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IT IS THIS DAY AGREED between Owner/Chartered Owner

(hereinafter called "Owner") of the Flag MS/SS

(hereinafter called "Vessel") and (hereinafter called "Charterer") that the

transportation herein provided for shall be performed subject to the terms and conditions of this Charter. which includes this Preamble and Part I and Part II. In the event of a conflict,
the provisions of Part I will prevail over those contained in Part II to the extent of such conflict.



Year built: Classed:

Summer Deadweight: tons (2240 lbs.) on feet/meters draft in salt water on assigned summer freeboard.

Maximum Cargo Capacity: tons (2240 lbs.) % more or less. Vessel's option.

Cubic capacity for cargo (at 98%): cubic feet/cubic meters/barrels.

Length overall: feet/meters Beam: feet/meters

Inert Gas System: 0 Yes C:1 No

Crude Oil Wash System: 0 Yes 0 No. If Crude Oil Wash is required, the allowed pumping hours specified in Part II. Clause 18(g) shall be increased by
a maximum of hours pursuant to Part II. Clause 18 (g)

Vessel has full capacitx segregated ballast tanks (SBT): El Yes ID No

Vessel has clean ballast tanks (CB r) Yes No
thereof lor all time by which the allowed laytime specified in Part 1 (11 is exceeded by the time taken 195 or liabilities under the Act. If any term of this Bill of Lading be repugnant to the Act to any extent. 514
for loading and discharging and for all other Charterer's purposes and which, under this Charter. 196 such term shall be void to that extent but no further. 515
counts as laytime or as time on demurrage. 197 (ii) JASON CLAUSE. In the event of accident, danger, damage or disaster before or 516
14. LAYTIME/DEMURRAGE CONSEQUENCES 198 after the commencement of the voyage, resulting from any cause whatsoever, whether due to 517
(a) SPECIFIED. Any delay to Vessel after the expiration of six (6) hours from Charterer's 199 negligence or not, for which, or for the consequence of which, the Carrier is not responsible. by 518
receipt of Notice of Readiness before Arrival in Berth or any delay to Vessel after Arrival in Berth, 200 statute, contract or otherwise, the cargo shippers. consignees or owners of the cargo shall contribute 519
due to weather and/or sea conditions, unavailability of berth (prior to Arrival in Berth), unavailabili- 201 with the Carrier in General Average to the payment of any sacrifices, losses or expenses of a General 520
ty of cargo, fire, explosion or strike, lockout or stoppage of labor or breakdown of machinery or 202 Average nature that may be made or incurred and shall pay salvage and special charges incurred in 521
equipment in or about the installation, facility, terminal or plant of Charterer, supplier, shipper or 203 respect of the cargo. If a salving ship is owned or operated by the Carrier, salvage shall be paid for as 522
consignee of the cargo. or solely for Charterer or terminal purposes, shall count as laytime or, if 204 fully as if the said salving ship or ships belonged to strangers. Such deposit as the Carrier or his 523
Vessel is on demurrage. as time on demurrage. If demurrage is incurred due to weather and/or sea 205 Agents may deem sufficient to cover the estimated contribution of the cargo and any salvage and 524
conditions, such demurrage shall be paid at half the Demurrage Rate. The latter is so even if any 206 special charges thereon shall, if required, be made by the cargo shippers. consignees or olliners of the 525
other condition(s) hereinbefore described in this Paragraph (a) coincide with the period of weather 207 cargo to the Carrier before delivery. 526
and/or sea conditions and irrespective of any option given in Part I, (C) and (D). 208 (iii) GENERAL AVERAGE. General Average shall be adjusted. slated and settled 527
(b) EXCLUSIONS. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other Paragraph of this Clause 209 according to York/Antwerp Rules 1974, and, as to matters not provided for by those Rules, accord- 528
or any other Clause of this Charter to the contrary, time shall not count as laytime or. if Vessel is on 210 ing to the laws and usages at the port of New York (except that any payment made by Carrier to 529
demurrage. as time on demurrage, if such time is spent or lost: 211 Charterer pursuant to Clause 33 (b) or to a Government or others to "remove" oil or a "threat of oil 530
(i) As a result of labor dispute, strike, go slow, work to rule, lockout, stoppage or 212 pollution" as defined in TOVALOP, as well as any other payments, with respect to Vessel or Owner's 531
restraint of labor involving Master, officers or crew of Vessel or tugboats or pilots. 213 liability for Oil Pollution damages, shall not be deemed to be General Average sacrifices or expen- 532
(ii) Except if Vessel is lightened or discharged at sea, on an inward passage including, 214 ditures). If a General Average statement is required, it shall be prepared at such port by an Adjuster 533
but not limited to. awaiting daylight, tide, tugs or pilot, and movintkfrom an anchorage or other 215 from the port of New York appointed by the Carrier and approved by Charterer of Vessel. Such 534
waiting place, even if lightening has taken place at the anchorage or other waiting place, until 216 adjuster shall attend to the settlement and the collection of the General Average, subject to custom- 535
Vessel's Arrival in F3enh. 217 ary charges. General Average Agreements and/or security shall be furnished by Carrier and/or 536
(iii) Due to overflow, breakdown, inefficiency, repairs or any other conditions what- 218 Charterer, and/or owner and/or consignee of cargo. if requested. Any cash deposit being made as 537
soever attributable to Vessel, Master, officers, crew and/or Owner, including inability to load or 219 security to pay General Average and/or salvage shall be remitted to the Average Adjuster and shall be 538
discharge the cargo within the time allowed and/or failure to meet Vessel warranties stipulated in this 220 held by the Adjuster at the Adjuster's risk in a special account in a duly authorized and licensed 539
Charter. 221 bank at the place where the General Average statement is prepared. 540
(iv) Due to Owner or port authority prohibiting loading or discharging. 1 22 (iv) BOTH TO.BLAME. If Vessel comes into collision with another ship as a result of 541
(v) By reason of local law, regulations or intervention by local authorities, with the 223 the negligence of the other ship and any act, neglect or default of Master, mariner, pilot or the 542
exception of pon closure due to weather and/or sea conditions. 224 servants of the Carrier in the navigation or in the management of Vessel, the owners of the cargo 543
(vi) In ballasting or deballasting, cleaning of tanks, pumps. pipelines, bunkering or for 225 carried hereunder shall indemnify the Carrier against all loss or liability to the other or non-carrying 544
any other purposes of Vessel only. unless same is carried out concurrent with loading and/or 226 ship or its owners insofar as such loss or liability represents loss of or damage to or any claim 545
discharging such that no loss of time is involved. 227 whatsoever of the owners of said cargo, paid or payable by the other or recovered by the other or 546
(vii) Due to an escape or discharge of Oil or the Threat of an escape or discharge of Oil 228 non-carrying ship or its owners as part of their claim against the carrying ship or Carrier. The 547
on or from Vessel. (The term "Oil" and the phrase "Threat of an escape or discharge of Oil" shall for 229 foregoing provisions shall also apply where the owners. operators or those in charge of any ships or 548
the purpose of this Clause have the same meaning as in Clause 33 (b).) 230 objects other than, or in addition to, the colliding ships or objects are at fault in respect of a collision 549
(c) OTHER REFERENCES. Laytime and demurrage references are also contained in the 231 or contact. 550
following Clauses: 232 (v) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Any provision of this Charter to the contrary 551
Clause 2 (d) Vessel-Breach 1 33 notwithstanding. the Carrier shall have the benefit of all limitations of. and exemptions from. liability 552
3 (a) Cleaning 234 accorded to owner or chartered owner of vessels by any statute or rule of law for the time being in 553
5 Maximum Cargo 235 effect. 554
7 Deadfreight 236 (vi) DEVIATION. Vessel shall have liberty to sail with or without pilots, to tow or be 555
8 Demurrage/Deviation Rate 237 towed, to go to the assistance of vessels in distress, to deviate for the purpose of saving life or 556
0 (d) ETA 238 property or of landing any ill or injured person on board, and to call for fuel at any port or pons in 557
