ACKS - Character Playbooks

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The document outlines the abilities and progression of different character classes in a role-playing game including fighters, mages, clerics, thieves, and explorers.

Fighters increase their base damage and can gain leadership abilities. At 9th level they can build a castle.

Mages can research spells, create magic items, and build sanctums. Higher level mages can cast more powerful spells and create magical constructs.


Proficiency List Proficiency List

Fighter General
(1st, 5th, 9th, 13th)
Animal Husbandry
(1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th)
Prime Requisite: INT
(1st, 5th, 9th, 12th)
Animal Husbandry
(1st, 6th, 9th, 13th)

Battle Magic
Beast Friendship
Prime Requisite: STR Armor and Weapons Animal Training, Art Blind Fighting Animal Training, Art Black Lore of Zahar
Requirements: None Bargaining Combat Reflexes Requirements: None Bargaining Collegiate Wizardry
Hit Dice: 1d8
Armor Allowed Any
Caving Combat Trickery Hit Dice: 1d4 Caving Craft
Maximum Level: 14 Shield Usage Yes Collegiate Wizardry * disarm Maximum Level: 14 Collegiate Wizardry Diplomacy
Dual Wield Yes Craft * force back Craft Elementalism
Weapons Yes Diplomacy * knock down Diplomacy Elven Bloodline
Disguise * overrun Armor and Weapons Disguise Engineering
Endurance * sunder Armor Allowed No Endurance Familiar
Engineering Command Engineering Healing
Sheild Usage No
Gambling Dungeon Bashing Gambling Illusion Resistance
Healing Endurance Dual Wield No Healing Knowledge
Intimidation Fighting Style Weapons Quarterstaff, club, dagger, darts Intimidation Language
Knowledge Gambling Knowledge Loremastery
Labor Intimidation Labor Magical Engineering
Language Leadership Language Mapping
Leadership Manual of Arms Leadership Mystic Aura
Lip Reading Military Strategy Lip Reading Naturalism
Manual of Arms Precise Shooting Manual of Arms Quiet Magic
Mapping Riding Mapping Performance
Military Strategy Running Military Strategy Prestidigitation
Mimicry Siege Engineering Mimicry Profession
Naturalism Skirmishing Naturalism Sensing
Navigation Survival Navigation Power
Performance Swashbuckling Fighters also increase their base damage roll from Performance Transmogrification
successful missile and melee attacks by +1 at 1st level and
Profession Weapon Finesse by an additional +1 at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th level. Profession Soothsaying
Riding Weapon Focus Riding Unflappable Casting
At 5th level, any henchmen and mercenaries hired by the
Seafaring fighter gain a +1 bonus to their morale score whenever this Seafaring
Seduction fighter personally leads them. This bonus stacks with any Seduction
Siege Engineering modifiers from the fighter’s Charisma or proficiencies Siege Engineering
Signaling At 9th level (Warlord), a fighter can, assuming enough gold Signaling
is at hand, build a castle and become a great leader of A mage reaching 5th level may research spells, scribe magical scrolls, and brew potions.
Survival Survival
men, taking a leadership rank in his society.
Theology A mage reaching 9th level (Wizard), may create more powerful magic items such as weapons, rings, and staffs. Theology
At this level a mage may also build a sanctum
Tracking Tracking
Trapping A mage reaching 11th level may learn and cast ritual arcane spells of great power (7th, 8th, and 9th level), craft Trapping
magical constructs, and create magical cross-breeds.
Proficiency List Proficiency List

