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The document provides information about an adventure module called 'The Bone-Hilt Sword' including credits, licenses, and intended system.

The document mentions the Open Game License Version 1.0a.

Some of the artwork mentioned in the credits includes contributions from Darkroom Productions, Paul Daly, and James D. Kramer design services.


The Bone-Hilt Sword campaign

Yrchyn, the tyrant

James D. Kramer

An Usherwood Adventure for 4-7 characters, of levels 1-3

Designed for First Edition and OSRIC™ fantasy roleplaying game systems.

Layout and map design; James D. Kramer
Cover illustration; Peter Szmer
Editors; Cameron DuBeers, Ronald Redmond, Michael “Chgowiz” Shorten
Proofreaders; , Jason Connerley, Jeff Wilken
Some artwork used is from Darkroom Productions and is © 2005 Darkroom Productions and Cutter’s Guild Games. All rights reserved.
Some artwork copyright Paul Daly, used with permission.
© James D. Kramer design services. All rights reserved.
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5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing Index CompilationTM” are trademarks of Stuart Marshall and Matthew
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Finch and may be used only in accordance with the OSRICTM license.
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient This product is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast.
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
Yrchyn, the tyrant, The Bone-Hilt Sword, FEADAD!, Usherwood Ad-
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT ventures, dar Origo Liber, and all associated works and materials are
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPY- copyright James D. Kramer design services; author James D. Kramer.

This product uses original First Edition fantasy-based roleplaying This product uses OSRIC System (Oldschool System Reference and Index Compilation). The OSRIC System
materials. Portions of this content requires rules books text may be found at The OSRIC text is copyright of Stuart
originally published by TSR, Inc. Marshall. “OSRIC” and “Oldschool System Reference and Index Compilation” are trademarks of Stuart Marshall and Matthew Finch and may be used only in accordance with the OSRIC
license. This product is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Contents 17. Secondary guard to Yrchyn’s chambers,
and the kobold treasury 7
18. Treasury chamber 7
Introduction v 19. Storage chamber 7
Conventions v 20. Yrchyn’s private quarters 8
21. Kobold guard to orcish back door 9
Reader Aids v
22. Prison chamber 9
Save vs. Attribute vi
23. Orcs’ back door 9
Open Game Content vi 24. Cross-fire! 9
Understanding the Module vi 25a-c. Running the gauntlet 9
26. Hidden kobold archers 9
Publications and Resources vi 27. Guard to orc chambers 9
28. Audience hall of Yrchyn, the tyrant 9
Yrchyn, the tyrant 1 29. Orcs’ back door and the ceiling collapse 10
30. Orc chamber 10
Incorporating This Module Into Your Game 1 31. Entrance to caverns below 10
Re-leveling to suit your gaming group 1 Tables
Races & Classes 1 Table 1:  Miscellaneous Encounters 4
Setting up the Module 1 Table 2:  Miscellaneous Encounters 5
Table 3:  Limb Breakage 10
Reward and Compensation 1
Table 4:  Campaign Notes 11
The Journey 2
Wilderness Encounters 2
Appendix A: Campaign Notes 11
The Complex 3 Appendix B: Open Game Content 11
The Caverns 3 Appendix C: An Overview of Usherwood and the
Chambers and encounters 5 Environs of the Usher Arm Peninsula 13
1. Guard post 5 A brief history of the region 13
2. Secondary guard post 5 The Usher Arm Peninsula 18
3. Storage cavern 5
4. Worship chamber to Nothjegg 5
Appendix D: Maps 24
5. Slip-n-slide 6 Village of Usherwood 25
6. Orcs in the house! 6 Kobold campsite 26
7. Hunt butcher chamber 6 Campsite Attack 27
8. Main door 6 Usher Arm Peninsula 28
9. Guarded chamber 6 Vermé 29
10. Dangerous steps 6 Kobold lair 30
11. A slimy problem 7 Appendix E: NPCs 32
12. Guard to egg chamber 7
13. Egg chamber 7
Appendix F: Pre-generated PCs 32
14. Murdering kobolds! 7 Game Master’s Adventure log 36
15. Over the falls you go! 7
16. Guard station to Yrchyn’s private caves 7
Character Sheet template 39

Published and distributed by James D. Kramer design services. All text and trade dress in this publication, other than the Open
Gaming License (OGL), is Copyright © James D. Kramer design services. All rights reserved. Yrchyn, the tyrant, The Bone-Hilt
Sword, FEADAD!, the FEADAD! logo, Game Master’s Adventure Log, Usherwood Adventures, the Usherwood Adventures logo, and
Usherwood Publishing are Copyright © James D. Kramer design services. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication not des-
ignated as Open Game Content (OGC) may be reproduced or electronically transmitted, either in part or in whole, by any means,
without the express written permission of the Copyright holder. To obtain permission to reproduce or electronically transmit content not
expressly defined as OGC, contact the copyright holder at [email protected], or, write to
James D. Kramer design services, 8615 3rd Dr. SE, Everett, WA 98208.
On the cover:: Yrchyn, the tyrant, by Peter Szmer.
Introduction HD:  hit die; the number of die to be rolled to determine hit
points (see below). Also, may be used to indicate the relative
strength or toughness of a monster.

Conventions HP:  hit points; the measure of the amount of physical damage
a character/monster can sustain before unconsciousness or
death will result.
The following abbreviations will be used throughout the text
to denote specific kinds of information; INT:  intelligence; the measure of a character’s reasoning
power (also, I.Q.).
AC:  armor class; the measure of a character’s/monster’s de-
fensive abilities in combative situations, and situations to avoid MM or MM2:  Monster Manual, and Monster Manual II; refers
physical contact. to either the First Edition or Third Edition rules systems by the
same names, a collection of creatures, baleful and benign,
CHA:  charisma; the measure of a character’s physical attrac- arranged in two volumes.
tiveness, leadership ability, and personal magnetism.
OGC:  Open Game Content; that portion of this work which
CON:  constitution; the measure of a character’s general state may be used by publishers of content covered by the OGL
of health and stamina. (see below)
d# or #d#:  dice; a lowercase ‘d’ followed by a number (4, OGL:  Open Game License; developed and distributed by
6, 8, 10, 12, 20, %) indicates a specific die that is used for Wizards of the Coast, Inc., allows for distribution of third-
random number determination. Where preceded by number party content under these rules as allowed by compliance
indicates the number of times to roll the indicated die (i.e., restrictions. Also referred to as ‘Third Edition’.
3d6 indicates a required roll of three six-sided die, producing
a random number between 3 and 18). OSRIC:  Old-School Reference and Index Compilation; a com-
pilation of rules based the First Edition fantasy-based roleplay-
DAM:  damage; the measure of damage inflicted by a given ing game rules system into a free, open license.
type of attack.
PC:  player character; the persona adopted by player within
DDG:  Deities & Demigods; refers to either the First Edition or a game.
Third Edition rules systems by the same names, a selection
of divine beings and pantheons both fantastic and mythical. PHB:  Players Handbook; refers to either the First Edition or
Third Edition rules systems by the same name, describing
DEX:  dexterity; the measure of a character’s agility, hand-eye the process for players to develop personalities to use in the
coordination, reflexes, and balance. game.
DMG:  Dungeon Masters Guide; refers to either the First STR:  strength; the measure of a character’s muscle and physi-
Edition or Third Edition rules systems by the same name, pro- cal brawn.
vides detailed information to a GM regarding many aspects
of conducting a successful game. TH:  “to hit”; die score require to strike an opponent in order
to do damage.
GM:  dungeon/game master; the individual running a game
through which a combination of players are adventuring. WIS:  wisdom; the measure of a character’s insight, willpower,
commonsense, intuition.
EXP:  experience; the measure of a character’s skill within
her class (also an award of points due a character for the
Reader Aids
accomplishment of a specific task).
There a number of visual reader cues provided to convey
FEADAD or First Edition:  refers to First Edition fantasy-based specific types of information;
roleplaying game system texts originally published c.1978-82.

FF:  Fiend Folio; refers to either the First Edition or Third Edition
GM narratives provide you with text to read verba-
rules systems by the same names, a collection of creatures
tim to the players in order to set-up specific situa-
most baleful.
tions throughout the module.


Creature stats blocks: will provide you with basic information on the
creatures and monsters encountered throughout the module. If First Edition
Understanding the Module
and OSRIC stats differ, notations will be provided. An example of crea-
ture stats follows; GM’s are advised to read through the module completely
Kobold leader (1): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1-1; HP 7; #AT 1; DAM 1d6 or by to understand the various encounters and module setups
weapon; POS short sword, 15 s.p. before beginning play. If you have any questions regarding
where: AC = Armor Class; MV = Movement Rate; HD = Hit Die (or
the module — why certain encounters are written as they
are, or, to point out where you feel improvements in the

relative strength); HP = Hit Points; #AT = number of attacks; DAM =

damage inflicted on a successful To Hit attempt; POS = possessions (of manuscript might be made — feel free to write the publisher
the group of creature type encountered)
at [email protected].

Miscellaneous information the GM may find useful is provided

Publications and Resources
within note boxes.
The following publications and resources are used in the
preparation of this module;
• AD&D™ Players’ Handbook (Second Printing, 1978)
Save vs. Attribute
• AD&D™ Monster Manual (Third Edition, 1978)
Certain circumstances may require a Save vs. Attribute roll by
• AD&D™ Dungeon Masters Guide (First Edition, 1979)
the player. The method assumed by this text is as follows; the
player rolls 3d6 vs. the indicated attribute (STR, INT, WIS, DEX, • Usherwood Adventures Sourceweb;
CON, or CHA). A result equal to or less than the character’s
attribute score indicates a successful save. A result greater
than the character’s attribute score indicates a failed save and Alternatively, the module is also completely compatible with
the character suffers the appropriate penalty described in the the OSRIC SRD.
encounter text. The required save may be adjusted to address
a specific situation described in the encounter. A result of ‘18’
will always indicate a failed Save vs. Attribute.

Open Game Content

Unless otherwise noted all content contained within this prod-
uct is to be considered Product Identity and may not be used
in any form without the expressed written permission of James
D. Kramer design services. That content which is denoted
as Open Game Content may be used in accordance with
the Open Gaming License (copyright Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.), and/or the OSRIC license (copyright Stuart Marshall and
Matthew Finch) where applicable.
All content which is Open Gaming Content is listed and/or
reproduced in the Appendix C: Open Game Content, and
may be used in accordance with the stipulations presented there.

[insert your notes here]


Yrchyn, the tyrant
For many hundreds of years, the folk of the Usher Arm
Peninsula have lived in peaceful coexistence. Humans, elves,
Races & Classes
half-elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes all going about
their lives with seldom more than a trade dispute between Any of the standard character races available for First Edition
them. and OSRIC fantasy roleplaying systems can be employed.
Incursions by evil forces of orcs, kobolds, goblins, and GM’s may include their own races and classes as they deem
other humanoid races happened rarely, or not at all. Only the appropriate. Races and classes unique to the Usherwood
long-lived elves of the Peninsula have the dimmest memory Adventures campaign setting may also be included, with no
of such attacks. special restrictions.
Within this setting the discovery of a small bi-pedal liz-
ard-like humanoid brings fear to the citizens of the small
community. Setting up the Module
The following summary may be used to kick-off the adventure;

Incorporating This Module

Into Your Game Rumor of increased kobold activity has reached
the village of Usherwood (where your party mem-
bers are currently visiting, or passing through).
Yrchyn, the tyrant is set upon the southern tip of the
Additionally, some reports indicate more powerful
Usher Arm Peninsula, located on the southern coastline of
creatures within the midst of the kobold bands.
the Northern Territories on the continent of Vermé, if you are
The village of Usherwood has offered up a boun-
playing within the Usherwood Adventures campaign setting.
ty on the head of the kobold chief to eliminate the
It may be used as a standalone adventure but was intended
threat to surrounding communities.
as the first mission of a five part campaign.
If playing in your own campaign setting, you may place
the locales anywhere a human population (Usherwood)
The following points may also be used to set up the party
of low density (1,000 inhabitants or less), exists in relative
on their adventure;
closeness to elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes in peace-
ful coexistence. War should only be events which happen • Kobolds are a force as yet unknown on the Usher Arm
far away, or in history books. Druids and rangers would Peninsula, causing the citizenry to become fearful that their
be relatively common, where clerics and paladins would be presence is indicative of the presence of a greater evil.
extraordinarily rare.
• The threat of the kobolds come at time of great celebra-
tion — being the time of the Mid-Summer Harvest ­—
Re-leveling to suit your gaming group within the village of Usherwood, creating great fear and
This module is designed for characters just starting their career desperation among the populace.
in adventuring, and is recommended for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level • Only visiting dwarven dignitaries from far off Arnegelius
characters. For large groups, or for groups with experienced Peak have encountered kobolds in the past, and they
players, the referee should consider doubling the number of believed the race to have been exterminated.
creatures numbers for each encounter. As well, the GM could
add additional stronger monsters, such as (dire) wolves, orcs,
Reward and Compensation
goblins, etc.
The GM should gauge the party’s compensation based upon
the success of their mission. Players may wish to negotiate