3 Laytime/Demurrage 239 or out of the regular course of the voyage. 558
5 (a) Lightening/Discharge at Sea 240 (c) Except as provided in Paragraph (d) of this Clause, Owner and Vessel shall not be 559
6 (c) and (d) Shifting and Off Berth 241 required to deliver cargo at a discharging port or place nominated by Charterer unless the party 560
7 (d) Cargo Measurement 242 claiming right to such delivery shall first surrender to Vessel at such port or place one of the original 561
8 (a)(cXd)(f) and (g) Pumping In and Out 243 Bills of Lading issued for the cargo, duly endorsed; provided however that, if the Bills of Lading 562
9 Back Loading 244 name specific port(s) or place(s) of discharging and the nominated port or place is different or if the 563
21 (b) Ice-At Port 245 Bills of Lading provide for discharge at port(s) or place(s) as ordered, Owner and Vessel shall not be 564
22 Dry Cargo 246 required to deliver the cargo unless the party claiming right to such delivery first surrenders to Vessel 565
23 Quarantine 247 all the original Bills of Lading, duly endorsed. The foregoing shall apply even in the situation where 566
24 (b) Inspection-Bunker Sampling 248 one but not all of the original Bills of Lading have been placed on board Vessel at loading but. in 567
25 Heat 249 such case, only the original Bill(s) of Lading not on board Vessel need first to be surrendered to 568
27 (c) Bills of Lading 250 Vessel in accordance with the foregoing requirements. Any delay to Vessel at the nominated port or 569
29 (b) Exceptions 251 place due to the unavailability at such port or place of original Bill(s) of Lading and/or the failure to 570
33 (a) Clean Seas-Handling of Tank Washings 252 timely surrender such Bilks) of Lading to Vessel in accordance with the foregoing requirements shall 571
35 Waiver of Claims 253 count as laytime or, if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on demurrage, 572
(d) UNSPECIFIED. Any delays for which laytime/demurrage consequences are not specif- 254 (d) If original Bill(s) of Lading are not available at the discharging port or 573
ically allocated in this or any other Clause of this Charter and which are beyond the reasonable 255 place for timely surrender to Vessel as provided in Paragraph (c) of this Clause, Vessel shall deliver 574
control of Owner or Charterer shall count as laytime or. if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on 256 the cargo to a party and at a facility at the discharging port or place as directed by Charterer in 575
demurrage. If demurrage is incurred, on account of such delays. it shall be paid at half the Demur- 257 writing or by letter, telex or telegraph, if Charterer (or, at Owner's option, the parent of Charterer or 576
rage Rate. 258 other entity suitable to Owner) first executes a written Indemnity in connection with such delivery in 577
15. LIGHTENING/DISCHARGE AT SEA. 259 favor of Owner. Vessel, any Chartered Ownerts) of Vessel, Master, Vessel operators, agents and 578
(a) Except when required by reason of fault attributable to Vessel, any lightening or 260 underwriters and delivers such Indemnity to Owner or Owner's designee; provided however that, if 579
discharge at sea or at a place outside a port shall be at the expense of Charterer and, notwithstanding 261 Owner deems it desirable. Charterer shall also provide to Owner, as an added precondition to such 580
Clauses II. 13 (a) and 14 (a), time used for such lightening or discharge shall count as laytime or as 262 delivery, a back-up guaranty or irrevocable letter of credit issued or confirmed by a bank acceptable 581
time on demurrage, as provided below: 263 to Owner, The Indemnity shall be Exxon's standard wording in effect on the date of this Charter and 582
(i) If Vessel is lightened at sea or at a place outside a port, laytime or, if Vessel is on 264 any back-up guaranty or letter of credit Shall be in form and wording acceptable to Owner. 583
demurrage, time on demurrage shall commence when Vessel arrives at the lightening site designated 265 28. WAR. 584
by Charterer and shall end when disconnecting of the cargo hoses from the last cargo receiving vessel 266 (a) No contraband of war shall be shipped, but petroleum and/or its products shall not be 585
has been completed. 267 deemed contraband of war for the purposes of this Clause. Vessel shall not, however, be required. 586
(ii) If Vessel is fully discharged at sea or at a place outside a port. laytime or. if Vessel 268 without the consent of Owner, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, to enter any port, place, or 587
is on demurrage, time on demurrage shall commence upon the expiration of six (6) hours after 269 zone which is involved in a state of war, warlike operations or hostilities, civil strife or piracy, 588
Vessel arrives at the lightening site designated by Charterer or when Vessel is all fast alongside the 270 whether there be a declaration of war or not, where it might reasonably be expected to be subject to 589
first cargo receiving vessel, whichever occurs first, and end when disconnection of the cargo hoses 271 capture, seizure or arrest, or to a hostile act by a belligerent power (the term "power" meaning any 590
from the last cargo receiving vessel has been completed. 272 de jure or de facto authority or any other purported governmental organization maintaining naval, 591
(b) If Vessel is fully discharged at sea, freight payment shall. in the absence of agreement as 273 ' military or air forces). 592
to the appropriate freight rate, be based on the freight rate stipulated in Part I (G) multiplied by a flat 274 (b) For the purposes of this Clause it shall be unreasonable for Owner to withhold consent 593
rate which shall be obtained from ihe Worldscale Association (London) Limited or the Worldscale 275 to any voyage, route, or port or place of loading or discharging if insurance against all risks defined 594
Association (NYC) Inc. If Vessel is lightened at sea, the lightening site shall not constitute a port or 276 in Paragra p h (a) of this Clause is then available commerciall y or under a envernmeni nrcturam in 505
place additional to those specified in Part I (D) and the freight rate for the voyage shall be the same 277 respect of such voyage, route or port/place of loading or discharging. If such consent is given by 596
as if the lightening had not taken place. Charterer, however, shall reimburse Owner for any time by 278 Owner, Charterer shall pay any provable additional cost of insuring Vessel against Hull war risks 597
which the steaming time to the final discharging port or place exceeds that which would have been 279 over and above such costs in effect on the date of this Charter in an amount equal to the insured 598
taken if Vessel had not lightened at the Deviation Rate per day or pro rata for a part thereof. In 280 value stipulated in its ordinary marine policy as of the date of this Charter. If such insurance is not 599
addition, Charterer shall pay for extra bunkers consumed by Vessel during such excess time at 281 obtainable commercially or through a government program. Vessel shall not be required to enter or 600
Owner's documented actual replacement cost, at the port where bunkers are next taken. 282 remain at any such port, place or zone and, in such case. Charterer shall have the right to order 601
(c) If Vessel is lightened or discharged at sea as aforesaid. Charterer shall at its expense 283 Vessel to load or discharge, as the case may be, at any other port(s) or place(s) consistent with Part I 602
provide a Lightening Master and/or portable lightening equipment to Vessel in order to assist in the 284 (C) and (D). 603
lightening or discharging operation, as the case may be. Such Lightening Master shall only be an 285 (0 In the event of the existence of the conditions described in Paragraph (a) of this Clause 604
advisor to Master of Vessel, who shall continue to be fully and solely responsible for the operation, 286 subsequent to the date of this Charter. Charterer shall, in respect of a voyage to any such port. place 605
management and navigation of Vessel during the entire lightening or discharging operation. 287 or zone, assume any provable additional cost of wages and insurance properly incurred in connection 606
16. LOADING/DISCHARGING PLACE. 288 with Master, officers and crew as a consequence of such war, warlike operations or hostilities over 607
(a) Vessel shall not be required to berth where the maximum draft of Vessel is greater than 289 and above such costs in effect on the date of this Charter. 608
the depth of water at low tide. In such cases. Charterer undertakes to discharge sufficient cargo into 290 29. EXCEPTIONS. 609
