for this trade. These temperatures
burned cargo found by the aft bulkhead adjacent to the would not cause discolouration or browning.
engine room during discharge. Subsequently, heavy fuel oil The damage caused to the rice is more likely because
tanks in the engine room were in direct contact with the aft of pre-shipment temperature abuse or a problem inherent
bulkhead. The surveyor was unable to find records showing in the rice. Caking of bags was caused principally by
what temperatures the heavy fuel oil had been heated to. condensation in the vessel, which was aggravated by an
inherently high moisture content in the rice. The moisture
content caused the rice to become microbiologically
Heat damage case study 4: unstable, and as such, unsafe for shipment, a factor that
The bulk carrier had loaded soybean meal. Loading had undoubtedly led to localised spoilage in random areas, as
been interrupted several times due to rain. On completion was the case of this cargo.
of loading the cargo was fumigated. During the voyage the The claim was settled and it was determined that heating
vessel had experienced some heavy weather. Upon discharge of the bunker fuel was not the cause of the cargo damage,
mouldy cargo was found in the top layer. Furthermore, but the inherent moisture content of the rice before loading.
some heat damaged cargo was found by the aft cargo hold
bulkhead, adjacent to a heavy fuel oil tank. During the
voyage this tank was heated to 60°C. Alleged heat damage case study 2
The bulk carrier had loaded yellow corn in southern USA.
During the voyage the crew measured the temperature and
Alleged heat damage ventilated the cargo holds. The vessel also experienced two
Inspection of casualties where the owner has been blamed days of heavy weather, registering force 8, and seas covering
for causing heat damage to the cargo have shown that it the cargo hatches. Damaged cargo was found on the top
is more likely that the cargo was not in proper condition layer when the cargo hatches were opened during discharge
when loaded. The shipper had not ensured that the cargo and was found to be mouldy and discoloured. This was
was properly prepared for shipment. This emphasises the similar for almost all cargo holds. At the end of discharge
importance of crews keeping good records to prove that all some damaged cargo was found on the tank top. The cargo
procedures were followed. receiver claimed that the vessel had excessively heated the
bunker fuel. The temperature of the bunker fuel had never
been above 40°C according to the Chief Engineer. Loading
Alleged heat damage case study 1 was stopped at the loading port about seven times because
The bulk carrier had loaded bagged parboiled rice in a of rain, and could have affected the moisture content of
Southeastern Asian port. During loading the moisture the cargo. Before loading, the cargo should have been dried.
content of the rice was very close to the allowed limit. The In this case it seems that the cargo was not dried before
sea temperature in the port was 32°C. When loading was loading. Major differences were also recorded between
complete the cargo holds were fumigated with phosphine. night and day temperatures at the loading port, which can
The cargo holds were under gas for the first four days of cause condensation in the cargo hold. The cargo was also
the voyage and then the hatch covers were opened and loaded almost to the cargo hatch cover, so there was no
ventilated as per best practices. The fuel in the double air circulation in the hold. The claim was settled and the
bottom bunker tanks, below cargo holds 3, 4 and 5, accusation that damage was caused by heating bunker fuel
registered a temperature of 29°C during the voyage. was dismissed.
During discharge it was found that some cargo had
become discoloured. Some moisture damage and caking

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5.2.4 Self-heating condition of the transverse joints, but the horizontal seals
In some cases self-heating can lead to a fire, but this is on the coaming are far more difficult to address. It is quite
relatively uncommon. Vigilance and good working practices obvious that the pressure of the sea on the covers cannot be
when loading are the key to fire prevention of this kind of simulated using a fire hose.
cargo; this should extend to any hot work carried out near It is more effective to use an ultrasonic device, which
part filled or full cargo holds. Self-heating in cargo such as is designed for this purpose. The advantages of using this
coal, can potentially lead to a fire. By far the most effective type of equipment are evident, since sealing tests can be
means of preventing such fires is to rigorously adhere to carried out in a loaded condition without risking cargo
the requirements of the International Maritime Solid Bulk damage and also allow for the possibility of an assessment
Cargoes Code (IMSBC) during and after loading. in sub-zero temperatures.
To address this issue it is important there are SMS
(Safety Management System) procedures detailing the
5.2.5 Hatch covers checks required to ensure the hatch covers are in a proper
A great deal of cargo damage on bulk carriers is caused by condition. It is even more important that these checks
leaking hatch covers, particularly when vessels encounter are included in the PMS (Planned Maintenance System),
heavy weather. To prevent this, weather conditions must in combination with extensive maintenance tasks. It is
be monitored very carefully so that severe weather can be imperative that there are specific action points regarding
avoided. Leaking hatch covers are unfortunately causing lots the seals, coamings and pads. A risk assessment needs to be
of wet damage claims. in place regarding the different issues concerning leaking
One of the most common tests prior to loading to hatch covers.
ensure that cargo hatches are not leaking, is the water hose
test. The crew put fire hoses under pressure and spray the
hatches. Unfortunately, it seems that the hose test is of
little value for ensuring proper sealing on a vessel at sea. It
is possible that the Master can obtain an indication of the

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5.2.6 Prevention

To monitor if water enters any tank or cargo hold, bulk avoided. The clause “wet before shipment” should be
carriers have a Water Ingress Monitoring System (WIMS). inserted on the bills of lading if such goods are loaded.
However the WIMS is a safety requirement and not • Condensation must be considered when carrying
suitable for cargo monitoring purposes, and so it is certain cargo. Ventilate if the dew point in the air is
therefore important to install a proper bilge alarm in lower than the dew point in the cargo space.
every cargo hold. • Cargo classified as Class A under the IMSBC code are
This is because the alarm panels for the WIMS are very capable of liquefaction. Before loading it is essential
often on the bridge and linked to the alarm monitoring that the moisture content of the cargo is tested.
system in the engine control room. If the WIMS alarm has • The crew should keep detailed records on board,
already been activated because a hold is already filled up recording;
it will not trigger the alarm in the engine control room, • Temperatures in cargo holds.
but will only trigger the alarm on the bridge. If the cargo • If the cargo holds have been ventilated and for how
operation is not being monitored on the bridge there is long.
a major risk that flooding will not be discovered in time. • If bunker tanks have been heated - this
The SMS and PMS should require that the bilge system be information is often missing when the surveyor
inspected before cargo operations commence as per the tries to establish the cause of damage.
company’s SMS and PMS. • Temperature of all bunker tanks.
• If the vessel is carrying heat sensitive cargo. This
Prevention for bulk carriers has to be considered when heating the bunker.
• Agree on a stowing plan. Proper planning and bunker management is the best
• Stow in accordance with the IMSBC code. prevention.
• Cargo holds should be clean, dry and odourless before • It is essential that all shut off valves, steam traps etc.
loading commences. for heating coils in fuel tanks are well maintained and
• Hatch covers and seals must be in a good and fully operational. Records of maintenance and tests
watertight condition. should be available in the vessels’ PMS systems.
• Ventilators and other means of entry into cargo holds • Maintenance of temperature sensors in bunker tanks
should be in good operating order and capable of should be carried out periodically and always be
being closed. fully operational and regularly tested. Records of
• If any damaged cargo is loaded, always clause the bill maintenance and tests should be available in the
of lading and mate’s receipts accordingly. vessel’s PMS system.
• Conduct a survey of the cargo condition throughout • A Master has some measure of control over the
the entire loading operation and take samples. loading of bulk cargo and can take steps to prevent
• Have your own surveyor carry out a draught survey any fires. The most common causes of fire in
during loading and always insert “weight and quantity agricultural and general product cargo are the
unknown” in the bill of lading and mate’s receipts, if careless disposal of smokers’ materials, often by
not already stated. stevedores who are notorious for both open and
• Conduct a draught survey at the discharge port clandestine smoking, and problems with fumigants.
before opening the hatch. • It is important that a pressure test is carried out after
• Accurate and reliable tallying should be carried out any maintenance carried out on any pipes, otherwise
when loading bagged goods. this can cause leaks, which can damage the cargo.
• Refrain from loading during snow or rain. • The PMS and SMS should include procedures
• Install a proper bilge alarm in every cargo hold. ensuring that cargo lights are switched off after
• Wet cargo or snow/rain during loading will result in cargo operation, because of the substantial risk of
high humidity levels inside the holds and should be overheating

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5.3 Container vessels

5.3.1 Statistics
There has been a continuous increase in frequency for
1. Collision
container vessels since 2009, and is a concern even though
2. Heavy weather
the frequency is not as high as for bulk carriers.
3. Grounding
The top 10 most expensive cargo claims over the past 10
4. Fire
years were in the following categories:
5. Fire
6. Improper cargo handling, shipside
7. Grounding
8. Grounding
9. Flooding of hold
10. Poor stowage

Graph 5.12: Average claim cost and frequency Graph 5.13: Average claim cost and frequency
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) Claims 1–3,000,000 (USD)

Period: 2005 - 2014 Period: 2005 - 2014

Type of vessel: Container Type of vessel: Container
Type of claim: Cargo Type of claim: Cargo
As per 30/9/2015 As per 30/9/2015

0.30 110,000 0.60

200,000 0.28 0.55
0.26 100,000
180,000 0.50
0.24 90,000
160,000 0.22 0.45
140,000 0.20 0.40
0.18 70,000
120,000 0.35
0.16 60,000
100,000 0.30
0.14 50,000
0.12 0.25
80,000 40,000
0.10 0.20
60,000 0.08 30,000 0.15
40,000 0.06 20,000
0.04 0.10
20,000 10,000 0.05
0 0.00 0 0.00
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 PERIOD 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 PERIOD
Cost Cost
Freq Freq

The frequency for claims above USD 5,000 is increasing. The frequency for claims below USD 5,000 is decreasing.

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Graph 5.14: Cost per loss code – claim categories Graph 5.15: Frequency per loss code –
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) claim categories
Period: 2005-2014 Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Type of vessel: Container Period: 2005-2014
Type of claim: Cargo Type of vessel: Container
As per 30/9/2015 Type of claim: Cargo
As per 30/9/2015

Collision 24.11% Improper cargo handling, shore-side 14.50%

Fire 15.80% Flooding of hold 13.36%
Grounding 15.53% Heavy weather 12.60%
Heavy weather 9.53% Poor monitoring/maintenance of reefer unit 7.25%
Flooding of hold 8.44% Reefer mechanical failure 7.25%
Improper cargo handling, shipside 6.57% Leaking container 6.49%
Improper cargo handling, shore-side 2.98% Improper cargo handling, shipside 6.11%
Leaking hatch covers 2.79% Insufficient lashing/securing by shipper 4.58%
Reefer mechanical failure 1.98% Collision 3.82%
Poor monitoring/maintenance of reefer unit 1.79% Insufficient lashing/securing by stevedore 3.05%
Multiple causes 1.49% Damage prior to loading 2.67%
Poor stowage 1.45% Grounding 2.67%
Leaking container 1.36% Leaking hatch covers 2.67%
Damage post discharge 1.17% Damage post discharge 2.67%
Inherent vice 0.85% Inherent vice 2.29%
Insufficient lashing/securing by shipper 0.78% Poor stowage 1.91%
Leaking vents 0.76% Loading heavy containers on top of light 1.53%
Insufficient lashing/securing, shipside 0.68% Fire 1.53%
Insufficient lashing/securing by stevedore 0.61% Leaking vents 1.15%
Loading heavy containers on top of light 0.58% Insufficient lashing/securing, shipside 0.76%
Damage prior to loading 0.48% Leaking pipes 0.76%
Leaking pipes 0.25% Contact 0.38%
Contact 0.02%

Catastrophic events like collisions, fires and groundings have The most common claims include improper cargo handling
caused the most costly claims over the past ten years. and water entering the cargo hold by either pumping water
into the cargo hold or leaking through hatch covers.

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5.3.2 Container vessel cargo claims • Crews ignoring bilge alarms in the cargo holds
Catastrophic navigational claims have a large impact on the • Bilge alarms not maintained and tested properly
cost for cargo claims on container vessels. The frequency for • Not avoiding heavy weather
collisions and groundings are around 3% of the cargo claims • Excessive speed in heavy weather
but the cost is more than 20% and 15% of the total cost
For more information about preventative measures regarding 5.3.3 Case studies
navigational claims please refer to our Navigational Claims
publication. Wet damage
Two of the most common container claims are physical The average claim cost for wet damage on container vessels
damage and wet damage to the container cargo and these is significantly higher than the average cargo claim. As we
claims are usually caused by the following: can see below, the usual causes are leaking – pipes, valves
and manholes – but also ballast lines, which have become
Physical damage – mainly caused by: corroded, cracks in ballast tanks and cases where bilge
• Incorrect cargo handling shore-side alarms have been ignored causing water to enter the cargo
• Heavy weather hold. These issues occur mainly because crew members have
ignored procedures or they have not carried out proper
Wet damage – mainly caused by: maintenance on pipes, valves and pumps. There are other
• Leaky cargo hatches occasions when the bilge pumps have been full of debris,
• Flooding of holds indicating that the systems have not been properly tested
• Pipes and valves in poor condition and maintained.
Leaking manholes from either ballast or bunker tanks are
Concerns on container vessels also a recurring problem, causing cargo hold flooding. This
• Not securing containers as per the cargo manual is common after a yard visit or scheduled tank inspection,
• Charterers’ loading plan is not as per the vessel’s cargo plan when tank inspections have been carried out. It is essential
• Cargo manifest is not correct and does not include that crews are aware of this greater risk and ensure that all
all cargo covered under the International Maritime manholes are secured.
Dangerous Goods Code It is essential that the company reviews its cargo
• Reefer containers need to be monitored during the voyage procedures and addresses these issues.
because small changes in the temperature can ruin the cargo

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Wet damage case study 1 Wet damage case study 2

The Chief Officer decided to carry out a routine ballast tank The container vessel was in port discharging cargo and the
inspection for several tanks. The Chief Officer completed a vessel carried out ballast operations. The Second Officer
permit for entry into confined/enclosed spaces and also an came on watch at midnight, and during a routine inspection
initial risk assessment for entry into enclosed spaces. The saw that there was water in one of the cargo holds. No bilge
company had a requirement for carrying out detailed risk alarm was reported in the engine control room or bridge. He
assessments but no specific requirement as to when this told the able seaman (AB) on watch to investigate. The AB
should be done. In this case, the officers did not think it found that there was 15 cm of water in the cargo hold. The
was necessary. Second Officer pumped out the water using the bilge pump.
The following day the vessel berthed and cargo operation
commenced. The vessel carried out a normal ballast Causes:
operation and sailed for the next port in the evening. After discharge was complete water was found leaking out
About 24 hours after the ballast operation had been of one of the manholes leading to a ballast tank. The nuts
completed, the Chief Officer discovered that one of the were found to be slack. It was also found that maintenance
cargo holds had been flooded with more than one metre of of the bilge sensors had not been completed as per the PMS.
water. Prior to this there had been scheduled inspections but This was because the Chief Engineer could not find any
they had failed to discover any water. manuals, so had checked the jobs off as complete when they
had, in fact, not been completed.
It was found that a gasket for the manhole was missing
allowing water to enter the cargo hold. According to the Wet damage case study 3
company’s SMS it was the Chief Officer’s responsibility The crew washed the deck with fire hoses, and as the fire line
to verify that the hatch is properly secured when work is was used for the wash down, both fire pumps in the engine
completed. The vessel was fitted with both cargo hold bilge room were activated. The crew closed all valves delivering
alarms and high-level alarms. These alarms did not work and seawater to the anchors in order to get higher water
no alarm was received on the bridge. pressure. These valves are usually left permanently open.
The bilge sensor was broken and heavily corroded. It had When they interrupted washing they left the valves closed
been inspected a couple of days previously and found to be and the fire pumps working.
in good condition. The inspection had not been completed The vessel arrived in the port in the evening and cargo
correctly. After departure an ocular inspection had been operations commenced in the morning. After a while
carried out but no water had been found. stevedores noted water in one of the cargo holds. The crew
investigated and found 20cm of water in the cargo hold.