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
for payment before setting out on the mission. If this is the Kobold leader (1): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1-1; HP 7; #AT 1; DAM 1d6 or by
case, GM’s may use the following generalities as the basis of weapon; POS short sword, 15 s.p.
negotiation techniques; Kobold guards (2): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1-1; HP 5, 5; #AT 1; DAM 1d6 or
by weapon; POS (each) short sword, (each) light crossbow, 10 s.p.
• The village of Usherwood itself is not rich and the pay- Kobolds (62): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 1 (x15), 2 (x15), 3 (x15), 4 (x17);
ment for the party’s talents is expected to be only after #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon; POS hand axe (x30), club (x32), light
crossbow (x20), 240 c.p. (total)
full satisfaction of a job well done, property protected,
and lives saved. If the party volunteers to pursue the mis-
sion with this expectation, GM’s might offer bonus experi-
The Campsite Invasion
ence for the selflessness exhibited by the party members.
The party comes across a stream flowing slowly toward the foot-
• The village is not beyond any monetary compensation. If hills where the kobold caves are reported to lie. A travel-worn
the party presses for reward, 500 g.p. maximum to each path follows the stream on the opposite shore from the where
(surviving) member may be offered. the party now stands. The stream is shallow (about 4’ deep) and
• The party is of course welcome to retain any treasures narrow (about 15’ wide), and should pose no significant trouble
they may find within the caverns. to cross. It is late in the day, night is falling and the party has
been traveling all day. All of the party is tired, and in need of
food and a bit of rest.
The Journey Should the party choose to set up camp:

The party has the choice of two paths from the village of The moss-covered forest floor proves to be good
Usherwood to the reported kobold cavern complex; the bedding for your party as you make preparations
Winter Road (which will take the party on the west coast of to camp for the night. Wood is dry and plentiful,
the Peninsula and through the halfling village of North Ridge), and a small smokeless fire does not prove difficult to
and the Summer Coast (which takes the party along the east build. The normal sounds of the forest can be heard
coast of the Peninsula, avoiding direct contact with any of the all around the campsite.
known villages on the Peninsula). Sometime in the mid of the night, the braying of
wolves can be heard coming from downstream, and
Wilderness Encounters all other sound in the forest stops. Over the next few
minutes, the sound of the hunting pack is getting closer
GM’s should create appropriate wilderness encounters for a
to your camp. Soon, a new sound can be heard over
temperate, lightly forested region, given they would be travel-
the barking and howling dogs; a bizarre, high pitched
ing some 100 miles north from the village of Usherwood to
chattering comes from the north of the campsite.
the reputed location of the kobold caverns.
A pair of sample encounters is here presented as the party
travels north along the Peninsula.
The party’s campsite has come to the attention of a force
Kobold War Party of kobolds wandering the lands about the entrance to the
As the party travels north they come across the unmistakable caves, which lie some 2 miles to the north. If the party opts
tracks of a large force traveling south. not to establish camp, this war band of kobolds may still come
Turning to follow the tracks leads the group some 10 miles across the party as they approach the cave entrance.
south into the forest until they come across a group of 65 ko- Refer to Campsite Invasion on page 27 for the layout
bolds, they are in the midst of setting up a campsite within a of the encounter.
copse of trees thickly overgrown with vines and brush.
Kobolds (12): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 3 (x3); #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by
The kobold band is headed by 1 leader and 2 guards. weapon; POS short sword (x6), hand axe (x6), light crossbow x(12),
See the map Kobold Camp on page 26 for the layout 125 c.p. (total)

of the encounter. Wolves (6): AC 6; MV 18”; HD 3+3; HP 24; #AT 1; DAM 2d4; POS —

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
The Complex As the stream approaches area 15 past area 11, depth
gradually increases to between 2 ft and 3½ ft depth and the
As the party follows the stream toward its source, the water speed of the water increases notably as well.
becomes increasingly polluted. Within in a short time, they At area 15, the stream collects into a deep (8 ft) pool,
find the entrance to a cave where the stream flows in. The where it drops into waterfall. Refer to the description of area
entrance is roughly 40’ in diameter. 15 for full details.

Murder Holes
The Caverns
The primary defensive mechanism employed by the kobolds
The caverns of the kobold lair are dank, musty, and dirty. As is a series murder holes accessed by crawl spaces throughout
kobolds rely on infravision (60’), the caverns and chambers the complex. Some of the crawl spaces are accessed by the
will not be lit. If the party can manage strong light (brighter kobolds through either a locked access hatch, or through a
than the normal torches they carry) they can effectively reduce larger access passage. Refer to the descriptions hereafter.
the kobolds’ ability to fight (-1 TH probability).
The halls and chambers are generally ill-kept. Bones and Murder holes  are primitively concealed niches in the rock,
rats abound throughout the complex. through which the kobolds use small (light) crossbows to fire
bolts at intruders within range of the missile weapon. Each
The Stream murder hole will be manned by a single kobold, and the ko-
The stream that winds its way through the complex is shallow, bold will fire at the party so long as they remain in sight. The
averaging ½ ft to 2 ft in depth. The cavern floor beneath holes themselves are difficult to detect, and generally cannot
the stream is coated with thick layer of moss and algae. PCs be located until a PC — searching actively — is within 2 ft
moving carefully (i.e., a normal walk) will be able to avoid of its location.
slipping. PC’s moving quickly will be at risk of slipping and
falling (save vs. DEX). Crawl spaces  are very narrow passages — 2 ft wide on
average — and will accommodate (besides the kobolds them-
selves) creatures of similar height and proportion. Larger crea-
tures will be forced to crawl on hands and knees, and wearing
bulky armors and packs will not be possible. Creatures taller
than 6 ft will be unable to maneuver in the tight quarters.

Access passages  larger constructions than the crawl spaces

— 5 ft wide and 5 ft high — access passages provide rapid
movement to the hidden crawl spaces within the primary
complex of the kobold chieftain (areas 9 and 10, and 24
through 28).

Access hatches  there are three of these locked and trapped

small doors leading into some of the crawl spaces. These
doors (hatches) are located near areas 2, 12, and 14. The
trap in each case is a light crossbow bolt fired from directly

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
above the door. The bolt is coated with a weak poison (+2 to 1d12 Encounter Notes
save vs. poison). The poison is non-deadly, but will cause the
4 6 kobolds2, The kobolds are escorting the
victim to loose 1d4 points of CON and 1d4 points of DEX for a 1 halfling (captive) halfling (see Appendix F: NPCs,
duration of 2d4 hours. A successful save halves these amounts. Butch Meadhouse) to area 22 to
be interrogated as spy by Yrchyn. If
released, he would gladly assist the
PC’s in their mission.
5 1 orc captain12, orc armed with battle axe, kobolds
4 kobolds2 armed with hand axe and light
See Campaign Note 1
61 1d4 large spiders6 The spider webs will be spun on the
ceiling of the cavern.
Concealed Pits 71 1d6+1 giant ants7 The ants are emerging from a hole
they have created in the cavern wall.
There are three concealed pits through the complex. Each pit
is 15 feet deep, and lined with 10 wooden spikes. Each spike 81 1d4+1 kobolds1 armed with short swords
will have a chance of impaling a falling PC (roll as an attack 9 1 kobold8, The kobold, armed with pair of short
by a 1 HD monster), causing 1-3 HP of damage. giant weasel9 swords, is equal in strength to a
goblin. What’s more, it can attack
with both weapons simultaneously,
gaining two hit attempts per round
against any one opponent.
10 4 goblins8, goblins are armed with morning star,
2 kobolds2 kobolds are armed with spiked clubs
See Campaign Note 2
11 green slime10 The slime covers an area
There is a 20% chance one of the spikes will be poisoned. approximately 15’ square of the
The spike will be coated with a weak poison (+2 to save vs. ceiling above, and part of the wall.
poison). The poison is non-deadly, but will cause the victim to 121 1d4 piercers11 —
lose 1d4 points of CON and 1d4 points of DEX for a duration
(1)  Encounter may occur multiple times on this table.
of 2d4 hours. A successful save halves these amounts.
(2)  Kobold: AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 4; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon type;
POS see encounter notes
Miscellaneous Encounters (areas 1 through 23
(3)  Wolf: AC 7; MV 18”; HD 2+2; HP 16; #AT 1; DAM 1d4+1; POS —
(but not including areas 9 and 10)) (4)  Orc: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; HP 8; #AT 1; DAM 1d8 or by weapon type; POS
see encounter notes
Roll for miscellaneous encounters (01-20 on d100) every 3
(5)  Wild boar: AC 7; MV 15”; HD 3+3; HP 24; #AT 1; DAM 3d4; POS —
turns. Any combat situation has a 15% chance of attracting (6)  Large spider: AC 8; MV 6”*15”; HD 1+1; HP 9; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 + poison;
one additional encounter from this table. Each encounter may POS —
occur only once unless otherwise noted. Roll again if a non- (7)  Giant ant: AC 3; MV 18”; HD 2; HP 14; #AT 1; DAM 1d6 + poison sting;
repeatable encounter is indicated.
(8)  Goblin: AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1–1; HP 7; #AT 1; DAM 1d6 or by weapon type;
POS see encounter notes
Table 1:  Miscellaneous Encounters
(9)  Giant weasel: AC 6; MV 15”; HD 3+3; HP 24; #AT 1; DAM 2d6; POS —
1d12 Encounter Notes (10)  Green slime: AC 9; MV 0”; HD 2; HP 16; #AT 1; DAM Nil; POS —
(11)  Piercer: AC 3; MV 1”; HD 1 to 4; HP variable; #AT 1; DAM 1d6 or 2d6 or
11 2d4 kobolds2, kobolds are armed with spiked clubs
3d6 or 4d6 (see HD); POS —
1-2 wolves3
(12)  Orc captain: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; HP 8; #AT 1; DAM 1d8 or by weapon
21 1d4 orcs4 armed with battle axe and heavy type; POS see encounter notes
31 1d4+1 kobolds2, kobolds are armed with short swords
1–3 wild boars and light crossbows

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
Miscellaneous Encounters (areas 24 through 31)) Kobolds (8): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 3; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon;
Roll of 01-20 on d100 indicates an encounter. Each encounter POS short sword and javelin (each), 18 c.p. (total)

may occur only once unless otherwise noted. Roll again if a

non-repeatable encounter is indicated. 2. Secondary guard post
10 kobolds armed with spiked clubs and light crossbows.
Table 2:  Miscellaneous Encounters
If alerted to the party’s presence the kobolds will be hiding
1d6 Encounter Notes behind the large natural stone columns to either side of the
1 3 orcs2 armed with scimitars entrance.
21 green slime3 The slime covers an area
Kobolds (10): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 3; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon;
approximately 15’ square of POS spiked club and light crossbow (each), 10 c.p., 3 s.p., 1 g.p. (total)
the ceiling above, and part of
the wall.
31 1d4+1 kobolds4 armed with short swords
3. Storage cavern

4 1 kobold5, The kobold, armed with pair of

The cavern is a disaster of decomposing food, animal car-
giant weasel6 short swords, is equal in strength casses, and rotting fruits and vegetables. The stores seem
to a goblin. What’s more, it to be just scattered about the cave in no particular order.
can attack with both weapons Rummaging around in the piles of stuff will reveal a small
simultaneously, gaining two hit stash of coins of various mints (30 c.p., 15 s.p., 5 e.p., 1 p.p.),
attempts per round against any
one opponent. (ignore this result
and one nondescript pewter ring (see the Pewter Ring of
if encountered from Table 1) Halfling-Sense on page 12). In order to find all these items,
the party will be required to search for 9 rounds.
51 1d6 giant centipedes7 —
Roll from Table 1: Miscellaneous Encounters as ap-
61 1d4 large spiders8 The spider webs will be spun on
propriate while searching through the food stuffs. The party
the ceiling of the cavern.
will also discover 9 giant centipedes hiding among the refuse.
(1)  Encounter may occur multiple times on this table
(2)  Orcs: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; HP 8; DAM 1d8 or by weapon type; POS see Giant centipedes (9): AC 9; MV 15”; HD ¼; HP 2; #AT 1; DAM 0 + poison;
encounter notes POS —
(3)  Green slime: AC 9; MV 0”; HD 2; HP 16; #AT 1; DAM Nil; POS — OSRIC: In the OSRIC SRD, these creatures would be of the ‘huge’ variety.
(4)  Kobold: AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 4; DAM 1d4 or by weapon type; POS see
encounter notes
4. Worship chamber to Nothjegg
(5)  Kobold: AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 4; DAM 1d4 or by weapon type; POS see
encounter notes This section of the chamber is filled with a disorderly array of
(6)  Giant weasel: AC 6; MV 15”; HD 3+3; HP 24; #AT 1; DAM 2d6; POS — crude wooden benches.
(7)  Giant centipede: AC 9; MV 15”; HD ¼; HP 2; #AT 1; DAM 0 + poison; POS —
Upon a stone dais in the center of this alcove, is the rough
(8)  Large spider: AC 8; MV 6”*15”; HD 1+1; HP 9; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 + poison;
POS — hewn carving of what would appear to be a bipedal lizard-
like humanoid sporting four arms. The statue is approximately
5’ tall.
Chambers and encounters

1. Guard post The figure is in fact that of Nothjegg — patron of kobolds

8 kobold guards armed with short swords and javelins are in the Usherwood Adventures campaign setting. If playing the
standing amid the slowly moving waters and are not par- module outside the Usherwood setting, change this for a suitable
ticularly attentive to their duties. Next to them is a rather old- lawful evil/kobold deity.
looking gong. Apparently it is the alarm to be rung in case
of invasion. The gong itself is severely rusted.
If used to sound an alarm against intrusion the gong will Above the statue, suspended from the ceiling by chains,
be 50% likely to break free from its supports dropping into is a trident of blackened metal. The blackened trident is in
water. If it does not fall, the gong will dully resound alerting fact the holy symbol of Nothjegg’s patroness; Archiopterus,
the guards a area 2. goddess of all lawful creatures.

