BSBWHS521: Ensure A Safe Workplace For A Work Area

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Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Assessment Task 1 – Project (Establish and maintain a Work Health and Safety
Management System)

Description of the workplace

CoffeeVilie located in Collins St Melbourne, Coffeeville has been operating since 2009. It is
a family owned and operated business. It is own by siblings Rufus and Emma Blastrac. They
have both trained and worked in the hospitality industry over 15 the years. Since then they
decided to pool their skills, knowledge and passion for quality to open Coffeeville in 2009.

Since then, the Baclaran’s have been providing quality products to the busy city population.
The family-oriented siblings understand the importance of healthy communities and they
endeavour to run a business that values and supports communities on a local and global scale.

Besides, Coffeeville support communities on a global scale through sourcing a range of fair-
trade coffees. In-store, we focus on building a friendly, team-oriented working community.
Good coffee is also a priority at Coffeeville.
Coffeeville thus welcome those who is passionate and interested in learning and enhancing
barista skills to good use to drop off a resume so that they can arrange for the new vacancy.
Hey, do claim that they are happy to offer employment to friendly, experienced staff in the
hospitality industry journey. They do welcome those who have high interest in becoming a
barista but lack of skill, as they will provide professional training to each of the newcomers.

Description of the workplace WHS guidelines

Coffeeville recognizes its responsibility to provide a healthy and safe working environment for
employees, contractors, clients and visitors. Coffeeville is committed to the continued well-being of
its employees and to ensuring that all employees are safe from injury and health risks whilst
undertaking work-related duties, including home-based work.

The partners and business owners are ultimately responsible for ensuring that safe systems of
work are established, implemented and maintained. The partners and business owners are
responsible for:
● the effective implementation and regular review of health and safety procedures
● consultation with employees regarding health and safety issues and changes to legislation
and/or working practices which may affect the health, safety or welfare of employee
● providing and maintaining a safe system of working practices
● providing support, training, and supervision to employees to ensure safe and healthy
workplace practices are carried out, including relevant first aid training where appropriate
● the provision of adequate resources for employees to meet the health and safety
commitment, including an up to date first aid kit.
Individual employees are responsible for:
● following all health and safety policies and procedures
● ensuring they report all potential and actual risks to partners or managers/supervisors
● taking care to protect their own health and safety and that of their colleagues at work
● ensuring their own or others health and safety is not adversely affected by the consumption
of drugs or alcohol
● encouraging others to follow healthy and safe working practices in the workplace

Who is this guide for?

Internal employees of Coffeeville.

Purpose of the Guidelines

In order to ensure a healthy and safe working environment of Coffeeville, the management
department are aim to
● undertake risk assessments and implement procedures to adequately manage any risks in
the working environment
● provide written procedures and instructions for safe working practices
● ensure compliance with all relevant legislation
● maintain safe systems of work including the work premises and environment
● provide appropriate support, instruction, training and supervision to employees to ensure
safe working practices.

Guidelines for an effective WHS management system

WHS Criteria Guidelines for an effective WHS management system

1 Organisational Store administrators and senior initiative must be resolved to

commitment to guarantee WHS administration framework is working legitimately.
locate, adapt, They are mindful that all staff individuals are practicing the WHS
adopt and systems. Chiefs have the obligation of looking into the Risk Action
communicate Plan on a month to month premise. Pioneers of the whole work
work health and environment are required to take after the necessities of WHS
safety policies in enactment by conveying to the workforce of its prerequisites and
order to be progressing changes to receive and adjust the WHS polices. An
compliant with appropriate preparing of WHS strategies and techniques is to be
WHS legislation conveyed to new representatives is expected time to time to keep
up well-being and security at work environment according to
require under WHS enactment.
2 WHS The Work Health and Safety Policy unmistakably describes the
responsibilities rights and commitments of commitment holder. All commitment
for duty holders
holders need to agree to association courses of action and
methodologies. Do whatever it takes not to use any imperfect
rigging, don't manhandle of any equipment or never use anything
without getting ready if vital, wear genuine PPE and report any
WHS issues, including threats wounds, infections and close misses.