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Causes: Causes:
The Chief Engineer informed the Master that the “bilge The water flooding was from a broken ballast water pipe,
water high level” alarm had been activated several times, which was heavily corroded. Once again the bilge well alarm
that the duty engineer had acknowledged the alarm, but didn’t work.
had not investigated the cause or informed anyone else. The
engineer thought the alarm was due to rain. Why he did not
investigate was unclear. Wet damage case study 5
It was found that the water from the wash down had leaked The container vessel was at sea and the Chief Officer told
into the void spaces adjacent to the cargo holds. The void space the Bosun to carry out a ballast tank inspection. The Bosun
next to the affected cargo hold had an opening connecting completed the inspection with an AB. They secured the
it to the cargo hold. The void spaces had no bilge alarm manhole and told the Chief Officer that all was satisfactory
indicating water presence and when the void space was full, in the tank. The day after, the Chief Officer began to ballast
water poured into the cargo hold. The water pressure damaged the tank. A couple of hours later the AB on watch reported
the rubber gaskets placed between the pipelines’ flanges that there was water in the cargo hold.
and started to flood other void spaces. The water then filled
the void spaces adjacent to the cargo hold and once water Causes:
reached the level of the lower edge of manholes (openings) in It was found that the nuts of the ballast tank manhole had
longitudinal bulkheads, it started to flood the hold. not been tightened correctly, causing water to pour out.

Wet damage case study 4 Contamination

The container vessel carried out a normal ballast operation. Contamination case study 1
Suddenly, a large volume of water flooded the cargo hold. The Chief Officer wanted to inspect some of the ballast
It was found that a ballast pipe was damaged. The pipe was tanks. He prepared the required checklist for inspection and
actually inside the cargo hold so there was no void space then gave it to the Bosun who took an AB with him and
protection. The pipe and the surrounding area were heavily then proceeded to the cargo hold to open the tank manhole
corroded. More than 10 containers were damaged. The bilge for inspection. The Bosun opened the manhole on one side
well alarm didn’t work and there was no audible or visual and the AB on the other side to save time. The AB started to
alarm on the bridge alarm panel. Bilge alarms were only remove the bolts for the manhole that he assumed were for
visible on the bridge and not in the engine control room. the ballast tank, he removed all the bolts. The Bosun had no
problem opening the manholes on his side. Suddenly the Bosun
heard a cry from the other side and realized that something

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was wrong. He ran over to the other side and saw that the AB rolling in the heavy weather. This may also be attributed to
was drenched in heavy fuel oil and that oil was pouring onto poor lashing arrangement. When the vessel was rolling 30°
the deck in the cargo hold, contaminating the containers. The the wires parted and the machinery shifted.
Bosun helped the AB to close the manhole and reported the
accident to the Chief Officer.
5.3.4 New weight verification
Causes: requirements for containers
The AB had not read the markings properly, which were The IMO (International Maritime Organization) will be
welded into the manhole and clearly stated that the manhole adopting new requirements from 1 July 2016, requiring every
lead to a fuel tank. The AB removed all the bolts for the packed export container to have a verified container weight
manhole and then removed the manhole. When oil started as a condition for being loaded.
pouring out of the tank it was impossible for the AB to The IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), at its 93rd
close the manhole himself. The AB did not verify that he was session (May 2014), approved changes to the Safety of Life
opening the correct tank. at Sea (SOLAS) convention regarding a mandatory container
weight verification requirement on shippers.
As stated, these requirements apply to shippers, but
Heavy weather will also require all parties such as freight forwarders and
Heavy weather case study 1 shipowners to also prepare for these new requirements.
The container vessel received reports of anticipated It is important to prepare for this as soon as possible and
heavy weather but was unable to avoid it. The vessel was to update the ISM (International Safety Management) code
maintaining 15 knots with 4m waves in a force 8, causing where applicable.
the vessel to roll 30° at times. 11 containers came loose and This should improve safety for container vessels and
were lost overboard, with another 12 containers suffering reduce cargo claims.
damage, but not lost overboard. The Chief Officer said the The World Shipping Council has excellent information if
containers were secured as per the cargo securing manual you want to read more on this subject.
and that they were also checked every day.

Causes: 5.3.5 Design

It was not determined, but it is likely that rolls of more than The wide beam of many container vessels usually results
30° caused some of the cargo in the containers to shift. It in large metacentric heights (GM values). In some cases,
is also possible that the lashing rods lost tension due to the where the vessel was partly laden, the GM values appear
vessel’s movement, causing containers to move in the same to have been excessive. This can become very problematic
sequence as the vessel and making the twist locks to crack. if the vessel is caught in heavy weather causing securing
The vessel did not slow down in time and 15 knots of speed arrangements to break and containers to fall overboard. It
in heavy weather can cause serious damage. is essential to monitor the weather during the entire voyage
and if the vessel cannot avoid severe weather it is necessary
to take action, such as reducing speed and/or altering course.
Heavy weather case study 2
The container vessel encountered heavy weather conditions
with force 9 storms and more than 4m of swell. The vessel
was rolling and pitching heavily and sea water covered
the deck and cargo hatches. The vessel altered course as a
matter of precaution and reduced speed in an attempt to
minimise the rolling and pitching. When the hatch covers
were removed at the discharge port it was found that some
heavy lifting machinery on a flat rack trailer had shifted and
damaged other containers and the cargo hold.

The securing wires for the machinery were chaffing against
the lashing points on the unit itself when the vessel was

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5.3.6 Prevention

It is obvious that small mistakes e.g. forgetting a gasket • Lashing equipment and securing points must be
or not tightening the nuts correctly can cause costly maintained regularly and inspected for wear.
cargo claims. It is important that tasks are completed • Try to reduce the vessel’s GM when not fully laden.
by following checklists and procedures. It is generally • If possible, check that the container seals are intact
a requirement for the Chief Officer to verify that jobs and that serial numbers concur with numbers in
have been completed correctly. We have seen that cargo documents.
this is often not the case, and the Chief Officer simply • Do not mix high cube containers with standard
assumes that tasks have been correctly undertaken. This height containers in stacks. This does not allow
can mean the difference between an accident and no bridging pieces to be fitted between stacks.
accident. • Ensure that weights are declared and that maximum
Misdeclaration of a container’s contents is also very stack mass and height limits are not exceeded.
common and, of course, the containers misdeclared are • Consult IMDG code for characteristics of
often the ones most likely to cause a problem on board. commodities.
Regrettably, there is much less that a Master can do • Crews need to investigate bilge alarms in the cargo
in relation to containerised cargo compared to bulk or holds as even a small amount of water can cause
tank cargo. serious damage.
It is often the case that a Master is provided with • Weather routing should be used to avoid heavy
the Dangerous Goods Manifest only, and, indeed, it is weather.
unreasonable to expect him to review and verify the • In heavy weather, adjust course and speed to ease
declared contents of every container on the vessel. In the ship’s motion.
practice there is little more a Master can do other than • Have bilge alarms in all cargo holds, which both the
to ensure that those dangerous goods he does know bridge and engine room receive.
about are carried in accordance with the IMDG Code • It is not always easy to find the time to clean the
and that proper checks of the containers are carried out bilges on a container vessel but it is something that
during the voyage. has to be done or there is a high risk of pumps and
valves becoming damaged. Many accidents are the
Specific prevention for container vessels result of bilge pumps and sensors becoming heavily
• Check and verify that the lashing methods follow corroded. The inspection of the bilges needs to be
the requirements as outlined in the vessel’s cargo completed at least every month.
securing manual. • Make sure the lashings are as per the cargo securing
• The cargo securing manual should be applicable for material if heavy weather cannot be avoided and it
the stowage arrangements and lashing equipment is essential that crews carry out extra rounds and
used, written in a language readily understood by check that any out of the ordinary cargo is properly
the crew and other people employed for securing the secured.

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5.4 Tankers
5.4.1 Statistics
There has been a significant increase in the frequency of
1. Leaking vents
cargo claims since 2009, which needs to be monitored as a
2. Improper cargo handling, shore-side
high frequency can negatively affect the overall claims cost.
3. Multiple reasons
The top 10 most expensive cargo claims over the past 10
4. Insufficient cleaning
years were in the following claim categories:
5. Damage prior to loading
6. Improper cargo handling, shore-side
7. Improper cargo handling, shipside
8. Improper cargo handling, shipside
9. Leaking vents
10. Improper cargo handling, shipside

Graph 5.16: Average claim cost and frequency Graph 5.17: Average claim cost and frequency
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) Claims 1–3,000,000 (USD)

Period: 2005 - 2014 Period: 2005 - 2014

Type of vessel: Tanker Type of vessel: Tanker
Type of claim: Cargo Type of claim: Cargo
As per 30/9/2015 As per 30/9/2015

0.22 65,000
120,000 0.40
0.20 60,000
110,000 55,000 0.35
100,000 0.18
90,000 0.16 0.30
80,000 0.14 40,000 0.25
70,000 0.12 35,000
60,000 30,000 0.20
50,000 25,000
0.08 0.15
40,000 20,000
0.06 0.10
30,000 15,000
20,000 0.04 10,000
10,000 0.02 5,000
0 0.00 0 0.00
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 PERIOD
Cost Cost
Freq Freq

The frequency for claims above USD 5,000 is increasing. The frequency for claims below USD 5,000 is decreasing.

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Graph 5.18: Cost per loss code – claim categories Graph 5.19: Frequency per loss code –
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) claim categories
Period: 2005-2014 Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Type of vessel: Tanker
Period: 2005-2014
Type of claim: Cargo
Type of vessel: Tanker
As per 30/9/2015
Type of claim: Cargo
As per 30/9/2015

Improper cargo handling, shore-side 21.15% Improper cargo handling, shipside 19.85%
Improper cargo handling, shipside 19.85% Insufficient cleaning 19.12%
Insufficient cleaning 19.65% Improper cargo handling, shore-side 18.38%
Leaking vents 13.65% Damage prior to loading 13.24%
Damage prior to loading 8.54% Poor tally 7.35%
Multiple causes 8.15% Inherent vice 5.15%
Leaking cargo 2.91% Leaking vents 2.94%
Damage post discharge 1.64% Damage post discharge 2.94%
Poor stowage 1.45% Leaking cargo 2.94%
Poor tally 1.37% Multiple causes 2.21%
Inherent vice 1.12% Error in calculation 1.47%
Error in calculation 0.17% Contact 0.74%
Fire 0.11% Grounding 0.74%
Flooding of hold 0.06% Fire 0.74%
Grounding 0.06% Heavy weather 0.74%
Contact 0.06% Poor stowage 0.74%
Heavy weather 0.05% Flooding of hold 0.74%

The most costly immediate causes include improper cargo The most common immediate causes include improper cargo
handling and insufficient cleaning, which are all caused by handling, insufficient cleaning and damage prior to loading
not following proper procedures and ensuring the cargo and can be prevented by following proper procedures.
tanks are ready to receive cargo.

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5.4.2 Tanker cargo claims 5.4.3 Case Studies

Contamination is a major issue for chemical and product
tankers as it is both the most frequent and the most costly Contamination
type of claim. The most expensive tanker claims over the Contamination case study 1
past 10 years were contamination claims. The tanker had loaded gasoil in Nigeria from a mother ship
for transport ashore, essentially as a lightering vessel at
Shortage – mainly caused by: the port of Lagos. Upon testing of ‘first foot’ samples it
• Loaded or unloaded cargo not properly calculated was concluded that the flashpoint of the cargo indicated
• Incorrect cargo handling shipside or shore-side possible contamination with residues of previous cargo
gasoline. It was found that about 600 tonnes of cargo
Contamination – mainly caused by: were contaminated and the ship was rejected. It proved
• Insufficient tank cleaning extremely difficult to dispose of the contaminated cargo in
• Mixing of cargo a part of the world largely unable to deal with the blending
• Cargo contaminated prior to loading issues. Liability does appear to rest with the ship, because
tank cleaning was not performed to the standards required
Concerns on chemical/product tankers by the charter.
• Gaskets on tank hatches in poor condition.
• Incorrect cargo cleaning. Causes:
• Failure to close valves after tank cleaning operations The problem was due to tank cleaning not being correctly
often causing contaminated cargo. carried out on the vessel.
• No proper draining of old cargo.
• No proper loading plan addressing which valves and lines
to be used. Contamination case study 2
• Poor sampling procedures. The tanker had loaded fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and
• Not following charterer’s instructions. according to the plan all lines were completely segregated
• Not maintaining required cargo temperature. from the other piping system.
• Incorrect soundings. At the discharge port it was agreed that the FAME
• Contamination of palm, vegetable, and coconut oils cargo could be discharged on the common line as the last
which have little value once contaminated and lead to cargo discharged on this line, in order to avoid shifting the
expensive claims. connection of the discharge arm/hose from the common line.