[insert your notes here]

1. Guard post 4. Worship chamber to Nothjegg 5

Yrchyn, the tyrant
As the party investigates the chamber (or is being attacked Kobolds (3): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 3; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon;
via the 5 murder holes within the chamber), 6 kobolds enter POS butcher knife (treat as hand axe)
the chamber from the east. The kobolds are armed with spiked
clubs and spears. 8. Main door
Kobolds (6): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 4; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon; This is a single heavy, iron-bound oaken door. The wood
POS spiked clubs and spear (each) itself, though still solid, is coated with a thick layer of moss
and mildew. If the party checks the base of the door, they
5. Slip-n-slide will see there is a good 3 inches of space between the door
The stream flowing at this point is rather sluggish, but is mov- and the floor, allowing a significant flow of water to pass
ing at a downward angle. As a result, the streambed is over- under the door.
grown with mossy sludge. PC’s moving carefully (i.e., a normal The door is not locked, but is trapped. The trap involves
walk) will be at risk of slipping and falling (save vs. DEX). PC’s the use of a disguised lever embedded in the cavern wall
moving quickly make their save vs. DEX at -4. A failed save to the right of the door. If the party fails to remove the trap
causes the PC to fall and slide the remaining distance into before trying to the open the door, then upon opening the
area 5, bumping and sliding over the rocks that line the floor. door (which pulls in toward area 8), the door will come off
its hinges, and fall with a crash open anyone within 5 feet,
6. Orcs in the house! causing 1d4 crushing damage (save vs. DEX applies to avoid
This chamber is occupied by a contingent of orcish guards
stationed to support the kobolds. A pair of murder holes, one 9. Guarded chamber
facing northeast and the other northwest, is available to the
orcs for making surprise attacks against intruders. There are This is the primary means of defense against intruders. There
8 orcs in all, each is armed with long swords of wicked manu- are no guards here (save those who lie hidden within the
facture. Four of the orcs are armed with heavy crossbows, murder holes that line both sides of the chamber). The door
which are used to fire through the murder holes. at the opposite side of the chamber — which is apparently of
This is apparently a long-term assignment for the orcs, sturdier and newer construction to that of the door leading in
as among the supplies provided at the back of this chamber to this chamber — is triple locked, though not trapped. If the
are several barrels of dried food stuffs, and several kegs of a party checks the base of the door, they will see there is a good
rather bitter tasting wine. There is no other treasure besides 3 inches of space between the door and the floor, allowing a
that which the orcs carry on their person. Combat here will significant flow of water to pass under the door.
alert the creatures at area 7. If checked, the party will be able to hear the sound of
The orcs themselves can be identified as being from a water cascading down some sort of falls on the other side
rather notorious tribe called the Shattered Skull. The location of the door.
of this tribe’s cavern complex is not currently known.
10. Dangerous steps
Orcs (8): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; HP 8; #AT 1; DAM 1d8 or by weapon type; Entering this darkened hall, it becomes immediately obvi-
POS long sword each, heavy crossbow (x4), 37 g.p. (total)
ous this construction is not that of the primitive and natural
caverns the party has explored to this point. Though old, this
7. Hunt butcher chamber hall speaks of more sophisticated construction techniques,
Passing within 30 feet of this chamber will clearly reveal that with precisely fitted stone work.
it is used somehow in the storing of dead things. There is an The stream here cascades down a long flight of steps,
over-powering odor of decaying meat and blood. In the mid- nearly 50 ft in length. At the far end, the sound of water
dle of the room amidst a pile of animal carcasses of various draining into an unseen basin can be heard.
species are 3 kobolds, each is wielding a butcher knife and is What the party does not realize is, beneath the stairs, the
butchering a deer recently brought back from a hunting trip. riser of each step has a murder hole disguised as an iron
Combat here will attract the attentions of the creatures grate. As the party walks down the steps, they will make easy
at area 6. prey for the crossbow wielding kobolds below.

[insert your notes here]

6 5. Slip-n-slide 10. Dangerous steps

Yrchyn, the tyrant
Further, the steps are slippery, as the caverns described • ...then if you are playing this module within the context
previously. A slip here means a fall down the deadly flight of the Bone-H ilt Sword campaign, the PC may be
of stairs. recovered — alive but injured — as a prisoner in area
26 of BHS2: The Shattered Skull, else...
11. A slimy problem
• may opt to continue the PC’s adventures in a subter-
The length of this cavern’s ceiling is covered in a green slime. ranean encounter of your own choosing, or...
Green Slime (1): AC 10; MV Nil; HD 2; HP 16; #AT 0; DAM 0; POS Nil • the PC a fond fare-thee-well as they plummet hun-
dreds of feet to the unknown terrors of the darkness
12. Guard to egg chamber (area 13) beyond light.
The kobold chieftain — Yrchyn —is terribly protective of the
tribe’s cache of eggs, which he covets even more than his 16. Guard station to Yrchyn’s private caves
treasures. For this reason he has placed a large portion of At the bend in the passage, the party finds 6 of the largest
his tribe’s strength at this location. kobolds they have encountered thus far. Each is equivalent in
Herein, Yrchyn has positioned 20 kobold warriors, each strength and armor class to a goblin, wields a pair of short
armed with his best quality short swords (well, at least the swords (for a pair of attacks each round)
weapons are not as rusty as those encountered elsewhere).
Kobolds (6): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1-1; HP 7; #AT 2; DAM 1d6 or by weapon
Additionally, 10 of the creatures also carry light crossbows. type; POS 2 short swords (each), 25 s.p.
Combat here will alert the creatures are areas 13 and 14.

Kobolds (20): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 4; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon; 17. Secondary guard to Yrchyn’s chambers,
POS short sword (each), light crossbow (x10), 175 c.p. (total) and the kobold treasury
The kobolds and kobold chief would believe the orcs posi-
13. Egg chamber tioned here to be for the protection of the kobolds themselves.
Hundreds leathery eggs are crammed into this chamber, and In reality, the eight orcs stationed here are an advanced guard
lie amid straw and stinking animal skins. Many years of old for areas 23, 21, 29, 30, and 31.
egg shards also line the floor, making quiet movement through
the chamber all but impossible. Orcs (8): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; HP 8; #AT 1; DAM 1d8 or by weapon type;
POS long sword (each), 45 g.p. (total)
Tending the eggs are 5 kobolds armed with clubs.
Combat here will alert the creatures are areas 12 and 14.
18. Treasury chamber
Kobolds (5): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 4; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon; The treasure is held in several open coffers, distributed in
POS club (each), 35 c.p. (total)
the two branching ‘arms’ of the chamber. The treasure in-
cludes many coins and four gems; 132 c.p., 38 s.p., 103 g.p.,
14. Murdering kobolds! 200  g.p. Thaelmarthir Grindstone, 10 g.p. Eye Agate,
This chamber contains 12 kobolds, currently passing into the 1,000 g.p. Sapphire, 100 g.p. Chrysoberyl.
crawl space at the access hatch indicated on the map. Each
is armed with a spiked club and light crossbow.
Combat here will alert the creatures are areas 12 and 13. Thaelmarthir’s Grindstone is a semi-precious stone unique to the
Usherwood Adventures setting. Details on it value and history can
Kobolds (12): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 4; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon;
POS club and light crossbow (each), 55 c.p. (total)
be found on the Appendixes. Replace with amber, or similar stone,
if playing outside the Usherwood Adventures milieu.
15. Over the falls you go!
The stream here ends in a bottomless drop to the depths 19. Storage chamber
below the kobold caves. Should a PC be unfortunate enough
to fall victim to the falls,... The room is filled with empty barrels and chests. Some contain
the remains of some kind of moldering foodstuffs, or unknown

[insert your notes here]

11. A slimy problem 19. Storage chamber 7

Yrchyn, the tyrant
liquid substances. If the crates and barrels are disturbed, 12 Traveling the Omanthrid Guilds with this weapon would
giant centipedes will crawl out from the debris and rush forth most certainly attract the attentions of the guilds. This dagger
to immediately attack the nearest characters. The insects will is quite powerful for a 1st level PC. It would make discovery
seek to crawl beneath the clothing and armor of the char- of the dagger too fortuitous to simply relate the properties to
acters. If successful, the insects will repeatedly bite the victim the PC. Therefore, upon identification, only relate the lesser
(treat target as unarmored), until destroyed. In such a condi- powers (+1 AC, TH, and DAM scores). Make them travel to
tion, any attack upon the centipede will inflict ½ the rolled Omanthrid (see map of Vermé) in a separate sideline adven-
damage upon the character as well. ture to discover the major powers. This is a good opportunity
If the debris is searched, the characters will locate a small to have them become embroiled in the back-stabbing politics
cache of coins and a dagger among the crates and barrels. of the Omanthrid Guilds during this quest for information.

Giant centipedes (12): AC 9; MV 15”; HD ¼; HP 2; #AT 1; DAM 0, poison;

OSRIC: In the OSRIC SRD, these creatures would be of the ‘huge’ variety.
This dagger is unique to the Usherwood Adventures setting. If
playing in your own setting, you should alter this weapon’s speci-
Dagger of the Omanthrid Guilds fications in order to better suit your setting requirements. Also,
disconnect the weapon’s ties to the Omanthrid Guilds as described
This dagger is legendary among the people of the Verméan
here. The GM may wish to alter the description in order to weave
continent. Only in the Omanthrid Archipelago can the full
the dagger’s background into his own campaign milieu.
properties of the blade can be made known.
The blade itself is ancient. It is pitted and notched, and
engraved with an elaborate pattern of swirling shapes in-
tertwined with mythical beasts. The handle is bone (likely 20. Yrchyn’s private quarters
the antler of a deer), the cross-guard and pommel are of
twisted steel. If checked for, a powerful magical aura can be As the furnishings in this room are rich by kobold standards
detected. To non-thief characters, and thieves not knowing (they are at least not rotting), one may only assume this to be
the command words, the weapon bestows a +1 AC, and +1 the bed-chamber of the kobold leader. It has items such as
TH and DAM. a table, a few chairs, and a bed with a straw covered mat.
To a thief character who knows the command words, the The floor strewn with the predictable bones and throwaways
weapon confers the following powers; +2 AC, +2 TH, +3 from some forgotten meal. If the characters search the junk
DAM. Further, it will grant a +5% bonus to each thieving abil- on the floor, they will find an old leather belt of approximately
ity, and permanently adds 1 point of DEX. Only within the human size (see below).
powerful guild halls of Omanthrid can these powers, and their If conducting a search, the party will attract the attention
correct command words, be identified. But then, of course, of the three wolves located in the back of the chamber. This
the guild would most certainly desire to obtain the weapon area holds nothing more than leftover scraps of food and
for itself. feces of the wild boars.

