Pennsylvania 2020 Voter Analysis Report
Pennsylvania 2020 Voter Analysis Report
Pennsylvania 2020 Voter Analysis Report
2020 Voting
11-16-20 (rev 12-11-20)
Due to the fluidity of the elec4on informa4on available, this report is a living document. The authors of this
report (all unpaid volunteers) generated a sta4s4cal analysis based on limited data and even more restricted
4me constraints. As relevant new data becomes available, an update will be issued, and the revision date
changed. If any readers have data to share, comments, or correc4ons, please email them here.
Table of Contents
Executive Overview .......................................................................................3
Summary ........................................................................................................ 51
However, studies like this and reports like this do not instill confidence that
election results actually reflect the wishes of actual citizens.
All of the experts agreed that there were major statistical aberrations in some
of the Pennsylvania results, that are extremely unlikely to occur naturally.
On the other hand, if the results of an accurate recount are that there are
significant changes in voting results for some of these five counties, then the
authors of this Report recommend that (as a minimum) that the next six (6)
statistically suspicious counties also have an accurate recount, prior to any
certifying of the Pennsylvania voting results.
See Summary on the final page, for more conclusions. (Note: we have done a
report with similar analyses for Michigan. Contact the undersigned for a copy.)
As shown in Figure 1, data on cumula=ve counts for Trump and Biden in PA over the course of
three days from November 4 to November 7 started with Trump ahead by more than 0.5M (by
540,522) at 11:00 AM on November 4 (=me “0” on the leQ side of Figure 1). By 11:29 AM on
November 7 (right end of Figure 1), the Biden curve had caught up with, and slightly exceeded
(by 34,202) the Trump curve, with values at that =me of 3,344,528 for Biden and 3,310,326 for
Trump. The Biden count curve thus starts about 18% below the Trump count curve and ends
up being about 1% above it (34202/3310326 = 0.0103). Even without detailed analysis, it is
visually clear that the final values are remarkably close. This invites the ques=on of whether
such a coincidence indicates external interven=on to close the ini=al gap between the curves,
or whether it might plausibly have occurred without external interven=on.
Page 5
How likely it is that such a near-coincidence of final counts (with the Biden curve finishing
within about 1% of the Trump curve) would occur in the absence of external interference that
brings the two curves together so closely? Although history never reveals its alterna=ves,
computa=onal sta=s=cs can help to determine what is plausible. Figure 2 shows the
approximate frequency distribu=on (histogram) of increments for Biden counts from period to
period, with most being rela=vely small (leQ bar) but a few being an order of magnitude
greater (right bar).
Page 6
Randomly sampling from the distribu=on of increment sizes many =mes – a technique called
“resampling” – and studying how much the sum of the increments varies across many random
resampling scenarios provides one way to gain insight into whether the pacern seen in Figure
1 is unusual enough to indicate likely interven=on. Figure 3 show the results of this sta=s=cal
“bootstrapping” procedure for 10,000 randomly generated resampled (“bootstrapped”)
samples from the original data.
Figure 3. Resampling (using the “bootstrap” method) shows that the sum of 90 increments
sampled from the frequency distribu=on of increments observed in the Biden count =me
series (see Figure 2) spans a rela=vely wide range (roughly 3-fold). This makes it unlikely that
the =me course of Biden counts would end up within 1% of a specific value (here, the Trump
final count) by chance.
Page 7
Figure 3 shows that the total increment in Biden counts over the three-day observa=on period
(modeled as the sum of about 90 consecu=ve increments) could plausibly have fallen
anywhere in a fairly wide range, from less than 600,000 to more than 1,200,000, given the
frequency distribu=on of increment sizes reflected in Figure 2. The probability of the final
value falling within about 1% (34,202) of the final Trump value by chance alone is very small.
Conclusion: These calcula=ons deliberately ignore the =me pacerns in the data (see Figure 1)
to focus instead on the variability in the data. Based on this variability, it is not probable that
the final Biden count would end up being extremely close (within about 1%) of the final Trump
count by chance alone. The two final counts would be expected to differ by more if third
par=es had no mechanism for tracking or adjus=ng the Biden counts to the Trump counts.
Page 8
2 - Pennsylvania County Voting Anomalies
S. Stanley Young, PhD, FASA, FAAAS
This report looks at Pennsylvania county voting, 2008 to 2020. The data set has 67 rows, with
one row for each county. The first few rows are given here.
This report is in the form of text describing an item of interest with figures and tables along
with discussion.
•Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties are deviant in several respects including: they have
high Democratic registration; they have a high percentage of voter turnout; the fraction
voting changes dramatically from year to year; etc.
•The high vote for Biden counties are doubly unusual (i.e. are outliers) relative to previous
presidential elections and relative to the remaining PA counties. Eleven such counties
were identified. Together they report an excess of ~300,000 votes over expectation. The
top five report about 216,000 votes over expectation. These increases in vote counts are
statistically unusual, as most counties provide similar vote counts from Presidential
election to Presidential election.
•Among the majority of PA counties, Biden’s total was 70%± of registered Democratic
voters. Among the ten anomaly counties (after elimination of Allegheny), Biden’s total
was 101%± of registered Democratic voters. That differential is highly suspicious.