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Cargo tanks were blinded off from the cargo system (piping discharge the cargo tanks were washed according to
system) on the common line by valves and a spectacle procedures. When tank cleaning was complete all tanks were
flange. These changes were not updated in the discharge vented and made inert.
plan, which stated that the FAME should not be discharged Pre loading inspection was completed before loading
through the common line. commenced but because all tanks were made inert, this
After discharge the vessel drained the line’s drain pump inspection simply involved checking that all tanks were dry.
individually and pumped to a slop tank segregated from the A single loading arm was connected to the manifold and
cargo system and each cargo tank was super stripped, one loading commenced. After the first foot had been loaded,
by one. samples were taken, and landed for analysis. The result of
In the next loading port the vessel loaded Jet-A1 cargo the samples failed due to low flash point and a second set
on the common line. After cargo tests had been completed it of samples were taken. The sampling on both occasions was
was found that the Jet-A1 had been contaminated by FAME. carried out using the vessel’s closed sampling equipment. The
second samples also failed the analysis.
The initial cargo plan was not followed. The vessel had an Causes:
experienced crew on board that should have known that a A surveyor came on board to investigate and the vessel’s
limited amount of FAME would contaminate Jet-A1 fuel. If a cargo line system appeared to be in good order. There was no
cargo is loaded on a certain line to a specific tank, it should undrained residue of previous cargo left in the cargo lines.
be clear to all staff involved. This factor should be considered It was also confirmed that all other cargo lines were blown
during discharge, in order not to spread the specific cargo clear after tank cleaning was complete.
more than necessary in the line system, which may then Samples taken from both the vessel’s manifold and shore
require a more accurate cleaning method than draining. The loading boom were at levels consistent with that recorded
procedures regarding proper cleaning procedures on board on the Certificates of Quality. The differing flash point of
the vessel should be reviewed by the manager. samples from shore-side and the pipes compared to the
cargo tanks showed that the contamination happened in the
vessel’s cargo tanks. The cause is believed to be because of
Contamination case study 3 insufficient tank cleaning.
The tanker was loading Jet-A1. The previous cargo was
unleaded gasoline. This cargo was loaded and discharged
through a single arm connected to the manifold. After

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Contamination case study 4 Causes:

The tanker loaded two different cargoes in the loading port. It seems that contamination occurred because of leaking
The first cargo was gasoil and the other was motor gasoline valves, as it was found that several valves did not work
(mogas). The tanker then sailed for the discharge port where properly and rags and ropes were found between valves.
it berthed at the terminal and commenced discharging the Alternatively a valve was open by mistake and caused the
gasoil the following day. contamination.
Discharge was then stopped because the shore manifold All valves were overhauled and repaired as needed. The
samples were off-spec. Samples were also taken from a tank cargo lines were then pressure tested with successful results.
with mogas and another tank with gasoil, which showed the
former to be off-spec for final boiling point and residue, and In a recent study, Dr Wesley Tucker highlights some of
the latter off-spec for flash-point. the problems on board oil tankers and why contamination
After the situation was discovered the vessel was sent to an happens.
anchorage. Three days later the vessel was requested to reload
the gasoil it had discharged. There were some issues, causing For an in depth analysis of the issue see Appendix (ii)
the vessel to be delayed, and it took a couple of weeks until the Bulk liquid chemicals and fuels: Insight into specifications
vessel had reloaded the cargo and arrived at the discharge port and Contaminations
for the mogas. There was a short delay as a pump in one of the
tanks broke down. Some of the gasoil was also discharged.
The vessel then sailed for the last discharge port where
it discharged the last of the gasoil and the reloaded gasoil,
which was in the slop tanks.

5.4.4 Prevention

Cleaning • Cargo sampling of first foot loading at each cargo

• Plan and document the different steps during the tank.
cleaning process. Follow charterer’s instructions. • Cargo sampling from each tank when loading
• Clean cargo tanks, cargo lines, drop lines, circulation completed.
lines, stripping lines, ventilation lines and vapour • Cargo sampling from each tank before discharge
return lines. commences.
• Drain all tanks and lines. • Cargo sampling at manifold during discharge and
• Dry all tanks and lines. loading of each parcel.
• Before starting loading, the tanks should be clean, free • All cargo sampling to be carried out together with
from odour and from remnants of previous cargoes. the cargo interest surveyor.
• Maintain a proper sample log.
• Plan and document the lining-up of valves, blinds, etc. Loading/discharging
• Inert lines and vapour return lines also to be • Detailed plans for loading/discharging to be made
segregated, if applicable. and followed in detail and documented.
• Valves that should not be operated during loading/ • Document all phases during operations including
discharge to be locked. start/stop and reasons, max rates, pressure at
• Install blinds to deck heat exchangers and heating manifolds etc.
coils if applicable. • In the event of a discrepancy between the loading or
• Blow heating coils and pump stack cofferdams. discharging figures between the terminal and vessel,
• Double check the complete line up before loading clause the bill of lading accordingly.
Cargo sampling • Follow charterer’s instructions for circulation,
• Cargo sampling at manifold during commencement inerting, temperatures and padding etc. All
of loading each parcel. procedures must be properly documented.

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Specific prevention for chemical/ the cargo arrives in at the vessel’s manifold. It is not
product tankers unusual that the cause of the contamination is because
Contamination of contaminated shore lines.
Even if cleaning has been completed and a certificate of It is assumed that all chemical/product tankers are
cleanliness issued, cargo can still be contaminated. This fitted with sampling cocks at the cargo manifold. If
is often because water is left in the lines and they have these are not fitted, it is a simple modification.
not been blown and cleaned properly. Before sampling, the sampling cock must be properly
Other common reasons are ingress of seawater, flushed in order to obtain a representative sample. The
cracks between cargo tanks, insufficient cleaning of sampling cocks must be completely clean.
tanks and lines, incorrect valve operation and failure For sampling the cargo when it arrives at the ship’s
of mechanical devices such as pumps and pipes and manifolds, there are three crucial stages.
also vapour and migration of cargo. The cost of a claim The first stage is the condition of the cargo when
differs vastly depending on whether the off-spec or loading commences. Any remnants of previous
contaminated cargo is discovered at full tank or during cargoes and/or any other contaminants (water) in the
the initial cargo sample. It is not only the cost for shore line, liable to affect the cargo adversely, will
spoiled or even worthless cargo that affects the total appear in a manifold sample drawn immediately upon
cost of the claim. Delay and demurrage costs will also starting loading.
contribute significantly to the overall cost. The second stage is to ascertain whether
contaminants may have found their way into the
Sampling of cargo cargo in the shore line in the course of loading. This
It is imperative to always take comprehensive cargo can be done by drawing samples from the manifold at
samples. Analysis of cargo samples is vital in any regular intervals.
investigation into the cause of contamination. The The third stage is when the terminal is reporting that
common practice by some terminals to provide only they are shifting from one shore tank to another.
cargo samples from shore tanks and samples from the Finally, cargo samples from each cargo tank have to
vessel’s tanks after loading is not sufficient. It does not be taken after the loading is completed.
provide the essential information about the condition

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6 Injury

6.1 Introduction
Graph 6.1 shows that the frequency for injuries has increased The top 10 individual most expensive injury claims over the
substantially since 2012. The average cost, in common with past 10 years were in the following claim categories:
some of the other claims categories accounted for above, has
been relatively stable.
Again, it is the frequency that is a warning sign. The 1. Burns and explosions Container
increased frequency may be explained by a greater 2. Slips and falls Container
awareness of the right to make a claim and secondly the 3. Slips and falls Container
level of the potential financial compensation. 4. Struck by falling object Bulker
There are, however, many other factors in operation. 5. Struck by falling object Container
These include greater demands on the individual on board 6. Caught in machinery or equipment Bulker
the vessel, an increase in stress-related conditions and the 7. Slips and falls Container
erosion of social interaction in the lifestyle at sea. Seafarers 8. Struck by falling object Container
are under pressure to deliver high performance for sustained 9. Slips and falls Container
periods and they have fewer outlets for the vital social and 10. Slips and falls Container
leisure activities enjoyed by their counterparts ashore.

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6.2 Statistics
Bulk carriers, container vessels and tankers

Graph 6.1: Average claim cost and frequency Graph 6.2: Average claim cost and frequency
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) Claims 1-3,000,000 (USD)
Period: 2005-2014 Period: 2005-2014
Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers
Type of claim: Injury Type of claim: Injury
As per 5/10/2015 As per 5/10/2015

130,000 0.13 70,000

120,000 0.12 65,000
110,000 0.11 60,000 0.18
100,000 0.10 55,000 0.16
90,000 0.09 0.14
80,000 0.08
40,000 0.12
70,000 0.07 35,000
60,000 0.10
0.06 30,000
50,000 0.05 25,000 0.08
40,000 0.04 20,000 0.06
30,000 0.03 15,000 0.04
20,000 0.02 10,000
5,000 0.02
10,000 0.01
0 0.00
0 0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 PERIOD

The frequency for claims above USD 5,000 is increasing. The frequency for claims below USD 5,000 is decreasing.

Graph 6.3: Injury – distribution of cost (USD) Graph 6.4: Injury – number of claims (USD)
2013-2014 2013-2014

70% 70%

60% 60%

50% 50%

40% 40%

30% 30%

20% 20%

10% 10%

0% 0%
1-5,000 5,000-50,000 50,000-500,000 500,000+ 1-5,000 5,000-50,000 50,000-500,000 500,000+

2013 2014 2013 2014

The trends here are similar to illness where we can see that most claims are in the interval USD 5,000 – USD 50,000.

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Graph 6.5: Cost per loss code – claim categories Graph 6.6: Frequency per loss code –
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) claim categories
Period: 2005-2014 Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers Period: 2005-2014
Type of claim: Injury Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers
As per 7/10/2015 Type of claim: Injury
As per 7/10/2015

Slips and falls 44.60% Slips and falls 44.55%

Struck by falling object 17.79% Struck by falling object 15.45%
Burns and explosions 12.12% Caught in machinery or equipment 10.30%
Caught in machinery or equipment 8.50% Burns and explosions 6.53%
Struck/caught by object(s) 4.33% Struck/caught by object(s) 5.74%
Strain by lifting 1.89% Strain by pulling or pushing 3.17%
Suffocation/asphyxiation 1.70% Strain by lifting 3.17%
Strain by pulling or pushing 1.58% Tool injury (non-powered) 1.98%
Suicide attempt 1.46% Strain by carrying 1.78%
Strain by carrying 1.40% Chemical exposure 1.39%
Drowning 1.22% Power tool injury 1.19%
Tool injury (non-powered) 1.04% Suffocation/asphyxiation 0.79%
Struck by vehicle 1.03% Drowning 0.79%
Chemical exposure 0.39% Struck by vehicle 0.79%
Electric shock 0.37% Fight 0.79%
Man overboard 0.19% Suicide attempt 0.59%
Power tool injury 0.17% Cut by object 0.59%
Fight 0.13% Man overboard 0.20%
Cut by object 0.11% Electric shock 0.20%

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Bulk carriers
Graph 6.7: Cost per loss code – claim categories Graph 6.8: Frequency per loss code –
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) claim categories
Period: 2005-2014 Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Type of vessel: Bulker Period: 2005-2014
Type of claim: Injury Type of vessel: Bulker
As per 7/10/2015 Type of claim: Injury
As per 7/10/2015

Slips and falls 30.78% Slips and falls 38.07%

Struck by falling object 29.81% Struck by falling object 22.73%
Caught in machinery or equipment 14.82% Caught in machinery or equipment 11.36%
Suicide attempt 4.42% Struck/caught by object(s) 5.68%
Struck/caught by object(s) 4.09% Burns and explosions 5.11%
Burns and explosions 3.26% Tool injury (non-powered) 2.84%
Suffocation/asphyxiation 2.86% Strain by lifting 2.27%
Tool injury (non-powered) 2.30% Strain by carrying 1.70%
Struck by vehicle 2.00% Chemical exposure 1.70%
Electric shock 1.23% Strain by pulling or pushing 1.70%
Strain by pulling or pushing 1.04% Suffocation/asphyxiation 1.70%
Strain by lifting 0.96% Suicide attempt 1.14%
Chemical exposure 0.88% Struck by vehicle 1.14%
Man overboard 0.62% Drowning 0.57%
Drowning 0.43% Man overboard 0.57%
Strain by carrying 0.42% Cut by object 0.57%
Power tool injury 0.07% Electric shock 0.57%
Power tool injury 0.57%

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Container vessels
Graph 6.9: Cost per loss code –claim categories Graph 6.10: Frequency per loss code –
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) claim categories
Period: 2005-2014 Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Type of vessel: Container Period: 2005-2014
Type of claim: Injury Type of vessel: Container
As per 7/10/2015 Type of claim: Injury
As per 7/10/2015

Slips and falls 53.48% Slips and falls 51.58%

Burns and explosions 17.81% Struck by falling object 10.86%
Struck by falling object 12.25% Caught in machinery or equipment 8.14%
Struck/caught by object(s) 4.83% Burns and explosions 6.33%
Caught in machinery or equipment 3.24% Struck/caught by object(s) 5.43%
Strain by lifting 2.54% Strain by lifting 4.45%
Strain by pulling or pushing 1.78% Strain by pulling or pushing 4.07%
Drowning 1.20% Power tool injury 2.26%
Strain by carrying 1.09% Fight 1.81%
Struck by vehicle 0.65% Strain by carrying 1.36%
Tool injury (non-powered) 0.52% Tool injury (non-powered) 1.36%
Power tool injury 0.26% Drowning 0.90%
Fight 0.23% Struck by vehicle 0.45%
Cut by object 0.11% Cut by object 0.45%
Chemical exposure 0.04% Chemical exposure 0.45%