Wolves (3): AC 7; MV 18”; HD 2+2; HP 16; DAM 1d4+1; POS —

Belt of the Enion Guard

This human-sized belt is quite old and worn. The leather itself
is approximately 3 in. wide, and of a length to fit a 34-38
inch waist. The middle of the belt is made wider, evidently to
provide support for the lower back. The leather once held a
design, but is now too worn to identify. The buckle is large
(roughly 6 in. long and 5 in. high) made of electrum with gold
inlay. The design is faint, but can be identified as a sword with

[insert your notes here]

8 19. Storage chamber 20. Yrchyn’s private quarters

Yrchyn, the tyrant
a hand-and-a-half hilt, below the cross-guard are two flanges Kobolds (6): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 3; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon;
protruding from the blade near the grip. The exact design of POS spiked club (each), 10 c.p., 1 gem (Thaelmarthir Grindstone, 35
the grip cannot be made out. Behind the sword stands a man g.p.)

in robes with his hands outstretched, with lightning(?) arcing

between them. Behind the man in robes is the panorama of See Campaign Note 4
large port city. If detected for, the buckle will emanate a strong
aura of magic. Few on the Peninsula would be able to identify 23. Orcs’ back door
this item. Magic sources in the Imperium Vallis, Floclaid, and This chamber is the primary guard to the back entrance of
Cannabaudes would certainly be able to identify it for what the orc-controlled caverns beyond. Even the kobolds do not
it is, except for the curse that it contains. enter into this area for fear of being slain.
The secret door indicated on the map is locked but not
The locales listed here pertain specifically to the Usherwood
Adventures setting. If playing within your own campaign setting, Orcs (8): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; HP 8; #AT 1; DAM 1d8 or by weapon type;
POS long sword (each), 45 g.p. (total)
such cities would have strong ties to magic using personalities,
and will likely be of questionable governmental practices.
Combat at this location will alert the creatures at area 21.

24. Cross-fire!
The belt’s properties are:  +2 to AC, and +1 to STR. The sole purpose of this chamber is to serve as means to pelt
intruders with as many crossbows bolts as possible (left, right,
See Campaign Note 3
forward, and back). The door indicated on the map is triple
locked, but not trapped.
21. Kobold guard to orcish back door
The 8 kobolds assigned here are the final kobold guard be- 25a-c. Running the gauntlet
fore the orcish chambers beyond. In addition to the murder holes, this chamber is guarded by
Combat this location will alert the creatures at area 23. 10 kobolds.
Kobolds (8): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 3; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon; Kobolds (10): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 3; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon;
POS short sword (each), light crossbow (each), 35 c.p. POS short sword (each), light crossbow (each), 55 c.p.

22. Prison chamber 26. Hidden kobold archers

Lining the walls of this chamber are 11 sets of chains and This chamber holds 12 kobold crossbowmen who are defend-
manacles secured to the walls. Currently, there are four half- ing area 24.
lings secured here; one adult male, one adult female, and two
female children. All are dead with the exception of the adult Kobolds (12): AC 7; MV 6”; HD ½; HP 3; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or by weapon;
POS spiked clubs (each), light crossbow (each), 60 c.p. (total)
female, who will die within 1d6 turns if not healed.
As the female halfling dies, six kobolds, each armed with
a club, enter the chamber and attack the party immediately. 27. Guard to orc chambers
If saved, the female halfling will request to be escorted The locked door is guarded by 3 orcs.
from the caverns at once. She will not assist the party within
the caves, and will wish to return to her halfling village im- Orcs (3): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; HP 8; #AT 1; DAM 1d8 or by weapon type;
POS long sword (each), 25 g.p. (total)
mediately. Upon seeing her dead family, she will break down,
and sob uncontrollably.
1d4 rounds after the party enters into the cavern, six ko- 28. Audience hall of Yrchyn, the tyrant
bolds will enter in behind them. This room must serves as the central meeting hall. It is rela-
tively large with a high ceiling. A carpet, which must have one
time been red, but is now a dingy dark gray, runs the length

[insert your notes here]

21. Kobold guard to orcish back door 28. Audience hall of Yrchyn, the tyrant 9
Yrchyn, the tyrant
of the chamber. At the far end of the chamber sits a massive If anyone attempts to traverse the hall without moving one
kobold upon a wooden “throne” carved with scenes of kobold of the levers into the down position, the ceiling will collapse
conquest. To either side of him are four kobold bodyguards; for the entire length of the hall between the pair of levers.
two on each side. Seated on a bench before him are four The door at the west end of the hall is locked.
goblins. Curiously, along the wall to his right sit two orcs in
chairs of padded cushions, decorated with gold inlay and 30. Orc chamber
jewels. Between the two orcs is a larger, more ornate chair This large chamber is either an area used by the orcs to dispose
which is currently empty. Two wolves are lounging at the feet of all manner of vile waste or a barracks of sorts. To civilized
of the large kobold. folks, it’s likely both. The chamber is a disarray of broken furnish-
The orcs are not engaged in the current conversation tak- ing, discarded food stuffs, spoiled rations, a keg or two of flat,
ing place between the kobold and the goblins. The conversa- bitter ale. Also here, are 6 orcish guards, each armed with a
tion seems to be switching back and forth between the goblin long sword. One of the orcs holds the key to the doors are area
and kobold languages. In order to follow the conversation 31 on a ring attached to his belt.
fully, a character would need to be fluent in both languages.
At the dialog’s conclusion the goblins rise to leave. If the Orcs (6): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; HP 8; #AT 1; DAM 1d8 or by weapon type;
POS long sword (each), 55 g.p. (total)
characters are in the hallway and seen by the goblins, it is
quite natural to assume that they will run back into the cham-
ber to shout an alarm. Following the goblins’ departure, if 31. Entrance to caverns below
they do not encounter the party, food will be brought to the The door to this room is iron-bound and locked from the
chamber, the large kobold and the orcs will begin eating inside. There is a keyhole about four feet off the floor in the
their meal. center of the door. The key to the door is located in area 30.
The kobold seated upon the throne is Yrchyn, and he stands The key hole itself is trapped. If the trap is not disabled, any
in excess of 5 ft. To either side of his throne are two sheathed attempt to pick the lock, or engage the proper key will release
short swords of fine craftsmanship. Though they carry no en- it. The trap is a small boulder suspended above the keyhole
chantment, the swords are of such manufacture, that they are in the ceiling. When the trap is sprung, the boulder will drop.
considered +1 TH (but not to damage), and he can wield them The person working at the keyhole will suffer 3d4 DAM
simultaneously against a single opponent. Yrchyn is consid- unless a successful saving throw vs. DEX is rolled. If the save is
ered the equivalent of an orc for the purposes of combat. successful, the character will reduce this damage by half. Any
damage in excess of one half of the PC’s current hit points will
Kobold chieftain, Yrchyn (1): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; HP 8; #AT 1; DAM 1d8 result in a broken limb (refer to the following table);
or by weapon; POS +1 TH short sword (x2)
Kobold bodyguards (4): AC 7; MV 6”; HD 1-1; HP 6; #AT 1; DAM 1d4 or Table 3:  Limb Breakage
by weapon; POS short sword (each), 15 s.p.
Orcs (2): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; HP 8; #AT 1; DAM 1d8 or by weapon type; 1d6 Limb Notes
POS long sword, 10 c.p., 15 g.p.
1-2 left arm/ The limb is rendered useless. Infection will set
Goblins (4): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1–1; HP 7; #AT 1; DAM 1d6 or by weapon
right arm in if the limb is not splinted. If attacking with
type; POS mornings star
an non-dominant limb (i.e., right-handed vs.
Wolves (2): AC 7; MV 18”; HD 2+2; HP 16; DAM 1d4+1; POS —
left-handed), attacks will be at –2 TH/DAM.
3-4 left leg/ The limb is rendered useless. Infection will set
See Campaign Note 5
right leg in if the limb is not splinted. Attacks will be at
–2 TH/DAM.
29. Orcs’ back door and the ceiling collapse 5 skull fracture The character is rendered unconscious for
This hall is used to keep intruders — including curious ko- 2d4 turns. They will be dazed and confused
bolds — from entering the orcs’ hidden chambers. At each for another 3d6 turns. If they do not receive
healing within 24 turns, they lapse back
end of the hall is lever, both are in the “up” position. This
into unconsciousness. If no healing is
position locks the trap in the ceiling for the length of the hall administered with the following 3d8 turns,
between the two levers (indicated on map). death will result.

[insert your notes here]

10 29. Orcs’ back door and the ceiling collapse 31. Entrance to caverns below
Yrchyn, the tyrant
1d6 Limb Notes Note Location Notes
6 rib cage The character suffers 1d4 broken ribs. The 3 Encounter 20, The belt makes the wearer open to any
PC can engage in melee combat at -1 TH page 8 suggestion made by Xerksis, the Mage King
penalty. If healing is not received before of Imperium Vallis, without a saving throw.
combat, it is 65% likely that the broken ribs In turn, if the wearer of the belt comes
will puncture a lung, inflicting another 1d4 within 25 miles of Xerksis, the Mage-King
points damage. If the PC suffers this injury, will become aware of the character, and
they will suffer 1-2 HP DAM every round will call the character to him. The first
thereafter due to internal bleeding unless contacts that Xerksis makes with the PC
healing is administered. will be weak, and tenuous, seeming to be
a dream. But as time goes by (36 hours,
Once inside, the party will note that the room is unlit, and give or take), the calling becomes stronger
and irresistible, until at last the PC cannot
cool breeze blows in from the staircase. This adventure does
resist any longer, and will take any action
not continue beyond this chamber. But if your party insists on required to answer the call. Even so far as
heading to the unknown darkness below... to attack a companion.

• ...if you are playing this module within the context of the 4 Encounter 22, If the female halfling is questioned, the
Bone-Hilt Sword campaign, continue with BHS2: The page 9 party can learn that she and her family
were gathering mushrooms in the forest
Shattered Skull, else... outside the cavern, when they were
• may opt to continue the PCs’ adventures in a sub- abducted by a band of kobolds. They were
questioned by an orc wearing red chain
terranean encounter of your own choosing, or... mail. The questions will regard a bone-
• ...allow the cavern to exit out into the mountains, as a hilted sword belonging to the humans in
the village of Usherwood. She indicates
kind of “back door” to the complex. that of course she knows nothing about
such a sword.

Appendix A: 5 Encounter 28, The essence of the dialog seems to be a

page 10 bargaining session between the two races.
Campaign Notes It would seem the goblins are attempting to
engage the kobolds in a search for some
relic believed to be present somewhere
Several encounters located throughout this module contain on the Peninsula. The goblins seem to be
information specific to the Bone-Hilt Sword campaign. These certain that the artifact, which they call the
“bone-hilt” currently resides somewhere
notes are organized below, in tabular form;
in the hills near the “human settlement.”
Table 4:  Campaign Notes The debate at this time appears to be a
disagreement over the amount and timing
Note Location Notes of the payment. What seems to settle the
argument is when the goblins indicate
1 Table 1, The orc is bearing a communiqué from
that a change in the negotiation would
page 4 Yrchyn to the orc chieftain, Ignorick (see
displease “Her Ladyship.” And that she
BHS2; The Shattered Skull). The missive
may wish to have the kobold stronghold
is written in orcish. If translated, the letter
“put to the flame” for good.

