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5 Transparent and Translucent Soaps

Teanoosh Moaddel
Trumbull, Connecticut, USA

Michael I. Hill
New York, New York, USA

Transparent and translucent soaps have a surprisingly long history. It was discovered at
least as far back as 1789 that a transparent soap bar could be made by dissolving soap in
hot ethyl alcohol, pouring the mixture into open molds to solidify, and then allowing the
soap to age (Cristiani, 1881). Well over two centuries later, transparent and translucent
soaps make up a good proportion of soap bars sold in the marketplace. They are sold
in a variety of shapes and degrees of optical clarity, and some are hand-crafted by arti-
sans, whereas others are mass-produced by the large soap manufacturers. However they
are made, these soap bars have much consumer appeal, as clarity in a soap bar connotes
health, purity, mildness, and freshness.
Although transparent soaps have far greater optical clarity than translucent soaps, they
do share some commonalities. All compositions contain mostly tallow and coconut soap,
and they can also include varying levels of soaps made from castor oil, safflower oil, or syn-
thetic detergents. In addition, unlike ordinary soap bars, which are generally exclusively so-
dium soap, transparent and translucent soap bars both typically contain mixtures of sodium,
potassium, and/or triethanolamine soaps. Finally, both transparent and translucent soap bars
generally contain polyols, such as glycerine, propylene glycol, sorbitol, or sucrose.
The manufacturing process for transparent soaps differs from that for translucent
soaps. Translucent soaps are manufactured by energetic working, which easily lends itself
to mass production on a standard soap manufacturing line that has been modified to allow
for this. In contrast, transparent soaps are manufactured by preparing and casting a melt,
followed by cooling and solidification and sometimes by additional aging, a process that
cannot be used in a standard soap finishing line.
In this chapter, we provide a coherent understanding of the relationships and interde-
pendencies between optical clarity, bar composition, processing route, and processing pa-
rameters. First we build on basic concepts of soap phases and structure to identify sources
of light scattering, and we show how molecular interactions amongst the components of a
soap bar are critical to the development of optical clarity. Then we discuss the importance
of the process path and how it affects the efficiency of molecular interactions.

Soap Structure and Transparency Development

To understand why soap bars may be more or less transparent, we need to consider how
the various features of a soap bar can impact the transmission of light. For example, s­ urface
108  ■ Chapter 5

Figure 5.1  Possible sources of interaction of a soap bar with light.

imperfections will cause surface light scattering, decreasing the intensity of transmitted
light. Internal objects that are larger than 200 nm will also scatter light and thereby reduce
the transmitted light intensity. In addition, the presence of any objects that can absorb the
incident light beam will also reduce the transmitted light intensity. These possible sources
of interaction of soap with light are depicted in Figure 5.1.
Applying these general principles of light transmission through soap requires an un-
derstanding of the various phases present in a soap bar. As indicated in Chapter 2 of this
book by Hill and Moaddel (2004), commercial soap bars generally contain multiple com-
ponents divided among multiple phases, and the particulars of the distribution of com-
ponents across the phases depends on the oil blend and the process route that are used to
get to the final structure. In conventional extruded toilet soap, a mixture of two separate
crystal types forms at thermodynamic equilibrium. One crystal type, referred to as delta
phase, is composed of the less soluble saturated long-chain soaps (e.g., C16 and C18 soaps)
and is dispersed in a continuum of another crystal type composed of the more soluble
saturated short-chain soaps and unsaturated soaps (e.g., C12 and C18:1 soaps), referred
to as eta phase. The configuration of less soluble soaps dispersed in a continuum of more
soluble soaps can be compared to bricks and mortar, as depicted in Figure 5.2.
The continuous phase (the mortar), which is composed of the more soluble soaps,
will also contain more water than the dispersed phase (the bricks), which is composed of
the less soluble soaps. Further, because solid soap and water have different refractive indi-
ces (n ≈ 1.5 for solid soap, n = 1.0 for water), these two phases will have different refractive

Continuous phase
(soluble soaps, most
of water/solvents) Dispersed phase
(insoluble soaps)

Figure 5.2  Brick and mortar structure of a soap bar.

Transparent and Translucent Soaps  ■ 109

indices. Thus, incident light can be scattered as it passes through the different phases in
the soap bar. Large dispersed soap crystals, entrapped air, and surface roughness will also
scatter light, and dark objects present in the soap bar will absorb light.
This suggests that to maximize light transmission, the soap formulator should en-
deavor to raise the refractive index of the continuous phase, reduce the size of solid soap
crystals, minimize entrapped air, reduce surface roughness, and keep the color light. The
latter three can be regarded as trivial, and we will not focus on them here. The former two,
however, relate to soap solubilization and soap crystal size. Since a soap bar can consist of
multiple components distributed amongst multiple phases, controlling these two para­
meters is nontrivial.