vessels and/or lighters within port limits to enable Vessel to safely reach and lie at berth always 291 (a) Vessel. Master and Owner shall not, unless otherwise expressly provided in this 610
afloat. -pp Charter. be responsible for any loss or damage to cargo arising or resulting from: any act. neglect. 611
(b) SAFE LOCATION(S). Charterer shall exercise due diligence to order Vessel to port(s) 293 default 01" barratry of Master, pilots, mariners or other servants of Owner in the navigation or 612
or place(s) which are safe for Vessel and where it can lie always safely afloat. Notwithstanding 294 management of Vessel: fire. unless caused by the personal design or neglect of Owner: collision, 613
anything contained in this or any other Clause in this Charter to the contrary. Charterer does not 295 stranding, or peril, danger or accident of the sea or other navigable waters: or from explosion. 614
warrant the safety of any such port(s) or place(s) and shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, 296 bursting of boilers, breakage of shafts, or any latent defect in hull, equipment or machinery. Neither 615
injury or delay resulting from any unsafe condition at such port(s) or place(s) unless caused by 297 Vessel, Master or Owner, nor Charterer, shall, unless otherwise expressly provided in this Charter. be 616
Charterer's failure to exercise due diligence as aforesaid. The term -safe" as used in Part I (C) and 298 responsible for any loss or damage or delay or failure in performing hereunder arising or resulting 6)7
(D) shall be construed to be consistent with Charterer's obligation as set forth in this Paragraph (b). 299 from: act of God: act of war: perils of the sea: act of public enemies, pirates or assailing thieves: arrest 618
(c) SHIFTING. Charterer shall have the right to shift Vessel within any port of loading 300 or restraint of princes. rulers or people, or seizure under legal process provided bond is promptly 619
and/or discharging from one loading or discharging place back to the same or to another such place 301 furnished to release Vessel or cargo: strike or lockout or stoppage or restraint of labor from whatever 620
once or more often. In the event that Charterer exercises this right. Charterer shall pay all additional 302 cause, either partial or general: or riot or civil commotion. 621
expenses properly incurred. Time spent shifting shall count as laytime or. if Vessel is on demurrage. 303 (b) The exceptions stated in Paragraph (a) of this Clause shall not affect Owner's warranties 622
as time on demurrage. For purposes of freight payment. the places grouped in port and terminal 304 and undertakings with respect to the condition of Vessel at the commencement of loading hereunder. 623
combinations in WORLDSCALE are to bc considered'as berths within a single port. with Charterer 305 the obligations of Owner in respect of the loading. handling, stowage. carriage. custody. care and 624
paying shifting expenses in accordance with the foregoing. 306 discharge of the cargo and/or the rights or obligations of either Owner or Charterer with respect to 625
(d) OFF BERTH. Charterer or terminal operator shall have the right to shift Vessel from a 307 laytime or demurrage as elsewhere provided in this Charter. 626
loading and/or discharging place if Vessel fails to meet the pumping and/or heating warranties 308 30. LIEN. Owner shall have a lien on all cargoes and subfreights for all amounts due under 627
stipulated in Clauses 18 and 25 so as to avoid delay to other vessels waiting to use such place. 309 this Charter. and Charterer shall have a lien on Vessel for all monies paid in advance and not earned. 628
Charterer or terminal operator shall also have the right to shift Vessel from a loading and/or 310 and all disbursements for Owner's account, including commissions, cost of insurance and expenses 629
discharging place due to an unsafe condition of Vessel. In such situation(s). Charterer shall not be 311 thereon and for any damages sustained by Charterer as a result of the breach of this Charter by 630
obliged to provide an alternative loading or discharging place to the place from which Vessel was 312 Owner. 631
shifted. However. Charterer shall exercise due diligence to arrange prompt reberthing and com- 313 31. AGENTS. Unless otherwise agreed. Owner shall appoint, instruct and pay Vessel's agents 632
mencement of loading or discharging once Vessel has corrected deficiency(ies). All expenses related 314 at all port(s) and place(s). 633
to this shifting and any reberthing shall be for Owner's account and all time lost by reason of the 315 32. ASSIGNMENT/SUBLET. Charterer shall have the option of assigning this Charter or of 634
foregoing shall not count as laytime or. if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on demurrage. An Off 316 subletting Vessel, but in either case. Charterer shall always remain responsible for the due fulfillment 635
Berth reference is also contained in Clause 24 (b). 317 of this Charter in all its terms and conditions. 636
(a) Prior to loading. Master shall measure the on board quantities of oil, water and 319 (a) HANDLING OF TANK WASHINGS. Owner agrees to participate in Charterer's 638
sediment residues which are segregated in all holding tanks and slop tanks and those which remain in 320 program covering oil pollution avoidance. Such Program requires compliance with latest IMO and 639
cargo tanks and, if requested, shall advise suppliens) and Charterer of such quantities. After loading. 321 Port State regulations. The Program prohibits discharge overboard of all oil and all oily water. oil!. 640
Master shall determine the cargo quantities loaded, expressing these cargo quantities in barrels at 32r2 ballast or oil in any form unless in compliance with IMO and Pon State local regulations or under 641
standard temperature (60T/15*C), using. for such calculations the latest Manual of Petroleum Meas- 3/3 extreme circumstances whereby the safety of Vessel, cargo or life at sea would be imperiled. Owner 642
urement Standards issued by the American Petroleum Institute or similar standards issued by the 324 shall ensure that Vessel's personnel comply with the following: 643
American Society for Testing and Materials. A written tank-by-tank ullage report containing all 325 (i) Subsequent to the date of this Charter and in the course of the ballast passage before 644
measurements of oil, water and sediment residues on board prior to loading and quantities of cargo 326 presenting for loading hereunder, any oily residues remaining in Vessel from its previous cargoes 645
loaded shall be prepared and promptly submitted by Master to Charterer. 3/7 shall be retained on board and shall be handled according to Charterer's instructions. 646
(b) If Master's calculations of cargo loaded (oil, water and sediment residues on board 328 (ii) During tank washing, the tank washings shall be collected into one cargo compart- 647
excluded), after applying the Vessel's Experience Factor, show any deficiency from the Bill of Lading 319 ment and, after maximum separation of free water, such free water shall be discharged overboard to 648
figures. Master shall, if investigation and recalculation verify such deficiency, issue a Letter of Protest 330 the extent permitted by applicable international regulations. 649
to suppliens) (which should, if practical, be acknowledged) and shall advise Charterer of such 331 (iii) Thereafter. Charterer shall be notified promptly by telegraph, telex or radio of the 650
deficiency immediately by telegraph, telex or radio and thereafter shall send a copy of the Letter of 33/ estimated quantity of the segregated tank washings and the type and source of such washings. 651
Protest to Charterer. 333 If Charterer requires that demulsifiers shall be used for the separation of oil/water. such demulsifiers 652
(c) Prior to discharging, Master shall measure the quantity of each grade of cargo on 334 shall be obtained by Owner and paid for by Chanerer. Any additional Canal dues incurred on the 653
board, expressing these quantities in barrels at standard temperature (60*F/15 C) using the same 335 ballast passage by reason of Vessel having tank washings on board shall be for the sole account of 654
calculation procedures specified in Paragraph (a) of this Clause. Before and after discharging. Master 336 655
shall cooperate with shore staff to ascertain discharged quantities. Vessel shall be obliged to discharge 337 wr.
Ow n e r shall ensure that Master. on Vessel's arrival at the loading port(s) or place(s). does the 656
