DR Vishali's Paper
DR Vishali's Paper
DR Vishali's Paper
The hallmark of pars planitis are the white or yellowish- 3. Metastasis from breast, lung or renal carcinomas
white exudates (posterior hypopyon) and collagen into the eye
bands (snow banks) over the pars plana, with 4. Paraneoplastic syndromes
extension into the ora serrata and peripheral retina.
Following are some of the common entities:
44 Journal of the Bombay Ophthalmologists’ Association Vol. 13 No. 2
reaction that the retinal lesion itself cannot be directly Vitritis as the primary manifestation of ocular syphilis
visualized (“headlight in the fog”).There may be in patients with HIV infection:
“spillover” anterior segment inflammation with small
HIV positive patients with syphilis may present with
to medium-sized ,round white or large, mutton-fat
atypically dense vitritis. In these patients, vitritis may
KPs in the cornea.It is usually acute in onset in contrast
be the first manifestation of syphilis. The regimen for
to the insidious onset in intermediate uveitis. Diffuse
neurosyphilis provides effective therapy. Moreover, in
or segmental vasculitis may be seen.
some patients, syphilitic vitritis may be the initial
Toxocariasis manifestation of HIV disease.
uveitis patients may be at a risk for the subsequent detect the primary cancer. Vitreous biopsy may reveal
development of multiple sclerosis 51. the presence of malignant cells.
It can produce a unilateral, chronic, low grade anterior Cancer-associated retinopathy (CAR) may manifest
segment inflammation with spillover of the cells into as uveitis. Histologically, there is destruction of
the vitreous cavity. There is no snowbank. Multiple photoreceptors 54 which is thought to be immune-
stellate keratic precipitates and heterochromia iridis mediated. Visual loss may be explained by optic disc
constitute this diagnosis. Posterior synechiae preclude pallor, vascular sheathing and RPE disturbances.
the diagnosis. Vitritis may be significant to cause CME.
Bilateral Diffuse Uveal Melanocytic Proliferation
Transient Vitreous Inflammatory Reactions associated (BDUMP) is another paraneoplastic disorder simulating
with combination antiretroviral therapy in patients with as uveitis, found in association with a systemic
AIDS and Cytomegalovirus Retinitis malignant process. Multiple, round, raised, subretinal
red patches with or without exudative retinal
Patients with AIDS and CMV Retinitis may develop
detachment and vitreous cells can be seen.
transient intraocular inflammation associated with
combination antiretroviral therapy.This inflammation LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS
reflects an improved immune response against
The diagnosis of intermediate uveitis is clinical. Routine
tests should include a complete blood count to look
Masquerade Syndromes for WBC abnormalities (as in a malignant masquerade
syndrome), erythrocyte sedimentation rate, a
These comprise a group of disorders that occur with
tuberculin skin test, chest radiograph to screen for
intraocular inflammation and are often misdiagnosed
tuberculosis and sarcoidosis, and TPHA for syphilis.
as chronic idiopathic uveitis. Apart from certain non-
Fluorecein angiography is useful for retinal or
malignant conditions masquerading as uveitis, many
choroidal pathologies, subtle CME and capillary non-
of the masquerade syndromes are malignant
Serological tests (ELISA) may be indicated for
Intraocular Lymphoma
toxoplasmosis, toxocariasis, HIV and Lyme disease.
Vitritis without fundus lesions has been reported with Aqueous tap and Vitreous biopsy may be required for
intraocular lymphoma 52,53 .Elderly patients presenting cytological or microbiological evaluation and
with vitreous cells may be indicative of intraocular Polymerase chain reaction. In suspected cases of
lymphoma. Diagnostic vitrectomy, cytological endogenous endophthalmitis, blood culture and urine
evaluation of CSF and neuroimaging are necessary culture may prove contributory. MRI may be required
for establishing diagnosis. to look for multiple sclerosis. Cranial imaging with
lumbar puncture are indicated to rule out large cell
Other malignant conditions
Tumors such as retinoblastoma, malignant melanoma
or medulloepithelioma can disseminate into the
vitreous and simulate intermediate uveitis. Atypical The goal of the treatment is to ameliorate vision
vitreous cells and a mass, detectable by fundoscopy threatening complications secondary to intermediate
or ultrasonography constitute these diagnosis .In uveitis like CME, cataract, glaucoma and exudative
children. apart from retinoblastoma and retinal detachment.
medulloepithelioma, acute mylogenous leukemia and
If a specific cause of intermediate uveitis is diagnosed
juvenile xanthogranuloma can masquerade as uveitis.
