Mathcad - Tank Foundation Design Actions - 2611-501 & 502 - Rougher WMS Feed Tank 1 & 2

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design

actions and anchorage

design to API650


Calculation description To be taken care by individual
This calculation is to determine design actions for ringwall foundations of storage tank

Assumptions To be taken care by individual engg

1. Design is based on ultimate limit states methods.

2. The tank storage design loads are based on Design Criteria/Mechanical Input, where as the reinforcement concrete
design is based on AS3600 Australian code.
3. The wind loads & seismic loads are derived from AS1170.2 & API 650, respectively.
4. Material ore density for load calculatons has been assumed as provided in input.
5. Dead load for roof frame has been assumed as 150 kg/m2 +Agitator load (as provided in input)
6. Live load on the roof has been taken as 500 kg/m2 (as provided in input)

To be taken care by individual engg as

these values are subjected to respec-
References tive engineer discretion

1. API 650, Welded Tanks for Oil Storages

2. AS3600-2018, Concrete Structures
3. AS/NZS 1170.2:2011 Structural Design Actions Part 2: Wind Actions

Input data

Tank geometry

Htank := 20.08m Tank height

Hl := 20.08m Height of slurry To be taken care by individual engg

SG := 1.66 Specific gravity of tank contents

Lext := 200mm Extended edge plate distance from the tank shell

fw := 10% Tank plating/shell weight allowance for MTO

ρst := 7850 Steel Density

dtank := 16.74m Diameter of tank

Tank shell details

tshell := 25mm Thickness of shell plate

tshell_b := 25mm The bottom shell plate

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

Fy := 250MPa Yield strength of tank shell plating

Tank bottom details

tfloor := 25mm Thickness of floor plate (assuming the bottom plate to be resting on grade slab)

Fby := 250MPa Yield strength of tank bottom plate

Tank roof details

Roof platforms details

RF := 1 Is there a platform on the roof? No=0, Yes=1

ARP := 220m Approximate area of platform at roof (Only applicable RF=1)
Considering 100% (0.785 x 16.74^2) = 220 sqm area covered with platform
qRP := 300 Approximate platform unit weight (Only applicable RF=1)
m assuming primary & secondry supporting members

th := 0mm Thickness of roof plate

mRP_eq := 92400kg Additional weight (agitator = 350 kN, pipe = 150 kN, screen = 3 x 113 = 340
kN; total with 10% margin = 92400 kg etc) supported at roof
αroof := 0° Angle of roof (0 to 30 degree only )

Tank foundation type

TF := 0 Is the tank foundation a ring wall or mat type? ring wall =0, Mat=1

Anchor bolt details

NAn := 72 Number of anchor bolts

BSize := 42 Bolt Size (e.g 24 for M24 bolts, range from M12, M16, M20, M24, M30 to M36)

BType := 4 Bolt Type (Class 4.6 bolt = 4 and Class 8.8 bolt = 8)

Tank design pressure

UPi := 0 × kN Max design Internal uplift pressure load due to liquid (No uplift force as per

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

Site seismic details

kp := 1.0 Probability Factor {AS1170.4, Cl 3.1}

The value have been defined in the
calculation blow
Z := 0.12 Hazard Factor {AS1170.4, Cl 3.2}

Fa := 1 Acceleration based site coefficient (T=0.2s), {API 650, E.4.4}

Fν := 1 Velocity based site coefficient (T=1.0s), {API 650, E.4.4}

Q := 1.00 Scaling factor, {API 650, E.4.6}

Comment not relevant. To be taken
care by individual engineer
I := 1 Importanace factor for SUG I=1.0, II=1.25 & III=1.5, {API 650, E.5.1.2}

Rwi := 4 Response modification factor (impulsive) for ASD methods: Self-anchored=3.5 &
Mechanically anchored=4, {API 650, E.5.1.1}

Rwc := 2 Response modification factor (convective) for ASD methods: Self-anchored=2 &
Mechanically anchored=2, {API 650, E.5.1.1}

Kc := 1.5 Coefficient (K) to adjust the spectral acceleration = 1.5 unless otherwise specified,
{API 650, E2.2}

TL := 4s Regional dependent transition period for longer period ground motion (Outside US,
4 secs), {API 650, E4.6.1}

Site wind details

Ka := 0 Area reduction factor {AS1170.2, Cl5.4.2} Flat Roof

Kl := 0 Local pressure factor for cladding {AS1170.2, Cl5.4.4} Flat roof

Height pz
The wind pressure is obtained from standard calculation for Site Wind Pressure
0 0 AS1170.2, and is used to calculate the wind pressure distribution across the
20.08 2.45 tank height.
considering pressure on a conservative side

Unitsh := m
Units for height in above table.
Unitsp := kPa
Units for pressure in above table.