Typical Soap Phases, Their Properties, and Methods

for Characterization
The more commonly encountered soap phase structures in a commercial soap bars can be
illustrated in the generic binary phase diagram of soap and water, depicted in Figure 5.3.
The various concentrated soap phases can be classified into two main groups: solid crystals
and liquid crystals.



Temperature (°C)

Neat soap
150 lamellar
liquid L1
Isotropic liquid


25 50 75 100
% Water

Figure 5.3  Generic binary phase diagram of soap and water. Reprinted from Hill and
Moaddel, 2004.
110  ■ Chapter 5

Short spacing

Long spacing
Figure 5.4  Structure of solid soap crystals.

The structure of solid soap crystals is depicted in Figure 5.4., and it corresponds
to packed bilayers of soap molecules. As Chapter 2 describes in greater detail, the more
common soap phases have been described using two sets of nomenclature; see Table 5.1.
Typical liquid crystal phases encountered in commercial soaps include the lamellar liquid
crystal phase and the hexagonal liquid crystal phase, depicted in Figure 5.5.
The lamellar liquid crystal phase, Lα, is similar to that of solid soap crystal, as both
have soap molecules arranged in planar sheets. However, the hydrocarbon tails in the liq-
uid crystal are in a “fluid” state, whereas the hydrocarbon tails in the solid crystal are in
a “rigid” state. On the other hand, the more viscous hexagonal liquid crystal phase, H1,
consists of close-packed long cylindrical micelles with the soap molecules aligned so that
the hydrophilic heads are on the cylinder surface and the hydrophobic tails point toward
Table 5.1  Common Soap Phases

Ferguson Buerger Phase

Omega Kappa Disordered mixed crystal with all chain lengths, saturated
Omega Eta Mixed crystal rich in unsaturated and short chain saturated soap
Beta Zeta Small mixed crystals rich in long chain saturated soap
Delta Delta Large mixed crystals rich in long chain saturated soap
Sources: Buerger et al., 1945; Ferguson et al., 1942; Ferguson, 1944.

Figure 5.5  Photomicrograph of lamellar liquid crystal (A) and hexagonal liquid
crystal (B).
Transparent and Translucent Soaps  ■ 111

the center. We refer the reader to Chapter 2 for more details. Optical microscopy with
cross-polarizers, differential scanning calorimetry, small angle X-ray diffraction, and rhe-
ology are typical characterization tools used to investigate the structural nature and flow
behavior of these different phases (Nemeth et al., 1998; Funari et al., 1992; Ahir et al.,
2002; Rosevear, 1968; Borne et al., 2000; Laughlin et al., 1994).

Translucency Development during Neat Soap Drying and Finishing

Vacuum Spray Drying
Vacuum spray drying of neat soap rapidly converts the lamellar liquid crystalline phase
to solid soap crystals. The thermodynamically preferred distribution of the various soaps
has all the insoluble (long-chain saturated) soap in the bricks and all the soluble (short-
chain and long-chain unsaturated) soap in the mortar at equilibrium. However, the viscos-
ity of the neat soap imposes a mass transfer limita-
tion onto the individual soap molecules during the
drying process, preventing their migration to their
preferred equilibrium phases. Thus, soluble and in- Water
soluble soaps are often trapped together as one solid
soap crystal, a metastable situation. This is depicted
in Figure 5.6. The extent of this entrapment depends
critically on the final water level of the spray-dried
pellet, and for optimum translucency development Water
using the minimal amount of energetic working, the Water