•It makes sense to carefully evaluate the results for the 11 counties that have large
increases in votes — i.e have an accurate recount. Attention should focus on the top five
problematic PA counties.
Item 1 —
Given in the figure on the next page are the change in voting for Biden 2020 relative to the
average of three previous presidential elections (I’m calling that Dif1). The differences are
ranked and plotted against the size of this difference. The largest increase is on the left and
the largest decrease is on the right.
Page 9
On the righthand side of the figure we see there are some counties where Biden did not do as
well as the average. (The rightmost data point is Philadelphia which is a special case and will
be covered elsewhere.) Toward the center of the figure we see that there was essentially no
change from Biden to the average. It is common for people and counties to vote rather
consistently from year to year. At the left side of the figure we see a slight rise, Rank 12 to
Rank 22± , which is sort of a mirror image to the far right. The points from Rank 12 to Rank 66
are expected given the nature of voting – i.e. most people vote like they did last time.
The high values of vote counts, Ranks 1-11, on the left of the figure are substantially
anomalous relative to the rest of the data. In the statistical literature they are called outliers –
lying away from the body of the data. In these counties Biden did exceptionally well, while in
majority of PA counties Biden did as expected (i.e. like previous elections). In some counties
the Biden count is actually lower than previous Democratic presidential candidates. For 11 PA
counties (the left most dots on the graph above, there are much larger increases in votes for
Biden than are statistically expected.
Item 2 —
From the data in Item 1, the next page shows a list of the 11 outlier counties, where
Montgomery County exhibits the most extreme statistical deviations.
Page 10
Item 3 —
The majority of PA counties (34) showed little change from previous presidential votes, i.e.
little enthusiasm for Biden. We examine the bulk of the data, omitting for now those counties
with a large increase, and Philadelphia in voting. We expect little change in the vote totals
(DIF1) versus the average of previous votes and that is what we find for the bulk of the
counties. In fact, there are more negative DIF1 values; note the large bar just below 0.
Page 11
Item 4 —
We now look at the histogram for all the counties, including Philadelphia. (Philadelphia
turned in 31,000± votes less than in the average of the prior three presidential elections.)
In the center of the figure, from -5,000 to about 6,000 we see bars that resemble a normal
distribution; See Item 3. The values above 10,000 appear to be outliers. An outlier is an
unusual number relative to other numbers in the collection. It is unusual to see a gain of
10,000 votes or more; reexamine Item 1.
Item 5 —
The changes in vote counts from Obama 2008 to Obama 2012 were mostly negative, give here
as Obama Dif and is plotted against their ranks (next page). The votes for Obama were high
in 2008. Most counties provided fewer votes in 2012, the down sloping set of points. At the
end of this down-sloping drift, there are dramatic falls in vote counts, outliers of votes lost.
Page 12
It is curious that many of the same counties, e.g. Montgomery and Allegheny, come up
having large declines with Obama 2012, but having large increases with Biden 2020. These
wild swings are extremely unusual as most counties, where voters vote similarly over time.
Item 6 —
We seek to estimate the fraction of registered Democratic voters that voted. We want an
unbiased estimate, so the 11 outlier counties and Philadelphia were removed from the
analysis. 55 PA counties were used for simple linear regression.
The data are fit well with a simple line (see next page)
Biden2020 = 439.8738 + 0.7036542*Democratic
This means that we expect 70%± of registered Democratic voters to vote in normal (the
majority of) Pennsylvania counties.
Page 13
Item 7 —
We seek to estimate the fraction of registered Democratic voters that voted among the outlier
counties. We want an unbiased estimate, so we removed Allegheny and Philadelphia counties
as they are rather unique. Ten counties were used for simple linear regression.
Page 14
The data are fit well with a simple line (see prior page).
Biden2020 = -21215.45 + 1.1943149*Democratic
This means that the number of Biden votes in ten of the outlier counties was 101%± of
registered Democratic voters (vs the majority of other PA counties where it was 70%± — an
extraordinary statistical difference). That is not logical or reasonably explainable legally. The
most likely explanation is that excess votes were added to the Biden total that did not come
from voters.
Item 8 —
Our goal here is to estimate the expected relationship of Biden votes to the number of
registered Democrats. There are non-problematic counties (55) and there are problematic
counties (11 – 1 = 10). Note that Philadelphia and Allegheny counties are omitted. We also
want to know the number of actual Biden votes per registered Democrat, separately for non-
problematic and problematic counties. We use two methods of simple linear regression. More
standard is the Intercept Model linear regression. In this method a line is placed through the
data without constraint, the line can move and twist. Less standard is the No Intercept method.
In this method the line is constrained to go through zero on the Y and X axes. Either method
can make sense, so we present both. We focus on the slope of each of the four models,
Intercept/No intercept, Non-problematic/Problematic. The slope indicates the number of
Biden votes expected per registered Democrat voter. Here are the four slopes.
First consider the 55 non-problematic counties. These are the counties where we did not find
evidence of voting problems. The slopes for the two models are quite similar and indicate that
for every 100 increase of registered Democrat voters, there should be a 70± vote increase for
Both slopes for problematic counties are much larger and rather different from each other.