Tell Valencia to send the ogre

reinforcements before the next full moon. I Appendix B:
will soon have The Blayde in my possession.
Open Game Content
All praise Xerksis the Ever-living,
Only the items listed in this appendix are Open Game Content,
2 Table 1, The goblins, are part of a contingent visiting
page 4 the kobolds to make an agreement about and may be used in your OSRIC manuscripts. You do not need
how to divide the spoils of Usherwood. to seek the permission of the author to use such content, and

[insert your notes here]

31. Entrance to caverns below 11

Yrchyn, the tyrant
you may manipulate the content to suit your needs. However, Thaelmarthir plate armor costs double that of normal plate
to do so, you must always provide a full and complete copy mail armor, and takes 6 months to create.
of the Open Gaming License (OGL) and include the OSRIC
copyright and trademark information as found on the OSRIC Pewter Ring of Halfling-Sense
download site ( In This is an unadorned pewter ring, sporting no markings or
either case, unless otherwise noted here, you must always gems. The ring itself has the appearance of having been worn
include the following statement, “Created by James D. Kramer. for many years, as it bears scratches and nicks around its
Used by permission.” entire perimeter. If detected for, the ring will indicate a small
You may reuse only the content as presented only in this magical enchantment. Only a halfling druid may be able to
appendix for your Open Game Content. All other content is correctly identify the ring and its properties. It is legendary
considered in part or in whole as Product Identity, and may among the halfling races, having been in the property of a
not be used without the expressed written permission of James prominent halfling family for many years. The last known
D. Kramer design services. owner, Marigold Hedgerow, was an eccentric yet kindly
widow when she suddenly went missing. It was assumed she
The forms that appear at the end of this book  may be freely left on one of her long walks in the country, and somewhere
photocopied and distributed to your players. Redistribution along the way fell victim to a wild animal, for her body was
of the PDF forms version of this same material is prohibited never found.
however (see pages 36 through 41). The properties of the ring depend on the race of the char-
acter. If a halfling wears the ring, he/she will gain a +1 bonus
Sylvan Plate Armor
to STR and a +2 to CHA. They will also gain the ability to
Elven and half-elven PC’s may opt for a new selection of ar- change pure water to berry wine, and cast an animal friend-
mor available only to those races. It is wooden armor manu- ship spell (as the first level druid spell), each once per day.
factured from the extremely hard usherwood tree growing in If the character is a non-halfling, he/she will gain a +1
abundance within Thaelmarthir’s Woods. bonus to CHA. They will also gain the ability to change pure
Ages ago, the elves discovered the means to shape the water to berry wine, and cast an animal friendship spell (as the
hardwood tree which grows in abundance on the Usher Arm first-level druid spell), each once per day. Non-halfling char-
Peninsula (but is otherwise rare elsewhere on the continent). acters will also undergo a permanent and irreversible change.
The wood, when properly cured, is light and contains some Within one week of wearing the ring, if the ring is worn
properties in its sap which makes it semi-resistant to flame. for more than 24 hours continuously, the character will be-
Through a process mastered only by the elves, they have gin to take on one of the familiar physical characteristics of
acquired the ability to shape and carve the wood into a light- the halfling; that is, their feet will grow quite large, grow a
weight, effective form of plate mail armor. Typically, the armor furry coat, and develop leathery soles. Within a week, the
is carved with sylvan images, and scenes depicting the life of character will no longer be able to wear the normal shoes of
the individual, or of the individual’s clan, or tribe. their race as their feet will have effectively doubled in size.
Properly made, the armor has the same protection rating The feet will provide the characters with the same protection
as that of chain mail, with the movement properties of high- as low soft boots. During the period of this transformation,
quality scale mail armor. The wooden plates offer the wearer the character will be unable to walk under their own power
protection against normal flame, so that all saving throws due to excruciating pain. A remove curse spell will return the
against non-magical fires are made at +1. Further, the wooden feet to normal size.
of the armor floats, causing the wearer to bob like a cork if
moving through water greater than 3’ deep. However, after Thaelmarthir Grindstone
several hours of immersion in water, the plates will become A rare gem stone similar in nature to amber. Created from
water-logged, and will draw the wearer down as would metal the harden sap of the usher wood tree, it has a hardness very
plate armor. close to that of a diamond. Acquired in the woodlands of
Damaged plates must be repaired by a craftsman within Thaelmarthir’s Woods near the elven village of Thaelmarthir,
an elven village. Generally, such repairs cost twice the amount it gets its name from the humans who found that grinding the
of similar repairs made to its metal counterpart. stone on their stone sharpening wheels, they could increase

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
the life of such grindstones. Further, the sap would cause the dwarven mead keeping half for themselves, and selling half
grindstones to become harder, and thus create a better edge to the elves. The arrangement led to the saying, “... that’s a
on swords. Weapons sharpened on such a wheel will take regular cord-a-barrel... ,” referring to a good trade to be had.
on the pinkish hue of the usher wood sap.
Gem stones created from the sap are rare, and highly A brief history of the region
prized by collectors. They have a market value similar to that
of amber. Being the first installment in a lengthy 5-part campaign, it may
be important to understand the history behind the region,
and some potential motivations for the party to engage in
Appendix C: the long-term goal, which won’t become clear to the players
until the second module; The Shattered Skull.
An Overview of Usherwood
and the Environs of the ...of Mandrake and Alonéz
Usherwood, so it is said, is named for the ranger, Lord
Usher Arm Peninsula Mandrake Usher. Legend has it that Lord Mandrake was origi-
nally from the great city state of Imperium Vallis. His family
If you are playing within the Usherwood Adventures cam- was born into the feudal society wherein it is preordained that
paign setting, this section will help to give you background certain families would be committed to the protection of the
upon which the region of the Usher Arm Peninsula was cre- ruling family. Mandrake’s father was assigned duty as part
ated, should your gamers opt to get off the track of the module of the palace’s highly regarded Enion Guard. The Enion was
manuscript. It also provides the necessary background in or- a separate specially trained army unit which was specifically
der to fully understand the relationship between the principal assigned to guard the palace and the royal family (picture a
protagonist of the campaign — Mandrake Usher — and the French Musketeer unit). As it happened, due to his frequently
principal antagonist — Xerksis, the Mage-King. being on the palace grounds, Mandrake befriended Alonéz
Engenouf, first in line to the Imperium throne. As Mandrake
If you’re playing outside the Bone-Hilt Sword campaign;  this received his teachings in the ways of the military, Alonéz
section may help to provide additional color, or act as creative was receiving his teachings in politics, economics, society,
suggestions as to how it might fit into your existing campaign and the arts.
setting. In either case, the following narrative is not required Alonéz and Mandrake had it all worked out between them;
to the playing of the module. Alonéz would be king, and Mandrake would be the trusted
general and advisor. They would play games along this line
Usherwood  has maintained a constant human population of
that usually resulted in the two boys fighting the terrible foe
roughly 1,000. Occasionally, a dwarf or elf will decide to make
side by side to glorious victory (to the ever present adora-
the village their home for a time. But, as they have life spans
tions of the young damsels of the king’s court). As the boys
significantly longer than that of the average human, they tend
grew older, they became favorites of royal banquets and
get bored after a couple hundred years and move on. Its chief
balls. Their antics and way with the ladies never ceased to
commodities are the honey and spices used by the dwarves of
entertain the court.
Arnegelius Peak, to manufacture a potent mead. Usherwood
What they did not foresee was the court intrigue that was
also deals a great quantity of jerked fish to the halflings of
to bring the downfall of the ruling structure of the Imperium
North Ridge (halflings, as you know, have no love of boats,
and the community of North Ridge has developed an insa-
Alonéz’s father, the beloved King Ector, had many en-
tiable appetite for smoked salmon). The elves of Thaelmarthir,
emies. As do most kings; whether good or evil. One of these
on the other hand, don’t trade for Usherian goods, though they
was the Arch Mage of the Wizards’ Council. Xerksis — who
do have a love of the sweet dwarfish mead. Never wishing
by anyone’s recollection had been old since even the very
to admit this to the dwarves however, the elves have made
eldest citizen could recall — had been long biding his time
an agreement with the human traders in Usherwood; in ex-
on the sidelines, waiting for his chance to usurp the throne,
change for below market rates on the elves wooden goods,
establish a magocracy, and set himself up as king. He knew
the humans of Usherwood purchase enormous amounts of the

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
though that he could not simply murder the king then assume years since his father’s demise escaped no one. An heir would
the throne. He would have to ensure that someone the people not be forth coming. And many began to believe Alonéz
trusted would name him to the throne. In Alonéz he saw his himself no longer drew breath.
opportunity. Mandrake needed to know the truth. Needed to see for
Enlisting the assistance of the assassins’ guild in Imperium himself how Alonéz fared.
Vallis, the king was killed in a “hunting accident”—two arrows He knew of the secret passages through the castle leading
through the back—both poisoned. Further, the king’s head to Alonéz’s room. The two had used these same passages to
had been brutally hacked from his shoulders. The weapon spy on the maidens and castle staff during their youth.
that had inflicted the killing blow appeared to have been In the mid of the night, under a full moon, he stealthily
so hot as to have cauterized the wound immediately, even made his way to his friend’s bedchamber. Entering the room
as it cut through his neck, burning the skin and surrounding through a panel behind the large bed, Mandrake was not
tissues black. ready for what he saw.
Xerksis publicly proclaimed the king’s death to have been The room looked as if it had not been used in a century let
committed by a band of highwaymen, and indeed even sup- alone seven years. A thin layer of dust and cobwebs covered
plied the men for public execution. He then made immediate everything. And it smelled of death. Rancid and putrid, the
preparations to have Alonéz crowned king. The ranks of the air of the once plush chamber was so thick with the odor of
Enion guard became suspicious because there was no official decay he felt he could cut it with a knife. But what caught
investigation, but kept silent as popular opinion demanded his attention most fully was the bed. Upon the bed was the
swift justice. However, the guard continued their own inves- mummified husk of Alonéz, dressed in his sleeping gown, the
tigations in secret. entire front of which had a black stain; thick and crusty as of
Xerksis suggested to Alonéz that the Imperium could not dried blood. Indeed, his neck had a large wound that almost
be without a king, not even for a day of mourning. He began severed the head from the body. The skin surrounding the
his manipulations almost immediately, and so delicately did wound was blackened, as if the blade making the deadly cut
he work Alonéz, the stunned young man had no idea what was heated in a blacksmith’s forge.
was happening. When given the opportunity, he had will- Mandrake’s first instinct was to report what he had found
ingly allowed Xerksis to begin unburdening him of the more to his Enion captain. Making his way silently back out of
mundane responsibilities were required of a king as Alonéz the castle through the secret passages, he approached the
sank deeper into depression over the loss of his father. barracks from a riverside path. Upon reaching the barracks
gates, he noticed immediately not all was as it should be. The
...of the departure of Mandrake guard house lights were extinguished, and as he approached
Mandrake saw very little of his friend following the death of the gates, he was not challenged by the sentry. He continued
the king. In time, he saw him not at all. But he, along with on to the officers’ quarters. Here, the candles were lighted;
the rest of the state guard, resented the ever-present Arch indeed, there was yet a fire burning in the hearth, and a half
Mage. Resented even more being told by a mage how armor eaten dinner at the captain’s table.
and weapons should be polished, or how a bow should be Looking hard and long at the captain’s dinner, Mandrake
strung. Within 24 months of the king’s murder, Alonéz had noticed something that struck him as odd. The captain was
not been seen by any of his subjects in many months. Even apparently having steak for his dinner, but there was no knife
the annual court balls Alonéz had previously so enjoyed, amid the flatware on the table.
had been postponed time and again, and finally, outright It was when Mandrake reached the main barracks house
cancelled by edict of the mage. that he got his last shock of the night. Bodies of the entire
On the seventh anniversary of the death of the king, Enion company, were strewn all about the barracks hall.
Xerksis’ herald read a proclamation ostensibly from Alonéz, All of them run through with swords. In the far corner, he
granting the mage full power of stewardship of the state until found the body of the captain. In his hand he clutched the
such a time as Alonéz, or other heir, was capable to resume missing dinner knife. The knife and his hand covered in the
the throne. The fact Alonéz had received no visitors, not even blood of his attacker. The captain’s head, nearly severed from
a courtly maid who might make a queen to the king, in the his body by a cut surrounded by the burned flesh of his neck.

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
Next to the captain, he found the body of his father. His On the sixth day that he followed their progress, the cara-
father’s head rolled below table after having been severed van came upon his camp.
from his neck; the flesh there burned, and smoking. Taking this as a sign they could go no further, a halt was
called, and they set up their own camp next to Mandrake’s.
...of the settlement of Usherwood The afternoon sky was the color of darkened steel, and the
Needing to escape the horror, Mandrake quietly gathered wind coming in off the sea was full of brine. Mandrake could
some meager supplies and made his way to the wharf area, see that these wretched souls were in for a punishing storm
found a small but sturdy craft, and quietly headed out into the that they were not in a position to deal with.
Sea dar de Imperium. In the small craft he was able to move Knowing his presence would not likely startle the caravan
swiftly through the ocean until after a week’s travel he came (they had after all set up their camp right next to his camp),
at last to a foreign shore. He found he had sailed directly into he cautiously entered their midst and began meticulously giv-
a small sheltered inlet which contained a small fresh water ing instructions on how to prepare for the threatening storm.
spring whose runoff lead directly into the sea. With his military The members of the caravan were nonetheless skeptical of
training, he was well equipped to establish a small camp for Mandrake until their leader, without a word, began doing as
himself, and set about making a new life. He taught himself Mandrake advised; lashing down wagons, cutting boughs
how to speak with the woodland creatures, and soon gained from trees to create shelter, digging pits in the ground for
their trust. He used the animals to keep up with the happenings sheltered fires. With his assistance the caravan survived the
in the forest around him. He soon had minor dealings with night with nothing more than a few bruises from a tree limb
the elves, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings of the peninsula. that been torn loose by the wind.
Several years after his arrival, he heard a sound in the In the morning, never having said a word directly to any-
forest that was not of the nature he had grown to know and one all the night long, Mandrake was preparing to leave
love. These were the sounds of wheels crunching over the when the girl’s father asked if Mandrake could help his
forest floor, horses huffing through strained effort, and human daughter. She had developed a wasting sickness following
speech. It had been so long since had seen another human, their encounter with a party of hostile goblins some weeks
he had almost forgotten what he himself looked like. past. He assumed the dart that struck her must have been
He now understood why the elves said mortal man had “a poisoned, for the cut she received was very small, yet she im-
stink to offend even the sensibilities of god,” the dwarves said mediately began this decline into a near comatose state. He
that humans “groomed themselves no better than the uncouth carefully examined her wound. Without a word, Mandrake
hill giants of the Pinnacle of Candac,” the gnomes said that the pulled from his supplies a small dried weed. The weed had a
human language was like “the scratching of one’s fingernails small yellow flower, very similar to a dandelion. His instruc-
across a writing slate,” and the halflings said that a human’s tion was to steam the weed over boiling sea water until the
feet were too small for their great height (halflings are not weed regained some moisture, crush the weed against the
known for the wasting of words in colorful similes). wound, and pack the weed against the wound with a paste
He could tell that these humans had been traveling for mixed from the bark of the unusual pink trees which grew on
quite a long time. Many appeared to be sick, several had the peninsula. With that, he left.
limbs wrapped in bandages, all were filthy and indeed had The caravan felt he had left for good, for none saw him
enough stink to offend even the sensibilities of their god. He again for more than a week’s time. What the people of the
shadowed the caravan for several days as they drew near to caravan did not know is that Mandrake, having become
his encampment. One girl in particular caught his attention. enamored of the young woman, visited her secretly in the
She was young, perhaps 17 summers. She was apparently dead of night when all else were asleep. He would check her
quite ill for they stopped frequently in order that one of the wound, gauge her progress, and then slip back into the night.
older men in the group (apparently her father) could check After several days time, the girl regained consciousness.
on her. His face was graven with age and worry. All in the In a few more days she began eating under her own power
caravan deferred to his directions, so he further assumed this again. Five weeks and three days after arriving in Mandrake’s
man to be in charge, or at least held some position of respect camp, the girl was back to her previous strength, even helping
within the group. Each time they stopped, he would check on with some of the chores.
the girl, dribbling water into her mouth, wiping her forehead,
trying to make her eat some food.

