Eek 9: Disarmament Education

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eek 9: Disarmament Education

Disarmament Education Lesson Objectives

At the end of this section, the participants will:

1. Be able to define disarmament and disarmament education

2. Understand the relevance of disarmament education within the field of peace education
3. Discuss practical ways in which disarmament education can be implemented in the classroom

Guiding Questions
Before you read this section, consider the following questions:

1. What would a world without armaments look like?  Would human security be possible in a
disarmed world?
2. What are the opportunity costs of military spending? If your country wasn't spending money on
the military, what could it be using that money for?
3. What are the connections between:

 disarmament and human rights?

 disarmament and the environment?
 disarmament and social justice?

Preparedness for war is an incentive to war, and the only hope of permanent peace is the systematic and
scientific disarmament of all the nations of the world.
- Anna Howard Shaw
You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.
-Albert Einstein

Disarmament education is based on the idea that achieving disarmament is the primary institutional
requirement to develop a culture of peace and establish the foundations for comprehensive human
security (Reardon, 2002). The ultimate goal of disarmament education is “nothing less than general and
complete disarmament” (Reardon, 2002, p. 21). Disarmament education is a key component for
dismantling the culture of war (see Culture of Peace section). 
The Report and Final Document of the World Congress on Disarmament Education describes
disarmament as follows:
For the purposes of disarmament education, disarmament may be understood as any form of action
aimed at limiting, controlling or reducing arms, including unilateral disarmament under effective
international control. It may also be understood as a process aimed at transforming the current system of
armed nation states into a new world order of planned unarmed peace in which war is no longer an
instrument of national policy and peoples determine their own future and live in security based on justice
and solidarity (UNESCO, Paris, 1980, Section A, para. 2). 
The field of disarmament education arose in the 1950s and 1960s, in the aftermath of the atomic bomb
attacks in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At this time, disarmament education was primarily concerned with
nuclear disarmament. According to Murakami (1993), peace education in Japan is still largely concerned
with anti-nuclear education. As nuclear weapons are still a pressing global issue, nuclear disarmament is
still a critical issue in disarmament education.
Other weapons should not be forgotten, however. Weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear
weapons, tend to receive the most international attention. Meanwhile, small and light weapons account
for the vast majority of violence and illegal weapons trade in the world (Shah, 2007). Therefore
disarmament education must go beyond education about weapons of mass destruction, and include
weapons of all sizes, including guns, mines, and cluster bombs, just to name a few. 
Education for and about disarmament
Like all peace education, disarmament education can be education for or about disarmament. Education
for disarmament involves developing the competencies necessary for education about disarmament.
These competencies involve cultivating interest, critical thinking from acquired knowledge and informed
decision-making. Furthermore, there are two key perceptual elements in disarmament education. First,
students must perceive that disarmament is not only possible, but probable. This can be linked to Futures
Education (see Section 10 of this Unit) as students try to imagine what a disarmed world would look like.
Second, students must be able to see that the security of others – with whom they share the world – is
valuable (Reardon, 2002). According to Reardon, “this predisposition is best developed at the elementary
level in which the foundations of social values are laid” (2002, p. 24). This can be linked to Global
Citizenship Education, Multicultural Education, and Human Rights Education, among others. 
Education about disarmament encompasses the issues and problems of disarmament as well as actions
required to build a world without arms. Education about disarmament includes topics such as armed