all free-flowing and pumpable oil and, if ordered by Charterer, any free-flowing and pumpable 338 following: 657
residues of oil, water and sediment. Vessel's just-mentioned obligation shall not in any way he 339 arranges for the measurement of the segregated tank washings in conjunction with 658
qualified or limited by any purported custom of the trade which is based on a stated in-transit loss or 340 the cargo suppliens). 659
which otherwise would excuse Vessel from discharging all free-flowing and pumpable cargo and 341 records the quantity of tank washings so measured in Vessel's ullage record. 660
residues. 342 issues a Slop Certificate. 661
(d) An inspector may be employed bv Charterer at its expense to verify quantities and 343 arranges that the Slop Certificate and/or Vessel's ullage record be duly signed by the 662
qualities of cargo and residues on board Vessel at both loading and discharging port(s) and/or 344 cargo suppliens) and promptly sent to Charterer. 663
place(s). If Vessel is equipped with an Inert Gas System, depressurization of tanks to permit ullage 345 The segregated tank washings and anv other oily residues on board (hereinafter called "residues-) 664
measurements shall be allowed in accordance with the provisions of the most recent Inert Gas 346 shall. at Charterer's option, be pumped ashore into slop facilities at the loading port(s) or place(s). 665
Systems for Oil Tankers publication issued by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Any 347 commingled with the cargo to bc loaded or segregated from the cargo to be loaded. 666
time used solely for such inspections and/or measurements shall count as laytime or, if Vessel is on 348 If Charterer requires Master to discharge the residues at facilities at loading pon(s) or place(s), no 667
demurrage, as time on demurrage. 349 freight shall be payable on same but the time involved in accomplishing such discharge shall count as 668
18. PUMPING IN AND OUT. 350 laytime or. if Vessel is on demurrage. as time on demurrage. Further, the cost of such facilities and 669
(a) Hoses for loading and discharging shall he furnished by Charterer and shall be con- 351 the ultimate disposal of the residues shall be for Chanerer's sole account. If Charterer requires 670
nected and disconnected by Charterer or by Owner. at Charterer's option. When Vessel loads and/or 352 residues to be kept separate from the cargo to be loaded, same shall. at Charterer's option. be 671
discharges at sea terminafts). Vessel shall be properl y equipped. at Owner's expense. for operations at 353 discharged at the discharging pon(s) or place(s) in accordance with Charterer's instructions. 672
such terminafts). including suitable anchors, ground tackle, mooring lines and equipment for han- 354 If Charterer requires that the cargo be loaded on top of residues or that such residues be kept 673
dling submarine hoses. Vessel shall also be properly equipped with a sufficient number of cargo 355 separate from the cargo to be loaded, in either case freight shall be payable in accordance with Clause 674
manifold reducing pieces of steel or comparable material (excluding aluminum and gray cast iron) 356 6 on the quantity of residues at the Overage Rate, if such rate exists, or otherwise at the Base Freight 675
which meet the most recent Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OC1MF) standards. to 357 Rate, up to a maximum tonnage equivalent to one (1) percent of Vessel's deadweight as specified in 676
make available appropriate flanges for cargo hoses/arms at a)l manifold connections on one side of 358 Part I (A). with the exce ption that, in the case of a Part Car go Minimum, no frei g ht shall be naid if 677
Vessel. If Vessel is not properly equipped as required in this Paragraph (a). any time thereby lost 359 the residues are kept separate and not discharged. In no e n ent shall Charterer hold an y liability for 678
shall not count as laytirne or. if Vessel is on demurrage. as time on demurrage. 360 deadfreight in connection with residues. 679
(b) The cargo shall be pumped into Vessel at the expense and risk of Charterer only up to 36 1 Nothing in Charterer's instruction shall be construed as permission to contravene an n 680
Vessel's permanent hose connections. The cargo shall be discharged from Vessel at the expense and 362 applicable laws or regulations by the discharging of oily residues. 681
risk of Owner only up to Vessel's permanent hose connections. Vessel shall provide all necessary 363 (b) TOVALOP AND CLEANUP. Owner warrants that Vessel is a participating tanker in 682
pumps, power, and hands required on board for mooring and unmooring. connecting and discon- 364 TOVALOP and shall so remain during this Charter: provided, however, that nothing herein shall 683
necting of hoses and loading and discharging. If requested by Charterer. Vessel shall load and/or 365 prevent Owner, upon prior notice to Charterer, from withdrawing from TOVALOP under Clause 111 684
discharge more than one grade simultaneously if Vessel is technically capable of doing so. 366 (B) or, following an amendment to TOVALOP which materially increases the obligations of the 685
(c) Owner warrants that Vessel shall arrive at the loading place(s) with cargo tanks proper- 367 Parties thereunder, under Clause X thereof, and provided further that upon am such withdrawal 686
ly inerted and that such tanks shall so remain inerted throughout the loading of the cargo. the voyage 368 Charterer shall have the option to terminate this Charter. 687
and the subsequent discharging of the cargo. In case of an Inert Gas System failure durtng loading 369 When an escape or discharge of Oil occurs from Vessel and causes or threatens to cause Pollution 688
and/or discharging, cargo operations shall be suspended immediately until the System becomes fully 370 Damage, or when there is the Threat of an escape or discharge of Oil (i.e, a grave argcl imminent 689
operational, any deficiency in inerting is fully corrected and the terminal (or other loading and/or 371 danger of the escape or discharge of Oil which, if it occurred, would create a serious danger of 690
discharging facility) has given permission to resume operations. Time used from cessation to resump- 372 Pollution Damage). then Charterer may, at its option, upon notice to Owner or Master. undertake 691
tion of cargo operations shall not count as laytime or. if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on 373 such measures as are reasonably necessar y to prevent or minimize such Pollution Damage or to 692
dem urrage. 374 remove the Threat, unless Owner promptly undertakes the same. Charterer shall keep Owner advised 693
(d) If required by Charterer. Vessel, after discharging. shall clear shore pipelines of cargo by 375 of the nature and result of any such measures taken, and if time permits, the nature of the measures 694
pumping water through them and the time thereby consumed shall count as laytime or. if Vessel is 376 intended to be taken. Any of the aforementioned measures taken by Charterer shall be deemed taken 695
on demurrage, as time on demurrage. 377 on Owner's authority and as Owner's agent and shall be at Owner's expense except to the extent that: 696
(e) All overtime incurred by officers and crew in loading and/or discharging shall be for 378 (i) Any such escape or discharge or Threat was caused or contributed to by Charterer. or 697
the account of Owner. 379 (ii) By reason of the exceptions prescribed in Article III. Paragraph 2. of the 1969 698
(f) Vessel shall load at rates requested by Charterer having due regard for the safety of 380 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage or any protocol thereto. Owner 699
Vessel. Owner wan-ants that Vessel shall discharge entire cargo within twenty-four (24) hours pump- 381 is, or, had the said Convention applied to such escape or discharge or to the Threat. would have 700
ing time or maintain pressure at Vessel's rail during the entire period of discharge as specified below. 382 been. exempt from liability for same. or 701
provided shore facilities permit: 383 (iii) The cost of such measures. together with all other liabilities, costs and expenses of 702
384 Owner arising out of or in connection with such escape or discharge or Threat removal. exceeds that 703
Vessel kDWT Rail Pressure, psi set forth in Article VII(A) of TOVALOP, save and insofar as Owner shall be entitled to recover such 704
per Pan 1(A) 385 excess under either the 1971 Convention on the Establishment of An International Fund for Corn- 705
386 pensation for Oil Pollution Damage or any protocol thereto or under CRISTAL. 706
Less than 60 100 387 Provided always, that if Owner in its absolute discretion considers said measures should be discon- 707
