T20 Retractable Sootblower
T20 Retractable Sootblower
T20 Retractable Sootblower
Construction / Design
The construction of the T20 starts with a
3/16” thick heavy gauge box design
steel housing to protect all working
parts. The model T20E has a single
electric motor drive that traverses the
lance in and out of the boiler while
rotating it, all through the use of one
drive chain. Depending upon the
application and cleaning requirements,
lance speeds can be 6.5 fpm x 6.5 fpm
General Description or 4 fpm x 8 fpm. Speeds are matched
The Clyde Bergemann Model T20E to increase range and penetration of
electric drive Long Retractable cleaning as well as eliminating whip and
sootblower is designed for travels up to decreasing tube wear. The traveling
twenty feet. The MT20 (manual) version carriage is an uncomplicated
is designed for travels up to ten feet. component, which provides smooth,
These low cost, easily maintainable reliable movement without any high-
sootblowers are constructed for speed gearing or special drive motor.
dependable operation indoors or The stationary power pack is located at
outdoors in all climates. They can use the outboard end of the blower away
air, saturated or superheatred steam as from heat and boiler gases. Blowing
a cleaning medium and their compact pressure can be adjusted any time
design makes it possible to fit these during blower operation by way of an
units in tight spaces. The T20E is, in external adjustment device. This device
fact, the worldwide standard for positions an internal pressure disc down
industrial and petrochemical stream from the valve seat to make
applications. pressure adjustments which allows the
valve plug/seat to open 100% all the
time. This feature provides true external variation of the standard T20E is the
adjustability while limiting seat damage half-track. These units rotate and
resulting from cleaning medium traverse; however, have multiple nozzle
pressure. The lance is supported by a sets to clean more boiler surface area at
solid SS hourglass roller positioned on reduced travel lengths.
the canopy front plate providing
durability and long life. All electrical Traveling Carriage
components are to NEMA 4 standards
with NEMA 7 available to meet
hazardous gas environments.
Operation / Maintainability
The Clyde Bergemann model T20E
sootblower is designed to provide the
optimum cleaning for rated boiler output,
to provide dependable operation and to
allow for ease in maintainability. The
traveling carriage is pre-lubricated so it A special corrosion
requires no oiling. The connection resistant chain
between the lance and carriage is assembly drives the
flanged for ease in removal. The traveling carriage
stainless steel feed tube is ground and rotation function. A simple trouble free
polished to prevent binding and wear. bevel gear drive rotates the lance. The
There are no inaccessible parts located lance hub is sealed in the front and rear
around the lance or feed tube that might by a high temp graphoil packing
clog, corrode, or inhibit smooth arrangement. The high-speed gear train
operation and/or cleaning medium flow. is located away from the boiler and out
The Clyde Bergemann low-friction chain of the blowing medium path.
is prelubricated, self-cleaning and
corrosion resistant. The chain assembly Lance Support
can be easily inspected and maintained.
The motor used for the T20E is built
especially for Clyde Bergemann. This
motor is a totally enclosed, non-
ventilated, 3-phase moisture resistant
type with high constant torque and class
F insulation. The motor is located away
from the boiler to protect it from heat
and contamination. An hourglass roller is used for maximum
guidance and is hardened to support the
T20 Design Variations overhanging load as the lance extends
The standard T20E and MT20 rotate from rest position. This roller is
360o while traversing in and out of the supported on the roller shaft by two oilite
boiler. The TEH variation is used for air bronze bushings. A standard swivel
preheaters and is non-rotating. The mount is the only support needed at the
TEH can be used for regenerative or boiler end of the Clyde Bergemann
tubular type air perheaters. Another model T20E sootblowers.
General Operation Arrangement The negative or balanced draft wallbox
is designed to provide proper sealing
while the lance travels through its
normal operating cycle. As the lance
travels through this wallbox, all particles
of soot and slag are stripped off its
surface by a hardened steel scraper
plate adjacent to the boiler wall. This
two piece plate is easily replaced by
The poppet valve trim is made of removing its retainer.
stainless steel with stellite contact
surfaces. It has a flexible lip to
compensate for thermal changes while
maintaining a tight shutoff. The
hardened stainless steel cartridge
packing gland is easy to maintain. The
cam and lever, which operates the
valve, requires no lubrication. Nozzle
pressure can be precisely adjusted,
while the sootblower is in operation, by
means of an adjustment nut on top of
the valve stem spring assembly. The
poppet valve is opened mechanically by
a lever, which is actuated as the The positive pressure wallbox is
traveling carriage moves forward. The designed for pressurized furnaces. This
rib, which actuates the cam, is located wallbox allows an air seal to be created
on the top of the traveling carriage. in the lance penetration area that is
greater than that found in the boiler,
Wall Box Variations which prevents the escape of boiler
gases. An aspirator can be added to
seal in the boiler gases, should it be
necessary to remove the sootblower
lance while the boiler is on line.
Model MT20
The Clyde Bergemann Model MT20 The MT20 is operated by pulling the
manual long retractable sootblower is chain or turning the hand crank mounted
designed for use in package boilers, on the gearbox located at the rear of the
small industrial boilers and oil fired blower. Motion imparted through the
heaters with travels of 10 feet of less. gearbox moves the traveling carriage.
The MT20 uses a formed steel housing
covering the top and sides, a 2 3/8” OD This same chain operates through a set
alloy steel lance, a 304 SS feed tube of sprockets, which causes lance
and wall sleeve mounted to the front rotation. The hand operated shut-off
support yoke. Operation may be by valve is field mounted in the supply
chain or hand crank. A manual medium piping to the blower. A stop is provided
admission valve must be supplied for on the blower to indicate to the operator
installation in the inlet pipe. when to open and when to close this
shut-off valve.
Drive / Electrical (T20E only):
Electric Motor: 480v / 3 phase / 60 Hz standard (other voltage
Limit Switch: NEMA 4 standard (other options available)
Electrical Enclosure: NEMA 4 standard (other options available)
Traveling Carriage Type: Bi-directional, single reduction gear set
Power Pack Type: Sealed housing, reduction type gear set
Travel Speed & Rotation: 6.5 FPM / 6.5 RPM (optional 4 FPM x 8 RPM)
Poppet Valve (T20E only): DVT-FS, ANSI 600#,
Companion Flange: 2 ½” ANSI Standard
Pressure Control: Outside (on-line) adjustable
Vent Valve Connection: 3/8” NPT
Clyde Bergemann, Inc., P.O. Box 941519, 4015 Presidential Parkway, Atlanta, GA. 30340-0519 USA
Telephone: (770) 557-3600, Toll Free: (800) 241-5996, Fax: (770) 557-3641, Website: clydebergemanninc.com