Project Final Phase

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Electrical Solutions Association

Safe Energy for Everyone

Juan José Pichardo

Eduardo Romano
Oscar Suriel
Carlos Polanco
INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------- 1

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: ------------------------------------------------- 1

 Name
 Type
 Specific Description
 Product Portfolio
 Problems we are solving.

OBJECTIVES ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2

 Mission
 Vision

RESPONSIBILITIES --------------------------------------------------------- 2

 Responsibilities with the Community

 Responsibilities with the Country

MARKET ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3

 Target market
 Company’s differentiator
 Customer Benefits

OPERATION SYSTEM ------------------------------------------------------ 6

 Inputs
 Transformational process
 Outputs

CONCLUSION -----------------------------------------------------------------
ANEXES --------------------------------------------------------------------------
In this document we will be presenting the main aspects of our company. With the goal
of offering a wide understanding of how our business is structured and how it functions.
First, we will be describing the company and later we will explain our main objectives,
our responsibilities our market description and our operation system. For the final part
we will be explaining how our careers are related with the business.

 Electrical Solutions Association (ESA)
 Service company.
 S.R.L (Sociedad de responsabilidad limitada  Limited responsibility society)
Specific description:
 The company is based on the installation, maintenance and enhancement of
electrical systems and the automation of processes on any given building or
construction project. On our company we will be analyzing electrical systems to
find a way of fixing or enhancing them with the most efficient solutions.
Product Portfolio:
 Electrical power systems installation.
 Processes automation.
 Maintenance and Enhancement of existing electrical systems. (Star Product)

Problems we are solving:

 The main problem that our company will solve is the problematic of the lack of
knowledge of the electrical sector in the Dominican Republic. The main
consequence of this is that it produces a lot of accidents that can be avoided by
correctly installing electrical systems. The dominican electrical sector is one of
the most underdeveloped ones of all Latin America.


 Our mission is to support our clients, providing them with high quality services,
advice, and products, through an innovative and trained staff. Develop the
changes that our clients need to achieve the quality, productivity and benefits of
their current and future businesses, in order to provide them with a "feasible
solution" for their problems.

 To be a company fully recognized at a regional, national and international level
for contributing to the implementation of electrical installations and the
automation processes of the industries we serve.


Responsibilities with the Community:

 Our company has the responsibility to keep the public safe through the
recurring inspection of wires and other equipment to discover and correct any
hazards and defects and prevent injuries and damages to individuals or property.
This includes, but is not limited to, timely fixing sagging wires and insulating
wire lines.

Responsibilities with the Country

 Our responsibility to the country is to provide electricity to the entire country.

Furthermore, as a company, we will aim to protect consumers from
unreasonably high prices because of the monopoly in the electrical services
sector and to provide incentives to firms to maintain efficiency. All of this will
contribute to the development of this sector at the national level.


Target market:
 We are an electrical installation company and in today's world almost everyone
uses electricity. Therefore, everyone must have access to safe and efficient
sources of electricity. So, our products could benefit anyone. But based on
experiences, we could expect that our most common consumers were large
institutions such as banks, Government Companies, Free Trade Zones, which
always have a need for some urgency in the electricity area due to some bad
practices implemented in the country that hurts the optimal operation of the
electrical lines.

Company’s differentiator:

 The main reason why you invest in us is the Quality of our projects. Our staff
will be made up of the best professionals and experts in the field.

Work ethic
 Another reason is because of our Ethics. We think that no matter how good a
professional is, without ethics knowledge and skills are insignificant. That is
why we are going to work by the rules. Every detail of our work will be
informed to our clients. And every dollar they pay will be justified.

 Also, the commitment that we employ in our projects, thus seeking to give the
best of the best in each job so that our clients feel satisfied with their
investment, If we set a goal, no matter how difficult it gets, you can be sure of
that we will do our best to achieve it. It must be considered that if in the
installation process we make a bad connection or damage something in the
premises, it would be our responsibility to solve it and the client would not have
to pay for damages or our mistakes in any case.