60 to 160 125 388 tinued. Owner shall so notify Charterer and thereafter Charterer shall have no right to continue said 708
Greater than 160 150 389 measures under the provisions of this Paragraph (b) and all further liability to Charterer under this 709
390 Paragraph (b) shall thereupon cease. 710
All time lost as a result of Vessel being unable to discharge its cargo in accordance with the
pumping warranty above shall not count as laytime or. if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on 391 The above provisions are not in derogation of such other rights as Charterer or Owner may have 711
demurrage. If the terminal or place of discharging does not allow or permit Vessel to meet the above 392 under this Charter or may otherwise have or acquire by law or any international convention or 712
warranty or requires discharging grades consecutively. Master shall forthwith issue a Letter of Protest 393 TOVALOP. 713
(which should, if practical, be acknowledged) to such terminal or place and shall immediately advise 394 The term "TOVALOP" as used in this Charter means the Tanker Owners Voluntary Agreement 714
Charterer by telegraph, tekx or radio. If Master fails to issue the Letter of Protest. Owner shall be 395 Concerning Liability for Oil Pollution dated January 7. 1969. as amended from time to time, and the 715
deemed to waive any rights to contest that time was lost as a result of Vessel's failure to comply with 396 term "CRISTAL" means the Contract Regarding an Interim Supplement to Tanker Liability for Oil 716
397 Pollution dated January 14, 1971, as amended from time to time. The terms "Oil" and "Pollution 717
the above pumping warranty. Any pumping time lost solely due to restrictions imposed by the
terminal or place of discharging shall count as laytime or. if Vessel is on demurrage. as time on 398 Damage" shall, for the purposes of this Clause, have thc meanings ascribed to them in TOVALOP. 718
demurrage. 399 34. ARBITRATION. Any and all differences and disputes of whatsoever nature arising out of 719
(g) Charterer shall have the right to require Vessel, if it is so equipped, to Crude Oil Wash 400 this Charter shall be put to arbitration in the City of New York. pursuant to the laws relating to 720
the cargo tanks and, in such case, the allowed pumping hours (i.e. the twent y -four (24) hours of 401 arbitration there in force, before a board of three persons, consisting of one arbitrator to be ap- 721
pumping time specified in Paragraph (f) of this Clause or the number of pumping hours taken to 402 pointed by Owner, one by Charterer and one by the two so chosen. The decision of any two of the 722
discharge the entire cargo when Vessel maintains the applicable rail pressure in accordance with 403 three on any point or points shall be final. Until such time as the arbitrators finally close the hearings 723
Paragraph (f) of this Clause, whichever is applicable) shall be increased by the maximum hours 404 either party shall have the right by written notice served on the arbitrators and on the other party to 724
specified in Part I (A) for Crude Oil Wash operations. If less than all of the tanks are washed, the said 405 specify further disputes or differences under this Charter for hearing and determination. The arbi- 725
maximum hours shall be prorated on the basis of the number of tanks washed to the total number of 406 trators may grant any relief which they, or a majority of them. deem just and equitable and within 726
cargo tanks and the hours resulting from such proration shall be added to the allowed pumping 407 the scope of the agreement of the parties, including, but not limited to, specific performance. Awards 727
hours. If Crude Oil Wash is not conducted. Charterer shall have the right to require Vessel to remain 408 made in pursuance to this Clause may include costs, including a reasonable allowance for attorney's 728
at berth for clingage rundown or other cargo recovery technique. The time for such clingage run- 409 fees, and judgment may be entered upon any award made hereunder in any Court having juris- 729
down or other cargo recovery technique shall not exceed ten (10) hours and the time so used shall 410 diction in the premises. 730
count as laytime or, if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on demurrage. 411 35.WAIVER OF CLAIMS. Any claim for freight. deadfreight. demurrage and/or charges or 731
412 expenses under this Charter shall be deemed waived, extinguished and absolutely barred if such 732
19.BACK LOADING. Charterer shall have the option of loading Vessel with a part cargo at claim is not received by Charterer or Owner, as the case may be. in writing with supporting 733
any discharging port or place to which Vessel may have been ordered, provided that such pan cargo 413
414 documentation within 180 days from the date of final discharge of the cargo on the voyage with 734
is as described in Part 1 (F) and is compatible with cargo then on board. Owner shall discharge such 735
415 respect to which said claim arises. This Clause shall not apply with respect to claims for damage, loss
part cargo at any other discharging port(s) or place(s) previously nominated, provided such port(s) or 736
place(s) lie within the rotation of the discharging ports or places previously nominated. If this option 416 or shortage of cargo.
417 36. BUSINESS POLICY. Owner agrees to comply with all laws and lawful regulations ap- 737
is exercised, additional time consumed awaiting berth and/or cargo and/or tank preparation and/or 738
loading and discharging such part cargo shall count as laytime or. if Vessel is on demurrage. as time 418 plicable to any activities carried out in the name, or otherwise on behalf. of Charterer under the
provisions of this Charter. Owner agrees that all financial settlements, billings and reports rendered 739
on demurrage. Any additionarexpenses, including port chaiges. incurred as a sole result of loading 419
420 by Owner to Charterer, as provided for in this Charter. shall, in reasonable detail, accurately and 740
and discharging such part cargo shall be for Charterer's account. fairly reflect the facts about all activities and transactions handled for the account of Charterer. 741
20. DUES, TAXES AND OTHER CHARGES. Unless otherwise specified in WORLD- 471 747
SCALE and to the extent not prohibited by law, dues, taxes and other charges upon Vessel (including 422 37, INTERPRETATION. The interpretation of this Charter and the rights and obligations of
423 the parties thereto shall be governed by the laws applicable to charter parties made in the City of 743
those assessed on the quantity of cargo loaded or discharged or on the freight) shall be paid by Owner 744
and dues, taxes and other charges on the cargo shall be paid by Charterer. Vessel shall be free of 424 New York. The headings of Clauses and Paragraphs are far convenience of reference only and shall
not affect the interpretation of this Charter. No modification, waiver or discharge of any term of this 745
charges for the use of any place(s) arranged by Charterer solely for the purpose of loading or 425 746
discharging cargo. However, Owner shall be responsible for charges for any such place(s) when used 426 Charter shall be valid unless in writing and signed by the party to be charged therewith. Notwith-
427 standing anything in this Charter to the contrary, this Charter shall not be interpreted or applied so 747
solely for Vessel's purposes, such as, but not limited to. awaiting Owner's orders, tank cleaning. 748
428 as to require Owner or Charterer to do, or to refrain from doing, anything which would constitute a
repairs, before, during or after loading and/or discharging. violation of, or result in a loss of economic benefit under. United States anti-boycott laws and 749
21. ICE. 429
regulations. 750
(a) DURING VOYAGE. In case a nominated port or place of loading or discharging 430
should be inaccessible due to ice. Master shall immediately notify Charterer by telegraph, telex or 431
radio, requesting revised orders and shall remain safely outside the ice-bound area. Charterer shall 432
give orders for another port or place which is free from ice and where there are facilities for the 433
loading or discharging of the cargo in bulk. In this event, freight shall be paid at the rate stipulated in 434
Part I (G) to such alternative port or place and any time by which the steaming time to such port or 435
place exceeds that which would have been taken if Vessel had been ordered to proceed to such port 436 409- 169C
or place in the first instance shall be compensated at the Deviation Rate per running day and 437
PART II (continued)

