All Quizes With Answ CHM107 - F17 - 18 PDF

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Quiz 1

____ 1. A 19.0-g sample of lithium is completely burned in air to form lithium oxide. The mass of lithium
oxide must be
A) less than 19.0 g.
B) greater than 19.0 g.
C) equal to 19.0 g.
D) all of the above.
E) none of the above.
____ 2. Express the result of the following calculation in scientific notation: 0.0263 cm2 ÷ 88.2 cm

____ 3. Calculate the mass of gold that occupies the same volume as 62.9 g of cobalt. The density of
cobalt is 8.90 g/cm3 and the density of gold is 19.30 g/cm3.
A) 2.73 g
B) 136 g
C) 1.08  104 g
D) 0.0345 g
E) 0.366 g

____ 4. An atom that has the same number of neutrons as is

A) .
B) .
C) .
D) .
E) .
____ 5. What is the symbol of the nuclide having 15 protons and 16 neutrons?

____ 6. Naturally occurring element X exists in three isotopic forms: X-28 (27.977 amu, 92.21%
abundance), X-29 (28.976 amu, 4.70% abundance), and X-30 (29.974 amu, 3.09% abundance).
Calculate the atomic mass of X.
A) 29.09 amu
B) 28.09 amu
C) 35.29 amu
D) 86.93 amu
E) 25.80 amu
____ 7. The formula of magnesium sulfide is
A) MgS.
B) MgSO2.
C) MgSO4.
D) MgSO3.
E) Mg(SO4)2.
____ 8. The formula of water, H2O, suggests
A) there is twice as much mass of hydrogen as oxygen in each molecule.
B) there are two oxygen atoms and one hydrogen atom per water molecule.
C) there is twice as much mass of oxygen as of hydrogen in each molecule.
D) there are two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom per water molecule.
E) none of these

____ 9. What is the best answer to report for ?

A) 2.252 g/mL
B) 2.2518 g/mL
C) 2.3 g/mL
D) 2.25 g/mL
E) 2.25183 g/mL
____ 10. The mass spectrum of an element with two naturally occurring isotopes is shown below. What is
the best estimate of the element’s atomic mass?

A) 10 amu
B) 11 amu
C) 10.8 amu
D) 10.2 amu
E) 10.5 amu
Quiz 2

____ 1. The fully hydrated form of sodium sulfate is the decahydrate, Na2SO4 • 10H2O. When heated
the hydrated salt loses water. How many water molecules are found per formula unit in a
partially dehydrated sample of sodium sulfate with a formula mass of 160.1 amu (i.e. find n for
Na2SO4 • nH2O)?
A) 1 waters.
B) 5 waters.
C) 3 waters.
D) 4 waters.
E) 7 waters.
____ 2. What is the mass of oxygen atoms in 0.305 mol Fe(CO)5?
A) 17.0 g
B) 59.7 g
C) 24.4 g
D) 4.88 g
E) 18.3 g
____ 3. How many moles of iron atoms are contained in 4.39 g of iron?
A) 245 mol
B) 0.0579 mol
C) 0.0786 mol
D) 0.122 mol
E) 0.169 mol
____ 4. How many molecules are there in 2.80 kg of hydrazine, N2H4?
A) 8.75  1023
B) 5.27  1025
C) 1.88  1022
D) 2.80  1026
E) 4.65  1021
____ 5. What is the mass percentage of carbon in the compound C6H6O2?
A) 5.5 %
B) 70.9 %
C) 65.5 %
D) 29.1 %
E) 14.3 %
____ 6. Analysis of a compound showed that it contained 76.0 % fluorine atoms and 24.0 % carbon
atoms by mass. What is its empirical formula?
A) CF2
B) C2F3
C) CF3
D) C2F5
____ 7. A particular compound contains, by mass, 41.4 % carbon, 3.47 % hydrogen, and 55.1 % oxygen.
A 0.050-mol sample of this compound weighs 5.80 g. The molecular formula of this compound
A) C3H3O3.
B) C3H3O.
D) C4H4O4.
E) C5H5O5.
____ 8. A 5.95-g sample of AgNO3 is reacted with BaCl2 according to the equation
2AgNO3(aq) + BaCl2(aq)  2AgCl(s) + Ba(NO3)2(aq)
to give 3.36 g of AgCl. What is the percent yield of AgCl?
A) 44.6 %
B) 33.5 %
C) 66.9 %
D) 56.5 %
E) 100 %
____ 9. Identify the spectator ions in the following reaction.
Ca2+(aq) + 2NO3–(aq) + 2Na+(aq) + CO32–(aq)  CaCO3(s) + 2Na+(aq) + NO3–(aq)
A) NO3– and CO32–
B) Ca2+ and Na+
C) Ca2+ and CO32–
D) Ca2+ and NO3–
E) Na+ and NO3–
____ 10. Which of the following solutions contains the largest number of moles of dissolved particles?
A) 25. mL of 5.0 M sodium chloride
B) 25. mL of 2.0 M sulfuric acid
C) 200. mL of 0.10 M sodium hydroxide
D) 50. mL of 1.0 M hydrochloric acid
E) 100. mL of 0.5 M nitric acid
Quiz 3