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Graph 6.11: Cost per loss code – claim categories Graph 6.12: Frequency per loss code –
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) claim categories
Period: 2005-2014 Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Type of vessel: Tanker Period: 2005-2014
Type of claim: Injury Type of vessel: Tanker
As per 7/10/2015 Type of claim: Injury
As per 7/10/2015

Slips and falls 38.82% Slips and falls 40.74%

Caught in machinery or equipment 16.14% Struck by falling object 12.96%
Struck by falling object 13.91% Caught in machinery or equipment 12.96%
Burns and explosions 8.41% Burns and explosions 9.26%
Suffocation/asphyxiation 6.15% Struck/caught by object(s) 6.48%
Strain by carrying 4.83% Strain by pulling or pushing 3.70%
Drowning 3.05% Strain by carrying 2.78%
Struck/caught by object(s) 2.85% Chemical exposure 2.78%
Strain by pulling or pushing 1.92% Tool injury (non-powered) 1.85%
Strain by lifting 1.30% Strain by lifting 1.85%
Suicide attempt 0.86% Struck by vehicle 0.93%
Chemical exposure 0.76% Cut by object 0.93%
Struck by vehicle 0.45% Drowning 0.93%
Tool injury (non-powered) 0.36% Suffocation/asphyxiation 0.93%
Cut by object 0.23% Suicide attempt 0.93%

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6.3 Injury claims Slips and falls – mainly caused by:

• Equipment on deck
Statistics show that slips and falls are the biggest concern
• Poor lighting
on all three types of vessel studied. The locations on
• Catwalks and grating damaged during loading and
board where most injuries occur are the cargo deck area,
machinery room and open deck areas. Most injuries happen
during routine maintenance, which normally requires a work
permit and risk assessment. There should be procedures in
the SMS which address these tasks.. The concern is that Being struck by a falling object – mainly caused by:
these procedures have been ignored. • Equipment not secured for sea
The three most common claim types are slips and
falls, being struck by a falling object and being caught in
machinery. This is similar across all three types of vessel. One
concern is that almost 60% of all slips and falls occur on Being caught in machinery – mainly caused by:
container vessels. The reason for this might be that there are • Not issuing or following work permits and risk
a lot of stevedores involved in loading a container vessel and assessments
a great deal of equipment lying on deck when containers are • Taking short cuts
being secured.

Injury claims case study 1 Causes:

The vessel was in port and the Master planned to carry out The manager had received no specific instructions
a rescue boat drill because no drill had been completed in using the training manual, SMS, PMS or any other manual
since the vessel was delivered about a month earlier. The on how the rescue boat should be launched. In SOLAS
weather was favourable and the harbour authority had chapter III regulation 35.3 there is a requirement for detailed
given the vessel clearance to launch and manoeuvre the instructions in the training manual on how the rescue boat
rescue boat in the harbour. The personnel assigned to the should be launched. In the Chief Officer’s statement he
rescue boat in an emergency were the Chief Officer, Bosun, stated that this was the first time he was involved in a rescue
Oiler, and the Third Engineer. boat drill even though he had been a Chief Officer for more
The Chief Officer was in charge of organising the drill. than a year and been at sea since 2002. It is important to be
He had joined the vessel in the shipyard about two months aware that there is a SOLAS chapter III reg 3.3.6 requirement
before delivery. During that time he had watched the that the rescue boat should be launched every month or a
shipyard complete a rescue boat drill but had not been minimum of every three months.
involved himself.
Before the drill commenced the Chief Officer had a short
briefing with all available crew and the Master. Injury claims case study 2
After the briefing, the crew assigned to the rescue boat It was morning and the Bosun and three other AB’s had
embarked. The Master informed the rescue boat crew that planned to remove some rust and paint from one of the
the safety pin should be removed before the rescue boat cargo holds. The Bosun started to scrape the parts he could
was waterborne. He did not state at what precise height reach from the tank top and when this was done a ladder
the pin should be removed but assumed the crew would was rigged to reach areas higher up.
remove it just before the boat was waterborne. The Bosun and the AB’s were working at different areas
The Chief Officer pulled the slewing wire until the boat in the cargo hold. The Bosun climbed up the ladder he had
was positioned so it could be lowered. He then pulled the rigged. Suddenly a thud was heard and the AB’s saw the
lowering wire until the boat was three metres above the Bosun lying on the tank-top on his back, the Bosun’s chair
surface, where he removed the safety pin. At the same and safety harness was lying by his legs.
time the slewing wire, which was hanging free, somehow One of the AB’s raised the alarm and the Master sounded
got caught in the release lever for the hook and caused the the emergency alarm and mustered the emergency team
boat to drop into the water. The boat was quickly retrieved by the hold. The crew managed to secure the Bosun on a
and the injured crew received medical attention. stretcher and take him to the vessel’s hospital bay. He was
bleeding from his head, ears and nose and had fractured

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his legs and right wrist. He was conscious and in great pain. of the cadets climbed onto the grab to release the wires. The
The vessel made contact with Maritime Rescue Coordination Superintendent shouted to the cadet to get down at once. It
Centre and a helicopter was dispatched to the vessel. At this could be seen that when the grab was on the trailer it was
time the vessel was about 200 miles from land and it took the approximately 10 metres high, which was above the height
helicopter about 4 hours to arrive. restriction at the shipyard and on the roads, and so it was
necessary to change the plan.
Causes: The decision was made to lay the bucket in the closed
The hook on the Bosun’s chair had broken and the Bosun fell. position with one side resting on the trailer bed.
The safety harness had not been secured correctly. The bucket was closed and the grab was lifted and swung
to reposition the bucket in an athwart ship direction. When
the grab was landed it was secured by thick wooden planks
Injury claims case study 3 below the bucket sides. Once the grab was stable the cadet
The vessel was alongside waiting to prepare for dry- once again climbed up on the grab to release the two hoisting
docking. The vessel carried cranes with grabs that weighed wires from the crane. At this time the Superintendent was
10 tonnes and were more than 4m high which were used focusing on another task and the other ABs and cadet were
during cargo operations. During the daily safety meeting working with tensioning wires on the trailer and so did not
the superintendent informed personnel that four grabs that the cadet had once again climbed up.
were to be taken ashore. The Chief Officer had carried out The cadet removed the wires from the grab. He had
a risk assessment of the operation and was monitoring the secured his safety harness to the grab but then released
operation from the vessel. The plan was to land the grabs in the safety harness when he was climbing down, relying on
the open position onto a trailer on the quay. the fact that he had secured a rope to the top of the grab
An AB was operating the crane for lifting the grabs. to assist him while climbing down. The grab appeared to be
Two cadets, the Third Officer, two ABs and the vessel’s stable but in fact was top heavy with a centre of gravity
Superintendent were on the quay. The Chief Officer had about one third the way down from the top of the grab, as
instructed the two cadets to help only if specifically it was in the closed position. While the cadet was climbing
needed. The ABs were instructed to remove the wires down from the grab it suddenly moved and fell into the
when the grab was safely secured on the trailer. water with the cadet. The Third Officer threw a lifebuoy to
The AB operating the crane landed the grabs on the trailer the cadet in the water. He was taken to the hospital where
in the open position with the bucket in a forward and aft he was diagnosed with serious injuries and internal bleeding.
direction. As soon as the grab was landed on the trailer one

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Causes: and Third Officers were working six on - six off watches,
The cadet had been told not to climb onto the trailer but with one AB assisting in the cargo operation and another AB
had apparently not understood the risks involved. It is with ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security) duty
essential to ensure that only crew members are involved in on the gangway. The loading plan was presented to the Chief
difficult and dangerous jobs and that all on board are made Officer by the terminal supervisor and two gantry cranes
thoroughly aware of the risks. were planned to assist in the cargo operation. The Chief
Officer presented the lashing plan to the terminal supervisor.
When a container was lifted from the quay the stevedores
Injury claims case study 4 working at the front and rear of the container fitted the twist
It was morning, the weather was good with a northerly lock to the container’s corners. When this was done the gantry
force 3-4 wind and the vessel was proceeding at 14 knots. crane lifted the container to its allocated position. At the
The Chief Engineer, First Engineer and Third Engineer were required location the crane operator adjusted the alignment
scheduled to carry out routine maintenance on one of the before setting down the container onto the container below.
ballast pumps. They dismantled the pump and removed the The twist locks automatically locked to the container below
shaft and impeller, while the nuts on the pump case had when it was put in position. At this time there were two
also been removed. This had been prepared in advance. The stevedores attaching lashings to containers and they were
shaft had been secured in a threaded hole with a chain to standing underneath the containers as they were being loaded.
an eyebolt. The engineers used a five-ton SWL chain block, The Second and Third Officers were carrying out the
which was secured in a monorail, and the shaft was raised handover of the cargo watch when they heard a scream. The
so the engineers could work on it more easily. The shaft officers saw a stevedore lying on one of the hatch covers. They
was to be moved so another chain block could be attached. quickly gave him first aid and raised the alarm. The Second
While waiting for the chain block the engineers began to Officer went to the vessel’s hospital for the stretcher and the
inspect the shaft and rotated it a couple of times. Suddenly Master informed the terminal about the accident. About ten
the shaft dropped from the eyebolt and the Third Engineer’s minutes later the terminal’s own emergency response team
hand was severed. The First Engineer was also seriously arrived and gave the stevedore first aid while waiting for an
injured and his hand was crushed. ambulance. The ambulance shortly arrived and the stevedore
The vessel diverted to the nearest harbour. Medical was taken to hospital. It took about 50 minutes from the time
assistance was established with an MRCC and a helicopter of the accident until the stevedore was in the ambulance.
was dispatched, which arrived three hours later. At the time The stevedore was conscious and had a gash on his head.
of the accident the injured crewmembers were wearing Close to him was a twist lock and his safety helmet which
safety shoes, gloves, boiler suits and helmets, but this was not broken, but was scratched. The gantry crane still had
obviously did not protect them in the circumstances they the container attached and the Second Officer saw that one
encountered. It could not be completely established why of the twist locks was missing. The twist lock had dropped
the eyebolt was unscrewed. The lifting appliances were from a height of about eight metres.
certified and approved for the lifted weight and they were
not damaged. Causes:
The twist locks had not been secured correctly by the
Causes: stevedores and the stevedore was standing underneath the
The engineers stated that they had secured the bolt tightly. container, which is very unsafe.
The immediate cause of the accident according to the
company’s own report suggests that the bolt unscrewed
because it was not tightened correctly, the engineers were in Injuries to stevedores in the USA
a hurry and more than one person was rotating the shaft. Over the years there have been a number of expensive cases
Because of the accident’s severity, the injured involving stevedores. Appendix (iii) Specific issues in the
crewmembers could not continue working at sea. USA from Keith Letourneau explains why this is, and what
issues a shipowner should consider.

Injury claims case study 5

The container vessel was berthed port side with cargo
operation commencing shortly after arrival. The weather
was good - clear with no discernable wind. During cargo
operation the Chief Officer was in charge and the Second

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6 Injury

6.4 Prevention

Many accidents can be prevented if vessels keep good housekeeping and ensure that maintenance is carried out
as required. The following procedures will assist the officers in identifying hazardous areas before the accident
happens. These suggestions should be implemented into the managers ISM (International Safety Management) Code.
• Follow a checklist, which identifies potentially hazardous conditions, including a simple vessel diagram showing
the main deck, cargo holds and other areas where the stevedores are scheduled to work.
• Before arrival, the Chief Officer should inspect each hazardous area including, but not limited to the
condition of hatchways, latches, ladders, lighting, twist locks, wires, cables, cargo equipment, cranes and rusty
conditions of deck.
• Stevedores should be informed about any planned or ongoing maintenance in the area they will be operating.
• The Chief Officer should take digital pictures of inspected spaces.
• The Chief Officer should present the stevedores with the checklist before cargo operation commences.
• If the vessel provides any equipment for the cargo operation e.g. twist locks, lashing chains, or hooks, this
equipment should be regularly inspected, serviced, and replaced as necessary. Any inspection and maintenance
should be recorded in the vessel’s PMS (Planned Maintenance System).
• The Master should ensure that critical equipment such as cranes are regularly inspected and working properly.

43 www.swedishclub.com
7 Illness

7 Illness

7.1 Introduction
The frequency of illness was somewhat stable between The top 10 individual most expensive illness claims over the
2009 and 2014. However we have seen a steady rise in the past 10 years were in the following claims categories:
average cost of illness over the past ten years and are now
seeing a sharp increase in frequency. This high frequency is Conditions of:
a warning sign and this category must be closely monitored
going forward.
The ever-increasing problem for the industry in finding 1. Nervous system Tanker
experienced, properly trained seafarers, is another reason 2. Digestive system Container
for keeping a close watch on this issue, as this seems to be a 3. Cardiovascular system Container
problem that is here to stay. 4. Cardiovascular system Container
For owners, it is essential that they know that their crew 5. Cardiovascular system Bulker
members are fit and healthy before they are employed. 6. Cardiovascular system Container
A serious illness can cause many other issues besides the 7. Cardiovascular system Bulker
person’s own illness - the vessel can be delayed in arriving 8. Genito-urinary system Container
at the next port; delayed in port and there can be problems 9. Cardiovascular system Tanker
finding replacement crew. The stress this will cause on board 10. Nervous system Bulker
and ashore is difficult to measure in monetary terms.
To help prevent these problems the owner can promote a
healthier diet, ensure there are exercise facilities on board,
discourage smoking and drinking; support crew members
who wish to change their lifestyle, and offer a PEME (Pre-
Employment Medical Examination) to their crew members
before being employed.

