Jyoti Pathak 11910540

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Name:- Jyoti Pathak Class:- Q1939 Roll No:- B41 Reg ID:- 11910540

1-D 2- A 3-D 4-A 5-B 6-A 7-D 8-B 9-A 10 - D

11 - C 12 - C 13 - D 14 - D 15 - A 16 - B 17 - B 18 - C 19 - A 20 - A

Note: For answering MCQs, write only alphabets in the above box.
Read the text below about writing good covering letters. (10)
 In most of the lines 1– 10 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or
does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. Choose the

1.always remember that the purpose of a covering letter is there to

A)Always B) that C) of D) there

2.Complement for your CV. This means it should flesh out and explain
A)for B) it C) and D) this

3.clearly through any points that the CV alone doesn’t deal with and that
A) with B) it C) that D) through

4.therefore might otherwise be missed out by prospective employers.

A) might B) out C) by D) be

5. For example, if you’re looking to change in industries, then your letter

A) for B) in C) then D) correct

6. ought to explain them why you want to make the move, what your
A) them B) to C) you D) correct

7. motivation is, and what you hope to achieve. If your CV shows that you
A) is B)to C) and D) correct

8. don't hold a relevant qualification that the job ad has specified it (say,
A) a B) it C) ad D) correct

9. a university degree or a vocational diploma), so you’ll need to explain

A) so B) or C) you D) correct

10.why you should still be considered. It’s not easy, and often writing the
A) you B) be C) its D) correct
letter can take twice as long as writing your CV.
Vocabulary (05)
11. Figure out the correct meaning of the phrasal verb ‘turn down’.
A) approach a problem B) persuade someone C) refuse or reject D) break even

12. They are liable to________________ you if you don’t honour the terms of the contract.
A) break down B) break even C) sue D) none of these

13. The job of keeping a record of the money that has been spent or received by a business.
A) factoring B) overtrading C) outgoings D) book keeping

14. A point in a discussion on which it is not possible to reach an agreement.

A) the bottom line B) constraints C) horse-trading D) sticking point

15. Worker who does physical work rather than office work.
A) blue-collar worker B) white-collar worker C) freelancer D) project manager

Grammar (05)

16. Any new business ventures involves______________ a certain amount of risk.

A) to take B)taking C)to taking D) none of these

17. Our market may fall__________ we think of a new strategy.

A) if B) unless C) both A & B D) none of these

18. They increased their prices and ____________found themselves lagging behind their
A) this B) the other C) thus D) none of these
19. He ____________ find his new assignment enjoyable as it is his forte.
A) should B) can C) may D) none of these

20.If it_____________ for the price, we would buy one without a second thought.
A) weren’t B) had not been C) did not D) none of these


Ques 1. You work for the marketing department in which some alterations have been made to
boost the turnover. As an assistant manager, write a report to the board of directors explaining
 Reasons for change
 Type of changes made
 Results after the incorporation of change (10)

Write a paragraph on various ways to boost the employee morale in 150 words? Use
reference devices in your answer.



The purpose of this report is to elucidate the Board of Directors, about the different alterations
done by the marketing department to boost our organization’s turnover. The report contains
detailed information about different reasons explaining the need for changes, different types of
changes implemented and, their results.

Reasons for change

Over the past years, it can be observed that the organization’s turnover is not increasing as much.
This may be because of our marketing approach is the same as our counterparts. There is a strong
correlation exist between business performance and digital maturity. The customer demands and
the marketing strategies have been changed in the past decade. Our worthy company's marketing
strategies were introduced few years ago and proceeded in the same way without modifying
them. But our market environment is dynamic and we must change our self to have a competitive
edge, in order to cope with the market competition. Therefore, this is the time to make changes in
our marketing department to boost our turnover. The different type of changes which have been
implemented in marketing department are explained in the following section.

Types of changes made

We have made following changes with respect to consumer behavior:
1. We have accelerated our investment in digital media and analytics so we can deliver
more relevant content in real-time.

2. The growth of social media and the Internet has opened the door. Therefore, the
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts of our organization are being analyzed by
marketing experts to increase the company's social presence and expand our store
footprint accordingly.
3. Public identity is really significant in today's world. Charity brings a good face of
businesses, thus helping the society. Therefore, a dedicated team is working on this

4. For the instant feedback of organization’s product, online reviews have been conducted
through social media platform which are very influential

5. Expensive television ads have been replaced with internet campaigns which are
conducted at a much lower cost.

6. The department focuses on bringing the best targeted content to its specific audiences
though web analytics which instantly reports the results of marketing campaigns.

Results after the incorporation of change

A significant rise in revenue is clearly visible in the current financial year relative to previous
year. Consumer reviews are evidence that the changes we have implemented to improve
productivity actually did its best and generated a positive outcome. After the above
improvements have been introduced, there has been a rise in clients' footprints from both within
the city and from other areas, in which our competing companies work. For our business, this is a
sign of growth and we intend to construct a new exhibition space.

Conclusion and recommendations

I as an Assistant Manager of marketing department therefore urge to our esteemed Board of
Directors to take a thoughtful decision and offer your useful views, feedback or suggestions on
this move created by our marketing team.

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