at a nominated loading port or place and that the aforesaid option to nominate new discharging 19 pro-rata thereof. In addition, Charterer shall pay for extra bunkers consumed during such excess time 438
port(s) or place(s) in different ranges shall lapse on Vessel tendering Notice of Readiness at a 20 at Owner's documented actual replacement cost for such bunkers at the port where bunkers are next 439
nominated discharging port or place. If a change to, or varying the rotation of, nominated port(s) or 21 taken. 440
place(s) occurs or if Vessel is sent to a destination for orders, any time by which the steaming time to 22 (b) AT PORT. If, on or after Vessel's arrival at the loading or discharging port or place, it 441
the port(s) or place(s) to which Vessel is finally ordered exceeds that which would have been taken if 23 is dangerous to remain at such port or place for fear of Vessel being frozen-in or daniaged, Master 442
Vessel had been ordered to proceed to such port(s) or place(s) in the first instance shall be com- 24 shall notify Charterer who shall give orders for Vessel either to proceed to another port or place 443
pensated at the Deviation Rate per running day and pro rata for a part thereof. In addition, 25 where there is no danger of ice and where there are facilities for the loading or discharging of the 444
Charterer shall pay for extra bunkers consumed during such excess time at Owner's documented 26 cargo in bulk or to remain at such original port or place at Charterer's risk. If Vessel is ordered to 445
actual replacement cost at the port where bunkers are next taken. 27 proceed to another port or place, the sum in respect of freight and delay to be paid by Charterer shall 446
(c) Any order of Vessel to a destination for orders, all nominations and any renominations 28 be as stipulated in Paragraph (a) of this Clause. If Vessel remains at such original port or place, any 447
pursuant to this Clause shall be consistent with Part I (C) and (D). 29 time so lost on account of ice shall count as laytime or, if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on 448
10. ETA 30 demurrage. 449
(a) Unless otherwise instructed, the following Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) notifica- 31 22. DRY CARGO. Charterer has the option of shipping packaged and/or general cargo (includ- 450
tions shall be given. As soon as commencing the voyage to the nominated loading port(s) or place(s). 32 ing oils and bitumen in drums) in the available dry cargo space. Freight shall be payable on such 451
Master shall advise Charterer and Vessel's agent of Vessel's estimated date and time of arrival at the 33 cargo in accordance with Clause 6 at the Base Freight Rate and Charterer shall pay, in addition, all 452
nominated loading port(s) or place(s). Further, provided the length of the voyage permits. Master 34 expenses, including port dues, incurred solely as a result of the packaged and/or general cargo being 453
shall confirm or amend such advice seventy-two (72), forty-eight (48) and twenty-four (24) hours 35 carried. The time used loading and discharging such dry cargo shall count as laytime or, if Vessel is 454
prior to Vessel's arrival at the loading port(s) or place(s). On leaving the final loading port or place, 36 on demurrage, as time on demurrage, but only to the extent that such time is not concurrent with 455
Master shall advise Charterer and Vessel's agent of Vessel's estimated date and hour of arrival at the 37 time used loading and/or discharging the oil cargo. 456
nominated discharging port(s) or place(s). Further, provided the length of the voyage permits, Master 38 23. QUARANTINE. Time lost at any port or place due to quarantine shall not count as 457
shall confirm or amend such advice seventy-two (72). forty-eight (48) and twenty-four (24) hours 39 laytime or, if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on demurrage unless such quarantine was in force at 458
prior to Vessel's arrival at the discharging port(s) or place(s). In addition, on leaving the final loading 40 the time when such port or place was nominated by Charterer. 459
port or place. Master shall advise Charterer of expected maximum draft at arrival and, provided the 41 24. INSPECTION 460
length of the voyage permits, shall confirm or amend such advice no later than seventy-two (72) 42 (a) OPERATIONS. Charterer's representative(s) shall have the right at loading and/or 461
hours prior to Vessel's arrival at the discharging port(s) or place(s). 43 discharging port(s) or place(s) to inspect Vessel and observe operations. Owner shall instruct Master 462
(b) An alteration of more than three (3) hours in the twenty-four (24) hour notice or an 44 to give every assistance so as to enable said representative(s) to properly observe operations through- 463
alteration of more than twelve (12) hours in any other advice given pursuant to Paragraph (a) of this 45 out Vessel. 464
Clause shall be advised by Master to Charterer and Vessel's agent. 46 (b) BUNKER SAMPLING. Charterer's representative(s) shall have the right to survey and 465
(c) If, for any reason. Vessel is unable to trim to even keel for arrival at the discharging 47 take samples of all Vessel's bunker tanks and non-cargo spaces. Refusal by Master to permit such 466
port(s) or place(s), Master shall give notice of this to Charterer as soon as possible after receiving such 48 bunker surveying and sampling shall give Charterer or terminal operator the right to order Vessel off 467
loading instructions but no later than sailing from the final loading port or place. Such notice shall 49 berth. All time lost by reason of such refusal, including any time used in shifting Vessel off and back 468
include Vessel's estimated arrival draft forward and aft. 50 to berth, shall not count as laytime or, if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on demurrage. Further, all 469
(d) If Master fails to comply with the requirements of Paragraphs (a), (b) and/or (c) of this 51 expenses related to such refusal, including Vessel shifting expenses, shall be for Owner's account. 470
Clause, any delay resulting therefrom at loading and/or discharging port(s) or place(s) shall not count 52 Any delay to Vessel caused solely by bunker surveying and sampling shall count as laytime or, if 471
as laytime or, if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on demurrage. 53 Vessel is on demurrage, as time on demurrage. 472
(e) At each loading and discharging port or place. Master or Vessel's agent shall promptly 54 25. HEAT:If Vessel is described as coiled in Part I (A). Owner warrants that Vessel is capable 473
notify Charterer of the dates and times the following events occurred: 55 of heating the cargo up to and maintaining it at a maximum temperature of 135T/57C. However, 474
