Pre-Competency Checklist: (Formative/Diagnotic Assessment) : Sherwin M. Calinao Bsit-Automotive 3B

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Sherwin M. Calinao


Answer the question for at least 10 sentences as you respond in every query.
1. A personnel or employee with an unsatisfactory or poor performance for two
consecutive evaluation can be a ground for dismissal? Support your answer.

 As most employers can attest, terminating employees for poor job performance is not
easy. But it is legally possible, so long as specific precautionary measures are taken. If
such measures are not taken, an employer may find itself either stuck with an
incompetent employee, or on the losing end of a lawsuit for unfair termination.
 If an employer cannot provide proper justification and evidence for termination, a labor
court will award an employee compensation for unfair dismissal. Long-term, highly paid
managers can receive significant awards for damages.


1. Online Quiz
2. Define the following terms:
 Separation-from the service as the severance of an employee's ties with
an employer, based on the continued provision of services and not on the
legal status of the employee.
 Voluntary Separation - refers to the separation of employees on their
own request, while involuntary separation means the separation of
employees for organizational reasons which are beyond the control of the
 Involuntary Separation- means a separation initiated by the Agency
against an employee's will and without his or her consent for reasons
other than misconduct, delinquency, or inefficiency.
 Resignation - is the formal act of leaving or quitting one's office or
position. A resignation can occur when a person holding a position gained
by election or appointment steps down, but leaving a position upon the
expiration of a term, or choosing not to seek an additional term, is not
considered resignation. 
 AWOL - absent without official leave but without intent to desert.
 Retirement benefits – Retirement benefits are benefits payable to the
member of the pension scheme on retirement or earlier withdrawal from
service, including retirement pensions; retirement lump sums or gratuities;
benefits (such as dependants’ pensions) payable following the member’s
death in retirement and periodic increases on all pensions whilst in

3. What is the classification of separation from the service in the government?

 Resignation
 Dropping from The Rolls
 Absence Without Approved Leave
 Unsatisfactory or Poor Performance
 Physically and Mentally Unfit
 Dismissal
 Retirement

4. What will happen to personnel with the status of AWOL?

 AWOL is considered workplace misconduct, and your employer can

punish you for being AWOL.  If you’re a private-sector employee, you may
not have any rights if you’re AWOL. At-will employees can be fired for any
reason —including AWOL.  However, your employer may have a policy
that addresses misconduct and discipline.  Depending on the policy and
how strictly your employer enforces it, a single incident of AWOL may not
be a fireable offense.

5. Enumerate the GSIS benefit packages for retirement of personnel in the


 AUTOMATIC PENSION - In the past, many workers missed out on valuable

pension benefits, because their employer didn’t offer them a pension or
they didn’t apply to join their company’s pension scheme.
Automatic enrolment changed this. It makes it compulsory for employers
to automatically enrol their eligible workers into a pension scheme. The
employer must also pay money into the scheme.  

 INITIAL THREE-YEAR LUMP SUM - Those who are at least 60 years old

but less than 63 years on the date of retirement are entitled to a three-year
lump sum. The subsequent two-year lump sum will be paid to retirees on
their 63rd birthday.
 FIVE-YEAR LUMP-SUM - Retirees still living after the five-
year guaranteed period, will be entitled to a monthly pension for life.
Option 3: 5-Year Lump sum- Those who are 63-65 years old may avail of
a five-year lump sum. After five years, they will receive a monthly pension
for life.

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