That both are over 1.0 indicates that for every 100 registered Democrat voters there are more
than 100 Democrat votes, which is quite improbable. The Intercept Model is not constrained
to pass through 0,0 so it has more freedom to fit the data. Its slope is greater and indicates 119
Democrat votes are occurring for each 100 registered Democrats, again improbable.
Page 15
The No Intercept Model is constrained to pass through the 0,0 point. With either model, the
problematic counties give an improbable result, more Biden votes than there are registered (not
voting) Democrat voters. Next, we compute the actual number of Biden votes per registered
We see that in non-problematic counties that an average of about 72 votes are obtained for
each 100 registered voters, which comports with usual voter history. For problematic
counties we get an average of 101 voters per 100 voters, which is quite unusual. It is
instructive to see the actual data.
Item 9 —
Vote counts were obtained for Wed, Nov 4 as well as the total counts. The difference between
these is the number of mail-in votes. Here we examine the distribution of those votes between
the eleven statistically suspicious (i.e. “problematic”) and non-problematic (55) Pennsylvania
counties. (As explained above, Philadelphia is not included in the following analysis.)
A test of how many votes were added, from Wed, Nov 4 to end of counting, was computed
for counties. Many more votes were added to the problematic counties compared to the non-
problematic counties. “0” is non-problematic and “1” is problematic.
Non-problematic counties added a median of 673 votes per county.
Problematic counties added a median of 36,307 votes per county.
Page 16
The number of mail-in votes in non-problematic counties can serve as a proxy for “voting/
business as usual”. Since the difference is substantial and well beyond chance, the mail-in
vote for problematic counties can be taken as another indicator of suspect results.
Item 10 —
Down ballot results can be used to gain insight into the voting process. In some cases it has
been reported that there were numerous ballots with only the Presidential choice checked off.
This could indicate a large number of fabricated ballots, where it is too cumbersome to enter
votes for the down ballot candidates. Voting for only one candidate is particularly suspicious
for absentee votes, where the voter typically has plenty of time to consider all the candidates.
Some inconsistencies between presidential votes and down-ballot voting may point to
systematic problems, which otherwise might remain unnoticed. In the Allegheny situation we
have a suspicious situation: a Democrat down ballot candidate out polls the Presidential
candidate. Take look at the table on the top of the next page (data can be found here):
Page 17
We have the 2020 Allegheny County total votes (Election Day and Absentee), for Biden,
Shapiro and Trump. (Shapiro is the incumbent Democrat Attorney General, running for re-
election.) In-person voting for Biden is low relative to Trump, but there is os offset by a
massive number of Absentee votes. The devil is in the details.
Why should the Election Day votes for Biden be lower than for fellow Democrat Shapiro, esp
when both are at the top of the ticket. If this means that Shapiro is more well-liked, then why
wasn’t a similar ratio continued with Absentee votes? Is this deviation likely to happen
naturally? There are standard ways to evaluate chance1 and the conclusion is that this result is
very unlikely to occur naturally (chi-square of 42.3 with a p-value of 4x10-11).
Election Day/Absentee by Biden/Shapiro was analyzed with SAS JMP software.
Page 18
3 - Statistical Voting Analysis
in the Pennsylvania 2020 Presidential Election
Montgomery and Allegheny Counties
(Condensed Version)
Dr. Eric Quinnell 11/30/20
Executive Summary 19
Montgomery County 19
Checking the prediction – Lower Merion 12-3 22
Allegheny County 23
Executive Summary
Analysis – A team of unpaid citizen volunteer mathematicians, scientists, and engineers collaborated in a
statistical vote analysis in the Pennsylvania 2020 Presidential Election. Using simple linear regression of
unproblematic voting districts, we predict hypothetically problematic voting districts. Using distributional
characteristics within problematic counties, we point to problematic districts and precincts.
Findings – Montgomery and Allegheny Counties stand out as problematic in our analysis. Montgomery
and Allegheny show some 27,000 and 30,500 excessive votes above historical patterns, respectively. These
anomalies, coupled with extremely high turnouts of 77-84% (significantly higher than heavily democratic
cities like Philadelphia with 63% turnout and Atlanta with 65% turnout) suggested deeper analysis into
Problematic districts and precincts within these counties exhibit unusual Democrat to Republican ratios as
compared to their history. Additionally, some precincts show an excessive number of votes in favor of
candidate Joseph Biden sometimes even exceeding new voter registrations.
Montgomery County
A differential analysis of votes gained over 2016 totals for both Trump and Biden in Montgomery County
(data below) produces the distribution curves for both candidates on the next page.
Page 19
Visually and quantitatively, this says that Trump gained roughly 50 votes per precinct above 2016 in a
moderately spread distribution, with a very long tail with an unusually high skew leaning in the positive
(vote gain) direction. .. The Biden distribution tends to say roughly the same lean to the right, but with a
much higher average. Visually, the right tail shows unusual binning (called “stuffing the tail” – an anomaly
seen in the 2008 sub-prime mortgage crisis) which is visually apparent. Trump’s tail has a hint of tail stuffing
as well, but on a lower magnitude.