Notice of Readiness to load/discharge tendered 56 unless otherwise requested by Charterer, Vessel shall only be required to maintain the cargo at the 475
All fast 57 temperature loaded (up to a maximum of 135T/57C) throughout the voyage and the entire dis- 476
Hoses connected 58 charge. If requested by Charterer and if the length of the voyage allows. Vessel shall increase and 477
Hoses disconnected 59 maintain the temperature of the cargo from the loaded temperature to a temperature specified by 478
Vessel sailed. 60 Charterer, up to a maximum of 135F/57C, and Charterer shall pay for extra bunkers consumed 479
(0 All advices and notifications required by this Clause shall be made by telegraph, telex 61 solely in increasing the temperature as aforesaid at Owner's documented actual replacement cost for 480
or radio (if radio, subsequently confirmed in writing). 62 such bunkers at the port where bunkers are next taken. If Vessel fails to maintain the loaded 481
11. NOTICE OF READINESS. Upon arrival at customary anchorage or waiting place at each 63 temperature or to increase and maintain the temperature of the cargo, as requested by Charterer, 482
loading and discharging port or place. Master or Vessel's agent shall give Charterer or its represent- 64 Charterer shall have the option to hold Vessel off berth and/or to suspend discharging, all until the 483
ative notice by letter, telegraph, telex, radio or telephone (if radio or telephone, subsequently con- 65 cargo is properly heated, all time and expense in connection with the foregoing being for Owner's 484
firmed promptly in writing) that Vessel is in all respects ready to load or discharge cargo. berth or no 66 account. 485
berth. 67 26. BUNKERS. When, in connection with the performance of any voyage provided for in this 486
12. CANCELLATION OF CHARTER. If Vessel has not tendered a valid Notice of Readiness 68 Charter, Owner plans to purchase bunkers at any port(s) outside the United States or its territories. 487
by 1600 hours local time on the Cancelling Date specified in Part I (B). Charterer shall have the right 69 Owner shall purchase the bunkers from Charterer or its designated affiliate(s) whenever they are so 488
to cancel this Charter by notifying Owner or Owner's agent by telegraph, telex or radio (if radio, 70 available at competitive prices. In the event lower prices are quoted to Owner by any supplier at the 489
subsequently confirmed promptly in writing) of such cancellation within forty-eight (48) hours local 71 port(s) in question, Owner shall give Charterer or its designated affiliate(s) the opportunity to meet 490
time after expiration of the said Cancelling Date, failing which this Charter shall remain in full force 72 such quotation. 491
and effect. Charterer's said option shall continue to apply even if Vessel tenders Notice of Readiness 73 27. BILLS OF LADING. 492
within the just-mentioned forty-eight (48) hour period. However, if Vessel is delayed by reason of 74 (a) Bills of Lading shall be signed by Master as presented. Master attending daily, if 493
Charterer's change of orders pursuant to Clause 9 and/or by ice risks as stipulated in Clause 21, the 75 required, at the offices of Charterer or its agents. However. at Charterer's option, Charterer or its 494
said Cancelling Date shall be extended, with the option of cancellation as aforesaid, by any time so 76 agents may sign Bills of Lading on behalf of Master. All Bills of Lading shall be without prejudice to 495
directly lost. Cancellation or failure to cancel shall be without prejudice to any claims for damages 77 this Charter and Charterer shall indemnify Owner against all consequences or liabilities which may 496
Charterer may have for late tender of Vessel's services. 78 arise from any inconsistency between this Charter and any Bills of Lading or other documents signed 497
13. LAYTIME/DEMURRAGE 79 by Charterer or its agents or by Master at their request or which may arise from an irregularity in 498
(a) COMMENCEMENT/RESUMPTION. Laytime or time on demurrage, as herein 80 papers supplied by Charterer or its agents. 499
provided, shall commence or resume upon the expiration of six (6) hours after receipt by Charterer 81 (b) Notwithstanding anything in this Charter to the contrary, the carriage of cargo under 500
or its representative of Notice of Readiness or upon Vessel's Arrival in Berth. whichever occurs first. 82 this Charter and under all Bills of Lading issued for the cargo shall be subject to the statutory 501
Laytime shall not commence before 0600 hours local time on the Commencing Date specified in 83 provisions and other terms set forth or specified in sub-paragraphs (i) through (vi) of this Clause and 502
Part 1(3) unless Charterer shall otherwise agree, in which case laytime shall commence upon Vessel's 84 such terms shall be incorporated verbatim or be deemed incorporated by reference in any such Bill 503
Arrival in Berth. 85 of Lading. In such sub-paragraphs and in anv Act referred to therein, the word "Carrier" shall 504
(b) DURATION. The laytime specified in Part I (I) shall be allowed free of expense to 86 include Owner and Chartered Owner of Vessel. 505
Charterer for the purpose of loading and discharging cargo and all other Charterer's purposes. 87 (i) CLAUSE PARAMOUNT. This Bill of Lading shall have effect subject to the 506
Laytime or, if Vessel is on demurrage, time on demurrage, shall continue until all cargo hoses have 88 provisions of the Carriage of Goods By Sea Act of the United States. approved April 16. 1936, except 507
been completely disconnected upon the final termination of the loading or discharging operation. 89 that if this Bill of Lading is issued at a place where any other Act, ordinance or legislation gives 508
Disconnection of all cargo hoses shall be promptly effected. If Vessel is delayed in excess of two (2) 90 statutory effect to the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to Bills 509
hours after such disconnection of cargo hoses solely for Charterer's purposes, laytirne or, if Vessel is 91 of Lading at Brussels. August 1924, then this Bill of Lading shall have effect subject to the provisions 510
on demurrage, time on demurrage shall be deemed to have continued without interruption from the 92 of such Act, ordinance or legislation. The applicable Act, ordinance or legislation (hereinafter called 511
disconnection of the cargo hoses until the termination of such delay. 93 "Act") shall be deemed to be incorporated herein and nothing herein contained shall be deemed a 512
(c) PAYMENT. Charterer shall pay deinurrage per running day and pro rata for a part 94 surrender by the Carrier of an y of its riehts or irnmunMes nr an i ncr en, p nf cF
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part es have caused this Charter, consisting of a Preamble, Parts I and II, to he executed n duplicate as of the day and year first above written.