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7 Illness

7.2 Statistics
Bulk carriers, container vessels and tankers

Graph 7.1: Average claim cost and frequency Graph 7.2: Average claim cost and frequency
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) Claims 1–3,000,000 (USD)
Period: 2005-2014 Period: 2005-2014
Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers
Type of claim: Illness Type of claim: Illness
As per 5/10/2015 As per 5/10/2015

56,000 0.16
54,000 38,000 0.26
52,000 36,000
50,000 0.24
0.14 34,000
46,000 32,000 0.22
44,000 30,000
42,000 0.12 0.20
40,000 28,000
38,000 26,000 0.18
34,000 0.10 24,000
32,000 22,000
30,000 20,000 0.14
28,000 0.8
26,000 18,000 0.12
24,000 16,000
22,000 0.10
20,000 0.6 14,000
18,000 12,000 0.08
16,000 10,000
14,000 0.4 0.06
12,000 8,000
10,000 6,000 0.04
6,000 0.2 4,000
4,000 0.02
0 0.00 0 0.00
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 PERIOD
Cost Cost
Freq Freq

The above statistics show that over the last ten years the The frequency for claims below USD 5,000 is fluctuating and
frequency and cost for claims more than USD 5,000 is was actually falling until 2013, but then started to increase.
increasing. Costs have been constantly increasing over the past ten years.

Graph 7.3: Illness – distribution of cost (USD) Graph 7.4: Illness – number of claims (USD)
2013-2014 2013-2014
70% 70%

60% 60%

50% 50%

40% 40%

30% 30%

20% 20%

10% 10%

0% 0%
1-5,000 5,000-50,000 50,000-500,000 500,000+ 1-5,000 5,000-50,000 50,000-500,000 500,000+

2013 2014 2013 2014

It is interesting to note that claims in the 1-5,000 interval have fallen, but those in the 5,000-50,000 interval have risen. Costs
have risen in every category. The reason for this might be because of increased medical cost and older crew, which need more
medical assistance.

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7 Illness

Graph 7.5: Cost per loss code – claim categories Graph 7.6: Frequency per loss code –
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) claim categories
Period: 2005-2014 Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers Period: 2005-2014
Type of claim: Illness Types of vessel: Bulk carriers, containers and tankers
As per 5/10/2015 Type of claim: Illness
As per 5/10/2015

Conditions of the cardiovascular system 42.89% Conditions of the cardiovascular system 27.05%
Conditions of the digestive system 8.06% Conditions of the musculoskeletal system 10.82%
Conditions of the nervous system 7.38% Conditions of the genito-urinary system 10.38%
Infectious and parasitic diseases 5.89% Conditions of the digestive system 10.09%
Conditions of the musculoskeletal system 5.83% Appendicitis 7.60%
Conditions of the genito-urinary system 5.22% Infectious and parasitic diseases 7.02%
Conditions of the respiratory system 5.06% Mental disorders 4.82%
Appendicitis 4.73% Conditions of the respiratory system 4.68%
Mental disorders 2.84% Conditions of the nervous system 3.36%
Multiple causes 2.74% Conditions of the skin 3.22%
Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity 2.44% Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity 2.36%
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 1.68% Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 2.05%
Neoplasms 1.45% Multiple causes 1.75%
Eyes 1.45% Neoplasms 1.61%
Conditions of the skin 1.44% Eyes 1.32%
Ears 0.72% Ears 0.88%
Oral health 0.13% Oral health 0.58%
Hernia 0.05% Hernia 0.15%

Cardiovascular illness is considerably more costly than any other category for all types of vessel and also reports the
highest frequency.

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7 Illness

Bulk carriers
Graph 7.7: Cost per loss code – claim categories Graph 7.8: Frequency per loss code –
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) claim categories
Period: 2005-2014 Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Type of vessel: Bulker Period: 2005-2014
Type of claim: Illness Type of vessel: Bulker
As per 5/10/2015 Type of claim: Illness
As per 5/10/2015

Conditions of the cardiovascular system 44.80% Conditions of the cardiovascular system 23.90%
Conditions of the nervous system 10.17% Appendicitis 12.20%
Conditions of the digestive system 8.14% Conditions of the digestive system 11.22%
Conditions of the respiratory system 7.44% Conditions of the genito-urinary system 10.24%
Appendicitis 6.64% Conditions of the musculoskeletal system 7.32%
Infectious and parasitic diseases 6.03% Infectious and parasitic diseases 6.83%
Conditions of the genito-urinary system 4.86% Conditions of the nervous system 5.85%
Conditions of the musculoskeletal system 2.35% Mental disorders 5.37%
Mental disorders 2.26% Conditions of the respiratory system 5.37%
Eyes 1.71% Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity 2.93%
Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity 1.71% Neoplasms 1.95%
Neoplasms 1.64% Eyes 1.95%
Multiple causes 1.27% Multiple causes 1.46%
Conditions of the skin 0.42% Conditions of the skin 1.46%
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 0.33% Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 0.98%
Ears 0.15% Ears 0.49%
Oral health 0.08% Oral health 0.49%

Cardiovascular conditions are the most expensive category of claim and are also the most common.

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7 Illness

Container vessels
Graph 7.9: Cost per loss code – claim categories Graph 7.10: Frequency per loss code –
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) claim categories
Period: 2005-2014 Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Type of vessel: Container Period: 2005-2014
Type of claim: Illness Type of vessel: Container
As per 5/10/2015 Type of claim: Illness
As per 5/10/2015

Conditions of the cardiovascular system 46.88% Conditions of the cardiovascular system 29.63%
Conditions of the digestive system 10.06% Conditions of the musculoskeletal system 14.48%
Infectious and parasitic diseases 6.96% Conditions of the digestive system 10.10%
Conditions of the musculoskeletal system 6.30% Conditions of the genito-urinary system 9.09%
Conditions of the respiratory system 5.67% Infectious and parasitic diseases 6.73%
Conditions of the genito-urinary system 4.87% Conditions of the respiratory system 4.38%
Appendicitis 3.78% Appendicitis 4.38%
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 3.18% Conditions of the skin 4.04%
Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity 2.37% Mental disorders 3.70%
Neoplasms 2.26% Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 3.03%
Conditions of the skin 2.10% Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity 2.63%
Conditions of the nervous system 1.90% Neoplasms 2.63%
Mental disorders 1.63% Conditions of the nervous system 2.02%
Eyes 1.09% Oral health 1.01%
Ears 0.71% Eyes 1.01%
Oral health 0.23% Multiple causes 1.01%
Ears 0.67%

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7 Illness

Graph 7.11: Cost per loss code – claim categories Graph 7.12: Frequency per loss code –
Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD) claim categories
Period: 2005-2014 Claims 5,000–3,000,000 (USD)
Type of vessel: Tanker Period: 2005-2014
Type of claim: Illness Type of vessel: Tanker
As per 5/10/2015 Type of claim: Illness
As per 5/10/2015

Conditions of the cardiovascular system 35.99% Conditions of the cardiovascular system 26.37%
Conditions of the nervous system 13.84% Conditions of the genito-urinary system 12.64%
Conditions of the musculoskeletal system 8.76% Conditions of the musculoskeletal system 8.79%
Conditions of the genito-urinary system 6.35% Conditions of the digestive system 8.79%
Mental disorders 5.48% Infectious and parasitic diseases 7.69%
Multiple causes 5.14% Appendicitis 7.69%
Conditions of the digestive system 4.99% Mental disorders 6.04%
Appendicitis 4.57% Conditions of the respiratory system 4.40%
Infectious and parasitic diseases 4.22% Conditions of the skin 3.85%
Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity 3.38% Multiple causes 3.30%
Conditions of the respiratory system 1.85% Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity 2.75%
Eyes 1.84% Conditions of the nervous system 2.75%
Conditions of the skin 1.44% Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 1.65%
Ears 1.34% Ears 1.65%
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 0.62% Eyes 1.10%
Hernia 0.18% Hernia 0.55%

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7 Illness

7.3 Illness claims Cardiovascular disease (CVD) – mainly caused by:

• Obesity
The most common illness for all three types of vessel
• Poor diet
is cardiovascular disease (or coronary heart disease),
• Smoking
which is also the most costly. The crew cannot do much
• Physical inactivity
while on board to prevent illness from happening apart
from focussing on a healthy diet and exercise. It is very
traumatising and complicated for the entire crew to deal
with seriously ill crew members on board. The importance
of ensuring that the crew members are healthy before Risk assessments can be made by considering
joining the vessel is the best prevention and for the the following:
company to support and actively try to encourage healthy • Age
living and exercise. • Gender
One of the main causes of coronary heart disease is high • Blood pressure
serum cholesterol levels, which increase in men at around 45 • Cholesterol, including high density lipids
to 50 years of age, and is very hard to prevent. This means • Family history of CVD
that crew members over 45 years old run a greater risk of • Smoking
suffering from cardiovascular disease. • Diabetes
This, coupled with a predicted shortage of officers in • Important to have a Pre-Engagement Medical
the near future, could lead to an increase in cardiovascular Examination (PEME), because many things can be
disease statistics as older officers will continue to serve on detected that are not work-related
board due to the difficulty of finding replacements.
It is important that shipowners are aware of the risk
factors that can cause heart disease and stroke, which
include raised blood pressure, high cholesterol and glucose
levels, inadequate intake of fruit and vegetables, overweight,
obesity, smoking and physical inactivity. Addressing these
issues is essential.

Illness claims case study 1 determining a crewmember’s health. If health certificates

The crew member had smoked for around 40 years and had are not treated seriously by doctors, it could lead to severe
a valid health certificate. While he was working on board he consequences, as in this case.
suffered a heart attack and was rushed to hospital. In the
days prior to this he had experienced shortness of breath
and a rapid heart rate. At the hospital he was found to have Illness claims case study 2
respiratory failure and required mechanical ventilation, he A crew member suffered a stroke on board the vessel and
had little if any respiratory reserve. The cause was diagnosed was repatriated by helicopter to the nearest hospital. At
to be Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). This the hospital he was surgically treated for three aneurisms.
means that the airways become narrowed, limiting the In addition, he suffered a complication after surgery
flow of air from the lungs. The most common cause is from resulting in another operation and a prolonged stay in
smoking. After a couple of weeks he was finally allowed to intensive care for one month. He was finally discharged
leave hospital and fly home to his native country to rest and and repatriated under escort to his native country where
receive further treatment. Unfortunately he was found dead he was immediately transferred to a specialist clinic,
in his home a couple of weeks later. where intensive physical therapy was arranged. The crew
member will not be fit for duty after the end of the
Causes: treatment.
Heavy smoking for several years. The health certificate did
not identify any concerns and questions must be raised
as to whether a normal health certificate is sufficient for

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7 Illness

Causes: Illness claims case study 4

The advice stated that a cerebral aneurism can be present The Chief Engineer was taken to hospital with heart
from birth, but can also be caused by hypertension, which problems and irregular blood pressure. His condition soon
the crew member had apparently been suffering from and deteriorated and it was decided that he should be taken to
which had been disclosed during the Pre-Engagement Medical a better, specialist hospital, where he was immediately taken
Examination (PEME) when he was declared fit for duty. into intensive care.
It was established that he had chronic pneumonia with
very high blood pressure and his lungs were in a very bad
condition. After a month in intensive care his condition
Illness claims case study 3
improved and it was decided to try to take him by air
The vessel was forced to deviate as the Master was suffering
ambulance to his native country. However his condition
from severe abdominal pain and cramps and needed
deteriorated and the air ambulance had to be cancelled. A
hospitalisation. When arriving at hospital he was diagnosed
similar repatriation attempt failed a couple of weeks later
as suffering from diverticulitis with bowel obstruction,
and the Chief Engineer passed away soon thereafter.
severe dehydration and malnutrition. The doctor at the
hospital stated that the Master would have died had he
spent one more day at sea. The severity of illness and
The Chief Engineer was a heavy smoker. His poor lung
the time that elapsed before definite treatment could be
capacity had not been identified when his health certificate
provided resulted in five operations and major complications.
was issued.
The Master was finally repatriated to his native country.

The Master had a ten-year history of diverticulitis episodes and
it was known that his present condition had commenced prior
to this incident as he had seen a doctor in a previous port.

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7 Illness

7.4 PEME (Pre-Engagement Medical Examination)

To prevent illness and ensure that the crew is fit PEME is followed correctly a serious illness is more likely to
and healthy, the normal medical examination seems be discovered.
inadequate. It can take years of unhealthy living for a The number of claims caused by illnesses, which could and
serious illness to develop as a consequence, and this is should have been detected in thoroughly conducted PEMEs,
also true for many other illnesses that are not obvious in has increased substantially, both in number and cost.
the early stages.. If the warning signs can be identified The best hope of reversing the increase in illness is to
and preventative measures taken at an early stage, it is develop much wider recognition of the problem by the
likely that this could prevent a lot of suffering and even company’s management, coupled with more emphasis on
premature death. thorough PEMEs.
To this end, the Club has developed its own PEME, which Appendix (iv) shows an extract from a bachelor thesis by
is much more comprehensive than the medical examination Marcus Waserbrot demonstrating that a PEME saves cost and
normally required. prevents illness.
Two clinics in the Philippines are currently approved to
carry out PEME examinations on behalf of the Club. If the

7.5 Illness – how to treat crew members

Respect for a seafarer’s personal recommendation given by a medical made is fully recognised. It becomes
decision, in relation to recommended expert. The objective of the Club in a particularly difficult if family
medical treatment, is paramount in situation like this is to ensure that the members who do not have access to
handling cases involving personal seafarer makes an informed decision the same information put pressure on
injury or illness. and, if required, obtains the advice of the member.
There is always a balance between several experienced medical experts Usually, any situation can be
maintaining respect for a decision enabling him to do so. There is also the resolved by reasoning and close
made by an adult of sound mind question of what constitutes a sound cooperation between the parties
(possibly based on religious or mind and whether the information on involved, including the seafarer, the
cultural determination) and the which the seafarer’s decision is to be member, the family, the treating

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7 Illness

physician and the Club. In most instance the Club respects the is against expert medical advice and
cases, where this delicate issue arises, decision of the seafarer, at this stage recommendations given, and further
the Club will utilise the network it may be necessary for the Club to that he releases the member from any
of medical experts available, to protect the member’s interests by liability regarding the consequences
make certain that the seafarer is obtaining a declaration from the of his decision.
fully informed of the consequences seafarer, in which he confirms that Appendix (v) examines the issue of
any decision he may make e.g. to he is fully aware of the risks he is medical confidentiality consent and
refuse treatment. While in the first assuming by making a decision that disclosure in detail.

