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2 Questions

1. The temperature of the gases within the cylinder of a four-stroke engine during the

power stroke will:


a. be constant
b. decrease
c. increase
d. follow Charles’s Law

2. The number of revolutions of the crankshaft required to complete a full cycle in a

four-stroke engine is:

a. 6
b. 4
c. 2
d. 8

3. The inlet valve opens before TDC in the exhaust stroke to:

a. increase the pressure in the cylinder on completion of the induction stroke.

b. reduce engine vibration
c. allow the incoming mixture to mix with a certain proportion of the exhaust
d. induce a greater amount of mixture into the cylinder

4. The correct working cycle of a four-stroke engine is:

a. exhaust, power, induction, compression

b. compression, power, exhaust, induction
c. induction, power, compression, exhaust
d. power, exhaust, compression, induction

5. Valve overlap is incorporated in the valve timing of a piston engine to:

a. improve volumetric efficiency

b. reduce wear on the big end bearings
c. increase the engines compression ratio
d. prevent a weak cut when the engine is accelerated rapidly

6. With an increase in the rotational speed of a four-stroke engine, the valve overlap:

a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains constant
d. increases up to ground idle and thereafter decreases

7. In a normally aspirated engine, exhaust back pressure:

a. decreases as an aircraft climbs and thereby reduces the rate of decline of the
engine power output
b. increases as an aircraft climbs and thereby reduces the engine power output
c. is affected by the power lever position
d. decreases as an aircraft descends and thereby improves the engine power

8. When the spark ignites the mixture:

a. the explosion pushes the piston down

b. the mixture changes from rich to weak forward of the flame front
c. complete combustion occurs within 8 to 10 microseconds

d. temperature and pressure increase within the cylinder

9. If the volume of a quantity of gas is halved during compression:

a. its pressure is approximately doubled

b. its temperature remains constant
c. its mass is approximately doubled
d. its pressure is approximately halved

10. The term Indicated Mean Effective Pressure refers to:

a. the maximum working pressure in the engine cylinder

b. the average pressure within the cylinder during the four cycles
c. the pressure achieved during compression
d. the minimum working pressure applied to the piston during the cycle

11. The degrees of rotation to complete a full cycle on a nine cylinder engine will be:

a. 180
b. 360
c. 720
d. 80

12. The firing interval of a six cylinder horizontally opposed engine will be:

a. 180
b. 120
c. 60
d. 360

13. Which of the following statements would be correct for a double banked radial

a. There will always be an odd number of cylinders

b. Radial engines are generally liquid-cooled
c. The linear distance from TDC to BDC will accommodate two throws
d. Radial engines cannot suffer from hydraulicing

14. On a four cylinder engine with a total volume of 9600 cc, bore area of 100 cm2 and
a crank throw of 10 cm, what would the Compression Ratio be?

a. 7:1
b. 8:1
c. 24:1
d. 6:1

2 Questions

15. With an increase in outside air temperature, specific fuel consumption will:

a. increase

b. decrease
c. stay the same

d. stay the same for all temperatures up to and including 15°C and thereafter

16. Combustion, in a four-stroke engine, theoretically occurs at:

a. a constant pressure
b. a constant temperature
c. a constant volume
d. a constant velocity

17. In a convergent duct:

a. the pressure and velocity increase, the temperature decreases

b. the pressure and temperature decrease, the velocity increases
c. the temperature and velocity increase, the pressure decreases
d. the pressure and velocity remain constant, the temperature decreases

18. During the compression stroke:

a. the temperature of the gases remains constant

b. the volume of the gases increases
c. the mass of the mixture decreases
d. the mass of the mixture remains constant

19. From Top Dead Centre (TDC) to Bottom Dead Centre (BDC) on the practical power

a. the temperature of the gases rises for a short time then decreases
b. the pressure of the gases remains constant
c. the temperature of the gases decreases from TDC to BDC
d. the density of the gas remains constant

20. In a divergent duct:

a. the velocity and temperature increase, the pressure decreases

b. the temperature and pressure increase, the velocity decreases
c. the temperature and pressure decrease, the velocity increases
d. the velocity and temperature decrease, the pressure increases

21. During the induction stroke:

a. the mixture becomes weaker

b. the volume of the gases becomes smaller
c. the temperature of the gases reduces
d. the pressure of the gases increases

22. Ideally, maximum pressure is attained within the cylinder:

a. when combustion is complete

b. at the end of the compression stroke
c. during the period of valve overlap

d. when combustion temperature is at a minimum

23. The power output of an internal combustion engine:

a. is proportional to the volume of mixture induced into the cylinder

b. increases with increased humidity
c. falls as the charge temperature falls
d. is proportional to the weight of the mixture induced into the cylinder

24. During the period of valve overlap:

a. the action of the exhaust gases flowing past the exhaust valve increases the
pressure within the cylinder
b. the temperature of the exhaust gases increases the mass of incoming mixture
c. the action of the exhaust gases flowing out past the exhaust valve tends to
reduce the pressure in the cylinder
d. the crankshaft is moving past Bottom Dead Centre

25. The power output of an internal combustion engine can be increased by:

a. increasing the area of the cylinder

b. increasing the length of the stroke
c. increasing the engine rpm
d. all of the above

Engine Components
26. Valve Overlap is:

a. the number of degrees of camshaft rotation during which the inlet and
exhaust valves are open at the same time
b. the number of degrees of crankshaft movement during which the inlet and
exhaust valves are open at the same time
c. the distance the piston travels while the inlet valve remains open after BDC
d. the number of degrees of crankshaft rotation during which the inlet and
exhaust valves are open at the same time around BDC

27. The purpose of a valve spring is to:

a. close the valve

b. cause a snap opening of the valve
c. allow the valve timing to vary with changing rpm
d. maintain the valve clearance within tolerance

2 Questions

28. Excessive blue smoke from the exhaust of an engine that has been warmed up to
normal operating temperature may indicate that:

a. the mixture is too rich

b. the oil pressure relief valve has stuck in the open position

c. the piston rings are worn or stuck in their grooves

d. the oil pressure is too low

29. The camshaft of a horizontally opposed four-stroke engine rotates at:

a. twice engine speed

b. engine speed
c. twice magneto speed
d. half engine speed

30. A reduction gear is fitted:

a. between the camshaft and the propeller

b. between the pushrods and the valves
c. between the crankshaft and propeller
d. between the connecting rod and the crankshaft

31. Prolonged use of low rpm could cause contamination of the:

a. oil filter
b. spark plug
c. carburretor
d. oil pump

32. If the Starter Engaged Light remains on after engine start, you should:

a. shut the engine down immediately

b. ignore it if it remains on for longer than 30 seconds
c. shut the engine down if the light remains on for more than 30 seconds
d. shut the engine down if the light remains on for more than 60 seconds

33. The crankshaft of typical in-line four cylinder aircraft engine:

a. rotates at half the speed of the camshaft

b. will have the crank throws spaced 90 degrees apart
c. allows a firing order of 1-3-4-2
d. will not flex or twist

34. Two valve springs are fitted to each valve:

a. to minimize camshaft wear

b. to allow a greater cam rise
c. to prevent valve rotation
d. to reduce valve bounce

35. Excessive valve clearance:

a. will prevent the valve closing completely

b. is eliminated when the engine reaches working temperature
c. will cause the valve to open early and close late
d. will cause the valve to open late and close early

36. Valve lead occurs when:

a. the inlet valve opens before bottom dead centre

b. the exhaust valve opens before the inlet valve
c. the exhaust valve opens before top dead centre

d. the inlet valve opens before top dead centre and the exhaust valve opens
before bottom dead centre

37. Insufficient tappet clearance at the inlet valve would cause:

a. the valve to open early and close late

b. the valve to open late and close early
c. the mixture in that cylinder to be weak
d. misfiring

38. The length of the stroke is:

a. equal to the length of the cylinder

b. determined by the size of the piston
c. equivalent to twice the crank throw
d. inversely proportional to the engine power output

39. Tappet clearance is measured between the:

a. push rod and the valve tip

b. valve tip and the rocker pad
c. valve spring and the rocker pad
d. valve tip and the rocker cover

40. The number of revolutions required to complete the induction and compression
stroke in a six cylinder four-stroke engine is:

a. 1
b. 2
c. 6
d. 4

41. The purpose of a crankcase breather is to:

a. maintain the oil tank pressure at atmospheric

b. prevent distortion of the crankcase
c. allow the oil to breathe
d. prevent pressure building up inside the crankcase

42. Tappet clearance is provided in a piston engine to:

a. adjust the valve timing

b. allow for expansion of the valve gear as the engine warms up
c. allow for manufacturing tolerances
d. prevent valve bounce

2 Questions

43. Piston rings are manufactured from cast iron:

a. because it has a negative coefficient of expansion


b. to take advantage of its extreme malleability

c. because of its self-lubricating qualities

d. to take advantage of its brittleness

44. The exhaust valves:

a. are opened directly by the action of push rods which are in turn operated by
cams on the crankshaft
b. are less affected by the heat of combustion than the inlet valves
c. are opened by the valve springs and closed by the rocker gear
d. sometimes have their stems partly filled with sodium to assist cooling

45. Hydraulic valve tappets are used on some engines to:

a. eliminate valve bounce

b. eliminate constant valve adjustment and checks
c. give a more positive closing action
d. give a more positive opening action

Terms and Definitions

46. The swept volume of a cylinder is:

a. the area of the bore × the stroke

b. the area of the cylinder cross section × the cylinder length
c. half of the clearance volume
d. the total volume + the piston volume

47. The thermal efficiency of a piston engine can be increased by:

a. increasing the rpm

b. increasing the combustion chamber volume
c. advancing the ignition point into the direction of rotation
d. increasing the compression ratio

48. A normally aspirated engine is one which:

a. has four cylinders

b. is not supercharged
c. is never air-cooled
d. is all of the above

49. The Compression Ratio of an engine may be defined as the:

a. swept volume + clearance volume ÷ swept volume

b. swept volume + clearance volume ÷ clearance volume
c. total volume - clearance volume ÷ clearance volume
d. swept volume ÷ (swept volume + clearance volume)

50. An engine has a total volume of 2100 cm3 and a swept volume of 1800 cm3. Its
compression ratio is:

a. 7:6
b. 6:1

c. 7:1
d. 6:7

51. Volumetric efficiency may be defined as:

a. the ratio of the volume of the mixture drawn into the cylinder during normal
engine working, to the volume of the mixture which would be required to fill
the cylinder under normal temperatures and pressures
b. the ratio of the volume of air and the volume of fuel drawn into the cylinder
c. the ratio of the volume of one of the cylinders to the volume of all of the
cylinders in the engine
d. the efficiency with which the air and fuel mix together in the cylinder

52. The ratio of the power produced by an engine to the power available in the fuel is
known as the:

a. specific fuel consumption

b. indicated horsepower
c. volumetric efficiency
d. thermal efficiency

53. Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC)

a. is the inability of the internal combustion engine to use any fuel other than
that specified by the manufacturer
b. becomes greater as the efficiency of the engine improves
c. is the weight of fuel used by an engine per unit horsepower per unit time
d. increases in proportion to the thermal efficiency

54. Brake Horsepower is:

a. theoretical power in the cylinder

b. useful power at the propeller
c. power lost in the engine
d. power required to slow the aircraft down

55. A method of improving Volumetric Efficiency is:

a. valve overlap
b. the use of carburettor heat
c. weakening the mixture
d. to make the mixture richer

2 Answers


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
b c d b a c a d a b c b

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
c d a c b d a b c a d c
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
d b a c d c b a c d d d
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
a c b a d b c d b a d b
49 50 51 52 53 54 55
b c a d c b a

1. From the following list select the correct combination of statements.

The primary tasks of lubrication are to:

1. reduce friction
2. cool the engine
3. clean the engine
4. reduce component wear
5. act as a hydraulic medium

a. 1 and 3.
b. 2 and 5.
c. 1 and 4.
d. 1 and 5.

2. In a piston engine dry sump oil system, the oil temperature and pressure are

a. when the oil is leaving the sump.

b. for the temperature when the oil is leaving the tank, and for the pressure
when the oil is leaving the pressure pump.
c. for the oil temperature when the oil is entering the tank and for the pressure
when it is entering the pressure pump.
d. at the same point.

3. Oil returning to the oil tank is filtered by:

a. the oil pressure filter.

b. the oil tank filter.
c. a micron size multi-bore filters assembly.
d. the scavenge filter.

4. Engine oil pressure is:

a. low at idle rpm and high at high rpm.

b. controlled by the oil cooler.
c. substantially decreased when the oil pressure relief valve opens.
d. relatively unaffected by engine speed.

5. The purpose of the crankcase breather is to:

a. maintain the pressure in the oil tank at atmospheric pressure.

b. ease the task of the oil scraper ring.
c. prevent pressure building up inside the crankcase.
d. prevent distortion of the crankcase.

6. The most probably cause of small fluctuations in the oil pressure would be:

a. lack of oil.
b. the pressure relief valve sticking.
c. air in the oil tank.
d. the scavenge pump working at a greater capacity than the pressure pump.

3 Questions

7. The extra space in the oil tank is to cater for:

a. frothing and aeration of the oil as it passes through the engine.

b. fire protection.
c. the accommodation of extra oil contents on long duration flights.

d. anti-surge action.

8. The scavenge pump system in a lubrication system has:

a. a bypass in case of blockage.

b. a smaller capacity than the pressure pump.
c. a bifurcated tertiary drive system.
d. a larger capacity than the pressure pump.

9. In a “wet sump” oil system, the oil is contained in the:

a. engine and tank.

b. tank and oil cooler.
c. sump and tank.
d. engine and sump.

10. The oil contents of a piston engine (wet sump) are checked:

a. when the engine is running at idle power.

b. as soon as possible after the engine is stopped because the oil will drain away
from the sump.
c. after approximately 15 minutes once the engine has stopped.
d. when the oil has reached a specific temperature.

3 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c b d d c b a d d c

4 Questions

1. The most efficient method for cooling a piston engine is to use ....................
However, the most common method of cooling is to use ................. because of the
................ involved.

a. air cooling liquid cooling reduced costs


b. liquid cooling air cooling reduced costs


c. fuel cooling air cooling reduced costs

d. liquid cooling fuel cooling reduced costs

2. At take-off cowl flaps should be selected:

a. fully closed to decrease drag

b. open
c. partially closed
d. fully closed to increase drag

3. A typical piston engine has a maximum thermal efficiency of:

a. 70%
b. 80%
c. 90%
d. 30%

4. In a four cylinder in-line engine air-cooled, (No. 1, 2, 3, 4 from the front) the coolest
cylinder while running will be:

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

5. The device utilized to measure temperature on a piston engine is:

a. thermometer
b. barometer
c. thermocouple
d. thermostat

6. The temperature measuring device fitted in a four cylinder inline engine, (No. 1, 2,
3, 4 from the front), would normally be fitted to which cylinder?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

4 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6
b b d a c d

1. The spark appears at the plug electrodes when:

a. the contact breaker closes

b. the contact breaker opens
c. the contact breaker stays open
d. the magneto switch is made

2. The ignition switch is fitted in:

a. the primary coil circuit
b. the secondary coil circuit
c. the engine starter motor circuit
d. the battery circuit

3. When the ignition switch is placed in the ‘ON’ position it:

a. isolates the breaker points

b. makes the engine starter motor circuit
c. ‘Earths’ or ‘grounds’ the secondary winding
d. breaks the primary to earth circuit

4. The purpose of a condenser as fitted in a magneto is:

a. to assist in the rapid collapse of the primary current and prevent arcing at the
contact breaker points
b. to prevent the rapid collapse of the primary circuit and arcing at the points
c. to reduce the high tension voltage of the secondary circuit
d. to earth the primary circuit

5. The engine is checked for dead cut at:

a. a power check
b. slow running
c. cruising rpm
d. full throttle

6. The distributor directs:

a. voltage from the primary winding to the spark plug

b. voltage from the secondary winding to the primary winding
c. voltage from the magneto secondary winding to the spark plug
d. voltage from the secondary winding to the contact breaker

7. To obtain a spark across the gap between two electrodes:

a. the circuit must have high EMF

b. the circuit must have high ohms
c. the circuit must have high current flow
d. the circuit must have an impulse union

5 Questions

8. The purpose of an ignition switch is:

a. to control the primary circuit of the magneto

b. to prevent condensation
c. to connect the secondary coil to the distributor
d. to connect the battery to the magneto

9. In a complex engine as rpm increases the ignition timing may be:


a. advanced

b. retarded
c. not altered
d. only retarded

10. An impulse starter is a device to assist in starting an engine which uses:

a. a leaf spring
b. a coil spring to increase temporarily the speed of rotation of the magneto
c. a special starting battery which provides a sudden impulse of electricity to the
d. an explosive inserted in a special tube

5 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b a d a b c a a a b

6 Questions

1. If the specific gravity of a fuel is known to be 0.7, 100 imperial gallons of it will

a. 700 lb
b. 70 lb
c. 7000 lb
d. 7100 lb

2. A fuel grade which is used in typical aircraft engines is:


a. DTD. 585/100
b. DERD 2479
c. AVGAS 100
d. DERD 2484

3. The “anti-knock” value of a fuel is its:

a. degree of resistance to pre-ignition

b. resistance to adiabatic combustion
c. ability to oppose burning
d. resistance to detonation

4. The differences between AVGAS 100 and AVGAS 100LL are:

Colour Anti-knock value

a. same same
b. same different
c. different same
d. different different

5. The octane rating of a fuel is determined by comparison with mixtures of:

a. methane and orthodentine

b. heptane and iso-octane
c. methane and iso-octane
d. heptane and orthodentine

6. In the internal combustion engine, detonation occurs due to:

a. the use of too high an rpm with too little manifold pressure
b. the use of the wrong grade of oil
c. the cylinder temperatures and pressures being too low
d. excessive combustion temperatures and pressures

7. The calorific value of a fuel is the:

a. kinetic energy contained within it

b. heat energy in the fuel
c. heat energy required to raise the temperature of the fuel to its boiling point
d. heat energy required to raise the temperature of the fuel to its boiling point
from absolute zero

8. The octane rating of a particular grade of fuel is given as 100/130, this indicates

a. it will act as both 100 octane and 130 octane fuel at take-off power settings
b. with a rich mixture it will act as 100 octanes, and with a weak mixture it will
act as 130 octanes
c. its anti-knock qualities are identical to iso-octane
d. with a weak mixture it will act as 100 octane, and with a rich mixture it will act
as a 130 octane fuel

9. Tetra-ethyl lead is added to some aviation fuel to:

a. decrease its octane rating
b. decrease the risk of detonation
c. increase its calorific value
d. increase its specific gravity

10. If the vent pipe of an aircraft’s fuel tank becomes blocked, it will cause:

a. the pressure in the tank to fall when fuel is used

b. the pressure in the tank to rise when fuel is used
c. the evaporation rate of the fuel to decrease as fuel is used from the tank
d. the fuel pressure at the carburettor to rise

11. Detonation is liable to occur in the cylinders:

a. with an over rich mixture at idle power

b. with a weak mixture and high cylinder head temperature
c. with a rich mixture at high power settings
d. at very low engine speed

12. Pre-ignition refers to the condition when:

a. a rich mixture is ignited by the spark plug

b. the spark plug ignites the mixture too early
c. the mixture is ignited by abnormal conditions within the cylinder before the
normal ignition point
d. the mixture burns in the inlet manifold

13. An exhaust gas temperature gauge is powered by:

a. 12 V DC
b. 115 V AC
c. 28 V DC
d. A thermocouple which generates its own voltage.