____ 1. A flexible container is charged with 51.00 L of gas at 368. Under conditions of constant
pressure and moles of gas, what is the volume of the gas when the temperature is tripled?
A) 153 L
B) 17.0 L
C) 0.0588 L
D) 51 L
E) 0.850 L
____ 2. A fixed amount of gas in a rigid container is heated from 300 to 900 K. Which of the following
responses best describes what will happen to the pressure of the gas?
A) The pressure will increase by a factor of 3.
B) The pressure will increase by a factor less than 3.
C) The pressure will increase by a factor greater than 3.
D) The pressure will decrease by a factor of 3.
E) The pressure will remain the same.
____ 3. What volume of methane gas, CH4, has the same number of atoms as 6.00 L of krypton gas at the
same temperature and pressure?
A) 36.0 L
B) 1.00 L
C) 6.00 L
D) 1.20 L
E) 30.0 L
____ 4. The volume of 1 mol of nitrogen
A) is lower than that of 1mol ammonia at high pressures.
B) is decreased by decreasing the pressure of the gas.
C) has the value of 22.4 L at 0°C and 1.00 atm.
D) is decreased by increasing its kinetic energy.
E) is increased by decreasing the temperature.
____ 5. A 1.00-L sample of a gas at STP has a mass of 1.16 g. The molar mass of the gas is
A) 5.18 g/mol.
B) 26.0 g/mol.
C) 22.4 g/mol.
D) 44.8 g/mol.
E) 193 g/mol.
____ 6. Calcium nitrate will react with ammonium chloride at slightly elevated temperatures, as
represented in the equation below.
Ca(NO3)2(s) + 2NH4Cl(s)  2N2O(g) + CaCl2(s) + 4H2O(g)
What is the maximum volume of N2O at STP that could be produced using a 3.40-mol sample of
each reactant?
A) 9.28  102 L
B) 152 L
C) 1.31  10–2 L
D) 76.2 L
E) 22.4 L
____ 7. What is the volume occupied by a mixture of 0.522 mol of N2 and 0.522 mol of O2 gases at
0.83 atm and 42.7°C?
A) 9.79  102 L
B) 32.6 L
C) 2.20 L
D) 4.41 L
E) 16.3 L
____ 8. What is the partial pressure of nitrogen in a container that contains 3.96 mol of oxygen, 7.49 mol
of nitrogen, and 1.19 mol of carbon dioxide when the total pressure is 563 mmHg?
A) 53.0 mmHg
B) 819 mmHg
C) 176 mmHg
D) 334 mmHg
E) 563 mmHg
____ 9. Which of the following is not a postulates of the kinetic molecular theory of gases?
A) The gas molecules are in constant motion.
B) At a constant temperature, each molecule has the same kinetic energy.
C) The collisions between molecules are elastic.
D) The volumes of the molecules are negligible compared with the volume of the
E) The gas molecules are in rapid motion.
____ 10. If a sample of nitrogen gas in a sealed container of fixed volume is heated from 25°C to 150°C,
the value of which of the following quantities will remain constant?
A) the average speed of the molecules
B) the density of the nitrogen
C) the average intensity of a molecular collision with the walls of the container
D) the average kinetic energy of the molecules
E) the pressure of the gas
CHM 107-Q4 Fall 17-18

____ 1. (1 point) An orbital with the quantum numbers may be found in which
A) 3f
B) 3d
C) 3p
D) 3g
E) 3s
____ 2. (1 point) What
is the binding energy (in J/mol or kJ/mol) of an electron in a metal whose threshold
frequency for photoelectrons is 2.50 × 1014 /s?
A) 2.75 × 10–43 J/mol
B) 1.66 × 10–19 J/mol
C) 1.20 × 10–6 J/mol
D) 99.7 kJ/mol
E) 7.22 × 1017 kJ/mol
____ 3. (1 point) Whenphotons with a wavelength of 310. nm strike a magnesium plate, the maximum
velocity of the ejected electrons is 3.45 × 105 m/s. Calculate the binding energy of electrons to
the magnesium surface.
A) 32.7 kJ/mol
B) 321 kJ/mol
C) 353 kJ/mol
D) 386 kJ/mol
E) 419 kJ/mol
____ 4. (1 point) Which ground-state electron configuration is incorrect?

