Study On The Effect of Varying Volume Fraction On

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Study on the effect of varying volume fraction on mechanical properties

of coconut shell powder reinforced epoxy matrix composites
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IConMMEE 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012097 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012097

Study on the effect of varying volume fraction on mechanical

properties of coconut shell powder reinforced epoxy matrix

Mohan Kumar1*, Abhishek Bala2, Prithviraj M2, Raghavendra2 and

1Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering,
2Undergraduates of Mechanical Engineering, Srinivas School of Engineering, Mangalore

* Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Abstract. Coconut shell powder reinforced epoxy matrix composite is made of coconut shell
powder, epoxy resin, and hardener. The tensile and compression tests of composites conducted
at three different volume fractions of coconut shell particulates. The experimental results reveal
that tensile strength of the composites increased with the decrease of the coconut shell
particulate content, whereas compressive strength increases with the increase of the coconut
shell powder.
Keywords:Coconut shell particulate, Epoxy resin, Hardener, UTM, Tensile strength,
Compression strength

1. Introduction
Composite materials are materials made from two or more constituent materials with significantly
different physical or chemical properties, that when combined, produce a material with characteristics
different from the individual components. For example, concrete consists of crushed stones or
limestone, cement, sand, and water. The composition occurs on a microscopic scale; new material is
then called an alloy for metals or a polymer for plastics. A composite material is composed of
reinforcement (fibres, particles, flakes, and/or fillers) embedded in a matrix (polymers, metals, or
ceramics). This reinforcement is very tough and different shapes can be obtained. They are much
preferred because they are less expensive, stronger, and lighter [1]. Nowadays, naturally obtained
particles reinforced composites have considerable potential to replace conventional materials like
metals, plastics, and wood in structural and non-structural applications.

Ramesh M and Nijanthan S investigated the mechanical properties such as tensile, flexural and impact
strengths of these composites of kenaf and glass fibres with two different fibre orientations of 0◦ and
90◦. From the experiment, it was observed that the composites with the 0◦ fibre orientation can
withstand the maximum tensile strength of 49.27 MPa, flexural strength of 164.35 MPa, and impact
strength of 6 J. Whereas, the composites with the 90◦ fibre orientation hold the maximum tensile
strength of 69.86 MPa, flexural strength of 162.566 MPa and impact strength of 6.66 J [2].
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IConMMEE 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012097 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012097

R. S. Wani and R. R. Shitole prepared composites with unidirectional bamboo fiber reinforced with
epoxy resin, and conducted tensile test on the 10kN universal testing machine and results were
obtained. For the volume fraction of the fiber of 20%, the tensile strength of bamboo reinforced epoxy
composite was found to be 26.417 MPa at 2.4 kN [3].
Jute, Coir, and Bamboo natural fiber composites are considered to have potential use as a reinforcing
material in epoxy polymer-based composites because of their good strength, stiffness etc. In the study
conducted by Tanwer A.K, mechanical properties for these natural fiber composites were evaluated.
Here, these natural fibers are the fiber reinforcement and epoxy polymer resin as a matrix material.
Composite were prepared with different longitudinal (Unidirectional) natural fiber reinforced with the
epoxy-based polymer. Tensile and compression tests were conducted and found that the tensile
strength of jute, bamboo, coconut coir fiber composites are 9.155, 13.05, 3.208 Mpa respectively and
compression strength is 31.28, 35.42, 25.41 Mpa respectively [4].
Mechanical Properties of Pineapple Leaf Fibre-Reinforced Polyester Composites was carried out by
Devi. L.U and found that tensile strength is 17, 40 and 52.9 Mpa respectively for 10 %, 20%, and 30%
volume fractions of pineapple fibre [5].
Focus on natural fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites are growing rapidly in terms of industrial
applications and in the field of research. Plants, such as coconut shell, flax, cotton, hemp, jute, sisal,
kenaf, pineapple, ramie, bamboo, banana, wood etc. are used as natural fiber. Advantageous are
availability, biodegradable, completely or partially recyclable, renewable, cost-effective, eco-friendly,
and less weight. Therefore, they are used extensively in many manufacturing industries. These are also
used in transportation (automobiles, railway coaches, aerospace), military applications, construction
industries, packaging, consumer products [6].
Recently naturally available fibers like jute, hemp, flax, have been considered for reinforcing plastic as
they need less energy to grow and also it supports to the farmer to rely on agriculture. Since they are
lightweight they are extensively used in automotive industry. Ford model U hybrid-electric car and
Mercedes Benz A class are already started using this type of naturally available composites in their
model [7]. Currently, Motorcar industries such as Rolls-Royce and Jaguar are using specifically wood
for panels and interior components [8].