14. Flame Rate is the term used to describe the speed at which:

a. the mixture burns within the cylinder

b. the combustion pressure rises within the cylinder
c. peroxide forms within the cylinder
d. fulminates form with the cylinder

6 Questions

15. The colour of 100/130 grade low lead fuel is:

a. green
b. blue
c. red
d. straw yellow

16. Diesel fuel (AVTUR) is:

a. lighter per unit volume than AVGAS


b. heavier per unit volume than AVGAS


c. more likely to ignite when exposed to a naked flame.

d. has less energy per unit volume than AVGAS.

6 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a c d c b d b d b a b c
13 14 15 16
d a b b

1. Weakening the mixture below the best fuel/air ratio will cause the engine power

a. decrease
b. increase initially, but decrease below take off power
c. increase
d. be unaffected by altitude increase

2. For maximum endurance the mixture control should be set to:

a. weak
b. the chemically correct state

c. between rich and weak
d. rich

3. An air/fuel ratio of 9:1 would be considered:

a. chemically correct
b. extravagant
c. rich
d. weak

4. Because of the reduction in the density of the atmosphere associated with an

increase in altitude:

a. the mixture control must be moved towards the weak position

b. the throttle must close progressively to maintain the best air/fuel ratio.
c. the mixture must be progressively richened to compensate for the power loss
d. the octane rating of the fuel must be increased

5. A chemically correct mixture is:

a. 15:1 (fuel : air)

b. 15:1 (air : fuel)
c. 13:1 (fuel : air)
d. 13:1 (air : fuel)

6. While weakening the mixture from the chemically correct mixture the EGT will
.......... and the cylinder head temperature will .......... with a .......... in thermal

a. increase increase decrease

b. decrease increase decrease
c. decrease increase increase
d. increase increase increase

7. Which of the following mixtures theoretically would produce the maximum rpm?

a. 14:1 (air : fuel)

b. 14:1 (fuel : air)
c. 15:1 (fuel : air)
d. 15:1 (air : fuel)

7 Questions

8. A weak mixture is used for which of the following?

a. Take-off
b. Climbing
c. Engine starting
d. Cruising

9. While using a weak mixture which of the following would be an incorrect


a. The charge would be cooled due to a larger proportion of nitrogen in the

b. The charge would burn slower due to a larger proportion of nitrogen in the


c. The ignition may have to be advanced

d. The ignition may have to be retarded

10. While using a rich mixture which of the following would be a correct statement?

a. The charge would burn slower

b. All of the fuel would be used during combustion
c. All of the oxygen would be used during combustion
d. Cylinder head temperature increases while richening further

7 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a a c a b b d d d c

1. The pressure in the induction manifold of a normally aspirated engine:

a. remains constant as the throttle is opened

b. decreases as the throttle is opened
c. initially increases as the throttle is opened but decreases after approximately
the half open position
d. increases as the throttle is opened

2. The purpose of an accelerator pump is to:

a. assist in the atomization of the fuel before it leaves the discharge nozzle
b. prevent a rich cut when the throttle lever is advanced rapidly

c. prevent dissociation and detonation
d. prevent a weak cut when the throttle lever is advanced rapidly

3. The fuel flow to a piston engine will vary according to:

a. the rpm and the throttle position only

b. the rpm, the throttle position and the mixture setting
c. the rpm and the mixture setting only
d. the rpm only

4. The primary function of a diffuser in a carburettor is to:

a. control the mixture strength over part of the engine speed range
b. vent air from the float chamber
c. emulsify the fuel during engine acceleration
d. enable adjustment of the engine slow running speed

5. The Venturi in the carburettor choke tube creates:

a. a positive pressure over the discharge nozzle

b. a depression over the fuel discharge nozzle
c. a positive pressure at the throttle valve
d. a decrease in the velocity of the air entering the engine

6. The fuel priming pump supplies fuel directly to:

a. the throttle butterfly valve

b. the exhaust manifold
c. the induction manifold
d. the inside of the combustion chamber in the region of the spark plug

7. A weak mixture would be indicated by:

a. a drop in engine speed

b. white smoke in the exhaust manifold
c. detonation and black smoke from the exhaust
d. an increase in engine speed with black smoke from the exhaust

8 Questions

8. The presence of an engine driven fuel pump on an engine fitted with a carburettor:

a. dispenses with the need for a carburettor float chamber

b. ensures a positive flow of fuel to the discharge nozzles
c. ensures a positive flow of fuel to the carburettor float chamber
d. dispenses with the need for a fuel priming system

9. It would normally be considered dangerous to pump the throttle lever when

starting an engine because:

a. it could increase the risk of fire in the carburettor air intake

b. it would prevent the engine starting
c. the engine would start too rapidly
d. it would richen the mixture to the point where spontaneous combustion
would occur in the combustion chamber

10. A typical air/fuel ratio for normal engine operation would be:

a. 15 parts of air to one of fuel by weight

b. 20 parts of air to one of fuel by volume
c. 15 parts of air to one of fuel by volume
d. 12 parts of air to one of fuel by weight

11. Excessive cylinder head temperatures are caused by:

a. the prolonged use of weak mixtures

b. the ignition timing being too far advanced
c. the prolonged use of rich mixture
d. the ignition being too far retarded

12. The mixture supplied by the carburettor to the engine is said to be weak when:

a. the proportion of air in the mixture is insufficient to allow full combustion of

the fuel
b. the proportion of air in the mixture is greater than that needed for full
combustion of the fuel
c. a grade of fuel lower than that specified for the engine is used
d. there is insufficient power in the engine for take off

13. In an attempt to maintain the correct air/fuel ratio while climbing into the
decreased density air of higher altitude:

a. the valve timing can be changed

b. an accelerator pump can be fitted
c. a mixture control is used
d. a diffuser is fitted

14. The greater the weight of combustible mixture in the cylinders:

a. the weaker is the mixture

b. the more the power decreases
c. the lower the cylinder head temperature will be
d. the greater the power developed by the engine

15. A rich mixture is supplied to the cylinders at take-off and climb:

a. to give greater thermal efficiency

b. to cool the charge temperature and prevent detonation
c. to increase the volumetric efficiency
d. to give excess power

16. A fuel strainer should be fitted:

a. in the inlet manifold

b. at the air intake
c. before the main jet
d. after the main jet

17. The correct air/fuel ratio for an engine running at idle is:

a. weak
b. chemically correct
c. 16:1
d. rich

18. The method of priming an engine not fitted with a priming pump is to:

a. activate the mixture control lever several times

b. turn the engine over several times on the starter motor before selecting the
ignition on
c. pump the throttle several times
d. position the throttle lever midway between open and close

19. A possible cause of the engine backfiring could be:

a. an exhaust valve sticking open

b. a broken push rod
c. a blocked float chamber
d. a sticking inlet valve

20. An overly rich mixture at slow running could be caused by:

a. the priming pump being left open

b. low fuel pressure
c. the float chamber level being too low
d. a partially blocked main jet

8 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
d d b a b c a c a d a b
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
c d b c d c a a

1. The engine driven fuel pump supplies:

a. the exact amount of fuel required for all running conditions.

b. more fuel than is required by the engine; the excess fuel is recycled.
c. the exact amount of fuel required for all running and starting conditions.
d. more fuel than is required by the engine, the excess being used as priming

2. When an engine is fitted with a fuel injection system:

a. it does not require priming.

b. a separate priming system must be fitted.
c. a separate priming system is not required.
d. priming fuel originates from the excess supplied from the engine driven pump.

3. The mixture control on an engine fitted with fuel injection is:

a. automatic.
b. operated by a pneumatic plunger system.
c. hydro-pneumatically operated.
d. necessary.

4. In the intake of a fuel injected engine:

a. there will be a throttle valve but no Venturi.

b. neither a throttle valve nor a Venturi is required.
c. there will be a Venturi but no throttle valve.
d. both a throttle valve and a Venturi are required.

5. The discharge nozzle injects fuel:

a. continuously into the inlet manifold as close to the inlet valve as possible.
b. into the inlet manifold when the inlet valve opens.
c. into the combustion chamber during the compression stroke.
d. continuously into the combustion chamber during the induction stroke.

6. The Fuel Control Unit meters fuel to the discharge nozzles in proportion to:

a. the position of the throttle valve only.

b. the position of the mixture control lever only.
c. the positions of both the throttle lever and the mixture control lever.
d. the number of strokes applied to the priming pump.

7. The discharge nozzles of a fuel injected engine are matched to:

a. supply exactly the same amounts of fuel as each other.

b. the type of engine they are fitted to.
c. the octane rating of the fuel supply.
d. the engine they are fitted to and to the nozzles on the other cylinders.

10 Questions

8. A fuel injected engine can be primed by:

a. a manual priming pump which delivers fuel to the discharge nozzles.

b. an electric fuel pump delivering fuel to the discharge nozzles.
c. the excess fuel delivered by the engine driven fuel pump.
d. pumping the throttle lever while turning the engine over on the starter motor.

9. The fuel manifold valve:

a. meters the amount of fuel delivered to the engine in proportion to the

amount of air being delivered to the engine.
b. distributes fuel to each cylinder in the correct firing order.
c. distributes fuel continuously to all of the cylinders continuously.
d. is kept entirely separate from the priming system.

10. An engine which is fitted with fuel injection:

a. will never encounter hydraulicing.


b. will not suffer from refrigeration icing.

c. cannot be started by swinging the propeller.

d. does not require priming.

11. The Common Rail:

a. is, in effect, a reservoir of high pressure fuel

b. is, in effect, a reservoir of low pressure fuel.
c. is a device common to both the fuel and lubrication systems.
d. is a device common to both the ignition and lubrication systems.

10 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
b c d a a c d b c b a

11 Questions

1. The Manifold Pressure Gauge fitted to a supercharged engine measures:

a. the absolute pressure in the induction manifold

b. the differential pressure across the supercharger compressor
c. the ratio between the atmospheric pressure and the cam rise at the
supercharger inlet
d. the pressure upstream of the throttle valve

2. An Automatic Boost Control Unit:

a. prevents detonation and dissociation in the cylinder

b. maintains an automatic preset boost pressure
c. maintains the correct mixture strength for the boost pressure set
d. sets the position of the wastegate to ensure the preset boost is maintained

3. The use of a turbocharger on an engine will:

a. improve the exhaust scavenging efficiency


b. raise the volumetric efficiency of the engine


c. cause an automatic rise in the engine rpm as altitude is gained

d. cause an automatic rise in engine power as altitude is gained

4. The motive force used to drive the turbocharger is:

a. torque from the crankshaft via a spring drive unit

b. torque from the accessory gearbox
c. energy from the exhaust that would otherwise have been wasted
d. energy from the reduction gearbox

5. The power increase that occurs with initial increase in altitude when an engine has
an internal supercharger fitted, is due to:

a. the reduced weight of mixture being passed to the engine

b. the decreasing density of the atmosphere
c. the reducing exhausts back pressure
d. the increasing charge temperature

6. Rated Altitude is:

a. the height at which the boost pressure ceases to be effective with a specific
rpm set
b. a comparison between the boost pressure at sea level and that at a given
c. the maximum altitude at which Rated Boost can be maintained with Rated
rpm set
d. the altitude at which the wastegate becomes fully shut

7. The speed of the turbine of a turbocharger is controlled by:

a. the diversion of exhaust gases

b. controlling the exit of the exhaust gas passing out of the eye of the impeller
c. the use of a variable controller
d. an automatic gearbox positioned between the turbine and the impeller

8. The turbocharger wastegate is spring loaded towards:

a. the open position

b. the closed position
c. a neutrally balanced partly open position
d. the maximum boost position

9. The turbocharger bearing is lubricated and cooled by:

a. its own internal self-contained oil system

b. the engine oil
c. a total loss system
d. a tapping in the scavenge oil system

10. Static Boost is:

a. always the ISA atmospheric pressure for the airfield altitude

b. obtained by opening the throttle to give a boost gauge reading of 30 in Hg or
0 psi.
c. the boost pressure gauge reading when the engine is not running. Selecting

a suitable throttle position will give the same boost gauge reading when the
engine is running

d. the difference between the induction manifold pressure and the exhaust
manifold pressure

11. The automatic boost pressure control capsules are made sensitive to:

a. atmospheric pressure
b. carburettor inlet pressure
c. boost pressure
d. cabin pressure differential

12. In order to maintain a constant boost pressure with increasing altitude, the ABC:

a. holds the throttle valve at a constant position

b. progressively opens the throttle valve
c. progressively closes the wastegate
d. progressively closes the throttle valve

13. “Boost pressure” is the:

a. inlet manifold pressure in pounds per square inch above or below standard
mean sea level pressure
b. absolute pressure in the inlet manifold measured in inches of mercury
c. absolute pressure in the inlet manifold measured in millibars
d. inlet manifold pressure in pounds per square inch above or below atmospheric

14. “Full Throttle Height” is:

a. the height at which the engine is at Rated Boost

b. the maximum height at which a specified boost can be maintained at a
specified rpm
c. the height at which the wastegate is fully closed
d. the cruising height for any specific boost

11 Questions

15. The purpose of an intercooler is:

a. to minimize the risk of detonation

b. to increase the volume of the charge
c. to decrease the density of the charge
d. to prevent overheating of the exhaust manifold

16. The function of a diffuser in a supercharger is:

a. to decrease the temperature and increase the velocity of the charge

b. to increase the velocity and decrease the pressure of the charge
c. to decrease the velocity and decrease the pressure of the charge
d. to decrease the velocity and increase the pressure of the charge

17. Air enters the compressor of a turbosupercharger:

a. at the tip and passes across the impeller blades to exit at the eye
b. at the diffuser and exits at the impeller
c. at the eye and passes across the diffuser blades before exiting at the impeller

d. at the eye and passes across the impeller blades to exit at the tip

18. The wastegate of a turbosupercharger is fitted:

a. in the turbine bypass

b. in the inlet manifold
c. to maximize exhaust back pressure
d. in series with the turbine

19. The wastegate is operated by:

a. the automatic boost control unit

b. the wastegate actuator
c. inlet manifold pressure
d. exhaust gas temperature

20. With a turbocharger installed on the engine, its exhaust back pressure:

a. remains the same

b. is decreased
c. is increased
d. decreases in the climb

21. A high performance supercharger may require an intercooler to be placed:

a. between the supercharger and the inlet valve

b. at the carburettor intake
c. between each cylinder
d. between the engine block and the exhaust manifold

22. With an increase of compressor discharge pressure the fuel flow will:

a. increase
b. remain constant
c. decrease
d. increase, but only in proportion to altitude increase

23. A turbocharger’s rotational speed is determined by:

a. the diversion of exhaust gas

b. the position of the throttle valve
c. the density of the air at the compressor intake
d. bleeding off excess exhaust pressure

24. During take-off from a sea level airfield with ISA conditions, the position of the
wastegate of a turbocharged engine is:

a. fully open
b. almost fully open
c. controlled by the throttle position
d. fully closed

25. Maximum Continuous Power (MCP) is:

a. unrestricted, but only if economical cruising power is set

b. the maximum power the engine will give at any time
c. given a 5 minute limitation

d. unrestricted

26. The primary purpose of a supercharger is to:

a. raise the temperature of the charge entering the cylinder

b. increase the mass of the charge entering the cylinder
c. improve the engine’s exhaust scavenging capability, and hence increase its
power output
d. allow the use of high octane fuel

27. The type of fuel used in a turbocharged engine would be:


28. At an idle or low power condition, the turbocharger wastegate is normally:

a. partially open
b. fully open
c. closed
d. half open

29. When the air or the mixture passes through the diffuser shroud, the energy
conversion is from:

a. kinetic to pressure
b. heat to potential
c. mechanical to heat
d. potential to kinetic

11 Questions

30. The construction of a turbocharger ensures that the turbine and the compressor:

a. are on the same shaft

b. are on different shafts
c. are connected by mechanical gearing
d. are controlled by the ABC

31. The wastegate fitted to a turbocharger regulates the quantity of:

a. the mixture that enters the induction manifold

b. the atmosphere that can enter the compressor
c. the exhaust gas that will bypass the turbine
d. the exhaust gas that leaves the compressor

32. The main function of a supercharger is to:

a. increase the thermal efficiency of the engine

b. increase the compression ratio of the engine
c. maintain sea level pressure in the engine to above rated altitude
d. increase the volumetric efficiency of the engine

33. The response of a turbocharged engine to rapid throttle opening, when compared

to a normally aspirated engine:

a. is initially better, but exhaust back pressure will cause a flat spot
b. is always better
c. is worse
d. is identical

34. With a constant manifold pressure set during the climb, the power output from an
internally supercharged engine:

a. decreases
b. increases
c. remains constant
d. is unaffected by altitude change

35. An internal supercharger is one which:

a. is driven by exhaust gases

b. compresses the air
c. compresses the exhaust gases
d. compresses the mixture

36. If the wastegate of a turbocharged engine seizes in the climb before critical
altitude has been reached:

a. engine power will be automatically adjusted by the ABC

b. engine power will rise by approximately 10%
c. reducing back pressure will compensate for any loss in power
d. engine power will fall as the climb continues

37. To prevent large acceleration loads on the compressor and the drive shaft of an
internal supercharger, it is usual to:

a. prohibit “slam” acceleration

b. incorporate a spring drive mechanism in the driving gears
c. rely on the inertia absorbing qualities of the exhaust gases
d. use a Vernier drive coupling

38. The rotational speed of the turbocharger of an engine which is at full throttle at
low altitude is:

a. between minimum and maximum

b. maximum
c. controlled by the ABC
d. minimum

39. Maintaining a constant manifold pressure in a turbocharged engine during the

climb will cause:

a. the exhaust gas temperature to decrease due to a decrease in exhaust back

b. the wastegate to open

c. the wastegate to progressively close
d. the diffuser rotational speed to increase

40. Overboosting an engine fitted with a turbocharger is prevented by the installation


a. an automatic boost control unit

b. a manifold pressure gauge
c. a wastegate pressure controller
d. a suck in flap

41. A turbocharger which is designed to maintain sea level pressure at altitude is


a. an altitude-boosted turbocharger
b. a turbosupercharger
c. an internal supercharger
d. a ground boosted turbocharger

42. With the power lever opened for take-off power at sea level, the throttle butterfly
of an engine fitted with an internal supercharger would be:

a. fully open
b. in a choked position
c. partially open
d. fully closed

43. “Static Boost” is the manifold pressure indicated on the boost pressure gauge

a. the engine is stopped

b. the engine is running at the manufacturer’s recommended idle speed
c. the engine is running at its rated power
d. the manifold gauge needle is opposite the lubber line

11 Questions

44. The limit of the amount of supercharging that an engine can tolerate is reached

a. maximum rpm is reached

b. the engine is at its rated altitude
c. maximum boost pressure is obtained
d. the engine starts to suffer from detonation

45. The rotational speed of a turbocharger is dependent upon:

a. engine rpm and wastegate position

b. engine rpm only
c. throttle position only
d. propeller pitch and altitude

46. The inlet manifold pressure of a turbocharged engine in an aircraft which is

climbing will:

a. increase to full throttle height and then fall

b. increase to critical height and then remain constant

c. remain constant to critical altitude and then fall

d. decrease to critical altitude and then remain constant

47. The type of compressor normally used in a supercharger is:

a. an axial compressor
b. a Rootes compressor
c. a centrifugal compressor
d. a reciprocating thrunge compressor

48. The compressor output pressure of an internal supercharger is:

a. the same as manifold pressure

b. greater than the manifold pressure
c. sometimes greater, sometimes less than the manifold pressure
d. less than the manifold pressure

49. The position of the wastegate in a turbocharged engine is:

a. in the inlet manifold

b. downstream of the turbine
c. in parallel with the turbine
d. in parallel with the compressor

50. The maximum engine brake horsepower with a specified rpm and manifold
pressure set which permits continuous safe operation is termed:

a. maximum power
b. take-off power
c. critical power
d. rated power

51. The compressor output of a turbocharger unit is:

a. the same as the manifold pressure

b. greater than the manifold pressure
c. sometimes greater, sometimes less than the manifold pressure
d. less than manifold pressure

52. Within the compressor of a turbocharger:

a. the pressure increases and the temperature decreases

b. both the pressure and the temperature increase
c. both the pressure and the temperature decrease
d. the pressure increases and the temperature remains constant

53. The type of compressor normally fitted to turbochargers and superchargers would
compress the air:

a. axially
b. co-axially
c. in the diffuser only

d. centrifugally

54. If the wastegate of a turbocharged engine seizes during the climb, the manifold
pressure will:

a. remain constant
b. decrease
c. increase
d. initially increase and then decrease

55. To maintain the Rated Boost of a supercharged engine while reducing the rpm:

a. the throttle valve must be opened

b. the wastegate must be closed
c. the wastegate must be opened
d. the throttle valve must be closed

56. The effect of selecting Rated Boost, but less than Rated rpm on the climb, would be

a. the Rated Altitude would be lower

b. the Full Throttle Height would be less
c. the Rated Altitude would be higher
d. the Full Throttle Height would be higher

57. The Automatic Boost Control Unit operates:

a. the Boost Control Lever

b. the wastegate
c. the throttle butterfly
d. the rpm gauge and the manifold pressure gauge

11 Questions

58. Boost pressure is indicated on:

a. the cylinder head temperature gauge

b. the manifold pressure gauge
c. the fuel pressure gauge
d. the rpm gauge and the manifold pressure gauge

59. With an increase of compressor discharge pressure, the fuel flow will:

a. decrease
b. remain constant
c. initially increase, but subsequently decrease
d. increase

60. Superchargers are used to overcome:

a. the decrease in density due to the increase in altitude

b. the increase in temperature due to the increase in altitude
c. the fuel density variation that occurs with an increase in altitude
d. the exhaust back pressure

61. The boost pressure of a turbocharged engine is controlled by:


a. adjusting the throttle position

b. varying the speed of the turbocharger
c. the ABC
d. changing engine rpm.