final moisture in the soap noodles should typically

be no less than 16%. Above 16% moisture a phase
transformation takes place that renders a microstruc-
Figure 5.6  Metastable solid soap
ture more amenable to translucency development.
Intensive mechanical mixing of the spray-dried
soap pellets can create sufficient surface renewal to overcome the mass transfer limitation,
allowing the soluble soaps to redissolve or melt while leaving behind the insoluble soaps
to recrystallize as zeta (beta) phase soap crystals. This is desirable in the manufacture of
translucent soaps for two reasons. First, increased levels of soap dissolved in the continu-
ous phase will raise its refractive index to more closely match that of the dispersed phase,
and second, zeta (beta) crystals are smaller than other solid soap crystal forms. Both effects
increase the transmission of light through the bar.
However, this recrystallization will occur only if the zeta (beta) phase is favored at
the temperature and water levels experienced during mixing. For example, under condi-
tions of low moisture and temperature (below 13% and below 40 °C), short-chain and
unsaturated-chain soaps will not redissolve, and this recrystallization will not occur. At
the other extreme, if the moisture and temperature are too high (above 18% and 50 °C,
respectively), as can be encountered during downstream soap-making operations (i.e., roll
mills and plodders), the short-chain and unsaturated-chain soaps will not crystallize un-
til the system cools sufficiently, and the long-chain soaps will crystallize as either kappa
(omega) or delta phase soap rather than zeta (beta) phase. Thus, the operating window for
translucency development spans conditions that are hot and wet enough for the unsatu-
rated and short-chain saturated soaps to melt or dissolve into the liquid crystal, but cool
and dry enough for the long-chain saturated soaps to remain insoluble. This is depicted
in Figure 5.7.
112  ■ Chapter 5

Only soluble soaps Figure 5.7  Operating window for

melt into liquid crystal translucency development.
(at 40–50 °C, 13–20% water)


% Solvent

The development of translucency largely depends on how well formulation ingredi-

ents and processing equipment facilitate the recrystallization of the kappa (omega) phase
into the zeta (beta) phase. One approach to achieving this recrystallization involves add-
ing solubilizers. Solubilizers raise the solubility of the short-chain and unsaturated-chain
soaps, thereby facilitating recrystallization into zeta (beta) phase soap. Since solubilizers
also have a high refractive index, their presence raises the refractive index of the continu-
ous phase, which is desirable for translucency. Effective solubilizers include glycerine, pro-
pylene glycol, sucrose, sorbitol, and triethanolamine.
The choice of soap counter-ion and tail group can also affect the development of
translucency by promoting disruption of crystal packing, leading to smaller and fewer
solid crystals. For example, going from sodium to potassium to triethanolamine, the
­counter-ion becomes larger and crystal packing is more easily disruptable, due to the in-
creasing area occupied by the hydrophilic head group, as shown in Figure 5.8. Similarly, if
the fatty tails of the soap molecules are unsaturated or branched, this also disrupts crystal
packing by increasing the volume of the hydrophobic portion, as shown in Figure 5.9.
One final and sometimes overlooked factor necessary for translucency development is
a proper ratio of short-chain to unsaturated-chain soaps. The solubility of short-chain and
unsaturated soaps depends greatly on this ratio. Figure 5.10 depicts the phase behavior of a
mixture of sodium laurate and sodium oleate as a function of the ratio of oleate to laurate.
The water solubility of the mixture is greatest at a molar ratio of 1:1. Since translucency

Sodium Potassium Triethanolammonium

+ + +

- - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
+ + + +
+ - +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
++ +
+ + + + + + + + + +
- - - - - - - - - - + + + + + +
- - - - - - +
+ +
- +

Figure 5.8  Effect of soap counter-ion on crystal packing.

Transparent and Translucent Soaps  ■ 113

Straight Unsaturated Branched

chains chains chains

- - - - - - - - --
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
- + + + + - + + + + +
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -

Figure 5.9  Effect of soap hydrophobic tail group on crystal packing.

requires recrystallization into zeta (beta) phase, and this is facilitated by increasing the
solubility of the continuous phase, translucency should be best at an oleate:laurate molar
ratio of 1:1. This corresponds to a tallow:coconut ratio of between 90–10 and 65–35, re-
spectively, or an IV of between 30 and 50.
Thus, production of translucent soap with excellent optical clarity requires 70–80%
soap with an IV between 30 and 50; 5–12% of a combination of polyols, which can in-
clude select mixtures of glycerine, propylene glycol, and sugars; and 13–20% water, com-
bined with sufficient intensive mixing within the right window of temperature and water
levels (typically 40–50 °C and 13–20% water).

H 2O
L1 75
25 °C 60


H 50
H1 25
80 +
Crystals 20
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0
Na oleate Na laurate

Figure 5.10  Phase diagram of sodium oleate, sodium laurate, and water.
L1—Isotropic micellar phase; H1—Hexagonal liquid crystalline phase. Reprinted from Mongondry
et al. (2006).
114  ■ Chapter 5

Figure 5.11  Cavity transfer mixer.