____ 5. (1 point) Rank

the following atoms in order of the largest to smallest atomic radius: Al, P, Cl, K.
A) K > Al > P > Cl
B) Al > K > P > Cl
C) P > Al > K > Cl
D) Al > P > Cl > K
E) K > P > Al > Cl
____ 6. (1 point) An atom of which of the following elements has the largest second ionization energy?
A) Na
B) Cl
C) S
D) Si
E) Mg
____ 7. (1 point) An atom of which of the following elements has the most negative electron affinity?
A) Rb
B) As
C) Cl
D) Br
E) Se
____ 8. (1 point) What
is the frequency of light emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a
transition from level (

____ 9. of the following statements is true concerning the electron configuration [Kr]5p2?
(1 point) Which
A) This configuration cannot be the ground-state electron configuration for a Sr atom
because it violates the Pauli exclusion principle.
B) This configuration cannot be the ground-state electron configuration for a Sr atom
because it violates Hund's rule.
C) This configuration is the ground-state electron configuration for a Sr atom.
D) This configuration cannot be the ground-state electron configuration for a Sr atom
because it violates the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
E) This configuration cannot be the ground-state electron configuration for a Sr atom
because it violates the Aufbau principle.
____ 10. (1 point) Whichof the following forms the most stable anion in the gas phase?
A) Br (electron affinity = -325 kJ/mol)
B) I (electron affinity = -295 kJ/mol)
C) Te (electron affinity = -190 kJ/mol)
D) C (electron affinity = -122 kJ/mol)
E) As (electron affinity = -77 kJ/mol)
Chm 107 Quiz 5

____ 1. (1 point) Which of the following is the Lewis dot structure for the bromide ion?





____ 2. (1 point) What is the total number of valence electrons in N2O4?

A) 34
B) 11
C) 16
D) 17
E) 46
____ 3. (1 point) In which of the following species is resonance most likely to take place?




____ 4. (1 point) The Lewis formula of which species does not represent an exception to the octet rule?
A) SiF5-
B) SCl6
C) SF4
D) BF3
E) CF3-
____ 5. (1 point) Which of the following molecules has an incorrect Lewis formula?





____ 6. (1 point) Which of the following is the best explanation for a covalent bond?
A) electrons simultaneously attracted by more than one nucleus
B) an interaction between outer electrons
C) the overlapping of unoccupied orbitals of two or more atoms
D) the overlapping of two electron-filled orbitals having different energies
E) a positive ion attracting negative ions
____ 7. (1 point) Which of the following concerning electronegativity is/are correct?
1. Differences in element electronegativities may be used to predict the type of
bonding, ionic or covalent, in a substance.
2. The larger the differences in electronegativity between two bonded atoms the
more polar the bond.
3. The electrons in a polar bond tend to spend more time around the least
electronegative element.

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 3 only
D) 1 and 2
E) 1, 2, and 3
____ 8. (1 point) Rank the following covalent bonds in order of decreasing polarity: C-H, N-H, O-H,
A) F-H, O-H, N-H, C-H
B) O-H, F-H, N-H, C-H
C) N-H, F-H, O-H, C-H
D) C-H, N-H, O-H, F-H
E) C-H, F-H, O-H, N-H
____ 9. (1 point) The Lewis formula for phosphine, PH3, has
A) four lone pairs.
B) four bonding pairs.
C) two bonding pairs and two lone pairs.
D) three bonding pairs and one lone pair.
E) one bonding pair and three lone pairs.
____ 10. (1 point) Which one of the following has a Lewis formula most similar to that of NO–?
A) O2
B) O22–
C) O2–
D) NO+
Chm 107 Quiz 6
____ 1. (1 point) The
molecule AX3, in which A is the central atom, is polar and obeys the octet rule;
A) A has two lone pairs.
B) A has one lone pair.
C) A has no lone pairs.
D) A has four bonding pairs.
E) A has three lone pairs.
____ 2. (1 point) What is the bond angle in a linear molecule or ion?
A) 120°
B) 109°
C) 90°
D) 72°
E) 180°
____ 3. (1 point) Which molecule or ion is not planar?
A) CO32–
B) Cl2CCCl2
D) H3O+
____ 4. (1 point) What is the molecular geometry around carbon atom C1?