3 Human resources HR office ought to apportion Health and Safety appoint, medicinal
and financial guide precise, fire expert, prosperity and security committee to be
commitment for
encircled and HR needs to guarantee genuine planning. It is control
an effective work
health and safety of HR to give cash related and physical advantages for engage the
management convincing utilization of the Workplace Health and Safety. These
cash related resources must be given in spending assignment to the
Workplace Health and Safety gathering.
4 How to set up a Segment 5 of the WHS Act 2011 (the Act) requires PCBUs to
consultation and advise with authorities about WHS matters that impact their
workplace prosperity or security. As masters now consolidates all
according to people completing work for the PCBU this joins talk with
relevant WHS delegates, legally binding specialists, sub-brief specialists,
volunteers, work enrol workers and some other individual
completing work for the PCBU. Going before guiding with
authorities. PCBUs and workers ought to at first choose "work
social affairs" which mean a get-together of masters with similar
WHS concerns and work conditions. The options for WHS guide
join Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs), Health and Safety
Committees (HSCs) and other agreed strategies (social events)

5 How to record All exchanges over WHS issues and recipient comes about are to
and communicate be recorded using standard designs and report control shapes like
outcomes of
minute taking if it's an ordinary social affair. These chronicles can
consultation over
WHS issues and be kept up on the Workplace Health and Safety portion of
how quickly to association site as cases or cases inspects. Work gatherings can be
seen with experts’ leaflet, find in staff room and staff can in like
information about
the outcomes of manner be educated about changes by email to material work
participation and gatherings and accomplices.
consultation to
work teams

6 The process for To recognize dangers the going with techniques are recommended:
 Converse with masters (checking legally binding laborers).
hazards across the
 Past scenes/incidents must be examined to find what wasn't
right, why that has happened and whether the event/disaster
including the
could happen yet again.
stages of hazard
 Every flawed mechanical assembly are to be represented to
identification and
procedures used huge territories of association so they can be settled or
supplanted as fast as time licenses.
to ensure new
proposed changes
do not create any
new hazards

7 The process of Risk assessment chooses reality of peril, review of existing threat
analyzing risks control measures, action required to keep up a vital separation from
and ranking them or control threats and sincerity of action required. Risk examination
and control
incorporates considering the possible outcomes of some person
procedures to
being exhibited to a peril and the likelihood of this event.
treat risks
Endeavours of peril assessment and procedures to view threats are
as taken after:

 Perceive threats
 Pick who might be harmed and how
 Evaluate the perils and settle on wellbeing measure
 Record your disclosures and realize them

8 The procedures
for maintaining Discourse among organization and agents is an essential bit of
an effective work sufficiently managing prosperity and security in the workplace.
health and safety Organization must guidance with agents, so they add to decisions
management about the execution of prosperity sharpens. A correspondence
system organize is key with an ultimate objective to give security and
welfare information to staff, legally binding laborers and visitors
through the going with media like WHS site, guided
correspondence and messages to delegates and accomplices,
prosperity manuals, signage and safe work systems.

9 What expert WHS

advice to be used It is vital to use or attract a sensibly qualified individual under
WHS order to advise on issues influencing the prosperity and
security of your delegates. Authority can be utilized if there is no
suitable individual with required capacities and learning at inside
affiliation or someone from workplace is to be given real getting
ready to play out the action. A master or qualified can give you
direct on setting up, guard up or upgrading systems of work and
perceiving, taking out or controlling workplace risks.

10 The requirements  Well-being and security plan

for strict  Upkeep of safe plant
compliance with  Structures and safe systems of work safe use
WHS legislative  Taking consideration of and limit of plant
framework to
meet legal  Structures and substances plan of adequate workplaces for
requirements the welfare at work of pros

Assessment Task 2 – Project (Identify, assess and control risks)

Hazard identification table
Workplace description
Coffeeville Company is seeking an experienced Barista to join our team for the position of LEAD
BARISTA/MANAGER. The position will be responsible for the highest level of professionalism of
all our coffee & tea products. Duties will include; managing Barista’s, register and drive-thru staff

Hazard Identified Hazard Method/technique used to

category (Any specific area, equipment, situation and/or identify hazard
activity that has the potential to cause harm, injury, (Take a look back (review past records)/ talk
illness to workers or damage to property) to workers/ inspect (walk around)/ review
specifications/ think creatively etc.)
1 Physical -Glass. May cause cuts, bleeding; may require Make sure broken glass will
hazards surgery to find or remove throw away and change to new
(Cafe, -Excessive workloads
storeroom, Café employee keep busying on
kitchen) prepare café, cleaning table,
wash cups or plates. Give them
enough resting times and hire
enough people, do not let them
one people do a lot of task.
2 Biological Animal dropping (Specific cat dropping is use Make sure when purchase the cat
hazards as coffee) dropping coffee bean is 100%
clean and qualified.
3 Chemical Cleansing powder Check the PH level of those
hazards cleansing powder, or make sure
employee wear plastic glove.
4 Ergonomics uncomfortable workstation height and poor The workplace must be comfort
hazards body positioning. and the height of workstation
must be acceptable,
5 Environmental Air pollution Some of the café allow people to
hazards smoke and the best way is
making a no smoking signboard.
(cafe area,
inside and