Page 20
Quantitatively Biden gained 143 votes per precinct above 2016 with a larger spread, yet less heavily leaning
skew and smaller tail. Both distributions have some extremes well outside their 3-sigma range, which from
the data looks like some sort of redistricting in a few precincts.
Looking at the comparative averages of both distributions, Montgomery County shows a new vote
distribution well outside the 2016 norm. Specifically, both candidates achieved the total 2016 vote count
and added to their sums, consistent with new turnout. What’s curious is that above the 2016 totals, a new
vote ratio appears in contrast to the voting history of the area – showing new voters going 74% Democrat
vs 26% Republican – a 13-point gain for Democratic new voters above their recent history. This means for
every new Trump voter over 2016, there were 2.8 new Biden voters above 2016.
Voting totals of precincts may presume to follow a semi-normal distribution with enough data points. By
fitting a normal distribution to actual data and taking the difference between the fitted and actual,
potentially anomalous precincts can be identified. The Montgomery results currently look like this:
Using a per-precinct history, we can take this result and make the following prediction that is in line with
voter history per-precinct without statistically anomalous deviations:
This prediction helps us identify several precincts in Montgomery County that significantly stick out –
specifically in places already deeply Democrat.
Page 21
As an example of the excess vote gains above the norm, consider the district of Upper Dublin – a district
that was already heavily Democrat voted 68D / 32R in the 2016 election. Every precinct significantly out
performs its history by adding on average 114 new Biden votes per ward, which is adding 13% more
turnout of the entire district vs 2016 for just Biden alone. Biden takes on average 98% of the new vote in
Upper Dublin, and most surprisingly, 231% of new registrations. Specifically, Biden gains 2,173 new votes
over 2016 against Trump’s 393 new votes, gaining 5.5 new voters for every 1 new Trump voters. The new
population of voters show a ratio of 86 D / 14R, which for the new voters is a 38-point swing toward Biden
as compared to just 4 years ago.
This result was rather thrilling as when gathering data from the Montgomery County, Pennsylvania official
clerk website, we had already found a result much like that.
Page 22
The following screenshot was taken 11/14/2020 (and was still there 12/2/2020!) on the Montgomery
County results website. The screenshot shows this sub district having 15 votes in excess of all registered
voters. Thus, confidence in our predictive model was greatly increased by correctly pointing to what seems
to be some kind of mistake. The excess votes are those matching the absentee ballots for the precinct.
Allegheny County
A differential analysis of votes gained over 2016 totals for both Trump and Biden in Allegheny County (data
below) produces the distribution curves for both candidates on the next page.
Page 23
Page 24
Visually and quantitatively, this says that Trump gained 17± votes per precinct above 2016 in a very tight
distribution, with a long tail leaning in the positive (vote gain) direction. The Biden distribution says
something different – visually, unusual binning (“tail stuffing” effect) occurs on both sides of the
distribution. Quantitatively Biden gained 46± votes per precinct above 2016 with a larger spread and tail.
What’s most curious is that the skew of the distribution is negative 2 – meaning it leans left pretty heavily
(vote loss).
Looking at the comparative averages of both distributions, Allegheny County shows a new vote distribution
well outside the 2016 norm. Specifically, both candidates achieved the total 2016 vote count and added to
their sums, consistent with new turnout. What’s curious is that above the 2016 totals, a new vote ratio
appears in contrast to the voting history of the area – showing new voters going 73% Democrat vs 27%
Republican – a 14-point gain for Democratic new voters above their recent history. This means for every
new Trump voter over 2016, there were 2.7 new Biden voters above 2016.
Voting totals of precincts may presume to follow a semi-normal distribution with enough data points. By
fitting a normal distribution to actual data and taking the difference between the fitted and actual,
potentially anomalous precincts can be identified. The Allegheny results currently look like this:
Using a per-precinct history, we can take this result and make the following prediction that is in line with
voter history per-precinct without statistically anomalous deviations:
Page 25
This prediction helps us identify several precincts in Allegheny County that significantly stick out –
specifically in places where the prediction indicates Biden was losing votes, and excess votes are calculated
to stem those natural losses.
As an example of the excess vote gains above the norm, consider the district of McCandless – a district that
voted 48D / 52R in the 2016 election. Every ward significantly out performs its history by adding on
average 108 new Biden votes per ward, which is adding 13% more turnout of the entire district vs 2016 for
just Biden alone. Biden takes on average 115% of the new vote in McCandless and 296% of the new
registrations. Specifically, Biden gains 2,275 new votes over 2016 against Trump’s 361 new votes, gaining
6.3 new voters for every 1 new Trump voters. The new population of voters show a ratio of 86 D / 14R,
which for the new voters is a 38-point swing toward Biden as compared to just 4 years ago.
