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FRC (Fibre Reinforced Concrete) is fibrous material which increases its structural integrity, resists
explosive spalling in case of environmental affects, improves mix cohesion, improves ductility, reduces
steel reinforcement requirements and reduces the voids due to good stiffness. It contains short
discrete fibres that are uniformly distributed. Mostly, natural fibers are the waste material which
may have negative impact on environment. Synthetic fibres include steel fibres and glass fibres but
natural fibres are coconut fibres and human hair fibres which tend to vary the properties to concrete.
In addition, the character of FRC changes with varying concrete, fibre material, geometries,
distribution, orientation and densities. Hair fibre concrete gives a practical, cost-effective and
convenient method to avoid cracks and deficiencies regarding strength and proper mixing ratio
which occurs at a longer period. Fibres have been used to reduce plastic shrinkage and drying
shrinkage in concrete. In some structural elements, fibrous concrete can be used to reduce the cost
of structure. Different fibres are used to improve the tensile strength of concrete. Human hair are
strong in tension. Hair fibres can be utilized as a strengthening material. Hair fibre is a non decayable
matter and available at a cheap rate. Experiments have been performed on fibrous concrete cylinders
containing various percentages of human hair which is 0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5% by the weight of cement.
A total of seventy-two cylinders have been prepared with FRC having different %ages of hair
content. Workability, compressive strength and split tensile strength have been checked at three
curing ages i.e. 7, 14 and 28 days. This research will open a new wicket in the horizon of reuse of
waste material efficiently in construction industry. This innovation in construction industry will
save our natural resources and use fibre in productive and an effective approach.
Key Words: Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Human Hair, Workability, Compressive Strength,
Tensile Strength.
oncrete is the most commonly used construction [1]. It has little resistance to cracking. All structural
material which is the backbone of construction members of building have been made by this like
industry. It has low tensile strength and ductility foundations, beams, slabs, columns and roofs [2]. By
Authors E-Mail: ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected])
* Department of Civil Technology,The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan.
** Department of Architecture & Planning, Dawood University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan.
*** Fatima Jinnah Medical College, Lahore
This is an open access article published by Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro under the CC by 4.0 International License.
Human Hair as Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Enhancement of Tensile Strength of Concrete
adding fiber in concrete, properties of concrete can either Human Hair Fibre: Human hair fibers have been
be increased or decreased like compressive strength and collected from salons and parlours of WAPDA
tensile strength[3-4]. Concrete is fibrous material and Town which are shown in Fig. 1.
addition of any kind of fibre in powder form or very
small pieces will give the better results in wet areas Treatment has been done by the use of acetone
where environmental effects deteriorate the buildings to clean hair fibre.
Water: Fresh tap water of concrete lab (The
Fibre is a small piece of reinforcing material possessing University of Lahore).
certain properties. Addition of hair fibre to concrete
Fine aggregate: Locally available sand passing
affects the mechanical properties of concrete which
through 4.75mm sieve size.
depends on the percentage, length and type of fibre [7].
A good fibre must be compatible with binder. However,
Coarse aggregate: Margallah crush (aggregate
hair fibres are added in concrete to increase the
size is 20 mm down).
mechanical properties of concrete[8-9]. Voids are left
even after proper mixing of ordinary concrete. To 2.2 Mix Design
overcome this issue fibres are used to fill the voids and
reduced impact of cracking. Presence of fibrous material Concrete strength 25MPa (4000 Psi) have been assumed.
in concrete can enhance the durability of structure [10- Concrete mixing ratios for all mixes are 1:2:4 and water
11]. cement ratios are 0.6 [2,11].