conflicts, rising weapons-related expenditures, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and
conventional arms, and other threats that continue to challenge the foundations of international peace and
security (United Nations, 2010). For example, a lesson on knowledge about disarmament might explore
how military spending is linked to human rights violations when some citizens' basic human rights go
unmet while military spending increases. Students could compare military spending figures on health,
education, food, etc. The lesson could involve soliciting possible actions that students could take in
regards to this problem (for example, sending a letter to their government representative advocating for
decreased military spending and increased spending on education).
Since disarmament is linked to so many other topics and themes, it can be easier to integrate it into
existing curricula. Disarmament education can and should be placed in the broader field of peace
education, and linked directly to other branches in the field, such as human rights, development, and
environmental education. Disarmament education should include (or be part of a curriculum that includes)
nonviolent conflict resolution and conflict transformation education, so that learners are prepared to
address conflicts, which will inevitably arise, without the use of arms. 
Disarmament education can be controversial, and may be challenging to integrate into the curriculum,
depending on your school. As most nations have militaries, reducing military spending – let alone
completely abolishing the military – can be a taboo topic. If you are a teacher in the public school system,
even in a country where disarmament education might be frowned upon by the national government, you
can still find ways to educate for disarmament, such as by teaching the value of human security for
everyone and teaching critical thinking skills. You can look for “gaps” or “holes” where you can insert
disarmament themes or questions. Even if disarmament is strictly against your government's national
policy, you can still creatively find ways to implement disarmament education.
Disarmament education is an important area of peace education that is sometimes overlooked. While
peace is more than just the absence of war, the absence of war is an absolutely necessary component of
creating a culture of peace. Weapons are one of the greatest threats to peace in today's world, and
weapons proliferation is a major source of structural violence when public funds are spent on weapons in
lieu of food, health care, education, and nonviolent means of security.
Sample Lesson 
Note: If you are unable to obtain the resources suggested in this lesson plan, feel free to use any
materials that are relevant and can be obtained locally. 
Disarmament Dictionary (Reardon & Cabezudo, 2002)
This unit fulfills a number of standard learning purposes. First is the development of language skills
through the use of dictionaries and thesauruses to enhance children’s vocabulary and creative use of
language in expressing their own ideas. By examining the relationship between the micro (local) and
macro (global) effects of small arms and light weapons, reasoning and relational skills will be enhanced.
Creativity and expressive skills can be demonstrated through the use of artistic (drawing) and linguistic
(speaking and writing) expression.
This learning unit is intended to develop an awareness of the threat that small arms and weapons pose to
children locally and globally. These activities allow students the opportunity to actively identify and
describe their concerns about the effects that guns and small arms have on children’s lives in all regions
of the world. This lesson is also intended to develop students’ sense of civic and social responsibility by
allowing them to take action in building public awareness about issues that concern and affect children. It
is our intention that by using the Disarmament Dictionary as a learning tool to teach other students about
disarmament and human security, these goals will be reached.
Norma T. Nemeh (2001) Teachers College, Columbia University. This unit was prepared for use in a
teacher training workshop at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Grade level and subjects
Elementary grades 3 – 5, and adaptable to other grades; language arts, social/global studies
Dictionaries, thesaurus; construction paper, pencils, markers; magazine pictures illustrating youth and
violence, small arms; possible readings for teacher’s background and illustrations to use in the unit

