Needs Assessment in Danahao Integrated School

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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)

Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online:

Needs Assessment in Danahao Integrated School

Romar B. Dinoy1,*, Riza A. Beltran2, Ramil S. Bulilan3, Margie Vito4, Ariel
Christian Viodor5, Jusel A. Monalim6, Blandina M. Ombajin7

1,2,3Collegeof Teacher Education, Bohol Island State University, Clarin Campus, Poblacion Norte, Clarin, Bohol
4,5,7Collegeof Technology and Allied Sciences, Bohol Island State University, Clarin Campus, Poblacion Norte, Clarin, Bohol
6College of Teacher Education, Bohol Island State University, Clarin Campus, Poblacion Norte, Clarin, Bohol

*Romar B. Dinoy: [email protected]

Received: 28 Sept 2020; Received in revised form: 16 Nov 2020; Accepted: 18 Nov 2020; Available online: 28 Nov 2020
©2020 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— The educational system changes over the years which in turn demands educational institutions to
constantly improve their capacity to deliver quality education to the learners. In order to improve, the school
has to assess and address its needs. The main purpose of this study was to assess the current needs of Danahao
Integrated School, Danahao, Clarin, Bohol. This study intends to identify school needs in the four dimensions:
student development and services, learning facilities and resources, school environment, and professional
development. The researchers employed explanatory sequential design which is a sequence of quantitative and
qualitative research designs. The study was conducted in two phases. First, the researchers conducted a
descriptive survey using a survey questionnaire to the principal and teachers of Danaho Integrated School. A
total of thirteen (13) respondents participated in the survey – one (1) principal and twelve (12) teachers.
Second, the researchers conducted focus group and interview in order to verify the results in the descriptive
survey. There were two focus groups: teachers (11) and students (15). Further, a face-to-face interview was
done with the principal. The needs assessment revealed salient areas which of high degree of need. In the
overall, majority of these identified needs are under learning facilities and resources. It was recommended that
an action plan should be crafted to prioritize and address these needs.
Keywords— student services, school environment, secondary school.

I. INTRODUCTION the school. With all the pieces of information coming from
In response to the challenges and dynamic changes brought the acting school head, the university find it imperative to
by the shift of educational landscape, the Bohol Island State conduct needs assessment in order to ascertain and prioritize
University – Clarin campus has its mandate to continuously the needs of the school and craft sustainable and relevant
extend its services to its local community wherein it lies. extension programs for school improvement.
Danahao Integrated High School is one of the secondary Needs assessment is “a systematic examination of the gap
schools of the municipality of Clarin and a cooperating that exists between the current state and desired state of an
school of the university, particularly, in the student teaching organization and the factors that can be attributed to this
course in the teacher education. The said secondary school, gap” [5, 13]. This includes identifying weak areas that needs
located in Danaho, Clarin, Bohol, has been established for a improvement, analyzing its root-cause, and formulating
span of ten (10) years since the year of its establishment in program of actions that will address the identified needs.
2009. Based on the lengthy discourse in the recently Conducting needs assessment is the essential first step
conducted stakeholders’ consultative forum, the Officer-In- towards improving the delivery of educational services of
Charge (OIC) principal had divulged the current situation of educational institutions which yields better student

ISSN: 2456-7620 1985
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)
Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online:

outcomes[5, 3]. For [13], needs assessment is a means for officials, volunteers and other stakeholders in learning and
formulating better decisions. Guided by its main goal – talking about important community issues[6].
improving performance, needs assessment is of a great help McKillip [9] provides models of need assessment. One
to educators and system leaders in planning and which is widely used especially in the field of education is
implementing activities for the continuous improvement of the discrepancy model. This model follows three phases:
the institution. goal setting, performance measurement and discrepancy
Fundamental to improving performance is the equifinality identification. Goal setting is identifying what the institution
principle of systems theory, which states that in an open desired to do or to become. Performance measurement
system there are always alternatives for achieving desired involves gauging the current state of the institution. Lastly,
results. In practical terms, this principle tells you that even discrepancy identification is the difference between the
when one solution or activity initially seems to be the only desirable state and the current state. This model is somewhat
way to accomplish results, in reality there are always other a straightforward one since it directly determines the needs
options that should be considered (even if you decide in the of the institution being assessed. Following this model, this
end to go with your initial selection). This requires a needs study could inform the university on the current situations
assessment approach that focuses on results and that collects and relevant needs of the cooperating schools.
data to inform decisions rather than data to justify decisions The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [2]
that have already been made. A needs assessment is a of Atlanta suggests a systematic process of conducting the
valuable tool for systematically justifying when and where to needs assessment. The first is of course to plan the needs
invest resources after first defining which results are worth assessment. This includes setting goals, identifying the
accomplishing and then selecting appropriate activities for community to be assessed, developing teams which will
achieving those results [13]. conduct the needs assessment, and determining the
Need is key aspect in motivation. Human beings are appropriate methods to be used. There are a variety of
motivated or can be motivated only if they have needs and methods of gathering information from the respondents. This
they are eager to satisfy them. The best one-word definition includes survey, interview, focus group discussion and
of need is deficiency. Need represents the state of lackness working group. After the planning stage is to formally
or deprivation [10]. In this study, the researchers look into conduct the needs assessment to the concerned community
four dimensions of the school: student development and or school. The different teams of the assessment must see to
services, learning facilities and resources, school it that the conduct of such follows exactly the plan. After
environment, and professional development. The student this, the teams gather the data and summarize it. Lastly,
development services refer to the needs concerning students’ based on the summary of findings, the teams together with
academic matters. Learning facilities and resources are the the concerned beneficiaries has to identify priority needs and
resources that support the teaching and learning process. craft an action plan or strategies in order to address such
Further, school environment refers to the school’s physical needs.
characteristics and the school as a working environment. After having identified the needs of the schools, the
Lastly, professional development refers to those needs of the assessment team together with the concerned school has to
teachers for professional growth. Each of these dimensions rank and prioritize those needs. Some criteria in doing so
contain specific areas of need that this study would want to may include size of problem, seriousness of problem,
assess. availability of current interventions, economic or social
For McCawley [8], there are two goals that needs assessment impact, public health concern, and availability of resources
has in relation to extension. The first is to ascertain what the [2].
people already have or know, in order to determine what Reference [7] conducted a needs assessment on the area of
educational products and services are needed. The second program evaluation in the selected schools of Southern
one is to learn what should be done so that such educational Luzon region. The study sought to determine their needs in
products and services can be more accessible, acceptable and evaluation and how evaluation is presently being practiced.
useful to the beneficiaries. Needs assessments clarify the The results show the needs of the school, including: (1) to
work of public service agencies and promote effective improve teacher performance and teacher training
program planning by engaging advisory leaders, elected
ISSN: 2456-7620 1986
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)
Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online:

evaluation; (2) to consider alternative ways of evaluation identifying, prioritizing, and addressing needs or
such as focus group discussions and surveys, (3) training on deficiencies.
instrumentation as a technical skill, (4) seminars and The conduct of needs assessment is crucial to the
workshops that provide venues for learning about the process improvement of the school. This serve as basis as to what
of evaluation, (5) improve the personnel, practice, relational, action plan should be crafted in order to address the current
and study aspects of evaluation in schools. needs.
The study of Azimi[1] surveys the students in the college of
education of University of Mysore, India regarding the gaps
and needs of e-learning components. The survey shows that
the needs which rank top includes internet tools and video The chief purpose of the study is to assess the current needs
streaming, while instructional theories and mobile of Danahao Integrated School in Danahao, Clarin, Bohol.
technology were on the lowest rank. The researcher suggests The study further intends that through its findings, needs are
that students, faculty members and management of colleges identified and prioritized, and action plan can be formulated
of education and educators can plan and conduct needed and based from these needs.
related training programs to expand their knowledge and Specifically, the study aims to answer the following
proficiency in e-learning, Internet technologies and lead to question:
more efficient utilization. Moreover, students (as future
1. What are the needs of the school in terms of:
teachers) should be made aware of the potential of various e-
learning technologies for enhancing the teaching and 1.1 student development and services;
learning process. 1.2 learning facilities and services;
The quality of education of rural elementary schools in 1.3 school environment; and,
Kalecik, Ankara was the main topic of the study [11]. The
1.4 professional development?
results revealed that both teachers and students are satisfied
with the school's physical conditions. Conversely, the
number of teachers teaching outside their areas of III. METHODOLOGY
specialization is quite high. The lack of technology, and lack This study is a mixed method research, utilizing explanatory
of parental involvement were found to be factors that might sequential design. This research design which “first conducts
have an effect on the quality of education. Further, teachers quantitative research, analyzes the results and then builds on
tend to encourage competition rather than cooperation the results to explain them in more detail with qualitative
among students. research” [4]. The researcher used descriptive survey, focus
This study is anchored on the provision of Republic Act No. group and interview. A survey questionnaire was used to
10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, Section gather information on the needs of the school, following a
2 which states “broaden the goals of high school education Likert-type scale of high degree of need (4), moderate degree
for college preparation, vocational and technical of need (3), low degree of need (2), do not know (1). The
opportunities as well as creative arts, sports and questionnaire focuses on the four (4) dimensions of school
entrepreneurial employment in a rapidly changing and development: student development and services, learning
increasingly globalized environment”. In Article XIV, facilities and services, schoolenvironment, and professional
Section 3 of Education Act of 1982, the curricula shall development. Each dimension comprises specific areas of
encourage critical and creative thinking, broaden scientific needs. The questionnaire was reviewed by Research and
and technological knowledge and promote vocational Development and Extension (RDE) of the university to
efficiency and other skills. In the Philippine 1987 ensure its validity. The principal and teachers rated each area
Constitution, Article XIV, Sec. 2, provisions that “the state as to its degree of need. In furtherance, the questionnaire
shall establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, allows the participants to write additional inputs regarding
and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of their needs which are not found in the questionnaire. There
the people and society.” This needs assessment intends to were one (1) principal and thirteen (13) teachers participated
lend a helping hand to the school in their endeavors of in the survey. The responses in the survey were analyzed
delivering basic education to the students through using frequency count and percentage.For the qualitative
ISSN: 2456-7620 1987
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)
Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online:

approach, the researchers also conducted a focus group servicing,

discussion (FGD) with two focus groups: teachers, and cooking,
students. All teaching personnel present participated in the housekeeping,
FGD, while students were purposively sampled and only dressmaking,
those student leaders participated in the FGD for the reason sewing,
that they represent the student body. The responses of the baking, etc.)
participants were recorded using pen and paper and voice 5. Recreational
recorder. The participants of the FGD were eleven (11) programs and
teachers, and (15) students. Further, a face-to-face interview activities 13 30.8 38.5 30.8 0 100
on the school principal was conducted. The quantitative data
were analyzed and interpreted combined with the responses 6. Values
gathered in the FGD and interview. education 13 30.8 53.8 15.4 0 100
7. Environmenta
l education 12 25.0 58.3 16.7 0 100
8. Nutrition
This section presents the analysis and interpretation of both education and
quantitative and qualitative data gathered from the practice 13 23.1 46.2 30.8 0 100
descriptive survey, focus groups and interview. The
following tables contain the responses of teachers and
principal on the specific areas of need in the four Table 1 shows that 61.5% of the respondents (teachers and
dimensions. The count refers to the number of respondents principal) said that technical/vocational skills are of high
who actually answered in the specific item. Further, the degree of need while 38.5% responded that this is of
values under each scale are the valid percentage of response, moderate degree of need. This indicates that students lack of
with reference to the corresponding count. The quantitative technical and vocational skills or have these skills
data for each table were analyzed combined with the inadequately. Further, majority of the respondents indicated
qualitative data taken from the transcription of recorded a moderate degree of need of numeracy (61.5%), literacy
responses in the focus groups and interview. (61.5%), environmental education (58.3%), communication
Table 1: Student Development and Services skills (53.8%), and values education (53.8%). On the other
hand, respondents were divided in their perception on the
Student Cou Hig Moder Low Do Tot degree of need for recreational programs, and nutrition
Development nt h ate degr not al education and practice. Moreover, teachers specified a need
and Services degr degree ee kno for training, seminar-workshops for students such as
ee of of w cyberbullying and teenage pregnancy.
of need need
need Table 2: Learning Facilities and Resources

