Cleansers and Their Role in Various Dermatological Disorders

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The passage discusses the evolution of cleansing practices and cleansers from ancient times to modern day. It also discusses the importance of cleansers and their role in various dermatological conditions.

The passage discusses three basic types of cleansers - soaps, synthetic detergents, and lipid-free cleansers. It provides examples and subsets of soaps.

The passage mentions that cleansers for sensitive skin should be very mild and avoid aggravating the weakened skin barrier. It recommends humectants and emollients found in lipid-free cleansers.


Hygiene is the practice of keeping oneself and one's surroundings clean in order to prevent
illness or disease. Consequently, skin hygiene includes both skin cleaning and also taking
care of its health.
Among humans, cleansing has come a long way beyond dirt removal. It is a ritual performed
by man since the time of his origin and has been an essential part of religious ceremony and
belief. In recent times, the act of cleansing to many people serves as a means of relaxation
and escape from the vagaries of everyday life, and also as a way to improve the skin health
and appearance. Irrespective of the outlook, a fine balance needs to be maintained between
skin cleansing and the preservation of its homeostatic properties.
The idea of cleansing dates back to the origin of human race, only the ritual would have been
performed in different ways.
The importance of soap as a cleansing agent was recognized only after the first century. The
Greek physician Galen (130–200 AD) and the eighth century chemist Gabiribne Hayyan were
the first to have written about the use of soap as a body-cleansing agent. The details of
saponification—the process of soap making was published in 1775. The English have been
credited with developing the first wrapped soap bar in 1884. The soap market continued to
expand and during the Second World war, the development of synthetic detergents came as a
major breakthrough.Synthetic detergents now form the basis of many present day skin-
cleansing products.
Why we need cleansers?
Many of the environmental impurities and cosmetic products are not water soluble and so
washing the skin with simple water would not be sufficient to remove them. Substances
capable of emulsifying them into finer particles are to be used for making these fat soluble
impurities water soluble. Herein, cleansers fit into the picture. Skin cleansers are surface—
active substances (i.e. emulsifiers/detergents/surfactants/soaps) that lower the surface tension
on the skin and remove dirt, sebum, oil from cosmetic products, microorganisms, and
exfoliated corneum cells in an emulsified form. An ideal cleanser should do all these without
damaging or irritating the skin, on the contrary it should try to keep the skin surface moist.
Cleanser Composition Surfactants are the principal constituents of most cleanser formulas
and are mainly responsible for its cleansing action. Surfactants move to the interface upon
dissolving in water and act by lowering the interfacial tension. Surfactants can be ionic,
nonionic, and silicone containing. Ionic surfactants based on their polar portions can be
anionic (–ively charged), cationic (+ively charged), and amphoteric (both + and –ively


charged). The type and amount of surfactant in a cleansing agent has a bearing on its drying
and irritancy potential. [Table 1].

Table 1
The constituents of skin cleansers[4]

Soap is the prototype anionic surfactant used in skin cleansers and plays a prominent role in
the personal cleansing market. However, soap quite frequently can cause dryness and
irritation of the skin.
Evolution of modern day cleansers
Cleansers can be divided into three basic types:
Composed of long chain fatty acid alkali salts with a pH of between 9 and 10.
Soap subsets
a. Glycerin bars/transparent bars: used rampantly in our country in winter. They contain
humectant–glycerine to counter the drying effects of soap.
b. Superfatted soaps: contain greater amount of lipids such as triglycerides, lanolin, paraffin,
stearic acid, or mineral oils which provide a protective film on the skin.
c. Deodorant soaps/antibacterial soaps: contain antibacterial agents such as triclosan,
triclocarban, or carbanile to inhibit the growth of bacteria and thereby odor.
Syndet bars Syndet (synthetic detergent) bars have a nonsoap synthetic surfactant such as
fatty acid isothionates, sulfosuccinic acid esters as their principal ingredient. Synthetic
surfactants unlike soaps are not manufactured by saponification and their structure is often
tailored to impart specific properties to the molecule. Syndets have a neutral or slightly acidic
pH and are less irritating to skin and do not form a soap scum layer. Transmission electron
microscopy has demonstrated that skin washed with synthetic detergents has shown well-
preserved lipid and protein regions compared to significant damage to both after washing
with soap. The relatively high free fatty acid content of synthetic detergent bars provide a
moisturizing benefit that help to maintain skin hydration.