Page 26
4 - Strangely Synchronized
Allegheny County Absentee Ballots
(Condensed Version)
Dr. Eric Quinnell 12/2/20
Execu=ve Summary 27
Lockstep Totals Per Timestamp 27
Lockstep Precincts 29
Execu4ve Summary
Analysis – A team of unpaid ci=zen volunteer mathema=cians, scien=sts, and engineers
collaborated in a sta=s=cal vote analysis in the Pennsylvania 2020 Presiden=al Elec=on. AQer a
sta=c analysis, the group did extra work on =me-series data provided by various sources of
Edison =me-series snapshots at a precinct level.
Findings – Allegheny county stands out as problema=c in our sta=c analysis, so it was a fine
selec=on for =me-series study. The results of the Allegheny =me-series incremental absentee
votes defy reality in a perfectly synchronous fashion – with all 1,300 precincts and candidates
marching perfectly in =me toward their eventual total of 340,000 absentee votes – not
devia=ng in =me nor in total share of each incremental count, regardless of how many or how
few =mestamps are used to break apart the count. Surely this cannot be…
Consider eight =mestamps selected in Allegheny, with each =mestamp showing the percent of
eventual final total per candidate (next page):
Page 27
Breaking down the absolute votes per =mestamp, note the beau=ful round number of total
absentee votes by Nov 11th – 340,000 on the nose. Checking the cer=fied finals, this number
grew about 4,000 votes, but that was many weeks aQer these =mestamps.
Looking at the percent share of each candidate per =mestamp, the ra=o nearly perfectly fixed
all throughout November 4th and 5th. The % gain starts devia=ng slightly by November 7th, but
not much.
Page 28
Lockstep Precincts
Checking if this is some kind of bizarre anomaly only at an aggregate level, we checked into the
precinct level data. Allegheny has over 1300 precincts; one would not expect them to update
at roughly the same rate as each other in any sort of sane logis=cal organiza=on. As the figures
show, sure enough, they do track with each other. Precincts 1-254 are shown each marching
toward their eventual 100% take of absentees, with very few leaving the pack to complete
early or start late. Other graphs have some variance, but the overall picture is consistent across
=me and candidate.
Page 29
Finally, to put some math to this, we calculated the mean and standard devia=on of each
incremental gain toward the final total. The precincts roll in perfect harmony, much like two
waves in a slow, synchronous driQ toward the opposite side of the pool.
Page 30
5 - Statistical Analysis of PA 2020 Election
(condensed version: full version available)
Dr. Robert Hancock
Synopsis - Elec=on results for the state of Pennsylvania (PA) were analyzed for poten=al
anomalies. The state of Florida (FL) is used as reference for comparison, as the elec=on results
show a =ght race for both states. Therefore, one would assume that the vote counts should be
similar, at least on average. Two such anomalies have been iden=fied: (1) The rates of votes
added is significantly lower for Trump than Biden (even when normalized to the total vote
count), indica=ng the possibility of pro-Biden systema=c bias (weighted vote count); (2)
StaCsCcally impossible “jumps” in the vote counts are found in Biden’s favor for Pennsylvania.
Methodology - Edison Research elec=on data was downloaded from the New York Times
website on Nov. 25, 2020 and analyzed in MATLAB 2019b. (The MATLAB code and JSON files
are available on request.) We used the state of FL as reference for comparison because no
serious allega=ons of elec=on fraud have been made to date for FL. The =me axis for each state
is as follows:
FL: from 2020-11-04 06:43:00 to 2020-11-20 14:16:04
PA: from 2020-11-04 09:25:23 to '2020-11-25 21:49:35
To simplify things, in the graphs below =me is reported as “batch”, which roughly speaking
corresponds to =me. We use “=me” and “batch” interchangeably in this document.
Our approach consists of analyzing the sta=s=cs of votes added from batch to batch. The
ra=onale is that with each batch, the votes added enables us to study the poten=al occurrence
of anomalous “jumps”. These jumps are denoted here as: ∆ Trump and ∆ Biden.
Analysis of Sta4s4cal Anomalies - Figure 1 (next page) shows the results for Florida. The four
graphs shown are: [top leQ] cumula=ve vote count (Trump vs Biden) as func=on of =me
(batch), [top right] votes added (“jumps”) at each batch divided by the Cme interval between
consecuCve batches (i.e. we plot the “velocity” or “rate” of vote counts added, denoted
∆ Trump and ∆ Biden), [bocom leQ] correla=on analysis of Biden jumps vs Trump jumps and
[bocom right] plot of the residuals. “Residuals” is defined as the difference between Biden
and Trump votes added (∆ Biden-∆ Trump) for each batch.
On the average, we expect Trump/Biden jumps to be of the same order of magnitude for each
candidate. Wild differences in magnitudes, and especially ones that favor a par=cular
candidate, are signs of poten=al anomalies. When the race is =ght, we expect the points to lie
along the diagonal red line, indica=ng that the jumps in vote counts are similar between both
candidates. Devia=ons from the diagonal may indicate anomalous jumps.
Page 31
As can be seen in the correla=on plot, and to a larger extent in the residuals plot, sta=s=cally
anomalous jumps are all in Biden’s favor. A jump of magnitude shown by the green line is
sta=s=cally impossible: the odds of this happening are 1 in 1023. We see two such jumps in the
FL data, both in Biden’s favor.
