Rapp Buckling Strength of Stiffened Flat Plates SH92 3014: Input: Principal Data

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RAPP Buckling strength of stiffened flat plates Date: 12/12/2020

SH92 Classification note no. 30.1 May 1992 ( chapter 3.3 and 3.4 ) Time: 9:10:52
3014 Project ID: Test Sign:
Item/position: Page: 1 of 3

Input: Valid for continued stiffened plates

Uniform axial stress, uniform or nonuniform transverse stress
Principal data
E= 206000 (N/mm2) Modulus of Elasticity
eta s= 0.96 ( - ) Allowable usage factor for plate element , SLS
eta u= 0.96 ( - ) Allowable usage factor for plate element , ULS
eta p= 0.87 ( - ) Allowable usage factor for stiffened panel

v= 0.3 ( - ) Poissons Ratio

G= 79231 (N/mm2) Shear Modulus

Plate data
t= 12.3 (mm) Thickness
Sigma f= 235 (N/mm2) Yield stress
S= 610 (mm) Breadth of plate
L= 1524 (mm) Length of plate
Lt= 1524 (mm) Distance between sideways support of stiffener (chapter 3.4.5)

Stiffener data
Sigma f= 235 (N/mm2) Yield stress
Type= A (T,FB or A) Stiffener type ( T = T-bar , FB = Flatbar , A = Angle )
ef= 16 (mm) flange eccentricity
he= 200 (mm) Height of section,including flange thickness
tw= 10 (mm) Web thickness
bf= 100 (mm) Flange breadth
tf= 10 (mm) Flange thickness
s= 610 (mm) Stiffener spacing

Load data
p= 0.0720 (N/mm2) Lateral pressure
Side= s ( P or S ) Side pressure acting at ( P=Plate side, S=Stiffener side )
tau= 68.0 (N/mm2) Shear Stress
sigma-x= 84.0 (N/mm2) Normal axial stress (Compression positive )
sigma-y1= 109.0 (N/mm2) Normal transverse stress (Compression positive )
sigma-y2= 109.0 (N/mm2) Normal transverse stress (Compression positive )

RAPP Buckling strength of stiffened flat plates Date: 12/12/2020

SH92 3014 Ver.1.1 RAPP- Rapid Approval by spreadsheets Program release date: 1993-10-05
SH92 Classification notes no. 30.1 May 1992 ( chapter 3.3 and 3.4 ) Time: 9:10:52
3014 Project ID: CASCOS EC 338/339 - COPPE/UFRJ-Brasil/Rio Sign: steen
Item/position: Case1 Page: 2 of 3


Usage factors, plate buckling ( chapter 3.3 )

Serviceability check: Ultimate check:
Usage factor: eta s= 1.34 NOT OK eta u= 1.24 NOT OK
Equivalent von Mises stress: sigma e= 153.8 N/mm2 sigma e= 153.8 N/mm2
Characteristic buckling resistance : sigma escr= 114.5 N/mm2 sigma eucr 124.1 N/mm2

Usage factors, buckling of stiffened plates ( chapter 3.4 )

Plate Induced Failure: Load combination 1 : Load combination 2 :
( p=0 , K=1.0 , m=8 ) ( p=pd , K=0.6 , m=16 )
Axial load: Nx= Err:502 N N
Effective axial stress: Sigma a= Err:502 N/mm2 N/mm2
Characteristic material strenght: Sigma K= 235.0 N/mm2 Not relevant N/mm2
Characteristic buckling stress: Sigma acr= Err:502 N/mm2 N/mm2
Plateside in compression : eta= Err:502 Err:502
Stiffener side in tension : eta= Err:502 Err:502

Explicit solution of sigma a , axial capacity with all other

load components kept constant as input values :
effective axial capacity = Err:502 N/mm2
nominal axial capacity = Err:502 N/mm2

Stiffener Induced Failure: Load combination 1 : Load combination 2 :

( p=0 , K=1.0 , m=8 ) ( p=pd , K=0.6 , m=16 )
Axial load: Nx= 906048.8 N 873852.0 N
Effective axial stress: Sigma a= 91.6 N/mm2 88.3 N/mm2
Characteristic material strenght: Sigma K= 235.0 N/mm2 235.0 N/mm2
Characteristic buckling stress: Sigma acr= 217.8 N/mm2 218.3 N/mm2
Stiffener flange in compression : eta= 0.42 OK 0.50 OK
Plate side in tension : eta= -0.39 OK -0.35 OK

Explicit solution axial capacity, load combination 1 :

Explicit solution of sigma a; effective axial capasity, with other load components kept constant as input values
can be found by using the 'Solver'-function under Formula. Use cell H112, as changing cell and set value to 1.0
by changing normal axial stress, sigma x , in cell H113

effective axial capacity = 320.1 N/mm2

Stiffener flange in compression, eta = 1.47
nominal axial capacity = 301.4 N/mm2

Explicit solution axial capasity load combination 2 :