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

Tank geometry details

kg kN
γcontent := SG × 1000 ×g Specific density of tank contents γcontent = 16.28 ×
3 3
m m
rtank := Radius of tank rtank = 8.37 m

π 2 2
Atank := × dtank Area of tank Atank = 220.09 m
sroof := Slope length of the tank rook sroof = 8.37 m
cos ( αroof)

CGroof := × rtank × tan ( αroof) Local centre of gravity of the roof CGroof = 0 m
3 (assumed to geometric centre of gravity)

Aroof := π × rtank × sroof Surface area of roof Aroof = 220.09 m

mroof := Aroof × t h × ρst Mass of the tank roof only mroof = 0 × tonne

Tank weight details

mtot_shell := ( tshell × Htank × ρst × π × dtank) × (1 + f w) Mass of shell plate mtot_shell = 227.97 × tonne

mtot_roof := (m roof + mRP_eq) × (1 + f w) Mass of roof plate with mtot_roof = 101.64 × tonne
equipment / platform
π 2
mtot_floor := × ( dtank + 2 × Lext) × tfloor × ρst × ( 1 + f w) Mass of floor plate mtot_floor = 49.81 × tonne

Wshell := m tot_shell × (1 + f w) × g Weight of tank shell plates Wshell = 2459.15 × kN

Wroof := mtot_roof × ( 1 + f w) g Weight of tank roof plates Wroof = 1096.42 × kN

Wfloor := m tot_floor × (1 + f w) × g Weight of tank floor plates Wfloor = 537.31 × kN

Working loads

In this part of the calculation, a number of working loads will be determined as the output of the tank concrete
foundation design

Gravity loads
DLtank := Wshell + Wroof + Wfloor Total tank dead load DLtank = 4092.88 × kN

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

DLroof := (ARP × qRP + mRP_eq) × g if RF = 1 Addionional weight at roof DLroof = 1553.37 × kN

(mRP_eq× g) if RF = 0
π 2
DLcontent := × dtank × Hl × γcontent Content dead load DLcontent = 71944 × kN

Seismic moments
1. In the part of the calculation, API650 seismic design approach will be used to calculate the working loads
output. The design peak ground acceleration (Sp) is referred to AS1170.4 as (kpZ).
2. If site is in other location, the appropriate codified peak ground acceleration should be used.
3. US customary units will be used with API 650 formulae for consistancy purposes.

SP := kp × Z × g Design level peak ground acceleration parameter for site SP = 0.12 × g

not addressed by ASCE methods, {API 650, E.4.3}

SS := 2.5 × SP Design spectral response acceleration parameter (T=0.2s & SS = 0.3 × g

5% damped), {API 650, E,4.3}

S1 := 1.25SP Design spectral response acceleration parameter (T=1s & S1 = 0.15 × g

5% damped), {API 650, E.4.3}

SDS := Q × Fa × SS Design spectral response acceleration parameter using SDS = 0.3 × g

ASCE 7 methods (T=0.2s & 5% damped), {API 650,

SD1 := Q × Fν × S1 Design spectral response acceleration parameter using SD1 = 0.15 × g

ASCE 7 methods (T=1s & 5% damped), {API 650,

Ks := The sloshing period coefficient, {API 650, E4.5.2} Ks = 0.58
æ 3.68 × Htank ö
tanh ç ÷
è dtank ø

Tc := 1.8Ks × ×s Natural period of the convective (sloshing) mode of Tc = 4.26 s
m behaviour of the liquid, {API 650, E4.6.1}