Combars Composed of an alkaline soap to which surface active agents with a pH of 9–10
have been added. Combars are milder cleansers than true soaps, but induce more thorough
cleansing than synthetic detergents.
Cleanser variants
Lipid free cleansing lotions These contain fatty alcohols and are suitable for people with
sensitive or dry skin. They can be wiped off without water. The fatty alcohols in these lotions
facilitate evaporation and so rinsability is high. When used on the face, there is less facial
residue which is an advantage of these lipid free-cleansing lotions. These agents also contain
emollients (e.g., fatty alcohols) and/or humectants (e.g., propylene glycol) which counter the
irritancy or drying potential of the surfactant.
Liquid body washes These offer a different sensation, are more convenient as well as more
hygienic than the wash bar. They employ milder surfactants and incorporate more emollients,
thus can actually improve skin overtime.
Cold creams They combine the effect of a lipid solvent, such as wax or mineral oil, with
detergent action from borax.
Adverse effects of soaps Harsh cleansers such as soaps are known to cause:
1. After wash tightness it is a sensation of tightness perceived 5–10 min after washing with a
soap. Rapid evaporation of water from the skin surface causes this tightness.
2. Skin dryness, scaling and roughness-lipid solvents such as acetone, alcohols and even
nonionic surfactants can cause dryness of the skin.
3. Skin irritation–skin irritation along with erythema and itching following the use of harsh
soaps are mainly due to damage to the skin barrier.
4. Allergic contact dermatitis to the fragrances, preservatives, or dyes present in some soaps.
Factors causing dryness and irritation in cleansers The major factors affecting the drying
and irritancy potential of cleansers, include type and rinsability of surfactant ingredients and
to a lesser degree pH.
i. Surfactant ingredients: Surfactants after binding to keratin cause protein denaturation, thus
leading to damage to the cell membrane of keratinocytes. This in turn leads to adverse
cutaneous responses/Surfactant chain length is also an important factor in determining the
irritant potential with Kellum opining that the most noticeable irritant reactions developed
with fatty acids having chain lengths from C8 to C12 coming in contact with the skin.
Although anionic surfactants are considered to have the greatest irritancy potential, their
proportion in a cleansing agent and their combination with cationic acrylate polymers or
nonionic surfactants and humectants like propylene glycol modifies the irritation potential.


ii. Skin cleanser residue or rinsability factor: The irritancy potential of a cleansing agent
may increase the longer it is left on the skin. Residual levels of different products on the
skin vary, and these levels correlate with irritation reactions.
iii. pH of cleansing agent: Although controversial, but still many dermatologist believe that
maintaining the skin surface at its physiological pH (4–6.5) during cleansing prevents
overgrowth of certain microorganisms, like Propionibacterium acnes. Soaps with an alkaline
pH have also been said to cause damage to the lipid bilayer of the stratum corneum thus
causing dryness of the skin. The pH of a cleanser appears to have little effect on its role in
damaging the skin. Present day synthetic detergents and lipid free cleansers have a neutral or
slightly acidic pH which closely matches the skin pH.
The synthetic detergents and lipid free cleansers have the least irritancy potential compared to
other market products. A recent study has compared the 31 cleansers available in the Indian
market and has proven the above.
Use of cleansers in various dermalogic disorders For normal skin choosing a particular
cleanser is less important as compared to people with dermatological disorders such as atopic
dermatitis, acne vulgaris, rosacea, photoaging, occupational dermatosis, perianal pruritus, and
sensitive skin. In all these cases, a cleansing agent that can be used along with topical
therapies and also is biocompatible with the skin condition are recommended [Table 2].
Table 2
Dermatological disorders in which cleansers may have a beneficial role

Cleansing in atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis (AD) develops as a result of a complex interrelationship of environmental,
immunologic, genetic, and pharmacologic factors.[9] Several trigger factors such as irritants
(soap and detergents, occupational irritants, and disinfectants), microorganisms
(Staphylococcus aureus, viruses, and dermatophytes), aeroallergens, seasonal changes, and
psychogenic factors may aggravate the disease. Although most dermatologists agree that the
skin of patients of atopic dermatitis should be kept clean, there is no unanimity of opinions
regarding the use of common toilet soaps for cleansing the skin in the course of management


of this condition. Washing twice daily with a classic alkaline soap (pH 10.2) has shown to
reduce the stratum corneum cell layer and caused attrition of intercellular lipids in individuals
suffering from atopic dermatitis. This damage to the skin barrier function could result in
increased colonization of gram-positive bacteria.
Since soaps have an irritant effect on skin and AD patients typically demonstrate a
diminished irritant threshold, therefore, synthetic washing bars are a good choice for
cleansing in these patients. Their mildness and ability to maintain proper hydration of the
stratum corneum are a boon for the atopic dry skin.
Cleansing in acne
The goal of cleansing for acne or acne-prone skin is to gently remove surface dirt, sweat, and
excessive skin lipids without irritating or drying the skin. The ideal cleanser for acne skin
should be:
i. non comedogenic,
ii. non acnegenic,
iii. non irritating, and
iv. non allergenic.
The myth associated with acne that vigorous scrubbing of the skin with soap and water
several times a day will reduce the oiliness; however, only leads to an aggravation of acne
and sometimes even may cause acne detergicans.
There is a wide spectrum of skin cleansing agents for acne prone patients ranging from lipid
free cleansers, syndets, astringents, exfoliants, and abrasives. The major side effects of most
antiacne therapies are dryness and irritation of the skin, so gentle cleansing is important in
these group of patients. A nonionic, fragrance-free dermatologic bar or liquid cleanser with
good rinsability is the preferred cleanser in acne. The cleansing regimen should suit the needs
of the individual patient.
Cleansing in rosacea
The skin of patients with rosacea is extremely sensitive to chemical irritants. It is better to
avoid classic soaps, cleansers containing alcohol, astringents, and abrasives in these patients.
Ideally, only very mild cleansing agents should be used in these patients. If more irritating
cleansing agents are used they should be diluted extensively.
Therapeutic skin cleansers, containing sulfacetamide 10% and sulfur 5% in addition to a
synthetic detergent, are approved for the treatment of rosacea. Vigorous cleansing should
however be avoided. The only contraindication to their use being a known hypersensitivity to