62. In a supercharger, the mixture:

a. enters through the eye of the impeller and leaves at the periphery
b. enters at the periphery and leaves through the eye
c. enters through the turbine and leaves through the compressor
d. enters through the compressor and leaves through the turbine

11 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a b b c c c a a b c c b
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
a b a d d a b c a a a b
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
d b b c a a c d c b d d
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
b a c b a b a c a c c a
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
c d b b d b a b c b d a
61 62

a a

12 Questions

Questions - Propellers
1. The blade angle of a propeller is the angle between:

a. the root chord and the tip chord of the propeller

b. the chord and the airflow relative to the propeller
c. the chord of the propeller and the longitudinal axis of the aircraft
d. the propeller chord and the plane of rotation of the propeller

2. The blade angle:

a. is constant along the propeller blade

b. decreases from root to tip
c. increases from root to tip
d. varies with changes in engine rpm

3. The geometric pitch of a propeller is:

a. the distance it would move forward in one revolution at the blade angle
b. the angle the propeller chord makes to the plane of rotation
c. the distance the propeller actually moves forward in one revolution
d. the angle the propeller chord makes to the relative airflow

4. A right hand propeller:

a. rotates in a clockwise direction when viewed from the rear

b. is a propeller fitted to the right hand engine
c. rotates in an anti-clockwise direction when viewed from the rear
d. is a propeller mounted in front of the engine

5. The angle of attack of a fixed pitch propeller:

a. depends on forward speed only

b. depends on forward speed and engine rotational speed
c. depends on engine rotational speed only
d. is constant for a fixed pitch propeller

6. During the take-off run a fixed pitch propeller is:

a. at too coarse an angle for maximum efficiency

b. at too fine an angle for maximum efficiency
c. at the optimum angle for efficiency
d. at the optimum angle initially but becomes too coarse as speed increases

7. For an aircraft with a fixed pitch propeller, an increase in rev/min during the take-
off run at full throttle is due to:

a. an increase in propeller blade slip

b. the engine overspeeding
c. a more efficient propeller blade angle of attack
d. the propeller angle of attack increasing

8. An aircraft with a fixed pitch propeller goes into a climb with reduced IAS and
increased rev/min. The propeller:

a. angle of attack will decrease

b. pitch will decrease
c. angle of attack will increase
d. angle of attack will remain the same

9. For an aircraft with a fixed pitch propeller, propeller efficiency will be:

a. low at low speed, high at high speed

b. high at low speed, low at high speed
c. constant at all speeds
d. low at both low and high speed, and highest at cruising speed

10. The blade angle of a fixed pitch propeller would be set to give the optimum angle:

a. during take-off
b. during the cruise
c. at the maximum level flight speed
d. for landing

11. Propeller torque results from the forces on the propeller:

a. caused by the airflow, giving a moment around the propeller’s longitudinal
b. caused by centrifugal effect, giving a moment around the propeller’s
longitudinal axis
c. caused by the airflow, giving a moment around the aircraft’s longitudinal axis
d. caused by centrifugal effect, giving a moment around the aircraft’s
longitudinal axis

12. The thrust force of a propeller producing forward thrust:

a. tends to bend the propeller tips forward

b. tends to bend the propeller tips backward
c. tends to bend the propeller in its plane of rotation
d. causes a tension load in the propeller

13. A propeller which is windmilling:

a. rotates the engine in the normal direction and gives some thrust
b. rotates the engine in reverse and gives drag
c. rotates the engine in reverse and gives some thrust
d. rotates the engine in the normal direction and gives drag

14. For an aircraft with a right hand propeller the effect of slipstream rotation acting
on the fin will cause: (see Chapter 16, Book 13 Principles of Flight).

a. yaw to the left

b. roll to the left
c. yaw to the right
d. nose up pitch

12 Questions

15. To counteract the effect of slipstream rotation on a single engine aircraft:

a. the fin may be reduced in size

b. a “T” tail may be employed
c. the fin may be off-set
d. the wings may have washout

16. The gyroscopic effect of a right hand propeller will give: (see Chapter 16, Book 13
Principles of Flight)

a. a yawing moment to the left whenever the engine is running

b. a yawing moment to the left when the aircraft rolls to the right
c. a nose-up pitch when the aircraft yaws to the right
d. a yaw to the right when the aircraft pitches nose up

17. The alpha range of a variable pitch propeller is between:

a. feather and flight fine pitch stop

b. feather and ground fine pitch stop
c. flight fine pitch stop and reverse stop
d. ground fine pitch and reverse stop

18. When the CSU is running “on speed”:


a. the governor weight centrifugal force balances the CSU spring force
b. the CSU spring force balances the oil pressure
c. the governor weight centrifugal force balances the oil pressure
d. the supply of oil to the CSU is shut off

19. If the engine power is increased with the propeller lever set then:

a. the governor weights move out, blade angle decreases, rpm decreases,
weights remain out
b. the governor weights move in, blade angle increases, rpm decreases, weights
move out
c. the governor weights move out, blade angle increases, rpm decreases, weights
move in
d. the governor weights move out, blade angle increases, rpm decreases, weights
move in, blade angle decreases again

20. The purpose of the centrifugal feathering latch on a single acting propeller is to

a. CTM turning the propeller to fine pitches

b. the propeller from accidentally feathering at high rpm
c. the propeller from feathering on shutdown
d. the propeller from overspeeding if the flight fine pitch stop fails to reset

21. A hydraulic accumulator may be fitted to a single acting propeller to provide

pressure for:

a. normal constant speed operation of the propeller

b. operation of the propeller in the event of failure of the CSU pump
c. feathering and unfettering the propeller
d. unfettering the propeller

22. If it is required to increase the rpm of a variable pitch propeller without moving the
power lever, the propeller lever must be moved:

a. forward, the governor weights move inwards, blade angle increases

b. backward, the governor weights move outwards, blade angle decreases
c. forwards, the governor weights move inwards, blade angle decreases
d. forwards, the governor weights move outwards, blade angle decreases

23. The CSU incorporates an oil pump. Its purpose is:

a. to provide pressure to feather the propeller

b. to provide pressure to unfeather the propeller
c. to increase the engine oil pressure to a higher pressure to operate the
propeller pitch change mechanism
d. to ensure adequate lubrication of the CSU

24. A propeller blade is twisted along its length:

a. to compensate for the Centrifugal Twisting Moment

b. to maintain a constant angle of attack from root to tip of the blade
c. to increase the thrust given by the tip
d. to maintain constant thrust from root to tip

25. Propeller torque is:

a. the tendency of the propeller to twist around its longitudinal axis
b. the helical path of the propeller through the air
c. the turning moment produced by the propeller about the axis of the
d. the thrust produced by the propeller

26. The greatest stress on a rotating propeller occurs:

a. at the tip
b. at about 75% of the length
c. at the mid point
d. at the root

27. The Beta range of a propeller is from:

a. the feather stops to the flight fine pitch stop

b. the feather stops to the ground fine pitch stop
c. the feather stops to the reverse pitch stop
d. the flight fine pitch stop to the reverse pitch stop

28. An ‘auto-feathering’ system senses:

a. low rpm
b. decreasing rpm
c. high torque
d. low torque

12 Questions

29. What happens to the pitch of a variable pitch propeller in order to maintain
constant rpm when (i) IAS is increased and (ii) Power is increased?

(i) (ii)
a. increases decreases
b. decreases increases
c. increases increases
d. decreases decreases

30. Propellers may have an ‘avoid’ range of rpm:

a. to avoid resonance peaks which could lead to fatigue damage to the propeller
b. to avoid excessive propeller noise
c. because the engine does not run efficiently in that rpm range
d. to avoid the possibility of detonation occurring in the engine

Questions - Piston Engine General Handling
1. What is the preferred direction for aircraft parking prior to start-up?

a. Tail into wind

b. Nose into wind
c. 1st engine to be started on windward side
d. Facing towards the duty runway threshold to enable easy taxi-out

2. Prior to starting a piston aero-engine (in-line inverted) and after ensuring that the
ignition is “OFF”, which check may have to be carried out?

a. Check that the pilot’s flying licence is still in-date

b. No further checks are necessary
c. Obtain start-up permission from the Tower
d. Carry out a check for engine hydraulicing

3. When an engine starts up and the starter key is released, to what position does the
key return?

a. “OFF”
b. “ON”


d. “BOTH”

4. Immediately an engine has started up, what is the first instrument reading to be

a. Oil pressure
b. Battery volts
c. Gyro erection
d. Vacuum

5. What would be the likely effect of prolonged running with a weak mixture?

a. Overheating
b. Failure to come up to correct running temperature
c. Carburettor icing
d. High oil pressure

6. Should over-priming cause a fire to start in the engine’s carburettor during starting,
what is the best immediate action?

a. Evacuate the aircraft and make a “flash” call to the airport fire services
b. Shut down the engine. The fire will extinguish itself
c. Keep the engine turning on the starter motor and select “idle cut-off”. The fire
should be drawn through the engine
d. Select weak mixture on the mixture control and rapidly increase rpm

7. When is the “Reference rpm” of an engine established?

a. Before the first flight of the day

b. During engine warm-up
c. By the engine’s manufacturer during “Type Testing”
d. When the engine is first installed in an aircraft

12 Questions

8. When is “Static Boost” noted?

a. Before engine start

b. Just after engine start, while warming up
c. It is permanently marked on the boost gauge
d. It must be calculated from the airfield QNH

9. At what rpm is a magneto “dead cut” check carried out?

a. At ground warm-up rpm

b. At reference rpm
c. At take-off rpm
d. During the “Mag. drop” check

10. If, during a “Mag. drop” check the engine cuts, what action must be taken?

a. Immediately switch to “Both” and recheck

b. A grounding wire has broken and not earthing the primary circuit
c. The engine must be stopped
d. Decrease rpm to idle for no more than 1 minute. Reselect reference rpm and

11. If, during a “Mag. drop” check there is no drop in rpm, what is the most likely

a. A really good ignition system

b. One of the switches being seized in the open circuit position
c. One of the switches being seized in the closed circuit position
d. The plug leads from that magneto have not been connected

12. What are the main reasons to exercise a propeller from fine to coarse pitch after

a. In order that a pilot may practise propeller control technique before take-off
b. To pre-set the feathering signal before take-off, in case of an emergency
c. To check that a full range of control is available at take-off boost
d. To replace the cold oil in the pitch change mechanism and check rpm control

13. At what mixture and carb. heat setting is a take-off normally carried out?

a. Fully weak and carb. heat fully off

b. Fully rich and carb. heat fully on
c. Fully rich and carb. heat fully off
d. Fully weak and carb. heat fully off

14. Why, when climbing, is the engine temperature monitored carefully?

a. A low temperature will be the only sign that pre-ignition is occurring

b. Decreasing air density will reduce the engine cooling system’s efficiency
c. A low engine temperature can give rise to poor atomization of fuel, and thus
adversely affect Specific Fuel Consumption
d. Use of high power at relatively low speed can allow engine temperature to
creep up

15. When cruising in a fixed-pitch propeller equipped aircraft, what, from the list
below, would be the symptoms of carburettor icing?

1. Increase in manifold temperature

2. Decrease in rpm
3. Loss of airspeed
4. Increase in engine temperature
5. Loss of altitude
6. Loss of oil temperature
7. Increase in rpm

Choose from the following:

a. 2, 3 and 5
b. 1, 2 and 7
c. 4, 5, 6 and 7
d. 3, 4, 5 and 7

16. What is the main danger from using a weak mixture at a high power setting?

a. Low cylinder head temperature

b. Low fuel pressure

c. Pre-ignition
d. Detonation

17. What are the most likely effects on an engine of a low power, high speed descent?

a. Engine overspeeding and consequent damage

b. Engine overcooling and carburettor icing
c. Engine overheating and oil cooler coring
d. High oil temperature and piston ring gumming up

18. What problem is prevented by the use of the correct running down procedure?

a. Spark plug fouling

b. Oil cooler coring
c. Very high rate of piston ring wear
d. Over high temperatures on next start-up

19. What is the correct way to shut down an engine?

a. Switch off both magnetos together

b. Switch off the fuel booster pump
c. Move the mixture control to ICO
d. Feather the propeller when at idle rpm

20. What are the two main symptoms of an excessively rich mixture?

a. Loss of power and a drop in cylinder head temperature

b. Gain in power and a drop in cylinder head temperature
c. Loss of power and a rise in cylinder head temperature
d. Gain in power and a rise in cylinder head temperature

12 Answers

Answers - Propellers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
d b a a b a c c d b c a
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
d a c d a a c c d c c b
25 26 27 28 29 30
c d d d c a

Answers - Piston Engine General Handling

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
b d d a a c d a a c b d
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
c d a d b a c a

1. When gases pass through a convergent duct their:

a. velocity and temperature increase and their pressure decreases

b. their velocity increases and their temperature and pressure decrease
c. their velocity decreases and their temperature and pressure increase
d. they expand adiabatically

2. Select the correct order of best propulsive efficiency, from low to high airspeed.

a. High bypass ratio turbojet, Low bypass ratio turbojet, Pure turbojet,
b. Low bypass ratio turbojet, Pure turbojet, Turboprop, High bypass ratio
c. Pure turbojet, Turboprop, High bypass ratio turbojet, Low bypass ratio
d. Turboprop, High bypass ratio turbojet, Low bypass ratio turbojet, Pure

3. The highest pressure in a gas turbine engine occurs:

a. between the compressor and the combustion chamber

b. in the combustion chamber
c. in the jet pipe

d. at the P1 probe

4. In a turbofan engine, the fan speed is controlled by:

a. a reduction gear
b. a wastegate
c. the turbine
d. varying the pitch

5. In a High Bypass Ratio engine:

a. all of the air goes through both the low and high pressure compressors
b. not all the air goes through the high pressure compressor
c. not all the air goes through the low pressure compressor
d. all the air goes through the high pressure compressor

6. Modular construction:

a. is only used on turboprop engines

b. cannot be used on high ratio engines
c. has a weight saving function
d. enables malfunctioning sections of the engine to be changed without
changing the whole engine

7. The Bypass Ratio of an engine is the ratio of:

a. primary air to tertiary air

b. cold stream air to that flowing through the hot core of the engine
c. exhaust gas pressure to air intake pressure
d. primary air to secondary air

13 Questions

8. The Gas Turbine Engine uses the principle of:

a. Newton’s Third Law of motion

b. creating thrust equal to the weight of the aircraft
c. expelling air at the same speed as that of the aircraft
d. the fluid flywheel

9. The addition of heat in a combustion chamber allows a:

a. large expansion at a substantially constant pressure

b. large expansion at a constant volume
c. large expansion at a decreasing static pressure
d. minimum expansion at a constant volume

10. In a divergent duct:

a. the pressure decreases and the temperature and velocity increases

b. the pressure, velocity and temperature increases
c. the pressure temperature increases and the velocity decreases
d. the pressure decreases, the temperature increases and the velocity remains

11. In a twin spool engine:


a. the LP compressor is connected to the HP compressor

b. the HP turbine is connected to the LP compressor, the LP turbine is connected

to the HP compressor
c. the LP turbine is connected to the LP compressor, the HP turbine is connected
to the HP compressor
d. the HP turbine is connected to the LP turbine, the HP compressor is connected
to the LP compressor

12. A Bypass Ratio of 5:1 means that:

a. 5 pounds of air is bypassed for every 10 pounds entering the engine intake
b. 5 pounds of goes through the HP compressor for every 10 pounds that enters
the intake
c. 10 pounds of air goes through the bypass for every 5 pounds that enters the
d. 5 pounds of air is bypassed for every 1 pound that goes through the hot core
of the engine

13. Aft of the compressor:

a. the velocity of the airflow remains the same

b. the velocity of the airflow decreases before the combustion chamber
c. the velocity increases before the combustion chamber
d. the air pressure decreases before the combustion chamber

14. The fan in a ducted fan engine, is driven by:

a. the high pressure turbine

b. the rearmost turbine
c. the intermediate pressure turbine
d. all of the above

15. In a bypass engine, the bypass air:

a. increases the air mass flow and therefore increases the propulsive efficiency
b. cools the combustion chamber and therefore increases the thermal efficiency
c. reduces the air mass flow and therefore increases the propulsive efficiency
d. increases the air mass flow and therefore reduces the propulsive efficiency

16. The majority of the thrust of a:

a. turbofan engine comes from the turbine exhaust

b. turboprop engine comes from the turbine exhaust
c. turboshaft engine comes from the free power turbine exhaust
d. turbofan engine comes from the bypass air

17. A pure turbojet engine gives:

a. a small acceleration to a large mass of air

b. a large acceleration to a large mass of air
c. a small acceleration to a small mass of air
d. a large acceleration to a small mass of air

18. During the Brayton cycle, combustion takes place:

a. continuously

b. once every revolution
c. once every other revolution

d. only during the start cycle

13 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
b d a c b d b a a c c d
13 14 15 16 17 18
b b a d d a

14 Questions

1. In a high bypass engine with a ‘pitot’ intake, with the engine running and the
brakes on, what will P1 be in relation to P0?

a. Same.
b. Greater.
c. Less.
d. 14.7 psi.