Ai := SDS × if SDS × > 0.007g Impulsive design response spectrum Ai = 0.08 × g
Rwi Rwi acceleration coefficient, {API 650, E4.6.1}
0.007g otherwise

Convective Spectral acceleration parameter, {API

In the plant the acceleration are
fixed. Hence see no point in adding 650, E4.6.1}
additional clause
Kc × SD1 × æç ö æ æ I ö ö × s if T £ T
Actemp := ÷çç ÷÷ c L Actemp = 0.02 × g
è Tc ø è è Rwc ø ø
éê æ TL ö÷ æ æ I ö öùú
Kc × SD1 × ç çç ÷ ÷ × s otherwise
ê ç Tc2 ÷ è è Rwc ø øú
ë è ø û

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

Ac := Actemp if A ctemp < Ai Convective Spectral acceleration parameter, {API Ac = 0.02 × g

650, E4.6.1}
Ai otherwise

Av := 0.14 × SDS Maximum vertical seismic acceleration Av = 0.04 × g

γcontent π 2 7
Wp := × Htank × × dtank Total Weight of the tank contenct Wp = 1.62 ´ 10 × lb
g 4

The effective impulsive portion of the liquid weight, {API 650, E6.1.1}

æ dtank ö
tanh ç 0.866 ÷
è Htank ø dtank 7
Wi := × Wp if ³ 1.333 Wi = 1.32 ´ 10 × lb
dtank Htank
0.866 ×

éæ dtank ö ù
êç 1.0 - 0.218 × ÷ × Wpú otherwise
ëè Htank ø û

The effective convective (sloshing) portion of the liquid weight, {API 650, E6.1.1}

dtank æ 3.67 × Htank ö 6

Wc := 0.23 × × tanh ç ÷ × Wp Wc = 3.1 ´ 10 × lb
Htank è dtank ø

Ws := m tot_shell Total weight of tank shell Ws = 5.03 ´ 10 × lb

DLroof 5
Wr := Total weight of fixed tank roof Wr = 3.49 ´ 10 × lb

Wfloor 5
Wf := Total weight of tank floor Wf = 1.21 ´ 10 × lb

Height from the bottom of the tank shell to teh centre of action of lateral seismic force related to the impulsive
liquid force for ringwall moment, {API 650, E6.1.2.1}

Xi := 0.375 × Htank if ³ 1.333 Xi = 27.78 × ft

éæ dtank ö ù
êç 0.5 - 0.094 × H ÷ × Htankú otherwise
ëè tank ø û

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

Height from the bottom of the tank shell to teh centre of action of lateral seismic force realted to the convective
liquid force for ringwall moment, {API 650, E6.1.2.1}

æ æ 3.67 × Htank ö ö
ç cosh ç ÷ - 1.0 ÷
Xc := ç 1.0 -
è dtank ø ÷ × Htank Xc = 51.28 × ft
ç 3.67Htank æ 3.67 × Htank ö ÷
ç × sinh ç ÷÷ Shell thickness assumed to be same through out.
è dtank è dtank ø ø taken conservatively

Xs := 0.55 × Htank Height from the bottom of the tank shell to the shell's Xs = 36.23 × ft
centre of gravity (assumed 55% of tank height from the

Xr := Htank + CGroof Height from the bottom of the tank shell to the roof CG Xr = 65.88 × ft

Height from the bottom of the tank shell to teh centre of action of lateral seismic force related to the impulsive
liquid force for slabl moment, {API 650, E6.1.2.2}

é æ dtank öù
ê ç 0.866 × ÷ú
Htank dtank
Xis := ê
0.375 × 1.0 + 1.333 ç - 1.0÷ú × Htank if ³ 1.333 Xis = 36.23 × ft
ê ç æ dtank ö ÷ú Htank
ê ç tanh ç 0.866 × H ÷ ÷ú
ë è è tank ø øû
éæ dtank ö ù
êç 0.5 + 0.060 × ÷ × Htankú otherwise
ëè Htank ø û

Height from the bottom of the tank shell to teh centre of action of lateral seismic force realted to the convective
liquid force for slab moment, {API 650, E6.1.2.2}