4 Trump
Votes ( )
3 1.5
2 1
1 0.5
0 0
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
Batch (time) Batch (time)
0 -1
0 1 2 3 0 100 200 300
Biden 9 Batch (time)
For the PA elec=on (Figure 2) there is one sta=s=cally impossible jump (in Biden’s favor) to the
level shown by the horizontal green line. The odds of this happening are 1 in 1087.
We note that for both states, the largest jumps are not only sta=s=cally impossible, but all
happen to be in Biden’s favor. Further, all anomalous jumps occurred aMer the polls closed.
Page 32
While the jump is slightly visible in the cumula=ve vote count (Figure 2 top leQ), it is most
readily visible as a sharp spike in the rate at which votes were added (Figure 2 top right). This
outlier is also apparent from the correla=on graph (Figure 2 bocom leQ) and residuals plot
(Figure 2 bocom right). Also, in the residuals plot (Figure 2 bocom right) the second largest
outlier for Biden has odds of 1 in 1023 of happening.
These “impossible” Biden jumps are found at the following =me stamps in the Edison data:
PA: 2020-11-04 10:54:36 (+60,448 votes), 2020-11-04 02:16:43 (+12,401 votes)
FL: 2020-11-04 00:32:23 (+435,219 votes) and 2020-11-04 00:38:40 (+367,539 votes)
Votes ( )
Trump -0.5
0 -1
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Batch (time) Batch (time)
0 -5
0 5 10 0 200 400 600 800
Biden 8
Analysis of Sta4s4cal Bias in Votes Added - Focusing on Pennsylvania, Figure 2 (top right plot)
shows results for votes added (including any jumps) for both candidates. We find that the
votes added for Biden are systema=cally higher, i.e. there are considerably more events of the
type ∆ Biden-∆ Trump > 0. While this behavior may be expected for a “blowout race” where
one candidate gets a much higher vote count than the other, it is unexpected in a race this
close. To quan=fy the bias and likelihood of such an unlikely event, we are using Florida as a
reference race.
Page 33
Figure 3 presents an alterna=ve way to plot the results of Figure 2 (top right). This plot shows
the Biden curve consistently above the Trump curve. As shown by the yellow regions, across
the enCre frequency axis, votes added for Biden are consistently higher than those of Trump.
This is indica=ve of bias in the way votes are added: either the vote count for Biden is
ar4ficially inflated at every batch, or those of Trump are systema4cally depressed (or both).
PA: PSD( )
10 Biden>Trump
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Frequency (batch)
In Figure 3 the Ver=cal axis indicates votes added (for each candidate). Horizontal axis is
frequency of batches. This plot, technically called “power spectral density (PSD)” (in units of
decibels, dB), depicts how frequently such a vote-added count pacern occurs over =me.
Quan=fica=on of the likelihood of such bias to occur was done using Florida as a reference
=me series. A sta=s=cal test1 comparing the mean votes added (for PA vs FL) concluded that
for Biden, the means are not sta=s=cally different, implying that the votes in PA likely have
been counted using the same method as in FL.
Page 34
On the other hand, the same test found significant differences in the way Trump votes in PA
were added compared to FL. This could imply: Biden vote counts were inflated, or Trump vote
counts were depressed. The odds of this outcome are 1 in 1,000, an unlikely occurrence. This
sta=s=cal test used all data points in the =me series and the mean value of each =me series is
dominated by small jumps, which happen most frequently (see Figures 1 and 2, top right).
We also compared the “tails” of the distribu=ons between PA and FL, i.e. the larger jumps
found in the =me series of ∆ Biden and ∆ Trump (Figures 1 and 2, top right plots). These large
jumps contain informa=on about rare events, i.e. sta=s=cal anomalies. By considering the
votes added that correspond to large jumps, we analyzed the behavior of large jumps while
discarding the small jumps. Our analysis2 found that the sta=s=cs of Biden large jumps in PA
did not differ from those in FL. On the other hand, the analysis found that the sta=s=cs of
Trump large jumps in PA differed from those in FL. The odds of this happening are 1 in 1012, a
sta4s4cal impossibility.
From Figure 3 the average PSD for Biden is 5.8 dB. For Trump, the average PSD is -14.0 dB.
This is a difference of 19.8 dB. This difference corresponds to an order of magnitude (10-fold)
in votes added favoring Biden over Trump. The fact that votes added systema=cally favor
Biden over Trump, regardless of the frequency of such events (Figure 3 yellow line) is surprising
given how close the race is.
Conclusions - Sta=s=cally impossible jumps in the Biden vote counts were found in the =me
series of elec=on results. The existence of these jumps is evident from the rate at which votes
were added. The largest of these jumps (PA elec=on, +60,448 votes for Biden added during a
single =me interval around Nov. 4, 10:54:36), its odds of happening are 1 in 1087, a vanishingly
small probability.
The second largest jump (+12,401 votes around Nov. 4, 02:16:43) has odds of 1 in 1023 of
happening. We also found systema=c bias in the way votes were counted (rate of votes
added), favoring Biden. With high certainty, Trump vote counts were depressed (or, possibly,
Biden vote counts were inflated, or both). This bias was confirmed using mul=ple sta=s=cal
methods3. These sta=s=cally unlikely events in the PA elec=on all favored Biden. Our analysis is
sta=s=cal and based on the Edison =mes series4. We recommend further inves=ga=ons of the
root causes of these observed results.