7.6 Prevention

Illness claims are somewhat different in nature to injury and cargo claims. To prevent illness it is essential that the
company has established preventative measures, before the crew member joins the vessel, and that the company
promotes healthy living on their vessels. It is also very important to have comprehensive new-hire procedures, to
ensure that the new crew member is healthy. It is unfortunate that the normal health certificate appears to be
insufficient and the Club believes that a more extensive health certificate is required. The best prevention is to
carry out a PEME.
Of course there is also a need for procedures that ensure that all the crew in the company are healthy.
Illness can strike at any time but by trying to identify problem areas and risks before they occur is good loss
prevention and minimises the exposure in this respect.
• If possible complete a PEME on the crew member
• Promote healthy food and diet on board the vessel
• Help crew members to stop smoking
• Ensure alcohol consumption is limited
• Promote both physical activity on board and when home on vacation
• Have a functional gym on board the vessel

53 www.swedishclub.com
8 Overall preventative measures

8 Overall preventative measures

8.1 Causes
So why do accidents happen? This • Lack of experience. • Lack of communication between
is always the question. While every • Complacency. crew members.
accident is of course different, the • Ignoring best practices and • Poor communication between crew
statistics show that there are always approved procedures. and office staff.
some common mistakes and problems. • Lack of belief in safety and over • Not acknowledging cultural
• Lack of training, both regarding confidence in one’s own ability. differences between nationalities,
company procedures and practical • Generic company procedures which company and profession.
skills. are not suitable for the vessels • Not being assertive when spotting
• Taking unnecessary risks. trade and operation. mistakes have been made.

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8 Overall preventative measures

8.2 Implementing a safety culture

There are many reasons why accidents happen, and the just fill out the associated paperwork.
immediate causes are often clear. However to prevent • Ignorance is not acceptable, but a lack of knowledge
accidents from happening again the root causes need to be should be corrected by further training.
identified and rectified. • The manager should ensure that the procedures are
Most people can identify a dangerous situation, but specific when a detailed risk assessment is completed.
some make the judgement that arisk is acceptable to take. • The manager should implement specific training for senior
We hear about these miscalculations every day in the news. officers about the importance of following the company’s
The problem with a high risk appetite on a vessel is that the SMS and the consequences of disregarding procedures.
consequences can be serious and even fatal. Those at sea • The Master of any vessel has a huge responsibility, which
must know the risks and avoid them. includes:
The procedures that suit your organisation or vessel will • Ensuring that crews both follow and understand the SMS
of course be individual, but it seems that companies that • Encouraging the crew to inform the office about
have implemented the following are better prepared and procedures that can be improved and concerns about
have reduced the risk of accidents happening: working practices.
• Senior management should ensure there are adequate • Fostering a climate on board the vessel where any crew
assessments of operational readiness, suitable monitoring, member can raise a concern.
supervisory/management job knowledge and adequate • Encouraging crew members to challenge a senior
enforcement of work standards. This can be done through officer when a mistake is made.
a good audit structure, both on board and ashore. • Focusing on implementing a culture of fairness.
• The auditor should, during internal audits, verify the
crew’s knowledge of work permits and risk assessment.
• It is essential to physically carry out inspections and not

8.3 Safety culture

One of the difficulties encountered when implementing a good All employees need to have proper training demonstrating
safety culture is that the concept of ‘safety’ will be defined in what is required of them, as new SMS procedures will
as many different ways as the number of different people you most likely not be enough. The company should provide
ask. To establish a proper safety culture is a difficult and time- the Master with sufficient tools to ensure that the crew on
consuming task, but the reward of preventing a serious accident board has easy access to the SMS and that they understand
will be worth the time and effort. the importance of the procedures. It is at this point that a
To establish a proper safety culture it is essential that there comprehensive and detailed SMS will be most beneficial.
is commitment from senior management. If top management This kind of attitude training is at the heart of the Maritime
requires that all employees follow the company’s safety Resource Management (MRM) process and knowledge can be
culture, it is likely that it will be implemented correctly. In further enforced via company seminars, newsletters, Masters’
a well-functioning safety culture, most people realise the reviews, and through the monthly safety meetings on board
importance of procedures and are aware of the consequences the vessel. These procedures need to be verified during
of not following them. The procedures should be seen as internal audits and superintendent’s visits.
something positive that will benefit working conditions and In a positive safety culture, mistakes are allowed, but
make them safer. This should inform the attitude of the negligence and ignoring procedures are not.
individual so that he knows the importance of donning a It is difficult, and time consuming, to establish a positive
safety harness, filling out a work permit correctly or following safety culture – the payback, however, is substantial.
the detailed requirements of the risk assessment.
To change negative attitudes, it is imperative that
all crew on board know what is expected of them. The
management needs to be clear about its policies and have a
defined company culture.

55 www.swedishclub.com
9 Conclusive

9 Conclusion
We have seen that there are usually establish a safety culture on board overall costs significantly and we are
several reasons why accidents happen that emphasises the importance and monitoring the statistics closely.
and the complexity of the underlying benefits of approved procedures. In this publication one of the
causes sometimes makes it difficult to We can also see that over the past recurring problems we have identified
carry out a proper analysis. Accidents ten years claim costs increased in is that proper procedures have not
are generally caused by human error all the three categories. The claims been put in place or those procedures
and often occur in conjunction cost interval for illness between USD that do exist have not been followed
with technical or equipment failure. 50,000-500,000 represents 60% of the correctly. It is beneficial to continuously
Injuries and cargo claims usually occur cost, but the frequency is about 20%. It verify within your organisation that all
because the crew did not follow SMS is similar for injuries, with a frequency high-risk operations have been properly
procedures. Alternatively, procedures of about 10%, but the costs represent identified and that preventative
were inadequate or simply did not 45% in the 50,000-500,000 interval. measures have been implemented.
address the situation in hand. The The claim interval from USD 1-5,000, You must ask yourself whether your
SMS includes work permits and for both illness and injury, amounts to crew members and office staff believe in
risk assessment procedures that, if about 15%, but the cost is only 2%. your loss prevention programme or do
followed correctly, should be able to Expensive cargo claims over USD they just tick the boxes? It is a difficult
prevent accidents and mistakes. 500,000 have been found to represent and time consuming job to implement
When accidents occur it is often the over 30% of the total cost but have a an efficient safety culture in your
case that crew members have ignored low frequency of 1%. company, but as we highlight in this
procedures or did not identify the risks. It comes as no surprise that there publication, safety improvements are not
This may be that the crew member did are some extremely expensive claims, about spending great amounts of money,
not see the benefit in following the but there is a worrying trend that but prove cost efficient when compared
procedures. This clearly demonstrates the number of expensive claims is with a catastrophe, not to mention the
that the company has failed to increasing. This will increase the avoidance of human tragedy.

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10 Appendices

10 Appendices

Appendix (i)
Ship fires – causing large cargo claims
The risk of fires on board vessels is fortunately not very common as we can see from the statistics, but when fire does break
out the consequences can be severe, and this can lead to tragic outcomes such as loss of life and also large cargo claims. The
risk of a fire happening is something every seafarer is aware of and trained to respond to. When at sea there is no fire brigade
that can assist and it is only the knowledge of the crew and the equipment on board that will protect the vessel and crew from

57 www.swedishclub.com
P&I Claims Analysis


Engine room fires:

Prevention is best achieved by preventing any leak in the first place and is best served by ensuring that
engineers and oilers are properly trained and supervised when undertaking their work and that work is checked
on completion. This good maintenance practice should, of course, extend to work being carried out on all heat
producing equipment in the engine room. Boilers and incinerators, for example, also have that dangerous mix of
available fuel and a good ignition source.
Electrical fires:
Engine room training, supervision and checking protocols can help reduce the likelihood of a fire occurring, and
if the latter, properly planned maintenance and monitoring, including the use of thermal imaging, can identify
developing faults before they become too serious.
Hot work:
In many cases this combustible material is waste, such as rags (oily or otherwise). As these can be readily
ignited by even relatively weak sources of ignition, such as a lit cigarette butt, it goes without saying that good
housekeeping in an engine room is an essential.

The paper, Ship fires from the late Dr Eric Mullen container cargo, a situation which concerns the entire
highlights the most common immediate causes, but also industry. However, at the time of any incident it doesn’t
what needs to be done to prevent fires from happening. matter who was at fault - the fire needs to be extinguished.
These causes are nothing new, but fires still happen, and in The importance of following good working practices is
recent years there have been some extremely serious fires. essential in preventing fires.
Some of these fires have been caused by wrongly declared

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P&I Claims Analysis

Ship fires
Eric Mullen

As with any fire, ship fires can happen almost anywhere and at any time. Sometimes a Master has little or no control of a
fire breaking out; imagine, for example, a fire following a collision or pirate attack. The most common areas where fires occur
are engine rooms, accommodation blocks and in cargo, which will be mentioned in turn.

1. Engine room fires There is a SOLAS requirement for exhaust systems,

By far the most common cause of fires in engine rooms is and other hot surfaces, to be adequately shielded, but
fuel spray igniting on hot surfaces. Oil spray often occurs this is predominantly a matter of preventing injury and in
at purifiers, main engines and most commonly, at auxiliary practice it is difficult to make coverings around exhausts
engines. The fuel spray can be heavy fuel oil, diesel or and turbochargers liquid tight when subjected to prolonged
lubricating oil. Although fuel lines and couplings can fail exposure to large quantities of liquid. Moreover, fine mists
spontaneously, it is more common that the leak occurs shortly of hot liquid fuels can be ignited by other sources, such
after maintenance has been carried out, or while being carried as sparks or hot surfaces in electrical equipment. Hence,
out. This can range from simply turning a three-way valve prevention is best directed to not having the leak in the first
on a fuel filter the wrong way, at the wrong time, to over- place, and is best served by ensuring that the engineers and
tightening or under-tightening nuts or physically damaging oilers are properly trained and supervised when undertaking
pipelines. Spray from engine room equipment can be at their work and that work is checked on completion. This
relatively high pressures and can spray many metres from the good maintenance practice should, of course, extend to work
source of the leak. Almost invariably there is a hot exhaust being carried out on all heat producing equipment in the
or some other hot surface nearby. Typically, these can be at a engine room. Boilers and incinerators, for example, also have
temperature greater than the auto ignition temperature of the that heady mix of available fuel and a good ignition source.
sprayed liquid, resulting in a fire.

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Electrical fires Checking equipment

The presence of electrical panels and equipment in engine The vessels SMS (Safety Management System) provides a good
rooms means that, on occasion, electrical fires can occur. In basis on which to monitor maintenance checking of equipment.
our experience, these are mercifully rare. Sometimes they But beware, the checks need checking as we know of cases
are the result of repair and maintenance work being carried where the paperwork sent to the office has the requisite box
out, and sometimes a consequence of component failure. If ticked but the actual repair, on say a fuel system, was deferred
the former, the same engine room training, supervision and because the engineers were “a bit busy” just then.
checking protocols can help reduce the likelihood of a fire
occurring, and if the latter, properly planned maintenance 2. Accommodation fires
and monitoring, including the use of thermal imaging, can Accommodation fires are generally similar to those found
identify developing faults before they become too serious. in any dwelling and are most commonly the result of either
an electrical fault, or human factor, whether accidental or
Hot work deliberate. Accidental human factor fires are usually caused
Hot work is a potent source of ignition, be it welding, cutting by the careless disposal of smokers’ materials but can also
or grinding. Where possible, the work piece should be taken be the result of any facet of being human, like leaving fat
to a safe area for working on, but in cases where this is not filled pans on galley stoves, leaving combustible materials
possible, care needs to be taken that combustible material in too near heaters. Deliberate fires are typically the result of
and around the work area is removed or shielded. In ill will amongst the crew or a disaffected crewman. Good
many cases this combustible material is waste, such as rags, housekeeping, checks on equipment in cabins and a watchful
oily or otherwise. As these can be readily ignited by even eye on the wellbeing of the crew are the best ways of
relatively weak sources of ignition, such as a lit cigarette preventing such fires.
butt, it goes without saying that good housekeeping in an
engine room is always not only preferable, it is a must.

3. Cargo fires only the Dangerous Goods Manifest and, in any event, it
A Master has some measure of control over the loading of is unreasonable to expect him to review and verify the
bulk cargo and can take steps to prevent any fires. The most declared contents of every container on the vessel. In
common causes of fire in agricultural and general product practice there is little more a Master can do other than
cargoes are the careless disposal of smokers’ materials, ensure that those dangerous goods he does know about are
often by stevedores who are notorious for both open carried in accordance with the IMDG Code and that proper
and clandestine smoking; cargo lights being left on; and checks of the containers are carried out during the voyage.
problems with fumigants.
Oil and chemical tankers
Self-heating These present their own challenges, as many of the cargoes
In some cases self-heating can lead to a fire, but this is are flammable and hence liable to fires and explosions. It
relatively uncommon. Vigilance and good working practices is no secret that the greatest risks are when loading and
when loading are the key to fire prevention of these cargoes; unloading, as it is then that there is the greatest likelihood
these should extend to any hot work carried out in the of there being spillage of liquid or vapours from the cargo
way of part filled or full cargo holds. Self-heating in cargo or there being a flammable mixture of cargo vapours in the
such as coal, can potentially lead to a fire. By far the most tanks, equipment running and crewmen working on deck.
effective means of preventing such fires is to rigorously Sources of ignition include running motors and pumps
adhere to the requirements of the International Maritime that can provide both electrical and mechanical sparks and
Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC) during and after loading. heating, static electricity, mechanical sparks as a result of
dropped tools or inappropriate footwear and the use of
Containerized cargo unauthorised or damaged equipment.
Regrettably, there is much less that a Master can do
in relation to containerized cargo. Misdeclaration of a Tank cleaning
container’s contents is very common and, of course, the Tank cleaning, especially if being carried out manually,
ones misdeclared are often the ones most likely to cause presents its own risks, as there is a potential for ignition
a problem. It is often the case that a Master is given by static electricity during water hose washing, steaming,
mechanical sparks or the use of inappropriate lighting.