Cleric General
(1st, 5th, 9th, 13th)
Animal Husbandry
(1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th)
Battle Magic
Beast Friendship Prime Requisite:
Thief DEX
(1st, 5th, 9th, 13th)
Animal Husbandry
(1st, 4th, 8th, 12th)
Arcane Dabbling
Animal Training, Art Combat Trickery Requirements: None Animal Training, Art Blind Fighting
Prime Requisite: WIS Armor and Weapons Bargaining * force back Hit Dice: 1d4 Bargaining Bribery
Requirements: None Armor Allowed Any
Caving * overrun Maximum Level: 14 Caving Cat Burglary
Hit Dice: 1d6 Collegiate Wizardry * sunder Collegiate Wizardry Combat Reflexes
Shield Usage Yes
Maximum Level: 14 Craft Command Craft Combat Trickery
Dual Wield NO Diplomacy Contemplation Armor and Weapons Diplomacy * disarm
Weapons Any Allowed Disguise Diplomacy Armor Allowed Leather Only Disguise * incapacitate
Endurance Divine Blessing Shield Usage No Endurance Contortionism
Engineering Divine Health Engineering Diplomacy
Dual Wield Yes
Gambling Fighting Style No 2 Handed Gambling Fighting Style
Healing Healing Weapons Healing Gambling
Intimidation Knowledge (history) Intimidation Intimidation
Knowledge Laying on Hands Knowledge Lip Reading
Labor Leadership Labor Lock Picking
Language Loremastery Language Mapping
Leadership Magical Engineering Leadership Precise Shooting
Lip Reading Martial Training Lip Reading Riding
Manual of Arms Prestidigitation Manual of Arms Running
Mapping Prophecy Mapping Seafaring
Military Strategy Quiet Magic Military Strategy Skirmishing
Mimicry Righteous Turning Mimicry Skulking
Naturalism Sensing Evil Naturalism Sniping
Navigation Sensing Power Navigation Swashbuckling
A thief also has the ability to backstab
Performance Theology opponents unaware of his presence. Performance Trap Finding
Profession Unflappable Casting The thief will receive a +4 attack Profession Weapon Finesse
All clerics have the ability to turn undead, calling upon the name and power of their deity to turn bonus and deal additional damage for
Riding Weapon Focus every four levels Riding Weapon Focus
away, and even destroy, undead.
Seafaring Seafaring
Starting at 2nd level (Acolyte), clerics may manifest their deity’s power in the form of divine spells, Seduction Upon attaining 4th level, a thief gains
the ability to read languages with a Seduction
which are granted through prayer and worship.
Siege Engineering proficiency throw of 5+ on 1d20. Siege Engineering
When a cleric reaches 5th level (Vicar), he may begin to research spells, scribe scrolls, and brew Signaling Signaling
potions. 9th level (Master Thief), he can
Survival establish a Survival
At 9th level (Patriarch), he is able to create more powerful magic items such as weapons, rings, and Theology hideout, and 2d6 Theology
staffs. Tracking Tracking
At 10th level, a thief can read and cast
At 9th level (Patriarch), a cleric may establish or build a fortified church. Trapping magic from arcane scrolls with a Trapping
proficiency throw of 3+ on 1d20.
At 11th level, a cleric may learn and cast ritual divine spells of great power (6th and 7th level), and
craft magical constructs such as golems and animated statues.
Proficiency List

Explorer General
(1st, 5th, 9th, 13th)
Animal Husbandry
(1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th)

Beast Friendship
Prime Requisite: STR and Armor and Weapons Animal Training, Art Blind Fighting
DEX Armor Allowed Chain or lighter
Bargaining Combat Reflexes
Requirements: None Caving Combat Trickery
Shield Usage Yes
Hit Dice: 1d6 Collegiate Wizardry * Disarm
Maximum Level: 14 Dual Wield Yes Craft * Knockback
Any Missile Diplomacy Eavesdropping
Any One-Handed
Disguise Endurance
Endurance Fighting style
Engineering Land Surveying
Gambling Mapping
Healing Mountaineering
Intimidation Naturalism
Knowledge Navigation
Labor Passing Without Trace
Language Precise Shooting
Leadership Riding
Lip Reading Running
Manual of Arms Seafaring
Mapping Skirmishing
Military Strategy Sniping
Mimicry Survival
Naturalism Swashbuckling
Navigation Trapping
+1 bonus to initiative and a +1 bonus to surprise rolls. Performance Weapon Finesse
Profession Weapon Focus
In the wilderness, “disappear” with a proficiency throw of 3+ on 1d20.
In dungeons, if motionless and quiet in cover, escape detection with a proficiency Seafaring
throw of 14+ on 1d20. Seduction
In country familiar to the explorer, they get a +4 bonus on proficiency throws to Siege Engineering
avoid getting lost. Signaling
In any terrain except clear and grassland terrain, the explorer’s party receives a Survival
+5 bonus to proficiency throws to evade wilderness encounters. Theology
A party guided by an explorer can evade wilderness encounters even when surprised Tracking
on a proficiency throw of 19+. Trapping

At 5th level Hirelings on a wilderness adventure gain a +1 bonus to their morale


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