Linguaskill Test Format: The Reading and Listening Module Is Adaptive, So There Is Not A Fixed Number of Questions. Each

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Linguaskill Test Format

The Reading and Listening module is adaptive, so there is not a fixed number of questions. Each
question the candidate answers helps the computer to understand their level better. The test
finishes when the candidate has answered enough questions for Linguaskill to identify their level
Results for the Reading and Listening module are provided immediately.

Duration: 60 – 85 minutes

Types of questions: read and select, gapped sentences, multiple-choice gap-fill, open gap-
fill, extended reading, listen and select and extended listening


The Writing module asks candidates to input answers using a computer keyboard. Answers
are marked automatically by the computer. Results will be available within 12 hours.

Duration: 45 minutes (2 Parts)

The candidate will be asked to write a minimum of 50 words.

Part 1 (Email) Candidates read a short prompt, usually an email. They use the
information in the prompt and the three bullet points to write an
email of at least 50 words to a private audience. Candidates should
spend about 15 minutes on this.

Marks in Part 1: One half of the final Writing result.

The candidate will be asked to write a minimum of 180 words.

Part 2 (Long text)
Candidates read a short text outlining a scenario and respond using
the information in the scenario and the three bullet points.
Candidates will write at least 180 words to a wider audience and may
be asked to produce a variety of text types (e.g. review, article, web
post). Candidates should spend about 30 minutes on this.

Marks in Part 2: One half of the final Writing result.
The Speaking module is taken using a computer with a microphone and headphones. Questions
are presented to the candidate through the computer screen and headphones, and their
responses are recorded and assessed by examiners. Results will be available within 48 hours.

There are five parts to the Speaking module.

Duration: 15 minutes (5 parts)

The candidate answers eight questions about themselves (the first

two questions are not marked).
Part 1 (interview) Questions: 8

Marks in Part 1: 20% of the marks.

The candidate reads eight sentences aloud.

Part 2 (reading aloud) Questions: 8

Marks in Part 2: 20% of the marks.

The candidate is given a topic to talk about for one minute. 40

seconds are allowed for preparation.
Part 3 (long turn 1) Questions: 1

Marks in Part 3: 20% of the marks.

The candidate is given one or more graphics (such as a diagram or

information sheet) to talk about for one minute. One minute is
Part 4 (long turn 2) allowed for preparation.
Questions: 1

Marks in Part 4: 20% of the marks.

The candidate gives their opinions in the form of short responses to

five questions related to one topic. One minute is allowed for
Part 5 (communication
Questions: 5

Marks in Part 5: 20% of the marks.


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