1. Literacy Learning Cou Hig Moder Low Do Tot

(reading and Facilities and nt h ate degr not al
writing) 13 23.1 61.5 15.4 0 100 Resources degr degree ee kno
ee of of w
2. Numeracy of need need
(math skills in need
everyday life) 13 30.8 61.5 7.7 0 100
1. Classrooms 13 84.6 15.4 0 0 100
3. Communicati
on skills 13 30.8 53.8 15.4 0 100 2. Classroom
13 46.2 38.5 15.4 0 100
4. Technical/voc
ational skills 3. Books and
other 12 50 50 0 0 100
computer 13 61.5 38.5 0 0 100 reading
ISSN: 2456-7620 1988
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)
Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online:

resources week. It is only during Saturday and Sunday that they have
access to internet when they are at home.
4. Library 13 46.2 46.2 0 7.7 100
5. Laboratory
tools and 13 92.3 7.69 0 0 100 Furthermore, the principal, teachers and students expressed
equipment that they are really in-need of classrooms especially that they
are expecting more enrollees next school year. This is
6. Laboratory
13 92.3 7.69 0 0 100 because of the new Grade 12 offering. The student and
teacher focus groups said that they also lack classroom
7. Computer chairs and monoblock chairs. One teacher shared that there
13 46.2 46.2 7.7 0 100
units was incident in JS prom wherein the students were just
8. Internet standing during the program because the chairs that they
13 100 0 0 0 100
connection have borrowed from the barangay cannot accommodate the
9. Television number of the students attending the program. Furthermore,
13 92.3 0 7.7 0 100 one of the initiatives they made to build makeshift
classrooms were conducting fund-raising activities (i.e., king
10. Projectors 13 92.3 0 7.7 0 100 and queen program, raffle promos) and do caroling during
Christmas. They also tied up with the parents and the
It can be gleaned from table 2 that 100% of the respondents community to elicit support from them.
expressed that the school is in highly need of internet The student and teacher focus group said that the school
connection. Most of the respondents perceived that the needs laboratory room, tools and equipment particularly in
school lacks (or in high degree of need) of learning facilities dressmaking, agriculture, science and TLE. The school is
such as laboratory room (92.3%), laboratory tools and offering dressmaking as an elective course and what they
equipment (92.3%), television set (92.3%), projectors need is sewing machines. They also need computer units
(92.3%), and classrooms (84.6%). Moreover, learning because most of the computer units they have are no
facilities which exist in the school but inadequate (or in functional.
moderate degree of need) include books and other reading All teachers and students said that they lack instructional
resources, library, computer units, and, classroom chairs. materials such as books and other course references, and
Others specified the need of water source and pump tank, projectors. Students expressed that they only share books
dressmaking shop and machinery, laboratory room and with their classmates. Teachers said that they do not have
equipment for cacao jam production, agricultural tools and enough books especially to all subjects offered in senior high
equipment, laboratory tools and equipment for science, school. Since there is no supply of books, the teachers buy
electricity (in nearby school extension site), English and them at their own expense.
Filipino dictionaries, and Filipino reading materials (e.g., Moreover, a teacher shared a pressing situation of the
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo). classrooms in the extension site of the school. These
The principal, and teacher and student focus groups were classrooms are approximately located at a walking distance
asked of the question, “What do you think the things that from the main school site. Classes for Grades 7, 8, and 9, and
your school needs?” The teacher and students focus groups dressmaking are held in these classrooms. The problem here
as well as the principal said that two of their major problems is that there is no supply of electricity in these classrooms.
of the school are poor mobile phone signal and no internet This problem hampers teachers’ paper works and learning
connection. They shared that it is very difficult to find phone activities which needs electricity such as video watching.
signal for communication purposes. Additionally, they Teachers have to go home just to charge their laptops or do
cannot easily search or download learning materials from the printing. Teachers initiative to address this includes charging
internet or send important documents to the Division Office their laptop and speaker before and after the class for
because of lack of internet connection. Their strategy is that morning and afternoon. They also tried to obtain electricity
before weekend, they have to plan what they are going to supply through extension wires. However, this move was not
download or search for their lessons for the succeeding