2. A pitot intake forms a ............. duct ............ the fan to ensure that the airflow
............ to ............... and achieves a ...............

a. convergent before speeds up subsonic pressure rise

b. divergent after slows down subsonic pressure rise
c. divergent before speeds up sonic pressure drop
d. divergent before slows down subsonic pressure rise

3. What effect will severe icing in the intake have on a high bypass engine?

a. The axial velocity of the air will increase with a reduction in the angle of attack
of the airflow with the compressor blades and a possible stall.
b. The axial velocity of the air will decrease with a reduction in the angle of
attack of the airflow with the compressor blades and a possible stall.
c. The axial velocity of the air will decrease with an increase in the angle that the

resultant airflow forms with the compressor blades chord line and a possible

d. The axial velocity of the air will increase with an increase in the angle of attack
of the airflow with the compressor blades and a possible stall.

4. Which of the following would be classed as prudent when carrying out Engine
Ground Runs?

a. Only carry out engine runs with a tailwind.

b. Fit debris guards when running.
c. Only do ground runs on tarmac.
d. Only do ground runs on concrete.

5. With an ‘S’ type intake, if the pilot selects max rpm while standing still, there is a
strong possibility that:

a. the angle, which the relative airflow forms with the compressor blades, will
become too small, which will cause the engine to stall and surge.
b. the angle, which the relative airflow forms with the compressor blades, will
become too small, which will cause the engine to surge then stall.
c. the angle which the relative airflow forms with the compressor blades will
become too large, which will cause the engine to stall and surge.
d. the angle, which the relative airflow forms with the compressor blades, will
become too large, which will cause the engine to surge then stall.

6. The purpose of an air inlet is to provide a relatively ............. supply of air to the
............. of the ............ compressor.

a. turbulent free face low pressure

b. turbulent face low pressure
c. turbulent free rear low pressure
d. turbulent free face high pressure

7. In a pitot intake the term ‘Ram Pressure Recovery’ refers to the time when:

a. EPR has attained the take-off setting.

b. the HP Compressor has reached its maximum.
c. the EPR has recovered to its optimum figure.
d. intake pressure has been re-established to ambient pressure.


14 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c d c b c a d

15 Questions

1. The pressure ratio of a gas turbine engine compressor is:

a. equal to the number of compression stages

b. the ratio between compressor outlet and compressor inlet pressure
c. the ratio between exhaust inlet and exhaust outlet pressure
d. never greater than 5 to 1

2. The compressor idling speed of an uncompensated gas turbine engine will


a. at higher ambient temperature

b. with higher than sea level density
c. at altitudes lower than sea level
d. at lower ambient temperature

3. One stage of an axial flow compressor consists of:

a. one rotor assembly and one row of stator vanes

b. one stator assembly and one row of guide vanes
c. one rotor and one impeller assembly
d. one impeller and one diffuser assembly

4. The pressure rise across each stage of an axial flow compressor is:

a. greater than that of a centrifugal compressor


b. between 3 and 5 to one

c. twice the inlet pressure

d. between 1.1 and 1.2 to one

5. The ring of blades which sometimes precede the first rotor stage of an axial flow
compressor are called:

a. the first stage stator blades

b. variable inlet guides vanes
c. first stage diffuser blades
d. nozzle guide vanes

6. As air passes through an axial flow compressor, a pressure rise takes place in:

a. the impeller and the diffuser

b. the rotor blades only
c. both the rotor blades and the stator vanes
d. the stator vanes only

7. In the event of a surge occurring the correct action to be taken is:

a. to close the throttle quickly

b. to close the throttle slowly
c. to open the throttle fully
d. to close the LP fuel valve

8. Shrouding of stator blade tips is designed to:

a. prevent tip turbulence

b. ensure adequate cooling
c. minimize vibration
d. prevent tip losses

9. The cross-sectional area of the air annulus is reduced as it approaches the

combustion chamber:

a. to maintain the volume of the air under rising pressure

b. to prevent an increase of the velocity of the air under rising pressure
c. to maintain the axial velocity of the air toward the combustion chamber
d. to allow longer blades to be used towards the latter stages of the compressor

10. The attachment of blades to the compressor disc:

a. allows slight movement to relieve stress concentration

b. is rigid
c. prevents them being contaminated by the atmosphere
d. allows slight movement because of the different expansion rates of the blades
and the disc, which would otherwise cause centre line closure

11. Compressor blades are designed to produce:

a. a given pressure and velocity rise

b. a constant flow over the engine speed range
c. a steady velocity with a pressure rise over the engine speed range

d. turbulent flow into the combustion chamber

12. A compressor blade will stall when:

a. the air axial velocity and rotational speed relationship is disturbed

b. the mass airflow and speed relationship is constant
c. the speed of the gas flow through the turbine falls below Mach 0.4
d. the compression ratio exceeds 10 to 1

13. Compressor surge will occur when:

a. all stages are at maximum efficiency

b. all stages are at maximum rpm
c. there is a partial breakdown of airflow through the compressor
d. all stages have stalled

14. Cascade vanes are fitted in which part of the centrifugal compressor?

a. the air inlet

b. the outlet elbow
c. the impeller
d. the diffuser

15 Questions

15. The purpose of the diffuser vanes in a centrifugal compressor is to:

a. increase the charge temperature

b. convert pressure energy into kinetic energy
c. increase the air velocity
d. convert kinetic energy into pressure energy

16. The pressure rise across a centrifugal compressor:

a. occurs in the impeller only

b. occurs in the diffuser only
c. is shared almost equally by the impeller and the diffuser
d. is always greater in the diffuser than in the impeller

17. To gain a greater pressure ratio than 4:1:

a. two centrifugal compressors can be placed in parallel

b. the compressor diameter must be reduced
c. the cascade vanes must be convergent
d. two centrifugal compressors can be placed in series with each other

18. The major disadvantage of a centrifugal compressor is that:

a. it cannot cope with a large mass flow of air

b. it cannot be used for a turbo jet engine
c. a larger turbine must be used
d. it is more prone to damage than the axial flow compressor

19. The purpose of cascade vanes is to:


a. increase the velocity of the airflow prior to it entering the combustion

b. turn the air smoothly through 90 degrees and complete diffusion
c. remove swirl from the airflow
d. swirl the air, ready for the next compression stage

20. The type of compressor used to create radial airflow would be:

a. positive displacement
b. axial
c. centrifugal
d. constant volume

21. Under ideal conditions the pressure rise across a single-stage centrifugal
compressor can be:

a. 1.1 or 1.2 to 1
b. not more than 4 to 1
c. 1.5 to 1
d. 30 to 1

22. An advantage of a centrifugal compressor is that it is:

a. dynamically balanced
b. more robust and is easier to manufacture
c. unaffected by turbulence
d. able to handle a larger mass of air than an axial flow compressor

23. A compressor stall causes:

a. the vibration level to increase with a decrease in the turbine gas temperature
b. an increase in the turbine gas temperature and the vibration level
c. the rotation of the engine to stop suddenly
d. the airflow through the engine to stop suddenly

24. Air passing through a convergent duct experiences:

a. a decrease in temperature and pressure with an increase in velocity

b. an increase in temperature and velocity with a decrease in pressure
c. an increase in temperature and pressure with a velocity decrease
d. adiabatic expansion

25. Fuel is regulated on rapid engine acceleration:

a. to prevent detonation in the combustion chambers

b. because the rapid response of the compressor might cause a flame out
c. because the cooling effect of too much fuel would cause a drop in pressure in
the combustion chamber
d. to prevent inducing a compressor stall and surge

26. A compressor stall:

a. is overcome by increasing the fuel flow

b. is a complete breakdown of the airflow through the compressor
c. may only affect one stage or several stages of a compressor
d. is mechanical failure of the compressor

27. Compressor blades increase in size:

a. from the root to the tip to increase the temperature

b. from the high pressure section of the compressor to the low-pressure section
c. from the low-pressure section of the compressor to the high-pressure section
to maintain a constant airflow velocity
d. from the tip to the root to decrease the temperature

28. The occurrence of compressor stalls is limited by:

a. bleed valves
b. nozzle guide vanes
c. swirl vanes
d. cascade vanes

29. Bleed valves are automatically opened:

a. at maximum rpm to prevent compressor stall

b. at low rpm to prevent the turbine stalling
c. during engine acceleration to prevent turbine surge
d. at low engine rpm to prevent the compressor stalling

15 Questions

30. To prevent compressor stall at the rear of the compressor, bleed valves must be

a. at the rear stages of the compressor

b. at the front stages of the compressor
c. at the mid stages of the compressor
d. at the intake of the engine

31. A complete breakdown of airflow through a compressor is known as:

a. compressor turbulence
b. compressor buffet
c. compressor surge
d. compressor seizure

32. One indication that a compressor bleed valve has stuck closed at low rpm is:

a. possible compressor stall

b. an inability to achieve full power
c. that bleed air is reduced
d. that the engine will stop

33. Within the compressor:

a. bleed valves are set to open at high rpm

b. pressure decreases
c. temperature decreases
d. temperature increases

34. Bleeding compressor air for anti-icing will cause:

a. an increase in EGT, a decrease in thrust and an increase in SFC

b. a decrease in EGT, an increase in thrust and a decrease in SFC
c. an increase in rpm and fuel flow
d. an increase in rpm and a decrease in fuel flow

35. Variable inlet guide vanes:

a. deflect air past the compressor

b. adjust the relative airflow position
c. deflect air past the turbine
d. induce air into a centrifugal compressor

36. Compressor blades are twisted from root to tip:

a. to decrease the pressure

b. to maintain a correct angle of attack
c. to reduce the relative airflow
d. to give added rigidity to the blade structure

37. In a compressor:

a. the air temperature is steady with a pressure rise

b. the air temperature falls with a pressure rise
c. the drop in air temperature is inversely proportional to the pressure rise
d. the air temperature rises with a pressure rise

38. A stall in a gas turbine engine is most likely to occur with:

Pressure Ratio Location in Compressor

a. high front
b. high back
c. low back
d. low front

39. Contamination of the compressor:

a. is not likely to prove a problem if the aircraft is not flown at low level over the
b. will not decrease the performance of the engine if the fuel sulphur content
does not exceed 0.001%
c. can seriously reduce the efficiency of the engine
d. can be reduced by periodically flying through thunderstorms

40. The low pressure compressor of a high ratio bypass engine:

a. is driven by the high pressure turbine

b. rotates faster than the high-pressure compressor
c. is always a centrifugal compressor
d. is driven by the rearmost turbine


15 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
b a a d b c b c c a c a
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
d b d c d a b c b b b a
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
d c b a d c c a d a b b
37 38 39 40
d c c d

16 Questions

1. The ratio of air to kerosene to give the greatest heat release during combustion is:

a. 45:1
b. 130:1
c. 12.5:1
d. 15:1

2. One advantage of an annular combustion chamber system is that:

a. the diameter of the engine is reduced

b. there is unrestricted airflow at maximum rpm
c. there are no flame propagation problems
d. the air casing area is greater

3. Of the total airflow entering the combustion chamber the percentage that is mixed
with the fuel and burnt is:

a. 10%
b. 40%
c. 20%
d. 60%

4. The combustion chamber drain valve is closed:

a. by combustion chamber gas pressure

b. by a return spring
c. by 12th stage compressor air pressure

d. during a blow out cycle


5. A cannular combustion system is:

a. a set of flame tubes, each of which is mounted in a separate air casing

b. a set of flame tubes enclosed in a common air casing
c. one common flame tube enclosed in a common air casing
d. superior to the annular system because it only requires one igniter

6. It is necessary to have a combustion drain system:

a. to prevent pressure build up in the combustion chamber

b. to allow moisture content in the fuel to drain away
c. to allow any unburnt fuel to drain after shutdown or a wet start
d. to prevent the igniters becoming wetted by excess fuel

7. The purpose of the tertiary airflow created in the combustion chamber is to:

a. reduce the gas temperature and cool the flame tube

b. form a toroidal vortex, which anchors and stabilizes the flame
c. reduce the gas temperature and cool the burner head
d. ensure complete combustion of the fuel

8. A relight envelope:

a. shows the flame stability limits

b. shows airspeed and altitude limitations for an in-flight restart
c. shows fuel/air mixture limitations for an in-flight restart
d. contains the in-flight restart igniter plugs

9. Swirl vanes in the combustion chamber:

a. increase the velocity of the airflow

b. reduce the velocity of the airflow
c. prevent compressor stall
d. help to stabilize combustion

10. The air entering the combustion chamber is divided; a small percentage is used in
combustion, the rest:

a. is syphoned off for airframe anti-icing purposes

b. is used only for cooling the gases before they exit the combustion chamber
c. is used to reduce the oil temperature and cool the turbine blades
d. is used to cool both the gases exiting the chamber and the walls of the air


16 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
d c c a b c a b b d

1. The effect on the temperature and pressure of the gases as they pass across the
turbine is:

a. their temperature decreases and their pressure rises.

b. both their temperature and pressure increase.
c. both their temperature and pressure decrease.
d. their temperature increases and their pressure falls.

2. Nozzle guide vanes are fitted before the turbine:

a. to increase the velocity of the airflow.

b. to decrease the velocity of the gas flow therefore increasing its pressure.
c. to increase the velocity of the gas flow therefore reducing its pressure.
d. to increase the temperature of the gas flow.

3. One reason for shrouding turbine blades is:

a. to reduce “creep” which may occur in the blades.

b. to improve efficiency and reduce vibration.
c. to enable thinner blades to be used.
d. to minimize blade end erosion.

4. The blades are usually attached to the turbine disc by a “Fir Tree” root. A tight fit is
ensured during operation:

a. by the action of centrifugal force.

b. by thermal expansion of the disc.
c. by blade compression loads and thermal expansion.
d. by torque loading and thermal expansion.

5. The main contributory factors which cause creep in turbine blades are:

a. high temperature and tensile loading.
b. high rpm and torque loading.
c. high rpm and high gas speeds.
d. high temperature and high gas speeds.

6. A free power turbine:

a. has a clutch between the compressor and the power output shaft.
b. has no mechanical connection with the other turbine or compressor shafts.
c. has a direct drive with a free wheel unit.
d. comes free with every 2000 gallons of AVTUR.

7. The mixture of impulse and reaction blade shape in the average turbine blade is
such that:

a. the inner half is impulse and the outer half is reaction.

b. the inner half is reaction and the outer half is impulse.
c. the leading edge is reaction and the trailing edge is impulse.
d. the trailing edge is reaction and the leading edge is impulse.

17 Questions

8. Blade creep is:

a. movement of the turbine blades around the turbine disc.

b. temporary expansion due to temperature change.
c. temporary elongation due to centrifugal forces.
d. permanent elongation due to heat and centrifugal force.

9. The net operating temperature of a gas turbine engine is limited by:

a. the materials from which the combustion chamber is constructed.

b. the amount of fuel which can be fed into the combustion chamber.
c. the ability of the compressor to pass sufficient air rearwards.
d. the materials from which the nozzle guide vanes and the turbine blades are

10. The impulse-reaction blade is twisted along its length so that:

a. there is a greater angle at the base than at the tip.

b. the gas flow is accelerated through the turbine.
c. the gas does equal work along the whole of its length.
d. the gas flow is decelerated through the nozzle guide vanes.

17 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c c b a a b a d d c

1. The velocity of the gases in the exhaust unit is held to:

a. Mach 0.5 to minimize turbulence

b. Mach 0.75 to optimize the pressure distribution
c. Mach 0.85 to maximize thrust
d. Mach 1 to maximize acceleration

2. The exhaust cone:

a. straightens the gas flow before it goes into the turbine assembly
b. prevents the hot gases flowing across the rear turbine face
c. increases the velocity of the gases
d. decreases the pressure of the gas

3. The propelling nozzle is designed to:

a. increase the velocity and decrease the pressure of the gas stream
b. decrease the velocity and increase the pressure of the gas stream
c. to increase the velocity and the pressure of the gas stream
d. to decrease the velocity and the pressure of the gas stream

4. A nozzle is said to be “choked” when:

a. the gas flow through it is subsonic

b. the gas flow through it reaches its sonic value
c. the gas temperature rises
d. the gas flow through it is supersonic

5. A choked nozzle:

a. decreases thrust

b. gives additional pressure without the addition of heat
c. has no effect on thrust

d. implies that no further increase in velocity can be obtained without the
increase of heat

6. The exhaust gases pass to atmosphere via the propelling nozzle which:

a. is a convergent duct, thus it increases the gas velocity

b. converts kinetic energy into pressure energy
c. is a divergent duct, thus it increases the gas velocity
d. is a divergent nozzle, thus it increases the gas pressure

7. The jet pipe is insulated from the airframe by:

a. heat insulation materials

b. a cooling air jacket
c. a combination of cooling air and insulating material
d. semi-conducting geodetic structures

18 Questions

8. The noise from a high ratio bypass engine:

a. is created mainly in the exhaust section

b. is high in the exhaust section because of the high velocity gas flow
c. is predominantly from the fan and the turbine
d. is greater than that from a turbojet engine of comparable power output

9. The shape of the volume within the jet pipe casing immediately to the rear of the

a. is convergent to accelerate the gases towards the propelling nozzle

b. is divergent to accelerate the gases away from the turbine blades
c. is convergent to increase the pressure of the gases in the jet pipes
d. is divergent to reduce the velocity of the gases leaving the turbine

10. The turbine rear support struts:

a. add swirl to the gases before they travel down the jet pipe
b. prevent the hot gases flowing across the rear face of the rear turbine bearing
c. allow entry of the bypass air into the exhaust system
d. straighten out any residual whirl in the gas stream

11. An exhaust nozzle is said to be choked when the velocity at the throat is:

a. Mach 0.5
b. below Mach 1
c. at Mach 1
d. above Mach 1

18 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
a b a b d a c c d d c

19 Questions

1. A centrifugal breather is used on a gas turbine engine:

a. to circulate the oil smoothly.

b. to minimize oil loss.
c. to emulsify the oil and air mixture for greater viscosity.
d. to allow oxidization of the oil.

2. A high oil temperature would indicate that:

a. the oil pressure was high.

b. the exhaust gas temperature (EGT) was high.
c. the oil filter was blocked.
d. the air intake of the oil cooler was blocked.

3. Oil seals are pressurized:

a. to ensure oil is forced into the bearings.

b. to ensure minimum oil loss.
c. to ensure that the oil is prevented from leaving the bearing housing.
d. to minimize heat loss in the bearing housing.

4. In the event that damage occurs to the matrix of the fuel-cooled oil cooler:

a. a pressure-maintaining valve ensures that the oil pressure is always higher than
the fuel pressure.
b. the fuel pressure is always kept higher than the oil pressure to ensure that the
fuel will leak into the oil system.
c. a differential pressure switch will illuminate a light in the cockpit.
d. the oil bypass valve will prevent a complete loss of oil pressure.

5. The bearing chambers of a gas turbine engine are vented:

a. via the auxiliary gearbox drive.


b. via the centrifugal breather.


c. via the air seals, into the gas stream.

d. to prevent oil loss.

6. The main bearings in an axial flow gas turbine engine are normally pressurized by:

a. compressor bypass air.

b. air at intake pressure.
c. air from an intermediate stage of the compressor.
d. gas from the second stage turbine section.

7. Magnetic Chip Detectors are fitted in the engine:

a. to facilitate early detection of cracks in the compressor blades.

b. to facilitate early warning of cracks in the turbine blades.
c. to provide a warning of impending failure in the engine bearings.
d. to prevent a build up of starch in the scavenge oil filter.

