B. NSTP 1 Module 4 - Explore
B. NSTP 1 Module 4 - Explore
B. NSTP 1 Module 4 - Explore
Community immersion is one of the requirements for National Service Training Program (NSTP).
NSTP students are expected to initiate community-based interventions in the form of projects and activities
meant to address the multi- faceted issues and concerns of the people in the area of service.
Community immersion is a strategy in community organization that is sought to imbibe among the
NSTP students a better understanding and realization of the different community concerns through the
exposure on actual life situations in the communities. It is a form of service learning that is integrated with
the students’ passion and interest that is designed to bridge the gap between the theoretical instruction and
actual implementation of work through experiential learning. This activity provides the students an
opportunity to use their newly acquired knowledge and skills in real life situations in their own
Community immersion fulfils many of the school’s goals for the students-becoming involved
citizens, community solidarity, learning worthwhile tasks, developing leadership, advocacy and problem-
solving skills. It also helps in fostering a sense of care for others through direct involvement. (Waddell,
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a great help for you to have an idea on the way of living. You must learn to communicate to them to have a
good relationship.
After identifying the location where you will implement your project the following should also be
1. Organize an initial meeting and interview to the locals. If applicable)
2. Conduct a site or ocular inspection.
3. Establishing a set of criteria for choosing the area for community immersion.
4. Establish partnership with the community stakeholders.
5. Project Planning
The plan that was initially formulated with the community is now put into action. The moment you
put into practice the plans and project proposals you have to document in any possible way. It is important
to write minutes of the activities that you will do to have a more organize and set documentation.
Termination of Project
This is the phase when the project organizers start to withdraw from the community because the
goals set by the community and organizers have been achieved. Remember that prior to this, organizers
must prepare the community before phasing out.
Whenever you start a project you need to complete a project proposal document. The project
proposal is used to set roadmap for the project to ensure that everyone is working g towards the same
goals. A project proposal is also used to convince that a project needs to be kicked-off to solve a particular
problem or opportunity. It describes in depth, how project is going to be commenced so that the
participants understands what is involved.
The project immersion will develop the NSTP 1 students’ sense of “oneness” with others in
every community where they are exposed to thorough inputs on solidarity and inclusivity. The
students involved in the activity will evaluate the current situations related to problems in the
community and will develop concrete plan as to how each can help in the least and possible way they
can. Furthermore, the said activity will provide a venue where students can experience first-hands
on activities in NSTP which are serving as real life situations of the world outside the University of
which every student must be involved and later as professionals.
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SLU Service Learning Program (SLP)
The project proposal making in the university follows a specific format in creating a project
proposal plan. The service learning program serves as a summary that tells the reader what the project is,
why it is important, and how it will be carried out.
SLP is a short summary that tells the reader what the project is, why it is important, and how it
will be carried out. Or a SLP is a prelude to a full paper. (What is the full paper all about? The full paper
may be a thesis, a program, a project, or anything that will require a longer time to prepare.)
The SLP helps researcher spot holes in her or his project that might later prove fatal. It is far better
to be clear at the beginning than to put in a lot of effort for nothing. The SLP (concept paper) saves
SLP enables in putting thoughts and ideas into paper for consideration for research. It is from the
concept paper that one develops the research proposal which can either be business or academic oriented.
The SLP aim is to capture the thoughts and ideas while the research proposal captures the ideas in a
structured manner for approval to research.
Program of Activities
Date and Venue Activity Competencies Assessment
Specific activities: Specify
the action you mention on
the SLP Matrix Activity
To the University President:
May I inform your office of our willingness to enter into a partnership with (name of group)
________________________, a Service Learning Program of the National Service Training Program of Saint
Louis University from _________________ to __________.
____________________________________ _____________________________
Signature above Printed Name Designation
Contact Information:____________________
CP/Landline: ____________________________________________
Email Address:__________________________
C. Budget proposal
IX. IMPACT ASSESSMENT PLAN: The group will plan and prepare possible impact of the
activity/project to the community.
X. END-OF-ACTIVITY REPORT: 500-word summary report of the conducted activity (intro (who,
what, when where-identified problem (why)-activity/method/conducted intervention (how) – impact
assessment result)
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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 5