Explicit solution of sigma a; effective axial capasity, with other load components kept constant as input values
can be found by using the 'Solver'-function under Formula. Use cell H121, as changing cell and set value to 1.0
by changing axial normal stress ,sigma x , in cell H122

effective axial capacity= 153.4 N/mm2

Stiffener flange in compression, eta = 0.79
nominal axial capacity= 145.9 N/mm2

RAPP Buckling strength of stiffened flat plates Date: 12/12/2020

SH92 Classification notes no. 30.1 May 1992 ( chapter 3.3 and 3.4 ) Time: 9:10:52
3014 Project ID: Sign:

SH92 3014 Ver.1.1 RAPP- Rapid Approval by spreadsheets Program release date: 1993-10-05
Item/position: Page: 3 of 3
Intermediate results:
A.General parameters: B. Load combination 1 parameters :
Sigma g= 48.511489 B1. Plate Induced Param. B2. Stiff. Ind. Param.
Sigma Etl= 452.74856 sep= Err:502 ses= 568.822592 h/tw= 19
rLambdal= 0.5474256 yp= Err:502 ys= 45.8947875 Lambda= 0.661825235
taucrl= 129.96693 Ie= Err:502 Ie= 5.01E+07 fr. curve= 0.759717948
SigmaEtg= 41.460491 lep= 1524 les= 1524 RHS= 17.3042597
rLambdag= 1.808991 ie= Err:502 ie= 71.1363858
taucrg= 53.034178 Sigma E= Err:502 Sigma E= 4429.76436
aplha= 1 zp= Err:502 zt= 166.405213
beta2= 1.6750395 omega= Err:502 Mys= 0.0751726
Cx= 0.7894735 Myp= Err:502 Lambda= 0.23032635 Iz= 1001057.471
Sigmayu= 100.18972 Lambda= Err:502 Lambda 0= 0.6 C1= 0
C'y= Err:502 Aplha= 0.35 beta1= 1
Cy= Err:502 MyT= -0.0021587 Sigma ET= 666.4080457
Ct= 0.8653377 Sigma T= 235 LambdaT= 0.593832299
psi= 1 A eff= Err:502 A eff= 9896.52
Atot= 10403 Q= Err:502 Q= 0.03032635
ef= 16 C= Err:502 C= 0.00249272
e= 135.63 B= Err:502 B= 0.03781363
A= 2900 C. Load combination 2 parameters :
Af= 1000 C1. Plate Induced Param. C2. Stiff. Ind. Param.
Aw= 1900 sigma bp= Err:502 sigma bs= 21.18
lep= 914.4 les= 914.4
Exp.plate ind.para: Z ep= Err:502 Z et= 300953.28
load comb. 1: ztp= Err:502 zps= 39.74
eff. ax. cap. Err:502 Sigma E= Err:502 Sigma E= 12304.901
no. ax. cap. Err:502 Lambda= Lambda= 0.13819581
Q= Q= 0
load comb. 2: C= C= 0
eff. ax. cap. #VALUE! B= B= 0
no. ax. cap. #VALUE! D. Plate buckling parameters chap 3.3 :
lambda e= 1.338704953 sigma x= 84.00
sigma Ex= 302.7993033 sigma y= 109.00
sigma Ey= 101.8985774 s= 610
tau E= 452.7485592 l= 1524
c= 1.599737533 Ce= 1.34608734
Cf= 4.76869874
eta= 1 Cg= 3.57510833
Cy= 1.346087343 Ce 0= 2.56980311
E. Explicit axial capasity parameters, stiffener induced, load combination 1 :
Nx= 3168126 My T= -0.0021587 3.3 plate buckling parameters:
Sigma K= 235.00 Sigma T= 235 lambda e= 1.145453812
Sigma acr= 217.78 eta= 1
C1= 0 Lambda= 0.2303263 sigma x= 301.44
beta1= 1 Q= 0.0303263 eta s= 2.03
Sigma ET= 666.40805 C= 0.0024927 sigma e= 289.42
LambdaT= 0.5938323 B= 0.0378136 sigma escr 142.45
F. Explicit axial capasity parameters, stiffener induced, load combination 2 :
Nx= 1517887 My T= -0.0021587 3.3 plate buckling parameters:
Sigma K= 235.00 Sigma T= 235 lambda e= 1.302507643
Sigma acr= 218.29 eta= 1
C1= 0 Lambda= 0.1381958 sigma x= 145.91
beta1= 1 Q= 0 eta s= 1.48
Sigma ET= 666.40805 C= 0 sigma e= 176.46
LambdaT= 0.5938323 B= 0 sigma escr 119.33

