Gouty NCP
Gouty NCP
Gouty NCP
2. Identify baseline 2.1. Assess pain, noting location, 2. Explain the severity of
data of her pain. characteristics, and severity (0 to 10 her pain by verbalizing
scale). Using a pain scale is useful in the location,
monitoring the effectiveness of medication characteristics, and rate
and the progression of healing. Changes in her pain. The pain level
characteristics of pain may indicate decrease from 8/10 to
developing abscess or peritonitis, requiring 4/10
prompt medical evaluation and
2.2. Assess the client’s vital signs. Monitor
the client’s vital signs for changes in
temperature or heart rate.
3. Maintain a
comfortable 3.1. Maintain chair rest when indicated. 3. Alleviate her pain and felt
position. Schedule activities providing frequent relaxed.
periods and uninterrupted night time
sleep. Systemic rest during acute attacks is
important throughout all phases of disease
to reduce fatigue and improve strength.
3.2. Encourage patient to maintain
upright and erect posture when sitting,
standing, or walking. Maximizes joint
function, and maintains mobility.
1. Cooperate in all Build rapport with the client. 1.Cooperate in all nursing
nursing interventions.
To elicit trust and for the client to give her
interventions. full participation during interventions.