In our country, different catagories of human hair are 2.3 Mixing Detail
present in different regions may be due to the
environmental change as a waste material[12]. Thickness Four types of mixes (M1, M2, M3 and M4) with different
and stiffness can vary from person to person. It creates a percentages of human hair fibre have been used in this
lot of environmental issues and disturbs our sewerage research.
system too [13-14].This is creating a negative impact on
the environment [15-16]. The main objective of this study
is to explore the possibility to use human hair as fibrous
material to improve the mechanical characteristics of
Materials used in this study are:
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, Volume 39, No. 1, January, 2020 [p-ISSN: 0254-7821, e-ISSN: 2413-7219]
Human Hair as Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Enhancement of Tensile Strength of Concrete
M1 = Hair Fibre (0%) and coarse aggregate Separating: Hair fibres have been collected
(Margallah) from salons which may contain solid wastes
depending upon the source. It has been taken
M2 = Hair Fibre (0.5%) and coarse aggregate
Washing: After categorization, hair fibres are
M3 = Hair Fibre (1.0%) and coarse aggregate
washed with acetone to remove impurities.
Drying: The hair is dried under sun or oven.
M4 = Hair Fibre (1.5%) and coarse aggregate
(Margallah) After drying, the hair can be stored.
Workability of these M1, M2, M3 and M4 mixes are Following tests are performed to check the mechanical
measured using the slump test (ASTM C 143). characteristics of all mixes.
2.5 Casting
Slump Test
Casting of cylinders have been done after measuring the Compression Test
workability of concrete. Seventy-two cylinders in total Split Tensile Test
(Nine cylinders for each type of hair fibre percentage)
were casted in accordance with the (ASTM C-192), to 3.3 Workability of Concrete
test the cylinders at different ages (7, 14 and 28). The
detail of the cylinders is given in Table 1. Workability is the ease by which concrete has been mixed,
transported, molded and compacted. The usual range of
2.6 Curing
workability is taken as 40-60mm for the use in
Casted cylinders have been immersed in normal fresh foundations, slabs, beams and columns etc. Workability
water for curing. Three curing ages (7, 14 and 28 days) has been measured using ASTM C 143 and shown in
have been selected for four types of mixes (M1,M2,M3 Fig. 2.
and M4).
3.4 Compressive Strength of Concrete
Compressive strength has been measured by testing of
3.1 Treatment of Hair Fibre
concrete cylinders at room temperature under control
Treatment of hair fibres are required before the mixing compression testing machine as per ASTM C 39.
of concrete samples. Some steps have been followed. Cylinders were taken out from curing tank at the
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, Volume 39, No. 1, January, 2020 [p-ISSN: 0254-7821, e-ISSN: 2413-7219]
Human Hair as Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Enhancement of Tensile Strength of Concrete
Results are tabulated on each type of mix as shown in
below Table 2. Workability of all mixes are within the
acceptable range.
1. M1 50
2. M2 60
3. M3 55
LAB) 4. M4 40
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, Volume 39, No. 1, January, 2020 [p-ISSN: 0254-7821, e-ISSN: 2413-7219]
Human Hair as Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Enhancement of Tensile Strength of Concrete
Compressive Strength of concrete mix M1, M2, M3 and
M4 are shown in Fig. 8 at the age specified in as above
Tensile strengths are calculated by taking average of three
tested samples for each type of mix at different ages. The
results of tensile strength are shown in below Table 4 and
graphs have been plotted in Fig. 8.
Compressive Strength (MPa)
No. Number of days
M1 M2 M3 M4
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, Volume 39, No. 1, January, 2020 [p-ISSN: 0254-7821, e-ISSN: 2413-7219]
Human Hair as Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Enhancement of Tensile Strength of Concrete
(i) Workability of the concrete made with Human (ii) Compressive Strength (fc’) of all the mixes
hair of different percentage (0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5%) increased with age. The strength of concrete
(M4) made with 1.5% of human hair is higher
lies between 40-70mm, which is adequate for
than concrete (M2) made with 0.5% and concrete
normal use of concrete. The workability of
(M3) made with by using 1.0%.It shows that
concrete with 0.5% of human hair is highest and human hair as a fiber can be used to achieve the
for concrete with 1.5% human hair is lower. strength more than normal concrete.
Split Tensile Strength (N/mm2)
No. Number of days
M1 M2 M3 M4
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, Volume 39, No. 1, January, 2020 [p-ISSN: 0254-7821, e-ISSN: 2413-7219]
Human Hair as Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Enhancement of Tensile Strength of Concrete
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Strength of Concrete”, Shri Guru Gbbind Institute of
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provided by The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan.
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complete our research. Special Issue International Conference on Technological
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