SH92 3014 Ver.1.1 RAPP- Rapid Approval by spreadsheets Program release date: 1993-10-05

Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project B247
Member ID Aft bhd below drillfloor, top Calculated by LY To be revised!
Load Case Max. extension Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 3.00E+07 lbf/in2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio, 0.3 for steel
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel

Plate/Panel Data
fy 34000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 0.625 in Plate thickness
sL 48 in Longitudinal spacing
sT 30 in Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 216 in Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 132 in Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT

Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 51000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type FB A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 7 in Web height of longitudinals
tw 0.75 in Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 0 in Flange width of longitudinals
tf 0 in Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 in Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 9.6 in Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b

Scantling of Transverses
Type FB A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 12 in Web height of transverses
twg 0.875 in Web thickness of transverses
bfg 0 in Flange width of transverses
tfg 0 in Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 37188 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 29374 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 11214 lbf/in2 Calculated total shear stress
pn lbf/in2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 51000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 0.875 in Web plate thickness of the girder
s 12 in Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 216 in Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 29374 lbf/in2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 lbf/in2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 lbf/in2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending patten L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Page 4

Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 4.02
20206 43179 26801 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (lbf/in2)
fuL fuT fuLT
23231 43179 26801
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 2.74 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.64 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 2.97 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Not Ok

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 2.21
31140 33159 Results Not Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 3 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 263369 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compression torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 1.15
50327 48630 Results Not Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.38
49916 50842 29175 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate
-fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
-fb -fb

Calculated Data

Page 5

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity (in) Inertia moment (in4)
exLo 0.000 IxL 21.438
eyLo 3.500 IyL 0.000
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 1.800 in
Section modulus Sme = 10.779 in3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plate width in 32.80 30.00
Eccentricity in 0.71 2.15
Net sectional area in2 5.25 10.50
Inertia moment of plate in4 10.44 86.98 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia moment stf w/p in4 72.64 368.31

Stiffener x-section skim in

into effective plate thk

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 51000 lbf/in2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 51000 lbf/in2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 29445 lbf/in2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 15.20832
KLT 17.138
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 20206.36 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 69842.01 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 78703.78 lbf/in2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.59
h 0.21
C 0.68
bwL 32.80 in Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 30.00 in Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 0.734375 in Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 0.975 in Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 49887705
DT 404733728
FL 1.03136918
FT 0.96958492
h 0.18423615
kL 2.37228959
kT 4
fEL 97002.5328 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 329874.14 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 5.25 in2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 35.25 in2 Total net sectional area
Ae 25.75 in2 Effective net sectional area
r 1.68 in Radius of gyration
m 1.04178536 Amplification factor
M 0 lbf-in Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 lbf/in2 Local bending stress
fE 927165 lbf/in2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 0 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 0.625

Page 6

Co 50863
Iyf 0 in4
Io 86 in4 Polar moment of inertia
G 4.02 Warping constant
K 0.98 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 115192 lbf/in2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 51000 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 51000 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 29445 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.35234568
fELg 576065.04 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 3456390.22 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 770824.80 lbf/in2 Eular shear stress of girder plate

Page 7

Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project B247 To be revised!

Member ID Aft bhd below drillfloor, mid Calculated by LY
Load Case Max. extension Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 3.00E+07 lbf/in2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio, 0.3 for steel
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel

Plate/Panel Data
fy 51000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 0.875 in Plate thickness
sL 24 in Longitudinal spacing
sT 102 in Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 216 in Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 132 in Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT

Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 51000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 6 in Web height of longitudinals
tw 0.3125 in Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 3.5 in Flange width of longitudinals
tf 0.3125 in Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 in Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 9.6 in Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
12 middle
Scantling of Transverses
Type FB A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 12 in Web height of transverses
twg 0.875 in Web thickness of transverses
bfg 0 in Flange width of transverses
tfg 0 in Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 21705 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 5065 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 2170 lbf/in2 Calculated total shear stress
pn lbf/in2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 51000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 0.875 in Web plate thickness of the girder
s 12 in Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 216 in Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 5065 lbf/in2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder

Page 8

fb 0 lbf/in2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder

fLTg 0 lbf/in2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending patten L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.23
47060 39649 28500 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (lbf/in2)
fuL fuT fuLT
51000 39649 28670
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.21 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.02 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.17 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.33
40440 48482 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 3 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 179222 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compression torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.58
41548 47517 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.01
49916 50842 29175 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate
-fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
-fb -fb

Page 9


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity (in) Inertia moment (in4)
exLo 0.645 IxL 11.852
eyLo 4.163 IyL 2.351
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 1.410 in
Section modulus Sme = 10.918 in3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plate width in 24.00 102.00
Eccentricity in 0.51 0.63
Net sectional area in2 2.97 10.50
Inertia moment of plate in4 5.43 35.60 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia moment stf w/p in4 55.68 464.21

