Springfield Technical Community College School of Nursing NURS 202-Nursing Care Plan

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School of Nursing
NURS 202- Nursing Care Plan

Client's initials:_____A.A. _____Age:____26________Sex:___F__Medical Diagnosis: __________________________________

Nursing Diagnosis: __Acute perineal pain r/t midline episiotomy AEB patient’s facial mask of pain and guarding behavior.

Goals: Interventions: Assess/Treat/Teach Rationale for Intervention Evaluation

Short Term: Location, type and quality of pain. Review labor Indentify and direct specific needs and Patient verbalized increased
and delivery record. Vital Signs. appropriate interventions. comfort within one hour.
Patient will report increased Inspect perineum and episiotomy repair. Note May show excess trauma to perineal tissue VS are stable and within normal
comfort in one hour. edema, ecchymosis, localized tenderness, and/or developing complications requiring range.
purulent exudate, or loss of approximation of further evaluation/intervention.
Long Term: suture line. On discharge patient reported
Patient will report tolerable level Treat tolerable level of perineal
Apply ice pack to perineum, especially during Provides localized anesthesia, promotes discomfort. She was able to
of pain on discharge and will the first 24 hours following delivery. vasoconstriction, and reduces edema and verbalize understanding of the pain
verbalize understanding of pain vasodilation. source and how it is best to
management at home for midline Collaborative - Administer prescribed pain To provide pain relief. manage at home with prescribed
episiotomy. medications. pain meds if necessary, sitz baths,
Offer to apply anesthetic cream or spray. To depress response of peripheral nerves. witch hazel pads and the use of
Offer to use witch hazel pads after voiding or To reduce edema. anesthetic cream. Described to me
defecating. the advised sitting position (gluteal
muscles contracted).
Encourage sitz bathz at a temperature of 38 to Increases circulation to perineum, enhances
40 C (100-104 F) or cooler at least twice a day. oxygenation and nutrition of tissues, reduces
edema, and promotes healing.
Recommend sitting with gluteal muscles Use of gluteal tightening while sitting reduces
contracted over episiotomy repair. stress and direct pressure on perineum.

Explain to the patient the source and reason for To decrease anxiety and increase sense of
the pain, its expected duration and available control.

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