æ æ 3.67 × Htank ö ö
ç cosh ç ÷ - 1.937 ÷
Xcs := ç 1.0 -
è dtank ø ÷ × Htank Xcs = 51.62 × ft
ç 3.67 × Htank æ 3.67Htank ö ÷
ç × sinh ç ÷÷
è dtank è dtank ø ø
Type of foundation has
Overturning Moment for ring beam or mat foundations at the tank base, {API 650, E6.1.5} been define in the be-
ginning of report

2 2 4
MEQ := éëAi × (Wi × Xi + Ws × Xs + Wr × Xr)ùû + (A c × Wc × Xc) if TF = 0 MEQ = 4.19 ´ 10 × kN × m
2 2 4
éëAi × (Wi × Xis + Ws × Xs + Wr × Xr)ùû + ( Ac × Wc × Xcs) if TF = 1 MEQ = 4.19 ´ 10 × kN × m

Vi := Ai × (Ws + Wr + Wf + Wi) Design base shear due to impulsive component, {API Vi = 1.07 ´ 10 × lbf
650, E6.1}
Vc := Ac × Wc Design base shear due to convective component, {API Vc = 7.7 ´ 10 × lbf
650, E6.1}

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

2 2 6
FEQ := Vi + Vc Total design base shear / Earthquake lateral load, {API 650, FEQ = 1.07 ´ 10 × lbf
FEQ = 4751.98 × kN

XEQ := Effective centre of action for earthquake loads XEQ = 8.82 m

OPEN AT TOP Wind moments
In this part of the calculation, Wind loads are derived from AS1170.2, however, careful checking should be
allowed for other wind codes to check compatibility.

Cpe_A := 0 External pressure coefficients for roofs {AS1170.2, C5.2.2} Flat Roof

Flat Roof
Cpe_B := 0 External pressure coefficients for roofs {AS1170.2, C5.2.2}

æ 0 0 ö
pz_ult = ç ÷
è 20.08 2.45 ø
æ 0 ö × kN
Force := for i Î 0 .. rows (pz_ult) - 1 Force = ç ÷
è 823.54 ø
hinc ¬ 0
if éi = 0 , hinc ¬ pz_ult
ë i,0 (
, hinc ¬ pz_ult
- pz_ult )ùû
i - 1, 0

Forcei ¬ hinc × Unitsh × dtank × pz_ult × Unitsp

i, 1

FWL :=
å Force Wind Lateral load on shell FWL = 823.54 × kN

Anchorage requirements check

Wind load resistance

MPi := UPi × rtank Overturning moment on the tank due to design internal MPi = 0 × kN × m
pressure load
Mw := FWL × Overturning moment on the tank due to wind load Mw = 8268.35 × kN × m

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

MDL := ( DLtank + DLroof) × rtank Stabilising moment from tank due to weight of tank and MDL = 47259.17 × kN × m

æ tfloor Fby × Hl Hl × dtank ö N N

wL := min ç 59 × , 14.8 × ÷× Liquid unit weight for stability wL = 4974.86 ×
çè mm MPa × m 2 ÷ m check, {API 650, 5.11.2} m
m ø

MF := ( wL × π dtank) × rtank Stabilising moment from tank due to weight of liquid MF = 2189.84 × kN × m
content, {API 650, 5.11.2}

é 0.6M w + MPi Mw + 0.4 × M Più

DesRatioAn_WL := max ê , Wind load stability Check, DesRatioAn_WL = 0.33
æ M DL ö æ M DL + M F ö ú {API 650 5.11.2}
ê ç ÷ ç ÷ú
ë è 1.5 ø è 2 øû
Seismic load resistance
Wr × g 4 N
wrs := Roof load acting on the shell wrs = 2.95 ´ 10 ×
π × dtank m

Ws × g 4 N
wt := + wrs Tank shell and roof loads acting on on the base wt = 7.2 ´ 10 ×
π × dtank m

æ Av ö
Ge := SG × ç 1 - 0.4 ÷ Effective specific gravity including vertical seismic effects, Ge = 1.63
è g ø API 650 E2.2}

æ t floor Fby × Hl × Ge Hl × dtank × Ge ö N 5 N

wa := min ç 99× × , 201.1 × ÷× Force resisting uplift in wa = 1.1 ´ 10 ×
çè mm MPa × m
2 ÷ø m annular region, {API 650, m
wint := Calculated design uplift load due to produce pressure per wint = 0 ×
π × dtank unit circumferential length m