1 Welch’s t-test.
2 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, α=10-12.
3 A more detailed report is available upon request detailing our sta=s=cal analysis.
4 Edison dataset exhibited small occasional drops in candidates’ vote counts, but the drops were small and neglected in our analysis;
their presence does not alter our analysis and conclusions. For PA there are some larger dips at the beginning of the =me series.
The origin of those dips is unknown.
Page 35
6 - Potential Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania
Dr. William M. Briggs
I used data provided to me of the hour-by-hour vote totals for both Biden and Trump beginning
the day aQer the elec=on. All analyses were conducted in R (version 3.6.1).
The following plots the cumula=ve total for both candidates beginning aQer elec=on night.
Trump starts well ahead, but due to enormous increases at specific =me points (demonstrated
next), Biden catches up rapidly. Obviously, those adding the votes in =me do not know what
the eventual total will be. This is what makes the late addi=on on the 6th suspicious. Biden’s
total was augmented by just over 27 thousand votes, which was just enough to put him ahead.
The =me was also near where the vote count was nearing its end.
Page 36
Pictured here are (Biden – Trump) vote differences in =me for several coun=es (all with major
addi=ons to the counts). County names appear at the maximum of the difference. Berks,
Philadelphia, Chester, Montgomery, Cumberland and Allegheny coun=es all give early
advantage to Biden. But it was Philadelphia county that pushed Biden ahead. No other vote
addi=ons aQer this =me were important or came close to changing the lead for Biden. The size
of the difference at the late =me bears inves=ga=on.
Most of the vote changes aQer elec=on night favored Biden, which his odd. Here is a picture of
these sorted from low to high (Biden – Trump) non-zero vote changes.
Page 37
Only 19% of the =mes when new votes were tallied favored Trump, and for only an advantage
of 3,290 votes. 81% of the changes favored Biden, for an advantage of over 550,000 votes.
There is also a visible difference in distribu=on of these addi=ons, centering (as the picture
above shows) mainly on Philadelphia county.
This next plot (next page) makes this more apparent. It shows all addi=ons for both candidates,
sorted from the coun=es which added the most votes to the least. Blue dots are votes for
Biden, red for Trump. Several coun=es are highlighted that show curious large addi=ons for
Page 38
Page 39
Here is a plot (using data on final elec=on tallies provided by the same source) of the
propor=on of total votes Democrat presiden=al candidates received since Obama’s first run.
Those coun=es in which Biden improved over Obama’s first run are highlighted in blue.
The propor=on Democrats had been ge{ng was declining steadily un=l 2020. Most stayed
about the same from Hillary to Biden, but a few rose about their 2008 levels, which is odd,
given Obama’s gargantuan popular support at the =me, and Biden’s almost invisible public
support in 2020.
The next picture is the same, but for total votes received for Democrat candidates.
Page 40
Again, coun=es which recorded more votes for Biden are highlighted in blue.
Another way to look at this is the total votes cast for any candidate divided by county
popula=on (data on popula=on provided by Wikipedia).
Page 41
As before, those coun=es which had higher propor=ons for Biden than Obama’s first run are
highlighted in blue. Philadelphia is also noted since it is so large.
The next series of pictures looks at Biden’s improvement in total race turnout (votes for all
candidates), or not, over his Democrat predecessors’ race turnout, by examining the ra=o of
Biden/Democrat race total votes (for all candidates in any elec=on; this is a measure of
turnout) and ploced for each county’s propor=on of Democrat to Republican registered voters.
Coun=es with propor=ons < 1 are predominately Republican.
Page 42
Page 43
Another way to look at this is the ra=o of Biden votes, i.e. votes just for Biden, over the votes
for the other Democrat candidates. This is a measure of popularity, and not turnout per se, like
the above figures. Again, this is ploced for each county and by country registra=on propor=on.
Page 44
Once more, it’s very strange that Biden managed to increase his support over the other
Democrat candidates, especially in predominately Republican coun=es.
Another way to look at this is plo{ng the propor=on of Democrat to Republican registra=ons
by the ra=o of Biden to Trump total votes received in the race.
Page 45
Coun=es which are predominately Republican have “Propor=on Democrats” < 0.5. It’s not
surprising, necessarily, that Philadelphia county, which is overwhelming Democrat in
registra=ons would have a large Biden/Trump vote ra=on. But it is very curious several
predominately Republican coun=es would.
Page 46
It’s very odd the Biden race in total votes bested Obama’s first run race total votes (for all
candidates) by 20% to 40% in coun=es which were predominately Republican. In other words,
turnout was much higher for 2020 than in Obama’s first run against McCain.
Data on mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania was provided by the same source. It contained the
applicant’s party affilia=on, birth date, the dates the ballots were mailed to applicants, and the
dates the ballots were received by authori=es. County registra=on data was used as above,
The first thing to note is who requested mail-in ballots. The county ra=o of ballots requested
by registered voter total is ploced for each party. Dots are red for predominately Republican
coun=es, or Blue for predominately Democrat coun=es.