Assessment of risks/ analyse risks

Risks will be analysed using two risk variables such as Likelihood of risk occurring and
Consequences if the risk occurred
Likelihood of risk occurring
Likelihood Description
High likely Frequently happen
Likely Happen sometime
Unlikely Less happen or not happen

Impact of risk occurring

Impact/consequence Description
Minor No lost time harms. Crisis treatment or remedial treatment required.
Moderate Lost time harm including short lived loss of limit or a notifiable event.
Major Whole deal affliction or certifiable harm/Permanent loss of limit or impair.

Risk Matrix

  Minor (1)  Moderate (2)  Major (3) 
Unlikely (1)  L1  L2  M3 
Likely (2) 
  L2  M4  H6 
Highly Likely
(3)  M3  H6  H9 
Risk Category - H = High risk, M = Medium risk, L = low risk

Risk rating table

Risk Definition of risk level Immediacy of risk controls and Level of actions required
H9 Exceedingly liable to happen the Impending danger control moves must be made. Utilization of
hazard and result will be major chain of command of hazard controls with most favoured
if chance happens alternative end and additionally mix of controls as the dangers
are profoundly prone to happen and effect will be major.
H6 Liable to happen the hazard and Impending danger control moves must be made. Utilization of
outcome will be major if chance chain of importance of hazard controls with most favoured
happens choice disposal or potentially blend of controls as the dangers
are probably going to happen and the effect will be major or
M4 Exceptionally prone to happen Quick inside sensible time span, for example, inside couple of
the hazard and outcome will be days the hazard control moves must be made. Utilization of
direct if chance happens pecking order of hazard controls with most favoured choice
end or potentially blend of controls as the dangers are probably
going to happen and the effect will be direct
M3 Prone to happen the hazard and Inside sensible time allotment, for example, one week the
outcome will be direct if chance hazard control moves must be made. Utilization of chain of
happens command of hazard controls with most favoured alternative
end or potentially blend of controls as the dangers are
impossible or liable to happen and the effect will be major or
L2 Far-fetched to happen the hazard Inside sensible time period, for example, a fortnight the hazard
and result will be major if control moves must be made. Utilization of progressive system
chance happens of hazard controls with most favoured alternative end and
additionally mix of controls as the dangers are impossible or
liable to happen and the effect will be minor or direct
L1 Profoundly prone to happen the Inside sensible time allotment, for example, one month the
hazard and result will be minor hazard control moves must be made. Utilization of progression
if chance happens of hazard controls with most favoured alternative disposal and
additionally mix of controls as the dangers are probably not
going to happen and the effect will be minor

Table of risk analysis

Hazard Identified Hazard Likelihood Impact Risk
category (Any specific area, equipment, situation and/or A. Highly 1. Major Rating
activity that has the potential to cause harm, injury, likely 2. Moderate (L1, L2,
illness to workers or damage to property) B. Likely 3. Minor M3, M4,
C. Unl H6, H9)
1 Physical Glass A 1 H9
(cafe area,
2 Biological Animal dropping (Cat dropping coffee) B  3 L2
3 Chemical Cleaning solution C 2 L2
4 Ergonomics Workstations (sitting and standing) B  2 M4
hazards and
5 Environmental Air Pollution A  1 H9 
(cafe area,
inside and