(such as tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, toxoplasmosis,
Breast, lung and renal carcinomas can metastasize to syphilis),then the treatment is directed against the
the choroid and produce signs and symptoms of uveitis. particular disorder and a relevant medical consultation
Such patients need a complete medical evaluation to is sought for systemic involvement.
June 2004 47
The mainstay of the treatment of intermediate uveitis total of 18 months. Oral steroids are tapered over a
is periocular corticosteroid injections or oral steroids. period of 6-8 weeks. ATT, in our experience, reduces
Posterior sub-tenon Triamcinolone Acetonide injection the recurrence rate.
may be given every 6-8 weeks until resolution of CME
The “classic” antimicrobial therapy for active ocular
or return of 20/20 visual acuity. Giving the injection
toxoplasmosis consists of a combination of
superotemporally in the sub-Tenon space as far
pyrimethamine, sulphadiazine and corticosteroids with
posteriorly and close to the globe as possible, results
Folic acid supplementation. Initiation of oral
in a deposit of the drug closer to the macula. Posterior
corticosteroid therapy is delayed for 24-48 hours after
injection also reduces the risk of intraocular pressure
starting antimicrobial agents to allow adequate blood
levels of antimicrobials 55.The other approach is to
When a series of periocular injections have failed, use Clindamycin in a dose of 300 mg QID as the sole
oral Prednisolone in the dose of 1.0 mg/kg daily are antimicrobial agent in combination with corticosteroids
given and tapered over 6-12 weeks, depending upon 56
,started a day before oral corticosteroids and
the response .All possible complications of continued for a few days after tapering off steroids
corticosteroids should be looked for on follow-ups. for a total period of 6 weeks. Clindamycin appears to
Topical betamethasone and cycloplegics are given for be concentrated in ocular tissue and can penetrate
associated anterior segment inflammation. tissue cyst walls.
Severe, bilateral, uncontrolled cases of vitritis and Penicillin remains the treatment of choice for syphilis
patients who are intolerant to corticosteroids may 57
.Patients with acive syphilitic uveitis are treated as
require the use of immunosuppressive agents. for neurosyphilis-Penicilllin G Sodium 2-4 million units
Cyclophosphamides, Methotrexate, Azathioprine, every 4 hours intravenous for 2 weeks after a negative
Chlorambucil and Cyclosporin A have proven to be skin test.
effective. But these agents have serious systemic side
Core Vitrectomy with intravitreal antibiotics
effects which should be monitored by an experienced
(antibacterial or anti fungal) along with administration
physician. Very severe cases may need Combination
of intravenous antibiotics is recommended for
therapy (Prednisolone plus immunosuppressives, or
endogenous endophthalmitis.
two or three different immunosuppressives).
Other specific indications for vitrectomy include
Surgical management
intravitreal or subretinal cysticercosis, ocular
Pars plana vitrectomy may be indicated for diagnostic toxocariasis for granuloma excision and tractional
as well as therapeutic purpose to remove vitreous retinal detachment.
antigens and inflammatory cells and mediators, playing
an important role in CME.
The visual prognosis depends upon status of the macula
Other indications of vitrectomy, although rare, include
and vitreous opacification in the early course of the
vitreous opacification, cataract, tractional retinal
disease. Cataract, secondary glaucoma and tractional
detachment, epiretinal membranes and vitreous
retinal detachment affect the visual outcome in later
Specific causes
Cases diagnosed as intraocular tuberculosis are treated
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50 Journal of the Bombay Ophthalmologists’ Association Vol. 13 No. 2
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Department of Ophthalmology
Post graduate Institute of
Medical Education and Research
June 2004 51
Fig.1. A 26-years old male with a “headlight in the fog” Fig.2. An 18-years old male with endogenous endophthalmitis
appearance OD.ELISA was positive for IgM in the vitreous OS.Pars plana vitrectomy was done and intravitreal
and serum.Treated with Clindamycin and oral antibiotics given.Vision improved from 6/36 to 6/6.
corticosteroids.vision improved from 6/60 to 6/12.
Fig.3 . A 50-years old male with severe vitritis OD.Vision was 4/60.Routine investigations were normal .
Vitreous biopsy revealed B- cell Lymphoma.MRI ruled out CNS lymphoma.Pars plana vitrectomy
was done and intravitreal methotrexate given.Vision improved to 6/12.