ISSN: 2456-7620 1989
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)
Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online:

sustainable because the extension wire cannot handle the When the teachers were asked about the pressing needs of
voltage. the school, they mentioned about the security of the school.
Table 3: School Environment The school has no perimeter fence thus it is vulnerable to
burglars as well as to stray animals. One teacher shared
School Co Hig Mode Lo Do Tot many incidents of illegal intrusions in their school,
Environment unt h rate w not al particularly the library. In addition, teachers said that
degr degre degr kn classrooms are unsafe since these are just makeshifts and are
ee e of ee ow flammable. It would be really safe if the classrooms are
of need of concrete and well-ventilated, one teacher said. Some
nee nee makeshift classrooms have no proper walls or are not
d d completely finished. Student focus group shared that they
1. Cleanliness and 16. 10 tend to transfer to another classroom during rain so that they
12 16.7 33.3 33.3 will not get wet.
orderliness 7 0
2. Security and 10 Table 4: Professional Development
13 69.2 7.7 23.1 0
safety 0 Professional Hig Lo Do Tot
3. Peaceful and Development h Mode w not al
7.6 10
healthy working 13 15.4 46.2 30.8 degr rate degr kno
9 0 Co
environment ee degre ee w
4. Cooperation/col of e of of
8.3 10 nee need nee
laboration with 12 16.7 50.0 25.0
3 0 d d
1. In-service 10
12 33.3 25.0 41.7 0
training 0
For school environment, table 3 demonstrates that 69.2% of
the respondents said that the school highly needs security 2. Relevant
and safety. On the flip side, cleanliness and orderliness, training/semin
peaceful and healthy working environment, and cooperation ar/workshops 13 61.5 23.1 15.4 0
and collaboration with co-teachers were rated to be of either in the field of
moderate and low degree of need. Furthermore, respondents specialization
have specified school needs which include administration 3. Support to
office, faculty room, comfort rooms and sanitary equipment, graduate 12 58.3 33.3 0 8.3
and fence. studies
In the focus groups, when teachers ask ‘What do you like 4. Continuing
about your school?’, majority of them said that they like the Professional
school because of its location. Considering that it is uphill, Development 10
13 69.2 15.4 7.7 7.7
the school is close to nature and is away from distractions; it (CPD) 0
has peaceful, friendly, and air-refreshing environment. seminar-
Further, regarding the working environment, students are workshop
manageable due to their small population. Teachers feel they
are not pressured in their work and that they have
manageable teaching load. Also, there is camaraderie among It is illustrated in table 4 the specific areas which the school
teachers, and whenever conflict or misunderstanding arises, highly needs, namely: continuing professional development
it easily resolved. In an interview, what the principal like in (CPD) seminar-workshop (69.2%), relevant training, seminar
the school is the teachers because they are very supportive, and workshops in the field of specialization (61.5%), and
as well as the parents and the local government. support to graduate studies (58.3%). Further, there was a
nonunanimous response on the need of in-service training.
Others specified the needs of seminar, training, and
ISSN: 2456-7620 1990
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)
Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online:

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