Intensive Mixing and Refining

The choice of intensive mixing equipment is also critical for achieving translucency. Dou-
ble-arm mixers are the most widely used intensive mixing equipment. A very interesting
unit that was used in the past, but has not gained wide acceptance, is the cavity transfer
mixer (Figure 5.11).1 Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
In all cases, all nonsoap ingredients can be added to standard opaque soap pellets,
provided adequate distributive and intensive mixing are achieved. The double-arm mix-
ers and special plodders (see Chapter 8) can meet both these needs, and using them is
logistically the simplest approach. Adding the specific polyol blend to the neat soap prior
to spray-drying is a more efficient means to incorporate polyols into soap. By this route
translucency development is greatly enhanced as a result of better molecular solubilization
of polyols and soap. The degree of translucency of the spray-dried pellets (noodles) pro-
duced depends on the number of plodders of the vacuum spray-drying system.
The combination of added polyols and the mechanical work imposed on the system
generates the right phase sequence and colloidal structure for effective translucency devel-
opment for extruded bars. By this route, no further intensive mixing or work is required
for translucency development as spray-dried pellets are already translucent. This route,
although providing better translucency development, is logistically more complex. It is the
combination of added polyols with intensive mixing that dissolves the soluble soap frac-
tion of the metastable solid soap crystal that is generated at the spray-drying stage, leaving
the insoluble soaps to recrystallize as zeta (beta) phase soap and resulting in a colloidal
structure amenable to translucency development. The more efficiently this separation is
accomplished, the better the translucency development. These results reflect the strong
interplay between the various polyols and the soap that drives the development of trans-
lucency (Wang et al., 2004). Figure 5.12 is a phase diagram of the soluble soap fraction of
a typical soap bar with water and glycerine at 45° C,2 and this illustrates this association
between soap and polyol.

In the Cavity Transfer Mixer the intensive work occurs between rotor and stator, which provides
for a continuous operation, and it is enclosed and jacketed, which provides good temperature and
moisture control.
The L11 phase has been determined to be within 5%. The exact phase boundaries were not ac-
curately determined for the more viscous phases and are only estimates.
Transparent and Translucent Soaps  ■ 115

L1 1 40
95 H1 1 crystal 5
100 LLαa
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
H2O 74/26 (w/w) NaOl/NaL

Figure 5.12  Phase diagram of glycerine, water, soluble soap fraction of soap.
L1—Isotropic micellar phase; H1—Hexagonal liquid crystalline phase; Lα—Lamellar liquid crystal-
line phase; NaOl—Sodium oleate; NaL—Sodium laurate.

Clearly evident is the formation of association structures between glycerine, water,

and soap and the extension of the isotropic micellar phase, L1, from the water corner of
the phase diagram to the glycerine corner of the phase diagram. This specific interaction
of glycerine with soap is fundamental to understanding why and how soaps can be made
translucent or transparent.
It follows from the previous discussion that the fat source directly affects translucency
development. In particular, changing the fat source from animal fat to vegetable fat chang-
es the inherent fat composition. This incurs the following major changes:
■■ A decrease in the level of C18 saturated soap at the expense of increasing C16 satu-
rated soap
■■ Increased levels of C18:2 (linoleic acid)

Cast-Melt Process and Transparency Development

Pears, the World’s First Transparent Soap, was introduced in 1789. It contained glycerine,
natural oils, rosemary, cedar, and thyme. The process by which these bars were made in-
volved pouring saponified oils and additives into molds. These were then cut and allowed
to mature for a period during which the alcohol evaporated and was recovered for reuse.
116  ■ Chapter 5

The final bars were then stamped. The key ingredient helping to render these bars trans-
parent was ethanol, which acts as a hydrotrope. That is, the addition of ethanol increases
the solubility of the soap and prevents the liquid crystal phase from forming when the
soap solution is cooled. In this case, when the soap solution cools, it forms a gel structure
rather than the usual bricks-and-mortar structure. It is still debated whether the struc-
ture of these bars is a gel consisting of a rigid network of small solid crystals with isotro-
pic solution in the interstices, or instead consists of a supercooled solid (a “glassy state”)
with dispersed solid crystals (Wang et al., 2004). Other approaches to making transparent
melt-cast soap bars involve the use of high levels of polyols, such as glycerine, propylene
glycol, various sugars, and triethanolamine, to increase soap solubility and prevent liquid
crystal formation on cooling. In contrast to the methods in which ethanol is used, there
is no need for maturation. The patent literature also shows that highly soluble syndets,
such as sodium lauryl ether sulfate, sorbitan oleate, nonyl phenol ethoxylates, and sodium
cocoyl isethionate, are often used to make transparent soaps. In these cases, however, soap
remains the primary structurant. Transparent soap bars of excellent optical clarity can be
made by combining 35–50% soap (with minimal unsaturation), 30–40% specific blends
of polyols, and 15–25% water. The soap used in these compositions must have a mini-
mum level of unsaturation so as not to promote formation of the liquid crystalline phase
on cooling.

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