Implementation of AES Algorithm For Video Streaming Security System

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Journal of Innovative Research and Development

Vol.-1, Issue-1, 2016, pp.42-46

Implementation of AES Algorithm for Video Streaming Security System

Jayakrishna.P, Chinnam Mahesh, P.Santhosh
Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College, Divya Nagar, Hyderabad, TS,
India, E-mail: [email protected].
Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College, Divya Nagar, Hyderabad, TS,
India, E-mail: [email protected].
Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College, Divya Nagar, Hyderabad, TS,
India, E-mail: [email protected].

Abstract: Now-a-days digital video needs to be stored and processed in an encrypted format to maintain security and privacy.
For the purpose of content notation and/or tampering detection, it is necessary to perform data hiding in these encrypted videos.
In this way, data hiding in encrypted domain without decryption preserves the confidentiality of the content. In addition, it is
more efficient without decryption followed by data hiding and re-encryption. In this paper we implement the video encryption
using AES Encryption and Decryption. This algorithm was implemented using Micro blaze Processor on Spartan 3EDK FPGA.

Keywords: AES, Video Encryption, Micro Blaze, FPGA.

I. INTRODUCTION they are generated by strict deterministic rules that may be

Since the rise of the Internet one of the most important easily violated by message embedding.
factors of information technology and communication has
been the security of information. Cryptography was created II. PROPOSED BLOCK DIAGRAM
as a technique for securing the secrecy of communication and Video Encryption is the majorly in order to secure the
many different methods have been developed to encrypt and data from the hackers in the channel and at receiver side
decrypt data in order to keep the message secret. retrieves the original video. In order to encrypt the pixel
Unfortunately it is sometimes not enough to keep the values here we uses symmetric encryption technique i.e AES
contents of a message secret, it may also be necessary to keep algorithm as shown in Fig.1. First the input video was
the existence of the message secret. Steganography is the art converted to the frames into Images.
of secret communication. Its purpose is to hide the very
presence of communication as opposed to cryptography
whose goal is to make communication unintelligible to those
who do not posses the right keys. Digital images, videos,
sound files, and other computer files that contain perceptually
irrelevant or redundant information can be used as “covers”
or carriers to hide secret messages. After embedding a secret
message into the cover-image, a so-called stego-image is
obtained. It is important that the stego-image does not
contain any easily detectable artifacts due to message
embedding. A third party could use such artifacts as an
indication that a secret message is present. Once this message
detection can be reliably achieved, the Steganography tool
becomes useless.

Obviously, the less information is embedded into the

cover-image, the smaller the probability of introducing
detectable artifacts by the embedding process. Another
important factor is the choice of the cover-image. The
selection is at the discretion of the person who sends the
message. The sender should avoid using cover-images that
would be easy to analyze for presence of secret messages.
Although computer-generated fractal images may seem as Fig.1. Proposed Block Diagram.
good covers6 because of their complexity and irregularity,

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Journal of Innovative Research and Development

Vol.-1, Issue-1, 2016, pp.42-46

Then the Images are Converted to the header File since

we are implement this on the XPS(Xilinx Plat Form Studio) .
Then the header file of the image and Source C code file of
AES files are given XPS then the bit stream was dumped into
the FPGA.

A. Source Code Block Diagram

The proposed algorithm was based on Image encryption
based on double aes technique the cipher that was generated
after the aes encryption was given as a message the aes
encryption algorithm again so the key length may increases
from 256 bit to 512 bits so that robustness increases as shown
in Fig.2.

Fig.3. Basic Block Of AES.

A. Sub Bytes ()
The SubBytes() transformation is a non-linear byte
substitution that operates independently on each byte of the
State using a substitution table (S-box). This S-box Fig.4
which is invertible, is constructed by composing two
Fig.2. AES Image Encryption and Decryption.
 Take the multiplicative inverse in the finite field
III. AES ALGORITHM GF(2^8), described in Sec.; the element {00}
 is mapped to itself. 
AES is a inter-changeable block cipher with a block size
of 128 bits. Key lengths can be 128 bits, 192 bits, or 256  Apply the following affine transformation (over
GF(2) ): 
bits;8 called AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256, respectively.
AES- 128 uses 10 rounds, AES-192 uses 12 rounds, and
AES-256 uses 14 rounds. The main loop of AES9 performs
the subsequent functions:
 SubBytes () 
 ShiftRows () 
 MixColumns () 
 AddRound Key() 

The first 3 functions of AN AES spherical square measure

designed to thwart cryptology via the strategies of
Fig.4. S-Box.
“confusion” and “diffusion.” The fourth perform truly
encrypts the info. engineer represented the ideas of confusion B. Shift Rows ()
and diffusion in his seminal 1949 paper, “Communication
Theory of Secrecy Systems:” “Two strategies recommend
themselves for frustrating a applied mathematics analysis as
shown in Fig.3. These we tend to could decision the
strategies of diffusion and confusion.”10. Diffusion suggests
that patterns within the plaintext square measure spread
within the cipher text. Confusion suggests that the connection
between the plaintext and therefore the cipher text is
obscured. A simpler way to view the AES function order is:
 Scramble each byte (SubBytes). 
 Scramble each row (Shift Rows). 
  Scramble each column (Mix Columns). 
 Encrypt (Add Round Key).  Fig.5. Shift Rows.