Janchor := Anchorage Ratio, {API 650, Janchor = 0.83
2 é æ Av ö ù E6.
dtank × êwt × ç 1 - 0.4 × ÷ + wa - 0.4wintú
ë è g ø û

DesRatioJAnchor := Stability check due to earthquake loads, {API 650 DesRatioJAnchor = 0.54
1.54 E6.}

DesRatiotshell := Tank shell plate check, {API 650 E6.} DesRatiotshell = 0.04
0.035 × dtank

DesRatiotshell_bot := Tank shell and bottom plates check, {API 650 E6.} DesRatiotshell_bot = 1

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

Type of anchored tank

AT := 0 Is the tank self-anchored? No=0, Yes=1

The maximum longitudinal shell compression, {API 650, E6.2.2.1}

éé m æ Av ö 1.273 × M EQù 1 × mm ù
σc_shell := MPa × êê × wt × ç 1 + 0.4 ÷+ ú× × ú if AT = 0
êê N è g ø
2 kN × mú 1000tshell_bú
ëë û û
é éé m æ Av ö 1.273 × MEQ m ù 2 ù ùú
MPaê êê × wt × ç 1 + 0.4 ÷+ × ú × 1 × mm ú if J anchor < 0.785 if AT = 1
ê êê N è g ø 2 kN × mú 1000t shell_bú ú
ê ëë û û ú
ê éé m æ A vö m ù ù ú
ê êê × wt × ç 1 + 0.4 ÷ + wa × N ú ú ú
ê êê N è g ø m
- wa × ú ×
1 × mm ú
otherwise ú
êë êëêë 0.607 - 0.18667 × J anchor2.3 N ú 1000t shell_bú úû
û û
σc_shell = 2.94 × MPa
Allowable longitudinal shell compression, {API 650, E6.2.2.3}

æ 83 × tshell_b m 2
SG × Hl × dtank mm ö
Fc := MPa ç × if × ³ 44 ÷ Fc = 92.88 × MPa
ç dtank mm tshell 3 ÷
ç ÷
ç æ 83 × t shell m SG × Hl Fy ö ÷
ç min ç 2.5 × d × mm + 7.5 × m
, 0.5 × ÷
MPa ø
è è tank ø

DesRatioshell_comp := Shell longitudinal compression check, {API DesRatioshell_comp = 0.03
Fc 650, E6.

MaxDesRatioAn_req := max ( DesRatioJAnchor , DesRatio shell_comp , DesRatiotshell_bot , DesRatiotshell , DesRatio An_WL)

MaxDesRatioAn_req = 1

CheckAnchor := if ( MaxDesRatioAn_req £ 1 , "No Anchorage Required" , "Anchorage Required" )

CheckAnchor = "No Anchorage Required"

Anchor bolt loads

1.273 × MEQ æ Av ö kN
wAn_EQ_min := - wt × ç 1 - 0.4 ÷ Minimum anchorage resistance due wAn_EQ_min = 119.57 ×
2 è g ø to seismic load m

Design tension force on anchor bolts due to seismic load

é 4 × M EQ æ Av öù
TAn_EQ := ê d - (Wroof + Wshell) × ç 1 - 0.4 ÷ú TAn_EQ = 6519.64 × kN
ë tank è g øû

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

LFult := 1.2 Ultimate load factor for limit state design

N'An := × max ( TAn_EQ) Maximum tension force per bolt N'An = 108.66 × kN

V'An := × max ( FEQ , FWL) Maximum shear force per bolt V'An = 79.2 × kN

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

Anchor bolt capacity check

1. All shear capacity calculations assume that the bolt threads are NOT included in the shear plane (conservative).
2. The shear capacity assumes that all the shear load is resisted by the bolts, neglecting the resistance that will be
provided by friction on the base of the tank (this is conservative).

dbolt := ( BSize) × mm Nominal bolt diameter dbolt = 42 × mm

DesRatiodAn := Minimum anchor bolt diameter check, {API650, E7.1.2} DesRatiodAn = 0.6