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 51000 lbf/in2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 51000 lbf/in2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 29445 lbf/in2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.33655009
KLT 6.11759862
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 158417.89 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 48121.24 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 220258.42 lbf/in2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.13
h 0.93
C 1.00
bwL 24.00 in Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 47.78 in Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 0.99869792 in Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 0.97794118 in Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 76480723
DT 150035723
FL 0.72323736
FT 1.38267193
h 0.08647916
kL 2.60781228
kT 4
fEL 59110.8636 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 247931.679 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 2.96875 in2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 23.96875 in2 Total net sectional area
Ae 23.97 in2 Effective net sectional area
r 1.52 in Radius of gyration
m 1.48954939 Amplification factor
M 0 lbf-in Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 lbf/in2 Local bending stress
fE 66042 lbf/in2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor

Page 10

mt 0
a 4.250
Co 279134
Iyf 3.23207922 in4
Io 66 in4 Polar moment of inertia
G 55.04 Warping constant
K 0.10 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 162206 lbf/in2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 51000 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 51000 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 29445 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.35234568
fELg 576065.04 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 3456390.22 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 770824.80 lbf/in2 Eular shear stress of girder plate

Page 11

Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project B247
Member ID Fwd bhd below drillfloor, mid Calculated by LY
Load Case Max. extension Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 3.00E+07 lbf/in2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio, 0.3 for steel
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel

Plate/Panel Data
fy 51000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 0.875 in Plate thickness
sL 24 in Longitudinal spacing
sT 102 in Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 216 in Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 132 in Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT

Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 51000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 6 in Web height of longitudinals
tw 0.3125 in Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 3.5 in Flange width of longitudinals
tf 0.3125 in Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 in Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 9.6 in Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
12 middle
Scantling of Transverses
Type FB A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 12 in Web height of transverses
twg 0.875 in Web thickness of transverses
bfg 0 in Flange width of transverses
tfg 0 in Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 8103 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 9550 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 4775 lbf/in2 Calculated total shear stress
pn lbf/in2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 51000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 0.875 in Web plate thickness of the girder
s 12 in Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 216 in Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 9550 lbf/in2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 lbf/in2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 lbf/in2 Calculated total shear stress of girder

Page 12

Ideal bending patten L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.12
47060 39649 28500 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (lbf/in2)
fuL fuT fuLT
51000 39649 28670
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.06 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.09 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.08 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.09
40440 48482 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 3 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 179222 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compression torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.21
41548 47517 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.04
49916 50842 29175 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate
-fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
-fb -fb

Page 13

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity (in) Inertia moment (in4)
exLo 0.645 IxL 11.852
eyLo 4.163 IyL 2.351
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 1.410 in
Section modulus Sme = 10.918 in3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plate width in 24.00 102.00
Eccentricity in 0.51 0.63
Net sectional area in2 2.97 10.50
Inertia moment of plate in4 5.43 35.60 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia moment stf w/p in4 55.68 464.21

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 51000 lbf/in2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 51000 lbf/in2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 29445 lbf/in2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.33655009
KLT 6.11759862
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 158417.89 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 48121.24 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 220258.42 lbf/in2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.13
h 0.93
C 1.00
bwL 24.00 in Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 47.78 in Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 0.99869792 in Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 0.97794118 in Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 76480723
DT 150035723
FL 0.72323736
FT 1.38267193
h 0.08647916
kL 2.60781228
kT 4
fEL 59110.8636 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 247931.679 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 2.96875 in2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 23.96875 in2 Total net sectional area
Ae 23.97 in2 Effective net sectional area
r 1.52 in Radius of gyration
m 1.13985473 Amplification factor
M 0 lbf-in Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 lbf/in2 Local bending stress
fE 66042 lbf/in2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 4.250

Page 14

Co 279134
Iyf 3.23207922 in4
Io 66 in4 Polar moment of inertia
G 55.04 Warping constant
K 0.10 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 162206 lbf/in2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 51000 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 51000 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 29445 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.35234568
fELg 576065.04 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 3456390.22 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 770824.80 lbf/in2 Eular shear stress of girder plate

Page 15

Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project B247
Member ID Cantilever beam, port Calculated by LY
Load Case Max. extension Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 3.00E+07 lbf/in2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio, 0.3 for steel
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel

Plate/Panel Data
fy 51000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 1.25 in Plate thickness
sL 22 in Longitudinal spacing
sT 114 in Transverse spacing
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
b 88 in Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 276 in Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT

Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 51000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type FB A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 7.5 in Web height of longitudinals
tw 1 in Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 0 in Flange width of longitudinals
tf 0 in Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 in Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 10.2 in Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b

Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 8 in Web height of transverses
twg 0.625 in Web thickness of transverses
bfg 6 in Flange width of transverses
tfg 0.625 in Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 37622 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 14035 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 868 lbf/in2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 lbf/in2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 51000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 0.625 in Web plate thickness of the girder
s 8 in Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 88 in Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 14035 lbf/in2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 lbf/in2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 lbf/in2 Calculated total shear stress of girder

Page 16

Ideal bending patten L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.68
49215 45722 29011 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (lbf/in2)
fuL fuT fuLT
51000 45722 29077
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.60 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.10 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.42 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.75
49499 44464 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 3 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 383799 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compression torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.97
42867 49374 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.09
50142 50875 29232 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate
-fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
-fb -fb

Page 17

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity (in) Inertia moment (in4)
exLo 0.000 IxL 35.156
eyLo 3.750 IyL 0.000
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 1.782 in
Section modulus Sme = 18.312 in3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plate width in 22.00 114.00
Eccentricity in 0.80 0.33
Net sectional area in2 7.50 8.75
Inertia moment of plate in4 17.76 15.57 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia moment stf w/p in4 118.02 330.14

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 51000 lbf/in2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 51000 lbf/in2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 29445 lbf/in2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4
KT 1.18345858
KLT 5.48896891
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 349778.06 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 103486.96 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 479980.23 lbf/in2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 0.73
h 1.14
C 1.00
bwL 22.00 in Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 96.23 in Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 1.59090909 in Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 1.32675439 in Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 176859970
DT 95470717
FL 2.6883547
FT 0.37197472
h 0.08424403
kL 4
kT 7.53410427
fEL 415966.587 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 95506.3161 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 7.5 in2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 35 in2 Total net sectional area
Ae 35.00 in2 Effective net sectional area
r 1.84 in Radius of gyration
m 1.9615249 Amplification factor
M 0 lbf-in Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 lbf/in2 Local bending stress
fE 76749 lbf/in2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 0 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 5.182

Page 18

Co 887784
Iyf 0 in4
Io 141 in4 Polar moment of inertia
G 11.72 Warping constant
K 2.50 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 465087 lbf/in2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 51000 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 51000 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 29445 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4.4
Kb 26.4
KLTg 5.91036364
fELg 727429.07 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 4364574.39 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 977129.61 lbf/in2 Eular shear stress of girder plate

Page 19

Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project B246
Member ID TBHD, FR.24 Calculated by LY
Load Case ALL Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 3.00E+07 lbf/in2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio, 0.3 for steel
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel

Plate/Panel Data
fy 51000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 0.433 in Plate thickness
sL 24 in Longitudinal spacing
sT 144 in Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 360 in Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 288 in Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT

Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 34000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 7.087 in Web height of longitudinals
tw 0.394 in Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 3.54 in Flange width of longitudinals
tf 0.394 in Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 in Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 6 in Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b

Scantling of Transverses
Type T A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 18 in Web height of transverses
twg 0.4375 in Web thickness of transverses
bfg 5 in Flange width of transverses
tfg 0.75 in Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 6050 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 8180 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 1427 lbf/in2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 6.5 lbf/in2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 34000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 0.4375 in Web plate thickness of the girder
s 18 in Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 360 in Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 8180 lbf/in2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 lbf/in2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 lbf/in2 Calculated total shear stress of girder

Page 20

Ideal bending patten L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.57
34909 11176 25509 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (lbf/in2)
fuL fuT fuLT
38005 12126 26029
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.03 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.50 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.49 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.06
41600 48017 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 3 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 92473 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compression torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.63
30848 31000 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.04
41247 49578 27014 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate
-fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
-fb -fb

Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2,
Page 5/2AB)

Project B246
Member ID LBHD, Stbd Calculated by LY

Buckling Check Of Plate

( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2.b)
Note:Plate panel between two stiffeners and two girders is checked

Project SSDT 3600

Member ID Plate Between Stiffener Calculated by Gan BJ
Pontoon Longi Centreline Bulkhead
Load Case ALL Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.06E+07 N/cm2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio, 0.3 for steel
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
fy 23500 N/cm2 Yeild strength of material
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*

Plate Data
tn 1.11 cm Plate thickness
s 50.8 cm Longitudinal spacing
l 223.5 cm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*

Loading Data
fL 0 N/cm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 12212 N/cm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 0 N/cm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 1 N/cm2 Lateral pressure

Stiffener Data (Optional)

As in2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
tn (mod) 1.25 cm Improved plate net thickness

Buckling State Limit:

Critical buckling stress (N/cm2)
fciL fciT fciLT
20108 11786 12752
Unity Check Criteria 1.07 (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
Results Not Ok