Risk treatment plan

Hazard Identified Hazard Risk Rating Risk control plan
category (List and briefly explain any (L1, L2, M3, (Using hierarchy of risk control –
specific area, equipment, M4, H6, H9) i.e.
situation and/or activity that Eliminate/substitute/isolate/engineer
has the potential to cause harm, / administration/ personal protection
injury, illness to workers or
damage to property)
- explain here very specific action to
be taken to treat the risk)
1 Physical Glass H9 Substitutions. Make sure all the
hazards glass is not broken, if found it,
change it immediately
(cafe area,
2 Biological Animal dropping (Cat L2 Elimination. Make sure when
hazards dropping coffee) purchase the cat dropping coffee
bean is 100% clean and qualified.
3 Chemical Cleaning solution L2 Personal protective equipment.
hazards Some cleaning solution have very
strong chemical so workers must
(cleaning wear the glove.
4 Ergonomics workstations (sitting and M4 Administrative controls. Move
hazards standing) more. Sometimes keep sitting
without move or keep standing
(employee without sit will harm our body.
5 Environmental Air Pollution H9  Elimination. Some pollution may
hazards occur like air pollution because
customer or even employee may
(cafe area, smoke during break time, just make
inside and sure got a room for them to smoke
outside) and didn’t influence other people.

Residual risk control plan (Inadequacy treatment plan)

Hazard category Identified Hazard Risk Risk control plan Inadequacy Monitoring
(Any specific area, Rating (Using hierarchy of risk control – treatment actions
equipment, (L1, i.e. (Explain what (Explain how you
situation and/or L2, Eliminate/substitute/isolate/engineer further actions ensure the control
activity that has the M3, / administration/ personal protection are necessary to measures are in
potential to cause - explain here very specific action to control residual place as
harm, injury, be taken to treat the risk) risks) implemented)
illness to workers H9)
or damage to
1 Physical hazards Glass H9 Make sure all the glass is not With more high- Working condition
(cafe, storeroom, broken, if found it, change it quality glass will
kitchen) immediately not break easily.
2 Biological Animal dropping L2 Make sure when purchase the cat Consistently Overview and
hazards (cat dropping dropping coffee bean is 100% clean guarantee nature update
(employee coffee) and qualified. is flawless and
health) would not pass
on bacteria to
others. More
focus on neatness
at the workplace.
3 Chemical Cleaning powder L2 Some of the cleaning solution have Can avoid by Working condition
hazards very strong chemical so workers wearing glove
(cleaning must wear the glove and be careful.
4 Ergonomics workstations M4 Move more. Sometimes keep sitting Don’t keep the Working condition
hazards (sitting and without move or keep standing same position for
(employee standing) without sit will harm our body long time.
5 Environmental Air Pollution H9 Some pollution may occur like air Can be avoid by Working condition
hazards pollution because customer or even having control.
(cafe area, inside employee may smoke during break
and outside) time, just make sure got a room for
them to smoke and didn’t influence
other people.

Assessment Task 3 - Project (Evaluate and maintain a WHS management system)

Stage A
Session plan
All staff should be made aware of this policy and procedure within several months of
commencing work. New staff should be made aware of any hazards that exist within the
workplace, and the way company manages the potential risk from that hazard. It is expected
that each staff member will report and act upon potential workplace hazards.
Process for identification of new hazard:
1.Identify hazard.
2.Clear area.
3.Partition the hazard.
4.Clear hazard if safe to do so.
5.Report hazard to owner or manager.
6.Complete all documentation.

Stage B
Training workshop Educate employees Training by: Manager Duration:
regarding the workplace 2 hours
safety issues

Safety talk Educate employees Training by outsource Duration:

regarding the knowledge trainer 2 hours
of maintaining
workplace safety
Role play Let employees try Training by manager Duration:
different position 1 hour
handling safety issues
Evaluate program Practical and observe Training by manager Duration:
employee’s performance 1 hour
and behaviour regarding
safety issues

 Identify changes between the existing OHS Act and the model WHS Act to
understand what needs to change, and what can stay the same in order to achieve
 Review organisational structure to determine where responsibility for WHS lies.
 Review policies, procedures and consultation processes to ensure that not only are
they compliant, but that terminology used is consistent with the new Act.
 Identify the stakeholders within your organisation. For example, workers, which
again must go back to the expanded definition, officers and those responsible for the
implementation of safety initiatives.
 Review contracts with relevant third parties such as suppliers of plant equipment or
labour to address and to clarify respective obligations.
 Review your consultation arrangements to determine:

 If you are consulting with all required parties, again coming back to the
expanded definition of workers
 And to establish whether you need to elect health and safety representatives
(HSRs) for identified workgroups, or if existing alternative arrangements are

 Review your procedures to ensure that you protect against engaging in

discriminatory conduct against a worker who raises a health and safety issue.
 Review the new regulations and codes of practice to determine what changes will
need to be made to your safety systems.
 Check for transitional arrangements in your state or territory. Transition will cover
such things training requirements for health and safety representatives.

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