8. An inter-stage air seal is used where:

a. engine sections are operating at different pressures.

b. engine sections are subjected to pressures of the same value.
c. it is more convenient.
d. it is difficult to obtain access during routine servicing.

9. An Internal Engine Overheat warning would necessitate:

a. the oil temperature to be closely monitored.

b. the EGT to be closely monitored.
c. the engine power to be reduced to idle.
d. the engine to be shut down.

10. If engine run down time is short, coupled with high oil consumption, the most
probable cause is:

a. compressor blade rub.

b. incorrect relief valve setting.
c. excessive sealing air pressure.
d. bearing chamber labryinth seal rubbing.

11. Gas turbines use for lubrication:

a. mineral oil with additives (compound).

b. mineral oil straight.
c. multi-grade 20/50.
d. synthetic oil.

12. For a pressure relief lubricating system, select the correct statement:

a. the flow and pressure change with engine speed.

b. the pressure relief valve is fitted in series with the pump.
c. the pressure remains the same for all engine operating parameters.
d. the relief valve opens when pressure has reached the required pressure.

Any excess flow is returned by a dedicated line to the base of the engine for

13. If the engine oil pump ceases to function the engine:

a. will continue to operate at a lower rpm because the engine will be able to
suck the oil from the reservoir and be sufficiently lubricated.
b. should be shut down.
c. will be unaffected because the scavenge pumps have a larger operating
capacity than the pressure pumps and will ensure the engine is lubricated
d. should be monitored for a period of time to record oil temperature.

14. In a gas turbine engine oil temperature is measured:

a. as it leaves the fuel-cooled oil cooler (FCOC).

b. before entering the engine.
c. immediately after leaving the engine.
d. in the engine.

19 Questions

15. In a gas turbine engine oil pressure is measured:

a. in the engine.
b. in the return line.
c. after the pressure pump.
d. in the FCOC to ensure oil pressure is always above fuel pressure.

16. The magnetic chip detectors are fitted in:

a. the pressure line between the pressure pump and the engine.
b. suction line between the reservoir and the pressure pump.
c. return line between the engine and the scavenge pump.
d. return line after the FCOC.

17. Gas turbines use:

a. wet sump and mineral oil.

b. dry sump and synthetic oil.
c. wet sump and synthetic oil.
d. dry sump and mineral oil.

19 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
b d b a b c c a d d d c
13 14 15 16 17
b a c c b

1. In a gas turbine engine:

a. ram pressure is maximum at the start of the take-off run

b. ram pressure is unaffected by airspeed
c. thrust is unaffected by the aircraft’s forward speed
d. thrust is maximum and ram pressure at minimum at the start of the take-off

2. In a high bypass engine whose fan max rpm is 20 000 rpm, when turning at 5000
rpm will develop approx.

a. 25% take-off thrust

b. 50% take-off thrust
c. 5% take-off thrust
d. 15% take-off thrust

3 With an increase in altitude which of the following statements are correct for a jet
aircraft with constant engine speed for a fixed throttle setting?

1. Temperature and pressure reduce with a resulting drop in thrust

2. Fuel consumption will increase
3. Fuel consumption will decrease
4. Specific fuel consumption will increase
5. Specific fuel consumption will decrease
6. Specific fuel consumption stays relatively the same
7. Temperature and pressure will reduce, resulting in an increase in thrust

a. 1, 3, 6
b. 2, 4, 1
c. 7, 2, 4
d. 1, 2, 5

4. The maximum thrust that a jet engine can develop will be:

a. take-off thrust

b. go around thrust

c. max climb thrust
d. max static thrust

5. As temperature ............. air density............. and the mass of air for given engine
speed ............ therefore thrust .............. To maintain the compressor speed however
.............. fuel must be added or the compressor will .............

a. decreases decreases increases increases less slow down

b. increases decreases decreases increases more slow down
c. decreases increases increases increases more slow down
d. increases decreases increases decreases less speed up

6. From a standing start with an increase in forward speed jet thrust will:

a. increase
b. stay the same
c. decrease
d. decrease then recover but will never achieve its initial setting

20 Questions

7. On a turboprop aircraft with a 14 stage axial flow compressor while climbing it will

a. increase shaft horsepower increase jet thrust increase fuel

b. decrease shaft horsepower decrease jet thrust decrease fuel
c. decrease shaft horsepower increase jet thrust decrease fuel
d. decrease shaft horsepower decrease jet thrust increase fuel

8. On a turboprop aircraft with a 14 stage axial flow compressor while increasing

forward speed, it will experience:

a. increase shaft horsepower increase jet thrust

b. decrease shaft horsepower decrease jet thrust
c. decrease shaft horsepower increase jet thrust
d. increase shaft horsepower decrease jet thrust

9. On a part throttled engine, take-off thrust would be achieved:

a. later than normal due to pressure in the compressor being low

b. later than normal due to the EPR being low
c. at less than full throttle position
d. later than normal due to the EPR being high

20 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
d c a d c d b d c

1. Use of reverse thrust below the recommended speed may cause:

a. over stressing of the gear oleos.

b. ingestion of the exhaust gases and foreign objects.
c. more fuel to be provided to the burners.
d. the TGT limit to be exceeded, in which case the reverse thrust lever will return
to the forward thrust position.

2. A big fan engine gets reverse thrust by:

a. reversing the direction of rotation of the compressor.

b. deflecting the exhaust gases.
c. blocking the bypass air.
d. reversing the hot stream gases.

3. Before reverse thrust can be selected, the forward thrust lever must be:

a. pulled back to idle power.

b. positioned to reverse minimum power.
c. put back to the reverser deploy position.
d. positioned to reverse maximum power.

4. An aircraft uses clamshell doors for thrust reversal to:

a. direct the gas flow rearwards.

b. block the flow of exhaust gas.
c. absorb any change in thrust.
d. change the direction of the exhaust gas.

5. A reverse thrust warning light illuminates:

a. only when the reverser doors are fully deployed in the reverse thrust position.
b. when the reverser doors are stowed in the forward thrust position.
c. when the reverser doors are not stowed in the forward thrust position.
d. whenever reverse thrust is selected.

6. Once the blocker doors are fully deployed, with an increase in rpm, which of the

following statements would be incorrect?
a. Forward thrust from the hot gases would increase.
b. Forward thrust from the hot gases would decrease.
c. Reverse thrust from the blocked air would increase.
d. TGT will increase.

21 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6
b c a d c b


1. The effect of modifying a gas turbine engine to include one further hydraulic pump
will result in:

a. increase in specific fuel consumption

b. decrease in specific fuel consumption
c. decrease in rpm
d. increase in EGT

2. The drive for fuel, oil and hydraulic pumps is normally taken from the:

a. LP fan
b. intermediate compressor
c. HP spool
d. HP turbine


22 Answers

1 2
a c

23 Questions

1. The low energy ignition system would be used:

a. only for starting the engine on the ground.

b. during take-off from wet runways.
c. for relight at high altitude.
d. during a blow out (motoring over) cycle.

2. Precautionary use of igniters may be necessary during:

a. flight through heavy tropical rainstorm.

b. ground running.
c. flight through sandy conditions.
d. flight through very dry air.

3. A high energy ignition system works on the principle of:

a. obtaining power from a step up transformer from the aircraft’s AC power

b. magneto static induction.
c. Fleming’s Right Hand Rule.
d. obtaining energy from the discharge of a capacitor.

4. A gas turbine engine which has both high and low energy ignition systems uses
the high energy system for (i), and the low energy system for (ii):

(i) (ii)
a. engine starting high altitude relighting
b. high altitude relighting take-off from contaminated runways
c. take-off from snowy runways engine start
d. take-off from flooded runways take-off from snowy runways

5. In a High Energy Igniter Unit, the discharge resistors:

a. allow sufficient energy to be stored in the capacitor to provide relight facilities

up to 55 000 ft.
b. protects the unit from excessive voltages.
c. allow the capacitor to discharge when the unit is switched off.
d. prolong the discharge.

6. In a High Energy Igniter Unit, the choke:


a. protects the unit from excessive voltages.

b. prolongs the discharge to the plug.
c. prolongs the life of the igniter
d. protects the unit from excessive current.

7. The rate of discharge of a High Energy Ignition Unit is:

a. 60 - 100 times per minute.

b. 4 discharges per revolution.
c. 60 - 100 per second.
d. governed by the resistance of the igniter plug.

8. The power supply for the spark in the combustion chamber is:

a. low volts high current

b. low volts low current
c. high volts low current
d. high volts high current


23 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
b a d b c b a d

24 Questions

1. Which of the following statements would be more correct with regard to an APU?

a. APUs provide emergency hydraulics power for the brakes only

b. APUs provide electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic power for ground use only
c. APUs provide electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic power for air use only and
can provide an amount of thrust
d. APUs provide electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic power for ground and air
use and can provide an amount of thrust

2. In the event of an APU fire on the ground it:

a. will need to be shut down immediately

b. will shut down immediately
c. will auto shutdown and fire bottle automatically operate
d. will need to be shut down immediately and the fire bottles will be required to
be fired immediately

3. Which of the following would result in an automatic shutdown of an APU?

1. Overspeed of compressor
2. Over-temp of lubrication system
3. Turbine over-temp
4. Combustion chamber over-temp
5. Compressor outlet pressure exceeded
6. Low pressure of lubrication system

a. 1, 2, 3 and 6
b. 1, 2, 4 and 6
c. 2, 3, 5 and 6
d. 2, 3, 4 and 6

4. A Ram Air Turbine is used to provide:

a. emergency hydraulic power for the flaps and slats only

b. emergency hydraulic power for the undercarriage
c. emergency hydraulic power for the elevator, rudder and ailerons along with
possible emergency electrical power
d. emergency hydraulic power for the brakes along with possible emergency

electrical power

5. The power to start an APU comes from:


a. ground power unit

b. aircraft main DC battery
c. aircraft main engine generator
d. aircraft main AC battery

6. A typical APU can provide:

a. air for air conditioning on the ground

b. air for engine starting
c. electrical power for ground or in-flight use
d. all of the above

7. The advantage of an air starter system is that:

a. it is safer in operation than other systems, and no fire risk

b. it is light, simple and economical
c. it provides a more rapid start
d. it is totally self-contained and needs no external source of power

8. A “Hung Start” is indicated by:

a. high EGT - high fuel flow - low rpm

b. low EGT - idle fuel flow - low rpm
c. low EGT - high fuel flow - high rpm
d. high EGT - idle fuel flow - low rpm

9. If a gas turbine engine fails to light up within the specified time:

a. it must be motored over with the HP fuel cock shut

b. the fuel system must be drained
c. no further attempt to start may be made until the fuel has evaporated
d. it must be motored over with the HP fuel cock shut and no igniters selected

10. A Relight is:

a. the action of restarting a flamed out engine, usually while airborne

b. what occurs when the engine drain valve is stuck open
c. the initiation of the after-burning system
d. what must be prevented after a “wet start”

11. A “Hung Start” occurs when:

a. the engine accelerates but does not light up

b. the engine stabilizes above self-sustaining speed
c. the engine lights up but does not accelerate to self-sustaining speed
d. there is a double igniter failure

12. After engine start, the engine igniters are normally deactivated by:

a. an electric interlock system

b. a speed switch
c. the time switch Questions
d. centrifugal force

13. Failure of the engine to light up is shown by:

a. the failure of the engine to turn and no TGT

b. low rpm fuel flow indication, and no TGT
c. TGT increasing but no rpm
d. no rpm and no TGT

24 Questions

14. The term “self sustaining speed” means that:

a. the aircraft can roll forward with no further opening of the throttles
b. the speed from which the engine can accelerate to full power within 5 seconds
c. the engine will run independently of external help
d. the speed from which the engine can accelerate to idle without the help of
the starter motor

15. Before opening the high-pressure fuel shut off valve during the engine start:

a. the compressor must be turning at the correct rpm in the right direction
b. the Low Pressure compressor must be stationary
c. the Low Pressure fuel cock must be shut
d. the Low Pressure compressor must be rotating faster than the High Pressure

16. The air supply to operate an air starter usually comes from:

a. an external installation
b. storage bottles carried in the aircraft
c. the auxiliary power unit
d. a cross-bleed start

17. The air supply for an air start system is:

a. at a relatively low pressure, but high volume

b. filtered to prevent damage to the starter motor
c. preheated to avoid icing in the starter nozzle guide vanes
d. at a high pressure but low volume

18. The starter motor is disengaged from the engine start system:

a. as soon as the engine lights up

b. just above self-sustaining speed
c. at 26% HP rpm
d. just below self-sustaining speed

19. In a twin spool engine self-sustaining speed is normally reached at:

a. 60% N2
b. 60% N1

c. 30% N2
d. 30% N1

20. In a twin spool engine the typical idle speeds are:

a. 60% N2 25% N1
b. 25% N2 60% N1
c. 40% N2 30% N1
d. 80% N2 45% N1

24 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
d c a c b d b d d a c b
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
b d a c a b c a

25 Questions

1. Water in the fuel tanks is:

a. added with FSII when refuelling

b. is a consequence of atmospheric air entering the tanks through the engine
c. is a consequence of atmospheric air entering the tanks through the vent
d. is a consequence of atmospheric air entering the tanks through the feeder box

2. Water in the fuel tank is removed:

a. via a drain valve at the lowest point in the tank

b. via a drain tank at the base of the engine
c. via a scoop at the top of the tank
d. every major servicing only

3. The flash point of AVTUR is:

a. -38.7°C
b. 38.7°C
c. -40°C
d. -20°C

25 Answers

1 2 3
c a b

26 Questions

1. Fuel is heated from which of the following?

a. Air conditioning air

b. Air from the compressor
c. Air from the bootstrap
d. Air from the turbine

2. Fuel is heated to:

a. prevent waxing.
b. ensure vapour losses are minimized
c. make it more viscous
d. make it easier to flow under all conditions

3. Fuel booster pumps are situated in:

a. the fuel tanks

b. the line between the main fuel tanks and the engine
c. low pressure side of the engine
d. high pressure side of the engine

4. In a fuel-cooled oil cooler the ............ is maintained ............ than the ............

a. fuel pressure higher oil pressure

b. oil pressure lower fuel
c. fuel pressure same oil pressure
d. oil pressure higher fuel pressure

5. In a high bypass engine fuel pumps are driven by:

a. high pressure turbine

b. high pressure compressor
c. low pressure compressor
d. intermediate compressor

6. The effect of the high pressure compressor outlet pressure exceeding its maximum
value would be:

a. pressure sensor input to fuel control unit (FCU), FCU reduce fuel, reduce rpm
b. pressure sensor input to fuel control unit (FCU), FCU increase fuel, increase
c. pressure sensor input to fuel control unit (FCU), bleed valve open, bleed off

excess volume of air

d. pressure sensor input to fuel control unit (FCU), bleed valve open, bleed off
excess pressure

7. Which of the following is a normal stopping device for a gas turbine?

a. LP shut off valve close

b. Fuel tank booster pumps select off
c. HP shut off valve close
d. Isolate electrics from engine

8. Which of the following is a correct statement?

a. When an engine is running, the combustion chamber drain is closed by a

pressure operated NRV
b. When an engine is running, the combustion chamber drains tank is opened by
a pressure operated NRV
c. When the engine is shut down the drains tank closes to minimize fuel losses
d. When the engine is shut down, residual fuel is syphoned directly back to the
fuel tanks to minimize fuel losses

9. The fuel flowmeter is situated:

a. between LP pump and the FCOC

b. between LP pump and HP pump
c. just after FCU
d. between HP shut off valve and fuel nozzles

10. An overheat in the turbine will result in:

a. an electrical signal from the thermocouple sent directly to the FCU and fuel
being reduced
b. an electrical signal from the thermocouple amplified then sent directly to the
FCU and fuel flow being reduced
c. pilot observing overheat on temperature gauge then subsequently throttling
back the engine, therefore reducing fuel
d. pilot observing overheat on temperature gauge then subsequently increasing
rpm to increase airflow, to increase cooling air, to decrease turbine

11. Aircraft flying at FL420. If the booster pumps feeding the engine cease to work:

a. the engine would close down immediately

b. the LP pump will draw fuel from the tank, but there may be a possibility of
cavitation due to the low pressure and low boiling point of the fuel
c. the LP pump will draw fuel from the tank, but there may be a possibility of
cavitation due to the low pressure and higher boiling point of the fuel
d. the LP pump will draw fuel from the tank, but there may be a possibility of
cavitation due to the higher pressure and higher boiling point of the fuel

12. The fuel-cooled oil cooler:

a. heats the oil and cools the fuel

b. heats the fuel only
c. cools the oil only
d. heats the fuel and cools the oil

13. On a cold day, the idle speed of a gas turbine engine which has no fuel control unit

a. is unaffected by temperature
b. will increase
c. will decrease
d. will increase by no more than 4%

26 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
b a a d b a c a d b b d

27 Questions

1. An interstage air seal is used where:

a. engine sections are operating at different pressures

b. engine sections are subjected to pressures of the same value
c. it is more convenient
d. it is difficult to obtain access during routine servicing

2. An Internal Engine Overheat warning would necessitate:

a. the oil temperature to be closely monitored

b. the EGT to be closely monitored
c. the engine power to be reduced to idle
d. the engine to be shut down

3. Turbine blades are cooled by:

a. HP compressor air internally ducted through the blades

b. HP air tapped from the combustion chambers
c. air ducted from just before the intake guide vanes
d. intermediate pressure air taken from the bleed valves

4. Bleed air for engine anti-icing is provided by:

a. the bleed valves

b. the turbine stages
c. the compressor
d. the combustion chambers

5. The efficiency of a bearing chamber oil seal depends on its mechanical design and:

a. the fuel pressure

b. compressor bleed air pressure
c. the engine compression ratio
d. the engine oil pressure

6. With a bleed air anti-icing system the effect of selecting ‘on’ while maintaining
thrust will:

a. decrease fuel consumption

b. decrease specific fuel consumption
c. increase specific fuel consumption
d. specific fuel consumption will remain the same

7. Which of the following ice removal methods does a modern jet aircraft normally


a. Hot air
b. Rubber boots

c. Electrical thermal blankets

d. FPD freezing point depressant fluid

8. With a bleed air anti-icing system the effect of selecting ‘on’ will have what effect?

a. EGT will decrease

b. EGT will increase
c. EGT will remain the same
d. The ratio between exhaust pressure and intake pressure will increase

9. The air obtained from the engine for air conditioning is essentially:

a. high pressure low volume

b. high pressure high volume
c. low pressure low volume
d. low pressure high volume


27 Answers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a d a c b c a b d

Revision Questions
Systems Revision Questions
1. The principle of operation of firewire is:

a. positive coefficient of impedance, negative coefficient of inductance

b. positive coefficient of resistance, negative coefficient of capacitance
c. positive coefficient of inductance, negative coefficient of impedance
d. positive coefficient of capacitance, negative coefficient of resistance

2. What type of fire extinguisher would be used on a propane fire?

a. Foam
b. Water
c. Dry powder
d. Sand

3. On what principle do smoke detectors work?

a. Resistance and capacitance

b. Ionization and impedance
c. Optical and ionization
d. Inductance and light diffraction

4. An ion detector detects:

a. smoke and fire

b. smoke
c. overheat
d. light

5. If an artificial feel unit were fitted it would be connected:

a. in parallel with the primary controls

b. in series with the primary controls
c. in series with the secondary controls
d. in parallel with the secondary controls

6. In a twin jet fuel system what is the function of a feeder box?

a. To equally distribute the fuel to each tank during refuelling

b. To prevent pump cavitation
c. To feed fuel to the volumetric top-off unit
d. To control the amount of fuel remaining during fuel dumping