CheckdAn := if (DesRatio dAn £ 1 , "PASS" , "FAIL" ) CheckdAn = "PASS"

π × (dtank + Lext)
sbolt := Spacing between anchor bolts sbolt = 739.15 × mm

DesRatiosAn := Maximum anchor bolt spacing check, {API650, E7.1.2 or DesRatiosAn = 0.25
3m 5.12.3}

ChecksAn := if ( DesRatiosAn < 1 , "PASS" , "FAIL" ) ChecksAn = "PASS"

DesRatioNAn := Minimum number of anchor bolt, {API650, 5.12.2} DesRatioNAn = 0.06

CheckNAn := if ( DesRatioNAn £ 1 , "PASS" , "FAIL" ) CheckNAn = "PASS"

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

Strength capacity table for Class 4.6 bolt:

Bolt Size Axial Tension (kN) Single Shear (kN)

12 27 15.1
16 50.2 28.6
20 78.4 44.6
24 113 64.3
30 180 103
36 261 151
42 355.3 205

Strength capacity table for Class 8.8 bolt:

Bolt Size Axial Tension (kN) Single Shear (kN)
16 104 59.3
20 163 92.6
24 234 133
30 373 214
36 541 313
42 710 426.5

VecBolt := B4cap if BType = 4
B8cap if BType = 8

ϕNbolt := kN ×
å vlookup( BSize , VecBolt , 1) Bolt tensile capacity ϕNbolt = 355.3 × kN

ϕVbolt := kN ×
å vlookup( BSize , VecBolt , 2) Bolt shear capacity ϕVbolt = 205 × kN

DesRatioV := Unity Ratio of anchor bolt shear capacity DesRatioV = 0.39

DesRatioN := Unity Ratio of anchor bolt tensile capacity DesRatioN = 0.31
2 2
æ V'An ö æ N'An ö
DesRatioCom := ç ϕV ÷ + ç ϕN ÷ Unity Ratio of anchor bolts under DesRatioCom = 0.24
è bolt ø è bolt ø combined actions, {AS4100, Cl9.3.2.3}

MaxDesRatioAn := max (DesRatio Com , DesRatioN , DesRatio V ) MaxDesRatioAn = 0.39

CheckAn := if ( MaxDesRatioAn £ 1 , "PASS" , "FAIL" ) CheckAn = "PASS"

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

Summary of results

Key individual results

Total tank dead load DLtank = 4092.88 × kN

Total roof dead load DLroof = 1553.37 × kN

Total content dead load DLcontent = 7.19 ´ 10 × kN

Total design base shear / Earthquake lateral load FEQ = 4751.98 × kN

Effective centre of action for earthquake loads for tank XEQ = 8.82 m

Wind Lateral Load on tank shell FWL = 823.54 × kN

Summary of all failure mechanisms

Failure mechanisms matrix

æ æ "Minimum anchor bolt diameter" CheckdAn DesRatiodAn ö ö

ç ç "Maximum anchor bolt spacing" ÷÷
ChecksAn DesRatiosAn
FailureMechs := çç ÷ ÷ if MaxDesRatio
An_req >
ç ç "Minimum number of anchor bolts" CheckNAn DesRatioNAn ÷ ÷
çç ÷÷
èè "Anchor bolts capacity" Check An MaxDesRatioAn ø ø

ëéëé"Tank Anchorage" ( CheckAnchor) MaxDesRatioAn_req ùûùû otherwise

MaxDesRatio := max FailureMechs
á 2ñ
OverallCheck := if ( MaxDesRatio £ 1 , "PASS" , "FAIL" )

( (
CritIndex := trunc match MaxDesRatio , FailureMechs
á 2ñ
0 ) )
CritFailureMech := FailureMechsCritIndex , 0

Failure mechanisms matrix

The following matrix provides a summary of all failure mechanisms for the currently selected load case.

FailureMechs = ( "Tank Anchorage" "No Anchorage Required" 1 )

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Tertiary Cyclone Feed Tank footing design
actions and anchorage
design to API650

Details of the critical failure mechanism are as follows:

MaxDesRatio = 1

OverallCheck = "PASS"

CritFailureMech = "Tank Anchorage"

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