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
At this time, Mandrake returned to the camp. The girl’s agree to the establishment of a human colony on the penin-
father greeted him as a hero. Praising him to all the others, sula contingent on three requirements: that Mandrake train
promising Mandrake whatever he had was Mandrake’s. them in the ways of the ranger; that they dedicate their lives
Mandrake stated simply that as the ranger of this forest, it to the forest and the creatures that dwell there; and that their
was his responsibility to provide what aid he could. population never exceeds 1,000 souls.
He then related his tale from the time he met up with the And so it was that the members of the caravan established
elves who dwelled in the forest with him. The elves instructed the human settlement of Usherwood (named for their ranger
him in the ways of the forest; how to speak with animals, savoir). And they were very committed to the ways of the
identify the flora and fauna by both site and smell. And to ranger.
care for all who dwell in the forest. Mandrake had spent the
last 23 years learning all there was to learn about the for- ...of the disappearance of Mandrake Usher
est. He also knew the presence of the human caravan would Some years after the founding of Usherwood, a series of
unsettle the balance in this region. Much as his heart desired events occurred which, even today, remains a subject of de-
to keep the girl near him, whose name he now learned was bate among the populace of the village. As an offer of their
Gwyneth, he had to persuade the caravan to depart back gratitude for assisting them in establishing the village, the vil-
whence they came. lagers fashioned a sword for the ranger. The blade was of
The people of the caravan then related their own story length and width typical of most long swords, but the grip was
of how several years ago, in their small village of Menlon, carved from usher wood; a full hand-and-a-half. When the
a caravan of militia from a ‘great southern city’ had rolled blade was sharpened, a blacksmith named Karl van Goetz
into their town square. In their midst was a man dressed in needed a grinding wheel, as his old one had been lost dur-
vermilion robes. At his side he carried a most unusual sword. ing the flight from Menlon. But after the months of travel, a
The man in robes proclaimed himself to be an emissary from wheel suitable for the sharpening of the blade could not be
the court of Xerksis. And he had come in order that the people found. On a foray into Thaelmarthir Wood, van Goetz found
of this small village could pay homage to the greatness of an usherwood tree covered in sap. The sap had dried, and
Xerksis. They knew not where this Xerksis was located, but formed an extremely hard outer crust on the smooth bark. He
never before had they been forced to pay tribute to another managed to cut the tree down, slice off a wheel-shaped wedge
city. The people refused, causing the militia to begin rounding of the trunk, and fashioned it into a grinding wheel. He found
up citizens. As proof of the seriousness of his intent, the man that by attaching the wood to his grindstone pedestal, he could
in the vermilion robes pointed his hands, fingers splayed, at generate sufficient friction to sharpen the steel blade. In addi-
the largest building in town — a tavern called the Golden tion, this gave the blade a pinkish highlight due to the sunlight
Hippocampus — uttered a few incomprehensible words, reflecting off the sap particles which had become embed-
whereupon bolts of flame shot out from his finger tips and ded within the metal. The sap became known as Thaelmarthir
exploded on the side of the building. It immediately erupted Grindstone, and became a popular form of jewelry.
into flames. At this time, the mage pulled the mysterious sword
from his belt, and the blade of the sword began to glow and
...of the Death of Mandrake
emit a scorching heat that could be felt even several yards During one of his excursions into the forest, Mandrake began
distance. By morning, the entire village would be burned to to climb one of the nearby mountains in a desire to find a
the ground. The mage called the lord constable of the village meditative place of serenity. After so many years, he had still
forward, forced him to his knees, and to make an example of not forgotten about the mage Xerksis, and his dead friend
him, cut his head from his shoulders. The wound left behind Alonéz. And the realization that the Mage-King yet lived
on the stump of his neck smoldered as an old log, the flesh brought a darkness over Mandrake’s moods.
around it charred and smoking. He happened upon a large opening on the far side of the
The militia and the mage left the village with most of the mountain and entered in with the hopes he would be able to
villagers’ valuables. Mandrake knew he had to provide a make it to a secret place of refuge. Immediately upon entering
means for the people of this caravan to make a new start. the cave, he could sense a great and terrible evil about the
He met with the king and queen of the elven community at place. The air was hot and putrid, and contained no signs of
Thaelmarthir to explain the situation. The elves would only any living creature within.

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
He felt whatever lay inside was a threat to the entire penin- confront the dragon. Forgetting his odds of successfully com-
sula, so he chose to seek out the source of evil that lay within, bating the dragon, Mandrake stepped forward, the unusual
and attempt to drive it to other lands, or to destroy it utterly. pink-bladed usher wood sword drawn, to make his challenge.
How long he wandered the dimly lit caverns no story now The battle that ensued lasted for hours on end. Neither
relates, but eventually, he came to a great opening within the gaining an upper hand over the other. The dragon had ap-
depths of the mountain. Far above him, the cavern opened parently expended all his fire in his raid on the village, for
to the snow tipped peak of the mountain. From somewhere he never used this weapon during the battle. In one lucky
deeper within, he heard a low rumbling, and the shifting of moment, the dragon raised its large head up and to the side
some great weight about the floor. to avoid a cutting sweep of the ranger’s sword. In that instant,
From out of the gloom, the head of a great battle-scarred Mandrake saw his chance. He brought the weapon around in
red dragon emerged; its hot breath and stench said to be a great arc that cut deep into the beast’s throat. As the sword
the only thing in this world to have ever caused Mandrake sliced through the dragon’s neck, it struck the bone and the
Usher to know fear. blade broke off at the hilt. Three feet of steel blade remain
A terrible rage was on the beast at having been awak- lodged in the great neck. The blood-covered usher wood
ened from a centuries-long slumber. Knowing the dragon to grip skittered across the floor and came to rest in a corner
be far beyond his ability to vanquish alone, Mandrake ran of the dragon’s horde. In its pain, the dragon gurgled what
back down the corridors he had just come; fire leaping at his would have otherwise been a tremendous bellow of pain and
heels as the great beast spewed blast after blast down the tun- outrage. It threw itself away from Mandrake in a futile attempt
nel after him. Upon emerging from the mountain, Mandrake to get away from the terrible biting sword. It threw its head
found the dragon had left his hiding place, and was even blindly into the side of the cavern.
now, soaring on the air currents high above him...heading Bone crunched and blood sprayed. And then, it lay still
directly toward the village. upon its back. The sun shone brightly upon the creature’s belly
As quickly as he could, he ran back to village, trying to through the opening in the top of the cavern.
get there before the dragon could fall upon the unsuspecting Oblivious to the pain and blood caused by his wounds
villagers. When he reached the outskirts of the village, he wit- suffered in the fight, Mandrake released Gwyneth from her
nessed the result of the dragon’s wrath. Half the village lay in bonds, and returned her to the village. He silently returned
ashes. Many bodies lay strewn about like discarded children’s her to her father, took his leave, and then disappeared into
toys. Indeed, many of the bodies were in fact children. As the woods.
he looked around the survivors began gradually emerging In the weeks after the battle, a group of the village men
from the surrounding woods, many of them appeared beyond climbed the heights to see the dead creature. When they ar-
understanding of what had happened. A few turned on the rived, they saw the great beast lying lifeless in a dark corner
ranger. “Where were you when the creature attacked?” they of the large cavern. A great gash in its neck, an enormous
demanded of him. “In our time of greatest need, you’re no- pool of crystalline blood about its body. In the light, one of
where to be found,” they accused. Otho van Nuys, the one them caught the familiar coloring of the usher wood grip of
man Mandrake could call a true friend, turned on him, “My the ranger’s sword. Leaving the dragon’s horde, they took the
child. The monster has taken my Gwyneth.” He related how, sword grip back to the village as a trophy of his victory. After
after setting flame to most of the town, the dragon swept down leaving the cavern, the party of men created a rock slide to
and picked up two of the villagers right off the ground. One, a seal the cavern. The blade itself escaped discovery.
man of about 20 years old, it bit in half, throwing the remains Mandrake was never seen alive again by anyone from the
deep into the woods. The other was Gwyneth. village. Anyone that is, except for Gwyneth. She followed him
Then, an anger that frightened all who saw it fell onto into the woods, only to return several weeks later saying she
Mandrake Usher’s face. He turned, and hiked back to the never found him, and became lost. A month later, her father
dragon’s cavern to exact his revenge. On his return, he found arranged her marriage to Adolf Gunderson, son of the farmer
the dragon had hung the girl by her wrists about 20’ off the who plowed the areas north of the village.
cavern floor where he looked her in the eyes. The monster was Eight months later, Gwyneth gave birth to the first of her
questioning her about the warrior who awakened it from its five children, a girl who they named Gwen.
rest. It was then that Mandrake stepped from the shadows to

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Yrchyn, the tyrant
However, the birth of this child was clouded in controversy. Governance
The daughter was born just short of 8 months following their Management of the village itself falls to the Constabulary,
marriage. The early birth convinced many that Adolf was not which is headed by the Lord Constable. Traditionally, this has
the father. Indeed, many felt that Gwyneth had indeed found been handed down to the eldest child or closest relative of the
Mandrake, and that he was the father. Gwyneth denied this sitting Lord Constable. In this epoch, it is Ewan van Nuys; a 7th
accusation until her death at the age of 42. level ranger who is a descendent of Otho van Nuys; leader of
...of Usher Hall the company who first wandered into Usher’s camp. The Lord
Constable retains all powers traditionally held by a mayor, but
When next Mandrake was eventually found, it was in the he manages the militia (a small force of arms in Usherwood),
dead of winter, sitting at a small camp some 20 miles north of and is chairman for a body of elected citizen representatives.
the village. His body was frozen solid. The villagers took him This body is comprised of 10 individuals. Once a month these
back to Usherwood and constructed a large burial chamber representatives, and the Lord Constable, meet in a clearing
for him at the north end of town. The mausoleum became at the north end of the village. Therein have been set eleven
known as Usher Hall. His casket was carved from a single large stones which have been carved into chairs with high
piece of usherwood. Upon the lid, a niche had been carved backs. It is in this forum that concerns, petitions, and griev-
for the sword grip, the remainder of the blade carved into ances are heard, voted on by the representatives, and judged
the lid in bas-relief giving the impression that the sword was by the Lord Constable.
forged anew. The casket’s lid was then sealed with the sap
from the usherwood tree. Only the rangers, on special permis-
sion from the great druid, can gain access to the mausoleum.
The Usher Arm Peninsula
The Peninsula is a narrow spit of land located on the south
coast of the Northern Territories.

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
Its position removes it from any form of control of any of halflings and the other races is brisk and well received
the five kingdoms which vie for control of the continent. Here, throughout the year. Halflings can been found living in all
the five races of the Peninsula have learned to live (mostly) the other communities (except with the gnomes, whose un-
in peace with one another, as none of the communities seeks derground dwellings they consider to be just too untidy and
control or domination of the other. unkempt for civilized folk).