7. A twin jet aircraft would normally be refuelled by which of the following methods?
Revision Questions

a. Overwing refuelling
b. Suction refuelling
c. Open line refuelling
d. Pressure refuelling

8. The fuel tanks of a modern passenger airliner are filled by:


a. gravity
b. fuel is sucked in by the aircraft pumps
c. fuel is pumped in by the fuel truck
d. the VTO system

28 Revision Questions

9. The purpose of a refuelling volumetric top off unit (VTO) is:

a. to keep the feeder box full of fuel at all times

b. to close the fuelling valve when the tank is full
c. to close the surge check valves in the outboard tanks to keep the tank full
until the centre tank fuel has been used
d. to close the tank vent system when the tank is full

10. Fuel tank booster pumps are:

a. spur gear pumps – high pressure

b. centrifugal pumps – high pressure
c. spur gear pumps – low pressure
d. centrifugal pumps – Low pressure

11. The advantage of a float type fuel gauging system is:

1. simple
2. compensates for variations of SG
3. reads fuel quantity by mass
4. compensates for change of aircraft attitude

a. 3&4
b. 2&3
c. 1 only
d. 1&3

12. The function of the baffles in a fuel tank is:

a. to prevent movement of fuel to the wingtip

b. to prevent fuel surge (or sloshing) during manoeuvring
c. to prevent pump cavitation
d. to reduce fuel flow at altitude

13. The function of baffle check valves in a fuel tank is:

a. to reduce fuel flow at altitude

b. to prevent fuel surge during manoeuvring
c. to prevent pump cavitation
d. to prevent movement of fuel to the wingtip

14. A magneto is switched off by:

a. open circuiting the primary circuit

b. grounding the secondary circuit
c. open circuiting the secondary circuit
Revision Questions

d. grounding the primary circuit

15. An impulse coupling in a magneto is provided to:

a. generate high voltage and advance the spark for starting

b. increase the energy to the spark plug as the rpm increases

c. generate high voltage and retard the spark for starting

d. allows a low energy value when ‘continuous ignition’ is selected

Revision Questions
16. A turbosupercharger impeller is driven by:

a. a connection through a gearbox connected to the crankshaft

b. diversion of exhaust gases by the wastegate using energy that would
otherwise have been wasted
c. excess torque from the reduction gearbox
d. a ram air turbine

17. A cylinder head temperature gauge measures:

a. the temperature of the hottest cylinder

b. the temperature of all the cylinders and gives an average reading
c. the temperature of the coolest cylinder
d. the temperature of the two cylinders furthest away from each other divided
by two

18. EPR is measured by the ratio of:

a. turbine pressure to combustion chamber inlet pressure

b. high pressure compressor inlet pressure to exhaust pressure
c. low pressure compressor inlet pressure to high pressure compressor outlet
d. exhaust pressure to low pressure compressor inlet pressure

19. Where is EGT measured?

a. In the jet pipe

b. HP turbine outlet
c. HP compressor outlet
d. Combustion chamber

20. In a bootstrap air conditioning system what is the first thing the air does?

a. Goes through the primary heat exchanger, compressor then secondary heat
b. Goes through the compressor, turbine, secondary heat exchanger
c. Goes through the turbine, compressor and secondary heat exchanger
d. Goes through the compressor, secondary heat exchanger, turbine

21. How are the loads on an aircraft busbar connected?

a. They are in series so that current reduces through the busbar as loads are
switched off
b. They are in parallel so that voltage reduces through the busbar as loads are
switched off
c. They are in parallel so that current reduces through the busbar as loads are
Revision Questions

switched off
d. They are in series so that voltage reduces through the busbar as loads are
switched off

22. In a modern airliner what is the hydraulic fluid used?


a. Synthetic
b. Mineral
c. Mineral/alcohol
d. Vegetable

28 Revision Questions

23. The correct extinguisher to use on a brake fire would be:

a. foam
b. dry powder
c. CO2
d. water

24. An aircraft is certified to fly higher than 25 000 ft and to carry a maximum of 240
passengers, it is configured to carry 200 and actually has 180 passengers on board.
The minimum number of drop-down oxygen masks provided must be:

a. 180
b. 200
c. 220
d. 240

25. The passenger oxygen drop-down mask stowage doors are released:

a. by a lanyard operated by a barometric capsule

b. mechanically
c. electrically for chemical oxygen generators and pneumatically for gaseous
d. manually by the cabin crew

26. In a centrifugal compressor:

a. the air enters the eye tangentially and leaves the periphery axially
b. the air enters the periphery axially and leaves the eye tangentially
c. the air enters the eye radially and leaves the tip tangentially
d. the air enters the impeller axially at the eye and leaves at the periphery

27. What happens to pressure, temperature and velocity of the air in the diffuser of a
centrifugal compressor?

a. Velocity increase, pressure and temperature decrease

b. Velocity decrease, pressure and temperature increase
c. Velocity, pressure and temperature increase
d. Velocity, pressure and temperature decrease

28. The type of smoke detection system fitted to aircraft is:

a. optical and ionization

b. chemical
c. electrical
d. magnetic
Revision Questions

29. The flight deck warning on activation of an engine fire detection system is:

a. warning bell
b. gear warning
c. warning light and warning bell

d. warning light

Revision Questions
30. Hydraulic reservoirs are pressurized by:

a. ram air in flight only

b. separate helium gas system
c. air from the air conditioning system
d. engine bleed air from turbine engine

31. The purpose of a hydraulic fuse is to:

a. allow the parking brake to remain on overnight if required

b. allow a reduced pressure to the wheel brake system to avoid locking the
c. prevent over-pressurizing the reservoir as altitude increases
d. prevent loss of system fluid if the pipeline to a brake unit should rupture

32. A shuttle valve will:

a. allow the accumulator to be emptied after engine shutdown

b. reduce pump loading when normal system pressure is reached
c. automatically switch to a more appropriate source of hydraulic supply
d. operate on a rising pressure, higher than the Full Flow relief valve

33. With regard to an air cycle type ECS pack, where is the water separator fitted?

a. After the humidifier

b. Before the cold air unit compressor
c. Between the compressor and turbine
d. After the cold air unit turbine

34. In the event that an emergency decent causes the cabin pressure to decrease
below ambient pressure:

a. the outward relief valve will open

b. the outflow valve will close
c. the inward relief valve will open
d. the safety valve will close

35. The purpose of a ditching control valve is:

a. to close the outflow valves

b. to open outflow valves
c. to allow rapid depressurisation
d. to dump the toilet water after landing

36. In a bleed air anti-icing system the areas that are heated are:
Revision Questions

a. the whole of the wing

b. wing leading edge slats and flaps
c. wing leading edges and slats
d. trailing edge flaps

37. On a modern turboprop aircraft the method of anti-icing/de-icing the wings is:

a. fluid
b. pneumatic boots
c. electrical heater mats
d. hot air bled from the engines

28 Revision Questions

38. If an aircraft maximum operating altitude is limited by the pressure cabin, this limit
is due to:

a. the maximum positive pressure differential at maximum operating ceiling

b. the maximum positive pressure differential at maximum cabin altitude
c. the maximum number of pressurization cycles
d. the maximum zero fuel mass at maximum pressure altitude

39. Long haul aircraft are not used as short haul aircraft because:

a. checklists would be too time consuming to complete

b. it would use too much fuel
c. some tanks will be empty the whole time imposing too much strain on the
d. structures are given fatigue lives based on their use

40. The properties of Duralumin are:

1. aluminium/copper base
2. aluminium/magnesium base
3. hard to weld
4. easy to weld
5. good thermal conductivity
6. poor resistance to air corrosion

a. 1, 3 and 5
b. 2, 3 and 5
c. 1, 2 and 3
d. 4, 5 and 6

41. An undercarriage leg is considered to be locked when:

a. it is down
b. the amber light is on
c. mechanically locked by an ‘over-centre’ mechanism
d. the actuating cylinder is at the end of its travel

42. An underinflated tyre on a dry runway:

a. increases wear on the shoulder

b. increases wear on the crown
c. increases viscous aquaplaning speed
d. will cause the tyre temperature to reduce

43. Kreuger flaps are positioned:

Revision Questions

a. towards the wing tip

b. at the wing inner leading edge
c. along the whole leading edge
d. at the wing trailing edge

44. What are flaperons?


a. Combined spoiler and flap

b. Combined elevators and flaps
c. Combined ailerons and elevators
d. Combined flap and ailerons

Revision Questions
45. What is the purpose of inboard ailerons:?

a. To reduce wing bending at high speed

b. To reduce wing twisting at low speed
c. To reduce wing bending at low speed
d. To reduce wing twist at high speed

46. What is the purpose of trim tabs?

a. To reduce stick forces in manoeuvres

b. To reduce stick holding forces to zero
c. To increase control effectiveness
d. To reduce control effectiveness

47. Smoke hoods protect:

a. full face and provide a continuous flow of oxygen

b. mouth and nose and provide a continuous flow of oxygen
c. full face and provide oxygen on demand
d. mouth and nose and provide oxygen on demand

48. Oxygen supplied to the flight deck is:

a. gaseous, diluted with ambient air if required

b. chemically generated and diluted with cabin air if required
c. gaseous, diluted with cabin air if required
d. chemically generated, diluted with ambient air if required

49. If during pressurized flight the outflow valve closes fully due to a fault in the
pressure controller the:

a. skin will be overstressed and could rupture

b. safety valve opens when the differential pressure reaches structural max diff
c. the inward relief valve will open to prevent excessive negative differential
d. ECS packs are automatically closed down

50. In a fan jet engine the bypass ratio is:

a. internal mass airflow divided by external mass airflow

b. external mass airflow divided by internal mass airflow
c. internal mass airflow divided by mass fuel flow
d. mass fuel flow divided by mass fuel flow

51. The thrust reverser light illuminates on the flight deck annunciator when the:

a. thrust reverser doors have moved to the reverse thrust position

Revision Questions

b. thrust reverser doors have been selected but the doors have not moved
c. thrust reverser doors are locked
d. thrust reverser doors are unlocked

52. In very cold weather the pilot notices slightly higher than normal oil pressure on
start up. This:

a. indicates an oil change is required.

b. is indicative of a blocked oil filter.
c. is acceptable providing it returns to normal after start up.
d. is abnormal but does not require the engine to be shut down.

28 Revision Questions

53. If a fuel tank having a capacitive contents gauging system is empty of fuel but has
a quantity of water in it:

a. the gauge will show full scale high

b. the gauge will show the mass of the water
c. the gauge will show empty
d. the gauge needle will ‘freeze’

54. In a four stroke engine, when the piston is at BDC at the end of the power stroke
the position of the valves is:

Inlet Exhaust

a. closed closed
b. open open
c. open closed
d. closed open

55. What is the effect on EGT and EPR if a bleed valve is opened?

a. Increase, increase
b. Decrease, decrease
c. Decrease, increase
d. Increase, decrease

56. Refer to the following diagram for a modern turbofan engine – where is fuel flow

Fuel tank Engine

Firewall LP FCOC Fuel Filter HP FCU HP

SOV pump heater pump SOV

d c b a

57. Where is torque measured in a turboprop engine?

a. Accessory gearbox
Revision Questions

b. Reduction gearbox
c. At the turbine
d. At the constant speed unit oil pump

58. Propeller blade angle is:


a. the angle between the blade chord and the plane of rotation
b. the angle between the relative airflow and the chord
c. dependent upon rpm and TAS
d. the difference between effective pitch and geometric pitch

Revision Questions
59. Why is a propeller blade twisted?

a. To reduce the thrust at the root of the blade

b. To prevent the blade from fully feathering
c. To reduce the tip speed
d. To even out the thrust force along the length of the blade

60. For calculating resistances in parallel the formula is:

1 1 1 1
a. = × ×
RT R1 R2 R3
b. RT = R1 + R2 + R3
c. RT = R1 × R2 × R3
1 1 1 1
d. = + +
RT R1 R2 R3
61. When a fuse operates it is ............. and when a circuit breaker operates it is .............

a. high current low current

b. low current high current
c. non re-settable re-settable
d. re-settable non re-settable

62. A hot busbar is one that:

a. supplies galley power

b. is permanently connected to the battery
c. carries all of the non-essential loads
d. is connected to the battery in an emergency

63. In an AC distribution system what is the purpose of the GCB?

a. Maintains constant frequency

b. Connects the load busbar to the synchronizing busbar
c. Controls generator field excitation
d. Connects a generator output to its load busbar

64. An aircraft which uses DC as the primary source of power, AC for the instruments
may be obtained from:

b. rectifier
c. inverter
d. TRU
Revision Questions

65. Persistent over excitation of one generator field will cause:

a. the GCB and BTB to trip

b. the BTB and exciter control relay to trip
c. the GCB and exciter control relay to trip
d. the GCB and SSB to trip

28 Revision Questions

66. When a battery is nearly discharged, the:

a. voltage decreases
b. voltage and current decrease
c. current increases because voltage has dropped
d. electrolyte boils

67. The state of charge of an aircraft battery on an aircraft with a voltmeter would be

a. on load
b. off load
c. with the battery negative terminal disconnected
d. by monitoring the electrolyte resistance

68. In a paralleled AC distribution system what regulates the real load?

a. Torque from the CSDU (CSD)

b. Field excitation from the voltage regulator
c. Synchronizing circuits in the BTB
d. A potentiometer on the flight engineer’s panel

69. If the oil temperature gauge of the CSD is in the red what would action is required?

a. Throttle back and allow to cool down

b. Auto disconnect
c. Manually disconnect and reconnect on the ground
d. Disconnect, then when cooled reconnect

70. What is a transistorized static inverter in a DC circuit used for?

a. Convert AC to DC
b. Provide field excitation current
c. Provide AC for instruments
d. To supply power to the emergency lights

71. If the load increases on a ‘constant speed AC generator’ what does the voltage
regulator do?

a. Increases generator speed

b. Decreases field excitation
c. Remains the same
d. Increases field excitation

72. Incorrect bonding of the aircraft structure could cause:

Revision Questions

a. corrosion at skin joints

b. CB trips
c. static on the radio
d. VOR interference

Revision Questions
73. The characteristics of a Unipole system are:

1. Lighter
2. Easier fault finding
3. More likely to short circuit
4. Less likely to short circuit
5. It is not a single wire system

a. 2, 4 and 5.
b. 1, 2 and 3.
c. 2, 4 and 1.
d. 1, 4 and 5.

74. The frequency of an AC generator is dependent upon?

a. the rpm of the rotor

b. the number of poles in the rotor
c. the rpm and number of poles in the rotor
d. the number of poles in the rotor and the number of phase windings in the

75. With an almost discharged battery there will be:

a. a decrease of voltage with increasing load

b. increase of current with decrease of voltage
c. decrease of current with increasing load
d. increase of voltage with increasing load

76. When is an engine overheat firewire system activated:

a. When an overheat is detected all along the length of both firewire loops
b. When an overheat affects one detector loop at a point anywhere along its
c. When an overheat is detected all along the length of one firewire loop
d. When an overheat affects both detector loops at a point anywhere along
their length

77. In an air cycle air conditioning system what is the function of the ground-cooling

a. To re-circulate air through the mix manifold

b. To draw cooling air over the turbine
c. To blow air into the compressor
d. To draw cooling air over the heat exchangers

78. How do you control power in a jet engine?

Revision Questions

a. By controlling the mixture ratio

b. By controlling the fuel flow
c. By controlling the airflow
d. By controlling the bleed valves

28 Revision Questions

79. In a normally aspirated piston engine carburettor icing can occur:

a. between 0°C and –10°C

b. at more than +10°C
c. only at less than +10°C if there is visible moisture
d. only above 5000 ft

80. In a gas turbine engine fuel system why is the fuel heater before the filter?

a. To prevent ‘waxing’
b. To help vaporization of the fuel
c. To prevent water in the fuel freezing and blocking the filter
d. To prevent the fuel from freezing and blocking the filter

81. What is the purpose of the FCOC (Fuel-cooled Oil Cooler)?

a. To maintain the oil at the correct temperature

b. To heat the fuel and cool the oil
c. To heat the oil and cool the fuel
d. To bypass oil to the engine if the oil pressure filter becomes blocked

82. What is the purpose of the torque links in a landing gear leg?

a. To prevent the wheel rotating around the leg

b. To prevent shimmy
c. To transfer the brake torque to the wheel
d. To position the wheels in the correct attitude prior to landing

83. An artificial feel system is needed in the pitch channel if the:

a. airplane has a variable incidence tailplane

b. elevators are controlled through a reversible servo system
c. elevator is controlled through a servo tab
d. elevators are controlled through an irreversible servo system

84. Auto brakes are disengaged:

a. when the ground spoilers are retracted

b. when the speed falls below 20 kt
c. on the landing roll when the autopilot is disengaged
d. by the pilot

85. In the following diagram the landing gear arrangements shown are:

1. 2. 3. 4.
Revision Questions

1. 2. 3. 4.
a. fork cantilever levered tandem
b. cantilever dual fork tandem
c. cantilever fork half fork dual wheel
d. half fork dual wheel cantilever fork

Revision Questions
86. In an aircraft with a fuel dumping system it will allow fuel to be dumped:

a. down to a predetermined safe value

b. down to unuseable value
c. to leave 15 gallons in each tank
d. down to maximum landing weight

87. What does ‘octane rating’ when applied to AVGAS refer to?

a. The waxing point of the fuel

b. The ability of the fuel to disperse water
c. The anti-knock value of the fuel
d. The volatility of the fuel

88. How are modern passenger jet aircraft fuel tanks pressurized?

a. By nitrogen from a storage cylinder

b. By ram air through the vent system
c. By bleed air from the pneumatic system
d. By a volumetric top off unit

89. Refering to the following diagram:

To get logic 1 output at A there must be a logic 1 input at:

a. C1 and C2 only
b. C1 and C3 only
c. C2 and C4 only
d. C3 only
Revision Questions

90. In which of the following areas would an overheat/fire warning be provided?

a. Fuel tank
b. Cabin
c. Tyres
d. Wheel/undercarriage bay

28 Revision Questions

91. An axial flow compressor when compared to a centrifugal compressor:

a. takes in less air and is less prone to rupturing

b. takes in more air and is more prone to rupturing
c. takes in more air and is less prone to rupturing
d. takes in less air and is more prone to rupturing

92. Hydraulic pressure typically used in the system of large transport aircraft is:

a. 2000 - 3000 psi

b. 3000 - 4000 psi
c. 1000 - 2000 psi
d. 4000 - 5000 psi

93. The EGT indication on a piston engine is used:

a. to control the cooling air shutters

b. to monitor the oil temperature
c. to assist the pilot to adjust the fuel mixture
d. to indicate cylinder head temperature

94. A gas turbine engine having a single spool, the compressor will rotate:

a. at the same speed as the turbine

b. slower than the turbine
c. faster than the turbine
d. independently of the turbine

95. Because of its function an ‘AND’ gate may also be referred to as:

a. invert or not gate

b. any or all gate
c. all or nothing gate.
d. either or gate.