Crtitical buckling stress with Safety Factor 1.67 ( N/cm2)

fciL (mod) fciT fciLT
12470 7057 7636

Effective Width
b 1.5457564
h 0.7271218
C 0.932446
bwL 47.368258
bwT 80.728984

Ultimate Strength

Page 22

Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/cm2)

fuL fuT fuLT
21912 11786 12894
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.00 (fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2<= Sm
U.C. 2 1.07 (fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2<= Sm
U.C. 3 1.07 (fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2<= Sm
Results Not Ok

Calculated Data
fyiL 23500
fyiT 23500
fyiLT 13567.731
KiL 4.4
KiT 1.3271919
KiLT 6.1013134
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEiL 39072.85 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fEiL (mod) 49550.6
fEiT 11785.72 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction

fEiLT 54180.84 lbf/in2 Eular shear stress

Sm: Strength reduction factor
1 for ordinary strength steel
0.95 for Grade H32
0.908 for Grade H36
0.875 for Grade H40

Values of C1 and C2:

For plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners
C1 1.1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere
For plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1
C2 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.1 elsewhere

Page 23

Buckling Check Of Stiffened Panels

( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2.d)
Note: Stiffened panels between two girders are checked

Project SSDT-3600
Member ID Pontoon Deck Calculated by Gan BJ
Load Case Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 3.00E+07 lbf/in2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio, 0.3 for steel
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
fy 23500 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of material
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor

Panel Scantling
tn 0.95 in Plate thickness
IpL 56.1 in4 Net intertia moment of effective plating (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section) in long. direction
IpT 435.4 in4 Net intertia moment of effective plating (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section) in tran. direction
IL 56.1 in4 Net intertia moment of stiffener with effective plating in long. direction, inluding stiffener and plating
IT 435.4 in4 Net intertia moment of stiffener with effective plating in trans. direction, inluding stiffener and plating
AsL 15 in2 Net sectional area of longitudinals, excluding associated plating
AsT 0 in2 Net sectional area of transverse, excluding associated plating

General Arrangement
sL 76.2 in Longitudinal spacing
sT 290 in Transverse spacing
b 900 in Width between longitudinal bulkheads
l 290 in Length between transverse bulkheads

fL 3640 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 7860 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction


Calculated Data
tL 1.14685 in Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 0.95 in Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 24271005
DT 2355426

FL 0.179846
FT 5.560311
h 1

kL 32.9494
kT 4
fEiL 2644.196 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fEiT 3732.315 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fciL 2644.196 lbf/in2 Critical buckling stress in longitudinal direction
fciT 3732.315 lbf/in2 Critical buckling stress in transverse direction

Buckling State Limit:

Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
Usage factor 6.329975 ((fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2)/Sm
Results Not Ok

Sm Strength reduction factor
= 1 for ordinary strength steel

Page 24

0.95 for Grade H32

0.908 for Grade H36
0.875 for Grade H40

Page 25

Buckling Check Of Stiffened Panels

( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2.d)
Note: Stiffened panels between two transverse bhds and two long. bhds are checked

Project B244
Member ID Mostly stressed, Main Deck Calculated by LY
Load Case ALL Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 3.00E+07 lbf/in2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio, 0.3 for steel
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
fy 34 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of material
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor

Panel Scantling
tn 0.7 in Plate thickness
IpL 180.6 in4 Net intertia moment of effective plating (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section) in long. direction
IpT 31473 in4 Net intertia moment of effective plating (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section) in tran. direction
IL 777 in4 Net intertia moment of stiffener with effective plating in long. direction, inluding stiffener and plating
IT 80774 in4 Net intertia moment of stiffener with effective plating in trans. direction, inluding stiffener and plating
AsL 15 in2 Net sectional area of longitudinals, excluding associated plating
AsT 94.3 in2 Net sectional area of transverse, excluding associated plating

General Arrangement
sL 76.2 in Longitudinal spacing
sT 290 in Transverse spacing
b 1066.8 in Width between longitudinal bulkheads
l 1740 in Length between transverse bulkheads

fL 920 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 7400 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction

Calculated Data
tL 0.89685 in Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 1.025172 in Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 3.36E+08
DT 9.18E+09

FL 3.728792
FT 0.268183
h 0.300941

kL 4
kT 14.57769
fEiL 67886.43 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fEiT 81358.39 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fciL 33.99591 lbf/in2 Critical buckling stress in longitudinal direction
fciT 33.99659 lbf/in2 Critical buckling stress in transverse direction

Buckling State Limit:

Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
Usage factor 48112.1018 ((fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2)/Sm
Results Not Ok

Sm Strength reduction factor
= 1 for ordinary strength steel
0.95 for Grade H32
0.908 for Grade H36
0.875 for Grade H40

Page 26

Buckling Check Of Longitudinals and Stiffeners

( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2.c)