Iron Mountains:  The primary geographical formation, and Arnegelius Peak:  The dwarves of Arnegelius Peak are gov-
that which shapes the peninsula, are the Iron Mountains. This erned by a patriarchal body of 5 dwarves. The head of the
narrow rise of rocky peaks extends from the peninsula’s north- ruling fathers, known as the Thane Chief, is responsible for
most boundaries, until it crashes into the storm-tossed seas maintaining order among the other four thanes; Hammer
at its southern terminus near Fioonghuala. The mountains Thane (smithing), Ale Thane (trade, food, and beer), Axe
are rich, primarily, in iron ore. But they also contain veins of Thane (defense and law), and Stone Thane (mining and gem
copper, tin, silver, gold (in lesser amounts, so its discovery is trading).
greeted with great celebration when encountered), and many The dwarves came originally from the mountainous region
gem stones of lesser value (diamonds and the like are rarely north of the Usher Arm Peninsula, near the village of Ice Berg.

Thaelmarthir’s Woods;  A woodland, renowned for a specific

species of tree which is known to grow only in this location;
the usher tree. Named for the famed ranger lord of old, the
tree is long-lived, and produces the hardest wood known to
exist. Cured properly, the wood is so hard in fact, that the
elves of Thaelmarthir have even discovered how to fashion
plate armor from it.

North Ridge:  There are two strains of halfling that make up

the population of this little hamlet; tallfellows and stouts. Being
rather clannish by nature, the two strains tend to stick together,
even within their own community.
Halflings of the tallfellow bloodline, live mostly in the above
ground dwellings in the north-end of the village, which is
named Tawkee. The tallfellows prefer more active lives than
their shorter, rounder cousins, the stouts. Therefore, a halfling
of tallfellow persuasion is more likely to be a farmer, hunter,
trapper, etc.
Stouts live primarily in the traditional below ground bur-
rows more common to the halfling race. These dwellings can
be mostly found in south-end of the village, called Stoutmoor.
Stouts tend to prefer more docile labors, such as gardening,
brewing, baking, inn keeping, etc.
All halflings, regardless of bloodline, admire hard work,
and detest laziness. Though, they do like the traditional seven
square meals a day, broken up by three naps. But when not
eating or napping, they are industrious indeed.
The halflings migrated to the Peninsula sometime after
the dwarves, but well before the humans. They get along
fabulously with all the other races, but most especially with
the elves, who shower them with attention. Trade between

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Yrchyn, the tyrant
After a prolonged struggle against kobolds and goblins, their West Hills:  West Hills is a rough community of kind-hearted
cavern complex was rendered somewhat uncomfortable for gamblers and rogues. The ratio of inns and taverns to the
the dwarves. rest of the businesses is quite high. Men of West Hills tend to
The constant warring, both above ground and below, had have thick beards with a single hair braid at their right temple.
left the dwarven complex there a dangerous place to keep a Women wear leather breeches, usually dyed in greens or
“civilized” community. Rumor today says their once power- earth tones. Men and women are both always more apt to
ful nation has become a haven for many dark subterranean laugh at others’ misfortune, and sympathize with others’ pain
creatures. than are their counterparts in Usherwood.
Today, the dwarves of Arnegelius Peak enjoy a quiet and The town of West Hills lies due west of Usherwood about
peaceful existence on the Peninsula. Their only conflict comes 5 miles distant. The two communities are tightly knit, and
from the elves who resent the dwarves for encroaching on even consider themselves as one large ‘city,’ although their
their ancient kingdom of Thaelmarthir. Though the conflict town leadership structures remain separate. Usherwood is
between the races has never lead to violence, the tension governed by a stewardship, headed by the Lord Constable.
between the two nations comes awfully close. West Hills, however, is governed by the best at fighting in
The dwarves enjoy a close bond with the halflings of North bare-handed combat. Each year, the town holds a celebration
Ridge though. This bond manifests itself with much trade be- called the Homecoming Brawl.
tween the communities. In fact, some dwarves opt to make It’s a tradition handed down from Karl van Goetz himself.
North Ridge their home for many years, and earn their keep Legend has it that after a particularly long drunken spree he
excavating new homes and shoring up older construction went out in the woods with a group of like-minded carousers
for the halflings. (lasting for an entire month), he returned home to find his wife
had removed his belongings from their home and placed
them in the yard to be ruined in the weather. In the argument

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Yrchyn, the tyrant
that ensued, Heather, Karl’s wife, began beating Karl about adorning the larger scars with jewelry and/or tattoos. There
the head with her broom. She demanded that he fight back have even been several women to serve as Town Brawler.
to give her some satisfaction. And fight back he did. The two However, the Town Brawler is not the final authority in West
of them ended up throwing each other about in the mud all Hills. Retired Brawlers are obligated to serve at least ten years
through the town square. as a town regent after their term is concluded. These regents
Finally, Karl got Heather with a good upper cut; she went act as a check-and-balance system for the Town Brawler. They
down hard in the mud. can even have him/her removed from their post if they feel
Karl was able to revive Heather after 10 minutes of being the Brawler is not living up to the standards established by
out cold in the mud. Heather looked admiringly at her hus- Karl van Goetz. There are always at least 3, and never more
band, and said, “Welcome home darling. Now what would than 7 regents serving the community at any given time, and
‘ye like for supper?” always maintain an odd number.
After Karl’s death, the citizens of West Hills began to hold Most Children of Usher (this is what natives of Usherwood
the Homecoming Brawl in his honor each year (June 17) to call themselves) do not participate in the Brawl, but they do
determine who should be the head of the town for the next see it as an opportunity for sport.
twelve months. Anyone may challenge the current leader dur- Betting pools are common for the folk of both communities.
ing the week-long celebration; man or woman, adult or child.
The requirement is that no weapon or magic of any sort may Thaelmarthir:  The elven community is by far the eldest
be used. Bare fists and feet only may be used (head butting among the inhabitants of the Usher Arm Peninsula. In fact,
was outlawed when a large bald contender killed one partici- they originally chose the area because of its isolation from the
pant). Town Brawlers (as the victors come to be known) who expanding city-states of human kind found on the southerly
serve consecutive terms wear their scars of battle as trophies; portions of the continent.

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
The other races can enjoy at best a condescending at-
titude of acceptance from the elves, who believe the other
communities to exist on the Peninsula at their discretion, and
by their permission.
Only the halflings enjoy a relationship with the elves based
on mutual respect. This is due in part to the halflings’ general
love of nature, and their genuinely non-capitalistic attitudes
toward community. Also, local legend relates that in the long
distant past, a sheriff of North Ridge sacrificed himself in
order to save the life of a noble elfin child.
Thaelmarthir is located in the Thaelmarthir’s Wood, south
of Arnegelius Peak, and east of North Ridge. The community is
lead by a coalition of six noble families. Together, responsibili-
ties are shared by the eldest male and female of each family
group. Power plays between the families are not uncommon,
but generally are limited to nothing more than idle gossip in
order to make a particular individual fall out of favor.

Fioonghuala:  No one is quite sure when or how the gnomes

of Fioonghuala appeared on the Usher Arm Peninsula. All
that is certain is that life on the peninsula has not been the
same since.
The gnomish community established itself at the very tip
of the Usher Arm Peninsula known as ‘the Knuckle.’ The gov-
erning body of the gnomes is made up of a ‘Duke’ and his
endless mass of hangers-on (each holding a grandiose title,
usually bestowed by themselves, upon themselves, as long as
the Duke finds it ‘cool’, and ‘neato’). The ‘Duke’ is a heredi-
tary position which passes from father to third son. Where a
third son is not available or able to serve as Duke, then the
second son of the Duke’s older brother is appointed to the
position. Where this individual cannot serve, or does not exist,
then the husband of the eldest daughter of the sitting Duke’s

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
Sister-in-Law becomes the next in line. And so on the line of Isle of Valencia:  A chain of volcanic islands west of the penin-
inheritance goes until each and every gnome is accounted for. sula. Reputed to be the home of an ancient evil. But no explor-
Gnomish culture centers no the premise that the gnomes ers have ventured there to determine the truth of this claim.
were a hereditary offshoot of the dwarves. A favored The island itself is a dead wasteland of broken lava fields,
Fioonghualan legend says that the first gnome was born of where little vegetation grows. Wild beasts of fantastic nature
the union of a dwarven thane and an elven maiden (this tale and ill-temper roam the plains, and poisonous fumes vent
of course causes great controversy among both the dwarf throughout the landscape.
and elf races).
Gnomes from Fioonghuala generally regard themselves
as close cousins of the dwarves, to the never-ending irrita-
tion of those denizens of Arnegelius Peak. If traveling in the
company of dwarves, a gnome will undoubtedly make a
complete nuisance of himself.
No task would be too lowly for a gnome to take on for a
dwarf. Further, a dwarf would go to whatever length they must
to rid themselves of the gnome in question. If given a chance,
a Fioonghuala gnome would be completely self-sacrificing to
a dwarven compatriot.

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
Appendix D: from being grand in any sense, it does enjoy the largest
following in the area.
10. Temple of Caelis, goddess of lawful neutrality; second
only in religious power on the Peninsula to the Temple of
The legends provided will detail sufficient highlights of the
Sol. The followers of Sol view the followers of Caelis with
following maps for the GM to play the game elements de-
some level of suspicion due to Caelis’ legendary rivalry
scribed elsewhere within the module. GM’s are encouraged
with Sol, over Sol’s consort, Lilubré.
to define other areas within the maps as required for their
gaming group’s needs. 11. Temple of Orvvite, goddess of chaotic goodness; a rich-
ly accented façade and comfortably appointed interior
Village of Usherwood set this temple to the goddess of chaotic good apart from
the other temples in the village.
1. Constabulary; All members of the local force of con- 12. Temple of Bolc, god of chaotic neutrality; this is a crude
stables reside, train, and hold court within this large log cabin where the temple’s representative in the village
structure. Prison cells are located in the basement. resides. The actual temple is located deep in the forest
2. Residence of the Great Druid; the name of this building to the west. It is rumored that the Silent Obtrude actually
is somewhat misleading since the great druid makes his provides much funding to the temple, but these accusa-
actual residence in a secluded grotto at the base of a tions have not been proved.
waterfall several miles to the west. 13. Temple of Avitori, god of lawful goodness; the lawful
3. Druid Grove; the place of mysterious ritual upon the full good community in the region is small, but growing.
moon. Only druids are ever permitted to enter within, 14. Temple of Id, god of absolute neutrality; the structure is
and they never speak of the rites that take place. Other but a shell sitting over an excavated cave system dedi-
secret groves are located deep in the forests several miles cated to the god of neutrality.
distant from the village.
15. North Road; 5 miles northwest to the human settlement
4. Usher’s monument; statue of the ranger that founded of West Hills. Some 100 miles further north is the halfling
this settlement, and the village’s namesake; Mandrake village of North Ridge, dwarven kingdom of Arnegelius
Usher. The statue is facing south, holding a sword pointed Peak, and elven domain of Thaelmarthir.
forward in gesture of warning.
16. South Road; 30 miles to the gnomish village of Fioonghuala.
5. The Second Supper; a locally famous tavern, and fa-
vored watering hole for adventurers. The ‘Supper’ is run 17. Sacred Circle; forum wherein concerns, petitions, and
by a highly respected halfling, and known for its prize- grievances are heard, voted on by the representatives,
winning mushroom stew. and judged by the Lord Constable.

6. McSweeney’s Warehouse; the warehouse is actually a 18. Cemetery; though open to any Usherwood citizen, most
front for the Peninsula’s only thieve’s guild. Called the of those buried here are exclusive to the merchant class
Silent Obtrude, it is run by an elven thief and his top and constables. Rangers and druids are all interred or
lieutenant; a rather roguish bard. cremated in the forests of the outlying area.

7. Usher Hall; where the remains of famed ranger 19. The Great Hall; gathering place and meeting place of
Mandrake Usher are interred. the ranger forces that use Usherwood as a staging area
for the efforts to protect the north lands of the Verméan
8. Public market; open air market available to any one with continent.
something to sell. Almost anything can be found here.
20. Gunderson’s farming co-op; the rich farmlands located
9. Temple of Sol, goddess of good neutrality; the larg- north of the village are tended all the Usherwood popu-
est and most lavish temple in the village. Though far lations, but has been long managed by the Gunderson

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
Village of Usherwood

Full-size adventure maps can be downloaded from

Kobold campsite
(page 5)

Full-size adventure maps can be downloaded from

Campsite Attack
(page 6)

Full-size adventure maps can be downloaded from

Usher Arm Peninsula

Full-size adventure maps can be downloaded from


Full-size adventure maps can be downloaded from

Kobold lair

Full-size adventure maps can be downloaded from

Appendix E: Xoau’ao

NPCs Elf, male, magic-user, chaotic good, 2nd level, HP 6, STR 10, INT
16, WIS 12, DEX 13, CON 11, CHA 13. AC 10. Spells; first level;
magic missile, sleep. Weapons; quarter staff, dagger. Armor;
Ewan van Nuys none. Other; none.