96. What type of hydraulic fluid is used in a modern passenger jet aircraft?

a. Mineral based
b. Phosphate ester based
c. Vegetable based
d. Water based

97. In a 4 stroke engine when does ignition occur in each cylinder?

a. After TDC for starting and then before TDC every 2nd rotation of the
Revision Questions

b. Before TDC for starting and then after TDC every 2nd rotation of the
c. After TDC for starting and then before TDC every rotation of the crankshaft
d. Before TDC for starting and then after TDC every rotation of the crankshaft

Revision Questions
98. When smoke appears in the cockpit, after donning the oxygen mask the pilot
should select:

a. normal
b. 100%.
c. diluter
d. emergency

99. Which part of the gas turbine engine limits the temperature?

a. Combustion chamber
b. Turbine
c. Compressor
d. Exhaust

100. What makes the non-rigid fittings of compressor and turbine blades rigid when the
engine is running?

a. Spring locks
b. Thrust and drag forces
c. Aerodynamic and centrifugal force
d. Tapered bead seats

101. What ice protection system is used on most modern jet transport aircraft?

a. Liquid
b. Electrical
c. Hot air
d. Pressure operated boots

102. What frequency is commonly used in aircraft electrical distribution systems?

a. 200 Hz
b. 400 Hz
c. 100 Hz
d. 50 H

103. When does the engine High Pressure fuel shut off valve close?

a. After a booster pump failure

b. When the engine fuel switch is selected ‘on’ during engine start
c. When flight idle is selected
d. When the engine fuel switch is selected ‘off’ during engine shutdown

104. When does the Low Pressure fuel shut off valve close?
Revision Questions

a. When the fire handle is pulled

b. When the engine fuel switch is selected ‘on’ during engine start
c. When flight idle is selected
d. After a booster pump failure

105. What voltage is supplied to booster pumps on a modern jet airliner?


a. 115 V AC single phase

b. 200 V AC three phase
c. 28 V DC from an inverter
d. 12 V DC from the battery

28 Revision Questions

106. An engine having a ‘free turbine’:

a. there is a mechanical connection between the power output shaft and the
free turbine
b. there is no mechanical connection between the power output shaft and the
free turbine
c. there is a mechanical connection between the compressor and the propeller
d. air enters via compressor inlet on the turbine

107. If the pressure controller malfunctions during the cruise and the outflow valve
opens what happens to:

i) cabin ROC ii) cabin Alt iii) differential pressure

a. i) increase ii) decrease iii) decrease

b. i) decrease ii) increase iii) decrease
c. i) increase ii) increase iii) decrease
d. i) increase ii) increase iii) increase

108. What controls cabin pressurization?

a. ECS pack mass flow controller

b. outflow valve
c. engine bleed valve
d. inflow valve

109. If the fire handle is pulled in an aeroplane with an AC generator system what

a. Exciter control relay and GCB

b. GCB and BTB
c. BTB and GCU
d. Exciter control relay only

110. Which components constitute a crank assembly?

a. crankshaft, camshaft, valve springs

b. crankcase, crankshaft, pistons and connecting rods
c. crankshaft, pistons and connecting rods
d. propeller, crankshaft, connecting rods

111. One stage of an axial compressor:

a. Comprises a row of stators followed by a rotor disc

b. Has a compression ratio of 2:1
Revision Questions

c. Comprises a rotor disc followed by a row of stators

d. Has a compression ratio of 0.8

112. If a CSD overheat warning is shown:

a. the CSD can be disconnected and the pilot must control the alternator himself

b. the pilot must throttle back to reduce the load on the alternator
c. the CSD can be disconnected then reconnected later when the temperature
has reduced
d. the CSD can be disconnected but not used for the rest of the flight

Revision Questions
113. A new tyre with wear on the tread and parallel grooves:

a. can be repaired once only

b. can be repaired several times
c. can never be repaired
d. is fit for use only on a nose-wheel

114. An emergency exit assisted escape device must be fitted if the door sill height is

a. 8 ft with the aircraft on the landing gear with the nosewheel extended
b. 8 ft with the aircraft on the landing gear with the nosewheel collapsed
c. 6 ft with the aircraft on the landing gear with the nosewheel extended
d. 6 ft with the aircraft on the landing gear with the nosewheel collapsed

115. In a compensated capacitance fuel contents system what happens to a fuel weight
of 8000 lb if its volume increases by 5%?

a. Decreases by 5%
b. Increases by 5%
c. Remains the same
d. Increases by 5% for every degree rise in temperature

116. How do aircraft spoilers work?

a. Lower surfaces only, symmetrical and asymmetrical operation

b. Lower surfaces only, symmetrical operation
c. Upper surfaces only, symmetrical and asymmetrical operation
d. Upper surfaces only, symmetrical operation

117. What is the total volume in the cylinder of a four stroke engine?

a. A value equal to the cubic capacity

b. Swept volume minus clearance volume
c. Volume between TDC and BDC
d. Swept volume plus clearance volume

118. After the power stroke on a piston engine the poppet valve sequence is:

a. exhaust valve opens, inlet valve opens, exhaust valve closes

b. exhaust valve closes, inlet valve opens, exhaust valve opens
c. inlet valve opens, exhaust valve closes, inlet valve closes
d. inlet valve closes, exhaust valve closes, inlet valve opens

119. What speed does the LP compressor run at?

Revision Questions

a. The speed of the LP turbine

b. The speed of the HP turbine
c. Half the engine speed
d. Constant speed

28 Revision Questions

120. What happens to the angle of attack of a fixed pitch propeller as the aircraft
accelerates down the runway?

a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains the same
d. Blade angle changes to compensate for forward speed

121. What happens to the AoA of a VP propeller with increasing TAS if the rpm and
throttle levers are not moved?

a. Blade angle remains constant to compensate for forward speed

b. Increases
c. Decreases
d. Remains the same

122. Where are smoke detectors fitted?

a. Toilets
b. Toilets and cargo compartments A, B, C, D, E
c. All cargo compartments
d. Toilets and cargo compartments B, C, E

123. What colour is the hydraulic liquid in a modern jet airliner?

a. Purple
b. Red
c. Yellow
d. Pink

124. On what principle does a fuel flowmeter work?

a. Volume and viscosity

b. Quantity of movement
c. Capacitive dielectric
d. Pressure and temperature

125. What is engine pressure ratio?

a. The ratio of turbine outlet pressure to compressor inlet pressure

b. The ratio of turbine inlet pressure to compressor inlet pressure
c. Turbine outlet pressure × compressor outlet pressure
d. Compressor inlet pressure divided by turbine outlet pressure

126. On what principle does the fuel contents gauging system work on a modern large
Revision Questions

a. Capacity affected by dielectric therefore changing EMF of system

b. Capacity affected by dielectric therefore changing resistivity of system
c. Changes in dielectric causes changes in capacitance
d. Change in dielectric causes change in distance between plates and therefore
changes capacitance

Revision Questions
127. What are the advantages of a nicad battery?

1. More compact.
2. Longer shelf life.
3. Even voltage over total range before rapid discharge.
4. Higher voltage than lead acid type.

a. 2, 3, and 4
b. 1, 2, 3 and 4
c. 1, 2 and 4
d. 1, 2 and 3

128. What would happen if the wastegate of a turbocharged engine seized in the

a. Compressor will overspeed

b. Blow the turbine blades off
c. MAP may exceed its maximum permitted value in the induction manifold
d. rpm may exceed its maximum permitted value

129. When is spark plug fouling most likely to occur?

a. In the climb if you have not adjusted the mixture

b. Cruise power
c. In the descent if you have not adjusted the mixture
d. Max take-off power

130. Why, in the bootstrap system, is the air compressed before it enters the heat

a. To provide a constant mass flow to the cabin

b. To ensure maximum pressure and temperature drop across the turbine
c. To ensure most rapid cooling through the heat exchanger
d. To provide a constant temperature airflow to the cabin

131. What is a ram air turbine (RAT) which drives a hydraulic pump used for?

a. Nose wheel steering

b. Flap extension
c. Landing gear extension if the normal system fails
d. Flight controls in case of failure of the engine driven system

132. As altitude increases what does the mixture control do to the fuel flow?

a. Increases flow due to reduced air density

b. Increases flow due to increased air density
Revision Questions

c. Reduces flow due to reduced air density

d. Reduces flow due to increased air density

133. What is the coefficient of friction on an aquaplaning (hydroplaning) tyre?

a. 0

b. 0.1
c. 0.5
d. 1.0

28 Revision Questions

134. What is the purpose of the diluter demand valve in the emergency oxygen system?

a. To supply air only when inhaling

b. To dilute oxygen with air in crew oxygen system
c. To dilute oxygen with air in passenger oxygen system
d. To supply oxygen only when inhaling

135. What limits the max. temperature in a gas turbine engine?

a. Temperature in the combustion chamber

b. Temperature at the exhaust
c. Temperature at the turbine
d. Temperature entering the combustion chamber

136. What is the purpose of a surge box inside a fuel tank?

a. Collect sediment at the bottom of the tank

b. Ventilate the tank during high pressure refuelling
c. Allow movement of fuel between tanks while refuelling
d. Prevent sloshing of fuel away from pump inlet during abnormal manoeuvres

137. Emergency oxygen is provided by:

a. one system for both flight deck and cabin

b. two independent systems, one for flight deck, one for cabin
c. two systems each capable of supplying the flight deck and cabin
d. three systems, one for the flight deck, one for the passengers and one for the
cabin crew

138. A 12 volt lead acid battery has a broken connection in a cell, the battery:

a. provides 1/12th less voltage for the same time

b. provides 1/12th less voltage for 1/12th less time
c. is unserviceable
d. will suffer from thermal runaway

139. A changeover relay:

a. allows an APU to connect to its busbar

b. allows a GPU to connect to its busbar
c. allows connection of AC to an unserviceable generator’s busbar
d. allows an alternate source to supply an essential busbar

140. A relay is:

a. a motorway breakdown service

Revision Questions

b. a mechanically operated switch

c. an electrically operated switch
d. another name for a solenoid

141. Fuel heaters are fitted:


a. in the wing fuel tanks

b. in the fuselage fuel tanks
c. in the engine fuel system mounted on the engine
d. all of the above

Revision Questions
142. The engine fire extinguisher system is activated:

a. after the engine has been shut down

b. automatically when a fire warning is sensed
c. by the pilot when required
d. automatically after a time delay to allow the engine to stop

143. An unpressurized aircraft is flying above FL100 and therefore must have sufficient
oxygen for:

a. both pilots immediately and the cabin crew plus all passengers after 30
minutes above FL100 but below FL130
b. both pilots only
c. both pilots and all passengers
d. both pilots immediately and the cabin crew plus some passengers after 30
minutes above FL100 but below FL130

144. Aircraft above a certain capacity must carry a crash axe, it is provided to:

a. cut through the aircraft fuselage to allow escape

b. enable access behind panels and soundproofing to aid fire fighting
c. cut firewood in a survival situation
d. restrain disorderly passengers

145. The function of stringers in the construction of the fuselage is:

a. to withstand shear stress

b. to provide an attachment for insulation
c. to provide support for the skin and to absorb some of the pressurization strain
as tensile loading
d. to provide an alternate load path in the event of the failure of a frame

146. The requirement for an aircraft to have a fuel dumping system is:

a. all aircraft in the Transport Category having a maximum take-off mass

(MTOM) of 75 000 kg or greater
b. all aircraft manufactured after 1997 having a MTOM of 7500 kg or more
c. aircraft whose maximum landing mass (MLM) is significantly lower than its
maximum take-off mass (MTOM)
d. all aircraft with a seating capacity of 250 or more

147. At what height is it mandatory for one of the flight deck crew to wear an oxygen

a. 25 000 ft
b. 32 000 ft
Revision Questions

c. 37 000 ft
d. 41 000 ft

148. A Volumetric Top-off unit (VTO), is provided in a fuel system to:

a. vent the tank to atmosphere when its full


b. allow a main feed tank to be maintained at a predetermine level

automatically, while being fed from an auxiliary tank
c. allow the main tank to automatically maintain a predetermined fuel pressure
d. prevent too much fuel from being dumped

28 Revision Questions

149. The type of engine layout shown on page 430 is:

a. two spool
b. turbo fan
c. free turbine
d. prop fan

150. The precautions to be taken during refuelling are:

a. GPU may not be running during refuelling

b. all earthing of aircraft parts to ground equipment must be completed before
filler caps are removed
c. passengers may be boarded (traversing the refuelling zone)
d. no radar or HF radios under test within 10 metres

151. What prevents an impulse coupling operating at speeds above start speed,
considering that it has flyweights?

a. Electro-magnetic induction
b. Hydraulic clutch
c. Centrifugal force
d. On/off switch

152. What type of fire extinguisher must be on a flight deck?

a. Water
b. Dry powder
c. Special fluid
d. Halon

153. In a Bramah press one piston has an area of 0.05 m2 and has a force of 10 N acting
on it. If the area of the second piston is 0.5 m2, what force will it produce?

a. 1N
b. 20 N
c. 25 N
d. 100 N

154. What is the reason for putting the horizontal stabilizer on top of the fin?

a. To be more efficient at high speed

b. No need for anti-icing
c. Create a pitch up by making the aeroplane tail heavy
d. To be out of the way of the wing down wash

155. Where are thermal plugs fitted?

Revision Questions

a. Wheel rim
b. Cargo bay
c. Fuel tank
d. Oil tank

Revision Questions
156. In a non-stressed skin aircraft, bending loads acting on the wings are taken by:

a. skin
b. spars
c. stringers
d. ribs

157. In a stressed skin aircraft, bending loads acting on the wings are taken by:

a. ribs and stringers

b. stringers and spars
c. spars and skin
d. spars and stringers

158. Hydraulic fluid:

a. needs no special treatment

b. is harmful to eyes and skin
c. is a fire hazard
d. is harmful to eyes and skin, and is also a fire hazard

159. In a modern carburettor, mixture is controlled via:

a. airflow
b. airflow, fuel flow and temperature
c. fuel flow
d. airflow and fuel flow

160. The demand valve of a diluter demand oxygen regulator in normal mode operates

a. the pressure to the regulator is more than 500 psi

b. user breathes in
c. user requires 100% oxygen
d. diluter control is in the ‘normal’ position

161. Torque links on an undercarriage come under most stress:

a. during crosswind landings

b. during pushback
c. when making tight turns when taxiing
d. after take-off

162. If cabin pressure is decreasing, the cabin VSI will indicate:

a. zero
Revision Questions

b. climb
c. descent
d. reducing pressure

163. The battery in a search and rescue beacon (SARB) should last for:

a. 72 hours
b. 48 hours
c. 24 hours
d. 12 hours

28 Revision Questions

164. A shuttle valve is used to:

a. restrict the rate of operation of a system

b. select the most suitable system pressure
c. allow two supplies to be available to a service
d. to allow a constant volume pump to idle

165. The temperature of hydraulic fluid is measured:

a. after the cooler

b. in the reservoir
c. at the actuator
d. at the pumps

166. Electrical heating devices:

a. consume little power

b. are used for preventing ice on small areas (e.g. pitot head, windscreen only)
c. are used for de-icing small areas
d. can de-ice large areas because there is a large excess of electrical power

167. Reverse thrust lights come on when:

a. reverser doors are unlocked

b. when reverse power above idle is selected
c. when reverse thrust is selected in flight
d. when the doors move towards the stowed position inadvertently

168. The magnetos are switched off and the engine continues to run normally .The
cause of this fault is:

a. a wire from the magneto coming in contact with the metal aircraft skin
b. hotspots existing in cylinder
c. carbon deposits on spark plug
d. grounding wire from magneto being broken

169. An aircraft is to fly at 29 000 ft. When should the oxygen briefing take place?

a. Before 10 000 ft
b. Before 14 000 ft
c. At 20 000 ft
d. Before take-off

170. What is the purpose of the magneto impulse coupling?

Revision Questions

a. To give a retarded spark during starting

b. Reduce the rate of rotation of the magneto
c. Advance the ignition and give a hotter spark during starting
d. Automatically increases spark rate at high engine speeds

171. The excess cabin altitude alerting system must operate to warn the crew at:

a. 8000 ft
b. 10 000 ft
c. 13 000 ft
d. 14 000 ft

Revision Questions
172. The ‘torsion box’ of a modern aircraft wing structure consists of:

a. spars, skin, frames and stringers

b. spars, skin, frames and ribs
c. spars, skin, longerons and ribs
d. spars, skin, stringers and ribs

173. A device in a hydraulic system which acts in the same way as a diode in an
electrical circuit is a:

a. restrictor valve
b. sequence valve
c. fuse
d. one way check valve

174. What does three green lights represent when the landing gear is selected down?

a. The gear is down

b. The gear is down and locked
c. The gear and doors are down and locked
d. The gear is travelling between up and down

175. Which is the correct statement regarding a large aircraft fitted with both inboard
and outboard ailerons?

a. The outboard ailerons are used only when the landing gear is selected down
b. The outboard ailerons are used only when the landing gear is retracted
c. The inboard ailerons are used only when the flaps are retracted
d. The inboard ailerons are only used when the flaps are extended

176. How do differential ailerons work?

a. Increase lift on down going wing and decrease lift on up going wing
b. Increase drag on up going wing and decrease drag on down going wing
c. Equalize the drag on up going and down going wings
d. Equalize the lift on up going and down going wings

177. What is the effect of heating flight deck windows?

a. To demist the interior of the window if normal demist does not function
b. To protect the windows against bird strike
c. To protect the windows against ice formation
d. To protect the windows against bird strike and ice formation

178. If an aircraft suffers decompression what happens to the indications on a cabin VSI,
Revision Questions

cabin altimeter and differential pressure gauge?

a. VSI up, altimeter up, differential pressure gauge down

b. VSI, altimeter, differential pressure gauge all unchanged
c. VSI down, altimeter up, differential pressure gauge down
d. VSI up, altimeter down, differential pressure gauge down

28 Revision Questions

179. What happens if a gaseous oxygen cylinder is over-pressurized?

a. A pressure relief valve vents the excess pressure into the atmosphere
b. A bursting disc vents the complete contents of the cylinder(s) to atmosphere
c. A pressure regulator will prevent the excess pressure damaging the system
d. A pressure relief valve vents the excess pressure into the fuselage

180. If a fuel sample appears cloudy, this is:

a. an indication of air in the fuel

b. normal
c. due to the addition of FSII
d. an indication of water in the fuel

181. Fuel tanks accumulate moisture, the most practical way to limit this in an aircraft
flown daily is to:

a. secure the filler cap tightly and plug the drains

b. drain the tank at the end of each day
c. fill the tank after each flight
d. drain the water before flight

182. How much fuel can be jettisoned?

a. A specific amount
b. The captain decides
c. All
d. A specified amount must remain

183. The DLL of a transport aircraft is:

a. 1.5g
b. 2.5g
c. 3.4g
d. 3.75g

184. A current limiter fuse:

a. will rupture below fault conditions

b. has a high melting point so carrying a considerable current overload before
c. is not used in TRU protection
d. has a low melting point so will rupture quickly if a current overload occurs

185. What type of electrical motor is used as a starter motor?

Revision Questions

a. Series
b. Shunt
c. Compound
d. Induction

186. The power for LP fuel pumps is:


a. 28 V DC
b. 28 V AC
c. 115 V DC
d. 200 V AC

Revision Questions
187. What is a relay?

a. Solenoid valve
b. Magnetic switch
c. Converts electrical energy into heat energy
d. Used in starter motor circuit

188. An aircraft is in straight and level flight at a constant cabin altitude when the crew
notice the rate of climb indicator reads –200 ft/min. What will be the sequence of

a. Crew should begin a climb to regain cabin altitude

b. Cabin altitude will increase to outside atmospheric pressure
c. Cabin altitude will descend to, and continue beyond normal max. diff., at
which point the safety valves will open
d. Cabin altitude will increase to, and continue beyond normal max. diff., at
which point the safety valves will open