Owner Charterer

By: Witness: By: Wit mess:


I. DEFINITIONS. In this Charter, completion of loading, Vessel shall then forthwith proceed to any port(s) or place(s) as ordered by 60
(a) "place" shall mean any berth, dock, anchorage, sea terminal, submarine line, alongside Charterer in accordance with Part I (D) and there deliver said cargo. Except when required by reason 61
vessel and/or lighter, whether at anchor or underway, and/or any other place to which Charterer is 3 of Vessel fault, lightening within port limits shall be at Charterer's expense. 62
entitled to order Vessel hereunder. 4 (b) Owner shall transmit promptly Charterer's voyage instructions in their entirety to 63
(b) "ILL Convention" shall mean the International Load Line Convention. 1966. or any 5 Vessel. The laden voyage shall be performed at the Charter speed stipulated in Part I (A) or, if no 64
amendment thereof as may be applicable to the voyage(s) to be performed hereunder. 6 speed is there indicated, at full service speed. 65
(c) "Full Cargo" shall mean a cargo which fills Vessel to its minimum freeboard, as 7 5. MAXIMUM CARGO. In no event shall Charterer be required to provide, nor shall Vessel 66
permitted by the ILL Convention, or fills the cubic capacity of Vessel's available cargo spaces, 8 load, a cargo quantity in excess of a Full Cargo. In addition, Charterer shall not be required to 67
whichever occurs first, after leaving appropriate space in the tanks for the expansion of cargo. 9 provide a cargo quantity in excess of the maximum cargo capacity specified in Part I (A). All time 68
(d) "Arrival in Berth" shall mean the completion of mooring of Vessel when loading or 0 lost and expense incurred by reason of Vessel loading a quantity of cargo which puts Vessel, at any 69
discharging at a sea terminal, Vessel being all fast when loading or discharging alongside a stage of the voyage(s) hereunder, below the marks permissible under the ILL Convention shall be for 70
wharf/berth or Vessel being all fast alongside a barge, lighter or other vessel when loading from or Owner's sole account. 71
discharging to a barge, lighter or other vessel. 6. FREIGHT. 72
2. VESSEL 4 (a) Freight shall be paid at the rate stipulated in Part I (G) and shall be computed on gross 73
(a) DESCRIPTION/CONDITION. Owner warrants that, from the time when the obliga- 5 quantity as stated on the Bill of Lading and on quantity of documented tank washings if freight 74
tion to proceed to the loading port(s) or place(s) attaches and throughout Vessel's service under this 6 thereon is payable in accordance with Clause 33 (a): provided, however, that no freight shall be 75
Charter, Vessel shall be as described in Part I (A). Owner further warrants that, during the period just 7 payable on any quantity of cargo which puts Vessel, at any stage of the voyage(s) hereunder, below 76
described, Owner shall exercise due diligence to ensure that Vessel and its hull. machinery, boilers. 8 the marks permissible under the ILL Convention. Deadfreight shall be paid in accordance with 77
all tanks and all other equipment including, but not limited to, pipes, pumps, valves, inert gas and 9 Clause 7. No deduction from freight shall be made for water and/or sediment contained in the cargo, 78
crude oil wash systems (if Vessel is so equipped), navigational equipment, heating coils and facilities, 0 nor for any claim Charterer or cargo interests may have against Owner or Vessel arising under this 79
shall be fully functional and in good working order and condition and in every way seaworthy and fit Charter or Bills of Lading issued for the cargo. Payment of freight shall be made by Charterer 80
to carry the cargo and perform the voyage(s) required under this Charter. _2 without discount upon Charterer's receipt of notice of completion of discharge of cargo at last 81
(b) COMPLEMENT. Owner warrants that, during the period described in Paragraph (a) 23 discharging place less any disbursements made to Master or Owner's agent(s) at port(s) or place(s) of 82
of this Clause, Vessel shall have a full and efficient complement of Master, officers and crew, with loading and/or discharging plus cost of insurance, commissions and expenses on said disbursements 83
adequate training and experience in operating all Vessel's equipment including, but not limited to, 25 and any other costs incurred by Charterer on Owner's behalf pursuant to this Charter. 84
inert gas and crude oil wash systems (if Vessel is so equipped), and that Master and all officers shall 26 (b) WORLDSCALE. Unless otherwise stipulated herein, all rates, hours, terms and condi- 85
possess valid and current certificates/documents issued or approved by the country of Vessel's tions in the Worldwide Tanker Nominal Freight Scale current on the date of this Charter (hereinafter 86
registry. Owner further warrants the conversational English language proficiency of Master and 28 called "WORLDSCALE") shall apply to this Charter regardless of when Vessel loads. 87
officer(s) in charge of cargo and bunker oil handling. 29 7. DEADFREIGHT. Should the entire cargo quantity specified in Part 1 (E) not be supplied. 88
(c) COMPLIANCE. Owner warrants that Vessel shall, during the period described in 30 Master shall give immediate notice to Charterer by telegraph, telex or radio that such cargo quantity 89
Paragraph (a) of this Clause, be in full compliance with all applicable international conventions, all 31 has not been furnished, indicating shortage, and shall then await Charterer's instructions. Should 90
applicable laws, regulations and/or other requirements of the country of Vessel registry and of the 32 Charterer fail to provide further cargo, Vessel, upon request of Charterer, shall then proceed on its 91
countries of the port(s) and/or place(s) to which Vessel may be ordered hereunder and all applicable 33 voyage provided that the tanks in which the cargo is loaded are sufficiently filled to put it in a 92
regulations and/or requirements of any terminals or facilities in such port(s) or place(s) where Vessel 34 seaworthy condition. If any delay is caused to Vessel by reason of Master waiting for Charterer's 93
shall load or discharge. Owner further warrants that Vessel shall have on board, during the subject 35 instructions as aforesaid, such delay shall count as laytime or, if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on 94
period, all certificates, records or other documents required by the aforesaid conventions, laws, 36 demurrage and any expense incurred by Vessel attributable solely to such delay shall be for Charter- 95
regulations and/or requirements. The conventions, laws, regulations and requirements referred to in 37 er's account. Deadfreight shall be paid at the Base Freight Rate on the shortage (being the difference 96
this Paragraph (c) mean conventions, laws, regulations and requirements concerning ship size, ship 38 between the cargo quantity specified in Part 1 (E) and the quantity loaded as shown on the Bills of 97
design, safety, operation of ship equipment (including inert gas and crude oil wash systems if Vessel 39 Lading) provided such deadfreight charge is fully documented by cable advice from Master or by 98
is so equipped), navigation, pollution and other like matters. 40 deadfreight certificate_ 99
(d) BREACH. If any of the warranties stipulated in this Clause are breached, any delay 41 8. DEMURRAGE/DEVIATION RATE. The rate for demurrage and/or deviation shall be oo
resulting therefrom shall not count as laytime or, if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on demurrage 4") the fixed dollar figure specified in Part I (J) or the rate derived by determining the applicable rate 01
and any expense attributable to such delay shall be for Owner's account. 43 from the WORLDSCALE Demurrage Table for tonnage specified in Part I (I) and multiplying that 02
3. CLEANING. 44 rate by the Base Freight Rate. If a Part Cargo Minimum basis is specified in Part I (E) and Charterer 03
(a) Owner shall clean the tanks, pipes and pumps of Vessel at its expense to the satisfaction 45 exercises its option to load additional cargo, any demurrage and/or deviation shall, nevertheless, 04
of Charterer's representative(s). If the cargo specified in Part I (F) is clean product and inspection of 46 remain payable at either the aforesaid fixed dollar rate or at the aforesaid rate based on the tonnage 05
the tanks is required, Owner shall gasfree the tanks as necessary. Any time used for tank inspection 47 specified in Part I (J), whichever is applicable. The applicable rate under this Clause shall hereinafter 06
and any re-inerting of Vessel shall count as laytime or, if Vessel is on demurrage, as time on 48 be called "Demurrage Rate" or "Deviation Rate" as is appropriate. 07
demurrage. Any time required for cleaning and gasfreeing shall not count as laytime or, if Vessel is 49 9. LOADING AND DISCHARGING PORT(S)/PLACE(S). 08
on demurrage, as time on demurrage. Compliance with this Clause shall not be deemed compliance 50 (a) Charterer shall nominate loading or discharging port(s) and/or place(s) or order Vessel 09
with Owner's obligations under Clause 2, which are in no way lessened by this Clause. 51 to a destination for orders. If Vessel is ordered to a destination for orders. Charterer shall thereafter 10
(b) Vessel shall not be responsible for any admixture, if more than one quality of oil is
shipped, nor for contamination or deterioration in quality of the cargo unless the admixture, con-
nominate loading or discharging port(s) and/or place(s). All such nominations or orders shall be
made in sufficient time to avoid delay to Vessel.
tamination or deterioration results from (i) unseaworthiness existing at the inception of loading 54 (b) CHANGE OF DESTINATION. After nominating loading and/or discharging port(s) 13
which was discoverable by the exercise of due diligence or (ii) error or fault of the servants of Owner 55 or place(s) pursuant to Paragraph (a) of this Clause, Charterer may nominate new port(s) or place(s), 14
in the loading, care or discharging of the cargo. 56 whether or not they are within the range of the previously nominated port(s) or place(s) and/or vary 15
4.VOYAGE(S). 57 the rotation of any nominated port(s) or place(s) and Owner shall issue instructions necessary to 16
(a) Vessel shall proceed with utmost dispatch to any port(s) or place(s) as ordered by 58 make such change(s). It is understood and agreed, however, that the aforesaid option to nominate 17
Charterer in accordance with Part 1 (C) and there load a cargo as specified in Part I (E) and (F). On 59 new loading port(s) or place(s) in different ranges shall lapse on Vessel tendering Notice of Readiness 18

In accordance with Part II, Clause 8, demurrage and/or dev ation per day shall be based on:

Summer deadweight of tons (2240 lbs.)

Part Cargo Minimum plus tons (2240 lbs.) totalling tons (2240 lbs.)
United States dollars



The following specified Clause(s), the text(s) of which are attached hereto, shall be deemed incorporated in and made a part of this Part I.
Cargo Tanks Coated: [I] Yes No Type:

Cargo Tanks Coiled: El Yes El No

Last cargo: Next to last cargo:

Vessel location on date of Charter:

Expected ready to load:

Charter speed in all weather: knots laden.

(B) LAYDAYS: Commencing: Cancelling:

(C) LOADING RANGE(S)/PORT(S)/PLACE(S): One ( I) or safc



Full Cargo as defined in Part II. Clause I subject to the Maximum Cargo Capacity limits specified in Part I (A): El Yes D No
Part Cargo Minimum tons (2240 lbs.) with Charterer's option to load up to Full Cargo as described in this Paragraph (E):
provided Part Cargo Minimum is supplied by Charterer, no deadfreight for Charterer's account whether option exercised or not.



Freight rate for Full Cargo or Part Cargo M nimum (hereinafter called "Base Freight Rate"):

Freight rate for quantity above Part Cargo Minimum (here nafter called "Overage Freight Rate"):


Freight, dead reight, demurrage and any other monies payable to Owner pursuant to this Charter shall be payab e in United States dollars and invo ced to Charterer


and paid to Owner at:

(I) LAYTIME: Total Laytime in running hours:

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