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Journal of Innovative Research and Development

Vol.-1, Issue-1, 2016, pp.42-46

Shift Rows() provides diffusion by mixing data within TABLE I: Spartan3EDK Configuration
rows as shown in Fig.5. Row zero of the State is not shifted,
row 1 is shifted 1 byte, row 2 is shifted 2 bytes, and row 3 is
shifted 3 bytes, as shown in the FIPS illustration that follows.

C. Mix Columns ()
Mix Columns ()also provides diffusion by admixture
knowledge at intervals columns. The four bytes of each A. Xilinx Platform Studio
column within the State square measure treated as a 4-byte The Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) is that the development
range and reworked to a different 4-byte range via finite field atmosphere or user interface used for planning the hardware
arithmetic, as shown within the FIPS illustration that as portion of your embedded processor system.
shown in Fig.6.
B. Embedded Development Kit
Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) is associate
integrated software system tool suite for developing
embedded systems with Xilinx Micro Blaze and PowerPC
CPUs. EDK includes a spread of tools associated applications
to help the designer to develop associate embedded system
right from the hardware creation to final implementation of
the system on an FPGA. System style consists of the creation
of the hardware and software system parts of the embedded
processor system and also the creation of a verification
element is elective. A typical embedded system style project
Fig.6. Mix Columns. involves: hardware platform creation, hardware platform
verification (simulation), software system platform creation,
D. Add RoundKey () software system application creation, and software system
The actual „encryption‟ is performed in the AddRoundKey verification. Base System Builder is that the wizard that's
() function, when each byte in the State is XORed with the wont to mechanically generate a hardware platform in
subkey. The subkey is derived from the key according to a keeping with the user specifications that's defined by the
key expansion schedule, as shown in the FIPS illustration that MHS (Microprocessor Hardware Specification) file. The
as shown in Fig.7. MHS file defines the system design, peripherals and
embedded processors]. The Platform Generation tool creates
the hardware platform mistreatment the MHS file as input.
The software system platform is defined by MSS
(Microprocessor software system Specification) file that
defines driver and library customization parameters for
peripherals, processor customization parameters, custom
anyone hundred ten devices, interrupt handler routines, and
different software system connected routines. The MSS file is
associate input to the Library Generator tool for
personalization of drivers, libraries and interrupts handlers.

Fig.7. Add Round Key.


Decryption occurs through the function AddRound Key(),
plus the inverse AES functions InvShiftRows(),
InvSubBytes(), and InvMixColumns(). AddRoundKey() does
not require an inverse function, as it simply XORs the state
with the sub key (XOR encrypts when applied once, and
decrypts when applied again).

The Field Programmable Gate Array is majorly used for
generation ASIC IC‟ s to the computations. They offer more
speed in execution process. SO, for generation ASIC IC‟ s
FPGA‟ s are majorly used. Fig.8.Embedded Development Kit Design Flow.

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Journal of Innovative Research and Development

Vol.-1, Issue-1, 2016, pp.42-46

The creation of the verification platform is facultative and

is predicated on the hardware platform. The MHS file is
taken as Associate in Nursing input by the Siegen tool to
make simulation files for a particular machine. 3varieties of
simulation models will be generated by the Siegen tool:
behavioral, structural and temporal arrangement models.
Another helpful tool on the market in EDK are Platform
Studio that provides the GUI for making the MHS and MSS
files. Produce / Import IP Wizard that permits the creation of
the designer's own peripheral and imports them into EDK
come. Platform Generator customizes and generates the
processor system within the sort of hardware net lists. Library
Generator tool configures libraries, device drivers, file
systems and interrupt handlers for embedded processor
system. Bit stream Initializer tool initializes the instruction Fig.10.Double Encrypted Image.
memory of processors on the FPGA shown in fig.8. antelope
Compiler tools are used for collection and linking application
executable for every processor within the system . There are
2 choices on the market for debugging the appliance created
victimization EDK namely: Xilinx microchip correct (XMD)
for debugging the appliance package employing a microchip
correct Module (MDM) within the embedded processor
system, and package programmer that invokes the package
programmer appreciate the compiler getting used for the

C. Package Development Kit

Xilinx Platform Studio package Development Kit (SDK)
is Associate in Nursing integrated development atmosphere,
complimentary to XPS, that's used for C/C++ embedded
package application creation and verification. SDK is made
on the Eclipse open source framework. Soft Development Kit
Fig.11. Decrypted Image.
(SDK) may be a suite of tools that allows you to style a
package application for elite Soft IP Cores within the Xilinx
Embedded Development Kit (EDK).The package application
will be written during a "C or C++" then the entire embedded
processor system for user application are completed, else
correct & download the bit file into FPGA. Then FPGA
behaves like processor implemented on it in a Xilinx Field
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device. Hardware
implementation was through system C coding and its results
are as shown in Figs.9 to 12.

Fig .12.XPS Synthesis report.

In this work Advanced Encryption algorithm was
implemented using FPGA. This system works on Micro
Blaze architecture of Spartan3 EDK. On the opposite hand,
synthesis results show that area consumption is low, using
simply 100 percent of logic circuits of FPGA for AES,
permitting the implementation of this method over
Fig .9. Encrypted Image. inexpensive FPGAs.

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Journal of Innovative Research and Development

Vol.-1, Issue-1, 2016, pp.42-46

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