A) tetrahedral
B) trigonal planar
C) linear
D) trigonal pyramidal
E) bent
____ 5. (1 point) Which molecule is polar?
A) C2H4
B) CS2
C) C6H6
D) SO2
E) CF4
____ 6. (1 point) Which of the following molecules does not have a permanent dipole moment?
A) sulfur tetrafluoride, SF4
B) iodine trichloride, ICl3
C) nitrogen trifluoride, NF3
D) phosphorus pentafluoride, PF5
E) sulfur dioxide, SO2
____ 7. (1 point) When an atom in a molecule or ion is described as sp3d2 hybridized, its molecular
geometry is
A) octahedral.
B) trigonal bipyramidal.
C) linear.
D) tetrahedral.
E) trigonal planar.
____ 8. (1 point) Consider the molecule:

Specify the hybridization of each carbon atom.

C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5

A) sp2 sp2 sp2 sp3 sp

B) sp2 sp2 sp2 sp3 sp3
C) sp2 sp2 sp3 sp3 sp2
D) sp2 sp2 sp3 sp3 sp3
E) sp2 sp sp sp2 sp
____ 9. (1 point) Thebond angles in ICl2– are expected to be
A) a little less than 109.5°.
B) 109.5°.
C) a little more than 109.5°.
D) 120°.
E) 180°.
____ 10. (1 point) An sp3 hybridized central carbon atom with no lone pairs of electrons has what type of
A) 1  and 2  bonds
B) 1  and 3  bonds
C) 2  and 2  bonds
D) 3  and 2  bonds
E) 0  and 4  bonds
Chm107 Quiz 7
____ 1. (1 point) Which
one of the following liquids would you expect to have the highest vapor pressure at
room temperature? (all boiling points are normal boiling points)
A) n-pentane, b.p. = 36.1°C
B) methanol, b.p. = 65.0°C
C) carbon tetrachloride, b.p. = 76.7°C
D) acetic acid, b.p. = 118°C
E) mercury, b.p. = 357°C
____ 2. (1 point) Methane (CH4) is able to be liquefied at low temperatures due to which intermolecular
A) ionic bonding
B) covalent bonding
C) hydrogen bonding
D) dipole–dipole
E) London dispersion
____ 3. (1 point) The
space-filling representation of a crystalline polonium provided below is an example of
a _____ unit cell, which contains the equivalent of _____ atom(s) within a single unit cell.

A) simple cubic, 1 atom

B) body centered cubic, 2 atoms
C) face centered cubic, 4 atoms
D) simple cubic, 8 atoms
E) body centered cubic, 3 atoms
____ 4. (1 point) The metal
iron crystallizes in a body-centered cubic lattice. If the density of iron is
7.87 g/cm , what is the unit cell edge length?
A) 287 pm
B) 77.6 pm
C) 75.0 pm
D) 61.6 pm
E) 228 pm
____ 5. (1 point) What is the simplest formula of the compound represented by the unit cell provided below?
A) AB3
B) AB2
D) A2B4
E) A2B6
____ 6. (1 point) What
is the change in enthalpy when 4.00 mol of sulfur trioxide decomposes to sulfur
dioxide and oxygen gas?
2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g); H° = 198 kJ
A) 396 kJ
B) –198 kJ
C) –396 kJ
D) 198 kJ
E) 792 kJ

____ 7. 85.9-g piece of cobalt (s = 0.421 J/(g°C)), initially at 263.1°C, is added to 116.2 g of a
(1 point) A
liquid, initially at 24.7°C, in an insulated container. The final temperature of the metal–liquid
mixture at equilibrium is 50.8°C. What is the identity of the liquid? Neglect the heat capacity
of the container.
A) hexane (s = 2.27 J/(g°C))
B) methanol (s = 2.53 J/(g°C))
C) acetone (s = 2.15 J/(g°C))
D) ethanol (s = 2.43 J/(g°C))
E) water (s = 4.18 J/(g°C))
____ 8. (1 point) Given:

Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g)  2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g); H° = –26.8 kJ

FeO(s) + CO(g)  Fe(s) + CO2(g); H° = –16.5 kJ
determine H° for the following thermochemical equation.
Fe2O3(s) + CO(g)  2FeO(s) + CO2(g)
A) 6.2 kJ
B) 10.3 kJ
C) 22.7 kJ
D) –10.3 kJ
E) –43.3 kJ
____ 9. (1 point) What is the standard enthalpy of formation of liquid methylamine (CH3NH2)?
C(s) + O2(g)  CO2(g); H° = –393.5 kJ
2H2O(l)  2H2(g) + O2(g); H° = 571.6 kJ
N2(g) + O2(g)  NO2(g); H° = 33.10 kJ
4CH3NH2(l) + 13O2(g)  4CO2(g) + 4NO2(g) + 10H2O(l); H° = –4110.4 kJ
A) +3899.2 kJ/mol
B) –3899.2 kJ/mol
C) –47.3 kJ/mol
D) +47.3 kJ/mol
E) +3178.4 kJ
____ 10. (1 point) Which of the following has a standard enthalpy of formation value of zero at 25°C?
A) Cl(g)
B) Cl2(l)
C) Cl2(g)
D) Cl(s)
E) Cl2(s)
Chm107 Quiz 8

____ 1. (1 point) What is H° for the following phase change?

KCl(s)  KCl(l)
Substance H°f (kJ/mol)
KCl(s) –436.68
KCl(l) –421.79

A) 858.47 kJ
B) 14.89 kJ
C) –858.47 kJ
D) –14.89 kJ
E) 0 kJ
____ 2. (1 point) Whichof the following is true for the sublimation of a solid substance?
A) S = 0 and H = 0.
B) S < 0 and H < 0.
C) S < 0 and H > 0.
D) S > 0 and H > 0.
E) S > 0 and H < 0.
____ 3. the normal boiling point of o-xylene, H°vap = 36.2 kJ/mol and
(1 point) At
S°vap = 86.7 J/(molK). What is the normal boiling point of o-xylene?
A) 314 K
B) 373 K
C) 115 K
D) 867 K
E) 418 K

____ 4. H and S are constant with respect to temperature, under what conditions will
(1 point) Assuming
a chemical reaction be spontaneous only at low temperatures?
A) H is negative, and S is negative.
B) H is positive, and S is positive.
C) S = 0, and H is positive.
D) H = 0, and S is negative.
E) none of these
____ 5. which reaction is S° expected to be negative?
(1 point) In
A) 2C2H6(g) + 7O2(g)  4CO2(g) + 6H2O(l)
B) Ga(l)  Ga(s)
C) H2O(l) + 2SO2(g)  H2SO4(l)
D) CO2(g) CO2(s)
E) all of above
____ 6. (1 point) What
is the change in entropy when 0.646 g of water decomposes to form hydrogen gas
and oxygen gas at 298 K?
2H2O(l)  2H2(g) + O2(g); S° = 326.3 J/K at 298 K
A) 5.85 J/K
B) 0.0785 J/K
C) 23.4 J/K
D) 11.7 J/K
E) 211 J/K

____ 7. (1 point) Given the following, determine G°f at 298 K for SnO.
Sn(s) + SnO2(s)  2SnO(s) ; G° = 12.0 kJ at 298K
Substance G°f (kJ/mol) at 298 K
SnO(s) ?
SnO2(s) –515.8

A) –251.9 kJ/mol
B) –503.8 kJ/mol
C) 527.8 kJ/mol
D) 263.9 kJ/mol
E) 1055.6 kJ/mol
____ 8. of the following is correct for the condensation of gaseous methane at –166°C?
(1 point) Which
The normal boiling point of methane is –161°C.
A) H < 0, S > 0, and G > 0.
B) H < 0, S < 0, and G < 0.
C) H > 0, S < 0, and G < 0.
D) H = 0, S = 0, and G < 0.
E) H > 0, S > 0, and G > 0.