2. Materials Used
The materials used in the preparation of composites are coconut shell powder, epoxy, and hardener, of
which the details are explained in the following paragraphs.

2.1 Coconut Shell Particulate

Coconut shell particulate is made from versatile part of the coconut. The shell is inorganic in nature
which is available profusely and procuring them is cost-effective [9]. It has good durability
characteristics high toughness and abrasion resistant properties. The shell is similar to hard woods. The
coconut shell composite material offers strength and rigidity, eco-friendly, renewable and abundant in

2.2 Epoxy Resin and Hardener

The epoxy resin used is LAPOX B 11. It is a general purpose BIS – A-based liquid epoxy resin with
medium viscosity. The density of LAPOX B 11 at 250C is 1.15 g/cc (kg/l) [10]. Hardener suitable for
LAPOX B 11 is MSDS H – 140. The density of the hardener at 250C is 1.015 g/cc (kg/ltr).

3. Experimental Procedure

3.1 Sample preparation

Initially, coconut shell powder of <150 micron grain size was obtained using mechanical siever.
Coconut shell powder was weighed and dried in a microwave oven for 30 seconds. The epoxy resin
and hardener are collected in the proportion of 2:1 by volume. The weighed resin is stirred using

IConMMEE 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012097 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012097

mechanical stirrer, simultaneously the coconut shell particles are added to it. Stirring of mixtures is
continued along with heating at 500C for about 10 minutes. After getting the uniform mixture of shell
and resin matrix, hardener was added and stirred for 3 minutes. Then the mixture is poured into the
mould cavity. Before pouring the mixture into mould cavity the releasing agent is applied on the walls
of the mould to enable the easy removal of the sample after drying. The samples were dried in the
mould for 20 hours at room temperature. Then it is removed from the mould and dried in an oven at
500C for 4 hours. This procedure is done for the different volume fraction of coconut shell powder.

Fig.1 and fig.2 illustrates mixing of the epoxy resin, coconut shell powder, hardener by stirrer and then
mixtures are poured into mould cavity.

Figure 1. Illustrates mixing of the epoxy resin, coconut shell powder, and hardener

Figure 2. Mixture poured into mould cavity

IConMMEE 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012097 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012097

3.2 Tests conducted

To study the mechanical behavior tensile test and compression test are conducted. The tensile testing
of the specimens was conducted to know the breaking (ultimate tensile strength) strength of the
composite under tensile load. The composite was loaded till its breaking point and the load v/s
displacement curve for each coconut shell powder volume fraction is drawn. Compression test is
similar to tension test, expect the loading is in opposite direction i.e., compressive loads, which
produce crushing action. The load v/s displacement curves for each coconut shell powder volume
fraction are drawn as shown in figure 3 to figure 8.

The tensile test specimen was prepared according to ASTM D 3039 standard. Tensile and compression
the tests were carried out in Universal Testing Machine of 40 Ton capacity. It is used for ascertaining
the strength and deformation of all kinds of materials, such Plastics, wood, composite materials. All
tests were conducted at Raghavendra Spectro Metallurgical Laboratory, Bangalore.