sulfonamides, sulfur, or other components. Gentle cleansing is recommended in rosacea
Cleansing in photoaged skin
Excessive long-term exposure to sunlight damages the skin, and is known to cause premature
aging and skin cancer. Since these persons have an already compromised skin surface, so
lipid free cleansing agents containing humectants and emollients also can help in reducing the
severity of some of the symptoms associated with photoaged skin.
Cleansing in occupational dermatosis
Occupational dermatosis is an important group of disorders encountered in practice. Among
them, contact dermatitis, both irritant and allergic are of special concern. Prevention is the
key to reduce the incidence and prevalence of both forms of contact dermatitis. Avoidance of
causative irritants both at home and the workplace is the primary treatment of contact
dermatitis. People suffering from these disorders should practice good skin care daily. Skin
cleansing products are equally important both as skin protection and skin care products in an
industrial setup for removal of soiling. Skin compatible hand cleansing is vital for the
prevention of occupational dermatitis. The basic requirements for an efficient skin cleanser to
prevent occupational skin diseases are its easy solubility in both hard and soft water, its
ability to remove fats, oils, greasy materials without drying the skin, its free flow through the
dispensers and a long shelf life without easy deterioration on storage. In reality, however no
cleanser can be labeled as ideal for occupational dermatosis. While liquid synthetic
detergents are generally perfectly adequate for cleansing hands at home, more powerful hand
cleansers are needed for the removal of heavy duty industrial soiling such as oil, grease,
paints, and lacquer. Products free from scrubbing agents are usually skin friendly and
preferred by dermatologists.
Cleansing in xerotic skin
Xerotic skin is seen in several dermatological disorders and also in the geriatric population as
a part of natural aging due to decreased sebum production. Environmental factors, such as
low humidity and wind may also exacerbate dryness. To rehydrate and soften xerotic skin,
emollients, humectants, or keratin-softening agents should be applied liberally—immediately
after bathing and reapplied as often as necessary to soften xerotic skin and rehydrate it.[16]
People with xerosis should use cleansing agents that do not cause further dryness, and ideally
contain humectants and/or emollient ingredients.


Cleansing in “sensitive skin”
Dermatologists and cosmetic scientists define “sensitive skin” as that which exhibits contact
irritant or allergic reactions more readily than the average population.
This increased reactivity to external factors can be due to:
i. physiologic phenomenon,
ii. heightened neurosensory input,
iii. increased immune responsiveness and/ or
iv. compromised barrier function.
Frosh recommends that people who have sensitive skin should use very mild cleansing
agents. Liquid facial cleansers are highly effective and beneficial for sensitive skin. These
can also be used synergistically with topical or systemic therapy.
Cleansing in retinoid-induced dermatitis and post-chemical peel cleansing-induced
sensitive skin
Topical retinoids used in a wide variety of dermatological disorders increase skin
susceptibility to irritation. In these cases, the patient should use a cleanser that does not
aggravate the state of their weakened barrier. The humectants and emollients found in lipid-
free cleansers could help lessen the symptoms of these disorders.
Facial chemical peelsare rapidly becoming popular as cosmetic procedures for treatment of
photoaging, wrinkles, scars, and discoloration. Peeling produces controlled injury to the skin
that promotes the growth of new skin with an improved appearance. Since the skin is
vulnerable following the procedure and subsequent period of epithelial regeneration, mild
cleansing agents are to be used to avoid adverse reactions.
Cleansing in idiopathic perianal pruritus
Perianal pruritus is defined as an unpleasant cutaneous sensation that induces scratching of
the skin around the anal orifice. It can be primary or idiopathic when no apparent cause can
be found or secondary due to an identifiable etiology. Topical corticosteroids are quite
effective in controlling idiopathic perianal pruritus, but long-term use can cause atrophy of
the skin of the anogenital area. Perianal cleansing with mild liquid cleansers containing
humectants can be a safe initial step for controlling perianal itching and can be as effective as
topical corticosteroids.


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