CH 1

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Chapter 1

Introduction to
Information Systems
& Databases

• Part1: Basic concepts

• Part 2: Information System building

Part 1
System’s Definition (1/2)
• System: a collection of components dynamically
interacting to achieve a common goal evolving within an

System’s Definition (2/2)
• System:
• Can be pictured as a black box
• Composed of sub-systems interacting together
• Each sub-system is a system in itself
• After successive refining  white box

Information System’s Definition

• A set of interrelated components (technical and humans

resources) that :
• collect (or retrieve),
• process,
• store,
• distribute
information to support decision making, coordination and
control in an organization.
Business Information Systems
• Information systems that give business managers needed
information to make decisions.

• BIS may be used to support :

• forecasting,
• planning,
• control,
• coordination,
• decision making, …
Data Vs information
• Data are raw (unprocessed) facts including text, numbers,
images, and sounds.

• Information is data that have been processed in order to be

meaningful and useful.

• Examples:
• Data:51007, azt1ki256,…. 8
• Information:
• 5/10/90: Date of birth of a student
• 51.007D: price of an item
Data storage & database (1/4)
• Data storage
• Broad definition: It refers to anything with data recorded on it
• Examples: a hardback volume of an encyclopedia, an audio-
cassette of songs, a piece of paper with random words
written on it, etc.

• Popular definition: limited only to the storage of information

on computer and similar devices
• on-site storage
• off-site storage

Data storage & database (2/4)
• Database (DB) : an organized collection of data modeling
aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring
Examples :
- Hotel DB for managing the availability of rooms in hotels in a way that
supports finding a hotel with vacancies.
- airline DB
- Yellow Pages telephone

• Database management system (DBMS): a software package

used to create, manipulate and present data from electronic
• Examples= Microsoft Access, MySql, Oracle, etc.
Data storage & database (3/4)
• Traditional databases: manual paper-based systems
• Paper records stored in filing cabinets.
• Problems
• Very voluminous storage of paper records
• Very easy to miss-file a paper record, or for records to be
lost or damaged
• Data duplication in several records
• Difficulty to keep records up-to-date + data inconsistency
• Maintenance cost
• Updating, searching for records or producing reports are
very time consuming
Data storage & database (4/4)
• Computerized databases: remedy to traditional DB flaws
• Benefits
• Searching, sorting and calculating operations
performed much more quickly.
• Information easily available to users ( improved
methods of data retrieval.)
• Improvement of data integrity ==> more accurate
• Types
• Flat file : data stored in a single table
• Relational: data stored in more than one table 12
Data processing operations (1/2)
• Data processing procedure: a number of basic processing operations
performed in some order

• Recording: referring to the transfer of data onto some form of


• Verifying: checking recorded data carefully for any errors.

• Duplicating: reproducing data unto many forms or documents.

• Aggregation: summarizing data by such means as taking an average

value of a group of numbers.

• Classification: organizing data into categories.

• Sorting: organizing data according to a particular order.
Data processing operations (2/2)
• Calculation: Arithmetic manipulation of the data.
The outcome of this operation becomes part of the output.
• Merging: taking two or more sets of data (sorted by the same
key), and putting them together to form a single sorted set of
• Storing: placing similar data into files for future references.
• Retrieving: recovering stored data and/or information when
• Feedback: comparing the output(s) with the goal set in
advance permits businesspersons to follow up on essential 14
information and to attain worthwhile goals.
Basic IS’s parts
• People resources: include the users, developers of the IS
and those who help to maintain and to operate the
• Hardware resources: include computers and others
components such as servers.
• Software resources: refer to computer programs and
associated instruction manuals.
• Communication resources: include networks and the
hardware and software needed to support them.
• Data resources: cover the data that an organisation has
access to such as computer databases and paper files.
IS’s users
• System users: Actual users of the system. They use the
system to support or complete a job.
• System analyst: Facilitate the development of
information systems and computer applications by
bridging the communication gap between non-technical
actors (owners and users) and technical (designers and
• System designers: Technical specialists who design the
system in accordance with user needs.
• System builders: Technical specialists who construct, test,
and make the system operate. 16
IS’s parts and users
An example of a manufacturing information system

Qualities of Information (1/2)
1. Accuracy :How accurate is the information or how much
error does it contain? We do not always require perfect
2. Reliability: How dependable is the information? It is related
to how the information was obtained: the quality of the
source of the information.
3. Completeness: Does it contain all the important facts?
4. Verifiability: Can the correctness of the information be
checked? Is it possible to obtain another estimate for 18
instance by using another source or another method
Qualities of Information (2/2)
5. Relevance: How pertinent is the information to the question
or decision?

6. Timeliness: How up-to-date is the information? Information

should be available when needed

7. Simplicity: How complex or detailed is the information?

8. Cost: How much did it cost to produce the information? One

should always compare the cost of producing the
information with the value gained from it.
Part 2
System Development Life Cycle(SDLC)

• System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model

used in project management.

• It describes the stages involved in an IS building, from an initial

feasibility study through maintenance of the completed
System or Application.

In general, an SDLC methodology follows the following steps 5


Step 1: Requirements Analysis

• This step aims to summarize the system’s requirements. The

existing system is evaluated. Deficiencies are identified. This
can be done by interviewing users of the system and using
other information sources such as existing system
• The requirements specification defines:
• The required features of the new system
• The intended users of the new system
• System performance standards such as system latency and
• Environment requirements such as operating system and
hardware on which the system will run.
Step 2: System Design
• The task of the system design stage is to convert the
requirements of the previous step into a number of design
alternatives from which the best will be selected.
• Systems design deals with such matters as:
• Choosing an appropriate database management system;
• Establishing general systems security standards;
• Deciding on methods of system navigation( e.g. menu systems and
graphical user interfaces);

Step 3: System Development

• Known as the coding or implementation stage.

• is the creation of software by programmers.
• It involves writing the software code (programming), building
release version of the software.
• In this stage, The new system is developed. The new
components and programs are obtained and installed.

Step 4: System Integration and test
• Demonstrates that developed systems conforms to users
requirements as specified in the functional requirements.
• Users of the system must be trained in its use, and all
aspects of performance must be tested. If necessary,
adjustments must be made at this stage.
• Two main objectives of the documentation
• Present a technical reference to facilitate ongoing
maintenance and development of the software itself.
• Provide user documentation, i.e. a set of instructions
that inform the user about the features of the software
and how to use them. 26
Step 5: Operating and maintaining the

• Once the new system is up and running, it should be

exhaustively evaluated.

• Maintenance must be kept up rigorously at all times. Users of

the system should be kept up-to-date concerning the latest
modifications and procedures.

Example of misconception: The tree swing comic


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