 Turbulent Times, Prophetic Dreams: Art from Israeli & Palestinian Children. Harold Koplewicz,
Gail Furman, and Robin Goodman. Devora Publishing; Printed in Israel, 2000.
 One Day We Had To Run: Refugee Children Tell Their Stories in Words and Paintings. Sybella
Wilkes. Millbrook Trade, 1995; ISBN: 156294844X.
 The New York Times Magazine, June 10th 2001, “The Age of Anxiety,” p. 36.

Reading of children’s books; viewing and making drawings; consulting dictionaries; preparing a dictionary;
cooperative learning; communal sharing of learnings

1. Children will be encouraged to specify and reflect on the negative effects that guns, small arms,
and weapons have on children. Reflection will be based on an examination of a series of children’s
drawings and artwork from various world regions.
2. Students will analyze the effect that guns, small weapons and land mines have had on children’s
lives in various regions of the world and their own community by reading the recommended texts,
viewing the drawings of children who are experiencing armed conflict directly.
3. Students will identify and describe the harmful effects that guns, small weapons, and land mines
have on children’s safety and security by listing adjectives and/or adverbs that describe the effects of
guns and small weapons on societies and children’s lives in particular.

NOTE: This learning unit would best be conducted over a period of two weeks of language arts classes.
1. Teacher presents One Day We Had to Run, or similar picture books with children’s illustrations and
stories. Read one story for each session. After each reading, pose the following questions or similar ones:

 What was the story about? Who were the people in the story? Were there any children of your
age, or the ages or your sisters, brothers, or friends?
 What did you see in the pictures? Did you notice guns or other weapons in the pictures? How did
the guns make you feel?
 Why do people have guns? What do guns do to people? d) How do you think the children who
drew these pictures felt about guns? What happened to them because of the guns?
 Could the people using the guns have found other ways to do what they were trying to do? What
other ways can you imagine?

2. Begin a discussion on the effects that guns, small weapons, and land mines have had on the children
who illustrated the books and ask students to share their own ideas, experiences, and knowledge about
guns, weapons, and war. Ask students how they learned what they know about such things.
3. Ask students to give identifying or descriptive words (adjectives and adverbs) to describe the mood and
feeling found in the children’s illustrations and their own feelings about the illustrations. If students are not
familiar with adjectives and adverbs prior to conducting the lesson, explain the concept and technique of
description, noting that they have been using adjectives and adverbs to describe what they saw and to
express feelings.
4. Record children’s responses on the board or newsprint, making a list of adjectives and adverbs to be
used later in composing the Disarmament Dictionary.
5. Introduce and define the term “disarmament” to the children and elicit their reactions and responses as
to how disarmament could contribute to children’s safety and security. Ask them to think about what
makes them feel safe and secure. Explain to the children that many people all over the world are working
for disarmament as a way to create peace. Tell them about the United Nations Decade for a Culture of
Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World (United Nations Document A/Res/53/25), ten years
of activity to try to assure that they and all children can be secure and live in peace.
6. Introduce the activity of creating the Disarmament Dictionary to explain to other students why they think
that the issue is an important one that other children need to learn about, too.
7. Announce that students, in groups, will be assigned a letter or group of letters from the alphabet and be
asked to identify an adjective or adverb beginning with that letter. They will then be asked to construct a
sentence using the adverb or adjective to describe their thoughts, feelings, or experiences related to small
arms (such as handguns) and/or related to how they threaten the security of children.
Students will use dictionaries and a thesaurus to locate and identify adjectives or adverbs from each letter
of the alphabet that reflect or define the disarmament concept they would like to include in the
Disarmament Dictionary.
Students will list the words alphabetically, compose sentences using the words and articulating their ideas
about guns, and illustrate one page in the Disarmament Dictionary to correspond to the letter(s) they were
8. Organize students into cooperative learning groups and assign several letters of the alphabet to each
group. Each group will compose a section of the Disarmament Dictionary:
 Assuring that there are sentences and illustrations for every letter; 
 Putting the letters, sentences and illustrations in alphabetical order; and 
 Making a cover and a binder for their part of the dictionary.

9. If possible, make photocopies of the Disarmament Dictionary so each child may have one to keep, read
again, and share with families and others.
10. Upon completion of the Disarmament Dictionary, students can plan activities to introduce their work to
other students in the school. Some ideas include:

 A hall display of all the pages;

 A special assembly in which students present their drawings and sentences as skits;
 Visits to other classes to explain the problem of guns and ideas about disarmament by presenting
their Disarmament Dictionary

Murakami, T. (1993). “Peace Education in Britain and Japan: A Comparison.” In A. Bjerstedt (Ed.) Peace
Education: Global Perspectives. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International. p. 79-90.
Reardon, B. (in consultation with A. Cabezudo). (2002). Tasks and directions for the Global Campaign for
Peace Education. Disarmament Forum, pp. 19-26.
Reardon, B. & Cabezudo, A. (2002). Book 2: Learning to Abolish War: Teaching Towards a Culture of
Peace. Sample Learning Units. New York: Hague Appeal for Peace. 
Shah, Anup (2007). The arms trade is big business. Retrieved
United Nations. (2010). Disarmament Education: Resources for Learning. Retrieved from

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