Lord Constable of Usherwood. Human, male, ranger, lawful

good, 10th level, HP 63, STR 16, INT 14, WIS 14, DEX 16, CON Appendix F:
15, CHA 17. AC 5. Spells; druid, first level; animal friendship,
speak with animals; magic-user, first level; mending. Weapons; Pre-generated PCs
long sword, light crossbow. Armor; ring mail.
The templates presented here provide only basic character
Murra’ahn Greenleaf
information. Use the character sheet hereafter to flesh out the
Fighter of the Rosemadder half-elf tribe. Half-elf, female, fighter, remaining details of each PC.
chaotic good, 3rd level, HP 19, STR 14, INT 12, WIS 11, DEX 13,
CON 12, CHA 11. AC 4. Spells; none. Weapons; long sword, Karshem
long bow. Armor; sylvan plate (see the description in Appendix Human, cleric, 1st level, HP 6, STR 10, INT 11, WIS 14, DEX 12,
B: Open Game Content). Other; none. CON 13, CHA 9. AC 4. Spells; command, cure light wounds,
protection from evil. Armor; chain mail, small shield. Weapon;
William ‘Willy’ din Johar
mace. Wealth; 45 g.p.
Human, male, ranger, chaotic good, 2nd level, HP 13, STR 15,
INT 12, WIS 11, DEX 15, CON 13, CHA 9. AC 7. Spells; none. Darlean
Weapons; long sword, light crossbow. Armor; leather. Other; Half-elf, druid, 1st level, HP 8, STR 12, INT 9, WIS 14, DEX 10,
none. CON 9, CHA 15. AC 8. Spells; animal friendship, pass without
trace, speak with animals. Armor; leather. Weapon; club. Wealth;
Sister din Vonyal’aireyev
25 g.p.
Human, female, druid, neutral good, 3rd level, HP 15, STR 11,
INT 12, WIS 14, DEX 12, CON 13, CHA 11. AC 8. Spells; first Stu’yrt
level; entangle, faerie fire, shillelagh. Weapons; club, sling (w/ Dwarf, fighter, 1st level, HP 10, STR 14, INT 9, WIS 10, DEX 12,
bullets–two score). Armor; leather. Other; none. CON 12, CHA 9. AC 4. Spells; nil. Armor; chain mail. Weapon;
hand-axe. Wealth; 50 g.p.
Cynfer Dianaarsh
Gnome, female, illusionist, lawful good, 2nd level, HP 7, STR Richard
12, INT 14, WIS 11, DEX 12, CON 12, CHA 9. AC 10. Spells; Human, paladin, 1st level, HP 8, STR 16, INT 9, WIS 13, DEX 9,
first level; color spray, phantasmal force. Weapons; club. Armor; CON 9, CHA 17. AC 3. Spells; nil. Armor; plate mail. Weapon;
none. Other; none. bastard sword. Wealth; 30 g.p.
Frances ‘Frank’ Howard Gondars
Halfling (stout), female, fighter/thief, neutral good, 2nd/2nd Human, ranger, 1st level, HP 12, STR 13, INT 13, WIS 14, DEX
level(s), HP 1, STR 13, INT 10, WIS 9, DEX 15, CON 12, CHA 12, CON 14, CHA 10. AC 8. Spells; nil. Armor; leather. Weapon;
9. AC 7. Spells; none. Weapons; short sword, sling (w/stones). long sword. Wealth; 20 g.p.
Armor; padded. Other; none.
Butch Meadhouse Elf, magic-user, 1st level, HP 4, STR 9, INT 14, WIS 10, DEX 10,
Halfling (tallfellow), male, fighter, neutral good, 3rd level, HP 18, CON 9, CHA 12. AC 10. Spells; read magic, shocking grasp,
STR 17, INT 9, WIS 10, DEX 15, CON 15, CHA 8. AC 9. Spells; write. Armor; nil. Weapon; quarter staff. Wealth; 15 g.p.
none. Weapons; none. Armor; none. Other; none. Butch is en-
countered within the kobold lair as part of a wandering monster

[insert your notes]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
Graeydon Smithee
Gnome, illusionist, 1st level, HP 3, STR 8, INT 15, WIS 10, DEX 16, Human, sonneteer magician, 1st level, HP 8, STR 9, INT 15, WIS 12,
CON 8, CHA 9. AC 8. Spells; dancing lights, read magic, write. DEX 9, CON 9, CHA 12. AC 8. Spells; magic missile. Abilities;
Armor; nil. Weapon; dagger. Wealth; 20 g.p. charm 8%, friendship 10%, decipher legend 4%, decipher writ-
ings 8%. Armor; leather. Weapon; scimitar. Instrument; harp.
Wealth; 25 g.p.
Halfling, fighter, 1st level, HP 5, STR 9, INT 10, WIS 12, DEX 14, *refer to the Usherwood Adventures Sourceweb for details on the sonneteer magician PC class.
CON 9, CHA 10. AC 8. Spells; nil. Armor; padded. Weapon;
short sword. Wealth; 30 g.p. Vinzini

Snargu Human, sonneteer trickster, 1st level, HP 8, STR 9, INT 15, WIS 15,
DEX  15, CON 9, CHA 9. AC 7. Spells; hypnotism. Abilities;
Half-orc (orgre), assassin, 1st level, HP 8, STR 14, INT 11, WIS 8, charm 8%, friendship 10%, decipher legend 4%, decipher writ-
DEX 14, CON 14, CHA 8. AC 4. Spells; nil. Armor; none. ings 8%. Armor; padded. Weapon; short sword. Instrument; lute.
Weapon; broad sword. Wealth; 25 g.p. Wealth; 15 g.p.
Joahan *refer to the Usherwood Adventures Sourceweb for details on the sonneteer trickster PC class.

Half-hordling (blue), monk, 1st level, HP 5, STR 15, INT 9, WIS 15, Buckley
DEX 15, CON 11, CHA 9. AC 5. Spells; nil. Armor; none. Weapon;
Human, jongleur magsman, 1st level, HP 8, STR 9, INT 12, WIS 12,
bo sticks. Wealth; 20 g.p.
DEX 15, CON 9, CHA 12. AC 7. Spells; nil. Abilities; charm 8%,
*refer to the Usherwood Adventures Sourceweb for details on the half-hordling PC race.
friendship  10%, decipher legend 4%, decipher writings  2%.
Whilem Armor; nil. Weapon; long sword. Instrument; violin. Wealth; 20 g.p.
*refer to the Usherwood Adventures Sourceweb for details on the jongleur magsman PC class.
Human, racaraid bard, 1st level, HP 8, STR 12, INT 12, WIS 12,
DEX 13, CON 12, CHA 15. AC 7. Spells; nil. Abilities; charm 8%, Clint
friendship 10%, decipher legend 6%, decipher writings 2%.
Human, jack-of-all-trades, 1st level, HP 8, STR 10, INT 11, WIS 14,
Armor; studded leather. Weapon; long sword. Instrument; lyre.
DEX 12, CON 13, CHA 9. AC 8. Portfolio; fighter, ranger, thief.
Wealth; 20 g.p.
Feats; combat; fighter, weapon; thief, armor; thief, magic item;
*refer to the Usherwood Adventures Sourceweb for details on the racaraid bard PC class.
thief; saving throw; thief. Armor; leather. Weapon; bastard
Junee sword. Instrument; violin. Wealth; 30 g.p.
*refer to the Usherwood Adventures Sourceweb for details on the jack-of-all-trades PC class.
Human, lorist priest, 1st level, HP 6, STR 9, INT 12, WIS 15, DEX 9,
CON 9, CHA 13. AC 7. Spells; bless. Abilities; charm 5%, friend-
ship 6%, decipher legend 6%, decipher writings 2%. Armor; studded
leather. Weapon; long sword. Instrument; harp. Wealth; 20 g.p.
*refer to the Usherwood Adventures Sourceweb for details on the lorist priest PC class.

Human, lorist ovate, 1st level, HP 10, STR 9, INT 12, WIS 15, DEX 9,
CON 9, CHA 15. AC 7. Spells; invisibility to animals. Abilities; charm
5%, friendship 6%, decipher legend 6%, decipher writings 2%.
Armor; nil. Weapon; club. Instrument; mandolin. Wealth; 20 g.p.
*refer to the Usherwood Adventures Sourceweb for details on the lorist ovate PC class.

Human, lyrist veteran, 1st level, HP 8, STR 15, INT 12, WIS 12,
DEX 10, CON 9, CHA 12. AC 5. Spells; nil. Abilities; charm 5%,
friendship 6%, decipher legend 4%, decipher writings 2%. Armor;
nil. Weapon; mace. Instrument; cittern. Wealth; 20 g.p.
*refer to the Usherwood Adventures Sourceweb for details on the lyrist veteran PC class.

[insert your notes here]

Yrchyn, the tyrant
Module title: Comments:

Mission objective(s):

Mission achievements:

Mission notes:

Click here to download the interactive PDF forms version of this GM adventure logs template from   page 1 of 4
Summary Matrix
ID Character Class Race/Sex Lvl EXP S/I/W/D/Co/Ch H.P. A.C.


Weapons Matrix
Str Mods. Dex Mods. Race/Class Mods. Weapon Mods. Damage
ID “To Hit” Dam. Attack A.C. “To Hit” Dam. Weapon in Hand “to Hit” Dam. S-M L


Combat Matrix
Enemy Enemy Enemy
ID Creature A.C. vs. A.C. Dam. ID Creature A.C. vs. A.C. Dam. ID Creature A.C. vs. A.C. Dam.

01 04 07
02 05 08
03 06 09

Click here to download the interactive PDF forms version of this GM adventure logs template from   page 2 of 4
Summary Matrix
“To Hit” A.C.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Player Phone/email

Weapons Matrix
Weapon Mods. Damage Weapon Mods. Damage
Secondary Weapon “to Hit” Dam. S-M L Missile Weapon “to Hit” Dam. S-M L

Combat Matrix
Enemy Enemy Combat notes:
ID Creature A.C. vs. A.C. Dam. ID Creature A.C. vs. A.C. Dam.

10 13
11 14
12 15

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Skeleton Paralyzation/

Zombie Polymorph/

Death Magic

Breath Weapon

Turn Undead Matrix


Spectre Paralyzation/

Vampire Polymorph/
cast Ghost

Death Magic
Saving Throw Matrix

Spell Matrix (memorized)


Breath Weapon


Pick Pockets



Open Locks Paralyzation/


Traps Polymorph/
Move Silently
Thieving Matrix

Hide in Shadows

Death Magic
Hear Noise

Breath Weapon
Climb Walls

Spell Read Spell

cast Languages

Click here to download the interactive PDF forms version of this GM adventure logs template from   page 4 of 4
Name: Exp*: Age: Weapon in Hand:
Class(es): HP: Height: Secondary Weapon:
Alignment: AC: Weight: Missile Weapon:
Race: Lvl*: Sex: Additional:

STR: To Hit: Damage: Weight Allow.: Open Doors: Bend Bars:

INT: Add’l Lang.: Know Spell: Min. Spells/Lvl.: Max. Spells/Lvl.:

WIS: Magical Attack: Spell Bonus: Spell Failure:

DEX: Attack: Defence:

CON: HP: System Shock: Resurrection:

CHA: Max. Henchmen: Loyalty: Reaction:


Paralyzation: Polymorph: Death Magic: Staff: Breath Weapon: Notes:

Poison: Rod: Petrification: Wand: Spell:

TO HIT vs. AC:

Unadjusted d20 roll: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10



Armor: Shield: Other:

Notes: Damage Range

Weight Firerate/ Space
S-M L S M L (in g.p.) Length Speed Required

Weapon in Hand:

To Hit adjustment vs.

Opponent AC: | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | Notes:
Adjustment: | | | | | | | | | |
Secondary Weapon:

To Hit adjustment vs.

Opponent AC: | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | Notes:
Adjustment: | | | | | | | | | |
Missile Weapon:

To Hit adjustment vs.

Opponent AC: | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | Notes:
Adjustment: | | | | | | | | | |

To Hit adjustment vs.

Opponent AC: | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | Notes:
Adjustment: | | | | | | | | | |
Misc. profficiencies:


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WEALTH & TREASURE Monies carried on person:

C.P.: S.P.: Other non-magical/non-unique (gems, jewelry, etc.):

E.P.: G.P.:


Other magical or unique:


Cast Lvl Spell Description Cast Lvl Spell Description

Other (henchmen, holdings, etc.)

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Region of origin:

Racial notes:



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