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Tensile test results

Using the data obtained from tensile test load versus displacement graphs are drawn for the different
volume fractions as depicted in the following figures. The tensile tests are conducted for two samples
of each volume fraction.

Figure 3. Load versus displacement curve for 10% volume fraction curve

Figure 4. Load versus displacement curve for 20% volume fraction curve

IConMMEE 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012097 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012097

Figure 5. Load versus displacement curve for 30% volume fraction curve

From the figure 3, Sample 1 - It can be observed that the maximum load taken by it is 3.09 kN and
deformation obtained is 2.87 mm. Tensile Strength is found to be 46 MPa. The results of Sample 2
indicate that maximum load taken by it is 3.25 kN and deformation obtained is 2.25mm. Tensile
Strength is 44MPa. Therefore the average Tensile strength of 10% volume fraction composite is 45
From the figure 4, for Sample 1, the ultimate load taken is 2.2 kN and deformation obtained is 2.5 mm.
Tensile Strength is 39.12 MPa. For Sample 2 it can be observed that maximum load taken by it is
2.99kN and the net deformation obtained is1.99 mm. This gives a Tensile strength of 39 MPa. Hence
the average Tensile strength of 20% volume fraction composite is 39 MPa.
The results of 30% volume fraction composite indicate that the maximum load carried by the Sample
1at failure is 1.4 kN and deformation observed is 2.75 mm. Tensile Strength is 25.5 MPa. Sample 2
would carry a maximum load of 1.64 kN and deformation obtained is 3.66 mm. Tensile Strength is 29
MPa. So the average Tensile strength of 30% volume fraction composite is 27.25 MPa.

4.2. Compression test results

From the Compression test results, Load versus Displacement graphs are plotted for three
different volume fractions of coconut shell powder as shown in the following figures. The
compression tests are conducted for two samples in each case.

Figure 6. Load versus displacement curve for 10% volume fraction curve

IConMMEE 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012097 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012097

Figure 7. Load versus displacement curve for 20% volume fraction curve

Figure 8. Load versus displacement curve for 30% volume fraction curve

From the figure 6, for Sample 1 the maximum load observed at fracture is 12 kN and deformation
obtained was 5 mm. Compression Strength is 27 MPa. For Sample 2the ultimate load taken is 11 kN
and deformation obtained is 5.5 mm. Compression Strength is 24.2 MPa. The average Compression
Strength of 10% volume fraction composite is 25.6 MPa.
The load at failure for Sample 1of 20% volume fraction is observed to be 25kN and deformation
obtained is 5mm. Compression Strength is 58MPa. For Sample 2 the maximum load taken at fracture
is 28.8 kN and deformation obtained is 5 mm. Compression Strength is 64.68 MPa. Therefore the
average Compression Strength of 20% volume fraction is 61.34 MPa.
From the figure 8, Sample 1 indicated the maximum load taken by it is 27.5 kN and deformation
obtained is 9 mm. Compression Strength is 73 MPa. For Sample 2 the ultimate compressive load taken
by it is 34.65 kN and deformation obtained was 11.4 mm. Compression Strength is 90.5 MPa. This
yields an average Compression Strength of 81.75 MPa for 30% volume fraction composite.

5. Conclusion
Tensile and compressive properties of epoxy composites reinforced with coconut particulate have been
studied and results are discussed. The tensile strength obtained for 10%, 20%, 30% volume fraction of
coconut shell powder composite are 45, 39, and 27.25 MPa respectively and compression strength are

IConMMEE 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012097 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012097

25.6, 61.34, 81.75 Mpa. The tensile strength is found to be increasing with the decrease of the coconut
shell particulate content and compressive strength increases with the increase of the coconut shell
particulate content. And the final values obtained are at par with jute, bamboo, coconut coir, pineapple
and bamboo reinforced composite matrix. Using coconut shell powder is more convenient compared to
other natural composite materials because it is present abundantly in nature and easy to prepare.

6. References

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