Page 47
Comparing D−R Non−Return Mail−in Ballot Request Rates per Registration County Level
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ● ●
● ELK ●
1−to−1 line
If Republicans and Democrats were recorded as reques=ng mail-in ballots at equal rates, the
coun=es would line up to the 1-to-1 line. As it is, Democrats were recorded as reques=ng mail-
in ballots 1.73 =mes as oQen as Republicans. This was determined by a county-level weighted
regression, of Republican ra=os predic=ng Democrat ra=os, weighted by the number of mail-in
ballots requested in each country (which gives larger coun=es more weight, as is proper).
For whatever reason, Republicans were recorded as reques=ng far fewer mail-in ballots than
There was a slight difference in mail-in ballots not being mailed to Republicans, at 0.9%, versus
Democrats, at 0.7%. In other words, propor=onally more Republicans than Democrats never
had requested mail-in ballots sent to them.
Not every ballot that was mailed out was recorded as returned. Ploced next is the county-level
non-return rate for Republicans by Democrats.
Page 48
Comparing D−R Non−Return Mail−in Ballot Rates County Level
Democrat Non−return rate
● ●
● ●
● ●
PIKE ● ●●
ADAMS ●● ●
● ●
If Republicans were recorded as returning ballots at the same rate as Democrats, coun=es
would line up on the 1-to-1 line. As it is, a weighted regression (as above) shows Republicans
were recorded as returning ballots 0.58 =mes less oQen than Democrats.
So far we have that just under twice as many Democrats as Republicans were recorded as
reques=ng ballots, and about twice as many Democrats were recorded as returning those
ballots. This is also curious and hard to explain logically.
Age did not seem to make any difference in the analysis, nor did breaking any of these charts
down by the finer level of State House Districts.
There is one last curiosity. The ballots were mailed so-many days before elec=on day. Ballots
mailed to people more days before elec=on day obviously had more =me to consider their
choices and more =me to return their ballots.
Ploced next is the country mean number of days before the elec=ons Republicans were
recorded as having ballots mailed out versus Democrats.
Page 49
WARREN ●● ●●
● ●
McKEAN ● ●●
●●● ●●
DAUPHIN ●●●● ●●●
●● ●
YORK ●●●
20 30 40 50 60
As above, if Republicans were recorded as having as much =me as Democrats, the points
would fall on the 1-to-1 line. As it is, a weighted regression (as above) showed Democrats had
an average 1.12 more days before elec=on than Republicans. Whether or not this is important
can be debated, but it was curious to see this happening in almost all coun=es.
Page 50
Several na=onally recognized sta=s=cal experts were asked to examine some 2020
Pennsylvania vo=ng records, and to iden=fy anything they deemed to be sta=s=cally
significant anomalies — i.e devia=ons from the norm.
In the process they basically worked separately from other team members, consulted
with other experts, analyzed the data they were given from different perspec=ves,
obtained some addi=onal data on their own, etc. — all in a very limited =me allotment.
Their one — and only — objec=ve was to try to assure that every legal Pennsylvania vote
is counted, and only legal Pennsylvania votes are counted.
The primary takeaway is that ALL of these experts came to the same conclusions:
1) There are some major sta=s=cal aberra=ons in the PA vo=ng records, that are
extremely unlikely to occur in a normal (i.e. un-manipulated) se{ng.
2) The anomalies almost exclusively happened with the Biden votes. Time and again,
using a variety of techniques, the Trump votes looked sta=s=cally normal.
3) Eleven (out of 67) Pennsylvania coun=es stood out from all the rest. These coun=es
(see p 11) showed dis=nc=ve signs of vo=ng abnormali=es — again, all for Biden.
4) The total number of PA suspicious votes is 300,000± — which greatly exceeds the
reported margin of Biden votes over Trump. See the next page for an outline of the
the several analyses and our conclusion of how many suspicious votes there are.
5) These sta=s=cal analyses do not prove fraud, but rather provide scien=fic evidence
that the reported results are highly unlikely to be an accurate reflec=on of how
Pennsylvania ci=zens voted.
As stated in the Executive Overview, our strong recommendation is that (as a minimum):
the five worst of the eleven abnormal PA counties have an immediate accurate recount.
If the results of an accurate recount are that there is no significant change in vo=ng
results for all of these five coun=es (very unlikely), then the authors of this Report
recommend that we write off those county devia=ons as an extreme sta=cal fluke, and
that the Pennsylvania vo=ng results be cer=fied.
On the other hand, if the results of an accurate recount are that there are significant
changes in vo=ng results for some of these five coun=es, then the authors of this Report
recommend that (as a minimum) that the next six (6) sta=s=cally suspicious coun=es
also have an accurate recount, prior to any cer=fying of the Pennsylvania vo=ng results.
Page 51
Pennsylvania Vote Anomalies Overview
This table is for those too time-constrained to study each of the chapters in this report.
It is strongly advisable to carefully read any chapter where there is a question about
the number of suspect ballots, and/or how there were determined.
Page 52