Project 247
Member ID Vertical Stiffener Calculated by PS
Load Case ALL Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 3.00E+07 lbf/in2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio, 0.3 for steel
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
fy 34000 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of material
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes *

Plate Data
tn 0.75 in Plate thickness
s 23.5 in Spacing of longitudinals
l 144 in Spacing of transverses
bwL 23.50 in Effective width, = s when plate buckling req. is satisfied

Stiffener Data
bf 3.94 in Flange width of stiffener
tf 0.39 in Flange thickness of stiffener
dw 7.87 in Web depth of stiffener
tw 0.39 in Web thickness of stiffener
be 14 in Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
SMe 16.30 in3 Effective section modulus of the longitudinal at flange, accounting for be
Ie 98.8 in4 Effective moment of inertia of longitudinals, accounting for bwL
Ix 29.1 in4 Inertia moment of stiffener about x axis, excluding asst. plate, x perp. web
Iy 5.2 in4 Inertia moment of stiffener about y axis, excluding associated plate
b1 0 in Smaller outstanding dim. of flange with respect to centerline of web
xo 0 in Horizontal distance between centroid of stiffener As and centerline of web
yo 7.5 in Vertical distance between centroid of stiffener cross-section and its toe

Load data
fL 3800 lbf/in2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
p 1 lbf/in2 Lateral pressure


Calculated Data
As 4.6059 in2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 22.2309 in2 Total net sectional area
Ae 22.23 in2 Effective net sectional area
r 2.11 in Radius of gyration
m 1.0637637 Amplification factor
M 30456 lbf-in Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 1868 lbf/in2 Local bending stress

Page 27

fE 63395 lbf/in2 Eular stress

fc 29624 lbf/in2 Critical buckling stress
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 6.128
Co 179521
Iyf 5.9617078 in4
Io 291 in4 Polar moment of inertia
G 185.33 Warping constant
K 0.23 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
n 3.00 Number of half waves
fcL 176896 lbf/in2 Critical buckling stress for associated plating corresponding to n-half waves
fET 129636 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
fcT 31860 lbf/in2 Critical torsional/flexural buckling stress

Buckling State Limit:

Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
Usage factor 0.19 (fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy)/Sm
Results Ok

Sm Strength reduction factor
= 1 for ordinary strength steel
0.95 for Grade H32
0.908 for Grade H36
0.875 for Grade H40

Page 28

Buckling Check Of Girders

( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2e1)
Note:web plate of girder is checked against plate buckling

Project B244
Member ID Mostly stressed, main deck Calculated by LY
Load Case ALL Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 3.00E+07 lbf/in2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio, 0.3 for steel
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
fy 34 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of material
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*

Plate Data
tn 1.1 in Plate thickness
s 60 in Longitudinal spacing
l 1066.8 in Transverse spacing
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*

Loading Data
fL 7400 lbf/in2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 lbf/in2 Calculated ideal bending stress
fLT 0 lbf/in2 Calculated total shear stress
Ideal bending patten L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Calculated Data
fyL 34
fyb 34
fyLT 19.629909
KL 4
Kb 24
KLT 5.3526531
fEL 36416.72 lbf/in2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fEb 218500.29 lbf/in2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 48731.51 lbf/in2 Eular shear stress
fcL 33.99 lbf/in2 Critical buckling stress in longitudinal direction
fcb 34.00 lbf/in2 Critical buckling stress in transverse direction
fcLT 19.63 lbf/in2 Critical buckling shear stress

Buckling State Limit:

Unity Check Criteria 47391.48 (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
Results Not Ok

Sm Strength reduction factor

Page 29

= 1 for ordinary strength steel

0.95 for Grade H32
0.908 for Grade H36
0.875 for Grade H40

Values of C1 and C2:

For plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners
C1 1.1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere
For plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1
C2 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.1 elsewhere

Ideal bending patten:

1. Long plate fb fb
-fb -fb

2. Wide plate fb
l>s -fb

s l


Page 30

Column Buckling Check

( in accordance with ABS Rules, MODU, 1994, 3/4.3.5 )

Project R256
Member ID Vertical Tubular 12"x0.25" Calculated by Gan BJ
Load Case Docking Date


Loading condition c ("s" for static loading, "c" for combined loading)

Fy 3.40E+04 lbf/in2 Yeild strength of material

E 3.00E+07 lbf/in2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
l 273 in unsupported length
K 1 Effective length factor which accounts for support conditions at ends
A 12.84 in2 Sectional area of column beam
I 74.9 in4 Inertia moment
Fa 164000 lbs Axial Force
fa 12772.59 lbf/in2 Axial compression stress


r 2.415229 in Radius of gyration

Fcr 21516.8 Critical buckling stress

F.S. 1.410672 Safety factor
F 15252.88 Allowabe stress

Overall buckling check:

Unity Check 0.837389
Results Ok

Kl/r 113.0327386

Column Buckling Check

Page 31

( in accordance with ABS Rules, MODU, 1994, 3/4.3.5 )

Project R256
Member ID Tubular 12.75" x 0.33" Calculated by Gan BJ
Load Case Date


Loading condition c ("s" for static loading, "c" for combined loading)

Fy 2.35E+04 N/cm2 Yeild strength of material

E 2.06E+07 N/cm2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
l 290 cm unsupported length
K 1 Effective length factor which accounts for support conditions at ends
A 42 cm2 Sectional area of column beam
I 775.4 cm4 Inertia moment
fa 2500 N/cm2 Axial compression stress


r 4.296732 cm Radius of gyration

Fcr 20403.52 Critical buckling stress

F.S. 1.346254 Safety factor
F 15155.78 Allowabe stress

Overall buckling check:

Unity Check 0.164954
Results Ok

Kl/r 67.49315731

Column Buckling Check

( in accordance with ABS Rules, MODU, 1994, 3/4.3.5 )

Page 32

Project B244
Member ID Reinforce_stf Calculated by
Load Case Date


Loading condition c ("s" for static loading, "c" for combined loading)

Fy 2.35E+04 N/cm2 Yeild strength of material

E 2.06E+07 N/cm2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
l 76.2 cm unsupported length
K 1 Effective length factor which accounts for support conditions at ends
A 50.3 cm2 Sectional area of column beam
I 1011.4 cm4 Inertia moment
fa 7860 N/cm2 Axial compression stress


r 4.484123 cm Radius of gyration

Fcr 23303.71 Critical buckling stress

F.S. 1.274235 Safety factor
F 18288.4 Allowabe stress

Overall buckling check:

Unity Check 0.429781
Results Ok

Kl/r 16.99329079

Page 33
Column SI

Column Buckling Check

( in accordance with ABS Rules, MODU, 1994, 3/4.3.5 )

Project R256
Member ID Vertical Tubular 12"x0.25" Calculated by Gan BJ
Load Case Docking Date


Loading condition c ("s" for static loading, "c" for combined loading)

Fy 3.55E+02 MPa Yeild strength of material

E 2.07E+05 MPa Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
l 22000 mm unsupported length
K 1 Effective length factor which accounts for support conditions at ends
A 2.14E+05 mm2 Sectional area of column beam
I 8.60E+10 mm4 Inertia moment
Fa 2.58E+07 N Axial Force
fa 120.7477 N/mm2 Axial compression stress


r 633.9315 mm Radius of gyration

Fcr 336.4079 Critical buckling stress

F.S. 1.310683 Safety factor
F 256.6662 Allowabe stress

Overall buckling check:

Unity Check 0.470446
Results Ok

Kl/r 34.7040645

Page 34
Column SI

Column Buckling Check

( in accordance with ABS Rules, MODU, 1994, 3/4.3.5 )

Project R256
Member ID Tubular 12.75" x 0.33" Calculated by Gan BJ
Load Case Date


Loading condition c ("s" for static loading, "c" for combined loading)

Fy 2.35E+04 N/cm2 Yeild strength of material

E 2.06E+07 N/cm2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
l 290 cm unsupported length
K 1 Effective length factor which accounts for support conditions at ends
A 42 cm2 Sectional area of column beam
I 775.4 cm4 Inertia moment
fa 2500 N/cm2 Axial compression stress


r 4.296732 cm Radius of gyration

Fcr 20403.52 Critical buckling stress

F.S. 1.346254 Safety factor
F 15155.78 Allowabe stress

Overall buckling check:

Unity Check 0.164954
Results Ok

Kl/r 67.49315731

Page 35
Column SI

Column Buckling Check

( in accordance with ABS Rules, MODU, 1994, 3/4.3.5 )

Project B244
Member ID Reinforce_stf Calculated by
Load Case Date


Loading condition c ("s" for static loading, "c" for combined loading)

Fy 2.35E+04 N/cm2 Yeild strength of material

E 2.06E+07 N/cm2 Elastic modulus, 2.06 E7 N/cm2 for steel
l 76.2 cm unsupported length
K 1 Effective length factor which accounts for support conditions at ends
A 50.3 cm2 Sectional area of column beam
I 1011.4 cm4 Inertia moment
fa 7860 N/cm2 Axial compression stress


r 4.484123 cm Radius of gyration

Fcr 23303.71 Critical buckling stress

F.S. 1.274235 Safety factor
F 18288.4 Allowabe stress

Overall buckling check:

Unity Check 0.429781
Results Ok

Kl/r 16.99329079

Page 36

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