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Preventative measures against fires

The occurrence of fires and explosions in tankers can be greatly reduced by following the International Safety Guide for
Tankers & Terminals (ISGOTT) but, as with all fires, proper maintenance of equipment and ensuring safe working practices go
a long way to preventing incidents. In short, it is not possible to prevent fires on vessels entirely; some events are beyond a
Master’s control.
Nevertheless, most fires are preventable by means that are well understood and can be summarised as good working practice.
• Ensure that the engineers and oilers are properly trained and supervised when undertaking their work and that work is
checked on completion so that any problems can be detected and rectified.
• Carry out proper planned maintenance and monitoring, including the use of thermal imaging, in order to identify developing
faults before they become too serious.
• During hot work ensure no combustible material is around the work area or that it is shielded.
• Keep good housekeeping in the engine room, no waste or rags.
• Carry out inspections to ensure there is good housekeeping in the accommodation and especially galley. No pans with oils,
no dangerous material in lockers or cabins.
• Carry out a two person check to ensure that the filled out checklist has been adhered to.
• Follow the IMDG and IMSBC Code rigorously.
• On a container vessel the Master should ensure that those dangerous goods he does know about are carried in accordance
with the IMDG Code and that proper checks of the containers are carried out during the voyage.
• Make sure there are no sources of ignition on open decks, such as running motors and pumps, that can provide both
electrical and mechanical sparks and heating, static electricity, mechanical sparks as a result of dropped tools or
inappropriate footwear and the use of unauthorised or damaged equipment.
• Ensure that the fire detection system is fully operational.
As Dr Mullen mentions, it is not only important to have the correct procedures for preventing fires, there must also be checks
that ensure that these procedures are followed. This is best done during internal audits and when a superintendent is visiting
the vessel.

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Appendix (ii)
Bulk liquid chemicals and fuels: Insight into specifications and contaminations.
Detrimental changes to liquid chemicals and fuels during transport.
Dr Wesley Tucker, Consultant Scientist, TSC Scientific.

The problem
Liquid cargoes are inherently vulnerable to changes in thus making an investigation a complex assessment of the
composition through interaction with their surroundings entire process from production lot to receiver.
as they have the potential to become damaged or absorb When it comes to changes in a liquid cargo during a
contaminants. This is especially true at the interface between voyage, it may be important to first make a distinction
cargo and tank, with many issues arising from things such as between a contamination and an off-specification. A
coatings, temperature, compatibility, cleaning and inerting. contamination is a tainting of the cargo with a foreign
Problems can occur for inorganic (i.e. ammonia), organic (i.e. material, and may or may not reveal itself in the panel of
benzene) and aqueous (i.e. hydrochloric acid) cargoes alike, tests that define product specifications. Alternatively, an
but are much more prevalent for purified organic chemicals off-specification is the failure of a material to fall within a
and fuels which are strong solvents, corrosive, predisposed set range of test values, and may or may not be related to a
to oxidation, or shipped in non-dedicated tanks. Importantly, contamination. In other words, failure to meet specification
the issue can arise from the shore tank, piping, or vessel, is not always related to contamination and vice versa.

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The cause
Because of this, contamination may possibly go unnoticed, The cause of contamination or off-specification can be
while an off-specification likely will not, unless there is a influenced by many factors and often more than one is
problem with the testing, as will be described in this article. relevant in an investigation. Contamination is sometimes
The amount of contaminant (i.e. from coatings or caused by things such as rust, coatings, residuals in piping,
seawater) or damaged product (i.e. from degradation or remnants of previous cargoes in the tank, water ingress, and
oxidation) required to cause off-specifications or become biological growth. Off-specifications that are not due to
otherwise noticeable varies greatly depending on the cargo contamination, on the other hand, can be caused by changes
and its context. For example, to cause a hypothetical in the chemistry of the material such as degradation,
cargo of 1000 MT pure vinyl chloride monomer, or VCM, oxidation, and polymerization.
a plastics ingredient, to fail specification for non-volatile Helping to determine cause, contractual specifications
residue (often set at 15 ppm), 15 kg of residue from sources for chemicals are designed to be specific to the properties
such as rust or paint would need to be suspended in the of that material and are often geared towards monitoring
tank while representative sampling occurred. Similarly, for suspected vestiges of production, storage, and transport.
the same hypothetical cargo of pure vinyl mono chloride Additionally, specifications for fuels often include parameters
to fail specification for the precursor compound ethylene relating to performance and emissions. Regardless, most of
dichloride, or EDC (often set at 5 ppm), around four litres of the root causes of off-specifications and contaminations
EDC would need to be introduced into the cargo. In perhaps are shared between the two cargo categories of fuels and
a more alarming example, it is possible that less than one chemicals, and whatever the commodity and cause of
litre of fuel oil could cause a hypothetical 1000 MT of damage may be, careful sampling and laboratory tests are
benzene to fail specification for sulphur (often set at 1 ppm). required to understand the situation, so a fair conclusion can
be reached.

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Cargo sampling
When it comes to liquid cargo disputes, it is easy for cargo interests to have the upper hand due to their access to shore tank
samples from loading and discharge ports. In order to protect the ship from false judgments, it is always highly advised for crews
to take samples from the manifold, first foot, and final tank during loading, and manifold and tank samples at discharge. The
information gained from these samples can protectively aid in the fair determination of cause. Clean closed sampling systems and
cargo appropriate sample vessels should be used, and tank samples should be taken in zones. Sample sizes exceeding one litre are
most often sufficient for repeated testing, but because of the cargo specific nature of specifications, due diligence regarding the
sum of test sample volumes is advised. Finally, it goes without saying that crews should be trained and aware of details such as
careful labelling, recorded storage, and judicious invitations for other parties to join in the sampling.

Cargo testing
Once samples are obtained, parties look to major analytical worthwhile to retest, and specialist interpretation may be
laboratories to serve their testing. What is often overlooked, required to decide what the reported values really indicate.
however, are the many nuances associated with the tests for 3. Not all labs are created equal. While it is unfair to prejudge
which results are too often taken at face value. Several key a laboratory based on geographical location, it can be
points should be realised by parties that seek judgment of said that it is sometimes better to ship samples to another
their cargo samples: place with a more reputable lab. In fact, it may be said that
1. Different test methods used to test the same parameter laboratories vary wildly in their quality and capacity, with
are not considered interchangeable. The values produced language and cultural factors further complicating the
by the different protocols are therefore not meant to be choosing of labs. When it comes to lab vetting, it may be
directly comparable. This is due to the fact that not only wise to consider having a specialist perform due diligence
can test methods differ in their technique and technology, for sourcing a quality lab, or sending them as a witness if
but also vary greatly in their specificity, scope, sensitivity, quality cannot be verified remotely.
and precision. For the values produced by two different As seen here, the qualification of commodities has many
test methods to be comparable, a study must be performed features that lend themselves to interpretation and decision-
to evaluate how much the results from shared samples making. If we assume that sampling was representative, then
agree with each other. The importance of transparency in we may say that testing is the most important tool in judging
the methodologies reported on test certificates can easily a dispute objectively.
be understood from this, and it is easy to see why a final To bring together some of the above points, let us refer
round of joint testing is often required. back to the two cargoes exemplified in the opening of the
2. All test methods have inherent error. When test methods article, Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) and Ethylene Dichloride
are developed and validated, the inter-laboratory precision, (EDC), which were chosen as examples because they are
or reproducibility, is often characterised. This is important commonly shipped and related in properties and origin. As
because test values that happen to fall near a specification seen in the below table, the two chemicals have a similar but
threshold have an associated repeatability, which brings in different panel of associated specifications.
to question the ‘true’ value. In such a situation it may be

Purity 99.98 % Purity 99.99 %
Water 100 ppm Water 50 ppm
Appearance Clear Colourless N/A Colour 10 Alpha
Acidity 1 ppm Acidity 2 ppm
Iron 0.5 ppm Iron 1 ppm
Non-volatile Residue 15 ppm Non-volatile Residue 20 ppm
Methyl Chloride 80 ppm Total High Boilers 450 ppm
1.3 - Butadiene 10 ppm Total Low Boilers 450 ppm
Ethylene Dichloride 5 ppm Density 1.258-1.268 g/ml

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When we compare the two cargoes we see that they What is the reproducibility of the methods used at
share some contamination related specifications such as loading and discharge?
appearance, iron, non-volatile residue, and acidity, while Perhaps if tested again the discharge samples would be
some are chemical specific and related to precursors and within specification. Similarly, maybe the cargo would fail
degradation such as methyl chloride and ethylene dichloride. specification if the loading samples were re-tested. Test
One may also notice that colour or appearance is an methods that do not have their reproducibility determined
important specification on many chemical cargoes, which is are not fully developed.
intended as a way of alerting the presence of contamination.
We can exemplify a problem by revisiting our hypothetical How specific is the test method?
situation of a VCM cargo becoming off-specification for In the above table we see that methyl chloride, another
EDC, and propose that test certificates at discharge report chemical of similar properties, is included in the tests and
EDC levels of 7 ppm while those at loading report 1 ppm. could conceivably be ‘picked up’ by the test for EDC as
Let’s also propose that methods used to derive these values a source of error. A quality test method would include a
are only mentioned in the discharge certificates and are characterization of specificity so this could be better judged.
national in origin. When referring to the parameter of EDC in
the VCM specifications above, we find that a change in the What is the sensitivity of this method?
cargo is implied to have taken place during shipment. Even Detection levels must be within an acceptably repeatable
so, situations such as these often raise more questions than range for the method, otherwise a quantitative result is
answers and may require a more authoritative round of joint not valid. Again, a quality test method would include a
testing to settle dispute. For instance, this proposed situation description of sensitivity.
begs the following questions:
What laboratory will be used?
What methods were used at loading? Phone calls with the analyst(s) handling the samples or in-
Results obtained from discharge listed national test methods, person test witnessing can be conducted by a specialist to
which implies that different methods were used at loading, verify the quality of the procedure.
making the values from the two locations non-comparable
without a careful assessment.

Ultimately, it is the environment around the cargo that decides if changes occur, and therefore many off-specifications or
contaminations can be prevented if ideal conditions are always provided. Careful adherence to inerting procedures, strict
observance of epoxy curing protocols, meticulous tank cleaning, due diligence for cargo compatibility, and other precautions
help to prevent incidences. Nevertheless, many situations are not under the control of crews and their management, and
a fair determination of cause is a must once a dispute arises. As we have illustrated here, problems associated with cargo
specifications are nuanced and require careful consideration. Involved parties should be critical of the way bulk liquids are
judged without being assuming or dismissive. When a problem does occur in spite of crew foresight, and when in doubt about
the above mentioned dispute features, a specialist may be necessary to help in interpreting the situation.

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Appendix (iii)
Specific issues with stevedores in the USA
Keith Letourneau

Stevedore work in the United States can easily create This result follows because joint and several liability principles
personal injury liability exposure for an unwary shipowner. under U.S. maritime law shift the risk of uncollectibility from
The leading United States Supreme Court case setting forth an innocent plaintiff to a culpable tortfeasor. The LHWCA’s
the obligations of a vessel owner is Scindia Steam Navigation compensation bar essentially transforms the stevedore into
Co. v. De Los Santos, 451 U.S. 156 (1981). Scindia stands for a judgment proof defendant. Additionally, the stevedore’s
two important propositions. worker’s compensation carrier generally intervenes in any
Firstly, as a general matter, the shipowner may rely suit against shipowners or charterers to recover medical care
upon the stevedore to avoid exposing stevedores to costs expended on the stevedore’s behalf. Consequently, the
unreasonable hazards. However, under U.S. maritime law and shipowner, rather than the stevedore employer, bears the brunt
the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act of fault attributable to the stevedore, despite Scindia’s first
(“LHWCA”), a shipowner cannot recover against a stevedore proposition. Secondly, Scindia holds that the shipowner, the
employer for any injuries that occur to a stevedore. stevedore employer, and his stevedore employees the duty of
Moreover, in the event that the shipowner breaches one of exercising due care under the circumstances. Thus, while the
its duties to the stevedore resulting in injury, the stevedore primary responsibility for the stevedore’s safety ostensibly
can sue the shipowner for negligence. Under joint and rests with the stevedore’s employer, the shipowner also owes a
several liability principles that apply pursuant to U.S. standard of care to the stevedore. That standard encompasses
maritime law, if we hypothesize that the shipowner is 10% at three duties to stevedore servicing the vessel:
fault, the stevedore 20%, and the stevedore employer 70%, 1. The ‘Turnover Duty’
the shipowner nonetheless would be responsible for 80% of 2. The ‘Active Control Duty’
the damages awarded. 3. The ‘Duty to Intervene’

1. The ‘Turnover Duty’ Preventative measures

The ‘Turnover Duty’ requires the shipowner to furnish Shipowners may wish to consider some preventative
a reasonably safe ship, and to warn the stevedores of measures before arriving in a US port. To ward off potential
hazards from gear, equipment, tools and the workspace to liability exposure in the event a stevedore claims injury,
be used during cargo operations “that are known to the shipowners may be able to satisfy their Turnover Duty
ship or should be known to it in the exercise of reasonable obligations through the use of a checklist identifying
care.” However, the shipowner is not obligated to warn the potentially hazardous conditions, perhaps coupled with a
stevedores about hazards that are open and obvious, or simple vessel diagram showing the main deck, cargo holds
dangers that “a reasonably competent stevedore should and other areas where the stevedores are scheduled to work.
anticipate encountering.” For example, in a recent case, Prior to the vessel’s arrival in port, one of vessel’s officers
the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals (which governs federal should carefully inspect each of these areas, and note on the
proceedings in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi) found that a checklist any potentially hazardous conditions, for example,
stevedore, who was injured because of an open and obvious with respect to hatchways, latches, ladders, lighting, twist
defect in a stow of steel coils in the cargo hold, could not locks, wires, cables, equipment lying about, rusty conditions
recover against the shipowner, operator or charterer. In that of deck and handhold surfaces, etc. The checklist could note
case, one of the steel coils fell from atop the stow onto the where any repairs are being conducted, and the scope of
stevedore resulting in the loss of a leg. The court found that the project (to place the stevedore on notice of not only
a “vessel owner has no legal duty to prevent or alleviate where repair work is ongoing, but where repair work is
an unsafe condition in the cargo hold resulting from an being considered). Provided vessel workspaces are in good
improper stow when the condition is open and obvious to condition, it may make sense to take a series of digital
the stevedore workers.” photographs of the spaces where stevedores will work,
including access ladders, to document the condition during