Creativity and professionalism
 Finally, we differentiate ourselves by our creativity and professionalism, since
we always look for a way in which the client feels satisfied with our services,
for this reason our work is managed by plans, each plan has a type of award that
benefits our customers in the sense that they participate in raffles, discounts and
Customer Benefits:
Project Insurance
 Our contracting service includes a work insurance that covers damages to third
parties as well as damages to personnel, all this through our insurer of
confidence La colonial de seguros.

 We offer 1 year of warranty, for any problems that the system has. We will be
covering the fixing process and the cost.

Discount for members

 Bronze
 1 year using our services.
 2% discount
 Silver
 3 year using our services.
 5% discount
 Gold
 5 year using our services.
 7% discount.
 Platinum
 10 years using our services.
 12% discount
 All social help institutions and churches are by default platinum members.

Payment agreement

Depending in which type of member you are there will be different payment facilities.

 New Customer
 60% of the amount total in advance
 20 days to pay.

 Bronze
 50% of the total amount in advance
 30 days to pay.

 Silver
 40% of the total amount in advance
 45 days to pay.

 Gold
 30% of the total amount in advance
 60 days to pay.

 Platinum
 20% of the total amount in advance
 90 days to pay.

Recommendation benefits

 If you recommend us to another client, we will give you a commission of 1% of

the net profit of the given project.


Operation system flow chart: See “ANNEX #1”


 Materials:
 Examples:
 Wires
 Coils
 Capacitors
 Capital equipment:
 Examples:
 Drills
 Electrical Multi-Tester
 Crane
 Labor
 Examples:
 Circuit designer (Engineers)
 Installation personnel (Technicians)
 Information
 Examples:
 System data
 Knowing the problem
 Time
 Average project duration: 6 months
 Money
 Average project cost:
 500,000 USD$
 Average tax amount:
 ITEBIS = 90,000 US$

Transformational process:
 Diagnostic
 Consists in personally verifying every relevant aspect of the given
installation. As well as asking the client what are the problems that
they are having to try to relate it with what we saw in the installation.
 Data collection: Data Collection is part of the diagnostic and
consists of photographs and measurements in order to create a
small data base with the information of the installation.
 Problem Solving
 Once the diagnostic has been completed, we go to the next step. If
there were any flaws detected in the system, we evaluate the possible
solutions to them. The objective is to find the most efficient solution.
 Project Design
 Consists in formally designing all the aspects needed in order to the
realization of the selected solution. That includes, writing down the
materials needed as well as the creation of circuit diagrams to
graphically represent the solution.
 Project pricing
 The pricing of the project consists of determining the total cost of the
project. Once the cost is determined, the client receives a detailed
report with the total price to be paid (Including taxes). Then the client
is free to accept negotiate or decline the offer. Once there is an
agreement between the company and the client the project proceeds.
 Project Execution
 Consists on the physical realization of the project. This includes
buying all the materials required. And then strictly follow the designed
 Project Delivery
 When the project is finished, the client receives a complete report
containing all the aspects related to the project.
 Solved problem. (The electrical system in optimal conditions.)


Juan José Pichardo (Electrical Engineering): The relation that my career holds with
that is very evident. As an Electrical Engineer, my main strengths are the analysis of
situations and electrical events with the goal of providing the most efficient and fast
solution. With these abilities, I will be able to detect the causes of diverse electrical
problems and be able to solve them with the best standards of quality possible.

Oscar Suriel (Electronical Engineering): This is related to my career (industrial

electronic engineering) due to the fact that all electrical equipment needs maintenance
for a better performance in all its areas, be it mechanical, pneumatic, and electrical.
Also, to prevent the company from having a bottleneck due to its malfunction.

Eduardo Romano (Electrical Engineering): The relation of our product with my

career is due to the fact that most companies and industrial parks need a qualified
service without failures to guarantee their productivity and obtain results. Therefore,
with applying the knowledge of my career we can guarantee the aforementioned.

Carlos A. Polanco (Industrial Engineering): The connection between my profession

and the service that this company give it is significant, because as an industrial
engineering right now all the process in a manufacturing company has an electrical part
because machines are used to create any product, so all the electric system of the fabric
has to be in excellent condition to do a good product.


Client contacts the company.


Data collection

Problem Solving

Project Design

Project Pricing

Pricing Denied Pricing Accepted


Project End Project Execution

Project Delivery


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