____ 9. a certain process, at 300. K, G = –44.0 kJ and H = –7.0 kJ. If the process is carried
(1 point) For
out reversibly, what is the amount of useful work that can be performed?
A) –7.0 kJ
B) –51.0 kJ
C) –37.0 kJ
D) 37.0 kJ
E) –44.0 kJ
____ 10. (1 point) What
is the change in free energy at 298 K when 12.0 mL of 0.344 M calcium chloride is
combined with 73.7 mL of 0.245 M sodium carbonate? (R = 8.31 J/(Kmol))
Ca2+(aq) + CO32–(aq)  CaCO3(s)
Substance G°f (kJ/mol) at 298 K
Ca2+(aq) –553.5
CO32–(aq) –527.9
CaCO3(s) –1128.8

A) –36.0 kJ
B) –2.20  103 kJ
C) –41.3 kJ
D) –47.4 kJ
E) 9.16  103 kJ
Quiz 1
Answer Section
1. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 1.3
OBJ: Apply the law of the conservation of mass. (Example 1.1)
TOP: general concepts | matter
2. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 1.5
OBJ: Know how to represent numbers using scientific notation.
TOP: general concepts | measurement KEY: significant figures | scientific notation
MSC: general chemistry
3. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: difficult REF: 1.7
OBJ: Use density to relate mass and volume. (Example 1.5)
TOP: general concepts | measurement KEY: SI unit | density
MSC: general chemistry
4. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 2.3
OBJ: Write the nuclide symbol for a given nuclide.
TOP: early atomic theory | atomic theory of matter KEY:
atomic symbol
MSC: general chemistry
5. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 2.3
OBJ: Write the nuclide symbol of an element. (Example 2.1)
TOP: early atomic theory | atomic theory of matter KEY:
atomic symbol
MSC: general chemistry
6. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 2.4
OBJ: Determine the atomic mass of an element from the isotopic masses and fractional
abundances. (Example 2.2) TOP: early atomic theory |
atomic theory of matter
KEY: atomic weight MSC: general chemistry
7. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 2.8
OBJ: Write the formula of an ionic compound from its name. (Example 2.5)
TOP: early atomic theory | chemical substance
KEY: nomenclature of simple compound | ionic compound MSC: general chemistry
8. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 2.6
OBJ: Define and provide examples for the term formula unit.
TOP: early atomic theory | chemical substance KEY: chemical formula
MSC: general chemistry
9. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 1.5
OBJ: Use significant figures in calculations. (Example 1.2)
TOP: general concepts | measurement KEY: significant figures
MSC: general chemistry
10. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 2.4
OBJ: Describe how a mass spectrometer can be used to determine the fractional abundance of
the isotopes of an element. TOP: early atomic theory |
atomic theory of matter
Quiz 2
Answer Section

1. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 3.1

OBJ: Calculate the formula mass from a formula.
TOP: stoichiometry | mass and moles of substance
2. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 3.2
OBJ: Convert from moles of substance to grams of substance. (Example 3.4)
TOP: stoichiometry | mass and moles of substance KEY: mole |
mole calculations
MSC: general chemistry
3. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 3.2
OBJ: Convert from grams of substance to moles of substance. (Example 3.5)
TOP: stoichiometry | mass and moles of substance KEY: mole |
mole calculations
MSC: general chemistry
4. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 3.2
OBJ: Calculate the number of molecules in a given mass of substance. (Example 3.6)
TOP: stoichiometry | mass and moles of substance KEY: mole |
mole calculations
MSC: general chemistry
5. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 3.3
OBJ: Calculate the percentage composition of the elements in a compound. (Example 3.7)
TOP: stoichiometry | determining chemical formulas KEY: mass percentage
MSC: general chemistry
6. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 3.5
OBJ: Determine the empirical formula of a binary compound from the masses of its elements.
(Example 3.10) TOP: stoichiometry | determining chemical formulas
KEY: empirical formula MSC: general chemistry
7. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 3.5
OBJ: Determine the empirical formula from the percentage composition. (Example 3.11)
TOP: stoichiometry | determining chemical formulas KEY: molecular formula
MSC: general chemistry
8. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 3.8
OBJ: Determine the percentage yield of a chemical reaction.
TOP: stoichiometry | stoichiometry calculation MSC: general chemistry
9. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 4.2
OBJ: From the complete ionic equation, write the net ionic equation.
TOP: chemical reactions | ions in aqueous solution
KEY: ionic equation | net ionic equation MSC: general chemistry
10. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 4.7
OBJ: Use molarity as a conversion factor. (Example 4.10)
TOP: chemical reactions | working with solutions KEY: concentration
MSC: general chemistry
Quiz 3
Answer Section
1. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 5.2
OBJ: Use Charles's law. (Example 5.3) TOP: phases | gas
2. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 5.2
OBJ: Use the combined gas law. (Example 5.4) TOP: phases | gas
KEY: empirical gas laws | combined gas law MSC: general chemistry
3. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 5.2
OBJ: State Avogadro's law. TOP: phases | gas
4. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 5.3
OBJ: Learn the ideal gas law equation. TOP: phases | gas KEY: ideal gas law
MSC: general chemistry
5. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 5.3
OBJ: Determine the molecular mass of a vapor. (Example 5.8) TOP: phases | gas
KEY: ideal gas law | calculations with the ideal gas law MSC: general chemistry
6. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: difficult REF: 5.4
OBJ: Solving stoichiometry problems involving gas volumes. (Example 5.9)
TOP: phases | gas KEY: ideal gas law | stoichiometry and gas volumes
MSC: general chemistry
7. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 5.5
OBJ: Learn the equation for Dalton's law of partial pressures. TOP: phases | gas
KEY: gas mixtures | Dalton's law of partial pressures MSC: general chemistry
8. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 5.5
OBJ: Calculate the partial pressure and mole fractions of a gas in a mixture. (Example 5.10)
TOP: phases | gas KEY: gas mixtures | Dalton's law of partial pressures
MSC: general chemistry
9. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 5.6
OBJ: List the five postulates of the kinetic theory. TOP: phases | gas
KEY: kinetic theory of an ideal gas | postulates of kinetic theory
MSC: general chemistry
10. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 5.6
OBJ: Provide a qualitative description of the gas laws based on the kinetic theory.
TOP: phases | gas KEY: kinetic-molecular theory MSC: general chemistry
CHM 107-Q4 Fall 17-18
Answer Section
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. E
9. E
10. A