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the pre-arrival walk through. To complete the turnover Often times, the charter agreement allocates responsibilities
process, upon arrival in port, the chief mate could present for cargo stowage to the charterer “under the Master’s
the checklist to the stevedore foreman, and the two could supervision,” and sometimes the vessel owner and charterer
walk the vessel where the stevedores will work noting any have entered into an Inter-Club Agreement, or incorporated
areas of concern. it by reference into the charter. These arrangements may
If the vessel provides any equipment employed during affect how a case brought by the stevedore against both
stevedore work, for example, twist locks, lashing chains, the shipowner and charterer will be defended, but do not
hooks, etc., such equipment should be regularly inspected, necessarily alter whether the stevedore may bring suit
serviced, and replaced as necessary, with documentation against both parties in the first instance. To avoid assisting
provided (or perhaps at least made available) to the the stevedore by pointing fingers at each other, it is
stevedores evidencing the condition of such equipment at important at the inception of such a suit, to work out the
the start of stevedore operations. defence arrangements between shipowner and charterer if
at all possible. The shipowner’s duty to intervene does not
extend to open and obvious transitory conditions:
2. The ‘Active Control Duty’ 1. created entirely by the stevedore
The ‘Active Control Duty’ is breached if the shipowner 2. under its control, or
“actively involves itself in the cargo operations and 3. relating wholly to the stevedore’s own gear and
negligently injures a stevedore” or “if it fails to exercise due operations
care to avoid exposing stevedores to harm from hazards they
may encounter in areas, or from equipment, under the active
control of the vessel during the stevedoring operation. Summary
In summary, while the stevedoring company is purportedly
Preventative measures the party primarily responsible for the safety of the
Before stevedore activities commence, the Master or Chief stevedore in the USA, in the event of an accident resulting
Mate may wish to instruct the crew to stay completely clear in personal injury or death, owners face considerable liability
of loading or unloading operations, leaving such work to exposure should the vessel breach one of the three Scindia
the stevedore gangs. By doing so, shipowners may avoid the duties (Turnover, Active Control, or Duty to Intervene),
‘Active Control Duty’ in its entirety. especially because any liability of the stevedore company is
attributable to the culpable defendant(s) under U.S. maritime
law. The best method to obviate such liability is to institute
3. The ‘Duty to Intervene’ regular procedures to satisfy or avoid breaching these
Lastly, under the ‘Duty to Intervene’, a shipowner owes duties: inspect vessel equipment and spaces; document any
a duty to intervene if “contract provision, positive law, potentially hazardous conditions; convey this information to
or custom” dictates “by way of supervision or inspection the stevedore prior to commencing cargo operations; stay
[that the shipowner] exercise reasonable care to discover out of active cargo operations; and service and inspect the
dangerous conditions that develop within the confines of the ship’s cranes regularly.
cargo operations that are assigned to the stevedore.”
The ‘Duty to Intervene’ may be implicated if the Master
or Chief Officer is contractually obligated to supervise Preventative measures specific for USA
cargo operations, or if vessel equipment used during such • The Master or Chief Officer may wish to instruct the
operations is not operating properly, for example, ship’s crew to stay completely clear of loading or unloading
winches or cranes. operations, leaving such work to the stevedore gangs so
the ‘Active Control Duty’ is not breached.
Preventative measures • The ‘Duty to Intervene’ may be implicated if the Master
Numerous accidents have occurred over the years or Chief Officer is contractually obligated to supervise
involving vessel cranes while operated by stevedores. cargo operations, or if vessel equipment used during such
Generally, such cases have involved the failure to properly operations is not operating properly, for example, ship’s
maintain crane components and equipment in good winches or cranes.
operating order. Shipowners should consider tasking their
technical superintendents to ensure that ship’s cranes are
regularly inspected and serviced, and current on all class

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Appendix (iv)
The following is an extract from a bachelor thesis by Marcus Waserbrot at Chalmers University regarding Pre-Engagement
Medical Examination (PEME). From this thesis we can see that having a PEME will save cost and prevent illnesses. The thesis
compared regular government required medical examinations in the Philippines compared with The Swedish Club’s PEME
carried out at two approved clinics in the Philippines.
In one case a crew member suffered from unspecified intestinal obstruction along with other conditions such as dehydration
and hypertension and was air lifted from the vessel. The doctor stated that it was likely that the crew member would have died
if he had stayed one more day on the vessel. Furthermore the doctor believed that a thorough PEME would have found that
the crew member had a serious medical condition. As a result, the claim’s total cost arose to approximately USD 600,000.

Graph 10.1 Most common medical conditions for From the graph to the left, the most common reasons for
not complying with PEME not being in compliance with The Swedish Club’s PEME is
Limit: USD claims 1 - uncapped related to gallstone or gall polyps and kidney conditions such
Period: 2011-2014
as kidney stones or kidney disease. The third most common
Type of vessel: All vessel types reason, called other, includes various types of medical
Type of claim: Illness conditions with low frequency that could not be categorised
in remaining categories. In this case, cardiovascular disease
could be seen as the second largest category if it would be
combined with hypertension, which also is a condition of
the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, claims related to
conditions of the cardiovascular are the claim category with
the highest frequency for illness claims, which also has a
higher average claim cost at USD 47,115 in relation to other
illness claim categories.

Gallstone/polyps 25%
Kidney 13%
Other 13%
Cardiovascular disease 10%
Diabetes 8%
Hepatitis 7%
Elevated BMI 5%
Liver function 5%
Hypertension 5%
Hearing defect 3%
Hyperuricemia 2%
Positive drug test 1%
Dental issues 1%
Pulmonary tuberculosis 1%
Bronchial asthma 1%

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Graph 10.2 Not complying with TSC PEME but Graph 10.3 Not complying with TSC PEME
would pass a government required medical ex- but would pass a government required
amination medical examination
Limit: USD claims 1 - uncapped Limit: USD claims 1 - uncapped
Period: 2011-2014 Period: 2011-2014
Type of vessel: All vessel types Type of vessel: All vessel types
Type of claim: Illness Type of claim: Illness










Claim costs avoided Extra costs for PEME
Gallstone/polyps 36%
Kidney 17% The graph above shows claim cost avoided and the cost
Diabetes 9% for PEME. The claim cost avoided is the cost saved because
Liver function 7% PEME would have detected the medical condition and the
Elevated BMI 7% government examination would not.
Hypertension 7% The calculation is the following,
Other 6% Claim costs avoided more than = USD 1,550,000
Hepatitis 5% Extra costs for PEME is about = USD 300,000 (this is the
Hyperuricemia 3% extra cost for the PEME compared to the government
Positive drug test 2% examination)
Cardiovascular disease 1% Total cost benefit for the period 2011-2014 = 1,550,000 –
300,000 = USD 1,250,000
The graph above describe the most common conditions that
would not be in compliance with The Swedish Club’s PEME, As a result, the avoided claims costs are greater than
but which would have passed a government required medical the increased PEME costs. In addition, the total avoided
examination. The most common conditions are gallstones deductible is greater than the increased PEME cost, which
followed by kidney conditions and diabetes. means that the enhanced PEME has a direct cost beneficial
impact to the member alone.
This once again emphasizes the importance and benefit of
having PEME.

69 www.swedishclub.com
10 Appendices

Appendix (v)
Medical confidentiality, consent and disclosure
Nigel Griffiths

All the classic codes of medical practice imply some 2. Sharing of information with others providing care, or
qualification of an absolute duty of professional secrecy, for the continuation of care. It is generally accepted
that medical matters disclosed in confidence, should not that medical information will need to be passed to those
be disclosed generally. Depending on the country in which organising ongoing or follow-up care in the patient’s own
the seafarer is hospitalised, jurisdictional issues surface as country, or those associated with organising the seafarer’s
to how confidentiality is addressed. A general common law repatriation to his homeland. Whilst treating doctors may
duty is imposed on a doctor to respect the confidences of obtain consent to disclose from the patient directly if
his patient. possible, inter-disciplinary dialogue is seen as appropriate
In an age of computerisation, progression of medical and necessary for the continuity of care. In the UK the
information to be regarded as ‘data,’ subjects it to data laws. General Medial Council recognises this in permitting
Further, disclosure may be seen as breaching the ‘right to the sharing of information with other practitioners
respect for private life’ as contained in, for example Article 8 who assume responsibility for clinical management of
of the European Convention on Human Rights. the patient, and to the extent that the doctor deems it
Specific statutes exists in many countries whose laws have necessary for the performance of their particular duties,
originated from the Napoleonic Code (France, Benelux, etc.), with other care professionals who are collaborating with
and there, medical information is treated as sacrosanct by the doctor in his patient’s management.
the medical professional with an almost absolute imperative 3. Other reasons for disclosure:
on non-disclosure. It is in these countries that clubs perhaps • When communicable/infectious diseases are diagnosed
encounter the most resistance to disclosure and have the in accordance with public health law, including
most difficulty in establishing what is wrong with the mandatory reporting
seafarer and his clinical management. • On the direction of a Judge for judicial proceedings
There are three exceptions, so let us look at the • When direct identifiable threat to life or serious harm
exceptions to the rule and how confidentiality can be is made evident to medical professionals by mentally
addressed in the context of the hospitalised seafarer. ill patients
1. Clearly, if a seafarer has given his consent to disclosure There are cases when the patient refuses medical
of medical information then it is reasonable for such treatment. It could be that a foot has to be amputated for
information to be passed on. The first instrument in the well-being of the patient but that the patient refuses. If
obtaining the consent to release is to request that emergency surgery or other life-saving treatment is required,
the patient himself (if he is able, or the next of kin every attempt should be made to reason with the patient
if not) signs a declaration that he has no objection and obtain the proper consent in writing. There will be times
to the passing of information to specified parties, when consent cannot be obtained, for example when the
which may include the correspondent, ship owner, patient is unconscious. In such instances the doctor is bound
club or their medical adviser. With this release, a copy to follow the best interest factor in determining treatment,
retained by the patient, a second by the hospital and from which a substituted judgment must serve as the
the third by the agent, medical information may be basis of consent. The weight of the family’s opinion, whilst
forthcoming. However, in some instances, even though valuable, if they are thousands of miles away may not be
the consent to disclosure is obtained, that hospital sufficiently informed to override the best interest.
may well be reluctant to pass on the information to If a seafarer refuses to follow medical advice, it is very
non-professionals and it is at this juncture that clubs important that this is documented and is brought to the
should appoint their medical advisers to intercede on member’s/ Club’s attention immediately. If seafarers request
their behalf. This is especially so in the jurisdictions an alternative treatment to that recommended by the doctor,
mentioned, if the patient is extremely ill (when the this should be carefully considered and brought to the
concern is that an agent would be unable to handle the Club’s attention. Terms of treatment, whilst not wishing to
information), if the information is sensitive, and even encroach on the patient’s autonomy, treatment must also be
more so if it involves a diagnosis such as HIV or AIDS. in keeping with terms of the Club for reimbursement to the

www.swedishclub.com 70
10 Appendices

member. Generally speaking, a patient should be stabilised

in the port of incident and treated in his own country for
ongoing care and not long term in the port of incident.
Unnecessary and costly investigations should also be
avoided, and doctors reassured that stabilisation is their
goal and not long-term care. The Club has excellent advice
regarding suitable facilities in the countries that seafarers
come from, and if facilities are not available there then
alternative arrangements can be made.

It is prudent to have consent to release documents to be signed by the patient (or next of kin) in the first instance, and if
difficulty is still encountered, then the Club’s medical adviser should be appointed, to obtain the necessary information and
handle in accordance with his own professional code of ethics.
• Obtain the consent to release information about the patient himself (or the next of kin if he is not able).
• The patient signs a declaration that he has no objection to the passing of information to specified parties, which may
include the correspondent, shipowner, the Club or their medical advisor.
• If a seafarer refuses to follow medical advice, it is very important that this is documented and is brought to the member’s/
Club’s attention immediately.
• If seafarers request an alternative treatment to that recommended by the doctor, this should be carefully considered and
brought to the Club’s attention.
• Treatment must also be in keeping with terms of the Club for reimbursement to the member. Generally speaking, a patient
should be stabilised in the port of incident and treated in his own country for ongoing care and not long term in the port of
• Unnecessary and costly investigations should also be avoided, and doctors reassured that stabilisation is their goal and not
long-term care.

71 www.swedishclub.com
P&I Claims Analysis

Loss Prevention
The Loss Prevention unit is placed within the Strategic Business Development & Client Relations department and
provides active loss prevention support, analysis and reports, as well as advice to members.

Lars A. Malm
Director, Strategic Business Development & Client Relations

Telephone: +46 31 638 427

E-mail: [email protected]

Anders Hultman
Loss Prevention Coordinator

Telephone: +46 31 638 426

E-mail: [email protected]

Joakim Enström
Loss Prevention Officer

Telephone: +46 31 638 445

E-mail: [email protected]

www.swedishclub.com 72
Head Office Gothenburg
Visiting address: Gullbergs Strandgata 6,
411 04 Gothenburg
Postal address: P.O. Box 171,
SE-401 22 Gothenburg, Sweden
Tel: +46 31 638 400, Fax: +46 31 156 711
E-mail: [email protected]
Emergency: +46 31 151 328

5th Floor, 87 Akti Miaouli, 185 38 Piraeus, Greece
Tel: +30 211 120 8400, Fax: +30 210 452 5957
E-mail: [email protected]
Emergency: +30 6944 530 856

Hong Kong
Suite 6306, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2598 6238, Fax: +852 2845 9203
E-mail: [email protected]
Emergency: +852 2598 6464

2-14, 3 Chome, Oshima, Kawasaki-Ku
Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0834, Japan
Tel: +81 44 222 0082, Fax: +81 44 222 0145
E-mail: [email protected]
Emergency: +81 44 222 0082

Dyna Brygge 9, Tjuvholmen
N-0252 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 9828 1822, Mobile: +47 9058 6725
E-mail: [email protected]
Emergency: +46 31 151 328

New London House, 6 London Street
EC3R 7LP, London, UK
PR-Offset, Sweden

Tel: +46 31 638 400, Fax: +46 31 156 711


E-mail: [email protected]
Emergency: +46 31 151 328
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