189. What is the frequency band for ADF?

a. Hectometric and kilometric

b. Metric
c. Centimetric
d. Decimetric

Revision Questions

28 Revision Questions

Illustration for Question 149, page 424

Revision Questions

Answers to Systems Revision Questions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
d a c b a b d c b d c b
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
d d c b a d b a c a b c
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
c d b a c d d c d c a c
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
b b d a c a b d d b a c
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
b b d c a d d a b a d d
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
c b d c c b a a c c d c
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
b c a d d b c c b a d d
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
c a b c a d b b c a c b
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
a d b c c b d a b a c b
109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
a c c d b d c c d c a b
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
d d a b a c d c a b d c
133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144
a b c d b c d c d c d b
145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156
c c d b c b c d d d a b
157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
c d c b c b b c b b a d
169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
d a b d d b c c d a b d

181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189

c d b b a d b c a

28 Revision Questions

Practice Systems Examination Paper

1. With reference to stringers they:

a. integrate the strains due to pressurization to which the skin is subjected and
convert them into a tensile stress
b. provide sound and thermal insulation
c. perform no structural role
d. withstand shear stresses

2. How can wing bending moments be reduced in flight?

a. By using aileron up float and keeping the centre section fuel tanks full for as
long as possible
b. By having tail mounted engines and using aileron down float
c. Using aileron up float and using the fuel in the wing tanks last
d. By having wing mounted engines and using the wing fuel tanks first

3. Kreuger flaps are positioned on the:

a. trailing edge
b. leading edge
c. outboard leading edge
d. inboard leading edge

4. The purpose of inboard ailerons is to reduce wing:

a. bending at high speed

b. twisting at high speed
c. bending at low speed
d. twisting at low speed

5. The ‘torsion box’ of a modern aircraft wing structure consists of:

a. spars, skin, frames and stringers

b. spars, skin, frames and ribs
c. spars, skin, longerons and ribs
d. spars, skin, stringers and ribs

6. Which is the correct statement regarding a large aircraft fitted with both inboard
and outboard ailerons?

a. The outboard ailerons are used only when the landing gear is selected down
b. The outboard ailerons are used only when the landing gear is retracted
c. Only the inboard ailerons are used when the flaps are retracted
d. Only the inboard ailerons are used when the flaps are extended
Revision Questions

7. What is the effect of heating flight deck windows?

a. To demist the interior of the window if normal demist does not function
b. To protect the windows against bird strike

c. To protect the windows against ice formation

d. To protect the windows against bird strike and ice formation

Revision Questions
8. Differential ailerons work by:

a. increasing lift on down going wing and decreasing lift on up going wing
b. increasing drag on up going wing and decreasing drag on down going wing
c. equalizing the drag on up going and down going wings
d. equalizing the lift on up going and down going wings

9. An artificial feel system is:

a. connected in series with an irreversible servo system

b. connected in parallel with an irreversible servo system
c. connected in parallel with a reversible servo system
d. connected in series with a reversible servo system

10. Why are two longitudinal trim switches fitted to the control column?

a. There are two trim motors

b. Fast trimming at low altitude and a slower rate at higher altitudes
c. As a safety precaution to reduce the possibility of trim runaway
d. To prevent both pilots operating the trim at the same time

11. On a modern jet transport the hydraulic reservoirs are normally pressurized:

a. by a separate helium gas supply

b. by air from the air conditioning system
c. by engine bleed air
d. in flight only

12. A device in a hydraulic system which acts in the same way as a diode in an
electrical circuit is a:

a. restrictor valve
b. sequence valve
c. fuse
d. one way check valve

13. A ram air turbine may be used to provide emergency hydraulic power for:

a. landing gear extension

b. flight controls
c. nose wheel steering
d. leading edge flap extension only

14. An under inflated tyre on a dry runway:

a. decreases viscous hydroplaning speed

Revision Questions

b. causes the tyre temperature to fall

c. increases wear on the shoulder
d. increases wear on the crown

15. If an aircraft suffers decompression what happens to the indications on a cabin VSI,
cabin altimeter and differential pressure gauge?

a. VSI up, altimeter up, differential pressure gauge down

b. VSI, altimeter, differential pressure gauge all unchanged
c. VSI down, altimeter up, differential pressure gauge down
d. VSI up, altimeter down, differential pressure gauge down

28 Revision Questions

16. An aircraft is in straight and level flight at a constant cabin altitude when the crew
notice the rate of climb indicator reads –200 ft/min. What will be the sequence of

a. Crew should begin a climb to regain cabin altitude

b. Cabin altitude will increase to outside atmospheric pressure
c. Cabin altitude will descend to, and continue beyond normal max. diff., at
which point the safety valves will open
d. Cabin altitude will increase to, and continue beyond normal max. diff., at
which point the safety valves will open

17. What is the purpose of the ground cooling fan in a bootstrap air cycle conditioning

a. To draw cooling air over the turbine

b. To draw cooling air over the heat exchangers
c. To blow air onto the compressor
d. To re-circulate air through the mixing manifold

18. If the outflow valves failed closed in flight the effect would be:

a. to damage the aircraft skin

b. to increase cabin pressure to max differential
c. to increase cabin altitude
d. to shut down the air conditioning system

19. Modern transport aircraft fuel booster pumps are generally:

a. centrifugal and powered by DC induction motors

b. centrifugal and powered by AC induction motors
c. spur gear and powered by DC induction motors
d. spur gear and powered by AC induction motors

20. Modern passenger aircraft fuel tanks are pressurized by:

a. low pressure bleed air

b. low pressure inert gas system
c. the air discharged by the air conditioning system
d. ram air through the vent system

21. Where are the fuel heaters fitted on jet aircraft?

a. In each tank
b. On the engine
c. They are not required
d. Centre tank only
Revision Questions

22. The fuel cross feed system enables fuel to be:

a. supplied to the outboard engines from any outboard tank

b. transferred from the centre tank to the wing tanks only
c. supplied to any engine mounted on a wing from any tank within that wing

d. supplied to any engine from any tank

Revision Questions
23. The areas heated by a bleed air system on a modern jet passenger transport are:

a. leading edges of all aerofoil surfaces

b. leading edges of all aerofoil surfaces including flaps
c. leading edges of all aerofoil surfaces including slats (where fitted)
d. upper surfaces of the wings only

24. The principle upon which the vibrating probe (Rosemount) ice detector is based is:

a. inferential
b. accretion
c. ice removal
d. evaporation

25. Which one of the following ice protection systems can only be used as a de-icing

a. Mechanical
b. Electrical
c. Chemical
d. Thermal

26. Because of its function an AND gate is also referred to as an:

a. all or nothing gate

b. any or nothing gate
c. invert or not gate
d. either or gate

27. The stators of a three phase alternator are separated by:

a. 60 degrees
b. 90 degrees
c. 120 degrees
d. 180 degrees

28. If a CSDU overheat warning occurs, the:

a. CSDU can be disconnected and not used for the rest of the flight
b. pilot must throttle back the effected engine
c. CSDU can be disconnected and then re-connected when it has cooled down
d. CSDU must be disconnected and the alternator is controlled directly by the

29. What is disconnected if the fire handle is pulled in an aircraft with an AC generator
Revision Questions

a. Generator control relay (exciter control relay) and GCB

b. GCB
c. BTB
d. Generator control relay (exciter control relay) and BTB

28 Revision Questions

30. A generator that produces 400 Hz at 6000 rpm has how many pole pairs?

a. 12
b. 8
c. 6
d. 4

31. If a 12 volt, 6 cell battery has one dead cell:

a. it cannot be used
b. it can be used but the output voltage is reduced by 1/12
c. it can be used but the output voltage and capacity are reduced by 1/12
d. it can be used but the output capacity is reduced by 1/12

32. Incorrect bonding of the aircraft structure could cause:

a. corrosion at skin joints

b. circuit breaker trips
c. static on the radio
d. VOR interference

33. ‘Earth Return’ system means that:

a. both battery and earth terminals are connected to the voltage regulators’
shunt field
b. battery positive and generator negative terminals are connected to a/c
c. battery negative terminal is connected to the generator negative terminal
with low resistance cable
d. battery and generator negative terminals are connected to the aircraft

34. The frequency of an AC generator is dependent upon:

a. poles only
b. poles and rpm
c. rpm only
d. load

35. In an aircraft which uses DC as the primary source of power, AC for the instruments
may be obtained from:

a. a rectifier
b. the AC busbar
c. a TRU
d. an inverter
Revision Questions

36. The wavelength of a VOR is:

a. metric
b. decimetric
c. hectometric

d. centimetric

Revision Questions
37. What is the wavelength that corresponds to the frequency 121.95 MHz?

a. 246 m
b. 2.46 cm
c. 2.46 m
d. 24.6 m

38. Skip distance is longest by ............. and with a ............ frequency.

a. day low
b. day high
c. night low
d. night high

39. The skip zone of an HF transmission will increase with:

a. an increase in frequency and an increase in height of the reflective (refractive)

b. an increase in frequency and a decrease in height of the reflective (refractive)
c. an decrease in frequency and an increase in height of the reflective (refractive)
d. an decrease in frequency and a decrease in height of the reflective (refractive)

40. How are the loads on an aircraft busbar connected?

a. In parallel so that the current reduces through the busbar as loads are
switched off
b. In parallel so that the voltage reduces through the busbar as loads are
switched off
c. In series so that the current reduces through the busbar as loads are switched
d. In series so that the voltage reduces through the busbar as loads are switched

41. Hot or vital busbars are:

a. heated by bleed air

b. connected directly to the battery
c. connected directly to the DC generator
d. connected directly to the AC generator

42. A static inverter is a:

a. transistorized unit that converts AC to DC

Revision Questions

b. transistorized unit that converts DC to AC

c. fixed unit that changes DC voltages
d. fixed unit that changes AC voltages

43. If AC generators are connected in parallel the reactive loads are balanced by
adjusting the:

a. frequency
b. torque of the CSDU
c. energizing current
d. voltage

28 Revision Questions

44. The voltage regulator of a DC generator is connected in:

a. series with the armature and parallel with the shunt field
b. parallel with the armature and parallel with the shunt field
c. series with the armature and series with the shunt field
d. parallel with the armature and series with the shunt field

45. If the frequency of a series capacitive circuit increases, what happens to the

a. It increases
b. It decreases
c. It stays the same
d. It increases or decreases

46. Which is the correct statement(s) with regard to flight crew oxygen requirements
for a pressurized aircraft:

1. at all times when the cabin pressure altitude exceeds 13 000 ft

2. at all times when the cabin pressure altitude is between 10 000 ft and 13 000
ft except for the first 30 mins
3. in no case less than 30 mins if certificated below 25 000 ft
4. in no case less than 2 hours if certificated above 25 000 ft

a. 1, 2, 3 and 4
b. 1 and 2
c. 1, 2 and 3
d. 2 and 3

47. The advantages of a chemical oxygen generator system are:

1. it is a self-contained system
2. it can be filled from outside the pressure hull
3. the flow of oxygen can be regulated
4. it can be turned off
5. it is relatively light

a. 1 and 5
b. 1, 2 and 4
c. 2 and 4
d. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

48. An aircraft operating at FL350 must have sufficient supplementary oxygen available
for 100% of passengers for a descent from its maximum certificated operating
altitude to allow a descent to:
Revision Questions

a. 13 000 ft in 30 minutes
b. 15 000 ft in 4 minutes
c. 15 000 ft in 10 minutes
d. 10 000 ft in 4 minutes

Revision Questions
49. The passenger oxygen drop down mask stowage doors are released:

a. barometrically operated latch

b. electrically for chemical generator systems and pneumatically for gaseous
c. electrically for gaseous systems and pneumatically for chemical generator
d. by the cabin crew

50. The fire extinguisher system for an engine is activated:

a. automatically immediately a fire is sensed

b. automatically once the engine has been shut down
c. by the pilot immediately a fire is detected
d. by the pilot once the engine has been shut down

51. The flight deck warning of an engine fire is:

a. individual warning lights and bells

b. a common light and common aural warning
c. aural warning only
d. individual warning lights and a common aural warning

52. High cylinder head temperatures on a piston engine are associated with:

a. mass ratio of 1:15

b. cruise mixture setting
c. a weak mixture
d. a rich mixture

53. In a gas turbine the maximum gas temperature is reached:

a. in the combustion chamber

b. at the turbine exit
c. across the turbine
d. in the cooling air around the turbine

54. When TAS increases the pitch angle of a constant speed propeller:

a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains constant
d. decreases and then returns to its original angle

55. From the list select the conditions for highest engine performance:
Revision Questions

1. low temperature
2. low humidity
3. high pressure
4. high temperature
5. high humidity
6. low pressure

a. 1, 2 and 6
b. 1, 3 and 5
c. 3, 4 and 5
d. 1, 2 and 3

28 Revision Questions

56. A torque meter is situated:

a. between the engine and propeller

b. on the auxiliary gearbox
c. between the turbine and the gearbox
d. in the spinner housing

57. A reverse thrust door warning light is illuminated when:

a. the reverser doors are unlocked

b. the thrust levers are lifted beyond ground idle
c. the reverse thrust mechanism is not operating correctly
d. asymmetric reverse thrust has been selected

58. Adjusting the mixture of piston engines as aircraft altitude increases is necessary

a. increase fuel flow to compensate for decreasing air density

b. decrease fuel flow to compensate for decreasing air density
c. increase fuel flow to compensate for increasing air density
d. decrease fuel flow to compensate for increasing air density

59. The power output of a piston engine can be calculated by multiplying:

a. force by distance
b. work by velocity
c. pressure by moment arm
d. torque by rpm

60. When high pressure bleed valves open they:

a. reduce the EPR

b. increase the fuel flow
c. reduce the EGT
d. increase the thrust

61. The fan stage of a ducted fan engine is driven by the:

a. LP turbine
b. IP turbine
c. HP turbine
d. HP compressor through reduction gearing

62. In a four stroke engine, ignition occurs:

a. before TDC every 2nd rotation of the crankshaft

Revision Questions

b. at TDC every 2nd rotation of the crankshaft

c. after TDC every 2nd rotation of the crankshaft
d. before TDC every rotation of the crankshaft

63. A fixed pitch propeller blade has wash-out from root to tip in order to:

a. keep the local angle of attack constant along the blade length
b. keep the pitch angle constant along the blade length
c. keep the local angle of attack at its optimum value along the blade length
d. decrease the blade tangential speed from root to tip

Revision Questions
64. The alpha range of a variable pitch propeller is between:

a. feather and flight fine pitch stop

b. feather and ground fine pitch stop
c. flight fine pitch stop and reverse stop
d. ground fine pitch stop and reverse stop

65. With the CSU governor in the underspeed condition, oil will be directed to:

a. increase the blade angle

b. decrease the blade angle
c. decrease the rpm
d. open the throttle valve

66. In a fan jet engine the bypass ratio is:

a. internal mass airflow divided by external mass airflow

b. external mass airflow divided by internal mass airflow
c. internal mass airflow divided by mass fuel flow
d. mass fuel flow divided by internal mass airflow

67. In a normally aspirated piston engine carburettor icing can occur:

a. between 0°C and –10°C

b. at more than +10°C
c. only at less than +10°C if there is visible moisture
d. above 5000 ft only

68. At what speed does the LP compressor run?

a. The speed of the LP turbine

b. The speed of the IP turbine
c. The speed of the HP turbine
d. Constant speed

69. The magnetos are switched off and the engine continues to run normally. The
cause of this fault is:

a. a wire from the magneto coming into contact with aircraft metal skin
b. hotspots in the cylinder
c. carbon fouling of the spark plugs
d. grounding wire from the magneto broken

70. The volume of the scavenge pump(s) in an engine lubrication system is greater
than that of the pressure pump(s) in order to:
Revision Questions

a. prevent cavitation of the oil system feedlines

b. ensure heat is dissipated more efficiently
c. compensate for thermal expansion of the lubricating fluid
d. ensure that the engine sump remains dry

71. Variable inlet guide vanes are fitted to gas turbine engines to:

a. increase the mass flow at high speeds

b. prevent a compressor stall at low engine speed
c. prevent a compressor stall at high engine speeds
d. decelerate the flow into the compressor

28 Revision Questions

72. The theoretically correct air to fuel ratio for efficient combustion in a gas turbine
under constant speed conditions is:

a. 5:1
b. 15:1
c. 25:1
d. 40:1

73. A gas turbine engine power change is achieved by adjusting the amount of:

a. fuel supplied and the amount of air entering the compressor

b. fuel supplied
c. air supplied
d. fuel supplied and the amount of air entering the turbine

74. What happens to the pressure and velocity of the gas stream from root to tip
across the nozzle guide vanes?

a. Both remain constant

b. Both increase
c. Velocity increases, pressure decreases
d. Velocity decreases, pressure increases

75. What is a crank assembly?

a. Crankcase, crankshaft, pistons and connecting rods

b. Crankshaft, pistons and connecting rods
c. Propeller, crankshaft and connecting rods
d. Camshaft, pistons and connecting rods

76. The effect of climbing at rated rpm but less than rated boost is to:

a. increase full throttle height

b. reduce full throttle height
c. produce no change to the full throttle height
d. reduce the time to full throttle height
Revision Questions

28 Answers

Answers to Practice Systems Examination Paper

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a c d b d c d c b c c d
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
b c a c b b b d b d c b
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
a a c a a d a c d b d a
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
c d a a b b d d a a a c
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
b d d c a a d a a b d a
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
a a a a b b b a d d b b
73 74 75 76
b d b a

Explanations to Practice Systems Examination Paper
9. Book 2

Feel system shown in parallel. Fully powered controls are irreversible servo systems.

This question seems to be getting at the difference in the value of the dielectric i.e. Fuel 2.1,
water 80 something, so if the tank was full of water the value of capacitance would be so high
that the gauge would read full scale.

12. Book 2

See also electrical system book 3.

15. Book 2

As cabin pressure rapidly falls, cabin altitude increases, cabin vertical speed indicates up and
differential pressure falls.

16. Book 2

As the cabin pressure builds up due to perhaps the outflow valves closing un-commanded,
the differential pressure will increase, the cabin alt will show a descent, and the differential
will increase until max diff is achieved when the safety-valves will open to prevent structural

30. Book 3

Calculations as follows:
No. of poles rpm
× = Freq
2 60

No. of poles 6000

× = 400
2 60

No. of poles
× 100 = 400

No. of Poles × 100 = 400 x 2

No. of Poles × 100 = 800

No. of Poles = 800 = 8 Poles


Answer is = = 4 Pole Pairs

34. Book 3 See calculation for Q30

28 Answers

45. Book 3

Calculation as follows:
Xc =
2π fc
Xc (Ω) =
2π fc
Therefore if frequency increases, it follows:
Xc (Ω) = where frequency increases:
2π fc
Xc (Ω) must decrease (Reactance)

Take the value of reactance, and, using Ohms’ law to find the current ( I ), it follows:
I= (With R reducing)
I (Current) must increase.

Therefore if the Frequency increases in a capacitive circuit, the Current (I), must Increase.

55. Highest engine performance is produced under highest density conditions i.e. those of
lowest temperature, low humidity and highest pressure. There are many references to
this in:

a. Powerplant

b. Principles of flight

c. Aircraft Performance

59. Book 4 From the Power formula P×L×A×N×E Force = Press × Area (P × A)

Torque/Work = Force x Distance (P×L×A)

Power, the Rate of doing Work = (P×L×A×E) where ‘E’ is effective rpm

63. Book 4 Wash-out (or blade-twist) is the name given to the reduction of blade angle from
root to tip.

66. Book 4 It is the air mass passing through the bypass duct (external mass flow) divided by
the air mass passing through the core (internal mass flow) of the engine.


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