Chm 107 Quiz 5

Answer Section

1. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 9.2

OBJ: Write the electron configuration and Lewis symbol for a main-group ion. (Example 9.2)
TOP: bonding | ionic bonding KEY: Lewis electron-dot symbol
MSC: general chemistry
2. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 9.6
OBJ: Write Lewis formulas with single bonds only. (Example 9.6)
TOP: bonding | covalent bonding
3. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 9.7
OBJ: Write resonance formulas. (Example 9.9)
TOP: bonding | covalent bonding KEY: resonance MSC: general chemistry
4. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 9.8
OBJ: Write Lewis formulas (exceptions to the octet rule). (Example 9.10)
TOP: bonding | covalent bonding
5. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 9.8
OBJ: Write Lewis formulas (exceptions to the octet rule). (Example 9.10)
TOP: bonding | covalent bonding KEY: exceptions to the octet rule
MSC: general chemistry
6. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 9.4
OBJ: Describe the formation of a covalent bond between two atoms.
TOP: bonding | covalent bonding MSC: general chemistry
7. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 9.5
OBJ: Use electronegativity to obtain relative bond polarity. (Example 9.5)
TOP: bonding | covalent bonding
8. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 9.5
OBJ: Use electronegativity to obtain relative bond polarity. (Example 9.5)
TOP: bonding | covalent bonding
9. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 9.6
OBJ: Write Lewis formulas with single bonds only. (Example 9.6)
TOP: bonding | covalent bonding KEY: Lewis dot formula
MSC: general chemistry
10. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 9.6
OBJ: Write Lewis formulas having including multiple bonds. (Example 9.7)
TOP: bonding | covalent bonding KEY: Lewis dot formula
MSC: general chemistry

Chm 107 Quiz 6

Answer Section
1. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 10.1
OBJ: Predict the molecular geometry (two, three, or four electron pairs). (Example 10.1)
TOP: bonding | molecular geometry
KEY: the valence-shell electron-pair repulsion model | tetrahedral arrangement
MSC: general chemistry
2. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 10.1
OBJ: Predict the molecular geometry (two, three, or four electron pairs). (Example 10.1)
TOP: bonding | molecular geometry KEY: bond angle MSC: general chemistry
3. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 10.1
OBJ: Predict the molecular geometry (two, three, or four electron pairs). (Example 10.1)
TOP: bonding | molecular geometry KEY: the valence-shell electron-pair repulsion
MSC: general chemistry
4. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 10.1
OBJ: Predict the molecular geometry in a molecule.
TOP: bonding | molecular geometry
5. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 10.2
OBJ: Explain the relationship between dipole moment and molecular geometry. (Example
TOP: bonding | molecular geometry KEY: dipole moment
MSC: general chemistry
6. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 10.2
OBJ: Explain the relationship between dipole moment and molecular geometry. (Example
TOP: bonding | molecular geometry
7. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 10.3
OBJ: Apply valence bond theory (two, three, or four electron pairs). (Example 10.4)
TOP: bonding | bonding theories
8. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: 9.1
KEY: Chemistry | general chemistry | bonding | bonding theories | hybridization
MSC: Conceptual
9. ANS: E
Bloom: 4
Category: Medium
Section: 10.1
Subtopic: Valence-Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR) and Molecular Shape

PTS: 1
10. ANS: E
Bloom: 4
Category: Medium
Section: 10.5
Subtopic: Valence Bond Theory

PTS: 1

Chm107 Quiz 7
Answer Section
1. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 11.2
OBJ: Define boiling point. TOP: phases | phase transitions
2. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 11.5
OBJ: Relate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
TOP: phases | liquid
3. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 11.7
OBJ: Define simple cubic unit cell, body-centered cubic unit cell, and face-centered cubic unit
cell. TOP: phases | solid
4. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 11.9
OBJ: Calculate unit-cell dimension from unit-cell type and density. (Example 11.11)
TOP: phases | solid KEY: calculations with unit cell dimensions
MSC: general chemistry
5. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: difficult REF: 11.9
OBJ: Determine the number of atoms in a unit cell. (Example 11.9)
TOP: phases | solid
6. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 6.5
OBJ: Calculate the heat absorbed or evolved from a reaction given its enthalpy of reaction and
the mass of a reactant or product. (Example 6.4)
TOP: thermochemistry | heats of reaction
KEY: thermochemical equation | stoichiometry and heats of reaction
MSC: general chemistry
7. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 6.6
OBJ: Calculate using this relation between heat and specific heat. (Example 6. 5)
TOP: thermochemistry | heats of reaction KEY: calorimetry | specific heat
MSC: general chemistry
8. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 6.7
OBJ: Apply Hess's law to obtain the enthalpy change for one reaction from the enthalpy
changes of a number of other reactions. (Example 6.7)
TOP: thermochemistry | heats of reaction KEY: Hess's law MSC: general chemistry
9. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: difficult REF: 6.7
OBJ: Apply Hess's law to obtain the enthalpy change for one reaction from the enthalpy
changes of a number of other reactions. (Example 6.7)
TOP: thermochemistry | heats of reaction KEY: Hess's law MSC: general chemistry
10. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 6.8
OBJ: Define standard state and reference form.
TOP: thermochemistry | heats of reaction KEY: standard enthalpies of formation
MSC: general chemistry

Chm107 Quiz 8
Answer Section
1. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 6.8
OBJ: Calculate the heat of a phase transition using standard enthalpies of formation for the
different phases. (Example 6.8) TOP: thermochemistry | heats of reaction
KEY: standard enthalpies of formation MSC: general chemistry
2. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 18.2
OBJ: Relate entropy to disorder in a molecular system (energy dispersal).
TOP: thermochemistry | thermodynamics
3. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 18.2
OBJ: Calculate the entropy change for a phase transition. (Example 18.1)
TOP: thermochemistry | thermodynamics
KEY: second law of thermodynamics | entropy change for a phase transition
MSC: general chemistry
4. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 18.2 | 18.7
OBJ: Describe how deltaH – TdeltaS functions as a criterion of a spontaneous reaction.
TOP: thermochemistry | thermodynamics
5. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 18.3
OBJ: State the situations in which the entropy usually increases.
TOP: thermochemistry | thermodynamics
6. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 18.3
OBJ: Calculate deltaS for a reaction. (Example 18.3)
TOP: thermochemistry | thermodynamics
KEY: third law of thermodynamics | entropy change for a reaction
MSC: general chemistry
7. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: 18.4
OBJ: Calculate deltaG from standard free energies of formation. (Example 18.5)
TOP: thermochemistry | thermodynamics
8. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 18.4
OBJ: State the rules for using deltaG as a criterion for spontaneity.
TOP: thermochemistry | thermodynamics KEY: free energy |
MSC: general chemistry
9. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: 18.5
OBJ: Relate the free-energy change to maximum useful work.
TOP: thermochemistry | thermodynamics
KEY: free energy | maximum work MSC: general chemistry
10. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: difficult REF: 18.6
OBJ: Give the relation between free energy change of a reaction and the reaction quotient.
TOP: thermochemistry | thermodynamics KEY: free energy
MSC: general chemistry

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